Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1881, p. 5

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™ + •• .A. • ^ -• ^11 NOV. WED1STE8D AY, Railroad Time Table. WtlXO SOUTHS Bone™ Tj*ke Passeager. 7:25 A.* Ganava TjSke Express .. 8:80 fien«va. Luke Freisrtat l.w P. 11 aoivft fORTII. Tfiilce Preischt. S :33 A. M Genera T.akt Kxpres* **?*:* Bancva Lake Passenger 6:5» JMBITSS, A cent. ~ McHenry, III MRS* F. K. GRANDER IS spending triek with friend* in Chicago. SVOKR Barb inn Bros. best. Sold *11 retail stands in McHenry. at THE wife of Mathias Schimmel, an old German resident or this village, died on Tuesday evening. She had been sick about six months, and her death was not unexpected. W. R. SMITH, Agent for Trask Of Aurora, will be In town next weok with his usual large stock of Watches, Jewel­ ry, silver and plated ware, &c. and will show his customers and the public gen­ erally as fine a stock of goods in tills line for the Holiday trade as was ever shown in this section. Remember he will be here next week. NEW Cloaks just received at Mrs. 8. Searles'. - ' GIVE thanks, eat your turkey and attend the party at the Riverside House on the 24th. SOME things people look forward to with pleasure: Turkey Day, the Holi­ days, and the hanging of Gulteau. OME teaspoon fill of carbolic acid to a bucket of swill is given as an antidote for hog cholera. J. A. SCOTT, of the firm of Scott ft Oo% Hatters, Chicago, had the misfortune to sprain his ankle while hunting at Fox Lake a few days siuce. A TEAK'S subscription to a news­ paper is comparatively a trilling amouut, but one thousand of them makes an Important item to a news* paper man, Do you see the pointf MRS. RALPH STEBBINS, and her son Bertie, who have bsen so low with Uphold fever, are rapidly recovering and will be §round again soon, for wlilch their many friends are thank­ ful, KEWRY MADDEN is building A new Harness Shop on the grounds next to Xorquest & Weber's Blacksmith Shop near the red bridge. Mr. Madden is, a good workman and will aceommodate Ills old customers in his new shop better than ever before. H. H. NICHOLS has been putting out feme handsome trees in front of his store, which. In the future, will be a great Improvement, both to his prem­ ises and the street. It is to be hoped that more of our citizens will follow bis pattern. A REGULAR convocation of McHenry Chapter, No. 34, R. A. Masons, will be held at their hall. In McHenry. on Fri­ day evening, Nov. 25th, 1881. All members are earnestly requested to be present, as there will be business of Importance. By order of the Most Excellent King. A HORNETS' nest is said to be the best polisher in the world for glass lenses. But you want to do your pol­ ishing when the hornet is not around to help you. For what shall it profit a man If he polished a thousand glass lenses in one day, and oue hornet catch him at it? WE have Inadvertently omitted T^ change the location of the Barhiau Bros., Cigar Manufacturers, in their card on the first page. They can be found now in the Keltcr building, t vo d*or« west of this office, and are manu­ facturing a little the best Cigar to be found in this section. A KEEN student of human nature must have written the following: "WhenyouMe a young man sailing down the street shortly after midnight witb his collar mashed ('own his nesk, you can make up your mind that there's a young girl crawling up stairs not far distant, with her shoes under her arm aad an extinguished lamp in iier bands.*1 IF the individual who broke th« Ba­ rometer hanging by the . side of the door of this office will call around he may hear of something to our advan­ tage. If he broke ic on account of the bad weather the past week we can as­ sure him It was not to blame, for like the lellow with the little hatchet it "eould not tell a lie." The individual who broke it. willfully or otherwise, deserves censure at least.' L. D. BLACKMAN. who was in the store of J. C Choate, Woodstock, for several years, and afterwards with one of the best firms in Elgin,has made an engagement with the firm of Stevens <fe Soli nor r, in this village, and can hereafter be found at tlieirstore- Mr. Blackman has an extensive ejyjjrience in the merchantile business, ]g> well knd favorably known throughout McHenry county, and his mauy friends will be glad to know that lis has decided to, remain lie re. TICKETS have been issued for a Thanksgiving Party at the Riverside House, on Thursday evening, Nov. 24th The great popularity of this house with the danning public makes it only necessary to announce the date of the Part}' to ensure a good crowd. On this occasion the best of music will be In attendance., and nothing will be left undone to make it pleasant for all who attend. No ono knows better how to feed the hungry than Mrs. Wighrmau, and all who a'.teud parties at the Riv­ erside are sure of being fVell provided for in this line. See ti)e ti< k'ts. THE rapid manner in which subscrip­ tions to the PLAIXHEAI.GR are coming in is indeed gratifying to us. and for two reasons. First, that our efforts to get out a good paper are being ap­ preciated by the reading public, and second, the unselfish and earnest mnn- net in which our friends in different parts of the county are working in our behalf. In the past week we have added nineteen new names to our list in Marengo, and quite a number to our Richmond, Hebron, Nunda and other lists. Hardly a mail but brings us one or more new names. We take this occasion to thank our friends who are working with such good re­ sults in our behalf, and by getting out a paper worthy of their patronage, we hope to merit the continued con­ fidence and support of our large list of subscribers. If hard work will do it, we intend to give to our readers a better paper for the coming'year than ever before. 4. WK have received from the author awl publisher. Will. L. Thompson, Kast Liverpool. Ohio, a splendid comicsong, entitled, "3fy First Maeic Lesnon."' It Is a very laughable description of the mutlc pupils first lesson. Everybody enjoys a good comic song. This one will certainly be very popular. We ad­ vise all lovers of music and mirth to •end 40 cents to the author and rcceive a copy by return mail. THE second sociable for the benefit •f the Cemetery Association will be h«1d at Henry Colby's on Thursday evening. Nov, 17th, 1881. The following programme will be presented: Instru­ mental music, Grace Owen. Vocal Duet, Mrs. Martin and Bertha Hollister. Select Reading, Clara Wightman. Vocal Duet, Mr. and Mrs C. V. Stevens. Instrumental Music, Eloise Waite. Select Reading, S. D. Baldwin. Vocal Duet. Mr. and Mrs.T. J. Walsh. Every­ body is cordially invited and a very pleasant tltne is expected. PORTIONS of the sidewalks in this village are in very bad condition, and. as winter is coming on, it would be | well for the authorities to see tint they are repaired without delay. BMKEN and loose boards in slippery weather are dangerous, and a broken limb or dislocated ankle are not pleas­ ant things to contemplate. The walk in front of the cheese factory is in vary bad condition, the boards laying flat In the mud, and every rain the water, washing over it, makes tt al­ most impassable in that locality. It is dearly the duty of the authori ties to See that this matter it looked after by (he Street Commissioner and that without delay. Dolmans aad Cloaks at Perry & Martin's. We wake the lowest prices. WE have had the pleasure of exam­ ining the beautiful new book entitled "Mother. Home and Heaven," and while the name is bi-autiful and sug­ gestive, after a careful examination we have no hesitation in saying that the book is not unworthy of the name it bears. In speaking of it. a coiein- porarv says: "It is not an original book, but it Is better tlmn original books usually are, for it is a collection of approved fiterary gems, of the choicest tilings which have been spok<>u or written, in prose or in verse, on these choicest of all themes. Over three hundred Authors lirtve been laid undereontrihution. and the selections have been made with excellent uisSe." Mr. Scott, wiio is canvassing for the work here, has just, conic from Waueoit- da, where he took one hundred and sixty-eight orders and in little over a week lie has taken over one hundred orders in this village and vicinity.-- This fact alone speaks volumes for the work. And it is a fact that no one ?an examine this book carefully without desiring t<» obtain it, and that many do so is evidenced by the large list of names being secured oy Mr.Scott. We are aware that book Agents are not the most favored orkiudly received in­ dividuals in the world, but we wi.-h to say to our readers t hat Mr. Scott is a gentleman in every sense ot the^ word, ami lie represents a book that should be in every family in the land, and you cannot afford to let him ffo by without giving it a careful examination, after which we are sure you will admit that all we say of it is true. It is indeed a volume of "Golden Thoughts." WOODSTOCK This'tlme it was a book agent, and after chloroforming a daughter of Mrs. John Crosby, h« proceeded to look around and see what could be found in the %vay of plunder. How much lie succeeded in carrying away, we have not yet learned. -i D. 'Murphy and Tim Compton wire arrested one night lasfr week for steal­ ing two horse blankets of A. Sanford. Upon being preseuted to Esquire Johnson the next morning for exam­ ination. that gentleman considered the evidence strong enough to require them to furnish bail to the tune of fifty dollars apiece, and, not being able to comply with His Honor's^ de­ mands. they were committed to jail. The donation given the Rev. Wm Ostler by the Baptist and Presbyter­ ian Churches last Tuesday evening was quite largely attended, / laud the amount donated in money, wood, flour, etc.. readied the handsome sum of e-ighty dollars. Mr. A. S. Wright has movlfd into tlie apartments formerly occupied by him over the Red Front Drug Store, which for Juration, tieauty and convenience certainly is inferior to no store of any kind in our city. Besides, Mr. Wright is extremely popular with all classes of our citizens, and others, and Is known to be a first class druggist. Little Jimmy Brink caused Bordwell the butcher to take a right smart of a jaunt one day last week, and the way of it was something after this fashion Master Brinfc%who by the way is about six years old. saw Bordwell start for the country, and jumped into tie wagon to take a ride with him. Mr. B. remonstrated somewhat with the little fellow, telling him he was going out three or four miles and tiiat it would be better for him not to go, his folks would be anxious as regards Ins absence, etc.,etc. The boy, however, went, and when they arrived at Deacon Hurd's farm, about three miles east of town, Mr. B. went either to house or barn to see the farmer ahout buying so lie stock, leaving Master James to hold the horses. After stay­ ing a few moments lie came out and the team, wagon and boy were ! into syrup, NUNDA- EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--J. P. Ver- milvea has returned from Iowa and looks much better for the visit. Levy Francisco drank some lye In Ira's, mistaking it for water. It was thought at first that it would termi­ nate fatally but- proper antidotes were administered and his life was saved. Nunda has a Merchant Tailor. C. Wolf is his name ami he hails from Chicago. He can be found over the I'ost. Office. Clayson has bought a lot "from the Lincoln property and is to build a large building in the Spring. So ru­ mor says. Glass and Putiy, at Dickinson** Drug Store. ' Last year the most of us had a terri­ ble time about getting our coal and we a!) promised ourselves we would not be fooled arain, but this year it is all the same. The trouble lies in the mo­ nopoly of the city dealers and railroad company^ Hats and Cans, all tlio 'latest styles, at Butier & Warner's. Nunda. Fezer in no more with Piatt & Pin- ney. We learn lie will open a shop for himself In Capt. Beckley's shop. Iluilmirt works evenings in the front room over the Hardware, store, where you will tind him as industrious as ever JSchool Books.'new and second hand. Old Books taken in exchange. At Dickinson's Drugstore. Win. Butler spent a few days at tlie river duck Irinting with usual good duck and a chaiu& for sport and reerea tion. O. IT. Stone i« underpiuing bis shop, a much needed improvement. Purchasers of Dry floods should not fail to call at lintler & Warner's. Nnti- da and examine their stock for the Fhll and winter trade. No trouble to show goods. Dr. Saunicr and bride have returned and taken possession of their new home. Look out for a wedding or two In this burg Imfore long. 12.000 gallons of Syrup was made at the factory this year. We are bound to believe t:iis industry is bound to live and thrive. So far as we cai* learn tt pays to raise cane and convert it In THK IUKAI.. For singing classes and musical con­ ventions, By L. O. Emerson. Mr. Emeison lias just issued two new books They are lr. many respects companion books, and have been compiled lor choirs and singing classes respectively. The "Herald of Praise" is the name of the Church music book, while "The Ideal" is the title of the new bong for the singing class. The only difference between them is that "The ideal' is considerably smaller and more conve­ nient to irtndle, and contains those portions of the contents of. "The Her­ ald of Praise" more particularly fitted for.use in singing classes. The ability of the author of "The Ideal" is unques­ tioned, and when we consider his won­ derfully large and varied experience with musical societies and conventions and bis succets as a teacher and com­ poser. we need not fear lor tiie fate of this new book. There ia, as usual, a practical singing school course, to­ gether with Hymn tunes, Anthems, and Spiritual *ongs of the lies; qualjty, re­ creative pieces of a secuiiar nature for practise, and a choice collection of miscellaneous music for social gather- ingsand concert singing. The music is new, Interesting mid .entertaining, and lias bten selected from the best and most reliable sources, and will be sure to fill a very acceptable place iu the work of the singing school for 6ome time to come. Teachers should not fail to send for specimen copy at once. Price 75 cents. Published by Oliver Ditsou & Co.. Boston. Mas-. T h e latest styles in Overcoats and Ulsteretts at reduced price* at Perry & Martin's. Tn* finest stock of Perfumery in the county, at J. R. Wells & son's Wuucou- da. J . . where to be seen, but on gaining the road what a sight met the man that the boy jjrould ride with. Away in ttie dictance. suv a'mile or so, vvas the rig that carried the two to the good Deacons, moving along toward town at the rate of ahout five miles, an hour^ and "me bold .Tames" sitting boU up; rightjlioldiug the riMronF^and from the way Bordwell tells it, must have been in a (at happier state of mind than himself, who trudged Into towu just in time to ascertain that the youthful butcher had gone through our city and toward Greenwood, stat­ ing to those he met tlint lie was out buving calves, and had left Bordwell off in another direction looking at stock. He stopped to Mr. Harry Fosdick's to water the team. Mr. F.. who thought all was not. right, sent one of his boys to town with the youngster who had given Bordwell a chance to go into training for the next walking match, and his parents and friends a pretty good scare. In the Murphy and Bunker law suit^ which took place at Rock ford week before last and the first part of last. week, the jury returned n verdict, for the Plaintiff. Sir. George K. Bunker. and assessed the damages at §1.500. Morion tor a new trial by defendeut. not granted. I'KKSOX A L.F. Ole B!om. formerly in the employ of Sherwood & Austin, and later of M. D. Ib>y & Son. ami who is a first cla»s tailor, was in town last week calling upon his many friends. Lester B r o w n , a former Ivpo in the | Xuiida. Kidg.-field and Wood- Sentinel office, but who has been at j 7,ock. if united as they ought to be. by work iu Chicago for a year past, Is ' omitt ing to ship for *ie or two days, again *vith the Sentinel, and a host of . wonj (] the Chicago dealers out f r i e n d s here are g i id of it. i | ,oie |>^tiie score about the second day Mr. E. d. Sanford. of Harvard, who i« j . l t l l l t t,oy Would gi ve the pr'co demand- in the employ of Mr. Crumb, our new lumber merchant, moved his family from Harvard to this city last week. M. H. MeCahili. ati^old resident and former merchant <>f this place, moved to Cedar Rapid*. Iowa, la<t week. Charles Northrop, finding Genev:', Illinois, a terrible dull and slow town, for a livelv. go alien 1 young lawyer, has left it in di«gust, ami moved back to the old stamping grounds wh»*re he can S'IOW off his fine legal ability to much better advant­ age than in Geneva. It really seems not exactly fair, but we suppose there is a reason for it. and cannot imagine any other than that it is because W. H. Dwiglit, ot this <nty. carries by far tiie largest and best assortment of boots and shoes, and sells them cheaper Jhan his neigh­ bors , is tiie. reason why he disposes of so many more than they do, which he certainly does. The host stock of Confeeti^iery town at Dickinson's Drug Store. T. E. Cox having rented one of his farms and sold the ether has bought tiie Smith ten acres and sold the house to Geo. Pettihone. and will build a ii"w one in the spring. Small pox within six miles of here has caused quite a scare and vaccine points nie again in good demand. Mrs. Spencer Vincent, a sister of Mr« O. Mansfield, from Kansas. Is visiting relatives ami friends Itere. But'er & Warner, Nunda. are offer­ ing Bargains in Clothing. They have the finest stock to lie found in the county. Their Clothing Room, up­ stairs, presents a fine line to select from. Mrs. McWha'ton. residing in the ea«t part of town, died on Saturday la^t, having been sick but, a tew days.-- Funeral on Monday. Literary at Hill's Hall this Friday night. A good programme is out and a irood attendance desired. John Darby intends building a new house in the spring and will prepare the cellar and foundation this fall If the weather permits. Tiie celebrated Broadhead Dress Goods, at Butler & Warner's. Nunda. These Goods have no superior in the market. The Important featur« of interest toi the last week In this vicinity lias been among the milk shippers, each cursing the other for not standing by the acts of the Dundee meeting. As a looker on they show a spirit of weak­ ness bv continuing to ship without bidding for their price. Dundee. Al- Riclimond Department. T CONTBIBL'TEDBT8. F. BKKHKTT. 1 We have few local events to chroui- cle this week. Any one who will bring^wood to Richmond just now can dispose of it at a good price. The so-called Skiukle bridge Is fin­ ished and is a structure every way creditable to the Hizh#ay Commis­ sioners and the workmen employed thereon. Tfce measles seem to increase^in -tbe, village. The children of several fami­ lies are sick at the present time. Be careful the little ones do not take coid. give tlieui warm drinks and not much medicine. Last week Elijah Bowers shipped the finest lot of hogs we have seen this season. There were 35 of them and they were estimated to average 400 pounds. They were worth, probably 8800, a snug sum tor any farmer to re­ alize from oue Item 'of form produc­ tion, » % The new Methodist minister seems to mean business. He did not scold bis congregation for being ,late last Sunday, but lie told them that hereaf­ ter he would commence the services <pt exactly tiie appointed hour whether there was any one in the hou«e except himself or not. A Dr. Dunn, of Rockford. spent tfce past week in this place and lectured such evenings as the weather permit­ ted. He gave the usual "private" lec­ ture of itinerants to young m»n and received patients for treatment. lie must have carried away a nice mm for liis weeks work. Strayed. From the premises of the underslgiv ed, three miles East of the village or Richmond, Wednesday evening, Nov. 9th, a Span of Horses, one horse black, 18 or 19 years okl, with bnuch on near fore kuue. One luare, dark brown wltii the appearance of a ringbone on off hind foot and I think witl* a piece cut from tiie tip of her left ear. A reward of Ten Dollars will be given for information where the above prop­ erty may be found. PKTKK SILL. Richmond, III. Business Xoticcs. Reed's OLlt Edge Tonic real appetite. _ ThftMoline Suiky Flo# 0WO»*T». c*tfcr»a tha FisliiiW T'ickte of all kind* at M. Engeiu'A In iiowa'a. Block, uear Uu» new l}riuk». *v ,-i The FurstSfc Bradley gutky Flow at E. M. Owen's. Buckeye Fonda Pumps, M'K"- K; Owen's. < Examine the 5 and 10 cent counters at J. R. Wells & Son's, Wauconda. A full line of Buck Gloves and Mitts at J. R. Wells & Son's. Wauconda. Ladies Cloaks and Dolmarw nearly at manufactures prices at Fitzsluunons te'Evausoifs. Barbtan Bros, host are taking the lead with smokers. Ask fov them when you smoke. Hats and Caps for all ages, and pri­ ces extremely low at Fitzsiimuons & E Vinson's. CORN is KING. CORN is- KINO. CORN is R-w All the first-class Plows at Owen's. , * ' . .-- » The finest llue of Silver and Plated Ware to be found iu the county, at O. W. Oweu's. People have different methods of giving thanks when the appointed day for public Thanksgiving comes around. For most people a good fat turkey and a few family friends at the home board will do. But the young, whose spirits are light and free, prefer to dance, and so Landlord Culver will have a dancing |)arty at the Richmond House on the eve of the *24th. Go and give thanks. Now that our neighbor over the line, John Vosburgh. is elected to the Wis­ consin Legislature, shall we have to prefix "Honorable" to his name? He has been plain "John" to us ail so long that we shall hardly come down (or up) to the "Hon." And John don't need It. His well known character among Ids neighbors stamps ids name with an "Honorable" more to be, valued than a Legislature oue. The Commissioners of Highways, or. Saturday, decided to not alter the highway from Elliott Cropley's south, as asked for iu Mr. Cropley's petition. We hope this may settle the matter for good, and that friendly feeling may be restored between tiie parties at In­ terest in tl^matter. It was our in­ tention to speak more at length on tills road matter, but as long the Com­ missioners have settled it we refrain from following out the original inten­ tion. ' Let well enough alone." The Old Reliable Red Front. On Saturday next, the 19th, A. S. Wright, the proprietor and originator of the Red Front. Drug Store. Wood­ stock, will move back to bis old quar­ ters, on the South side of the Square, which lie ha« recently refitted in the rcost substantial and handsome manner and will immediately fill it, In connec­ tion with his Drugs, with one of the finest stocks of Holiday Goods ever brought to McHenry County, to which lie invites the attention of the buying public. Books for the Holiday trade in endless variety. Mr. Wright has an experience of over twenty-oie years in the drug business, sixteen of which has been in Woodstock,and during that e«! *1 -15 per cm. which is none to Mine he has made many warm friends inncl. considering the circiinnffices of j both personal and in business, who will STEVENS & SCIINORR. Offer the following Premiums for the best Five .Ears of Corn, the test to be its weight after being hung up for 80 days, so as to have plenty of time to dry out. First Premium.--One Goat Lap Robe or a $12 Shawl, as the person may choose. Second Premium.--One Pair Otter Gloves, wortli 95, or one Dress Pattern, as the person may choose. Premiums t'o be awarded January 1st 1SS2. All persons who compete for Premiums must have their Corn at. our store on or before December 1st, in order to comply with conditions. STEVENS &SCHXORR. A flue lot of Ready-Made Dresses and full Suits just received at Mrs. H. 11. Nichols'Millinery Store, McHenry. German School Books, and English and German Mass Books, at M. !£u- gelii's Howe's Block, near the bridge, GOLD FISH, Fish Globes, and Food for Fish at M. Engein'a in Howe's Block,near Iba bridge. THE LATEST. We have a large invoice of those KING celebrated "Broadhead*' Dress Goods in the latest style^/Everybody should see them before buying. . STEVam A SCRHOKB. The finest line of Dress Goods in tliis inarketcaii be found at Stevens & Schuorr's. PARTICULAR NOTICE. As tiie flrm^pf Golding & Brooks will change on or about December 1st, all knowing themselves indebted to said firm, or either of them, are reqsested to call and settle the same before Decem­ ber 1st, as our baoks must be balanced at that date. GOLDINO & BROOKS. Waucomla, Nov. 1st, last. Latest styles of Mens and Boys stiff and soft Hatf. and Boys fanfcy Caps, at Perry & Marl in's. TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT ON OVEKCOATS. i In order to reduce our stock of Over­ coats we will offer an extra discount of 10 percent during tills month in order to reduce stock. We invite Inspection. KTT7.SIMMON8 & KVAMSON. Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Salt Pork Lard and Corned Beef, at Howard's Market, near the Depot. WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley's Troches will cure you? Store opposste Parker House. FOR SALE. Poland China Hogs for sale. Inquire of A. Ames three miles south of Volo. Just received,Overcoats for Men and Boys at F. G. Mayes' Clothing Store, near tiie new Bridge. Ciieap as the cheapest. F. G.Mayes says lie oauuot |>a under­ sold, IK you want to buy Clothing at Chi­ cago'prices, call on E. Lawlus, I n Lan­ sing's Block, McHenry. FOR SALE, 1 coffer for sale my house and two lots situated in West McHenry. Good brick house, consisting of six rooms.-- Good well au'd cistern, outhouses &c.-- All in good repair. Good fruit on tiie premises. Will be sold reasonable.-- Apply ou the premises. WM. WALSH. the producers. Rut now one is jealous j of the other and tliey aie divided, and 1 as long a« they will continue to ship I they may. so far as the city dealer* are j for they can see that such a ! spirit manifested only means their j terms and not the tanners. "In unity there is strength" but "divided we must fall." j TitK Ladies should not fail to call and see the splendid stock of Millinery at Mrs 1. M. Mallory's in her new room?. She has all the latest styles and is con­ stantly receiving new jjoods from the j city. Call and s»*e her. Vaccine points, at Dickinson's Drug CORSETS! COllVETS! Store OVKKCOATS. as cheap as at any store in the country, at Butler & Warner's, Nunda. Robes, Buffalo and Goat, at Perfy A Martin's. ,. CORSETS! I '(.Jorralioc." i Dr. Warners latewf.-(lie The best •'Si Corset made, at "l'crry & Martin's. Thankngivitifc Tarty. There will be Thanksgiving Party at tiie McHenry House Hall, on Thursday eveiling. November 24tii. 1 lie best o! music will be iu attendance. A good Supper at reasonable rates. Let all come out and have a good time. l'KTtu SMITH, Proprieter. MR?. S. SKAIU.KS has received another targe stock of Millinery, Plushes, Plush Ribbon, Watered Rib­ bon. Tips. Birds, and in fact everything i at tifls office, desirable in a first class business. Has also received another large stock of cloaks. Black and Light Dolmans, &e Please cail and see my stock before purchasing. Remember 1 will sell Trimmed Hats at cost every Saturday during the season. O, C.Colby & Co., keep at their Hardware store a fnll stock oj window LOST, between Solon and McHenry. by way of Frank Colo's, an Organ Cover with the words, "Pelton & Pomeroy Organs," marked thereon The finder will be suitably rewarded* and receive the thanks of the owner by leaving the same at O. W. Owen's stoie in this village. A new line of Dolmans just received at Perry & Martin's. COAL STOVE FOR SALE. A second hand Coal Stove, which lias been used hut lit tie and is as good is offered for sale ciieap. as inquire GJassall regular sizes and will cut to or­ der any size from the smallest to two by three leet. When iu want of Glass bear this in piiud. Fitz«inunon« & Evauson are giving au extra 10 per cent off on Overcoats. The largest and most complete lot of Knit Under wear ever ottered in this market, just received direct from manufacturers. Will be soi l at bot- to n prices. Examine the goods aud prices at Colby Bros. CLOTHl\G. We now hive the largest line of Children's, Boys', Youth* and Men's Clothing ever shown in McHenry, which will be sofa *i prices to f;nit tiie times. COLUI liuos. be glad to knows that he is to occupy again his old stand. His stock Is all new and fresh, selected with the great­ est care, which his long experience in the business enabled him to do to the best advantage, botli for himself and his customers, and bis old customers can rest assured that at the Old Reli­ able Red Front they will get only the purest drugs and their prescriptions put up by experienced hands. Remember that on Monday next the old Red Front will be open and ready for business, and everybody is Invited to call a:;d view the old store remod­ eled. And as the Holidays approach, also remember at no other place in the comity can you find a better as­ sortment to choose from. Wright, the proprietor and originator of the Red Front, will be on hand and always ready to wait upon you. EXTENSION TABLES. Extension Tables only One Dollar per foot at John B. Blake's Furniture Store. Call and see them. HORSES FO^SALE. I have a good road team and a good farm team for sale. Will sell one or both, inquire of II. C. MEAD, SHEEP FOR SALE. J Good Sheep for sale. Inquire of W ill aid E. Colby, one-halt mile North­ west of Mcil enry WE WANT YOU TO KNOW IT We have cords of Overcoats. W« are making prices that sell them at ®'GH" * STKVKN3 & 8CBJTOKR. WANTED. Every man and boy that expects to buy a suit of Clothes, an Ovurcoat, pair of Boots or Gloves, is wanted at our store, STKVKNS & SCHNOKR. Revolvers all styles, and Cartridges to suit,at prices ranging from 91.50 to J9.00, at O. C. Colby & Co.'s FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Posts for sale. Inquire of . i * JJOHS Ek»B \* FOR SALE OR RENT. A farm of about three hundred acres to sell or rent. For particulars inquire of Mrs. L. C. Gates, McHenry, 111, OVERCOATS. A full line at Colby Bros. The Grey Bros. Fine Shoes at Fitz simmons 4 Evanson's. A golden opportunity to buy Over­ coat" at Fi tzsiiiiiiions .Si Evaiisou. 10 per cent discount during November. FOR SALE, House and fourteen acres of land within half a mile of town. Inquire of John J. Flusky. CHOICE Amber Cane Syrup for sale by the gallon or keg. E. W". WLLEEUEK. IK yon want your Watch pi*t in first class Order, call on Robert Mtfrfitt Jeweler, Nunda, New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block THE BEST THING For a cough is Beslay's Troches. . **jr a box. Store opposite the Parker House. Call at Mrs. H. II, Nichols for Ladies* Ready Made Underwear. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols' store, one door north of Perry & Martin's, for anything iu Millinery or Ladies' Fur­ nishing Goods. SEWING Machine Needles for arerj machine made, can be found at M. En- gel u's, iu Howe's Black, near tha bridge. FOR SALE. A commodious residence, at the eor- ner of Madison mid Vine Streets, Woodstock. 111., conveniently located to business, school and tiie vt'noas churches. Two lots, well stocked witli fruit, both large and small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and cistern. Terms easy. Apply to ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, IU Foundation rocks aud Gravel deliv­ ered at convenient distances from my residence, Asa W. SMITH. Woodstock, 111 Trble and Pftokot Citttlery In endlem variety at O. C. Coloy % Co*a Hard­ ware store. ONIONS. A car load of very flue Onions, at Stevens & Schuorr's. FOR SALE. 40 Aorej of land in Section 12. all fenced. Also 80 acres of laud, with a good house and barn thereon, with timber aud water iu abuudauce, in Seo* tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good near house, baru and other outbuildings.--• Apply to JOHN FLUSH*. Call and see our 93 94 aird 95 0?3r- ooats. The largest line in town. COLBV Bzos, SLIROUDS. Just reoelved. at John B. Blake's Surniture and Undertaking Rooms, shrouds of all sizes, and In twenty-five different sty les, which will be sold afc prices ranging from 81 to 9A> SHAWfcS, A very fine assortment of all wool shawls, for which we are tha exclusive agents in McHenry. Good and oheap. Call aud see them at Colby Bros. Ladies and Chiidreus Underwear, ciieap, at J R. WelU & Sou's Waucon­ da. The Largest Stock Of Millinery and Fancy Goods to be found in the County is at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. I visited the city again this week and now invite the attention of the Ladies to the following; Light Cloaks and Dohlmans, the latest tiling out. Ladies' and Children's merino un­ derwear. Hosieiy, all sizes, Chiidreus Knit Jackets and and Hoods, Dress and Cloak Trimmings, all kinds. Corsets, fine assortment of Misses* *izes,Pluines the largest stock ever brought to Mc­ Henry County. And iu short we have one of the largest, best selected aud most fashionable stock of Millinery. Fancy Goods, etc.. ever brought to this town', which we are bound to sell at prices within the reach of all. Do not purchase until you examine our stock aud learn the price*. MK». H. U. NICHOI.S. The finest line of Ulsteretta ever shown in this market, at Colby Bros. ANEW PUZZLE. When you find au Overcoat for 9H that wilfcoinp&re with our leadiug $9 »>at you will have solved the new prol­ ixin. 8TEVKN8 A SCHNOBR. aieBSsm : <r*i a >TM miM by the stm: y o u r a stimulant." ml Mop Bitters. I f y o n a r c y u u n u r (n> Do Sewing You Want a Machine. If yon do, of course you want the best, as tt costs no more. Then why buy from an Agent who carries but one which he iias fixed up on purpose to show, when by going to the store u* O.W.Owen, in McHenry, you can have your choice of Five, viz : The Domes­ tic. Eldredge, American, improved Howe, and Si"ger. We keep all these machines in stock, and any lady who wants a machine can set down and trv thein all. and then-select the one which suits her the best. The first three nftnied, the Domestic. Eldredge aud American, aro-three of the best ma chines ou the market, and auv one « III .be convinced of the tact by culling at uiv store and trying «»ne themselves. • Also a tine stock of Clocks, \\ atches, .Tawolrv. Silver and Plated W are, cau Organs aud a W. 3VTEN, goods Jewelry, Silver ai be found at. uiy store. Pianos 1\»* sale or rent. Whert 66 will ^et them more than 97 will at a credit store. riiil or Muyle, old or IKK If Ill-tilth or i n ' , - , , I V t y o n H o p Whoever whenever you 1 that v .> u r syst' I5r. dsVl .-JUWiny jinr or stmml* WIlSH'Vit t.i 'o Hop Rittors. \ l A nuta of tt r> toiling owr nt aiiL'iit work, to xvs-ttua Hop 8 from gutiVrint; froiu a bed of' £>:ok- Bitters ,ouA**n«i* Ci jv t: »> *;« yonit * K i d n e y • t b k t HopBlners IKY-"', #1 S'-S-ll HOP fes Y o u " i l l 0 , ' J J ' f t l T T r r p £ h > > l » a c .Iv.KIWf I 1(11 I L UL' I UU-CUTI •I use Hop BisterjSj NEVER i t i i t m a y « « -- » . i FAIL • v d •lis. sjfj V3SE2 Sold by drae- Send (or Circular. BOP lumias 5'ru «J,, K**fc>-4«r. X. ¥. a.-- on loif crtdlt ia( •cay teraw, in a Hlil ellaidtf, IVee frvq| ktcr snow*, Mhrkfe hi frotta, and qji' CHEAP LANDS KlLLiOii. OF ACRES | ' fur nie in the GOLDEN CELT of Kansaa, by the UtliOH PACIFIC hA.'UVAT, •f os Soil lit* »UB cTfr «a, witb nnrk«4» eftnl nwt FWr J)t>arr4pHre ami JCnfim&d !>•«*% With Mapm, Sen* V**, AtOrf LAND C0*M:^^vr° , - fe -sc. -••I

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