Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1881, p. 8

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.ifamiuot ED 1SV 5. li.VLI>\VIK, *, K. Jforihwfcjr begins * term of Urban! In lira Pncdiok district, Gnwn- Irond, *M« wwk, ® Alexander Gardner U teaching south «f Wonditock In V the Silliman ill trict. .v; W. II. Harbsck Js/otench school In |li« Sawyer dUtrlprthis winter.--fifen- ^ A poo»1 attendance at the ?n«t tViieh- #r«' Meeting. The exercises were very Intruding. Prof. Estee was elccted ~S»rr»td6iit for ttw coming year. In very few, If any, dhtrlcts are School oUlcers and '"patrons doing all thej'can to make the school a success An occasional visit to the school-rnoii^ frequent talks wU.U pupils nnd teach­ ers on school mutters are steps In fhe right direction. Find somethings to criticize or (commend and let your opinion be known. Give the teachers th» benefit of the former, and all, of the latter. We have noticed h change in the In­ terest of school affairs at Nunda, and •re pleased to give the following: The buildings have been treated to new floods, n«w seats in one room, nsatly painted and calciinined, new base bur- oerj'stoves In , each room, outbuildings In good condition, and, in fact, it ap­ pears the "School Board" have taken a step in the rieht direction. The school *« Increasing in Interest as well as num­ bers, under the present corps of teach­ ers. "One thing thou lackest," and that there is not enough real interest taken In the school work. Will not the directors aud patrons consider that their presence is indispensable for the Interests of their scholars? The school opened Oct. 3d with •!. A. Sheldon as Principal and Miss Lizzie Martin Assis tant, with 80 in attendance, which was soon swelled to 100 when a primary de­ partment was added with Miss Frankie Wells, Teacher. At present the en­ rollment is 115 and more coniug in. We feel confident in bespeaking for Nunda an increasing interest in its ed- ucateonal matters, The Principle, J. A. Sheldon, Is giving his whole atten tlon to the intrests of liis school, mid with his oM2 years he is en. abled to take rank among the first of his profession. flMnJInp of McHenry County Teachers Association. • Woodatock, Saturday* Nov. 5th, 1881. The Association was called to order at 11 o'clock by the "President. The exercises opened with a Solo by A, W Young. H. R. Baldwin read his paper, treat­ ing the subject of; Decimal Fractions He was followed by S. t). Baldwin, J B. Estee, and others upon the same subject. Or motion Miss Cumins was request­ ed to take charge of « pronouncing ex erdse. On motion a recess of 10 minutes was taken. After intermission Miss Cumins pro­ ceeded with lier pronouncing exercise. The result showed that many ordinary words are mispronounced by teachers as well as scholars. Remarks were made upon the same subject by Messrs. Young, Sheldon, Estee and 11. R. Bald­ win. The idea was suggested that pro­ nouncing down In school would result In much good, and would be preferable to the old method of spelling down. Miss Cumins, H. R. Baldwin and L. E. Mentch. were appointed committee on Programme, nnd were Instructed to report at the opening of the afternoon sesalou. On motion adjourned until 1 p. M. Met In the afternoon as per adjourn­ ment. The exercises opened with a Duet by S. D. and H. R. Baldwin. The committee on Programme sub­ mitted the following report, which was adopted: Place of meeting, Nunda, Saturday, December 17th, 1881,9:30, A.M. Solo, , W. Parsons. School Hygiene^ W. H. Harback. Causes of the Re­ bellion, J. B. Estee. Reading Exer­ cises, Vf. W. Parsons. INTERMISSION. Song. Miss Frauklo Wells. Current Mews, Miss Sondericker. Intellectual Arithmetic, A. W. Young. Optional paper, Miss Lizzie Martin. Discussion --What is a good method of teaching moral*? Leaders, S. IX Baldwin and MissC 3. Haynor. Query Box, B. R. Morse. The Association proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year with the following result: For President, J. B. Estee. Vice President, Miss C. G, Hayner. Secre tary, J. A. Sheldon. Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Letiie Cumins. The election of officers was followed by a carefully prepared paper on the ••Cannes of the Revolution,'" by S. D Baldwin. He mentioned both the re mote and Immediate eausoe. Miss Gillan read a paper on "Meth ods of teaching Reading,' illustrating her subject by reciting appropriate •elections. Miss Hayner followed bv reading a paper on Language, showing: how that subject might he made of interest, even to small scholars. A. W. You lie gave a very practical talk on the -subject .of Penmanship. He would require pupils to provide' themselves with writing material, and would make writing a regular exercise In school. There being no farther exercise, the association on .motion adjourned. P. D. JPALDWIK, President. S, Sot-rotary. nlng. Never say How, or Which, foi»; What. Use no slang terms. Remem-t her spelling, reading, writing, arid grammar are the base JQf true educa­ tion, 2. Clean face, clean clothes, clean shoes, and clean finger nails indicate .good breeding. Never leave your clothes about the rootn. Have a place for everything and everything In its place. 3. Rap before entering a room, and never leave It with your back to the company. Never enter a private room or public place 'vlth your hat oil. 4. Always offer your seat to a lady or old gentleman. Let your companions enter the carriage or room first. 5. At the table'eat with your fork; sit up straight; never use your tooth­ pick (although Europeans do), and when leaving ask to be excused. 6. Never put your feet on the cush­ ions, chairs, or table. 7. Never overlook anyone when read- or writing, never talk or reaty aloud while others are reading. When con­ versing, listen attentively, and do not interrupt or reply until the othor has finished. 8. Never talk or whisper aloud in a private room where anyone is singing or playing the piano, „ 9. Loud coughing,^hawking, yawn­ ing, sneezing, and blowing are 111- manered. In every case cover your mouth with your handkerchief, (which never examine--nothing"i«: more vul­ gar except spitting on the floor.) 10. Treat all with respect, especially the poor. Be careful to injure no one's feelings by unkind remarks. Never tell tales, make faces, ridiculethe lame, mimic the unfortunate, or be cruel to inflects, birds, or animals. HARDWARE STORE. I. N. MEAD! Has now in Stock, for the Fall and Winter trade as fine a line of Cook and Heating Stoves as can be found in the county, to which he invites the attention of the buying- public, confident that he c\m phase in quality, style and price. More particulars next week. Barb Wire 8 1-2 cts. per lb, All knds of Jobbing In ray line will receive prompt attention. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere when in-need <>t" anything in mj 1"" I N- MEAD. McHenry, Sept. 27th. l?8l. COLBY BROTHERS! i & ̂ BcHNORR RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY. ILL. Invite an examination of their immente stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Jt ear tlie De ' -vf- ' ' \ f •'-M Illinois, _3? Administratrix Sale. PUBLIC Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale, made t by the Probate Court of McHenry county, State of Illinois, on the 13th day of Octohcr 1S81, in a proceeding therein ior'tho sale of real estate to pay debts, wherein the undersigned isa- beika C. Morlev as administratrix of the es- tate of William Morley. deceased, was peti­ tioner and R. C. Jefferson, J. B. Perry, A. A. Martin, Marj lJrevster, Thomas Morley, Maggie tiutherie, Sarah Wilford, Win. Morlev Charlotte Hubbard, .Susan Burton, Frank Morley, Richard Morley, Lcavor Morley, Laura Morley, Caddie Morley and James Morley, were defendants, the undersigned pntitoner a# aforesaid, will sell at public ven due, to the highest and best bid Jer, tor one half cash and the balance on twelve months' credit to be secured by good personal security and a mortgage on the premises sold, on Fri­ day, thei5th day of November, 1881, at two o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, in said county of Mpllonry, the following de- scribed real estate, in said order mentioned and described, and situatea in said county and State, to.wit: The .South part of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty, Town­ ship forty-four North, liange Nine East of the 3d P."M., containing sixty acres; also the North Half of the South West Quarter, Sec. tion Twenty, Township forty-four North. Range Nine "East of the 3d P. 'M. containing eighty acres. Such Sale of said property will be made subject to the dower and homestead of the widow Isabella C. Morley and a mort­ gage in favor of R. C. Jefferson for the sum of about Oue Thousand and Thirty-live Dollars, including principal and interest. ISABELLA C. MORLEY. Administratrix of Est of Wm Morley deceased Bourne A (illlino re and F. K. tirapger, Pe­ titioner's Solicitors. Would respectfully invite an examination of their stock of D1I MOBS. DRESS COODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, Which are being1 offered at very low prices. Our stock is replete in all the variety of Goods foi the season, and we feel satisfied we can offer Goods at Tlie following hints on Education, Etiquette ami Morals from tli« pen of (Qoorge Francis Train, ant worth no- t Icing. !. Always say Yes sir. No >!r. |rt|f No papa. Thank you. No thanlr you. Good-night. Good-uior- Golden Star, SILVER STAR, And a dozen other patterns of Coal Stoves can be found at our store. THE COLDER STAR AND RESOLUTE, Parlor Heaters, for Wood or Coal. The finest line of Cottage Stores in the Market. O. C. COLBY & CO., McHENRY AND NUNDA. Which are being offered at very low prices. Have the largest as­ sortment of REA.DY MADE CLOTHING ever shown in McHenry which'will be sold very cheap for cash HATS ANB CAPS. BOOTS A1XD SHOES, Our stock is complete and we are confident we can save you money on these goods. » Paints Oils Drugs and Medicines. Crockery, Glassware, Wooden and Willoware, AND THE LARGEST STOCK OF To be lound in McHenry. Prices always as low as good Goods can be sold. No trouble to show goods. Call and be convinced. Ave bound for the front, a store jammed full of new Goods ill more coming every day. Do you want good Dark Prints at 5 cent# per yard! Can you use some of the best cotton battings made? Don't you want a good, common sense pair of Shoes or Boots fo- yourself, your husband or child for about the game price you woul have to pay for cheap slop .made goods? JOHNSBURCH • "KM lhan can be found elsewhere.-- Otir stock of Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING oots, Shoes, Groceries &c.. HENRY MILLER, --I)F A LEHgf N-- American aid Foreip MarMe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc Henry, 111. Johnsburgh Aug. 20tb, 1877 O. C. COLBY & CO., AT THEIR TWO STORES, In McHenry and Nunda, Are now Offering the Largest Line of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware &c., ever shown in McIIen ry ounty, which we offer to the buv- ing public . AT BOTTOM PRICES. Our stock is complete and comprises everything usually kept in a Our store is crammed full of Bargains and we offer the best and most goods for the least money of any one in the business. WE INTEND TO KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUT OF HIGH PRICES IN BARB WIRE. The Best Barb Wire in the Market at 8 cts. per Pound. Call and see us and learn that we mean business. Store in McHenry, Opposite Bishop's Mill. At Nunda in Palmer's Store. Is full and complete, and we are confident we can please vou both in quality and price. Cull and be convinced that these are facts. PERRY & MARTIN. McHenry. Match 1881. T JEtL ' Si Magnetic Ointment. W A R R A N T E D To Cure Piles ami Chafing Sores. Also,Sore Kyen, Sore "ilirout, Kur^-hc. Bruises, lurnH, €utH, Corns, Skin DKordt-rx, Scrofulous and till Sores. tt» m „u Kidney, Liver, Bowel ;iml Lunsi lllKcases Ilbet:uu(lsm9 Back* •else, Lameness, Sprains, an<l Mvelllngs re- garded by the b<-st physicians a* simply womler- ftU. Forsalehvdnisrifists. Ptireitft mi'l 4<»cents. D. BanstMt, BOB A Co., Solo Props., Buffalo, N .¥. Fall & Winter of 1881. Can you afford to take a day or a half day and go to the Riiii li Dita M Stores OF C. F. HALL, He is selling goods cheaper than any store in the Northwest, «• his terras are CASH--ONE PRICK TO ALL. Money refunded goods are not as represented. Our expenses aro light, our sales large. We do not sell a dollar on credit aud our profit is more of a commission than a profit. We want you to come just once. If it don't pan out just as you read it here will pay your expenses, time, trouoleand all. Road over the Price List, cut it out and paste it in your hat, aiilso3 if your credit dealer will meet the prices and if Established in 1855. JOHN STERBA, Formerly o f McHenry, Woodstock and Chicago, has returned to Woodstock, Illinois, And has now on hand tlie lai^cbt and best »to k *>f RfiADY MADE HARNESSES. COl.I.AI.'S, WNU'S, &<•., to Ik« found in the Count,v, nnd h!»'s ovcrvilmr: made of the Bli^T jIATiiSil A I.. <•:»!! :uid -<•(• me. JOHN STERBA. Best prints Yard wide brown cotton.... " " blcachcd " .... Best " " " " unbloached " .. . " 40 inch . " .... " Dentins Good " Cotton Flannel 40 inch Cashmere, all wool.., Tabic Linen Cornets Klnnmds 12, Dress (ioods Boys* Civps Men's " 101b best raUins 141b prunes 14 lb rice 51b baking powder Best 5Cc. tea 20 bars best soup 5 boxes axle grease 6 to BXc. 6 c. 6 c. 10 c. 7*c. Htfc. 17 c. 12 c. S, 9, 10, 11, 12 c. 50 c. '25 to :(0 c. 25, 50, and 75 c. 18,'20, and '25 c. 8, 9, 10, 11, 1'2 c. 20 to 60 c. 38 to 90 C. (II 00 1 00 1 00 1 CO 44 l no 25 S. G. Starch Babbit's salcratus Common starch " saleritiis Best Vinegar Syrup •201b crackers No. 1 fine cut tobacco. 1>1 UK Baskets--1)4 bushel Best rousted coffee.... Spices v ay down. Good brooms Lorillard'e 08 , . . . 08 05 0C 18 40, 50 fiO ..... iwi 50 50 23 16 15, 50. 21 CLOTHING OUR ORKAT SPECIALTY. Boys' suits, from 7 to 10 -i 00 'e " " 8 to 12 2 -25 to t 00 Men's suits ... :i ooto is on Women's Shoes l no Misses' " 75c. to 1 60 Full stock of Rubber Goods, cash buys and cash only. Our prices draw trade forty miles. Come and see us. We «rive you more than your morey's worth. Our prices hold trade. If you can't come send cash with order and goods will be shipped to you. We have two buyers in the market looking up bargains, and they get them. Chicago office, 135 Wabash Av. Gro to Richmond, or Dundee to make your Fall or YY'inter purchases and you w ill make big wages. Try it. Wanted Butter, Fggs, Potatoes, Wood, Ac., iu exchange ^r goods. YOURS TRULY, CLOTHING. John, Peter, Robert and Paul .--Stevens & Schnorr have suits tor you all, and all brand new best and latest styles, as dressy in fit attd as good goods used in the making us can be fornd. Walk under tho Horseshoe, and pick you out a suit. Wear a good 1^4*, the secret ot your looks, Lies with the bqjaverin Canadian brooks .Virtue may flourish iu an Gld cravat, But mail and Nature scorn a shocking hat. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, F.ish, Canned Goods, Starch, Saleratng Tobacco, STEVENS <fc SCHNOI CASH BUYERS! It will pay you to call at nun & Eitran Store before you buy your Fall and W inter goods. A large stock to select from, all new and choice and prices extremely low. We think we can show as fine a stock of For Men and Boys both in suits and Overcoats as will be found in thiscount}'. Sheetings, Shirtiugs, Prints, Giughams, Flannels, Ta­ ble Linen, Cotton aud Worsted Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls» No­ tions, &c. ^To our Stock of Boots and Shoes We have added a full line ot the celebrated Gray Brothers fine good*, which for style and durability are not excelled in this or any other county. The finest Teas imported we have now on hand and we want to sell it Should it not suit money will be cheerfully refunded. Butter Call and see. and Eggs wanted. FITZSXMMQETS <& BVAHSOS7. THIS NEW AND CORBKOT J1AF PIOYOS beyond any reasonable question that the Is by all odds the best road for you to take when traveling in either direction between Cliicap ml all the Principal Points io tlie West North & Northwest Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities of the West nnd Northwest are Statiooe on this road. Its through trains make closu connections with the trains of all railroads and Junction psints, I .Ashland FLORENCT^Sp 4 QuinM*eo _ Womittr Spaldi Clayton W I S ( \ 7 O l N J 3 I N ken*u Drainera Vvrrtt Voile JS.St. OrdWay C ,V'""^AP0Ua T yr+\*now Wwdmaii "'fso* ASKTO.\ Sioux c Cretyto* T If till City Galena WEST <%ts* I L L I STERN RAILWAY. CHICAGO & NORTHS THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Over ail of its principal lines, runs earn wav 'Inifj f rom two to four or more Fast Express Trains. It is tne only road west ofChirago'th&t uses the PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS, It fs the only road "hat runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of Chicago. It hM nnariy|3,ooo Miles of Road- In forms following Trunk Lines: Council Hlntf?, Denver California Line. Winonn, Minnesota A Central DakokA LiaM Sioux City, Nor Nebraska Jfc Yankton Line. Chicago, St. Piuil A Minneapolis'Lin« Northern I l l i n o i s , Kreepori & Dutiuque Line. Milwaukee, Green Bay & Lake Superior Line Tickets over this road arc sold by all Coupo" Ticket Afrcnts in the United States A Cinidt Itcmeinbcr to ask for Tickets via this road, »l>e sure they read over it, and take none other VAKVIN HUGHITT, lien'l Manager, Chicago W. H. 8IENHXTT, tien Pass Agt Chicag* JACOB STORY. McHENBY, ILL- DEALER IN C. F. HALL Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Window Glass. CRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J. STCRY. 'f? -2

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