Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Nov 1881, p. 1

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-"• , . ' < _ «, . * ' '^#V, r ".'•'•'••T '. " -" * ' • . '% ' ' -• •• „ ,• .»" ••_ .• A • • * » " - , » smmm , j -A V 'iimiii I -, miUni,,,, i,^j,w : •f'V^uiiy S;'i» ti - , •,. * s'a ?& $ ' *•*> • *-' - * j * j ^t,'!i^, y.,;iij,: ;,• !.•.*.»> ? »»*•;«»,•.•*; . ••^•'^ i «.--:• «5P+' ^,-*_. •*•!• HT * ̂ Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law) M o Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe# !•* r.»Wf •tHt VOL. 7. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1881: BUSINESS CARDS, J03EPHIN. FREUXD Soldiers' Department, SALOON ANDJRESTAUUAXT 'Bonslett's old stand, opposite B!»iinp'«1 Mill, Ho Wines, PaM hed Every Wednesday/by . VA> NLYKE, ioiTo t iirp publisher. Office in Old P. O. Block, --OrWMIg !tl VBRSIDI HotJSB.-- f;, T BRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ^ **i#ae. Year (in Advance) iiV,.flAO If Jit Paid withinTbree Months, SM * - Babscriptloas receive! for three n six „• |(»nth< in the svno proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. 4 , H. T. BROWS,M.D. • v 1>KY*10IA^ .VXD SURGED*. Oftee over - -j the Post Office, onnosite Perry ft Martfe'A •'•- fNttmin Vkiri, ttcllenry, 111. O. H. PEGKRS, M, D- **HYSICtVX AND SURG EOS'. Johashatgh, 1 Ills.--Office hours*8 to 10, a. h. O. J. tfOWAUl* M PHTSTCIAN AND STTRGEO*. my residence, opposite M. ffcHenry. III. Office st E. Chareh, R- V. AVORUSO*. M. ». PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. ft Hire nt Besley'* Drn* Store, Opposite Parker Souse, McHehry, Illinois. CARL CARLS. CiliOOy an 4 RnaMinK House, Johnshargh, Sp 111. Pleasant Rooms for Hnnters and FsXermcn. Ice f<»r the nse of Ranters.-- Choice brands of Wines and Liquors always •a hand. C.tll and see me. PRATT HOUSE. TA. PR.VTT, Proprietor. First class ae-eo-nmod-uions. Good Vara In ooaaeettea IVnueonda, III. BAIIBIAN BROS. CIGAR Mnnnffccturers, McHenrv, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, l.i Ola MeHenrv, In Keitcr Block, two doors west of Piim- DBALRR Office. SlIOIlAJItn C0MPT05. TUSTICK of the Peioeint Conveyancer.-- W Wlllattend promptly to the collection mf fibta. Volo, Lake County, III. B. E. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract nt Titles to land in M Henrv County, Ill'nois. Officc With Jaunty ( lerk, Woodstock, 111. IT' Sflce •R. M. OWES. ENERAL Denier and Manufacturers Ageut in Leading fa Aireut in Leading Farm Machinery.-- slow and Terms favorable. Mi-Henry K. 8. COLBY. llfcftP.NItY, MeHenrv Co.. 111. R eedcr of Ifl Spanish Merino Sheep, Berks hire mid -KHiland China s wine. A choice lot -f young Muck stock for sale. PI ea a e c all;i«ndlexaminc #6fore buying elsewhere. JgtfcE ALLEN Wjt&SB, > «J5i©CTTanrt Restaur#**. SttrlfJfpvsilto tbeParSnr Mania, Jgcllcmy, 111 First clans Kltliartl and Pool TnMea. A. E. BALDW1W. M. D. PHYSICIAN AVD SURGEOS. Office and resitlcnca at the old stever; place* ou Clay St., Woodstock, 111. Prompt attention given t® professional calls at all hours, - - 'RTCRINAKY Illinoia. C. 3. GREEN. SURGEON, lUMMl JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNKV at Law and Solicitor In Chan­cery. Will practice in State and/In Fed era! Courts. Office, 3d Floor. New Custom House, Chicago. SIDNEV DISBROW, NOTARY PUBLICand C»rsf»as«T. den. 111. DR. C. I. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Wauconda the 10th and 35th of each month When dates occur Snturdav or Snn. day I make my visits the following" Monday- Also at Algonquin, every Tuesday. Office it Hotel. ft' PETKR LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watclie3,Clocks and Jewetoy ofl all kinds. Also Repairs Violins inthe'Wes'i Mssible manner, on shurt notice and at ren* H>n.ible rates. Also Violins for Sale. «h«pl :rst door North of Riverside Woe*, Kcliam'j IV • 1 J, A. SH ZSWOOD ALC1K ).\ i; Kit AND APPKAI8BB, Algonquin, III. 3! ALES of Stock, Fariwing X«»ls a«d Goods of *11 kinds promptly abtenfled t«». Farm es a specialty. Terms reasonablti Post iceadareae Alsenomn BPl. ; . , •-- -'iifi-ir-'*-"". W. H. SANFORO, Meri'hant Tailor In the store of 0. H. Dickinson, East jta# of *ubll© Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A Stack «f Fine Claths for Snitings al' ways an hand. Saits made to order and a lit warranted - Give me a call. W. H. SANFORD. Wooilsteek til* Sept. 17th. 187S. Scott Sc Co. 'Hatters to the Great Northwest. Ins. 135 aid 137 Madison St. NEAR CLARK ST. Hare a larger stoek and greater variety of jtyles far. you to choose from, than dan be Sund iu.any. other establishment in Chicago K the Wast.. It. will oav yon to call and see Chem. Pricai Hie lowest,in the land for good foods. BRANCH STORES, 8. E, Cor. Clark & Lake sts A S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison sts.f CHICAGO, ILL M A R C U S ' CERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS --DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock III. The bast Tonic in the! world,"* Pat "up in (FlXit and <4iiart Bottle*. FP HARCP# ^atsntM. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. m RANDOLPH STREET, ' (Brifrgs House,) Chicago, III. Special attention pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WA. Fall Assortment of Goods in his line. F. J. CROSS, DltHTZST. MoHenry,* III. Full Plat«» made of the best Jmaterial and fully warranted, t&OO. Filling one-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without pain and free »f charge where Artificial TeeMi are in­ serted b<v tiim. All Work fully warranted. Pare Mtrsus Oxlda Oaa alwaya «n and tor the painless extrtctiou of teeth. -- M. Engeln, -DEALER IN- Guns and Revolvers, Gun Material of all description.-- The Anestand (test Pocket Cutlery, *11 warranted.-- Tin; flnosl Razors, warranted for two years. Barbers • Soap, Caps, Brush as, Straps, Eye Glasses, spectacle Kye Protectors for Sun or Snow. We also keep a full line of Fishing Tackle. Minnow Seins, Hammocks, and in fact evervthing pertniuing to Fishing Mnd Hunting, can be found at my store at reasonable i'rices. Violins, Acordeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, ann all other extras for Violihs. My stocks of flXWARE Is eamplett. Call and examine it. Lttiarantee Prices that defy all competition. M. ENGKLN. STORK IN HOWE'S BLOCK, NEAft 3FHJK BRIDGE. WANTED. Apts for the GOLDEN BAVN. -OR- Litfltt On the Groat Future. in this life, t hrough the dark valley and in the lite eternal, as seen in the best thoughts of leading authors and scholar*, among whom are Bisnop's Simpson. Wrtrien, Hurst and Fosa. Joseph Cook, Beecher. Talmage, Dr. Ourrie, Dr. March, Dr. MeCosli, l>r. (^ros- bv,l>r. Ouyiei', George D. Prentice, Dean Stnnlev, Wiiittier. Longfellow, and others. The subjects treated are Death, Immortality, Millennium and second Advent, the Resur­ rection, Judgment, the Punishment of the Wicket and the Reward of the Righteous, A rich feast awaits the reader of this hook. Is contains the grandest thoughts of the world's greatest author*, on, subjects of the most pro. found interest to evervone Not gloo-ny bnt brilliant. There is not a dull pave in the book. It is absolutely without a rival. Ev- ervltody will rend it. Sch«»ol Teachers, stiul en'ts. voting men and ladles, acting as aitenls tor this Ihmjk are making over <100 a month. Sells fast. One agent sold 71 the tlrst l.% days, another W in 8 dav», another 11 In one day, another 1ft and 3 tfve Bihles in 5 days, a lady sold 9 in 10 hours. Secure territory quick. Also agents wanted foi the best illustrated Revised New Testament, and for the finest fninily Bibles ever sold by agent,. *end f*»r circulars. P. W. ZIKGLER * CO., #1S Arch •Sfr, Philadelphia, I'enn., and 1H0 K- Adams S^., Chicago, III. CHEAI on leaf credit and easy Isms, in a mild cllmaU, me from keary snows, bUgkt* iag frosta, and ex* cessire relka. ANDS WlllOWS OF ACRES for sale In the GOLDEN BELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, •f os tried Soil aa the em ever iImm •a, with g«od market* east ami treat. For Deatcriptir* and JlluatamieS H»ok, Mrtth Maps, Bent Free, Addrtt* LAND COMMISSIONER,-Kaana OlvWtB, KANSAS CITY, MIS80URI. - MORTGAGE SALE. BV virtue of a power of sule contained in a Sale Mortgage, executed by Robeit Sibley, and K- II Slblev. his wife, to George Vinton, March 'ith, 1878, and recorded in tho lte«"or<ler'8 Office of the county of Mellenry, Ir Book 44 of Mortgages, on page 318, to secure the payment of one certain promisory Note, even <l«te with sit id irortgage. for the sum of six hundred dollnrs, due one vear after date, with interest at the rule of ten per cent per annum, wild note payable to George Vinton or order. Ocfault having been made in the payment of the princi|>iiiand interest on ssid Note, there lielng now due on the same the sum of sixty-two dollars and sixty-nine cents as interest, and the said sum of six hundred dollv s, as principal, as by the torms of said mortgage, I shall as assigned, (he said Note and Mortmtge having been as. signed to me ty the said George Vinton, oil Saturday, the lith day of November, A. D. 1H?|. at the hour ot one o'clock P. M , of said da v, at the K+st door of th" Court House, in Woodstock, in said count* of Mellenry, and State of Illinois, oiler for rale andsellat public Vendue, to the highest and best bid, der l«»r ca*h, ihe following ditacriiied real etitate. situated in the county of McHenry, an<l State of Illinois, to-wit; Lot* f>uv (4) acd Ave (3) of >t»iruel Sim­ mon's addition to Ringwood, together with ail the right and equity of redemption of th« •aid Mortgagors, their lieirs and astigna. WES LET LaDD, Assignee, rated Oct, 12th, 1^1- 1f yo» wttut yoar W*toli put in first c)fc»a Ordur, call OR liobart Mtirfltt Jawatec. dtuada. Henry, III. The c loicest Wines, Liquors and Digare to be found in the county, rraek Oyster* in their'^Jse^son served up| in any akape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HO|6S£% , ANTONY SNGELM, SAT.OOIf an«l Restaurant, Buck's otrt ftkiid McHenry, III.--The choicest Keniuck\ Whiskies, "our Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc. always on hand. We buv none but the best and sell at Reasonable Pi-tuea. l"iro*h Oj*ler» in their season. Richmond House, mCHMOMD, ILL. C. N.COLVKft, - - PROPRIETOR^ HAVING recently pnr«lia»ed tin akave Rnaee, I kave put It in thoroagh repair, with new furrltue thronehoft, ana woula respectfully invite the patronage ot the trav­ eling public itnd others. The tables will al­ ways \>e provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters wilt lie In readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No pains will be spared to make this a First Class House. Large and commodious barns oa tke premiasn. Free Omnibus to and from all traia*. Sample Rooms on first door. TAKE NOTICE. ALL ye that are in want of Tub* la any form, from one bushel to M0; if you want a Tubniade to a bung-hole, bring it along. I will also take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise just as we jan agree. Shop work ef all kinds done to order on short no­ tice. P. A. HEBARD. MCHENRY, ILL 1 Jr raui t on i and Je McMENRY - Having located Ir the al next door to The Pfijs? Of •larcd to show customers Wstche*, Jewblry, Silver) vhi«h I will sell as low as! Md warrant as repiesent« IMceodaaiMl learn prices BEPAI1 Of all kinds done on ilartlj aanted. a9*Glre me a McHntar, mot. »th, >ler, ILI.INOIS. , of L. Stoddard. ^1 am now pre- kll line "of Clocks, Plated Ware, #v other dealer Call and exam- fore purchasing. tNO Iwtice" aad ,war- L •-a ONE DOOR SOUTH OFFICE, I* now prepared public a fine line of FANCY GR0 Extraota^a!! kHtda, Cert Woodeu Ware, etc., of MM at tho ' Lowest Livi THE BEST STOCK TlONEftY IN The choicest Brands of always on hand. When in waul of anytliln me a «sii and I will please ity and price. MCHKKBY, NOT, 8th, 1S3I. BKITH- ard THE POST Cer tke buying .KaneySokps, t iinalitj^ and HE. WK4HTMAN, Proprietor, rirat • class rigs, with or witbout drivers, ftunished at reasonable lates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. A. WENDELL, CABPUHE8AHD JOmSfi McHenry, III. Will take contracts fur putting "up Builrihige and ictiRrAiitec inv work will compare with any iiiru in tli« .State. I «**n anil will <lo work from 15 to 2u per wnt cheaper than other car|)entem. a« I have two of my boys who work with me. which makes it possible for me to do so. Al! Jobs in the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give uie a call. A. WENDELL. 4 < e to eal J»»a« and I will not bo Is. Bonsl@tt» Near the Depot, McHENRV - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hand the finest brands of Flour and Feed of all kinds, whlok he will sell ut Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Flour a I wave oa hand and warranted as represented. Flour delivered any where In the Cor. poration. Orders may be given fay Postal Card, Box 107, Post Office. GIVK ME A CALL. L. B0NSLETT. McUenry, March 8th, 1891. Horse Staini & Gene promptly attended to. If in want of a now W'a^on, at my Shop, examine one m learn prtCM before iinrrl FAIR last Pall over alt other*. « nd or so Id, <| uality c < »n s s 11 e red. Give Me a Call. PHILLIP HSUPERI3H. Mc Henry, m., Marekplst, MHI. WAUCONDA Agricultural Warehouse. R. O. ~RXX.Xa, Would respectfully inform the Farmers ot Lake miunty, that he has opened an Agricul­ tural Warehouse, on Mill street, in the yll. lace of Wauconda. where lie will keep AGRI ClTLTl1 HAL MACHINERY of all kinds, «f the best quality and make, and sell it to the farmer* at as low iltfuru* as any other House la the 4tat*. In Mowers & Reapers I shall keep the MoCormiek, and" Buckeye, of Canton, Ohio, which we consider the best in the market. { Shall also keep In stock the Leader Rake, of Ithica, N. Y.. the Tompkln* County I in proved Self-Adjustable. Cultivator, and a gen eral assortment ol all. kind* of machinery used on a farm. Call and see my stock before purchasing elsewhere and be convinced that I mean business. Wauconda, May M, 1981. R C HILL. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR THE DEl'OT, MCHENRY, - ILUNOI8 The beet Brand* of Wine*. • Liquors and Cigar* a'.way* on Hand. Good Stabling for Horses. ALSO ACENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Lager Beer. Rear in Large or Small Keg* or Bottle* al way* on hand cheaper than any other, quail ty considered. This Beer has a world wple reputation, and good J ttdges acknowledge it eannot oe *uf- •>assed in the world. Order* by mall promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. VeHenry, 111. Aug. 10th, 1S8J. The flneat line of Ulsteretts ever abowu iu tlds market, %t €u]by Bro*. BLACKS AND Wagon The naderaigned, at his . ... Perry ft Martin's store n*H the Church,is now prepared to «»A anything in the line of Blacksmithing or VApron Making, on short notice, and guarantee* satisfaction. CON FCC- nd Tobacco, > line, give Hi In qual- KD. TOODA TH CONDUCTED BY^DR. S. F.?RKNNKTT. Ked River Campaign. 'I?E T T R R NO. 7-Con I i n ued, -• v»*. sp North of Rrtrk With the best of materia' workmen we are prepared to and Wagons tn on!or on the ni term* aad warranties reprise d first-class ft up IJn srgies i»t i$a*utiable N e w F a l l STOCK, JU8T RECIEVEO -AT- Maiman's CLOTHIMQ •HOI7S33, AX WAUCONDA. . I have the largest stock of Fall" Good* ever brought to Lake County, which I will sell at LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BE­ FORE. Ready.made Clothing more numerous than ever and at prices suited for every purse.-- For anything made to order, Whether aelngle garment or a full suit Maiman's Is the place to buy. Also a full line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Hats and Caps, Ac. I have a lar^e variety of PIECE GOODS, of the Latest Styles and Patterns, at low figures. Mrs. Mairaan, Who is assisted by Miss Gieaeler, has just received a line s lock ol Fall Milliuerv. of the latest styles to be found in the city which she invite* the Ladle* of Wauconda to call and examine, Hats and Bonnets Trimmed in the latest «tylpsand at reasona­ ble priers. Dnws Making done promptly and satisfaction guarantesd. CLOAKS! CLOAKS ! A full line of Cloak* ami Dolmans, all sizes of the latent styles, and al prices to suit.-- Call and examine them. mM far tte Ulssirf WorfceH GARFIELD The only complete storyofli is noble life and tragic death. Fresh,brilliant, reliable. Elegantly printed In Engl tali and licpsnsi magnificently ill ui£ trated* handsomesv hound, r nstost HPliintf boOK "•w published. By John C. RMpatli. LL.B. riATTTTniff 1>" HO! buy the V&Uiivfl vimipfd campnign books with which the oountry Is flooded. Tbey are utterly worthless; anoutrnne upon tlif memory ot the great dead.and a base f>an<l on the public. This booki* •ntlrelr WW. The only work worthy the theme. Send fiOc. In stomps for Agent's Outfit. JONES BnotHKne Co., Chicago & Ciucinuatt •1,000 REWARD- For any case Blind, Bleedinsr, lfi.-eraie<l o Protruding PILES that DEUINU'S PILK REMEDY fails to cure, prepared by J. P. Miller M. D., »1» Arch St, Philadelphia. Pa, 'ifone gmuiM? wUhi>ut hi* nature. Send for circular. All drugget* or general stores have it or will get it TOI yop. #1, SuJd In OolLy Hro» , Druggist*. ••5 Ir.) ? f |ATTLK OF MANSFIKLD, L/U -if This arlillery ftrt* wag very nearly a one-sided nfialr and was over in forty minutest. W« expected the Confed­ erates would follow this np with a grand charge, at least on the right wing. Bnt ih tills we were disap­ pointed. They ho waver made * d»- terinined attack' aloitsc onr entire line, advancing as though on parade, witii arms at rjght sliotdder. three line^ of battle deep. 5n close order, their bay- oneis gleaniiiig hi the sunlight. Every true soldier l'elt, a thrill of admiration as his eves were fixed upon the ad­ vancing liost. Leading this onset Were two heavy lines of skirmisher*, and on either flank there nioveS strong battalions of horsemen, and support* lug nil was a poaerfui reserve of in­ fantry artillery and mounted men. Would it. not indeed seem to a Reason- mg mind that the lhlle Union army might As well hand in itt cheefcs and retire from hitsit»e$s? ; v But on the appftweh of thtii solid array, the Boys in Blue lay low in the tall grass and briars along the crust of the ridge and in the wooded deli?. Our cuniionlers crouched by their gnus, lenyard in hand. Sddiers carefully examined their pieces, and then, nestling a little closer to the earth, pa­ tiently awaited the supreme moment. For a time there was a stillness like lite silence of death. , What a scene of iiixious waiting--listening to the tread of a resolute foe! Here And there rii officer would, in a low voice, caution his men not to lire ntitil the word was given--'-aim low and be sur» of your man." The painfull still­ ness was first broken on the right by Ransom's men, but the flerv sh<?et of flame rolled on lo the left like a flying engine. The Union batteries buckled down tt» the work of death, double shotted with canister. The guns were wielded bv gallant bauds. Niui's Battery fairly shook thb ground at every discharge, and the accuracy * and rapidity of His Are was never surpassed and scarcely it' ever equaled iu the annals of war. Earth quivered mid trembled, the great, pines swayed. staggered and melted away, five times In rapid succession the colors of a Texan regiment went down, and that noble regimeut strove in vain to keep Its iiiigumiMit. Confederate' officers •4vlth drawn swords and with words of cheer and violent, threats utged their men forward. But few of such officer* survived but a moment. The leading wave of that grand attack beat back against Itself, and directly recoiled, broken and pleeding at every pore. Their lighting was a splendid exhibi­ tion of courage, biit tlicy had gen­ erally tired too high. Though near the left centre and on the extreme right, the Union troops go; the worst of the fight. Uwasuow about 3:30 p. m., and as the Confederates recoiled from tlieil- effort and the smoke lifted and uncovered the ghastly flcld. and at the same time revealed to plain sight rebel reserve infantry double qnicking to place themseves between us and the broken and defeated battalions, there returned the force of reason and of Siiber second thought. The Immediate peril had been overcome, but a still greater peril hovered near, and many was the anxious glance to the rear, vainly hoping to spy tht» friendly col­ ors of the 19th corps coming to our re­ lief. We might Indeed, resist severnl direct attacks, like this one, yet the chances would be largely against us, for well we knew that the enemy might prolit by dear experience, und on the second pull deal its a deadly blow. No relief was visible and no relief came. The heavens were dark­ ening. The muttering thunders ami the darkening sky, associated with anxious hope and patient waiting, scenes of death, and pain, and torture, and the absolute certainty that the fierce storm of battle was gathering anew, was indeed a test of lo}-aUy and native courage, that in the civli walks of life Is called from but fe*y in this worl.i, . How grandly, how bravely, our de­ voted little army closed up Its ranks and made ready for the last great struggle. Wounded men and btragglHig nobodies were constantly passing mj post by the ammunition train. No less than thirty were killed near ine as they hobbled away, five of the six mules attached to one of my wagons were killed and one wagon ruined by a bursting siieil, Xeai me was au old rail fence. This fence was completely demolished by eluuu shut and shell. \ sliver from a rail passed through an officer's body. A worn out soldier asleep by the fence was gutted by some missilt^and liis intestines strewn upon the ground. Before three o'clock j had torn my jacket in strips and u-ed it all, caring for the wounded. But tho worst of all the sad blunders of the day was that there wa4 i.o am­ munition In the i ratn for Hansom's command, nothing but cartridges for the cavalry. The infantry had gone into uetlon wHl\ from forty to sixty louuds to tbo man, and before the fight was half over the supply was run- tilng low. The third division did not reach the field in time for decisive service, and when they did come up. although they fought with unexampled bravetv, their supremest effort only added to the common wreck, and if possible Intensified the stinging, de­ feat, i / I M « matter of course expected to see notffihg. lint to attend strictly to business. 1 did attend to business and at the same time mv eyes and my ears were open. I fancied that the Confederates wogld move a heavy column through the timber to, our right and turn our position This was iu their power to do. but doubtless they thought Emery to be within sup­ porting distance as lie might and should have been. Even w ith Emery on the field they ougiit tft have been able to gobble up the whole Itusiuesg. But I think now as I thought - then, that had Emery's command reached the field by three o'clock, the rebels would have been worsted if not routed. The Confederates might have warmly engaged our forlorn hope, and at the same time, with a force larger than onr own, have made a detonr to our left, and easily have thrown tliem- jfpives pquarelv across our line of retreat. By a eklllrul ami rapid move­ ment of this kind, supported by a de­ termined eflort of the whole rebel army, the 19th corps would have been powerless to stay the disaster hut would iu turn have been crushed and captured. All these thoughts and many more, associated with lively grey-backs sorely taxed my young brain and bodj\ How acutely I' lis­ tened to every new and peculiar sound on either flank. Yet the thought had never occurred to the that :he Confed­ erates could, by a direct attack lift the boys from their position. For np to this day I had never participated In an engagement that scored defeat to the Boys iu Blue. My confidence In our ability to face the music was there­ fore unbounded, and this feeling was the same with nearly every soldier iu tiutt forlorn hope. A rebel officer, later taken prisoner near Grand E Core, vremarked of tliie butt la. "You d-- d fools yon didn't know when you was whipped^ ttetwcci>3:30 and 4:15 p. M., the lighting was of a desultory nature, and our boys were gradually becoming ex- W4di»i, on the other hand, I lie Confederate,1 '? w^re fighting by detail, were always f resh, and, although wary and cautious, were nevertheless gaining in confi­ dence and momentum, as the tedious hours went by. Yet at 4 o'clock, not­ withstanding the inequality of the combat, the Confederates had lost fully two to our one. Said a white haired oJJ General: "The rebels are dancing to their own tuusic but paying dear for the tiddler," Wounded men. bleeding and faint, were helping oth­ ers more desperately hurt to places of tdielter. It was a heart sickcuiug sight, yet there was something inspir­ ing'and noble in that brotherly devo­ tion, that considerate sympathy and care, that called forth the teuderest emotions of tho sbtilf and demonstrated and defined the most exalted heroism. A desperately wounded infantryman who was laid down on the turf near me. was attended by a faithful brother, who was also dangerously hurt. While the one to help the other was striving, but iu vain, to stop the flow of blood. I overheard the remark- "Joe, we will be beaten to-day-bnt we can whip 'em to-morrow. In less than one hour the Death Angel had relieved them both and they were reposing in their last'km# sleep. They were members of the 77th Illinois. There was a never-to-be-forgotten expression in their..white faces, and they were nobie samples of true American manhood and courage. At about 4:15 the rebels succeeded iu forcing back our left a little, but the crest that Nims occupied was still ours, aud it. seemed that the rebel suc­ cess on our left was to our advantage. For now one guns had a batter range, ami they swept the whole oeutre anil left of the Held of battle. ( To be Continued.) NO. 18* lha pension bureau statistics, and it they are to hold good his resofwioa to urge iu Ids annual message redaction to the extent oi t7.GCIO,OOOt will have to be reconsidered. If not Indefinitely postponed. Some cnrioelty fs^express­ ed as to the way in which the national tarift convention, soon to assemble l» New York, is going tn deal with the situation as thus presented. That movement, it was acknowledged, waa - j largely inspired by a convietloii that the surplus revenues would be-sucli na l*> admit ot heavy reduction of Internal taxe8; bnt ftt Mr. Dudley's figures go far to shatter that conviction, it wiH probably be neccessary for them to re­ vise their position aad take IfMlt,,., soundings. ** "*>>>';: Flogging »wl iu aMeMMr. The War Office has pubii died Ita substitute for flogging, and the per* sons wtlo were attached to that penalty when inflicted on others will probably find much satisfaction iu gludyinfc the component parts of its successor, it consists of Held Imprisonment No„ I and field imprisonment No. 2. It iu»y suffice to describe tfeh? ifnpris!oituM*al No, 1. Under this form of punishmeit* the offending soldier may be kept three months tied up in straps, rope a, hand­ cuffs, fetters, or both hand culls and fet­ ters. Dining that, period lie uiay for twenty-one days, with a day's Interval every three days. be fastened, tn addic­ tion to his other fastenings, tp a "flxeil object," ho that lie cannot inave. for two hourfi a day. While tills Is going: on he may further he dealt with as If he had been an ordinary criminal ai>» der sentence of three months imprison- men t w'itlf hard labor. The ingeniona Torqueinada of the War Office who baa devoted his leisure a-id his gifts to this subject may be congratulated ou tlia skill with which lie lias accumulated horrors on hdrror's bead.--London Mali Gazette., 'A " 1 11 - „ OoT«rBM«Bl PtoMtoaa. • The Hon. W. W. Dudley, Coini*^f sioner of Pensions, transmits a report of the operations of the Pension Office for the fiscal year ending June 30, 188l_ During the year 27,396 new peitsloners- am! 1.H44 whose pensions bad been> dropped were restored, making am aggregate increase of 28.740 pensioner* while 10,714 pensioners were dropped* from the roll,leaving a net increase of *18,028 pensioners, 6r a total tpi the ((sit value o •MHiHtnt paid for peusiout year was 849.723,147.52. «"«*« mm Demands of the Penaloa Roroaa. The agitation for a reduction of tax­ ation, which was -assuming much Im­ portance, not only with the banking and coiiimerciiil classes, but also with a certain school of political economists, has received a sudden check by the statement of Mi. Dudley commissioner of pensions, that congrer«. at its ap­ proaching session, will have to provide for a dcfioieuCi*-of #20,000,000 for urreais ct* pensions for the enneut fiscal, and that the ippropriations for the year to come will not be less tlihn $100,000,000 superadded to which is the call for in­ creased appropriations for the addi­ tional clerical force rendered necessary by tye accumulation of work in the bu­ reau itseif. In other words, Mr. Dudley wants 3120.030,000, aud. as it will take but little figuring to see In what con­ dition the treasury will be when his wants are responded to and the sinking, fnnd provided for. it is begining to dawn upon the minds ot the tax-payers here that alt expectations of a reduc lion uf Internal ilul^e* will have to be po&tponod for the present. The pres­ ident it is uu ierstood, stauds ajjast at " Another Rook Bjr Jadge Tourgee~ , |n his Preface to "A Royal Gende­ nial i" Uie an i liot 5,-iys: "The trtiitWe' is that the Northern man has made »|> a South for himself, aud, without any hesitation, criticises any departac* from the original of Ids own itnagia.**- tiou as untrue to life. After 1 went South, the contrast between these pre- not.ions and what I saw of the lift* around me. impressed me keenly, ami soon became a subject of engroasing ln^- terest. **I saw. or thought I saw, that the CotuciouH evils of slavery--the cruel lash, the impossible task, ani} what­ ever of opportunity for malice the sys­ tem gave vise to--had been dlsprop#**. tiouately dwelt upon by the anti-shw- cry writers of the North. At the sant* time, the uncwiHciou* eviiaol the sy*» ;em--those which warped the bratn aud heart of the master as well aa dwarfed the soul of the slave--ha«t been allowed to drop out of *ight. I noticed too that these uucouscimia evils were the very ones that had tell their marks upon character, and that every one who had been submitted to their influences was mora, or scarred by the in--especially tbe ter rase; and that these Influeitaaa were a part of slavery which could aot be 'abolished.' M This nook was written because Ita incidents, iu effect, had passed before my eyes witn such vividness that I* could not but write; it m a picture qf facte. Farther, it doe* not go aor lead. "A Fool's Errand and the Invlsabfea Empire" depicts the experience of % Northern Settler in the Southern Stales during "the period of Rftfie* Mruction. '"Bricks Without Straw"* pictures the conditions and difficultlaa under which the Freed man is trying to st niggle up from darkness into light. And now, "A Royal Gentleman" pa**- trays, in a novel and graphic manner, five characteristic elements, never he* fore so clearly analyzed ami treated* namely--the Southern view of the Rebellion; the ;iutocratic slaveholder, standing at ihe top of the social »calo; the poor white, then lying at the bos* torn, hut now fast climbing to ths higher levels; the typical .voting South­ erner before, during and since the war. together with Ms relations--personal*" social and lejai--with »he typieal slave girl of beamy, intelligence and subsequent refinement, whose ebartto* ami virtues are alike laiit*ed by the taint and iudistieguMiabie trace «»f shive lilootl in her veins. It is a pie* turesqne. vivid and pos^lonate storyt" and i here <s that in It wbieli Trill al- tract the mo,t cultivated aud laatl.U ions., * % ' It is siid that Judges T«wgae*shwelea reachcti. within a year, the i'hohimhw sale of 330.000 copies, t :e n»«st rapt<l sale in the history of book publishing. His host ol' readeia will, we predict. H:id 'A Hoyai GetUfoiH'tn" the isimI powerful ami entertaining «»f tho series. The hook is brilliantly Utu*~ t r a t e d . P r i c c . * 2 . 0 0 . W h « - t t w r e U no agent for the work it ^ili be seal, post-paid, ou receii>t id price. As it is to he M>ld by suliscripiiou, only, bonk agents should make a note ol' it. K«r pari iculars, a<ldre>s, V\ fcsi\>X VkVUmHff* 318 Mate St.. Cliicag»>. I if. .v-' - '- SHAWLS. A very fine assortment of aM wool shawls, tor which we are the exdiksiw agents Iu NcHenry. O«»od and #f ty'all and see theiu at Colby Bros* a '1 ftp://ftP.NItY

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