Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1882, p. 8

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r*r ^ r ' COLumlf. ' ' 11 * €> ^ 'v- ' $5 Established in 1855 BOOTS ts0m. timrmwrtn nt *. D. w= «- : ' M reoert, w*t, wwk. Formerly/of 2McHcnryt GhtcagoJhas returned to MP* fivpArary triinvfer* fmm room to WOW on nceonnt of iu>comnioi)»*.lotw, M# not. p1#a**nt nor profitable. It In* t»rfaf*« very materially with a papil* pragma. The *ubt«4t of^Panetilttlfti1* lit thn lilt Awoclaflon m«f tin* bronelit nnt ft aplcy d1««w1on although the par­ ticipant* nsrreed that too much WM iimaHy atfomp'M In the matter of t'nclilnr punctuation and capital I an lion. "CommunfciiMon*" wa* not fnlly- •eftliHit wlifn we left, bnt It #e«nu»d to f*n the genera! opinion that schools win never be free from It entirely: Md.that the beat way to prevent it has ttever been found, but that the school* liavtnjrtha leait of It. other things be- laf equal, are the be«t. •TAT* TtACHKIW AWOCIATIOIV. A/ter the opening exercises Mr. A. S, 8abln rend a very well written paper upon what he styled the ••Town- Ship 'Plan.'* This plan <*eks to do away with the present plan of district* and substitute In their place an organi­ sation equal in territory to the con­ gressional township. The professor argued quite well in Its favor, present­ ing, however, the somewhat doubtful argument that it would give us Detter teachers than the old plan of district boards. This disposition of constantly making attacks npon our present school law, we are glad to state, finds little encouragement among the teach­ ers attending this association. Prof. Rabin himself Is quits conservative in this respect, and spoke with a becom­ ing modesty, yet with determination and ability. The paper was discussed by W. H. Brvdges.of Lockport, D. R. A. Thorp, of Ottawa, and F. 8. Felts- bans, of Springfield. OR, EATEMAN'S ADDRESS. Following this discussion was the truly magnificent address of the Hon. Newton Bate man, of Knox college. It would be useless to attempt an out­ line of his paper, for every sentence contained a living thought expressed In the speaker's own splendid manner. The subject of the psiper was, "Teach­ ers should be students." He dwelt up­ on the idea expressed in these words and In many ways and through various Illustrations impressed the main thought of the paper upon the teachers. It was held that the teacher who «easea to be a student should cease to (each. No man should tea«h who does not know more of his subject than is contained In the books. A teacher should be master of the situation, and be so far-reaching in his investigations that he will be ready at all tlmss with Illustrations with which to aptly bring out si«d foster the thought of the les •on. Better know much of one subject than a little of many subjects.-- Thoroughness In all the work of the teachers Is an absolute demand, and lie who stops before he reaches It. Is unlit *• ooeupy a place In the school room.-- When the body ceases to act, we call it ~4tod,and proceed to bury it; and when tho soul refuses to move forward, U too. should be put aside. A dead soul] cannot lead a living spirit. The suc­ cess of our system depends absolutely upon the proper, harmonious, physical. Intellectual and moral development of those who are to teach the youth. Dr. Batemsn was listened to with profound attention from tlrst to last, and all through the paper received the most hearty applause. The doctor is grow­ ing old, but only in years, for his mind Is as vigorous as ever, and the fires of enthusiasm kindle within him as quick­ ly now as in the days of twenty jfaara •go. May lie long live as an Insplrer to the fojneer class of teachers In our life, and In general, be able to do busi­ ness in a thorough business-Hue man­ ner. The sentiment of the speech was con­ curred In by several others, who spoke upon the question for debate. The sense of the entire association seemed to be that the teaching of the day should bo more in harmony with the natural and common sense method* suggested by the nature of the child and the practical needs of American citizenship. Evidently the teachers are making progress In the right di­ rection, and certainly should receive the cordial support of every c'ass of onrcltlsens. ADDRESS BT HOJT. BISJ. P. TA.TLOR. The association came together In the evenlne to listen to a lecture by the Hon. Benj. F. Taylor, of Cleveland. Ohio. "The Use of Words," was liis theme, and from the verr beginning, his hearers were in the midst of de­ light. The audience was carried among many of the curiosities of the English language, snd treated to some fine specimen* of its beautiful expres­ sion. The use of plain,short words was insisted upon, and their practical use was illustrated in many ways. Jt would be useless to attempt to give even the substance of the address, as it i one of those peculiar addresses whose substance cannot be given with* outgiving the entire thing, body, soul and spirit. Everybody wa? delighted, and seemed well paid for the hour . of the evening. DEATH OP PRESIDENT OARPIEt-D. The chair announced Hon. Newton Bateman, Dr. Edwards and George Howland a committee on resolutions on the death of President Garfield, after which the convention adjourned till 9 o'clock A. H. (To be Con t inued . ) I & n COtJftgt* OF STUDY, •he afternoon session was chiefly oc­ cupied with a debate on the question Re*oh>ed, That the courses of study In our graded schools (be^ow the high aehoola) should be limited to the com men English branches. This resolution was affirmed by Homer Bevans. of Englewood. HIS P*P*r was a clear and able argument and was listened to with marked at tentlon. The speaker seemed to be in earnest and worked hard to support his side of the question. The negative of the question was pretexted by C. L Parker, of Oakland school. While Mr, Parker did not come to his work quite so readily as his opponent, and in bulged lis a few adhomlncm remarks, •till when he did get to the work he came as a flood. He poured hot shot Into the enemy and seemed determined to make him surrender. It wa* a live ly debate and everybody seemed to eu Jov it heartily. The members of the association participated In a general ar.a lively discussion of the subject which had just been debated. Dr. Edwards said he believed both debators to be right, and proceeded to show how the sci­ ences run Into each other, and that, whether there be few or many brandies •amed In the course of study, the teacher who understands the science of teaching can bring In enough to give the pupils a culture at once broad and oeep. The Doctor's remarks seemed to West the approval of the teachers >dglug by the hearty applause. . * Prof, Bolt wood also spoke, giving emphasis to tbe position that our schools should be so organized that al) Urn children can secure a liberal educa­ tion. Prof. Nightingale also spoke In favor Of more practical teaching In our adiools. He spoke with much earnest- necs, and Insisted that the education of our day must be made to serve a more practical and business purpose.-- Tb® hoy should be able to spell correct­ ly at least two-thirds of t*ie words In a business letter, and write a hand grace- fuljMd plalu;should be able to make nwM--rt jaUciilMious QJ(A business JOHN STERBA, Woodstock •'I W ,.V" Woodstock, And has now on hand the sto'k of Illinois, largest and best READY MADE HARNESSES, COLLARS, WHIPS, &<>„, to lu> fonnrt in tSe Couuty, And. ha<t evcrvtldni miula of the BEST MATERIAL. OALKANRHSOEME. *' JOHN STERBA. New Fa l l STOCK, JUST RECIEVED --AT-- Maiman's CXiQTSXRTO .HOUSE, A.T WAL*COi> DA. I have the largest stock of Fall Goods ever brought to l,Hke Count)-, whi«-h I will •ell at LO VKtt PRICES THAN EVER BE­ FORE. Ready-made Clothing more numerous than ever and at prices suited for every purse.-- For anything made to order, whether a single garment or a full suit Maiman's Is thfe place to buy. Also a fall Uie of GEXTS* FURNISHING GOODS, Hats and Caps, Ao. I hare a larfee variety of PIECE GOODS, of the Latest Style* and Patterns, at low figures. Mrs. Maimas., Who is assisted by Miss Gieseler, has just received :i line stock ot Fall Millinery, of Hie latest sly le» to be found in the city which she invites the Ladies of Wntinoniia to call and examine. Hats and Bonnets Trimmed in the latest ityleuanrl at reasona­ ble prices. Dress Makinsr done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. NEW STORE AT VOLO! 3. 0. L@igh.toa. Ha8op*ned the old store} building, at Volo, and filled it with a food slock of Family grocf»ri'*8, Canned Goods, CANDIES, OTTS, CIO ASS, TOBACCO, ETC To which he invite? the attention of the buy- ing public, confident thtt he can please them both in quality of Goods and price. Keeps also a good line of CLOTHING AXD GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS, which will be sold as cheap as at any other store in the County. SVGtve^me a call. H. C. LEIGBTOJT. Volo, December 7th, 1881. STILL- - k BOOMING r fered so large a stock '•'i JOHNSBURCH Of Dry Goods, Clothing, <fcc., and at such low prices Buyers Mil find it for their interest to call and see us. STEVENS & SCHNORR AT Marljoris. HENRY MILLER,. --DFALKR IN-- American and Foreip MarMe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC.. ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mo Henry, 111. Johnaburgh Autr. 30th, 1877 CLOAKS! CLOAKS ! A full line of Cloaks and Dolmans, all sizes, of the latest styles, and at prices to suit.-- Call ana examine them. THE •'CAKDEF' BUBBEB CO'S Back-Strap Arctics The most Convenient «f all Arties. They go on easily and fit perfectly, The ortrputent and eMerlj will appreciate them. No troub­ le to buckle. Exclude vet and snow. Very neat. Magnetic Ointment. _ W A R R A N T E D To Care Pile* and Chafing Sores. Also, Sore Ryes, More Throat, Karache, Bruises, Barns, Cuta, Cora*, Skin Disorders, Scrofuloas sa<<J all Sores, lu in :>n Kidney, Liver, BaweS m l Lung Diseases Rheumatism, Back* Mbc, Lameness Sprains ami Swellings is re. gardeif by- tin; best physiciiins as simply wonder­ ful. Forsalebydruffffigts. Price911 nrvl 40oenU. I. Bansom, Boa A Co., Sole Props., Buffalo,!f.Y. Robinson Wagon Co. WAGONS. Manufacturers of FARM & SPRING Buggies St Phaetona. Band for designs and prices to BOBHTSON WAGON CO., CINCINNATI, o. R. WELLS & SON'S, ILL. For the ^xt Thirty Days, Goods will be sold at GREATLY RE­ DUCED PRICES, to Close our Winter Stock. Tis is a rare chance for those wishing to buy Dry Goods, Clothing, &c. We have j ust received aj immense Stock for the Fa! and "Winter trade, and ca: show you the finest^ line o: these goods ever brought t< McHenry County. Remem-T ber we buy and sell for cash! buy our goods at bottom1 prices, can ana&will give you such i^reat bargains that it will pay you to come from any part of the coun­ ty to trade with us, no mat­ ter how great the distance. We keep a full line of the Selz celebrated custom made goods constantly on hand, both fine and coarse, for men, women and chil- dvpn "W. H. DWIGHT, ' "Woodstock, 111. Wauconda, Jan, -- J. 16th, 1882 R. WELLS & SON. Haunt Specialties. '[ '*Old Times great Hock that never stops, Nor runs too fast or slow. Hungup amid the world of space, Where wheeling Planets glow. Its dial piate the orbit vast, Where whirls our mundane sphere, Has pushed its pointer round again And struck another year." Realizing that the revolution oi the aforesaid pointer would soon be accomplished, our old stock was carefully examined, and de­ ficiencies supplied, so that we can now meat our customers with our best wishes tor a Happy New Year, and a Try on these before you buy an old fashioned pair, FOB SALE BT Colby Bros. McHenry. THE HORSE L WAGON. A NEW BOOK on th« Horse. His history, structure, uses •nd treatment. Also giving a few of the most Important and Effective Bemedies for the cure of the diseases of the hori«. fcC" Valuable to every owner and lora? of lb* hone. Published by the B03XH30H WAOOK CC., Claels- Mti, 0., and sent, posta-e paid, to any address, on reccipt of TIIRKF.r-C.NT ST A Mr*. Xhull'urt^t and ])< >.( HiHlirine ever Hade. Acolmbinatum ot Mops, Buohu« Man* drakme *»<' Dandelions a" l"*' an® most ura tiv>> m-uijerth » of all other Bitters, tiiei-Ti'ateist BtOCCi PurMiorf &.IVW Res u llLator, f.n-l Health ItwtoHng AKlril pcwiMlily loose extet where Hop I'.UU I» are us\ed^o veiledottd perfoM are Uielr Ttej £.»e HMrli lie aai vigor to tha »g«d «4 iiffltn. To all whore e%rai:Ui} nitnt«cauie Irn-Kularl" ty of lx>w»!iKorit uilnury onrans, or who re- quireun Apt. i;« rV.. Toni- anil mild htimnlai.t, tlop Bitters are inval%0labie> Without IntOX* icating. analL No matter whotyour £,.%elin<?s or sym|itoms are what the diwas<- or ail\«™ent I* use Hop Bit­ ters. Don't wait until >.ju uti i« »lclt but If yoii only f» cl bad or njiM.-VaWi!,®"*0 them at twice. It :nay savi; yuarlii'i-.u liasS3 av «4 huudredH. tsoo w"l I* paU f ru they will not cine ur help. Do u»t W.orlet your friondH »;:(H i-,l.iit iln« anil urK# lUetni l ton,,! Hop B lli'iiicmlier, Hop Hlt.Wiu 1* ni/V. vl!e> <lrinnf«>d drunken 'ujntrum, but tlie lMrc; 1 " J I'••it Medicine e»ci marfc •. the IXEtli anil UOPE™ ami no i*.rson or fatjiily should tx; without 11 win. B.l.c.l" a" absoi'it* «nd IrrftJi-tiWe eon" | forUiMiikeiuies.i.UHt ot optr.m, 1 uari'oti.-s. All soM ii.V forCirouiiir. Il«p Rllm urn. Co., ' H'Hwui- r.y.T r"1 ' •' v •UIMflMBBMMHBi myt. S1,000 REWARD-7 i For any c»»e Blfml, BleeAtn?, 1TI«*ernte«l o I'rolruding I'lLKR that PEIIIKG'8 PILE REMEDY falls to eurc, PrPtiared bv J. P. Miller Bt. I)., tt|5 Arch 8t, l'hiladelphfai. Pa. A'otw genuine without hix hignuturr. semi for circular. All <lriixffi*t» or general stores havelit or will fret it foi you. tl. Sold in »m g !»• /VilKt'lim at,. nrticffintK. D.s,uh«. ^i^'0. Dimne Room II. UAIL Tfcrcc sheets, 19x24, heavy plate pap^r, contain­ ing ehv^tion«5. plant and detail* f< r the above house: also book of VO pivinjcspecifications, itemizoa estimate and form ©f contract- iovatuable to every rarpenter <^r p \rty proposing btulding, as a guide in bid* or drawing contracts. Price $•.(». Sent by mail, |>osLpaid, on receipCQt ^ H. E. WAUTON, 330 W. Ninth 8t*( Cincinnati, • This includes Combs by the wholesales. Spectacles and Optical Goods, First Class Cigars, especially a lot of ten centers, which wa, are priving away tor a nickle. Photograph and Autograph Albums, Musical Goods. School Books. Gift Books, Blank Books, in fact all Kinds of Books, Stationery and School Supplies, And lots of othei urticlcs too numerous to mention, but which we shall be pleased to show you whenever you will call at the "Wauconda Drug Storfe. v AND BOOK HAUNT. JACOB STORY, McHENRY, ILL. DEALSB IX Srty! If you want gilt-edged, A. No. 1, warranted Pen Knife, Jack Knife, or any other kind of a Knite to give to your Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter, or any­ body else, or lor your own "use, jiist call at the W auconda Drug Store and Book Haunt and we will show you just the thing. Also an extra fine new lot ot Shears and Razors. P. B, HARRISON, Wauconda, Ills. i, Ms, Stoves, Haw 8ol»»ors, Shears, Table and Pookst Cutlery, % Spades, Slnrels. Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindst nes p Window Glass, . M -, 1 CRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. fe J. STCRY. O. C. COLBY & CO., AT THEIR TWO STORES, In McHenry and Nunda, Are now Offering the Largest Line of hardware, Stoves, Tinware, &c., ever shown in McHenry Connty, which we ofl>3r to the buv iog. public. AT BOTTOM PRICES* Our stock is complete and comprises everything usually kept in a First Class Hardroraro Store. Our store is crammed full of Bargains and we offer the best and most goods for the least money of any one in the business. WE INTEND TO KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUT OF Hlfcft' PRICES IN BARB WIRE. The Best Barb Wire in the Market^at 8 cts. per Pound. A m Call and see us andJkarn that we mean business. Store in McHenry, Opposite Bistufps Mill. At Nunda in Palmer's Store. BUY YOUR Bis, Meiiciies, Paints, OAs, etc.. OF GEORGE W. BESLEY, Whose Store can be found on the West Side, wheae everything this line can be found, Fresh and Pure. in ICh^IMC Ever brought to McHenry county, among which can be found the Bonnw Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that defy competition. Call aud see thenc fore purchasing. ^ ' « Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give meaal »• < G.W. BESLEY. McHenry, III, Oct. 10th, 1881. ( • mailto:L@igh.toa

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