Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1881, p. 4

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It)AY, DEO. «8,1881. mito r. trial In drawing; to WtimirjVfititill having «*t- that tka caw would b* whmUN to thft Jtirjr on kftirdav. A prominent Omirt thinks that tlw Iw a verdict o|f ffulltx lo- •t^nt? ntfnnte*. if r tMH workmen weri tfttt Marithon, recently, they id • Mcrot door. A nail llnto OM of th« stepa had * wire H% which, on polling, would k«M <^ the panel* wide enough to tlfklmi. A small trap door. IlKi^oor would allow them to de» lmd»r the church and from ^fVtJIMMs. In the place were BttehM, caedle-etteks. and a HaWtttr. The objeet of the secret >«l&ji«i1s a mystery. Mfr~The Woodstock Democrat ap- iftluve just found out thst a pe- M«s been circulated for a change tmastrrs at Richmond, three after the same was published in I*LA1WMUI.«R, and makes It an oc­ tet a low fling at Congressman In. We have no doubt that if fetNnrirtii knew that his course was HHastefftl to tlMbe brainy (?) Individ- :fja)th» wonld eliange It at once. Send Jrour orders at once, boys, and no ey will be heeded. Such gl* intellect and enterprise as "by the Democrat should not be MP'ln speaking of the WSukogaa In which the head Hdltor fell In the basket, the Oamtte says: IWture time a portion of the " •ry'" of the contest now fee deemed of such Interest publication, but for the I* Mfraln from detailed or llfltiifiiiite, Brother Partridge.-- Utt aam time give us a portion |r hlstory" of the Senator- In which you played second M llissame Honorable who is ta catting off your sled questionable fon should not now gfsim fe to take a dose of the pt#y eomes from Battle Mrs. Henry Ingmat, who in a mouthful of food d in months, now has > fff recovery. Paralysis of f was caused by a nervous • more than a year she lined br injections and la^t this time her. weigfit r&dh«Bed from 175 to fifty fetans^gftte her «P ^ and her death was inevitable. A mutual (MUtf, of which she was a ,-pmpild ber polloy of WOO, to )ftl Of hsr family. A few rlwSever. her stomach recor- lfafp#»ilttT-mid retained a small S:«f food taken throigk the i Xlgtn Advocate of tfce 17th Inp.ani arrested, the mem- ranuftlc association at Mc- abont to murder "The i tar 1 lottcra by themselves may IJadgment but we wish An'Inform the Advocate sntttce Klgfn, "McHenry** Dra not fall In bringing out If llilljir* Daughter.** but made it E%jjplbple«e snecess that they have ' ~;::m snpeat It. But then tfbree which the Advocate in, and is still,rehearsing to Its Ira, because it couldn't name the ^ ryW|»napiif, M» tnraed the head arardfer is uppermost »hl« mind, and If not closely watched •od in kntclde. Take n little Niidt and quiet your nerves, fc«ta KvMrjrKaofefei", of our reader*, whether liv- orCountry, will find It #rest to secure for 1882 the American* Ag- supplle« at very ' Mall eost.'% Won^rfiil amount of |-moat valuable and Important informa of a tlior oughly pi^tical and re- character, with aboiH a Thous #»4fnstmetlve and pleaMti£ original Xngmvlnga. While most **l»htf>fe to i **«s,f ot»ltlvator of the soil, to Sfcoofe Maiwsrs.FruitGrowers,etc* It n»ep#ly % Farm and Garden Journal ,?.v any in*an«. hut I* very useful to every % % ftous«-k*eper and instructive and en tertainlng to Children and Youth. Its eomtant. persistant exposures of Hum* bugs and swindling schemes will save anyone many times Its cost, the time to subscribe for Vol- Terms: #1,50 * year; four | copies tfi (English or German edi­ tion); single miinbr IK cts. Address ',d0o*%7#1 Broat,wV» New A<IM^O BIBLICAL PKIZB. Tfce pnblUliers of Rutledge'ft Month­ ly for January offer the following <»asv *af for soiiwione to make #20. person telling MS how many *or«l Mows |« need In the S f cr5»l"re8 ',,ot tl,e -,w J-1n- 10th, 1882, we 5lrIH?0.An/O^,1 n\ R Pr,z«- T'»« iff will be forwarded to the win- ifith. 1882. Tho*e who trj' |n«prlz« must send 20 eenls with ntttWer, for which tliey will re- Ihe February nuinber af the Uly. in whleh will be published iiiame and addreeg of tlio win- WiM** Pr'*C, with the correct . c,lt «•!« «"t? It may be w«rth t2U to yon. Address Rpi- • «««» PCW48UIIKI CoNFANr, K^tO* FOX EIMTOR PLAJKOKALBR:--That T am not a regular cort«ppondent and only a poor occasional is a lamentable admis­ sion ; but if mjr correspondence at last subsides Into ait annual message, It may. perhaps be the means of better gratifying the tastes of a much afflict­ ed public. I really think that a home­ opathic correspondent Is best calculat* ed to satisfy the wants of the reader, as the two frcqueut doses of copious effusion are apt to weaken the mental stomach,or render it Incapabio of di­ gesting our food. There are other, however, and more wholesome con­ siderations which have kept your cor­ respondent silent and left him steepod in despondency. He was once a happy man but instead of letting well enough alone, he has becu thinking of getting married. I hope this is a sufficient excuse for letting correspondence slide, as only those who have been there can realize the vastness of the conception. It is a sort of Isthmus of Panama whicli has got to be bared alone and unaided, although some folks suggest the idea of a yawning abyss to be bridged, according to that precept advising the matrimonial ac­ robats to look before they leap. All this looks bad enough on the face Of it, and that wild cat leap above referred to has a very depressing effect on the mind of your correspondent. Kp Dulcinea lias hove in sight yet, btit he expects to meet the enemy at any given time or moment; his expenses are now on a war footing, and his troubles already great, In anticipation. Measles and wlfooplng cough are lurk­ ing around every fence corner and ad bsre like burrs to his raiment. Red gums and piercing teeth are belchtng their music which not even worm cakes will assuage. The question of primary schools, the price of candy, baptismal and divorce fees, the wages of doctors, the price of flour, the prob­ lem of protection versus free trade In relation to calico ar.d kindred matters of an all-engrossing interest, all serve to fill up your dejected though thought­ ful correspondents leisure, aud enable him to realize (proud thought) that he now stands foremost in the van of useful men in his generation. He is losing flesh over it, but it Is shed in a noble cause, After settling the much vexed question whether it is lawful for a woman to woo, entrap, or other­ wise beguile a man by wiles or artful devices, or under plea of goodness and loveliness before she is competent to support a husband; how often she will lift the carpet in the course of a year; whether the washing will be carried on without giving the husband one week's clear notice; and who is to get Up first to light the tire in the winter, or retire itrst to tha cold room at night, and whether ten years court­ ship Is considered a reasonable time to promote a Bound knowledge of each other, discover incompatibilities of temper, if aity.ra*tte#a ol fradkloa and religion an# germs of..latent disease lurking lnh«r system--wUen all these things and many more are definitely settled, it will remove a great incubus from your correspondent's mind, and enable him to resume light duties ouce more. Inra afral d'that!this sort of style may be found scarcely relevant in an annual message to the PUIKDEALGK but Fox Lake is not Washington, VJS- itors and all excitement is gone, and we are left to draw upon empty treas­ ures for information. At this time of the year, also, it is usual fbr corres­ pondents to count their money, invest their earnings and prepare balance sheets for the forthcoming year. Yet in spite of all these encroachments on my time and a total dearth of measles I may yet find something to say Fox.Lake has well maintained Its reputatiou tnis year. Doubtless more visitors have come than ever before More improvements iiave been added and even more are promised for the coming year. The programme for the n$W club Is a smith has earued a high i#jN!t§tlon In boring guns, so jauch so that a large number of our Chlcaeo sportsmen are entrusting .their fine guns to tils care. Fie has a theory of his own which 1s invariably successful as in uo case does he fall to secure vastly Improved pat­ terns, and that without damaging the gun. In fact, some zftses pronounced hopeless by eminent gunsmiths of Chi­ cago, such as tapering bores, which could not ho remodeled, have Teturned their patients to Mr. Howard, who has restored thein to the pattern desired. Close shooting is the one thing par- tlcularly needful In duck hunting, and 1 have volunteered these remarks for the benefit of the many who may be Interested in these matters. Mr, Mudgett is evidently no leit disc tinguished as a fiddler, and on tlie evening preceding his departure I en­ joyed the rare opportunity of listening tosomeofhls fantasia* accompanied by Mrs. Howard at the organ. Friend Mudgett's place, however, Is not at the orchestra but near the silent guest at sn Irish wake. A rake of that bow will at once let loose Gabriel and all his trumpets, and a dead man will surely rise, change hands and swing around in a merrv cotillion. . T. > WAUCONOA. SW#0ftSORtl'TIONS for the PUATin»AlXn will be reo«yvecl in Wanconrta at F. B flnrrtson's Drug Store anil at the Post Office EDITOR PLAIVDEALKU:--John Gold- 1ng and Miss Hetty McClain, Merritt Lake and Mrs. Whelock, Mr. Tnrnbull and Miss Mary Hughes were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last week. That ther "may all live long and brosper," and that they may have no troubles but little tines, fs the sin­ cere wish of their many friends, Henry Dobner, of Nebraska, Is vis iting In town. B. K. Duers lias sold his store to A. J. Bangs. Mr. Duers retains posses­ sion until the first of May. Providenaedid not see fit to give fslr weather and good roads to the IVauconda Dramatic Company, not­ withstanding the presence of Chicago talent, but Rip Van Winkle was played all tl»e sunt*, Wednesday aod Thursday evenings, though not to un­ comfortably iTowded houses. Mr, Crisp's chronic hoarseness does not materially affect his representation of Rip, and in many respocts he seems admirably adapted tw assume the character. In fact, some of his critics considered that he entered almost too heartily into the spirit of the play. Wednesday evening it seemed too true to nature. Notwithstanding the horrible con­ dition of the roads, people did manage tp get to town, to make things lively in the stores Friday and Saturday, and. fill the Baptist Church Saturday even­ ing to witness the exercises at the Christina? Tree. The exercises were very pleasing indeed, and were not so long us to prove tiresome. In addition to a variety of Jtf citoruses, Mr/Tidjnarsh and ijaon gave -rnirmljirtif comet duetts, Miss Fannie Colby recited very finely "Santa Claus' Visit," and Mis* Bissell read \Tlie Bells of Enderbyf After a snort cantata by a number of young ladies, Santa Claus came rushing in and pro­ ceeded to distribute the presents. These, though not so variedland num­ erous as last year, were still sufficient­ ly so to keep the old tnau busy for a long time. ever I Just >*ecelved this morning Christ­ mas Goods. We have got 'em. The finest Hue in the county. I'KKItY A MARTIN. . , :BELECTKD. For the Holiday trade, a large line of the latest novelties in ail depart­ ments. STKVEXS A SCHKOUK. SHAWLS. A very fine assortment of all wool shawls, for which we are the exclusive gg-mts in Mclleury. Good and cheap, anil and *ei> them ut C«dby Bros. DIED. Ki. will i answer Pa 91,200 boat house, which, according to those figures and the good taste gen erally characteristic of that club. Is destined to outshine the ark of Noah recently constructed by the Cedar Island Club. We also hear of a series of cottages to be built on the south shore, by another Chicago community Also of a new management in Colonel Lippincott's Hotel. The minors of that railroad have redoubled once more, and the shrill voice ot the snorting horse already disturbs the slumber of our citizens, strange jumble of hickory nuts, night mare and "tickets if yon please." Some three years'ago a swarm i>f wheelbarrows coming from the direc­ tion of the Northern Lights passed through some village above us con sighed to Libertyville and the new railroad. But whether this was the Spesultofa bankrupt sale or a great o^ner on wheelbarrows, we never heaVd- Whether we shall ever see anything more than an air line of wheelbarrows remains to be seen. At all events n^e shall stilj rely ontthe "Lotas" and Mary Gr is wold" to keep open our summer communications with the civilized world. Prominent amongst our local news Is Mrs. Sayles' visit tojier aunt. Tiii lias been projected fo»\ years but Is now about to become an 'accomplished fact. \ We are sorry to record the depart­ ure of our genial frienda Bill Mudgett and Edsou Howard of McH*tiry. who occupied Mr. Milne's house during tlie fall hunting. The fabulous amoun t of duckt which these t»vo expert sport (•- brought to bag, reflects great credit on their skill and the quality of their weapons. Mr, Mudgett's gun espec­ ially excited the admiration and envy of our sportsmen on account of Itn $ »iy „r.K NrVco marvelous shooting powers, which s * Y t " r ' were owing to the successful boring $. FA 11 Edson Howard. The latter gentle- ifl * man. who is also a proficient gun ' • / 1 * fmik SH < At »f i1'"" • "f >'* « ,S^ 'if .Uifli" v •w* ' " b- i jiartia'* /Stored ave : v. « ,rz*?i.w- , K-if •h# I" 1 , ChristHi'ls Gifts. I STEVE] SCHNORR t » > | - v ' ' Santa Claus Has Arrived ;4 • v M ] •• • .Iv1'1 ^ tibtlsSwi lih HeudquarteO •« a 9 thinsr onaay Present line from a Clhina Uoll to a fitio Oantp liocker or a fu.l Parlor Set. There is nothing ̂ ! FRLTE [IOLI#Y <TQO«1S line but what, can be found here, It would be impossible0 to eniinierate. but one must see for them selves t o appreciate what I am offering to the buying public. STRAYED. From the pasture of the undersigned, sometime during the month of October, a two-year-old Red Heifer. Had a< white spot in fureliead, and some, white on heily. Horns short an»t; stood almost straight up. Whoever will return said Heifer or give Infor­ mation whero she may be found will be liberally rewarded. JOHK w. SMITH. Very appropriate would an Estey Organ be for a Christinas present It can be bought very low at O. W Owen's. BUTLER A WARNER, At Nunda. are now ready to show to the public as fine astocK of Goods for the Holiday trade, as was ever seen he this section. It comprises none of t in silly trash u«uully found In sale about these days, but substantial and useful articles, selected with care and bought so that they can he sold at reasonable rates. Do not fail to call and see them before purchasing your Christmas Pre seuts. ^uit tli© Times, K*t; &M'- JACOB BONSLETT, r?. .•!•»>. Has just returned from the city with the finest stock of Goods for the Holiday Trade ever brought to this place, consisting < of articles both useful and ornamental. When looking for Presents do not fail to examine my stock, af it is all new and fresh, (no*>ld Stock,) and lill be sold at the ^ ^ •* • LOWEST LIVING PRICE8* ^ Anything from a conjmon Chaii*to the finest Parlor Set can found at thi« 3tore,>nd o|#ie b(?3t make aud finish to be found ill the maiket. *" J A _ .f i" •k Jobbing ofall kinds promptly attended lout reasonable r<t ^iFirst-class work guaranteed, \ Undertaking. am*stasia. • • ; \ We hare A large assortment of hand and made to order on short and prices within the reach of all. Wo invite all ©or 8rie ndsQgjve us McHenry, March 15th, 1881.^ w f-miwy>* WW, I i» >,4M>>£ .,- Burial Cases and Coffins always notice. Our goods are fim-c!a< call, JMxm i* -teii & s-Aik-' en* * ^ -} f (teA ^ ; h B uY YOUR;... ft rh>i% i fy fa * ,.»* * W-; ' V.'1 £ *• t ; OF GEORGE .. er tlxeReliabe --.PLACR TO- JOHN B. BLAKE." ^'4 Ever brought to McHenry county, among which can he fotiua tlie: " • Homier Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp, i And a line line of Bracket and Hand Lamps oH every description, which will be sold at prices that dofy competition. Call aud see them nmMlMfitre pmwliawny, ^ ^ ,, j * - -• - • •" " ' , r JkV ' * •" tit • ••••• • it. w ... -»• ' ' c 'i - NO WONDER J. W. Cristy • . . ^ . • Is Selling More BOOTS and Would respectfully invite examination of their stock of an PAKKKit.--1s«.|<lenly, In this village, on Stinflny, l>creml>«) 2r>lli, V|v« Dell, only ch>l<l of Jolm II. I*<vrk«r, seven weeks, CHICAGO |Mk|ters I>ICAH« copy. it iv- 7-x if - K1 TJi<niNJiti(is dk' an­nually r j-o nt If >'«•»: are % III>iii -7y '.i YOU art- 'iriMi inuM.M'uak- >?Cy- mail of l. t- oni- l iiy tilt strain i>f \J[J u-rKtoilinitoTeri ;our avoid ykj niclit wuik, to ntlinula'ir.i- uml u#o tuin in;i.» hci %• «• Hop filters. wu&te. ui* Hop B. If TOU are jounu aril (»•.iifTerlni? from nnv !n- diKcrfetio!i or UMSipa s& tioii ; if you aro Vi.n t -jijtl or riii^lc. uiil or >3 .vuMiig, sutTering from jidorliealth or lamtinfU on e. bed o£ sick- new, iv iy on Holla Bitters. Wli ii'vcr »i>iuic, /.pJU "'i.'"." whenever you ftrI tliitt y.uir *«.-in jja5jl ncodK (ivaiisiiiir, tici- disease ill'/ or JyK.jJ U'fii prevents tiSS"-fl.bya timely use o ta!:o Hyp • i t tOr* . Have yoti rfiw- rJ/MW' pet>x>H, kiri-. i - > f: -T • or uriitar't (' >•'• • f 'x ** ~ jjlalnt, di»ca«cy.ji^i[ I*nrct*. blon-Livii1 livrr or ne$ n s I Yoi-VH' CIU. I iPlfDii 1..^ I ^ "lop B-ttcrsrT Than any other Ijonse in Mc­ Henry county. He has a better article for less money. But not content with tluft-he has opened the largest aud tiil6$t stock cf GLOVES ud ^imms, Mens and |Boys HATS and CAPS, i In the greatest variety of styles probably ever ,seon under one roof in McHenry coiinty. And the strangest and most pleasing part of toe -story it» that these goods are being sold at LESS PRICES thftn before the late advance. The public are in­ vestigating the fact and find it pays them. % • • • :v,- " <>i Kidney oso tlmt luiKlil e ln'pii preienten HopBlttera O. I. C. •8 an alwolute lrresMa- Idninktnne lusc of opium toba Iiarooticn. Administratrix: Sale. l»ereby given, that on Wediip^t]^ tlie 4th tl«y of January, 1882. b.nweeiV the hours of i0 A. M. iui.i15 p. M., at the reside nee of W. R. >V illurd. deceased, situated at Barren vllle. 3 miles northeast of Nunrla. and B mileii south of the village of McIIenrj^, I will offer at I'ublic Vendue the per­ sonal property of said decedent, con- sising of the following, viz: 26 toilch cowo, 2 span work horses, 1 brooJ mare, 1 two year old bull. 2 yr>;inli'jsr heifers. 1 barrel churn.3 mowing iftachlnee, 2 sulky cultivators, 2 -diawiid tooth fnltl-VJ»tor*. 2 plows, 2 Itar hay rake, 1 corn plat; wagons, I spring wajjoi sleighs, 1 set double hur tank, and other articles to mention. Also a large choice hiv in stdtk. Free Ltinvh at N: MsfoA' s.u,. I'ji, 1 Hiiiky NJ lumber *e t. bob ,;*! Hitter Inumftrous \utUy of Dm toons, DRESS COODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, Which are beinjar offered at very low prices. Our stock is replete in all the variety of Goods foi the season, and we feel satisfiec we can offer Goods at lhan can be found Onr stock of Hats, Cap% READY-MADE CLOTHING, • ' $ '.t • % » • , Shoes, Oroeeries &c.. Is fall and complete, and we are confident we can please you both in quality aitd price. Call and be convinced that these are tacts. P5ERY & MATtTIN.. McHenry. Jliuch 2'M. 1881 The finest stock to select from in town if you- want. the useful as well as ornamental. Toilet Sets, Dressing Cases, Writing Desks* Wax dolls, Florence hand Mirrors, Ccluloid Artograph Albums, and (ln short a general assortment of Goods lor the Holiday trade, which w i l l b e s o l d a s c h c a p a e t k e c h e a p e s t . C a l l a n d s e e * « n the best stock of - Physicians Fyescyj|>trto|r|g|a A ot- Carefully Coinpounded. Give mea. al*. ts McHenry, 111, Oct. 10th, 1881, G. w. BESLEY. f ^'0 f M CLAUS IT Santa Claus will surely arrive at Wauconda about 15th ot December and will make it headquarters as usual at Harrison's Drug Store and Book Haunt.--*? Bring the children to se$ him. I am daity picking up here and there in the eit# beautiful and useful goods lor holiday presents for aJ|? sexes, ages and condition# and will have mypurchalfe ses shipped to Waucondap about Dec 15, when I invito you to. come and; Inspecti them." • S I refer with pride to my ppst offorts to supply you with Christma|§ goods and assure that I shall endeavor jfe-Mp. better than ever this ear both in quality and price. ' ^ B. HARRISON; •x win In Memorfum The life ar.l public ser fl I TITITTIT T* vi«ie« of the Nation's hero. • T AHKIII I . I1 By Major BMI'LY. "CB>«- HilJl illlllJ ptel to tl'tfe. Written nt llentor, by invitation, under the diwtiou of' Mr. (iarfiehl. Contains steel i><>vtmit oi Garflehl, faithful portraits ot niothcr, wifo and children; aleib niunereua line engravings; •>< cojiildcntiiil letters, covering nnd explain, ing hi« whole career; ten original tesiinioniHl letters from Williams Ciillege clasMinates; extraius from importtin t speeches find «*rit- Injf.i; chiioiseiiient hy (,'<>!. Jiocku •/! an<1 the ProhIenl in ecurj bonk. Ai/jitiit axtaitiicly nuikimj #10 It i« the rnoul :itimr: ive. authenltc and Imst. I*rle«, #1.£>. minted evnrytchere, «S*.^end >l.iK> for ter ns ami oiitiit, inclndinirof rh<> , \r | . ilress, lA'JtJipjBXDhVfT PUUI.ltimxa Co., EX-SOLDIERS, and their HEIRS Should all send lor sample eopv of that won. derltil paper the HorM and Soldier, puiilislici at \VauluiiKtoii, D. C'. It contains Stories of the Har, Camp Lite, scenes from the liattlo r icld, and a tliouxand things ot interest to oue country s defeinle s. It is the great soldiers' paper. It coiitning all the laws and Instruc­ tion? relating to I'eusiopg and Bounties foi* Koldiers anil their heir*. Kvery ex-soldier should enroll Ins name under the World and routicr iKinner at once Kight pages, forty columns, weekly. <1.00a your. Sample fiva. AiUirtPs, \V(.KL1» ANO SOLDIKK, Box MU, Waeliingion, D. O. l>«if?<tlo linbi't, fJunt Kobe a, and Hor»# ittankeu iM l'srry A Martin'*. ,

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