Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1881, p. 5

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> j. «*» . ,-,'v .v .'C't. r r-'fv ,v:>- 'SiiVi.: •• *>•» S„ ^luaiedj CP. WEDNESDAY,! DEC. 14. 1881. *0 *= Railroad Time Table. • IFH NO- BOUT*. ikniieH Uka Patenter .. Geneva Luke Exprosi IBeneva Lake Freltcht nnif)*onrn. fc«n«*a Lake Freight ., .tfJeneva Lake Express £caara Lake Pnssencer .....7:« A, u .8:20 " lMttP. M ...9:SS A. M .4:SJP. M #:SS " B-JBrss, ARCnt. McHenry, HI Board of Supervisors, f The Board of Supervisors of MoHen- f-y County will meet at their room^ In the Court House, In Woodstock, on » ^Tuesday, Dec. 90th. The committe to v <iettie with the Treasurer will come on to-* ,*•£. c , •, >.;• - Ifsoday, the 19th. t .. SB", . P. WHTTKET, Clerk. V, • ' THBRR will be a Turkey Shoot at I?,"' - Volo on Saturday of next week, De. L«* -ifcember 24th. . „• " ; E. W. BLOSSOM, the Woodstock Jew- tier will havean** advertisement ^text week. TDHW out and Dramatic Club a morrow evening, repaid, give the McHenry rousing benefit to- You will be well "WHAT is home withous a baby."-- 8o thought E. Carpenter wlien a new " boy baby arrived at hie house on Friday morning last. THK "Bankers Daughter," at River- tide Hall, to-tnovow, (Thursday) evening. No lover of the Drama should fail to attend. TIM and the mule should always be taken by the forelock, never by the fetlock. Remember this, as it will •ave much trouble. IT is noticeable that thin women always talk the fastest. A double chin cannot be wagged with celerity, even by a woman. A WOMAN in Chlcasro has recognized her grown up son by a vaccination mark on the left arm. His only re­ mark was, mother how you scar'd me. M. ENGELN has just received a largo Stock of Holiday Goods, of which he will tell our readers next week. In the mean time call and see him. ?HE new McHenry Orchestra will he fat Riverside Hall to-morrow evening, [to play for the "Bankers Daughter."-- Lo and hear them. . ^The James Ga LIEUT. E. D. THOMAS, of the regular "fifiU/, Was Calling Otl fHfttldii'in til is village, last Thursday. Sorry we were >t at home. J^~0. W. OWEN is fixing up the room in m the Irear of his store for a Studio. 1 where the pictures painted by Miss C. I B. Owen, while In France, will be on Yexhibition in a few days. THE tickets lor the New Year's ; Party at the Riverside House, are out. ^ Monday evening, Jan.2nd, is the day. *fhe Wauconda Orchestra will furnish the music. THE finest Drama ever brought out In this section will be produced at Riverside Hall, to-morrow, Thursday evening. Do not fail to see "Badger." the King Bee of the Hlv«*. THERE will be a Christmas Party at Pingrev's Hotel. Algonquin, on Friday evening of next week, Deo 23d. Music by the Algonquin Orchestra. A good time may be expected. i^THE Road Commissioners of the M Town of McHenry, yrill meet at Jobna­ ff burgh to-morrow, Thursday, to make ff some arrangements in regard to bulld- \lpg the Johnsbiirglt Bridge, THE Riverside "Buss" will run for the Dramaticentertaimnent to morrow evening, and all those who wish to be called for should leave word at the stores of Perry «Jb Martin, and Fitz- simmons A Evanson. IN our Woodstock correspondence of last week, in speaking of the Joe Gar­ rison matter, where it read '"pardoned criminal," it should have read "hard­ ened criminal/' The error was over­ looked in the proof. THE next Sociable of the M. E. Church will be held at the Parsonage, Thursday, Dec. 22d, afternoon and evening. A warm invitation i% ex­ tended to the friends at Rlngwood as well as McHenry. There will be music reading, etc. OWING- to the crowded state of our columns with Holiday advertisements, a large amount of local and other In­ teresting matter is unavoidably crowd­ ed out. As this will last but a couple of weeks we hope our readers will bear with us. A REGULAR Communication of the MeHenry Lodge, No. 15S, A. F. and A. Masons, will be held on Saturday evening of this week, Dec. 17th.-- There will be an elect ion of officers and other Important business. Every member is urgently requested to be present. By order of the W. M. AN exchange says: "One of the significant signs of the times is that tiie hotels are discarding set bowls with running water and are going back so the old fashioned bowls and pitch­ ers. This is a glorious change. Now a man can take the pitcher and hurl water on the head of the man who sings beneath the window. THE next Sociable for the benefit of the Cemetery will be .held at the residence of C. B. Curtis, this Wednes­ day evening, Dec. 14th. The following is the programme for the evening: Instrumental Music Mis.- Grace Owen. Betect Resiling, ...Prof. S. D. Baldwin. Duet Mrs. Martin and Miss Bertha Holiister. Select Reading,........Miss Belle Stoddard- Quartette ...PttjC S. D. Baldwin, Mrs* O. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. 'Walsh* Select Heading,.... Mrs. Julia Story. Instrumental Mimic Mrs. Martin. All are cordially invited. THE Cosmopolitan Art Entertain­ ment is advertised to give an exhibi­ tion at Riverside Hall on Monday ev­ ening next, December 19th. This en­ tertainment consists of life-like pic­ tures which are shown by the aid of the Cosmoseope, and the pictures it produces are natural and beautiful be­ yond conception They have a com­ plete set of Garfield Views, which are said to be beautiful. Remember the time. Monday evening next, at Jliver- side Hall. WEEK before last our regular Wood­ stock Correspondence failed to reach us until after we had gone to press. On inquiry we have learned that it was mailed on Monday, at noon, full two ahdto half hours before mail time. Why it was delayed, we, of course, cannot positively say, but that "there is something rotten In .Den mark" Is evi­ dent. We are not in the habit of find­ ing fault without reason, and all we ask is fair usage by friends and ene­ mies; and this we shall try to get in ,the future in some manner. Only this and nothing more. THR Harvard Independent came ont last week with an eight page Supple­ ment containing a "business History of Harvard, its growth, development," etc. Itwa«an undertaking, to carry through in the able manner in which it has been done, must have cost both time and money, and should be appre­ ciated by the citizens of the place. The present proprietor, N. B. Rurtch, has made the Independent one of the best ^papers In the fourth Congression­ al District, and the business men of Harvard owe it to themselves that they sustain him. New8 Room, just opened by illagher in the store of E. Lawlu*. is now ready to supply the reading public with Daily or Weekly Papers. Mag.a7<iiies1 etc. He has a good flock oil nan<l anil invites the public to call and see him. He will keep all the leading papers and magazines, and will take subscriptions for anything published at the lowest rates. This is I net 11 ii 11 An ]rt;\nr nnAijail Jjom^ we trust, will be liberally patronized by our citiiter.s. Mr. Gallaarher p"0* poses to establish, in connection with this a Ileal Estate and Employment Agency, more particulars of which we will give next week. IN making up his forms the fore­ man of a Montreal paper mixed an artic'.e on Roman Catholic missions in Africa with a recipe for making tomato catsup. As published the article rea is: "The Roman Catholics claim to be making material advances in Africa. Daring the past three years they have obtained a firm foot­ ing in the interior of the continent and have sent forth several mission­ aries in the equatorial regions. They are accustomed to begin their work by buying heathen children and educat­ ing them. The easiest and b^st way to prepare them is to first wipe them with a clean towel; then place them lu dripping-pans and bake them till they are tender. Then you will have no difficulty in rubbing them thro' a sieve, and will save time by not being obliged to cut them in slice* and cook for several hours." SEE II ERE. We will sell vou for the next 15 days 1 do* jrrwvl Silver Plated Table Knives S2.^> 1 <i«z jriKid " " " " .175. , ldoz srood " '* " Spoors... 4 .or> 1 doz B<»O<1 " " Posort Spoors * 45 I do/, iroinl •' " T«NI Spoons... ... 5.J5 1 do/, ijosers tripple plated TaMc Knives 4.25 Good Silver PHted T*>»le Castors with •"> Bottle* 2.75 Also a lot of Bntt<»r Knives. Pickle Forks, and Sugar Spoons very cheap.-- Don't fail to call and exame the above before purchasing elsewhere. ' O. C. COLBY' & CO, Just received this morning Christmas goods. We have got 'em. Our line Includes all of the'latest novelties as well as the every dav stapW. PKIiltV A MARTIN. Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewel­ ry. Silverware. Books and Sewing Ma­ chines during the next 30 days at O. W. Owen's. SCHUMACHER, who has just •I opened a Store in Schnorr's block, near 1 the Depot, has as fine a stock of Fancy I^Goods, and Holiday Gootli ifc' can be found in McHenry County,to which she invites the atten­ tion of the buying public. Mrs. S. is a widow with a large family to support ,and is deserving, as she will no doubt receive, a liberal patronage. When looking for Presents do not fail to give her a call. AT BESl.EY'S Can be found Dressing Cas«»s, Writing Desks. Wax Dolls. Music Boxes, and in short Holiday Presents of all kinds.-- Call and see. We have retselved the following letter, which explains itselr: Headquarters of Santa Clans North Tole, CinUSVMAS, 1AS1, GF.XTLKMKN;--My principal distrib­ uting depot of lill kinds ot Holiday Goods for the season of 1881, will be located in the store of 'STEVENS it SCHNORR, at which place I will arrive on Friday, December Ifitb. with my sleigh loaded down with all kinds of presents for Fal her. Mother, Brother, Sister, and their Uncles, Aunts and Cousins. Please inform all of my friends and request them to be on hand. Some soot has got up my nose and I must close. Yours. SANTA. CLAIS. Woodstock Department* BUTLER & WARNER, At Nunda. are now ready to «how to the public as fine astocK of Goods for the Holiday trade, as was ever seen in this section. It comprises none of the silly trasli n-nally found in sale about these days, hut substantial and useful articles, 'selected with care and bought so that thev can be «»«»)d at reasonable rates. Do not fail to call and see them before purchasing your Christmas 1 re­ sents. HAND SLEDS. We will sell you a nice Sled for 50 cent?. Don't wait until they are nil gone. O. COLBT & Co. 'Buy your wife a new Dress , Shawl or Cluuk at Fitzsiuimous & Evausou's. The attendance to hear Capt. Bourne lecture on "Progress" last Friday evening was good, the andience pro­ nouncing the ' same well worth the price of of admission. "Better lute than never." we be­ lieve to be <an old motto. We had the following written for our last week's communication, but in some manner it was mislaid and did not go in with our other matter as itotherwise would. We refer to the quiet and pleasant wedding in this city, on Wednesday evening, November 30th, 1881, of Miss Inez Dufield to Mr. D. D. Manny, Miss Dufleld being the only daughter of James Dufleld. Esq., of this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A.J. Buel, and was only witnessed by the relatives and a very few near friends of the family. Of the groom we know but little yet hear him spoken ofj in the highest terms by those who are ac­ quainted with him. The bride we have known for many years, and as a young lady of worth in every respect, Miss Inez stood high in the estimation of all who had the pleasure of knowing her, and her friends and acquain­ tances are a host in this city. In fact throughout the county she has been looked up to as one worthy to pattern after, as regards being a good, sensible and accomplished young lady. May her pathway through life with the hustiand of her choice be blessed with peace, prosperity and happiness, is the wish of your correspondent, and we know of many that are with us in wish­ ing the same. We had almost forgot­ ten t'o add that Miss Dufleld is a sister of the publishers of the McHenry County Democrat, We were pleased to see the enter­ prise of the editors of the Harvard Independent in last week's issue of that paper. They certainly did an im­ mense amount of labor and at no little expense either, to present Harvard and it& interests, and It was well done. The paper mentioned is a good one, and its editors deserve the thanks of the people of Harvard and vicinity for their enterprise. A regular drunken fracas took place last Saturday night in front of one Of the saloons, in this city, wherein, Steve Rowley was terribly punished. It has generally hjeeti supposed here until last Saturday, that the jesters that print the plagiarist concern in this city belonged to the F. F. V's., which, we believe; means, according to the latest version, decided by a prom­ inent business man in thiscitv a few days affo, Fleet Footed Virginians- Instead o* this they come to the front as^egular basswood-hain and wooden- nutmeg Yankees, and the way they have of'guessing' to see how uear they could come as to our identity was what gave thetu away. Guess again, young­ sters. You may possibly fetch it with another such an attempt at ,being so shrewd, and hit. perhaps, poor us"; and if you should we cannot for the life of us tell what we shall do, but expect we shall h.n'c to emegrate or be subjected to similar torture that some other fellow must be now undergoing if he has read that terrible onslaught made upon him in your last Saturday's issue. We woidd politely ask the Zanyt that "print the Democrat"' how it might do to give that fellow from here who writes for the Richmond Gazette a rap. "He may not be very well you know," yet we Imagine he might be found to be a pretty lively if not '"a bloody corpse." Just tackle him boys. He has been doing some fair work in the way of advertising you of late, and then give another guess as to who we arc. PERSONALS. J. S. Wheat is home again, and, we believe, to remain until Spring. Mr# IV. has been (Tuilding a railroad up iu Wisconsin. J . J. W, Starr, who is connected with the West Side Street Uailvvay, in Chi­ cago, was at his home in this city for a day or two !ast week. Dr. J. W. Green, of Marengo, was called to council with Dr. A. E. Bald­ win, of this city, in the case of Mrs. Thomas WhitsetffTwho was very sick last week but we understand the lady is much better at this writing. Mrs. A. L, Francis, formerly Miss Agne6 Jones, who is well known here and who resides In Cedar Rapids, Iowa is visiting at her brother's, L. H, Jones, in this city, Mrs. Charles S. Dwlght and family, who have been visiting at W. H. Dwight's, returned home last week. Hon. M. L Joslyn was on the sick list the first part of last week but Is on hand now for what may turn up. J. Van Slyke, of the McHenry PLAIN- PGAI.EK. called upon his many friends here last week Thursday. , We understand that Mr, L. M. Wood- ard, who had a paralytic stroke while at work out in the country a few dayg ago, and was brought home in a very precarious condition, ls1 now much better and hopes are entertained for hie speedy recovery, f Geo. II. Clay son, of Crystal Lake, of clover blossom fame, was in this place last Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Freeman and daughter, late cf Genoa Junction, Wis., are here the guests of Dr. A. K. Baldwin. Mrs. F. is Mrs. Baldwin's mother, and is on her way to CiliforuiB to join her hus­ band, who has been in the golden State about one year. Ed Potter, of Richmond, was seen upon Woodstock's streets one day last ^week. Ira Slocum has returped front Min­ neapolis, Minn., where he went week before last. Mr. N. B. Burtch, editor of the Harv- aid Independent, with his wife, spent Saturday with triends in this city, A W. Young, Esq., of Harvard, was in Woodstock, the latter part of last week. . A. B. Coon and I. R. Curti«, of Ma­ rengo, took in the sights here Thurs­ day oi last week. Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BTS- F. BEXSKTT. Geo. M. Hicks has opened a new bar­ ber shop in the Clunev building. The Methodist sociable at Mr, Hay- thorn's, on Friday night, was, as usual with these gatherings,a pleasant affair. Geo. Reynolds and wife, of Chicago, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. L, Brown a part of last. week. Dr. I«.L. Bennett, of Owatonna, late­ ly called an friends and relatives in Richmond. The supply ©f wood in our market during the past week has been liberal. Made wiser by the experience of last winter, sellers are not waitingfor good road6. but keep their teams on the road drawing such loads as they are able. Landlord Culver cootlnws to make improvements in and about the hotel. The latest to1-be mentioned la a new floor in the office and a new sidewalk on the north and west sides of the house. The sidewalk is brought up to grade, and is a great improvement. Since the departure' of Mr. Abbott, Richmond has been -.without a Jeweler until last week, a gentleman lias open­ ed a shop with Thomas Flsber. He proposes to do good work at reasonable prices and invites the public to give him a trial. The concert given by the Stlliman Concert Company, at the Richmond House, gave very general satisfaction. Mr. Gillette's flute solos were remark­ ably well rendered, and the vocal num­ bers were, well rendered. Should they come this way ngaiu they will be heartily welcomed. Among the many teachers which the public schools of McHenry county have graduated we may mention with pride the success of Miss Llbbie Hendricks, riot yet 18 years of age. The high es­ timation in which she is held In the Tryon District is shown In the fact of her being retained in the school for the winter, after her summer tertu had ended. A consultation of doctors has been held over Mrs. George Purdy, who seems no better of hor cancerous af­ fection after an expensive treatment abroad. Dr. Bennett, of Elgin, was one of the council, The question, whether tooperate with the knife, or not, was decided in the negative. The patient is yet hopeful and has the ut­ most sympathy of many friends, . Louis Burr Goodreii, brenkesman on the Kenosha and Rock ford road was run over and instantly killed on Wednesday. Nov. 7th, while coupling cars. His neck and shoulder and right leg were terribly crushed. Death must have been lifstantnueous. EI* was a son of M. S. Goodsell of Mead's -St&tfott. The w*w» held on Friday and a large concourse of friends followed the remains to the grave. The accident happened at Fox River Station. The display of Holiday Gooda at Alexander A Hyde's dally grows more attractive as Invoice after invoice Is opened and brought to view. From the size of their stock one would judge they Intend to supply half a dozen counties. The thousand fathers, moth­ ers and children who are planning mu­ tual surprises for the merry Christmas will be sure to find something exactly suited to their wants at Messrs Alexan­ der A Hydes. Our personal thanks are hereby gratefully tendered to the kind hearts who anticipated our Christmas by the presentation of an arm chair (seated in which we now write) and an ele­ gant book rack. They are articles that could not have been selected more ap­ propriately to our needs and wishes.-- The Doctor, making his lonely way through rain and mud and darkness, or snow and sloet and ice, his heart heavy with the rcsponsibili ty of the sick, sometimes thinks his lot, of all men 's is hardest, but such tokens of remembrance come like a benediction which lights the way before him and makes the rough ways of his life smoother,. Dr. R. F. Bennett, of Elgin, was treated to a "surprise" by some ot his Richmond friends on his late birthday. The company consisted of Mrs. George Vinton, Mrs. M. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. S# F. Bennett, Miss Hannah Cottlng, Mrs. J. R. Hyde, and John W. Hay thorn, {of Richmond, and Mrs Teresa Wakeman. of Geneva Lake. To add to the Doc­ tor's pleasure his brother. Dr. L. L t Bennett and wife, of Owatonna, Min­ nesota, were most unexpectedly added to the company. Itwas evident that the pleasure of the company was not greater than that of the Dr. and his wife, whose hearts were touched at this token of the kindly rememberance of old friends. Richmond, through afljp of her en­ terprising citizens. l^flPeome inter­ ested in a new bjisfiiess which is calcu­ lated to add to the comfort of humani­ ty. and, we hope,.to the income of the parties interested. luasmueli as a very respectable portion of man's existence is spent in bed, he whose inventive genius or artistic skill can add to the comfort of the nightly couch may be reckoned among the benefactors of the human race. The Excelsior Spring Bed is claimed to excel anything else of the^khrl ever invented. Tiie par­ ties introducing it hpra commenced putting them up at the #hop of Down­ ing & De unison, and their rapid iales soon convinced Mr. Downing the proper bed had been found at last. He therefore bought the right to sell the same in the two counties of McHenry and Lake. Since that time bis rapid sales have demonstrated the fact that the article is just what the people want auJ Messrs. A. R. Alexander, J. R. Hyde and Diifpont'Samson entered in­ to a co-partnership to purchase and operate the right in the whole State of Illinois, with the exception of ten northern counties already sold, Tt Is intended that Messrs. Sainpoon ft Al­ exander will soon take the road to push the business for all it Is worth. Messrs A. S. Wright and L. B. Rice have al«o bought a blo'rk of counties and will soon commence operations. Thus five of our citizens and one Geneva man have entered Into the new enterprise and we hope their success may be equal to their n^ost sanguine expecta­ tions. Richmond has no more pressing need than a good singing master. We have had no singing school In years, and we have a host of children growing up, who are just tho right age to take an elementary course in vocal muiic, and who sadly need the instruction. We don't care for a school for the adults, but our fathers and mothers owe it as a duty to their children that proper in­ structions be furnished for them. We have very many promising voices among our children, and plenty of first rate natural musical ability, and it is a shame to us that it is so neglected,-- Should any one properly qualified to teach children vocal music read this, it means a chance for him. Should he come here for the purpose of starting a school for the children, he will re­ ceive every encouragement, we be­ lieve. , The pupils of the public school will give a literary entertainment at Cul­ ver's Hall on Friday evening preceding Christmas. It will, no an in­ teresting and entertaining exhibition, and we are glad we have a corps of teachers with energy and brains enough to take hold of such things and make them a success. We are proud to say that they are not of that class which alms only to get through the month and draw wages, but real earn­ est workers, who know the dignity and responsibility of their calling, and whose, hearts^are In their work. Because this item is about a railroad Richmond and McHenry "readers need not pass It by, for It is of some inter­ est--if true. The extension described in the excerpt given below would change our Fox River Valley road Into one of the main through routes of the West, with an immense freight and passenger traffic. It 6trikes us that this move of the N. W. enhances the chance for the completion ot thc route commenced from Superior City to Chi­ cago, by the St. Paul company, for by it they could at least divide the busi­ ness which the Northwestern would otherwise be able to monopolize. Our excerpt is from the Chicago Tribune: Proposed Extension of the N. if. to Oconomowoc, IK/#. Special dispatch to the Chicago Tribune. OCONOMOWOC, (Via., NOT. Md. Much interest is manifested over the prospect of a nejw railroad the North­ western Company proposes to extend to this place ir. order to compete wltfc the St. Paul Company, The extension of the Northwestern between Milwau­ kee and Madison runs within eight miles of this place. They propose to run a branch of this extension here, which will give us close connections with Waukesha, and from there run another branch through to Geneva Lake to meet the road there to Chica­ go. This will make a straight line from Chicago to Oconomowoc through Geneva Lake and Waukesha. To those who have traveled the usual way, via Milwaukee, tho advantages of this new proposed route will be plain. It will draw nearly all the traffic from the St. Paul road, because it will make Chica­ go just two hours nearer here than be­ fore. The competition between the roads will reduce the rates on freight. The feasibility of the above describ­ ed route and the truth of the Tribune's comments will become apparent by examining the map of Wisconsin. Business Notices. Underwear a specialty, from to In­ fant's-wrap to a gent's sult ' XI ferry A Martin's. ' ' ' Reed's Gitt Edge Tonic restores the appetite. The Moline Sulky Plow at E. X Owen's. „ Fishing Tackle of all kinds At M Engeln's, in Howe's Block, near the new Bridge. The Furst & Bradley Sulky Plow t E. M. Owen's. Buckeye Force Pumps, at E. M Owen's. Allthe first-class Plows at E. M Owen's. The largest assortment ot Dress Goods and Trimmings In town at Perry & Martin's. Henderson's fine ahoes. TTvery pair warranted at Perry t Martin's.. Ladles and Childrens Underwear, cheap, at J. R. Well? & Son's Waucon­ da. WnRK, thinking of enjoying an even­ ing with a basket of Hickory * Nuts, remember and call in and take a look at the fine assortment of Nut Crackers, at O. C. Col by & Co's.' Keep your hands warm. To do so. call at Perry A Martin's and get a pair of t,h^se Buck gloves. Traveling bags for ladles and gents. Peasonably good assortment and prices right at Fitzslmmons & Evanson's. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. A fine lot of Ready-Made Dresses and full Suits just received at Mrs. H. H. Nichols' Millinery Store, McHenry. German School Books, and English and German Mass Books, at M. En­ geln's Howe's Block, near the bridge. Tell your friends that the place to buy a good dolman cheap at Perry A Martin's. Tne finest-stock of Perfumery In the county, at J. R. Wells & Son's Waucon­ da. NEW YEAR'S DANCE. There will be n New Year's Dance, at the McFIenrJr House, on Monday evening, January 2d, 1883. Music, Kingwood Band. Tickets 60 cents.-- No supper unless called for. PRTKR SMITH, Proprietor. CORN WANTED. Wanted. 200 Tons of Ear Corn, for which the highest market price will be paid. F. K. GKAKGEK. A RUMOR Is afloat that Santa Claus has decid­ ed to make all his purchases in Mc­ Henry. He can get closer prices than in any other town In the county, and that iie has of late spent much of his time at the store of Stevens & Schnorr TEN CENTS. ' Ten cefts a yard buys a nice Dress Pattern at Perry A Martin's. Paper Weight and Ink Well com­ bined. A fine and handsome article.-- At Besley's. We also have a reasonably Urge as­ sortment of good Over Coats ranging iu prices from $2.50 and up. Also a few Cloaks and Dolmans that we de­ sire to CIOSH out at once. Three dol­ lars can easily be saved on an over­ coat if bought of us now. Call In. FlTZSIMMOXS & EVANSON. This weather vou want a pair of those tap-soled Grain Boots. Ev«-ry pair warranted to keep your feet dry, at Perry & Martin's. FOR SALE. A house and five acres of laud in the village of MeHenry. Will be sold rea­ sonable. Inquire of CASPEIC WlKFS. Holiday Goods. In looking around for Christmas presents do not forget to call at Mrs. II. H. Nichols' and see her stock of Novelties, consisting of fancy* combs, silk handkerchiefs, choice perfumery and all the novelties of the season.-- We have in stock about 300 hats and bonnets which jvilH^® sold at cost for the next 20 days. MRS. H. IT. NICHOLS. Holiday goods arriving in great variety at Fitzpimmous & Evanson's. A happy crowd can be seen at our slope everyNlay buying of the mitiy neat and baadsoiue presents oflered there. / SXEVEJ;S & SCHNOKU. OVERCOATS AND ULSTERETTES Wo have the largest stock of Over­ coats and Ulsterettes ever shown In this market. As we wish to reduce stock before our annual Invoice, these goods will be offered till Jan. 1st very cheap. Call and examine them at Colby Bros. UNDERWEAR For men, women and children. A whole cart-load for sale and prices way below the average. Come in and take a look at the Ladies' Vests now offered at fifty cents. We claim It to be a genuine bargain. FlTZStMMOKS A BVAKSOW. The largest and most compiete lot •f Knit Under wear ever offered In this market, just received direct from manufacturers. Will be sold at bot­ tom priced: Examine the goods and prices at Colby Bros. Spring Grove Mills. I now have my mill in running order and am prepared to do grinding on short notice. Also grind the cob with the corii when desired. llKNBT J, DATXBMT. Spring Grove, Nov. 2jst, 1881. Worsted goods at 19 cents, same as is usually sold for 25 cents. Look In at Fitzsiminons & Evanson's. The Coraline Corset never breaas, For sale at Perry A Martin's. The finest line of Dress Goods in this market can be found at Stevens A Schuorr's. Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Salt Pork Lard and Corned Beef, at Howard's Market, near the Depot. Examine the 5 and 10 cent counters at J. R. Wells A Son's, Wauconda.1 A full line of Buck Gloves and Mitts at J. R. Wells A Son's, Wauconda. Fifteen per cent Is easily saved by buying your Overcoats and Ulsteretts any time this winter at Perry A Mar­ tin's. A great variety of Nubias, Scarfs, Hoods and all kinds of Knit Goods. Largest stock of Zephyrs anil Yarns in town. Furs and W arm Goods gener­ ally at Perry A Martin's. FARM FOR RENT The Subrcriher wishes to rent his Farm to some good cash paying custom­ er for a term of years. It is'located a half-mile west of Volo, Lake Co.. 111. J. COMPTON. Volo, Dec- 5th, 1881. HOLIDAY GOODS. A fine assortment of Holiday Goods, useful and ornamental, just received at Colby Bros. CORSETS! CORSETS! We are sole agents for McHenry of Dr. Warner's Corsets--the Coraline and Adjustable Hip. PBRHT A MAMTIM. THAT TEA. The color is good, the flavor right. No poisonous sittings at the bottom of the cup. 4 pounds for 81.00 and good weight at that at Fitzsimmons A Evanson's. FOR CHRISTMAS, Buy your boy one of those nobby Ulsterettes, at Perry & Martin's. Just received.Overcoats for Men and Boysat F.G. Mayes' Clothing Store, tienr the new Bridge. Cheap as the cheapest. F. G.Mayes says he cannot he under­ sold, IF you want to buy Clothing at Chi­ cago prices, call on E. Lawlus, in Lan­ sing's Block, McHenry. FOR SALE. I offer for sale my house and two lots situated in West McHenry. Good brick house, consisting of *ix rooms.-- Good well and cistern, outhouses 4;c.-- All in good repair. Good fruit on the premises. Will be sold reasonahkt^-- Apply on the premises. \ WM. WALSH. OVERCOATS. A full line at Colby Bros, for sale CHOICE Amber (Jane Syrup by the gallon or keg. E. w. WHKKLBB. CLOTHING. We now hive the largest line of Children's, Boys', Youths' and Men'* Clothing ever shown In McHenry, which will be sold at prices to soft the times. COLBT Bitot. New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five ceut* a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Blodc OVERCOATS, as cheap as at any store in the country, at Butler A Warner's Nunda. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols for Ladles, Ready Made Underwear. Call at Mrs. H.' H. Nichols' store, door north of Perry A Martin's, for anything in Millinery or Ladies' Far* nishlug Goods. SEWING Machine Needles for every machine made, can be found at M. En* xeln's, in Howe's Block, near the bridge. Fitzsimmons A Evanson are laiiiaf quite abreese on Overcoats over ll» the west end of town. Look In. All first c'as9 tea drinkers pronounce that tea at Fitzsimmons A Evanson's to be good. Priqe 30 cents for a sii pouud and f LOO buys 4 pounua. Try" Y TEA. - 30 cents M one pound and four pounds for *1.09. at Fitssiramott! & Efauson's. <For Christmas get one of those worsted suits at Perry A Martin's. They cannot be matched in the county. The finest and most complete line of hoods and nubias is now open at FiUt- slmmons A Evanson's. Prices right. That tea, four pounds for 91.00 at Fitzs*mmons A Evanson's Is sald to £• •, a bargain. ^ ~ . . . Call and see our S3 94 and coats. The largest line ih town. COLBT Baoa, EXTENSION TABLES. - Extension Table* only One Dotliar per foot at John B. Blake's Furuitwa Store. Call and see them. Revolvers all styles, and Cartridges to suit, at prices ranging from 91JM> to $9.00, at O. C. Colby A Co.'s FENCE POST3 FOR SALS. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Post* for sale. Inquire of JOHH IXHtAjf. . MRS. S. SEARLKS has reoelved another targe stock of Millinery, Plushes, Plush Ribbon, Watered Rib­ bon, Tips, Birds, and in fact everything desirable in a first class business. Has also received another large stock of cloaks. Black and Light Dolmans, <jfco Please call and see my stock before purchasing. Remember 1 will sell Trimmed Hats at cost every Saturday during the season. ATTENTION LADIES. ^ It is a well known fact that you ean find the largest and latest assortment of Dress Goods and Trimmings at our place. We have "slicked up" on pur­ pose tor you and offer yon this week t the largest line of Newport Flannels. Shoodahs, Cashmeres, Silks and Satins, Laces and Passementeries, Jet and Steel Ornaments, and a caso "chuck i full" of the latest "hits" in Bnttoua.-r ^ Call and look at our stock. ^ PERRY A MARTLM. ; Shaded Hoods, Shaded Nubias, t Shaded Hose*, Shaded Ribbons, ana Shaded Buttons, at Perry & Martin's. , - . , ,, ' •* <1 CHOICE COKFECTIONERY. We have a large stock of the choio* > est Candies manufactured. ^2, STETEKS A SCHTOHIFC. ___ X;. Fancy Hoods at a bargain this week ot Perry A Martiu. YOUR CHOICE. For your Candies call ou Stevens £ Schnorr. ^ •K'j.if.'.. 'r • 1M The Celuloid Autosrraph AlbniS, the finest thing out'at Besley's. v JUST RECEIVED A new line of Dolmans just received at Perry & Martin's. Purchasers of Dry Go^ds should ftot fail to call at Butler A Warner's, Nun- da and examine their stock for the J'y Fall and winter trade. No trouble to show goods. . • , r. HOLIDAY GOOD% . ^ When In search of Christmas prea-• , ents don't forget that we carry a fine f line which will be sold at bottom 1$^ ces. COLBT BROS. The Henderson Boot at Perry A Martin's. F. C. MAYES, Merchant Tailor and dealer In Readjr Made Clothing, at his old stand near the new bridge. A good assortment of seasonable goods always on hand. CLOTHIX0. My Clothing will always be of tho newest styles and at the most reason­ able rates. I invite an inspection my goods at all times. r. O. MATH. McHcxav, iu., Kov. asm, UMI. • . r- '%• k I-Watches, Clocks, Silverware, AND JEWELRY, Just received at the new Jewelry Store, McHenry, a fine and well se­ lected stock which we ofler to the pub­ lic at bottom prices and all $oods war­ ranted as represented. Orders filled for any goods in our line not in stock, on short notice. Thosewantlng good* for Holidav preesents should utake early selections, for goods are scarce and inanv almost impossible to get. Repairing" in all its branches neatly done and warranted.' Give us a call and satisfy yourself that we mefii, what we say. Jomr p. SUITS. W. K. SMITH*/ ;'U , No*«abcr», WBt ft W. R. Smith will canvass as uanaL: Fit/Simmons A Evansou are gfvfngf an extra 10 pt»r cent off on Overcoats. O, O. Cclby A Co.. keep at their Hardware store a fn!l stock oi window Gla^s all regular sizes }ii;d wiii cut to or- j d*:r a*:y Mit; from tl.*- smallest to two j by three teet. When in waat of Glass I bear this in mind, NEW STORE AT VOLO! h , . H. O. Leighton. Hag opened the otd bmi-iinjf, at Veto, nud fitted it with a guwl sto«* «C Family grocers**, Cavtnftd GoocfSt C&HDlin. WUT9, CrrOARS, TOBACCO, ne. T« whirl) he invite* THE aiuiutwm "f thf »>HV. in« public, coiia tuiii lUat t>« ylww tfcrta both in quality of ami prtec* Keens also a (uoit Una of C1.0TUIII3 AH|» f!W FrllM-fl JSi; iOOU-. tfMth will s.Utl H9 cHea)t as at other outre tfc« re,:i»y. vdfxjiwv iu« .•> *all v *. B.Q. V«l», December l%b, WS1 t - . /L ,-AaL' ..

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