Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1881, p. 1

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t •wliXXrtm.i-': Tf" *»*' »i. " * -v.-it K ¥T-f" CARDS. V Pl.dged but to Truth, to Liberty am || No Favors Win us and no Feat Shall Awe." M'HENRY, ILLINO 5DNESDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1881. „Pnb! abed Kvory WidiwUr by J. V^V>' SLYKE, BDITO: ,vND PtJBLHHSR. Office In Old CI. Block, 4 {. r OrrotiTB u vbmidk Hocsb.--ii?s " # 7. : TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. thM Year (in Advance) .....>..(1.80 If Jfot Paid withinThreo Months,... C^S Subscriptions received for tlirao or*» ttonths in the sumo proportion. , BUSINESS CARDS. AO six , «•.*< •s*r».. ' < ' s. H. T.BUOWX,M.l>. DHTSICIAN AXD STJRGKONT. OfBce over I the Post Office, opposite Porry & Martin's Store up S iiivs, Mcllenry, 111. ' O. H. FKGKR3, V, I>- IWtMOtAN WD HUU»iEOS, Johnabnrgh, I Ills.--0®ee hours 8 to 10, a. k. O. J.HWAniT M tt.* nWTSIOIAS A?fD SCRBEON. I nr reside&ce, opposite. It. S KcHonry. 111. S#'~' ' r. E- V. ANDERSON. M. !>., PHY5ICIAX ant Surgeon. **»mce at Besley's Dm'.* Store, Opposite Parker Bmit, MeHehry, Illinois. i t -, CARL CARLS. SALOON and Board in? Hoti»$, III. Pleasant Rooms for Hun torn ami Fshermcn. Ice for the use of Hunter#.-- • Choice brands of Wines and Liquors always on band. Call ami see me. >' * - s r- ^ # ; ... >v |v,. .?• PRATT HOUSE. J A. PRATT, Proprietor. First olas« ao-commodntions. Good Barn in connection Waiiconda, 111. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, MeHenry, III. Or-decs solicited. Shop, H Old MeHenry, In Relter Block, two doors, west; of PU'»- OBALBROffice. , : RICHARD COMPTOKt * JUSTICE of tlie Peacean 1 Conveyancer,-- Wiliattend promptly to the collection «f iebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. B. B. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract ot Titles to land in M Henrv County, Illinois. Office with bounty ( lerk, Woodstock, III. E. M. OWES. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and Terms favorable. Mclfeury S. 8. COLBT. MCHENRY, MeHenry Co., III. Bl eedor of Spanish Merino sheep, Berkt hire and Poland China 5 wine. .V choice lot *f young Bunk stock for sale. Pleaseeall and examine "loforo buying elsewhere. <• _ j ALLEN WALSII,^ ALOOV and Restaurs fit. the Parker House, MeHenry, JQl fghpirst class Billiard and Pool Tables. PKTBR LEICKEM. REP.V1RS Watches,Clocks.and Jewclrv o ill kinds. Also Repairs violins in thebes1 joesihle manner, on sh:>rt notice and at rea- iaasltle rates. Also Violins for »sle. Shop •ratdoorSorthof Riverside Block, MeHenry ii. * _i J. A. SHERWOOD^ AUCTIONE ER AND AFFUAIS^B, Algonquin, III. *i \LRS of Stock, farming Tools and i#0«4* ?>' of all kinds promptly uttended to. tales a specialty. Terms reasonable >atce:«ddress A\tC"n(|iiin III Farm Post W. H. 3ANFORD, Mereliaut Tailor In the store of C. H. Dickinson, East side of ?fSj|icSquar l«»^. DSTOCK, ILL. A *ood Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al* «ays on hand. Suits made to order and a fit rjirranted- Give me a call. W. H.SAKFOfcP. Woodstock III.,Sept. 87th. 1875. Scott & Co 0 'Hatters to the Great Northwest. H9S. 135 and 137 Madison St. NEAR CLARK ST. mve a l*r*er stoek and greater variety «»f styles for you to choose from, than can be found in any other estibliahmcnt in Chicago Dr the We*t". It will uay you to call and see them. Pricei the the land for good goods. BRANCH STORES, 8. E. Cor. Clark & Lake sts & & E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison 8ts.f CHICAGO, ILL M A R C U S ' ^GERMAN • Manufactured by P. MARCUS, : --DEALER IN-- TORE WINES, tlOUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock III. i best Tonic in the world. .Put up in . .i^ srl (|uurt ltottles. F.MARCUS P.Ulllt--. iff* A. B. BALDW1M, M. D. "DHTSICIAJJ AKD SURG BON. Office and I residcncs at tho old Severs pace* on > Clay 9t., Wowlst-ick, III. Prompt attention given to professional calls at all honrs. C. S. GRBBB. yETEBTNARt 8 U KG BOW. Klchnond JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNKV at I,aw and Solicitor in Chan, eery. Will practice in State and in fed eral Conrt.s. Office, 3d Floor. New Onstohn. House, Chicago SlDN iir DISBROW, NOTARY PITBLICand Conveyancer. 4«n. 111. DR. C. K. WILLIAMS. DEN TUT. Rflstdenm Dnndee. Will be at Wanronda the Wth aid SSth of each month When dlatos nrcnr Saturday ®r Snn. dav I make mr visits the following Monday- Al«o at Algonquin, every Tuesday. Office at Hoto^ llcHENRT HOUSE. PKTER SMITH. PROPRIETOR. flOD Board by 'he day or week at reason. K able rates The choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Good Stabling for Horses. A fine Pi / on Hols Table In connection With tbfe House. Give me a call. PETER SMITH. * JOSEPH N. FREUND. SALOON AND RB9TAURANT BonslStt's old Aland, opposite Bishop's Mill, Me­ Henry, III. The c lolcest Wines, Liquors and tngars to l>e found in the county. Fresh Ovaters In their season sorve<t up In any (haft desired or tor sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ANTONY KNGEI'N, SALOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand MeHenry, III.--The choicest Kentucki .Whiskies, sour Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc. Always on hand. We tony none h«t the beat ami sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oyster, in their season. 4 Richmond House» •' ^ RtCHKIQUPj ILL? C. K. CULVER, ~ - Proprietor. flAVT?TO . . House, I have pnt it in with new f« respectful'v eltng pnUic ways be 'K;. •rcnth recently ^tirchatert the abore "it it in thorough rei»sir, throughor.t, and would the patronage ot the trav thers. The tables will al- .. provided wlth*the kst that can be prooarM, and polite and attentive waiters will M la readiness at al! t ime* to attend to th« wants of guests. No p'uns will be t|*rpl to make this a First Class House. Large and rowiodjou* barns on the prcmiees. Free OntntlMs to and from all trains. Maniple Roocnaon flrst floor. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker nml J«>w«ler NO. 187 RANDOLPH STREET, '(Briggs House,) Chicago, III. Special attention pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. 49*A Fnli Assortment of Goods In his line. F. J. CROSS, D E 2 T T X S T . MeHenry, III. Full Plates made of -the beat material and fully warranted, 9S.OO. Fiiling?one-hffilf usual rate*. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. free of char a arge where serted bv him. All Work fully warranted. Pure Mftrous Olid* Ott always < and for tne painless extrsetTon of teeth. TAKE NOTICE. ALL ye that are in want of Tubs In any form, from one bushel to 560; if yon want a Tnbmade to a bung-hole, bring it along. I will also take buildings to bnltd and furnish, «»r otherwise Just as we ;an agree, shop work of all kinds done to order on short t,C\ F. A. HEBARD. i; McHENRY.MLU i'; -r'f AT VOLOl hten. building, at Yol«|' stock ot Has opened the o 1U and filed it Family TQBAOVO. KTO attention of the buy. t he can ptease them and price. Keeps also a good of CLOTHING AND GOODS, which will he y osher store in the call i'O. LEIGH lt>X. I. OCLRIES, ueil qail NO. 23, Soldiero* Department, CONDUCTED BY DR. 3. F. BENNETT. ' Rod Rirer Campaign.' HE. wmtlTMAN, Proprietor. First • class rips, with or without drivers, fiunlshed at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds dune on short notice. Guns vers, Gun Material of alt description.-- Thefinestand liest I'onket Cutlerv, ill warrsnted.-- The Inest lUisrs, warranted tor two years. Bar Iters Soap, Caps, Brush cut. Straps, Eye Glasses, spectacle Eye Protectors for Run or Snow. We also keep a full line ot Fishing Tackle, Minitow Scins, Hammocks, and in fact everything pertaining to Fishing and Hunting, can lie found at iny Store at reasonable Prices. Violins. Aeordeons, Ploalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, ana ail other extras far Violihs. Mv stocks of TINWARE Is eomptetfc. Call ami examine it. I guarantee Prices that defy all competition. M. ENGELN. STORE IN HOWE'S BLOCK, NEAR THE BRIDGB. E. M. Owen & Son --DEALERS IX- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Have In their Warehouse a full stoek of . PLOWS. Of all the best make and patterns, which they are setting ss low as a good article cac be bought anywhere. PUMPS! PUMPS! Both Inn and Wood, all slses and prices. A. WENDELL, pnsmtABD jopsa T MeHenry, III. > Will take contracts fur putting up Biilhifitgs and guarantee mv work will compare with any man in the State. I e«ti and will <lo work from 15 to 2t, per cent cheaper than other carpenter*, as I have two of my boyn who work with me. which milcea It poMible for me to do so. All Joba In the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give ine avail. Xi. Bonslett. Near the Depot, McHCNRY - • • ILLINOIS. Keens couNtantly nji hand the llnest brands of Klour and Keel of all kinds, which ho will sell at Wholesale or Retell at Bottom Prices. Five different brand8 of Fiour always on hand and warranted as represented. WFIour delivered any where in the Cor­ poration. Orders mav iie given by Postal Card, Box 107, Post Office. GIVE ME A CALL. L. BOHSLETT. MeHenry, March 8th, 1881. WAUCONDA Agricultural Warehouse. A few good Top Bngxtes always on hand, and Cutters and Sleighs in tlieir season, Call when in want of any of the above. E.M. OWEN & SON. McHkkbt, Nov. 7th 1881. Administratrix Sale* PUBLIC Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order ot sale, made by the Prolate Court of McHenrv county, State of Illinois, on the 18th dav of October 18*1, in a proceeding therein for the gale of ^eat estate to pav delits, wherein the undersigned Isa- lu'lla C. Morlfcv as adininislmtrix of the es­ tate of William Morlev. deceased, was peti­ tioner ami R C. Jefferson, J, 1B. Perry, A. A. Martin Mary Itrewster, Thomas Morlev, Sia""ic (Jutherie, Sarah Willord, kVin Morlev Charlotte Hubbard, Snsan BurUin, Fmnk Morlev, Richard Moiley. Leaver Morley Laura' Morley, Caddie Morley and James Morlev were >'efendantH, the undersigne«l netitioner as aforesaid, will sell at public vendue to the liiuhcst and best bidder, foi one half cash and tne balance on twelve months' credit to be soenred by good personal tecuvHv and a mortgage on the pi emi.e*rfold, on Friday, the toth day of Jannarv, 188S at two o'clock in the afternoon, on the uremia. M in said conntv of MeHenry, the following descri be 1 real estate, in said order mention- and described, and situated m said county State to-wit: The South part of the ed and "Northwest Quarter oWection *rSSlty^r,,lf fthin fortv-roiiv North, Kaiif® Mine *»*•* ,,r the Si P M . containing sixty aeres: also the ?cro* iHeb sale of said pro^rtywUl ' 'L i„ ^rrl-i.f it C. Jefferson for the sum of about One Thousand and Thirty -five Dollars, including principal Moai.RT. Administrati* of Est Bourne A ftillmorttBfl GWJ.% • ti tioner's Solicitors. Would rospeolfnlly inform the Farmers oi Luke county, that he has opened an Agricul­ tural Warehouse, on Mill Street, in the yit. lage of Wanconda, where tie will keep Atiill CCLTURAL MACIIINKHV of all kinds, oi thd liest quality and make, and soil it to the formers at as low figures as any other House Jn the State. In Mowers A Reapers I shall keep the MeOonaiek, and^Buckeye. of Can ton, Ohio, which we consider the best Ihtlie market. Shall aliy) keep in stock the Leader Hake,, of Ithica, N. V., the Tompkins County Ini proved Self-Adjustable Cultivator, and a gen eral assortment oi all; kiuds of machiuery nsed on a farm. Call and see mv stock before purchasing elsewhere and be eonvinoed that I mean business. R C HILL. Wauconda, May M, 188L , CAHDIEfl. ITOT8, to which he Invite mg public, confident both in quality of G \ go OKNTS' Fl'RXHlt il>l as cheni> as a1 »nnty. n^Give Volo, Docember 7t ONE DOOR SO' OFFICE, Is now pre; public a tine lino of FANCY Sxtracts, all kinds, Wooden Ware, etc^ at tiie Of THE POST > to offer thn kuylag Smery, Fanny Soaps, lity and Loweat Liiing Prices THE REST STO **TlONER Tho choicest Brands always <m hand. When in want of an me a call and I yrill pi' ity'Ce.,,. MoHBNiir. Nov, Pth, OF CONFEC- IN TOWN. Cigars and Tohaceo, ing in my lin^ give eyoulwth Ml <juai- L. STODDARD. I. Tho undersigned. Perry ft Martin's Church, is now pre pa the line of Itlacksinltl on short netiee, and With the hest off m workmen. We are prepa and Wagons to order o terms and warrantias EiiaMlt his Shop "North of near the Brick .o do anything in or Wagou Making, ten satisfaction. I and flrst.elasli to get up Buggies " moat reasonable ntnd. LETTER NO. 11. Several dajra were consumed l« »hort yet tiresome marches, en route to Grant! E Core. The romance and the inspiration. Incentives, foatered by strenuous opposition and a noble cause, \vas gone. The landscape and the forest was old to its. Hera was the place where a flattery lately meted out its missile* o.* death. Ah, yes, and along this ridge brave men are buried. Yonder the blazoned pines and the seared brush tells the story of eombnt. Near the road to the left, tome forty hones are rotting. Hands and feet of veterans that fell here are occasionally Men protruding from shallow and hastily; made graves, and now and then a corpse that was over­ looked when t lie others were but led, rests above the sod. The sickening stench discloses Its lowly bed; we swerve aside and move on. Farther on Is a spiked gian, dismounted, old muskets and shot guns are scattered about, and there. In a hollow, are sev­ eral bloody blankets, a few canteens, and one demolished saddle. Another Jialf mile and wo are / treading the .ground wherein, our Brigade drove 'the rebs from a strong position. Here are fresh and new made graves. Our own bnlve boys are resting here. Right here they went down tu the loud roar of conflict. At my feet rests the body of a faithful friend, and a hundred feet distant a whole platoon is buried. Bravo men--iieroes, whose cheeks had not blanched nor eyes quailed amidst a fearful shower of bullets, now wiped the trickling t«ar from sunburned faces. Few Indeed were the words that were spoken. Truer heart* never beat than those which throbbed beneath those ragged blue coats. Hark, a few shots are fired a little to our left. Our flankers return tho Are. One flanker and two or tiiree horses fall. A com­ pany of bushwhackers are prowling near. In five minutes there was not a sight. We add one more the roadside, and awake. The following night we rest­ ed in tiie mud under a cloudless sky, and sticli as slept at ail slept soundly. Several never woke to the duties of lauother day. We had rested on the jsod that covered Confederate enemies, for we were in a field of their dead. But those peaceful graves had burled every entnity and eoverod overy re­ sentment. As we gazed upon those vudc mounds, I confess to a pang of re­ gret that I had ever warred with the mouldering duat beneath my feet. ' M. M. V. (Tb&e Continued,) promptly attended to.^ If In A. WENDILL. over underao Id, quality Give Me a Call 'PHILLIP HAUPCRISMe MeHenry, III., March 21st, I8ML N e w STOCK, JUST RECIEVED ->T- M a i m a n ' s GLOTm&a JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR IBI DEPOT, Mchenry, -.Illinois The best Brands of Wines. Liquors and Cigars always en Hand. Good Stabling. for Horses. ALSO AQENT FOR Franz Falk s milwaukkk ...» Lager Beer. Beer In Largo or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand cheaper than any other, quail ty considered. ., ^ . This Beer has a world wide reputation, and good judge# acknowledge it cannot oe sur. I*seed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WHD6WIAHN. MeHenry. III. Aug. 10th, 1881. Is the place to buy; Also a fall line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hats and Caps, Ac. A.T WAUCONUA, I have the largest stock of Fall Goods ever brought to Lake County, which I will msII at LOWER-PRICES THAN EVEft BE- FOKK. Ready-made Clothing more numerous than ever arid at prices suited for every purse. -- For anything mad" u> order, whether asingle garment or a full suit { Maimaa's u y» HiStG I I hare a lar&e varfrty of PIECE GOODS, of the Latest styles and Patterns, at low figures. | Mrs. Maiman, Who is assisted byjtfiss Gleseler, has just received a fine sto$; ot Fall Millinery,, of thn latent styles to be found in the city which she invites the Ladies of Waucon«ia In call and examine, Hats and Bonnets Trimmed in the latest «tvlosand at reasona­ ble pric. s, Dress Making done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. CLOAKS! T CLOAKS ! A'fuH line of CMr .ks and Dolmans, all sices, of the latest sty l«i and at prices to suit..- Call and^sxaniineMiiem. The finest Hue of Ulsterett* ever fthowa iu this market, at Colby Brys, Agmtn w.bM ft>p tfc® 1Mbasi Wei*e* GARFIELD Thponly CAirnow t iHiHM'd oampotan bwkt wicb whi 'h the conriti} is flooded. Tnejrarjntlerli' WdnbIpss;r-i cmirst f upon ttisnwnoffonlwiw** d k fn udon iheptditl#. TMsboolcls +*> Ti »«drtbyShettepS. :-«e2nl Si* A^©aVs Otttflte T. vr.iJiRoTiifc' » A-.CO., €Mm§9 AiCiiciBttsll REWARb For any c,a»n Bl|.d. Bleeding, JJ^ewited o Protrndlng PISES that DEBING'S PILE REMEDY failsTo cure. Prepared by J. P. Miller M. 1>., PIS Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa. A'ojic uenitine with/tut hi* il^KOs* Send fOr circular. All druggists or general stores hnve lt or will act it for you. II » Mcllemy by Oi^Bnui ? as the black curtail falls, more allots are tired. No sleep for us, but formed In a square we waited--yea, We watched and we watted for the morn­ ing. Sometimes the hoot of an owl or the blaze of a gun woke the tedious monotony of the solitude of tlie wilder­ ness. But tiie worried brain that could not sleep, refused to be still. Homes were not forgotten; stirring In­ cidents ot tlie march, ploke*«ud battle Vcenes were passiug In memory's re­ view, and we fain would press the hands of comrades whose pulses were now&tiiinnd hands were cold. The grey dawn of morning never was more welcome. Tlie sun came out bright and clear, and there was not a Confed­ erate nor a trace of one to be seen. They fired their last shots at about one o'clock, A. M.. and' made that irk­ some lorrest ring with their demoniac yeli6. A few exhausted men dl«d dur­ ing the night, but there were no cas­ ualties* by gunshot wounds. Quite early in the day a few scrawny beeves were overhauled and slaught­ ered. They were miserably poor, hides lousy and bones slimy. We had no (>alt, no hard tack, but a little corn, and no coffee. A Frenchman stole a puppy from a negro oabin, others se­ cured two or three old Billy goats and one solitary gander, that in the long ago hadseeu far inure toothsome and mellower days. This made up the mess. That ineal was hoaven's choic­ est gift to us. One gallant fellow who had received a skull fracture at the battle of Mans­ field, wasstili with us, but flighty. He eai.g sangs, plead law, and drew lessons of practical utility from the storm, from the echo of sound aud even from the lowy beef hides. His fancies were generally com'eal, but often sober aud thoughtful. He often laughed at sight of tiie dead, and agaiu tlie tear of sym­ pathy would trickle down Ills ema­ ciated cheek. Poor fellow; he Jour­ neyed with us to Grand E Core, and was seen no more. Doubtless the dark waters of tbe river became that veteran's witiding sheet. Tlie w.lfe and the little daughter in the old Bay State who awaited his coining, nover learned hlssad fate. And still another crazed brain imagined he was David Crockett and that his home was Ken­ tucky. Hrf declared that so much rain was because the,machinery of the sun was out of order and was not properly oiled. That something must be done at once or the world would be drowned again. This soldier, was a hero bom. He was the pet and the prld? of his command, but he, too, had fought his last battle, aud on a stormy night, by the light om pine knot, we laid him to rest. Ourjmarch this day, the 11 Ih of Ajjjdl, was only three miles, hot to no# at all wai a tlresotno oflort. their saddles and . BILL 4,403. The following Is a copy of the cele­ brated Prisoners, of war Pension Bill 4,495, introduced iu the House or Repre­ sentatives by Gen. J. W. Keifer. M. C. from tiie 4th Ohio District and uow {lending before the Senate. Committee on Pensions, Mr. Keifer, by unanimous content In­ troduced the following #Bili. A BILL. Granting pensions to certain Union soldiers aud sailors of the late war of the rebellion who were confined In so-called Confederate prisons. Whereas, during the late rebellion many soldiers and sailors of the* Fed­ eral Army and Navy, through the fortunes of war, became prisoners and were confined In so-ca'Ied Con­ federate prison*, to tlie detriment and permanent injury of their health, but whose debiMty Is of such a gen­ eral.and ind°fiiiable character as to exclude tlie in from the benefits of existing |»ension s laws; Therefore, lie it enacted by the Senate at<d //ottse of liepresentative* of the t nited State* of America in Congrens assembled, I'hat the Secretary of the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized'and required to place upon tiie Pension rolls of the United States, upon application and proof being made to the satisfaction of the Department, all honorably dis­ charged soldiers of the Federal Army and Navy who, during the late war, were captured and confined, during tlie period of tiiree months or more. In any of tlie prisons or places cotnmouiy used fof the eonflnment of prisoners by the •so-called Confederate authorities dur- during the late rebellion, and who are not now beneficiaries, nor entitled to become so under now existing pension laws of the United States Sec. 2. That such pension shall In each case begin from the date of the discharge of tiie soldier or sailor afore­ said from tlie'military or naval service of the United States, and shall be at tiie rate of eight dollars per month in cases where the term of imprisonment u moro tUau three mouths tr per mont«addltW.ui ttmiiwof sue#imprisonment iS 'exCeis of one year. And such pensions siiail be paid at the same time aud In lite same manner as other pensions nr« paid: Provided, That nothing In this act shall he construed to authorize the reduction or to prevent tlie increase of tiie penslou of any person now receiv­ ing or entitled to receive the beueflts ol existing pensions. An important Deelalon for Pensioner* Secretary Kirk wood made « declaforftews were made, and when July 12th, In regard to the payment of pensions to soldiers at the Homes throughout the country that will be of Interest to soldiers. The case is pred­ icated upon an application of a Soldier named Woodsworth, who left the Hampton Home while his case was. pending before the pension ottyoe. II« was notftled by tlie Governor to return* or else, should his pension be granted during his absence, he would forfeit his claim. Woadworth refused to re­ turn, and In the meantime his pension was allowed by the Pension Odlce and the money turned over, with sums be­ longing to other parties, to the Gover­ nor for disbursement to the pensioners Woodwork* was refused Ills pension money by the Governor, and he there­ upon fpplied to the Secretary of the Interior for his opinion. The matter was referred to Col. Baxter, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the In­ terior Department, and the opinion prep^rpd by him was yesterday adopt­ ed by tlie Secretary as hit ruling In tiie case. After an extended review of the case, he says: "The pension law points to the pensioners as tbe sole henefloiary, and, in all cases not ex­ cepted by special statue makes pay­ ment directly to him compulsory by the agent's. The act of February di­ rected payment of certain pensions to the treasurers of the Home, but guards also Its disbursements as strictly and solely fur his benefit, without deduc­ tion. The pension belongs to the pension­ er and not to the Home. He. and not the Home, therefore, should be entit­ led to receive it." / ' Dr. Spitskn *• an Expert on luiaanNy. Kditor Plaihdkalrr:--Taking whole testimony of the Doctor in tiid ciue of Gulteau, he evidently means f&> . , be understood that Galtoaii Is ln#an«v' : and that his insanity la congenital.--- ,f We have no doubt that a person ma./ be born taeaM, or with * tendency t<* „ ii Insanity, but whether lite reason* given by Dr. 9. are the cause or th# f revolts of insanity is a question. HI# " reasons are these* namely; Ah ntibal- \* \ aimed lie ad, an Ul-ior tiled face and * tongue wagging ccr the left# '.. v qiteseioti is does any or ill of thes* e *~1 facts prove that a man i* b«rn Insanet'\ < According to science inaauity hi cause*! '"|jk by a disease of tbe nervoua system, *!»'« and this fact tlie Doctor recognise* ts% i his testimony. Hence, it remains for £ ~ him to prove that a nervoua tiiseam^ 1 ̂ one that would produce insaiii ty^ ;; would, before birth, produce an unbal-* \, * anced head, a bad looking face and a ;"lr wagging tongue, or that an unbalanced , ^ head, a bad face and a tongue wagging to the left. Is sure proof that the child i ̂ had a nervous disease that did o^^||£| would pfoduoe insanity. We think * that either would be difficult far tha : Doc tot io prove. Further, science t e l l s u s t h a t e v e r y h u m a n b e i n g h a s s i P < ^ double set of faculties, so that when ? one set falls the others can act, aa In a ri; case of paralysis, wher#one side or seT.'! is to all Intents and purposes dead, th« others can act and insanity Is not nec­ essarily produced, We tuean by la* ; ; sanity, where the patient loses all ! . . part of the power of reason, makln^^ ; them Incapable of judging lrftwee®|^-|| right and wrong, and here i* the wia- » " do in of the expert to tell wli*te«ta»'gft* tient has passed the line of blllty. It is not reasonable that a man should be allowed to murder whip bia consciousness of right and powwf eff reason rises above his Idloi But this we confess, wo have1'- ^ many poorly balanced heads, with ry looking faces and with w; tongues, but we never ki«*<!%»» stance where these defocaftfittee ' " dnccd insanity. Nor have w*' known a case where insanity pi these deformities, but apparent havo seen welt balanced heatfe looking faces perfectly InssMt, eyer, we admit that phren< unbalanced head and a face, to say nothing about isan indication « Wm, Florith, of IVorla, III next time he rides in p sleeping ear. He is a somnambulist: and the other night, while riding from Chicago to ills hotrio, he got up* walked of- the car aiidlanded In a rteW of corn, to his amiuiement. Strangely enough he was not injured; and after a some- wha* chilly promenade In his under- lotiiing. he obtained a coat and a pair of troupers from a fermer and wended his way homeward. His relatives sad tiie passengers in the car naturally supposed lie had been killed by the fall, and ids escape seems of a miracle. little short move aft Soldiers slept iu '*'•*. V i'i, jostled afllbnst each other, without hofscs did not suffer so jh Those tench. .Ti* also have a reasonably at- *i>rtment of good Over Coats ^tngliig iti prices from ftaD aud up. Alw» a few Cloaks and Dolmans that we de­ sire to close out at once. Three dol­ lars can easily be saved on an over- coat if bought of o« now. Call irt. v- • • w - nipipfr? the righu and persous of (rtheta./ •- we have seen eooie' poorff ..h*ifkac#4|.: heads and sorry face* over- m hosiegt' hearts as ever hlMf Iu hmnatl breast^,; ant! we have seeu^iod looking and faces over deeply depraved hearts. To protect the right* and petaon* ©f the iunocent, in tlie pursuit of happi*' ness with tlieir life and property. these ifiim lous persons, who may have tutbaia&e- ed heads, and bad looking fauee, willk tongues sot on Are of hell.commit dep4 redatiom upon the right ana honesty let them suiter the extreme pmt|̂ py |||̂ the law. Then we won't havai defalcations.^ robberies and Let the law clear the moral atmosphere* of these pests, and we shall have a bet-l^ r ter state of S3ci»ty, and less nan' ^ such experts as DoctorSpi take. ' j* > 49"Postmaster General James urg*+ i strongly the establishment'oi posit ^7 - oUce savings banks in vthia countrypfejtip-1 similar to the system that tea now * been in operation for twenty yeara in§; Great Britain. It lias thure been oou-tij stautly growing Into popular favor, tll« now tlie re are nearly two million! separate accounts in lite £.000 postal 0 :^ savings banks with over #169,000^)0 on^/> ii deposit. The bili that will be pre-r seuted to Congress pro|ioses that but '< 2 or per cent, interest he paid to "/,>•" depositors. Thot^lt this Is not» par- ? tluularly tempting invent meat. It la| b e l i e v e d t h a t , a s i t o f f e r * t h e s e c u r i t y ; i of the National Government, very ; -5" many will gladly accept it who are ^ 15 now Uoardltig away their littloMfiaga :-f' with great risk aud Without any pre-v'--\',«c- iniums. as well as many others who are not,accessible to other »avings banks^ ' Whatever w|ll promote hablta of :?i;* w thrift and economy among the work- >< ing people1 deserves eunotiragetneisf* ; • J3 aud this has been the decided result V - , in Great Britain and Switaer^iij| where the system has beeu tried, ;• t ^ 10*It looks now as though tmf , j Government would sustain Minister Hurl hurt in his protest against Chili, s... , . . ' uot alone, ttgnmtividy sjieakiiig. knock- . t jj . ing Peru dowu but energeticaUj' kick- 4 • log her afterward. The gentleman , from Belvidere is the only ofllcial of V* , his order wiio has ever been fiultr of % ] doing any thing hut drawing his salary, and this acconuts for she alight eon- sternation exhibited because of hi* ;f attitude and utterances. The New York Tribune to the contrary. Hurl- bat is something tanre than a iery, untamed stump orator from the prairies of barbarity--otherwise tho prairies of Illinois. He is a man of : more than average ability, aud fca* f- forgot ten atori thaa many who make much greater pretensions eto* |nw, ~~JBhfin ^Uoocatt. r •• « . . J. CORN WANTED!. Wanted. 300 Tints of Ear Com, wliidi the higlM^t mark'-t price will fc* paid. F. K. €>»\NGUU

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