Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Nov 1881, p. 5

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4 i .., •"»- ' • * • "*r*" '•% :% ! ""' '* *" '" ' mSs1 - ' . i •» J* . ! , kt *%"• ^"C. s. ^ "'V.| «* ««••>*•' • «^, " -A <M* -MT WEDNESDAY, SOf. Railroad Time Table. r»i»IN*Q SOlTTtt. &i»«eva VU;e r«s«<en*er.. . . 7:25 A. * fi«n«vn r.-»*o Kxpro«w «_-« Ben-sva Lake Fr-iiht -l ->« P. * U11V. TIRTII, e,n«<'4 T.a*e Freirtil: •VS"' k. M O waT,^ Kxnv«M 1 : !i5 r; ,M B6H-VH bake PRMcnrer.. *:!W B. ?ir»«, A»(>nt. McHojirv, Til THE finest assortment. of Skates in the cnnntv. at O. C. Colby A Oo's. All styles and size*. JUST RECEIVED at Mrs ^EARL Ŝ. A full stock of Ladies. Mie«e« and Children? Cloak*. Call and see them. [S MlTlI A SntdER, of this place. / bought and shln>e'fl ov^r «12 .000 worth / of Tlosrs for the ten days closing «n VT^im-sdav of last wppk. THR Sociable of the M. H. Chnr'-h will he held at Mrs. F, TC; Oranger's on Thursday afternooh. Dec. 8tli. All are Invited. "EVERT lady should take her IAWPITV to O. W. Owen's, where hv the HMV process. It is made to look a® good as new. ilpnftt fail to call. THE Ladies MisMonnrv Roeietv 'and- gathering1 . of Rinjjwood,' will m«»et at Mrs. A. Vaspv's at. from two o'clock to five, next Saturday afternoon December 3d. AT a meeting of the Town BOARD^ held on Monday last, the 2Sth, Tsaac ITarsh was appointed Commissioner of Highways, to fill the vaeancv caused by the resignation of Martin Welsh. COLHY BROS. pnt into their store on Saturday last, a new safe. weighing three thousand Ave hundred pounds. It is OIIP of the latest pattern, and is supposed to hp burglar and fire proof. TnK Ladies Church Aid Society of Ringwood. will meet, at thp TTou««; Mrs. Isaac Harsh. 2} miles North west of the village. on Thursday next. MRS. VTM. LANOHAM Secrctsry. PKK.SONAL& A. A. MARTIX, of ihe firm of Perry & Martin, arrived homo last week, after a stay of several months among the mine* of Colorado. SMITII SKARLES. who has been In the fair West the past year, arrive»1 home on Saturday evening last. He looks as though "roughing It" agreed with him L. FRAXCISCO, formerly of this vil­ lage, now of Iowa, is spending a few days in this village. PAI'L BROWS and C. A. Knight and wife spent Thanksgiving with the fam­ ily of L>r. II. T. Brown. JUIIX MCOMIIER and Will Knight and wife, of Chicago, eat Turkey with Mrs. McOmberon Thanksgiving. COOKSO* WRIGHT, with Marshal Field & Co.. Chicago, spent Suuilay with his parents in this village. MR. AND MRS. A. S. WRIGHT, of Woodstock. took dinner with the family of O. W. Owen on Sunday. MRS. .TAMES WALSH has been quite tick for the past, ten days with chills and fever, but i» now reported as much better. Dr.O.J. Howard is in attendance. ' WHEN thinking of enjoying an even­ ing with a basket ol Hickory Nuts. reinemb»r and call In and take a look at the tine assortment of Nut Crackers, aflO. C. Colby <fc C«'s. >focR merchants are putting in an nn j CJ ljjg ou r oicizens should not tail to ex usual supply of Holiday Goods this season, and purchasers should not fail to call and examine them before pur­ chasing. Next, week our advertising THE next Sociable for the benefit ot the Cemetery will be held at the resi­ dence of Mr. O. \V. Oweiv.on Thursday evening. Dec. 1*1. The fallowing pro­ gramme will he presented: Instrumental Music--Miss Eloise Waite. Select Reading--*Miss Belle Stod­ dard. Vocal Duet--Mrs. Wa'sh and Mrs. Bishop. * Duet--Mis. C. P. Waite and Miss Grace Owen. Solo--S. D. Baldwin, Instrumental Music--Miss Mary L. Owen * Select. Reading--Mr*. .7. I . Story. MRS. GEO. BKCKWITII, l ias takt n the Agency and is now canvassing this town for a hook entitled "Among the Poets." ' which contains a choice selec­ tion of the best poems by the bc«t authors, with an introduction by A. A. Smith, A. M.. President of the North- Western College, Naperville. 111. We have examined this work, and have no hesitation in pronouncing it one of the best, of the kind published, and a hook which should he on the table of every family in the laud. It is only sold by subscription, and when Mrs. Beckwith amine it . couple?1 A\ exchange truthfully says: , 4lf there is a greater farce than the prac­ tice of sending missionaries from America to "pagan" lands, while our own country is literally steeped in crime of every dve we are greatly mis- de­ nying people at home where true char­ ity begins, at lea«t until we can show a cleaner record among our own "heathen" First. , O! Christian, carry out the command of your great Founder irtid extract the "beam" after which it may be consistent, to look after the short-comings of the follow­ ers of lluddh:' . and Confucius. If this tiling ;joe« on we shall be in fa* or of missionaries from Hong Kong and Benares for the Unite 1 States." THE follow n1g is u recipe for making a live tow:i: 1. Sell your building lots a<- reasonable prices. 2. If you ctn •ifiord to do so, donate a building lot for some large bu«i>ie«s enterprise, ami thereby enhance the value ot town property. 3. Induce business men to locate lu your own town. 4. Patronize the business men of your own town. Always sum up vour expenses when you visit pi ace j: outside of your own town to buy goods. fi. Sneak well of worthy public enterprises. 7. If any­ thing should he undertaken that may he of henelit to the town, do not speak ill of it to other' because yon happen t. . be prejudiced against it . 8 Speak we'l to strangers of your town and people. '-K If vou have surplus money. d«i 11ot invst it in far of) speculations, but give vour-elf and town the benefit of it by e-tahlishiiig some profitable faciory. 10. Knconrage^ your newspapers by subscribing for. adver­ tising in :in I paying for them. columns will tell some thing In relat ion to this branch of trade. f^LAKK ha« decided to open busi­ ness again a t Ringwood. and wil l lm- j t a k e i ) W ( . ,„ . s t k , , , . p n ( | r s o l f ine«liateiy commence the erection of a IIPW shop atthatpljltid* ' s °"p "llii ITl'St VVAi'l.nifMi'mi ilie county, and among his old friends and customers js sn'-e to get a liberal patronage K Thanksgiving Party at River­ side Hall, was attended by about thirty and was a very pleasant The next, Party at this popular Hall will be the N"\v Tear's Party, which will be held on Monday evening. January 2 1. tickets iof which will he issued In A few d:iv s . A NI5W puzzle Is to find the letter UM" three times in the legal tend r silver dollar. It not nufrerpiently oc­ curs that the puzzle ie to lind the dol­ lar to make the r-xaminat ion on. We find ourselves In just about that shat>e at present. Won't some delinq-ient subscriber pay up and aid us thus far i» solving it? -O.'ffe Co. Democrat. TilK Dramatic Societ v are progress­ ing finely with their rehearsal*, and from present appearances will bring out the Drama of the "Bankers Dangli- ter.or the Streets of New York," in a manner not to be exe.-Mod -by anv Amateur SoeiPty in the country. dates now,,have been definitely fixed for December 15th ami 10th. The <'lub are putting In new Scenery. Costume- etc.. especially for thl*» plav. TtlK Geneva Lake Hc.r'Ud says • •" The Northwestern Railway Co. are survey­ ing and laying out a-track frrvu Cnry on the Wisconsin division to Mcllenry oil the Galena division of its road In order to shorten the distance and t 'nie between Chicago and Lake fie-ncva.--- When the track is finished it will not be necessary to run into Crystal Lake and back out again." Thi« is news to us at this end of the route, but still if oiay be so. TnK following bit of Information is valuable: The crackling of glue, which frequently occurs when glued obb-cts become very dry or are exposed to the heat of a stove, it i« said. mav t> prevented bv the addition of chlorid of calcium to th<* glue, which prevents lis drying so completely as to le-come brittle. Glue thus t r*-ated will adhere t o gla«s, metals, etc.. and ran be em­ ployed for affixing labels to bottles. ANT person reading this notice who can give information that will lind Courtney Carbaugh. a little boy that left home on the 2'2d of Or'nlcr and lias not since been heard of. w!il re lieve a grief stricken fa1 her and moth­ er. and will be re warded for all trou'il". He is 12 years obi. lias dark eyes and hair, and the thumb of ' l ie left hand o f t a t t h e f i r s t j o i n t . W a s d r 1 i i a dark suit of good clothes when lie left. Telegraph •!. II. Carbaugh. Shannon. Illinois. BuorHKR BoiKS. of -the <\ca nore Republican is responsible for the fol­ lowing, and we must say it beats any fish story we. ever heard on Fox Lake ; "A farmer livln? west of Aurora. named Bolster, has a duck that is a llalf-bi ee.J -- a cro»s between a tame and a wild duck. ! 'hi> duck h-aves UoNt,.r"- place onee a year and if 'W> n«>»-tli wish the rest <<f i he AIH diupis, : .ud then returns to the {arm a^.iin with i ' .roo.l of young ducks that -al! Iter motlirr. This has bee;< r.»;>:*:U-Ml now ij.- . j;ir «easons, fc-ayb a local excliangc.M \Vr.DDIN(i BKI .LS. HAERTEU--AT TJJE residenw of the bride's parents, r. -av KinsrwoiMl, Mc.Ifonry Co., I ' ' . , N'>vemlH»r l^St. by Klder \V. Collins. W r. William 11. TIKXIKIS, of ^Ictlonry, AI.J Hilcy A. Cirin-olby, of uia^woo*!, 111. hi# %vort ' . iy couple were the recip­ ients of many vahiable presents: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, father and' mcflher of the groom, fifty dollar greenback; MrC and Mrs. Grfmoiby, father'and-mother of the brido, three teu dollar gold pieces. a«d a beautiful bed spread; groom to bride a beautiful gold neck chain. Mr. T. C. Grimolhy. silver castor with cut glass bottles; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griinolby, silver pickle castor. Master Hen Pearl Grim- olby. silver pickle tongs; C.eo. E Grimo^by. set silver knives and forks; Lovina E. (irimolby, glass water pitcher; Mr. and Mrs.* .I. Thomas, s<;t silver spoo::s: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thom­ as, bracket lamp ; Mr. Warren Thomas, silver castor; Miss Emma L. Thomas, set silver spoons, and beautiful Bo- hemiaii Glass toilet set; Mr., and Mrs. J. Draper, bed spread; Miss Georgie Draper, pair silver vase.-; Mr. Frank B. ; Thomas, silver sugar spoon ; Miss Dora Thomas, salt cellar; Master Clarence Draper, glass pickle dish; Miss Flor­ ence Guptill. pair damask towels; Mi^s Sophia .M. Gable, set silver teaspoons; Miss Frances Crabtrce, pair, damask towels. After a presentation of these tokens of friendship to the young couple..they, with their many friends repaired to the dining room where they all par­ took of a bountiful repast. They took the early train for Chicago the next morning. May the faces of the fair couple ever beam with such delight, in traveling through life's journey, as they did on the day of their nuptials. As will be seen by a notice else­ where. the Annual Meeting of the Mrllenry Comity Agricultural Board for the election of officers for the com­ ing year, will be held at llie Court llonse, in Woodstock, on Monday, next, at one o'clock p. M . NOW this is a meeting which everyone, who is in­ terested in the success of the Agricul­ tural Society should .vttend. It is poor policy to stay away from the meeting and then find fault with Us action. Attend ami help elect men for officers who have the interest of the Society at heart. And right here we cannot refrain Irom mentioning the two most efficient officers for the past year, viz.: A. S. Wright, Secretary, and W. T. Palmer, Superintendent. They were eminently the "right men in the right place." and to them the Society is indebted for the Giand Ex­ hibition presented to the public last Fall. At no time In the history of the Society has a Secretary done so much hard work and with such good results as that performed by Mr. Wright, and the Society owes him a debt of grat­ itude that words cannot repay. For the good ot the society, Mr. Wright and Mr. Paliucr should be re-elected at the Annual Meeting on Mond*y-nesK We know it is a thankless task for them but the -ocioty cannot nfiord to dispense witli their valuable services and advice at this time. NUKDA. J5PITOR P L ATX I) R \ I.F.RA. Finch was out from Chicago this week ne­ gotiating for the side of his property. Thanksgiving was generally ob­ served hereabout*. Several of our towns people "ate turkey" away from home. Nettie Befrklev at her uncle's in Beloit, J. A. Sheldon and wife at Barrington. Jo^n Nelson aud family at Ringwood. Floyd Covalt and family have been visiting at Aurora for the past week. The Calkins house on Railroad street is occupied by a lady who ha« opened a ladies' furnishing establishment. Win. StOlair was home over Sundaj\ He has a Job in Chicago ami is doing well. . The Odd. Fellows liaye taken per­ manent measures to organize here and a good lodge maybe looked fojptf^ Geo. Dickinson lias a new safe in his store which weighs 1.400 pounds. George is making a success of the drug business in this place. I.illie NeNon, of Chicago, Is visiting in this vicinity. Ws are glad to see Mr. MoClellan. ' of Kenosha, as teacher of the Holcoufb school. Kiclimoiid Department. " • L 4""1 OOXTRlBrTBDBTS. F. BBNKlftT. The many friends of C. G. Cotflng will he glad to learn that he Is fast re­ covering from bis late severe Illness. We are sorry to announce that Cha«. Seaton has lost his littlp child. It was sick for some time, ami was under the care of Dr. Kidder. The remains were burled in the Richmond cemetery. Holiday Goods by the wagon loud continue to arrive at Alexander & Hyde's. The variety is great and r.mges from a penny toy to SMI elegant silver dinner set. The approximate cost of the Skinkle bridge is 8>f»78. divided as follows: S|>nn. f t at «*.'».-» per mono, r iots at 7.00 per eorHl. . . . . . l .at:nr ' . Ceiiiert , U bl>t« at 1.70 nor Imrret . sand and, ap| iroachet . St 00 IS 00 90 <0 . 30 00 _ 1W7S ,V- Thankegiving Day vfrm^very gener­ ally observed in Richmond. SerV*tces were,held at the M. E. Church, where Rev. Mr. Clark preachcd an able and interesting sermon. Family and i neighborly dinner parties were nnmer- The celebrated ̂ Broadhead Dress , ^.\t our house" a family party of Goods, at Butler & Warner's, Vunda ' -These Goods liaye no superior in the market. After next Sunday the M. E. Sunday School meets at 10 o'clock, A. M , A bad change, we think, for the Di scifles Sunday School meets at that hour. G. E Dickenson ate turkey with Ills ma at Barring ton. Literary at the Lake this week Fri­ day evening. Miss Mansfield was home to spend Thanksgiving with her parents. At Dickinson's ^ Drug Store, on December 8th. will be opened one of the largest stock of Holiday Goods ever brought to Numla. Call and see them. Frank McDonald was home, to eat turkey under the paternal roof. Those given to the art of skating have had abundant chance to satisfy their desires for the school house pot*) bus beeen in excellent condition. Ilorse distemper is quite prevalent in this vicinity^ fully o:ie-haif being affected. Purchasers of Dry Good* should not fail to call at Hurler & Warner's. Nun- da ami examine their stock for the Fall and winter trade. No trouble to show goods. A~CAK:» We, the utidersigned, wish I It this public manner to return thanks to our neighbors and friends, for their kind­ ness and aid during the severe ill- FROZEN TO DEATH. The man frozen to death last week failed to get a suit of our Underwear. Th« largest, stocki*» tlie county. VVe oiler this weeK 109.) Pieces ra iding Irom 36 cents to best all wool good*. The above sta'ement that the man froze to d**alti was a mistake. The weather changed just in time, :i!id he was seen on Monday at Perry & Mar­ tin's. buying his underwear, prepara­ tory tor the next cold. snap. It is a faot that they l^ive better goods in tiiis linn at lower prices than any oth­ er store hi thi? section. UNDERWEAR Fur men, women and children. A whole cart-load for sale and prices way below the average. Come in and take a look at the Ladies - Vests now offered at fifty cents. We claim it to be a genuine bargain. fr 'IT7.8IMMOS8 A EVAKSOX. thirty took dinner, artd in the evening the little-folks filled the bouse in hon­ or of. Master Robert. Taken all,in all the events.of the day were "a glorious victory." . In the hurry of making up the locals last week we inadvertently neglected to mention the wedding of Joseph Osmond and Ida Sherman, which hap­ py event took place at the residence of the bride's fatlter. on Wednesday, Nov. 16tli, the Rev. Mr. Clark officiating.-- After the ceremony the newly wedded started on a short trip to Chicago and elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. Osmond have grown up fromchlldhood In Richmond and have a very wide circle of friends who wish them a prosperous and hap­ py journey through life. Various parties are having fun now- a-davs in fishing on Twin Lakes. The ice is thin and clear as crystal, so MIP fish ran easily be seen in shallow water The fishermen pursue them on skates. The fish soon become bewildered (the boys say tliey tire out) ami stop, run­ ning'Ihetr beads under a bunch of weeds or into the mud. when a hide is chopped through the ire and they are taken out. Three lads caught 16 large pickerel and bass on Saturday, and another party secured 60 pounds, which were put on sale at Martin's market. of The largest and most complete lot of Knit Under wear ever offered in this market, just received direct from manufacturers^ Will be sold at bot- to n prices. Examine the goods aud pricca at Colby llros. Spring Grove Mills. I now have my mill in running order and »m prepared to do grinding oft short, notice. - Also grind the cob with the corn when desired . IlKNRV J. DAYMBNT. • Spring Grove, Nov. 21st, 1881. ATTENTION LADIES. It is a well known fact that yon can find the largest and latest assortment, of Dres> Goods and Trimmings at our place. We have "slicked up" on pur­ pose lor you and offer yon this week the largest line of Newport Flannels. Shoodahs, (Ja>hineres, Silks and Satins. I.aces and Passementeries, Jet and Steel Ornaments, and a ca«c "chuck fill!" of the latest "hits" it) Buttons.-- Call and look at our sto^k. I 'KUltV A MAItTlN. Business Notices. Underwear % sped ally, from «n !»• latrt ' t wr»p to a g«tii '* wH *1 ferwy A Martin's. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic re»tei«s« tht appetite. . The Moll IMS tfulfcy Flow at * Owen's. Fishing Tackle of all Kind* at if Engelu's, In Howe's new Bridge. Block, uear. ttaf The Furst & Bradley Sulkjr Plow 0 E. M. Owen's. Buckeye Force Pumps* 1. Owen's. ; All the Urst-clas* Plow* mi Owen's. m.W Examine the 5 and 10 cent counters at J. R. Wells & Son's, Waueonda. A full Pne of Buck Gloves and Mitt* at J. K. Wells & Son's. Waueonda. The largest assortment of Bit* Goods and Trimmings in town at Perry & Martin's. The finest line of Silver ati ' l Plato*! Ware to be found In the eoonty, at 0» W. Owen's. A fine lot of Ready-Made Dressea anil full Suits just received at Mrs. H. B. Nichols1 Millinery Store. Mcllenry. German School Books, and English and German Mass Books. »t M. En- geln's Howe's Block, uear the bridge. . GOLD F1SII, Fish Globes, and Food for Fish at M. Engelu's in Howe's Block, near tfco bridge. THE LATEST. We have a large Invoice of those celebrated "Broadhead" Dress Gooda in the latest »tyles. Everybody should see them before buying. HTBVBKS ft Scmroaa. Worsted goods at 19 cents, same a* Is usually sold for 25 cents. Look lu at Fitzsimmons & Evansorf**. breaks. dock o.i having llist- s| |( iu>er "Lotus' 1 iv evening u out ten days left F'i\ ' L l!i arrived in at fi o.clock. On the ISt h <> at 3 o'clock I* . H. and at the Nipp"r-ink encounterd a be ivy g ib- which blew her on t«> a s.utd'bank, hi^'i and dry. so much so that after the ...s.r.M+n subsided her water mark siool four inches out of water. Alter pelting up a good sup­ ply of ropes and tackle, diggi ng from under her. let ting Wii'rr out of boiler, throwing overboard about two tons of s":i nd bill last (which sh: ' has carried during the p:i«t seasou) she was got ofl on Momlay afternoon, but the Pista;pift Lake being already frozen over, it was dee in*. <| too lat:* in the day to attempt a trip to Mcllenry. During the week ( 'apt. Hill fought bard with the wind and lc<* to get his boat through. He did not leave her until 1'hursday morning when he came down for a re­ inforcement of men. and on Sunday at sin Io ,vu he had the pleasure of seeing in - r in "i»t»u water «»• «*<* more. It was necess.-iry to cut a channel through a good part of Pl-ia-pii Lake sixteen feet wide, the Ice being from four to live iiic!ie« thick. Before leaving the N i ppersink the hull of the "Lotus" w is covered with rough boards and lias received no dam ige whatever. Till", annual meeting of the Mcllenry Comity Agr' society will be held at the Court House In Woodstock on the first Monday (-»110 of December uexr. at one o'clock l\ M.. for the pur- po.-e ot choosing ollioers for the coming ye-<r. and ior the transaction of such other as may com.' before the lllee I i i . ' . CHETNWOOO. EOITOK I ' l .AixitKAl.M!In our com­ munication oi last week we made men­ tion that steps would be taken during the past week to ascertain what could he done towards'.lie organization of a singing class. It h i* been decided to call a meeting to r.iiiv.Mie at Da-iley's llall over the Post OUice on Saturday evening of this week, December Mil, for the purpose of making such arrange, nients as are then HIUI there thought advisable to perfect such an organiza­ tion. All who feel an interest in this matter are invited to be present. Bring with you any or ail the singing books yon have, as there will undoubt­ edly be some one present to ' take charge of u lew e .xnrci*es in singing, alter the close of business matters. Mrs. McGI aughliu aud daughter. Jessie, ure intending to upend the winter in Iowa with a sister of the former. They leave on Thursday of the present week. A little tip-over and a slight run­ away occurred MI Sunday afternoon last, at the church on the hill. Mr. Orie Ilovve. and a Mr. Town, in leaving the church grounds, marie a short turn ami Mr !Iow»"s spirited' young horse was a little foo epiick for them. Los­ ing their balance they were thrown out, the buggy overturned and the tliilh broken. The horse became de­ tached from the buggy, and ran a short distance back to the sheds. Geo. Wcsterman made his parents It seems that the friends or ex Postmaster J. V. Aldrieh, have not yet given upho(n*s of getting him re-ap- ness in our family. May the jfiver of | | > 0int«Ml. On Monday the following petition wa< started among the pat-all good remember tliem. in a like man tier, should ever (Occasion require, -is our heartfelt wish. DAVID NAM.. fs K. V. LLAW. # Ringwooil, Nov. 24tit 1**1. ' • -«iw."t!iinM» ip i >» ---•»«« HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. A House and two Lotij are ottered for sale in the village of, Wnncmidii situated opposite the Catholh; Church. There is a good barn on the premises Cherry and Pencil 'I 'rees and other sr.uilf fruit. Time will he given on part of the purchase ntonry if desired. For pariculars inquire of IC. Ul RIlARD. Hiirbian Bros, hest lead with smokers, when you smoke. arp taking the ' Ask for tliei* CLOTHING. Wr> now h i . r the largest line of Children's. Boys'. .Tilths' and Men's Clothing ever shown Midleurv. which will be sold at prices*to si!*: £hc times. Cof.»Y Bituf. Buffalo Robes, Gout Robes, and llorsu Blankets at Perry «.t Martin's. AUCTION* The undersigned, will sell at Public Auction, at the Depot, in the village of Saturday. Dec. 3d. 1 SSI commencing at one oYlock P. M., the following: A quantity of Dry Goods, Notions, Tinware and Glassware. PKTKK 11 AKKESS . F. K. GBANGKR, Aiu'doncei. rons of the office for signature, with what result we have not at this writing learned: "To the. First J.mstant Po«tmanlgr ITfiUfiFal.• TheTmdersigiied. patrons of the Post Office at Richmond. Mcllenry ! county. Illinois, would respect fully ask i that \VP desire the appointment of i .James V. Aldrieh ns Postmaster at ' that place. lie was Postmaster for ! four years prior to la«t May. when lie i wns removed and D. A. Potter appoint­ ed. We believe that his removal was an error which should be corrected r that 'had all the people been consulted the preponderance would have l»pen shown to be very largely averse to Ids removal and to ihe appointment of Mr. Potter. We therefore ask that the ap­ pointment be reconsidered and that Mr. Aldrieh mar he re-appointed." Mr. Potter was notified of the inten­ tion of Mr. Aldrich's friends and a copy of the petition furnished him, which of "ciM.'.wP was no more than fair, and would sef-fl*'^.indicate that Mr. Ald­ rich's friends t ' .^n't, intend to take any underhanded course?** * Fifteen percent Is easily saved by buying your Overcoats and Ulsteretts any time tills winter at Perry & Mar­ tin's. CORN COttK CORN is IS is KING. KING. KING STEVENS & SCHNORR. Offer the following Premiums for the best Five Ears of Corn. Ihe test to he its weight after being hung up for 30 days, so as to have plenty of time to dry out. First Premium.--One Goat Lap Robe or a 91'J • Shawl, as tlie person inay choose. Second Premium.--One Pair Otter Gloves, worth 85. or one Dress Pattern, as the person may choose. Premiums to be awarded January 1st 1S82. All persons who compete for Premiums must have their Corn at our stor« on or before December l?t, In order to comply with conditions. STKVKNS A SOHSOltR. A great variety of Nubias, Scarfs. Hoods sml all kieds of Knit 3iH>ds. Largest stock of Zephyrs and Yarns in town. Furs and Warm Goods gener­ ally at Perry & Martin's. PARTICULAR NOTICE. As the firm of Guiding & Brooks will change on or about December 1st, all knowing themselves indebted to said firm, or either of them, are reqsested to call and settle tfie same before Decem­ ber 1st., as our books must be balanced at that date. GOI.D1NO ft ILROOKS. WaucoiuU, Nov. 1st,-MM. CORSETS! CORSETS! CORSETS! Dr. Warners latest, the '•Corraliiie." The best 81 Corset made, ut Perry A Martin's. The Coraline Corset never For sale at Perry & Martin's. The Anest line of Dress Goods In this market can be found at Stenin & Schnorr's. Hams. Rhonlders. Bacon, Salt Pork Lard aud Corned Beef, at liowftn^l Market, near the Depot. s WHY DO YOU COUGH When one bos of Besley's Troches will cure you? Store oppoaste Parker House. New Prints, latest pattern*, at prices from Ave cents a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block "OVERCOATS, as cheap a* at any store in the country, at Butler A Warner's Nuiida. THE BEST THING For a cough is Besley's Troches. Try a box. Store opposite the Parkar House. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols for Ladles, Ready Made Underwear. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols' store, one door north of Perry A Martin's, for anything in Millinery or Ladles* fw> nishlng Goods. Perry & Martin keep the largest stock of Cloaks and Dolmans ia town. AUCTION SALE. 11 undersigned will sell at Public Auction, oil iiis farm. 2 miles South of the village of Mcllenry, o i l 'Thursday, Dec. 1st, 1881. commencing at II o'clock A. M., the following property: 1 span work horses. 1 span 3 year old geldings Weighing 2750 pounds. 1 span 2 year old geldings, weight 23'X) pounds, 1 two year old colt, 1 brood mare. 1 work hor-e. 1 span mules, 11 choice cows, 1 yearling bull. 3 two year old steers, IfiO choice, sheep, mostly ewes, which will \ every step they have taken The late decision of the SulTtY.'ff^ I Court in regard to county aid to towns in building bridges, would aeem to set ' ai rest the question as to the liability I of Mcllenry county, and the duty of ' the Board of Supervisors, in regard to | the Burton, Mcllenry and Solon bridges The requirements of the law are per- j fectly plain, if plain English can be un- I derstood, and it is surprising that the : Board of Superviso-s refused tr> do : their duly, thus leaving the interested towns no resource except to go into ! the courts to secure justice. In the ' face of the decision of tlie Supreme Court, it would not «eem possible that the Hoard will longer hesitate to com- ! ply with tin law. The Highway Com- ' missionei's of tlie Township of Ricli- j inond ha ire been very careful to have in regard be sold in lots to suit purchasers, 1 1 Berkshire boar, 20 s 'noates, 1 crib of and friends a short visit the past week, j g, ) 0 (j ( orii, 1 lumber wagon. 1 spring HP has lately entered into partner­ ship with his brother-in-law at Logans- port. 2nil. , iii the manufacture of paper. Fred Dailey starts this week for Detroit to engage MI work for his lirotiier Elvin. who is extensively en­ gaged in the manufacture of various kinds of ielJies and canned fruits. wagon, I buegv, 1 set bob sleighs, 1 cutter. 3 set double harness, 1 planter, 1 seeder, 1 roller. 1 reaper aud mower, 2 --nlky cult ivator. 1 sulky hay rake, 1 to the Solon bridge legal, and we pre­ sume the commissioners of the other townshirs have been equally careful. In order to com.pfete the Solon bridge it is necessary for the 'Township of Richmond to borrow 31700.00, and the following notice of an election to vote sulky plow, 2 d r a g s . 2 plows. Ijudver- : on the proposition is posted: Watches, Clocks, Silverware, A N D J E W E L R Y , Just. received at the new Jewelry Store . Mcl lenry . a t ine and wel l s e ­ lected s tock which we oiler to tiie pub- lical bottom prices and all goods war­ ranted as represented. Orders filled for any goixls i i our line not in stock, on short notice. Those wanting goods for Holiday preese.ics shouid make ear ly selections, for goods are scarce and many almost impossible to get. Repairing in all its branches neatly done aud warranted. Give us a c.ill and satisly yourself that we utean what we say. V s. w ki 'iiit . sec. 'The tell pe:- ceil ' , di-e.mut on over- coils hi Ki ' /si ' i iminis Evanson's. will < i . , . t all during mouth ol De- Comber. The couts are going. JOHJH P.SMITH, W. I t . SMITH. Xovcir ber 29, 1SS1. W. R. Smith will canvass as usual. IMPORTED SLIPPERS. Everyone should «ee the lulported Slippers, now on exhibition at Stevcils i!t .Scliiiorr 's. 'These Slippers are im­ ported troiii Bavaria, by M. Selz, of tlie firm of Selz A Co., Chicago, and are the first ol thc . se kind ol goods that have ever been "Imported. If you want a Black Dolman, a Light I D <l;ua.j, a Che.ip DoJtuim, or a Goi>d ' Dolman, call at Perry & Martin's. i i / .er , 1 stone boat . I coin sheller , one j hay rack, aud other farming utensils too numerous to mention. Also 40 tons choice hay in stack. | I TKKMS OF SAI.K.--All sums of *10 and j ; under ( . 'ash. Oyer that sum a credi I of ' Cue Year will be givu on approved j ! Note- at 7 perceiC interest . Two per j | cent oil for Cash No property to be i removed unti l set t led for. gfcayThis j i sale wil l be absolute/and every art icle | oflered will be s< id to the highest re- j ; sponsible biddrr . Lunch served at j j noon. PATI.LI.K II, Ml'HKAT. | F K, GRAKOKK. Auctioneer. J 'TI»P finest stock of Perfumery in the county, at J. R. Wells i t Son's Waueon­ da. ! F.C. MAYES, ' Merchant Tailor and dealer in Ready Made Clothing, at his old stand near the i»cw bridge. A good assortment"'! of seasonable goods alw ays on hand. I CLOTHING. | My Clothing will always be of the I ne west styles and at the inoit reason-} Hide rates. I Invite au inspection of! my goods at all times Special Town Meeting. II hert-as, the Commissioners of Highways, together with twenty-five freeholders ot the 'Town of Richmond, County of Meileiiry and State of Ill­ inois, "have. in writing, filed in my office a statement that a special town meeting is necessary for the Interest of *aid town, setting forth the object of the meeting; 'The legal voters and electors of siiid 'Town of Richmond are therefore hereby .nolilied that a special town meeting will be held al the Rich­ mond House, on Tuesday, December 13th. A. D., 1881, to commence between the hours ot 8 and fl o'clock in tlie tore- noon, for the purpose follow ing, to-wit To vote by ballot upon the proposition to borrow the sum of seventeen hun­ dred dollars ($170<>) necessary »o com­ plete the bridge over the Nipper«dnk creek where the saiee U Intersected by the highway running south from Solon Mills to Mcllenry and other pla­ ces in Mcllenry county. Being the object contained In said statement tiled in my otfiee. Publi-.icd in co-n- pliance with written order of ^uper- visor W. A. MoConnell. Given tit.iler mv hand at Richmond, this 24LH day of November A. D. 1881. A. IS. AI.WX\SOKR Town iMerk. M us. S. SKAUI.KS has received another targe stock of Mllllnerj, Plushes. Plush Ribbon, Watered Rib- bon.'Tips Birds, and in fact everything desirable in a first class business. Has also received another large stock ot Woaks, Bluck and Light Dolmans, PleaV call and see my stock purchas ing: Remember 1 will sell Trimmed Hats a t cost every baturdsy during the saason. FOR SALE. ' ---•« Poland China Ilogs for sale, inquiry of A. Ames three miles south of Volo^ «fcc before SEWING Machine Needles for ovary machine inadc. can be found at M. geln's, in Howe's Block, near tka bridge. Dolmans, Dolmans. Dolmans, you eat find them at Perry A Martin's, FOR SALK. A commodious residence, at the ner of Madison and Viue Streets, Woodstock. 111., conveniently located 10 business, school aud the various churches. Two lots, well stocked with fruit, both large anil small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and cistern. Terms easy. Apply to ASA *. SMITH. Wuodstock, III Foundation rocks aud Gravel deliv­ ered at convenient dbtanees from my residence. ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock. Ill O, C. Colby A Co, keep at their Hardware store a full stock oj window Glass all regular sizes and will cut to or> der any size from the smallest to two- by three feet. When in want of Qlasa bear Lliis iu mind. Just received.Overcoats for Men a ,i«T , 'g ( , ' f jjj Hoys at F. G. Mayes' Clothing Store.i-tyred the near the new Bridge, cheapest. Cheap as F. G.Mayes says he cannot be under­ sold. IF you want to buy Clothing at Chi­ cago prices, call on E. Lawlus, i u Lan­ sing's Block, Mcllenry. FOR SALE. I ofter for sal« my house and two lots situated in West Mcllenry. Good brick house, consisting of six rooms.-- Good well and cistern, outhouses Ac.-- All In good repair. Good fruit on the premises. Will be sold reasonable.--- Apply on the premises. WM. WALSH. FOR SALE OR RENT, A farm of about three hundred acres to sell or rent. For particulars inquire of Mrs. L. C. Gates. Mcilenrv, 111. OVERCOATS. A full line at Colby Bros. FOR SALE, House and fourteen aerws of land half a mile of town. Inquire .of John J. Flusky. CIIOICK Amber Cane Syrup for sale by the gallon or keg. E. W. WHEBLBR. Ladies ami Ciiildrens Underwear, cheap, at J. R. WelD A Son's Waueon­ da. _ W MCllKNUY, 111., Xov K . w . 2Slh, 1«*1. MAVLS. CUKN WAX TED. nted. 200 Tons of Ear Corn, for vviiiru lite iil^oc-t iU.irk"! pl ' ice M il! be p;iid. F. K. GliANUEU. The Largest Stock Of Millinery and Fancy Goods to he found in the County Is at Mrs. II. H. Nichols' . 1 visited the city again this week ami now invite the attenlion of the L:»dles to the following: Light Cloaks and Doblniaiis, the latest thing out. Ladies ' ami Clnl lien's merino un- ilervvear, Hosiei y, all sizes. Ciiildrens Kuii Jackets and and Hoods, Dress and < :b«ak Tr.iininiii all kinds. Cor*e{», a tine a.sorim. ut ot Masses'sites.Pinnies the largest stock ever lirouijliA. to Mc- lletii \ County. Ai.d iu short we have line of the largest, best selected and most fashionable stock ol Millinery. Fancy Goods, eic.. ever brought to this town, w uicli we are bound to sell at price* wiiliin t l i e reach of all. t>o not purctia.-e until you examine our s' .uck aud learn the prices. Ml*. H. U. N lOttOLS. ONIONS. A car load of very line Oulena, Stevens A Sc.hi 'ottlV--. the best extenr1-- man or beast. The reasot why bccomen an "ope* secret" when we explain (bit "Mustang" penetrates skia, flesh and muscle to the tery bone, removing all disease and soreness, wo other lini- vent does tills, hence none other is aft ttflW ttL M11 ami wee our B 94 aud #5 Orsi^ coats. The largest line in town. OOLBT Baoa*. EXTENSION TABLES. Extension Tables only One Dollar- per foot at John B. Blake's Store. Call and see them. X 111- IIORSES FOR SALK. I have a good road team aud a gpotl farm team for sale. Will sell our or both. Inquire of H. C. MKAD. Hats and Caps, all the latest flylM*. at Butler A Warner's. Nuuda. - WE WANT YOU TO KNOW IT We have cords of Overcoat*. Wo are making prices that sell tlun at sight. 6 STBVEN* * SEASON* WANTED. Krery man and bov that expect! to buy a suit of <-lothes. au Overcoat,.pair of 'Boots or Gloves, i* wanted at our store. STKVKNS A SCHKURS. Revolvers all styles, and Cartrtrigaa to suit, at prices ranging from ttjBO I* |9.00, at O. C. Colby it Co.'s F ENCE POS TS FOR SAl.*. S000 seasoned Burr Oak Feuce Poata for sale, inquire of JOH .V MMUN. Butler ft- Warner, Nnmla. are 0§nr- injf Bargains lu Clothing. Tliey have the Anest st<H*k to Im» fouu l ia tit# county. Their Clothing up­ stairs^ presents a Sue Hue to from. A N K W PUZZLE. When you Itud an Overcoat for SIS that willVouip»,r«* with OIK leading i t coat you will have solved the new prnb> lelU. 8TKV KNS * SCMNOU. Where •& will get them U»r« gOftdi thau 97 will at a credit siorr. Fitisiraiuons Jb Evaii»t.» giving HII extra It) per cvuloSou "

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