Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Nov 1881, p. 4

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ffiffwy ftifofciler. W151>!f*«DAY, NOV. < . . , r - r v " z %. * - • ~r- nvi vr ?:«"••: »:i,* 1>< - l i - f : - FOE St, Rend at the Gathering in ITonor Grandpa, Beck ley's 93 <i Birthday. TO MR. BKCKUV; AflRD NIHBTY.TBIUtB. Wr've gathered Here, from Iferaad «t»ar, Business is Boomin <*% • urn*- A. loving, happy h»nr|, To all rejoice you're with ns still, And elaap yon by the hand. i *«$; limSMsA Opposite Martin's .W> McHenry, J W *mmm TANSLYKB, Editor. The Bridge Question* V* the <7lilcssro Legal New*. we find the following, which I* * parallel caw to our Bridge question, and wlilch tvlll 1m !»eiw*<l with interest by our read­ er*. In Iroquois county tlnw wae * bridge to be built, where It waa clearly the duty of the county, under the law, to pay one-half, but a« In thi* sotnty a majority of the Snpervifok opposed it and refused to comply witm the law.-- 8ult wm brought and carrlsd. to the ftnpretne Court, and below re give the decision of Judge Dickey \ glwn on the 10th ln»t: M--67.--The Pmple ex ret, Commi*» tfamer* qf Jfu?hwa$*, An., m. the Board of Snpervimrs of Iroqitoi* Co. (' pinion bff Dickey, .fudge, reverting and remanding.) Fifed fit Ottawa. Jfovetnber 10.1881. 1. Rrtooks--Appropriation ty COMn" ijy <o aid in continuation of,--Where the eommlssipners of highways of a town have defrrmlnert that the construction of a hriilge across any stream in their town In a public highway. U necessary, and that the cost of the same la too great a burden to be reasonably borne by the town, and apply to the eonnty board for an appropriation for one- half the cost of its construction, the commissioners having provided for the other half of the necessary expenses, the county hoard Is required by law to make rhe desired appropriation from the eonnty treasury. In snch a case the county board have no discretion to refuse the aid sought. A pi>ea1 from the Appellate Court for the Second District; heard In that Court on writ of error t© the Circuit Court of Iroquois Connty; the Hon. Franklin Blades, Judge, presiding. Vow the question naturally arises will the Board of Supervisor* of this eonnty. In the face of this decision, see the error of their way. or will they continue to show their stubbornness by feeing lawyers at the county's expense? We shall wait and see, 19*The trial of the assassin Guiteau la still In progress, and will undoubt­ edly last several days yet. His attempt to play Insane-ln court has proved a miserable failure and the prospect now Is, that should he escape the budet of Some avenger until his trial is closed, be will pay the penalty of his act on the gallows. 19*An attempt was made to shoot the assasstn, Giiltaau. on Saturday last while he was beittgr takeu from the court room to the jail. Two shots were •red through the prison van, one making a slight scratch on the prison­ ers arm. The prisoner was terribly frightened and cringed to the bottom of the van howling plteoutly. like a cewar.lly brute that be Is. While, as «e have said before, we hope he will be fairly tried and fairly hung, we •feonld have sited no tear bad the bullet HH Saturdav found his oowardly heart. £gp»Tlie editor of the St. Charles ' Chronicle says of Logan: "The Gener­ al looks as if the tare* of legislation «rt1«l not seriously disturb his digestion «r Ids political equanimity. The years tftoce the war rest lightly upon him. to-day. could the boys who follow- I him at Vicksburg and Atlanta, see astride his old blade horse, wear- t«g the livery of Uncle Sam. with flow­ ing bair and heavy mustaciie, they SHrfd cheer 'JU in lb* heave day* *f o!4, , wbmttie "light of battle shone In their b«M, and the heavens shook wtth the •sunder of the artillery. I'KAVKR. Kihtor PF.AtWDKAi.ER:--PERMIT me to thank my friend H. for his ktud ami exhaustive notioe of my short article on prayer. I wish to call his attention to t Kings, 2d Chapter, where Elijah "made a proposition to the people, that the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal should sacrifice and pray to their god. and he would sacrifice and pray to his God. and the one that an­ swered by fire should be the God. And the people said,*"1^1# well." So the prophets of Baal made their sacrifice and prayed all day and they cried aloud and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets until the blood gushed out upon them, and thus went the day until the hour of the evening sacrifice, when Elijah called the people to come near, lie re­ paired the altar of the Lord, laid the wood In order, laid the bullock on the wood, and to make sure had It sat­ urated with wat^r, and then prayedf and the SSth verse gives us the answer: "Then the lire of the Lord fell and consumed the sacrifice, and the wood and the stone* and the dust and licked up the water that was In the trench and the people s aid the Lord He Is God. • •, • , The second «na*«r to praytr to which your attention l« called may be found In John, 11th chapter, where Lazarus was raised from the dead. In the 41st verse we read, "Jesus lifted up his eyes and said. 'Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.' " Thu« Lazarus was raised la answer to prayer. Your attention is now calleft to two prayers tIAt the special object prayed for was not granted. Paul in II Corin­ thian*, 11-7--9--"And l«®t I should be exalted above measure t lirongh the abundance of the revelations, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to bnflet me,lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thi ig I besought the Lord thrice that It might depart from mo, and He said unto me, 'My grace is «ufficient for thee.'" The next may be found In Matthew XXyi. Mark XIV, and Luke XXII. From these narratives It is evident that Jesus* as the time drew near dreaded the honr of his cruuiflx* tlon. and in view of it he went into tie garden and prayed three times,an liaur each, that the dreadlul cup might pass. His prayer was not granted, but an angel came from heaven and strength­ ened htm. Thus Paul obtal lied grace to help in time of need, and Jesus, strength to bear the cross. If Paul and Jesus could be denied, especially the Son of God waen he prayed in au agony for his life, why not the people of this couutty when they prayed for the life of their President, and if Paul did not receive the direct answer to his prayer, but obtained grace to help in time of temptation, aud Jesus, though he did not receive his sptelal request, yet obtained strength to bear his cross. May we not expect God has a great blessing for us? I close by saying, Bj^pther H„ that many prayers have Men oflered for you by Hearts, near, dear and true, A few years will decide forever, whether they will be answered in your favor or those that pray receive grace to bear the great trial. Tours truly. Prays*. For ft>nr score years and thirteen* mai% You've dwelt upon the earth, |jj§^ And all of us assembled here, Can pralsa your priceless worth. And now, this Wight October day, (The leaves are red and gold;) We've gathered hero, because, the: Ton're ninety-three years old! J f I see yonr ehPdren by your aide, ^ Yonr children's children, too; And, Glancing 'round this pleasant tmom, Yonr grcftt-grand-chikiren view. Although we know that you, kind Meed, Success in life'have made; " Likt all of us you've had to live, Thiongh sunshine and through at Where<*BW&tm«lth« targ«titoet,«r "The statement that there has rlieen a successful strike finds new eanrftrmatlon In the experience of the ben 'wmlitr* of Cincinnati. Last June •botrt3.400 demanded an increase of )0^sr<emt in their wages. This the •rill•owner* refused to pay, as tlity weretOvoady paving fr per cent more than Hie Pittsburg manufacturers.-- The mew stood out till last week, when (bey votwrned to work at precisely thf» Nm« wages they bad in June. All tluit ImeVien gained is their voluntary WhMieas^tf five months, and a lor* of ljl.R00{6MI1n wages, to say nothing of flie privation and suffering to their iftnillto*. IS* Senator Logan and wlfe^left lilcac* Sunday evening for Wash- igtM. lie Is now undeniably the (host Influential man In the Senate, cer- taH4? among those representing the Ceenral or Western States, and It Is jwre than probable he will be largely f wewlfert. both as to the personnelle ••id poller of the administration. The Jfrent infl'ience Illinois has exercised the government of the United States »ver Mooe Stephen A. Douglas Vcnme a power in the Democratic f>art.v. will not lose anv of its Intensity while John A. Logan sits in the Senate •nd David Davis is presiding officer of flint body. But how the Democracy do extract tutternesss from the portion they have Enabled the Senators from Illinois to »diniui«ter to them.--Aurora Beacon. •W Minnesota has eltaced the stigma %f repudiation which had cast its bale- sful shadow on its escntciion. The Sen- v|it* bv a vote of 30 to ;o. and the House 77 to 29, have accepted the propo­ sition of the bondholders to take half fbe Amount due them, and Mttle their rlalm. If the bmidlioMers are willing |o m*fc« the sacrifice it is their #wn concern t hut we cannot unders;and |iow a proud end prosperous State fhould be willing to allow them to f iake it. if the ^tate receives full value r»r l*s lands. Gov. .PHIsbury deserves the greatest crertft or his efforts to in gluce the Jejrif]nturr to perform thi* act 4lf Justlc. which he says in ills message **hali forever put at rear the haunting jppectte of repudiation, itnd our youug f*Hiin«ouwealth Irrevocably in the sisterhood of bouorable Stitn." Tfce Rsvcmii Comet of the Year. Director Swift, of the Warner As. tronomical Observatory Rochester. X at 11 o'clock P. M. of the 10th Inst, discovered a faint, round, tailless comet iti the constellation Cassfobeia, which has a Right Ascension of I hour 80 min­ utes and a Declination north of 71 de grees with a motion slowly westward. This Is the seventh comet that has been discovered eiuce the first of May last^ four of which meeting the conditions of the fund, have leceived the Warner Prise of 8200 dollars. Prof. Swift pro­ curing tlie first aud last award. Inas­ much as the comet of 1812 is expected In the quarter in which tills one ap­ peared, Prof Swift Is not sure at pres­ ent that the stranger may not be the familiar comet which was discovered by Pons, Iu 1878 Director Swift, at Denver claimed to have discovered an intra Mercurial planet. In May 1882, he will visit Egypt, under the munlfl cent provision of Mr. Warner, to ob­ serve the Total Eclipse, at which time be hopes to verify his intra Mercurial planet discovery. Mr. Warner's gen­ erous patronage of science has given astronomical study a wonderful impulse during the past twelve mouths, and the country is (o be congratulated on having so broad minded a man so "sub­ stantially" devoted to the upbuilding of her intellectual as well as physical interests. Wo cannot help but glance, to day,' Back o'er th«s vanished years-; The long, long years that you have spent, 'Mid happiness and tears. la ftaey. we can aee yon, by Yonr loving mether'a knee, A little houaehold treasure, So merrry, gay and free. And see you starting eg tor school, A roguish, laughing hoy; (There learning faithfully each rule«) All, then, to you \va#Joy! , We see yon working with a will, To make in life success; To maka a liume for her who gate' To you the whiapered "Yes!" 4 Aged twenty-one; we see you Now starting for the West: For your precious darling, You'll build a cosy nest. Still lateronin lite, we aee Yon in a happy home, With loving wife, and children dear, To meet you when you come. Yonr children left are married. (Some The anaels bore away.) Your steps are getting feeble, and Your locks are getting grey. Still, yon are blest..with happiness, Rncces*. and Joy in lif«»; When, alas! Death's Angel comes, And takes your gentle wife. Yonr children ever watch o'eryou, With tender, loving care; The loved ones gone are waiting, Above the "pearly stair." Althonsli your steps are feeble, Ami lorit* as white as snoW, Yonr heart is Just as glad, I ween, As In the yeara ago, Ve hope that yoa'li be with us still. When ono more yoar whirls paat! If not we know that surely you Will dwell among the bleat, CARRIE L. HOWE, NUWDA, III., Oct. 17th, 18*1. ' Thanksgiving Party. There will he Thanksgiving Party M the McHenry House Hall, on Thursday evening. November 24th. The best of music will be in attendance. A good Supper at seasonable rates. Let all come nut a|id have a good time. Pktkr Smith, Proprietor. Spring Grove Mills. I now have my mill In running order and am prepared 'to tip grinding on short notice. Also grind the cob with tlie corn when desired HKNRT J, Datmekt Spring Grove, Nov. 21 st, 1831. O, C. Colby A Co., keep at their Hardware store a fnll stock oj window Glass all regular sizes and will cut to or­ der any size front the smallest to two by three feet. When iu want of Glass bear this in mind. Dry Goods, Hats and Cape, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c.f to be found in Lake county, to which they invite th& attention of the buying public. IN WINTEFL DRESS GOODS. Our stock is complete, and comprises the latest and most desirable patterns in the market, which the ladies should not fail to 'call and examine. Ladies and Chitdrcns Underwear in great variety, A full line of Rubber Boots, Overshoes, &c. Buck Goods in Gloves and Mitts, all sizes. The finest stock of Jewelry in town. Perfumer), all kinds and of the best. |Sgf"Dontt fail to look at our 5 and 10 cent oountera. ? • -•"fa In short we IHtve & 9tore fill ̂ of seasonable Goods of all kinds, which we can and will sell as cheap as any other store in this section. Give us a fair trial and you will be cgnvinced that we sell only goods of excellent quality, at oue price to a?l, and rhat the very Dowejt. discount of five per cent for Cash. W , 8L J- R- WELLS & SON. Wauconda, Ifov, 8th, 1861 COAL STOVE FOK SALE. A second hand Coal Stove, which has been used hut little and Is as good as new. is oftered for sale cheap. Inquire at tiiis office. Purchasers of Dry Goods should not fail to call at Butler & Warner's. Nun da and examine their stock for the Fall and winter trade. No trouble to show £oods. The largest and most complete lot of Knit Under wear ever offered iu tills market, just received direct from manufacturers. Will be sold at bot torn prices. Examine the goods and prices at Colby Bros. ' McHEXRY HOUSE. PETER SMITH, PROPRIETOR. GOOD Board by the rtav or week nt renson I able rates The choicest hraivls o Wines, Liquors and Cigars. «ood Stabling for Horses. A fine Pigeon Hole Table in connection with the House. Give me a cali. PETUR SMITH. Remember the Old Reliable --PLACE TO-- FURNITURE ! AT Two Doors North of Perry & Mar­ tin's, where you will find all grades of Furniture at th6 Lowest Prices. All mv aroods are warranted a» represented. oi all kinds promptly attended to, Jobbing »*'< < • Illtno iflti - - 1 * iik < *f,. * - ^ ft® JACOB BONSLETU, Having opened new Furniture Room- ,in* the store lately occnp fe¥ by Mrs. Searles, opposite Perry & Martin's Store, are now prepared to ofter to the buying public the Finest Stook of Turaitur*, Of all kind*, ever brought .to McHenry County, which they will eel at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. Anything from a common Chair to the finest Parlor Set found at thi" store, and of the best make and finish td h# found in the market. % ST-if"Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to at reasonable rates First-class work guaranteed, We have a large assortment of Burial Cases and Coffins always o« hand and made to order on short notice. Our goods are first-claw, and prices within the reach of all. We invite all our firiends^to give us a call, JACOB BONSLETti McHenry, March 15th, 1861# HEAR YE! HEAR YE! GEORGE W. BESLEY, Dwnst and Apothecary. Whose Store can be found on the west side, has just received a full stock of Goods in bis line, to which he has added the besjt stock of A large assortment of Caskets and Coffins. I also keep Shrouds and Trimmings Af all descriptions. Keep none but first class Goods. My prices^are within the reach of all. Particular attention will be paid in this Department. I invite all my old customers to give me a call. Thanking you for past favors, 1 remain, yours, JOHN B. BLAKE. It having come to the ear* of J. H. NoyeR, tbe leader of the Oneida Community, that be was to be called as a witueM to prove the Insanity of Gui­ teau, the aMauin, he addressed a letter to Mr. Scoville. in the course of which he expressed himself as follows: "I do not believe In liis liwanlty,, and I recol- ect no act or symptom of inxanity in his life while under my observation. I think he was born with a special £en> (us tor mischief, and has had a real inspiration for it all his days; but that la not faying he is insane, unless we also call natural genius and inspiration for good tilings, such as invention, music, etc., insanity. I understand insanity to be unsoundness--difease of the brain; and I do not think Guiteau lias that, any more than bears and lions have It. With these views and the memory of my sore experience with your client, I am afraid I should have to testify strongly against yonr main plea, and perhaps should be the means of sending him to she gallows." oft i,weak->u.sinef»/ ened by tbe strain of your duties avoid • t i i m i l a i i t N & n < l u s e Nop Bitters. If y<m are jounu dlccrctioii or dl»8ipal rled or Mngle, old o poor health or ltuieuld nets, rely on H O | Whoever you are, whenever you feci that your »y»t«iu needx I'lraimini.', ton-1 ins or Ktimulaliiij;, without (nlor,c.tti l»l:o Hop B i t t e rs . Have yon dy-peptia, kidney or urinary com-plaint, (liseanc of the itomach, bnwelf, bl f i t you i man of let- tfirgtoUtiii;oreriiil_ nitrht won;, to rcs- > In nip nerve ̂ n<i I waste, use Mop B. Iiufferine from any 1n- |tion : if you are mar- young, mi If e ring froiu ur oil a bed of sick- TtterSs Tlumnandu die an­ nually from some of.KI«lneif • disease that uilglit have been prevented i by a timely uae of HopBltters liver or rrca t Y o u w i l l b e cared If you uae Hop Bitters Ifyouore«'m- ply weak and low*»)lriteil, t ry i t i I t m a y s a v e y o u r I Ife. It hns saved hun> d reels. HOP NEVER FAIL o. i. o. li an absolute and irreftlhta- ble cure for drunkennem, use of opium, t o b a c c o , o r narcotics. Roldhydrusr tristn. Send for Cireular. i«i> Brrras • F*« CO., IwkNtw, B. T. A Toronto, Out. Ever brought to McHenry couuty, among which can tie found the Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp, and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description, which will be sold at prices that dafy competition. Call aud see them before purchasing. ' Physicians Prescri^tjiQ^mB Carefully Compounded. Give meaCalt. " / G. W. BESLEY. McHenry, IU, Oct. 10th, 1881, CLOTHING. We now hive the largest line of Children's. Boys', Youths' and Men's Clothing ever shown In McHenry, which will be sold at prices to nnlt the times. Colby Bro?. Acn.vrsi AGF.TTSI J0"X li. COUGH'S bran' new Wl;, entitled SUNLIGHTAND SHADOW Is the chaw: «fier.-d to ^ots. Its Scene* are drawn Ironi l.<ii brigiU auci t.ucs o£ j>orii*ayeU as only John B. Goiigh can port»?i7_them. Tlji* Rnnd!:--rrmn/or tfufirst Unit jnbiiiiunl--is (1:: '•Looir.iug" book >.>rc~ -nis, !» outselling all -r, ttH t/> our. the for.y-ihlrX the/Handi%V.o\V'\A | rc*',-:. !:s ii.-in'-nio sa.J has been tuadeeni ir>'y by aet . v; enrahooth'rbock com­ pares wi.h it lor qi..v.k ;i:K1 | rctiinis. Ve are •tArtinz more arciu , iiry than ever lKrn-\ sr^ b-- ^-•ve the sa'.e of th". i took v. i!l rath O-t* lluudrtd Ttioitiixnd Cefies in the ne.rt/j:o wotiks. S "*• rnore »t ci tto this pand b(»k to tlie thousands w'n ar? wsritiiv; fur H. Remember the Bale is ct'y t--'<tcrtnncnes>-ff. T!icboo!t W* ent..cly n. w, and cf t't* i --riiory is ttotv char. Agents, it (To is your time tf v:ike titanrv, Z 1 at tlie •ame r:rctila: ? a thoroi*"'h' v f . as hoc1!. K > elusive Turrirory ondvi '^S ormsf:"en. $ pur l;>r-y:rcs:'_ri coatau.'-wt full mtin^n. A.-Mrcn A.0. NEiTLET0N6C04 27N.C!trkSttwh;«at;..t,.i. BOOT AND SHOES. "We have just received an immense Stock lor the Fall and "Winter trade, and qan show you the finest line of these goods ever brought to McHenry County, Remem­ ber we buy and sell for cash, buy our goods at bottom prices, can and will give you such great bargains that it will pay you to come from any part of the county to trade with us, no matter how great the distance. We keep a full line of the Selz celebrated custom made goods constantly on hand, both fine and coarse, for men, women and children. W. H DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111. &TJ INcHenry NO WONDER < J. W. Cristy, Is Selling More BOOTS and GO TO E. Lawlus, And get a fine Suit, as he has the finest and the largest Stock of Clothing at Oh leu go Pri­ ces. He also keeps Foreign and Domestic Oloths. which he will make to order st the K. LAWLUS. lowest prices. bn -DKALER8 IN- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Have lo their Warehouse a full t tock of PLOWS, Of all the best make an4 patterns, which they nre selling as low as • good article rac be bought anywhere. PUMPS! PUMPS! Both Iron and Wood, all slses and prices. A few good Top Rnggtea always on haod, and Cutters and Sleighs in their te&tMm, Oali when iu want of any of the above. E. M. OWEN & SON. XcHexbt, Nov. 7th, WL Than any other houne in Mc­ Henry county. He has n better article for less money. But not content with that he has opened the largest and finest stock c-f SLOWS tad HITTIHS, Mens and Boy* HATS and CAPS, In the greatest variety of styles probably ever seen under one roof in McHenry county. And the strangest and most pleasing part of toe story ie that these goods are being sold at LESS PRICES than before the lute advance. The public are in­ vestigating the fact and find it pays them. TO Mill And J If you are intending to lay in a winter's supply of Feed, now is your time to buy k Please make me an offer on one or more cars and I will meet it if possible. Orders and correspondence by mail will receive prompt atten­ tion. YOURS TRULY, J. H. BAGLEY, Woodstock, Illinois, 1" t%X

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