Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Oct 1881, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. IS, J. VAN SLYKfi, Editor. jMnT*South Carolina, In politics and inanoe,Mema to be Inoom pawed by • itrmnge environment*. The silver eer- ; flticatei which pass current everywhere •l«o, are at a discount in the Palmetto > * $tate, and the President of the Nation- El Bank has a lot of them and wants •reusurer Otlflllan to help him oat of Ills difficulty. Verily, the mce of fools not dead, and this far oft region is 4 « good field for schoolmasters and Mls- fionaries. " |0TThe dispatches tell 01 that when sttr-ronte thieves appeared in court jliany prominent men in the audience i.Exhibited much sympathy 'with the ao- likised. Perhaps the prominent men , frho are so generous with their sympa­ thy would dislike to see the cases push- vpd foAear developments might en- IliloJve themselves. A: all events, it is tibmtt time that sympathy for high- loned thieves was squelched, and pun - IMiinent be accorded them as well as lower-down b»e lewer criminals. Thier- •ry in high toned places will continue ?%at!l these changes are bronght about. I^lt is said that Dr. Bliw is pre­ paring an elaborate defo nse of his treat- - inent and diagnosis of the late presi- r; .-•'Sjlent's case. Talking to a New York reporter he la repesented as laying: MIt Is a very Important mat­ ter that the president should be pre- ierved, at least for a time, and every lliour and day thai was saved to him the . fountry would benefit by, as it would , '.|e better prepared for tlie shock that s- fras imminent, and I put forth all my tfiorts to pre«@i*?@ tils life as long as \ "possible that the country might be ben­ efited." In vl@w of the fact that Bliss insisted until his patient was virtually ipead that he was recovering, be should ifake a different tuck from this/ - •*' :i* fl^ltmarbe remembered ^ <mr in, that It was Intimated weeks that Gov. Cullom believed that the Jarlous county officers, wkose terms Ifxpire this fall, would have the ensu- ftig term of ®ne year filled by Guber­ natorial apppointment. As the deci- -.viloii of the Supreme Court stands, there #ay be a little question on this point •jFc*, and one of our exchanges, reports p»e feeling of lite Governor as follows: QOT.Cullom, being Interviewed in JNfard to the recent decision of the Supreme Court to the effect that the Constitutional amendment extends the /termsof certain county officers one , year, and being asked whether he in­ tended so far to disregard that deci- ..4Hen as to appoint county judges after tbe first Monday In December on the assumption, as held by himself, that •... Hheae offloes will then be vacant and filled by appointment, said he badnot decided what course he should take, bat la any event. If he made the appointments, he should in every case reappoint those whom the people had fleeted, and take no advantage of the situation to present other names. extraordinary transiotioa. But we are Informed It came to their knowl­ edge. Bow It came to their knowl­ edge has not yet been made public. It came to the knowledge of Guiteau that the President oould not be induc­ ed to consent that a person of bis stripe sholud be furnished with a stall at the public crib. Therefore he pro­ jected a scheme to take his life, bor­ rowed means with which he purchased a murderous instrument, and sneaking* ly and determinedly followed his vic­ tim from time to time and from place to place, and flnaily located the ball in the back of our lamented President, all of which was done by divine au­ thority, and in the nan&of a disciple of Christ. It came to the knowledge of these so called Disciples of Christ that no amount of flattery Fr Intim­ idation could indube certain individ­ uals to worship or conseut that corrup­ tion should occupy the pulpit. There­ fore, of a necessity, they must be re­ moved out of the way. Hence this heretofore unheard of plot was de­ vised and executed to destroy their reputations for truth and veracity, all of which was dons and sent out Into the world through the Mcular and re­ ligious press in the name of the Dis­ ciples of Christ. It will also be remembered that after tills satanlc influence has passed out on its mission, the truth was put upon its track, and being sorely pressed from position to position, finding no rest, it moved rapidly back to Its place of birth. "When the unclean spirit Is gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest, and fiading none, Tbon he saith I will re­ turn Into my house from whence I eameout. Then goeth he and taketh with himself seven other spirits more evil than himself and they enter in and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first, even so shall It be also with this wicked generation.*1 Beware of mean, sneaking, cowardly vlllians who assume to come to ns by Divine authority. OBSERVER, IDROB PLAIHDBALSB :--We have just seen the report of a quarterly J meeting, held by that people called the Disciples of Christ, held at Garnee, Lake Co., 111., on the 16th, 17th and 18th of September, 1881. Report says the attendance was large, delegations being present from all parts of North­ -eastern Illinois. Preachers present were B. W. Johnson, of Chicago, editor of the Evangelist, and the noted W. Collins, of Waukegan. This meoting . report says was a detided success throughout. On tbe perusal of this report we were forcibly reminded of a ' meeting held by that people at this same place commencing on the 13th of September, 1878, and closing on tbe following Sunday afternoon. It must " never be forgotten that at the close of this reported to be the largest and most Interesting gathering ever held by this people in Northeastern Illinois a tew designing individuals resolved themselves Into a business-session and proceeded to transact the following: WHEREAS, It has come to the knowl­ edge of the Disciples of Christ in tbe Northeastern District of Illinois, that ; Albert B. Knox and wife, of Wauke- gait, and one John Aylsworth, who has been excluded from the Church at Nun- da. 111., for lying and tattling are caus­ ing to be published in the newspapers *>" * 'jgt' •ill. . * i . libelous articles aud using every eQort to injure the character and destroy the usefulness of Elder W ilson Collins as a christian minister. Now, there­ fore, we, the Disciples of Christ, rep­ resentatives of the Churches of Christ in the Northeastern District of Illinois herebv express our full confidence in Bro. Wilsou Collins, as a Christian minister, and disapprove and condemn the course pursued by the said Knox and wife and the said Ajlesworth and any and all who co-operate with them iu their uuchriatlaa, dishonorable and avil work. jkmdved. That the proceedings of this meeting with these resolutions, be published iu the Patriot and Gar gette. in Waukegan, also the secular papers in tlcHeury Co., and In the' btandi&sd heview, and others of our religions papers. Now as this disgraceful prooeeding has proven to have left a deep and en­ during stain apon this religious order, justice demands, at the hand of some one, even at this late date, & few words of explanation. That this is not the work of tbe Disciples of Christ is patent from the fact that in just twen- ty-eight days Com tbe time of this transaction, pursuant to a call for a general meeting the Disciples of Christ convened at Fort Hill. Lake Co- and pasted resolutions repudiating the above acts as false, foul and slan­ derous iti the strongest possible teruis, and published their doings through the secular and religious press. That tlila was not an act of the Disci pleB of Cbrist is evident from the fact that this people never condemn and exe­ cute an offender untried or unheard. They never stab la tbe back. There I* to praeedaqtii their Church his­ tory or their statute book for such an C KEEN WOOD. EDITOR PLAIN DEALERS--Our im­ pressible neighbor of Volo. we observe Is oat again In a rejoinder which speaks more for his perseverence than for his discernment. The first thing we notice is an entire abandonment of tbe defense in the way of argument, coupled with a persistence in reitera­ ting and reaffirming with slight change la phraseology, ideas already shown to be absurd. Your case friend Compton, is a curiosity in psychological science. Your exact status, and true relation to the species Homo In the regular order of darwinian development it might not be easy to determine without dis­ section. Evidently you are sufficient­ ly advanced to be couscious of your in ability to meet our argument, and be< ing thus conscious, yon do not even at­ tempt anything In tba way refuta­ tion. But you seem to suppose that by blindly and doggedly holding on to pet notions In defiance of logic and common sense, you will somehow or other give them a claim to our respect You are truly a phenomenon In nature fitly adapted to illustrate a rather large class, in whom the will predomi­ nates over reason. UpdVi such an in­ tellectual and moral make hp, we are aware it is not easy to make an Im­ pression. Thus viewed, neighbor Compton, you appear in an unfavora­ ble light. If you had frankly acknowl­ edged your mistake, or kept silent, we should have had more hopes of you % as it Is, we have not entirely given you up. We have a genuine sympathy for those whose only fault. It may be, is their wrong headedness--an infirmity which always appeals to our better na­ ture. Let us see, for tbe lact time, if we cannot reach yours. And first, al­ low us to call your Attention to the fact that you have given us essentially nothing new in your last article, which is simply a rehash of what you had ai ready and better expressed In your first. We would not have troubled you with this reply, but for a faint hope we still have of doing you good. We regret seeing you exhibit so much ill temper; but we are not surprised at this, inasmuch as it is a common fault we daily witness in men when embar rassed by an argument they cannot meet, or have discovered their own tilted to one side as of no account. You say you "have as yet seen nothing really to answer." If you had said you had seen nothing that you could an­ swer, you would have had the satisfac­ tion of having told the truth, and be­ sides commended yourself to our re­ spect for your modesty. But as it is, you have made yourself ridiculous, and are laughed at for your egotism. If there were nothing to answer why did you not attempt at least to show it, instead of asserting it; in doing which you might have demonstrated your ability to appreciate an argument, If not to analyze and overthrow It. As It is, you exhibit oheek rather than brains You call us hard names, and try to raise & prejudice against us in saying that this "fellow has pitched Into nearly every one who has written for the PLAIMDKALKK thus far." This de­ vise will do you no good. Tbe corres­ pondents here appealed to for aid and comfort, are too wise to volunteer as­ sistance where no aid can possibly be given; not because they might dislike this "Indian method of warfare," or fear the Indian either, but because they see you are hopelessly stranded.-- We are reasonably sure we have our hook in your gills where we mean to keep Ic, until you have exhausted yourself in flouncing, when we propose to pull you ashore. You say you "mwh dislike litis method of Indian warfare." Why then did you enlist9 You knew the kind of service you had engnged in at the outlet. Do you find It hotter than you expected, and have you fears for your scalp? We assure you we do not intend to tomahawk yon just yet, certainly not until we have had a regular powwow ana dance around you to tsit your mettle and en­ durance. We know next to nothing about you, but your name knd resi­ dence, except as we can divine your character from your mode of conduct­ ing this controversy, and it is not nec­ essary we should. It Is your ideas we have to do with and not your person.-- A« a man, we would fain believe you are more reasonable than you appear on paper. You started on a wrong scent, and you seem to think your reputation depends upon your holding on at all hazards, notwithstanding the trained hounds on your side are braying in a far distant portion of the Hold, where the game really Is. What ever can reasonably be urged against prayer, is not to be found on the ground where you place the difficulty. You are sim­ ply beating the air, and amusing your­ self in a bootless excrcise.i You say you "cannot tell whether you are storming a Garrison or touching a Hart." Why sir, you are doing neith­ er, if you did but know it. You are not even firing at long range--a safe practice lor you. You are only getting shut of a little rebundent gas, the presence of which makes you uncom­ fortable. Notwithstanding the seem­ ing perverseness exhibited in your laGtgarticle, we have more hopes of you than ever. We think we 'discover signs of a final breaking down. In your desperation you have kicked against the pricks with a recklessness of consequences which we suspect has carried the goard to your vitals. Such Is usually the case, when a man Is de­ termined to resist conviction which he dislikes. It is characteristic of the arch-enemy of our race to incite those he hopes to entrap, to the most Heav­ en daring resistance, when he discov­ ers any signs of faltering along the ranks. But in" this, fortunately for poor human nature, he Is apt to over­ shoot the mark. Reaction often sets in, conviction reaches the conscience and he who went out to curse goes home to pray. The fact is, dear sir, you can not run away from your oon- vlctions by taking that journey to "York State." You have got to pray sooner or later, and the sooner you set aboat It tbe better It will be for you. We recommend you to commence now. A little practice at this time will help you amazingly when the pinch comes. But be sure you don't make a mistake and send your petition off in the wrong direction. We are the more anxious on this point because we notice in your way of mixing up promiscuously heterogeneous and inharmonious quali­ ties and things of "prayer, Sodom and Gomorrow, and the God idea" all in one batch, that your ideas are a little contused, We say, be careful your pe­ tition ie dispatched in the right direc­ tion ; not to him "who goes about like a roaring HQII." but to Him who might possibiy be moved to have • compassion upon you. It may be that in overlook­ ing this salutary prooaotlon Wtherto, is to be found the reason why you have lost coufidence In the efficacy of pray­ er. FKI.O OE SK. PLACE 5 New Furniture ?wo Doors North of Perry & Maf- where you will find all grades of Furniture at the X»owest Prices. ^ AD my goods are WARRANTED as represented. |3^**Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. A large assortment of Caskets and Hoffins. I also keep Shrouds and Trimmings |of all descriptions. Keep none but first class G-oods. My prices are TO thin the reach of all. Particular attention will be paid in this Department. I invite all my old customers to give me -call. Thanking you for past favors, I remain, yours, JOHN B. BLAKE. COL: RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL. Invite an exi minatiou of their immente stock of Dry 3roods, Dress Goods, "Yankee Notions, <&o. . Which are beii ig offered at very low prices. HaveTJthe largest sortment of ltf ADY MADE CLOTHING ever shown in McHc which will be HATS Our stoekif on these good*. Paintf MARENGO. EDITOR PLAINDEALEB:--Quite a rip* pie of excitement was created in o'>r usually quite village because of the ar­ rest of 6. L. Buck, late proprietor of the Pacific House, by U. S. Marshal Ringland, for an alleged violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, in selling spirituous liquors without a Govern- ment license. He was taken to Chica­ go Wednesday morning and returned the same evening. We will speak again as further developments present themselves Our City Board have ordered the re­ tailers of hard cider--nothing stronger is presumed to be sold in this temper­ ance (?) town--to shut up their kegs. This is well, but let them follow the thing up closer. Some startling revela­ tions might be made. Let us have no half way work. Prentice Bros., have rented the Pa­ cific House of G.L, Buck, and changed its name to Commercial Travelers Ho­ tel. They are making some much needed improvements in and about the building, A donation and recoptlon party was given to Kev. J. H. Beeves and lady, on Tuesday evening of fest week at the Ryder House parlors Mr. Reeves has closed three years of very efficient labor in the M. E. Church, and haa made many warm friends during that ! time. His departure is regretted by all who knew him. Mrs. Peckham, instructor of Divis­ ions of Sons of Temperance, has been belaboring our people for the past week or so, with the purpose of estab lishing a Temperance Lodge here.-- Her success is limited. The Oyster Supper which the Pren tlce Bros, advertised for Wednesday evening of last week, for some account able reason waj a failure, it was what we might more properly call a first class "fizzle." The young met; of Marengo and vl elnity who are interested in having Lyceum for this Fall and Winter, are requested to meet in the office of G. V Welis on Wednesday evening of this week, We hope to hear a favorable report from this meetiug, for a first class Lyceum is what our youug people need. Miss Alice Norton returned last Fri­ day trom her visit among relatives in Iowa. She had been absent for some time aud her many friends are pleased to see her again. Last Saturday Joseph Griffin had an Auction bale of iiis stock of Groceries and fixtures. We hear that he contem­ plates going West to try his luck iu that fairy land. The law wit of Octo vs Sisson, which took place last Saturday, was the rep­ etition of an old btory, viz: depreda­ tions of cattle, hogs, &e., and the nec­ essary allegation of poor fences. J. M. Marks, attorney for plaintiff, "took the cake,1' and won the case for his client, aud Uncle A. B. Coon consoled his de­ feated trfond as. beet he could, consid­ ering. Otto was as happy a dntchman as one very often sees. Y BROTHERS! ADY MADE lold very cheap for cash AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, complete and we are confident we can save you money $ and Oils Drugs Medicines. Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and WUIowware, AKD THE LARGEST STOCK OF To be tound it McTIenry. Prices always as low as good Goods can be sold. No trouble to show goods. Call and be convinced. Summer of 1881. Can you afford to take a day or a half day and go to the OF C. F. \ Perry a Hartia'. Store,' V""" ^ He is selling goods cheaper than any stew?, in the Northwest, and his terms are CASH--ONE PRICE TO AfijL, Money refunded if y i L oods are not as represented. Our expenSen aro light, our sales arge. We do not sell a dollar on credit and<nir profit is more of a commission than a profit. We want you to come just once. If it don't pan out iust as you read it here will pay your expenses, time, trouble and all. Read over the Price List, cu^it out and paste it in your hat, and see if your cred it dealer will me^t the prices Best prints Yard witlo brown cot toil.. " " bleached " Best " " " " un bleached ' " " 40 inch " " Denims U«XK1 " Cotton Flannel 5 toOJfc. « c. 6 o. 10 c. 7¥c. 8*c. 17 c. 12 C. 8, it, 10, 11, l'2 40 inch Cashmere, all wool W Table Linen 25 to 30 Cornets SO, and 75 Flannels M, 18,20, and SB l)re»B Uoodl 8, ft, 10,11, 12 Boys' Caps 40 to 80 Men's " 38 to «0 101b bent raiitns 91 00 141b prunes 1 00 141l> rice 1 00 Alb baking powder 1 M UcKtOCc. tea ... M 20 burn best soap 1#> 4 boxes axle grease SB 8. O. Starch..... 08 Rabbit's salcratoa . 08 Common starch.., / " 06 " saloratos 08 Best Vinegar | 18 jJyjruP 40, 50. 80 201b crackers I 00 No. 1 fine cut tobaoco 50 „ " Pl«8 # leriilard's 50 Basket**--\% bushel* u Rest roasted coffee.;..,'* M Spices « ay dowo. , ' Uood brooms ,.„i# 15, 88, 11 CLOTIIIXO oca O*UT SMCIAI.TT. Boys' suits, from 7 to N.. 2 00 " " 8 t o 1 $ - . 2 2 5 t o 4 00 Men's suits 4... gO0toU*00 Women's Shoes i.. . 1 00 Misses' M no. 10 180 Full stock of Rubber Goods, cash buys and cash only, v Our prices draw trade forty miles. Come and see us. We give ydu more than your mouey's worth. Our prices hold tnide. If you\can't come send cusb with order and good» will be shipped to you. two buyers in the market looking up bargains, and the Chicago office, 135 Wabash Av. Store at Richmond, Dundee and see, YOURS TRULY, can't come We have ;et them. Go to C.F.H McHenry, * .v ' *1 it * .; . • • • ; IllinoUit JACOB BONSLETT, Having opened new Furniture Rooms, in the store lately occupiei by Mrs. Searles, opposite Perry & Martin's Store, are now prepare^ to offer to the baying public the , J, * ^^ Finest Stock of Furniture' Of all kinds, ever brought to McHenry County, which they will set at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. Anything from a common Chair to the finest Parlor Set can b« found at thi» store, and of the best make and finish to be found in the market. • Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to at reasonable rates First-class work guaranteed, Undertaking. We have a large assortment of Burial ases and Coffins always OQ hand and made to order on short notice. Our goods are first-class, and prices within the reach of all. We invite all our firiends*to give as a call, JACOB BONSLETT. ' McHenry, March 15th, 1881. HEAR YE! HEAR YE! • \ GEORGE W. BESLEY, Dm isist mil Apt lee an. Whose Store can be found on the west side, has just received a full stock of Goods in nis line, to which he has added the best stock of &AIMEPS, Ever brought to McHenry county, among which can be touud the Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp, and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description, which will be sold at prices that dafy competition. Call aud see them before ptttohaaing. s- Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give meaCali. McHenry, 111, Oct. 10th, 1881. G. W. BESLEY. I BOUGHT My ' S U I T At I LAWLUS' In LaDsini['i Bloct IMcHenry III. GO TO E Lawlus, mi / And get a tine Suit, M he has the finest kn<l the largest Stock of Clothing at Chicago Pw~ Mt. lie nlso keeps Foreign an<l Domes tin Cloths, which he will make to order at the lowest prices. E. LAWLUS. BLACKSMITH AND Wagon Shop. The undersigned, at his Shop North of Perry & Martin's store near the Brick Church,IB now prepared to do anything in the line of lllaeksinithing or Wagon Making, on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. With the best of material and flrst.elass workmen we are prepared to get np Bnggies and Wagons to order on the most reasonable terms and warrantlas represented. promptly attended to. If In want of a new Wagon, be sore to oal at my Shop, examine one of my Wagon# ssd leans pripe S>«ft>re purchasing. Mr Wagons took FIRST PREMIUM AT THE COITNTT fAlIt last Kn 11 over ai 1 others. I will not be undersold,quality considered. Give Me a Call. PHILLIP HAUP«I»ISH. McHenry, 111.,March$21st, IS*!.' The Grey Bros. Fine fthoea at Fita- siramoDB & Evauton'a. Would respectfully invite an examination of their stock of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS. YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, Which are being: offered at very low prices. Our stock is replete in all the variety of Goods for the season, and we feel satisfied we can offer Goods at Lower Fi than can be found elsewhere. Our stock of Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Orocerios &c, Is full and complete, and we are confident we can please you both in quality and price. Call and be convinced that these are facts. PERKY & MARTIN. McHenry. Maxch 22d, 1881.

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