Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1882, p. 5

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^EDNE8DAY, JAN. 8«. 188i. Railroad Time Table* _ lOllfO SOOTH. •eneva Lak^ Passenger...... 7:B I. * Otsart Lake ExnreM S:SS " •saera Luke Freight . ....ltflS.'r. M narto srosiB. Bn«*t T.»k« Freleht A. V Geneva Lake Express AMr.U 8«U» likkuJPtstenter SJS " B. Bras. Agent. McHenry, III OUR Greenwood correspondent filled to come to hand this week. has /^Ws. ( \Waite u GRANGER is to IUCC<«d Deputy Postmaster. G. F. JOHN FI. BLAKE hits a new adver­ tise men t. to which the attention of our reader* is invited. THE Report of the First National Bank. Woodstock can be found In another column. « • THE finest three Act Drama yet brought out, at Riverside Hall, on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. AN exchange says to grease the griddle, use * turnip dipped in lard.-- It will prevent pancake smoke in the kitchen. If you want to "laugh and grow fat," go to Riverside Hall on Thursday and Frldayevenings, and see the Drama of *Tbe Turn of the Tide." PERSONALS. ' Miss ETTA SEAHLES, of Chicago, U visiting among friends in this village. MRS. JOHN MCOWUXR has been quite sick the past two weeks but h now re­ ported better. MR. AND MRS. H. H. NICHOLS, re­ turned from a three weeks visit to Indianapolis, Indiana, on Saturday evening last. PETER WHITNEY, our genial Connty Clerk, passed through here on Saturday evening, on his way to^ Richmond, where he went to spend the Sabbath. O. P. WAITE, otir efficient Deputy P. M., has accepted a situation In a large Music House, in Kansas City, at a salary of $1,300 per year, and will depart fur that place this week.-- While we are glad to hear of his good fortune in securing so lucrative a po­ sition. we are very sorry to lose him from otir village,^ Who will succeed him in the Port Office we have not yet learned. He will take with him to his new flsld the best, wishes of a host of friends in this section. THOMAS ELLIOTT, who formerly re­ sided here, is calling on old friends and acquaintances. He has been to Old England since he left here and also traveled quite extensively in the United States. Ii he can And a place to suit hi in he will probably stop again in this section. G C. L. JAMES, of the Milwaukee • Bridge Com pan v, commenced the work • of straightening up the Bridge this \norning; THE Installation of the officers of McHenry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. and A. Masons, will take place on Saturday evening next, January 28th. Every member is earnestly requested to be preseut. CHAS. O Oot.Br, w. M. / IT is rumored oy the knowing ones win , M wm M.E. Church YTLLLTTACock fight took place somewhere will meet at Mrs. William Paige's next/,D the West part of this village week Thursday afternoon. Feb. 2nd.- Saturday night last. If this Is A warm invitation is extended to all. m,. , . WANTED, in or near this village, ten; or fifteen acres of good land. Inquire of James Gallagher, at the News Room, In Lawlus' Store. **THK Turn of the Tide," by the McHenry Dramatic Club, at Riverside Hall on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. No lover of the Drima •fhould fail to go. , DURING her recent visit to her slste . at Indianapolis, Ind., Mrs. H. H. Nich ols.of this village, was the reclpien , of a very handsome present, in the' -Shape of a flue Estey Organ. •. THE marriage of one of McHenry's 'most estimable young ladles, takes place this week, bnt as It has not j-etj taken place we shall refrain fro speaking of It now. on a (act we would like to inquire where our Marsha) was about that time? We would suggest to the Board that he either be requested to do his duty or resign. From the manner In which things are ?oing on it might with pro prlety be asked "have we a Marshal ,among us?" roral t v j AUNT REBECCA, Pepper and Frisky, will all be at Riverside Hall on Thurs­ day and Friday evenings of this week, 'and request the attendance of every­ body and their friends. • ' i WE learn by notices i pour exchange! .that an examination for a cadetshfp West. Point from this congressional ®*»u,. FnUraar* «lUh. We have seen no official notk of it. SEE the card of M. M. Clothier. Notary Public and Conveyancer, and pqillector of Pension Claims, which can be found in another column. He is too well known to need any encomiums from us. A MILWAUKEE thief was recently fined ten dollars tor stealing a single copy of a paper from a neighbor's yard. If the sentence WAS just, what ought to be the punishment of a man - who will steal the paper for an entire year, or for a series of years, from the publisher? (ALAROK number of our citizens were «i Woodstock the latter part of last week, attending Court, the trial of our Bridge Case with the county being on. It was closed on Friday night, the Judge reserving hii decision. It will probably be decided in about two weeks. JTFR. Vlck is quoted as saying that the "White Worm" or any other worm. In pots, may be destroyed by sticking three or four common matches down Into the soil, also one or two up into tiie drain opening. The phosphorus on the match is certain death to animal life, and a powerful fertilizer for plants. {ft of TKuTtMvnTlrock that the voice ' #ned. j|l returned to my former station in >wnrifrht bewilderment. The agent's ory occurred to me, but even now I ;tached no weight to it. I am a prao- cal man, and was firmly convinced that tere must be some rational explanation 1 the mystery, if I could but discover The voioe was oertainly that of a rang girl. But where was she? Was te old fable of tbe wood-nymph a truth ** 1 X RLWVTRTRL NT» THE regular meeting of the Board of Sciiool Directors of this District ; will be held at the Brick School House, 1 on Friday evening of this week, I January 27th, at 7 o'clock, at which time all persons having bills against said Board are requested to present | the same so that thev may be properly t adjusted. Other necessary business rill also come before tbe ineetiug. SHEDD A Co. have commenced har­ vesting the ice on the pond, and for a few weeks It will be lively in that iectloa. As tbelr house here Is full of last year's Ice, this season's crop will te shipped immediately to Chicago. a long train of empties came in on Xonday for that purpoi*. We un8er- aand they till run about oat hondred hind* here. f Wg learn that B. S. Grovenor, who was formerly with Ward Gale In the Fouudrv, in this village, was accident­ ally killed at the Foundry in Elgin, on Wednesday last. It appears he was at work alone in the evening, and going below to adjust a belt, his scarf caught in the shafting, aud when his fellow workmen came around in the morning he was found hanging to the shaft, his neck broken. Gforenor moved from tills place to Elgin about a year ago.-- He leavos a wife and four children. niCATH or L. MTODDAKD. n- Stoddard, an old and well known resident, died very suddeuly at his residence in this village on Tuesday afternoon. Very few of our citizens knew that he was sick until his death was announced. He had a disease of many years stauling, but has been arfifind arfel/flfiig to business until Saturday last. His funeral will be held on Thursday (to-morrow), at l'O o'clock, A. M., from the Universalist Church. Rev. Joel Wheeler, officiating. THE SYCAMORE Republican refers to something to which officials should give a passing thought, as follows: "It will be well for town officers to re­ member the law passed last winter requiring officers who disburse public money, to publish iu some newspaper a detailed statement of their disburse­ ments. It will be better to prepare such statements now than to wait un­ til the hurry of spring work and town meeting together leaves them less of leisure." flie Waukegan Qazeffa says "'a War- rei man killed eleven full grown ektnks in one day last week, digging then from a single nest. Tbe chickens In hat neighborhood should hold a coiventlon and vote hiui a resolution of hank*.*' Perhaps that was'nt much of i day for skunks. We think Broth­ er nrtridge might have fouud^ome ot tiat "trtte inwardness* If/be had beecthere. THE next sociable for the benefit of the cemctery, will be held at the resi­ dence of the Hon. F. K. Granger, this evening (Wednesday, Jan. 35th.) when the following programme will be pre­ sented: Instrumental Music.--Miss Grace Owen. Song.--M<ss Bloise Waite. Vocal Music.--Mr. and Mrs. Bigeiow. Select Reading.--Miss Belle Stod­ dard. Solo.--Miss Bertha Holliet*r. Vocal Music.--Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Stevens. Recitation.--Miss Maud Van Slyke. Vocal Music.--Mrs. Martin. Song.--Frank Gfeing. Select Reading.--Dr. H. T. Brown. Vocal Duet.--Mrs. Julia Bishop and Mni. T. J. Walsh. Song.--Miss Cora McOmber. Select Reading.--Mrs. J. B. Perry. Vocal Music.--Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Mead The exercises promise to be very in­ teresting, and it is hoped there will be a good attendance. All are very cordi­ ally invited. "THE TURN or THK TIDE." The above is the title of the beauti­ ful Three Act Drama, which is to be brought out by the McHenry Dramatic Club, at Riverside Hall, on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week, the 261 hand 27th. New Cost unit's, new scenery, etc.. have been procured es­ pecially for this Play, and wo can as­ sure our readers that it will be an en­ tertain. nent that will both please and instruct, and one well worthy of their patronage. Our young folks have spent much time and money this Win­ ter in getting up these excellent en­ tertainments, and should (as they have so far) receive a liberal support from our citizens. Let the Hall be filled to overflowing on Thursday and Friday nights. The Drama will be followed by a side-splittin; Farce entitled "The Dutch J. P" You will miss a rich treat if you fail to go. NEW THIS WEEK. All persons knowing themselves In­ debted to Mrs. H. H. Nichols, will please call and settle the same fis soon as possihi**, as our books for 1881 inust be closed. M*3. B. K. KJtNOLS. Old Settlers' Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Old Set­ tlers Association of McHenry and Lake Counties, will be held at the River­ side House, in the village of McHenry, on THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9th. 1882, at one . o'clock j». M., for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other busi­ ness as may oome before the meeting. All Interested are earnestly requested totattend. ] JUSTUS BANGS, President. «L. VAN SLYKE, Secretary. As diphtheria is very prevalent throughout this country we do not think the following will be out of place In these columns: It is a remedy extracted from the Belfast (Ireland) Witney and was written by a gentle- 1,1 who accompanied a doctor on hie rounds when diphtheria was almost an epidemic In England. He says of the doctor: "All he took with him was powdered sulphur aud a quill, and with these he cuted every patient without exception. He put a teaspoonfuli of flour of brimstone in t( wine-glass of water, and stirred with his finger In­ stead of a spoon, as the sulphur does not readily amalamat* with water.-- When the sulphur was well mixed lie gave it as a gargle, and in ten miuutes the patient was out of danger. Brim, stone kills every species of fungus in man, beast and plant, in a few minutes. Instead of spitting opt the gargle, he recommended the swallowing of It. In extreme cases, lu which he had been called just In the nick ot time, when the fungus was too nearly closed to allow the gargling, he blew the sulphur through a quill into the throat, and after the fungus had sur.k, to allow of it, then the gargling. Re never lost a patient from diphtheria. If a patieut cannot gargle, take a live coal, put it on a shovel, aud sprinkle a spoonful or two of flour of brimstone upon It; let the sufferer inhale by holding his head over it." Dr. R. F, Bennett, or Elgin was Richmond Thursday. ' Mrs Geo. Purdy died Tuesday morning. of caooir oa The "Fnn and Folly" company gave an entertainment at the Richmond House Hall, to a fair house on Saturday evening, , William Drake, who came home from Elgin a couple of weeks ago, sick with typho-malarial fever, aud whose condition was at one time considered quite crl tical, Is now pronounced In a more favorable condition. Life and Woi k of Garfield. We have heretofore referred to this remarkable book by Dr. John Clark Ridpatli, published by Jones Brother^ A Co. Its success Is almost phenotn enal. It is doubtless having a larger sale than any other book now before the public. It seems to possess the rare quality of responding to the pop­ ular want In every detail--in matter, illustration, paper, printing, binding and price. As it concerns Garfield's life aud the events which make him Hiufcir'ious, this book will ever remain the standard popuiar biography. NUMDA. EDITOR PLAIXDKAI.EK:--Wm. Wil­ cox has just finished a term of writing school at Cary. He had 25 scholars.-- Clark failed to get up a class here. Miss Clara Smith and Llllle, her sister, started^or Iowa this week, their future hoine.VA P. R. Birch has sold his Interest In the Richmond Cheese Box Factory to J. O. Meeker, who thus becomes as­ sociated with Mr. Randall iu th«! busi­ ness. The new firm will endeavor to sustain the reputation of the old one for good work and fair dealing, and will, no doubt, meet abundant success. A Division of the Sons of Temper­ ance Is |ust organized in Richmond.-- The following is a list of the officers of the new Division: W. P.. S. F. Bennett. A.W. P., Mrs. p. J. Ercan- brac. R. S.. Mrs. G. B. Carpenter. A. S., E. M. Wray. F. S., J. West. T, B. F. Gibb8. Chap^ J. L. Downing. Cou., P. J. Ercanbrac. A. C„ A. Good- ham. Sentinel, Mrs. M. A. Whetmore. 0.8.. John Wray. P. W.1 P., David Clapsattle. Dep. Julia Sherman. On Thursday Jan. 3rd 1882, at the residence of the brides father Hamlin Fenner, a quiet but very pleasant wed­ ding occurred. The actors being Mr. Walter V. Andrew* and Miss Lizzie H. Fenner. The ceremony was per­ formed by Rev. Van Nest, of Genoa Junction. And the congratulation, aud good wishes that followed showed that the friends and relatives were united id making It a day to be re­ membered. The following is a list of the presents: Lamp. Mrs. Dr. Ham­ lin, Chicago, Japanese tea set, Mrs. Dr. Lyman, Chicago. Dinner castors Mr. and Mrs, Stephens, Chicago.-- Clock. Mr. and Mrs. A. B.' Clark, Chicago. China tea set, Mr. and Mrs. P. Whitney and lir. and Mrs. John Sumner. ^Iass water pitcher aud goblets. Miss Nellie Andrews. Set silver knives Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Smith and Mr. and Mrs. S. Smith.-- One bolt of factory cloth, Mr. B. Hodge and Mrs. N. A. Hopkins. Dozen grMln bags, Mr. S. Andrews. Dinner set, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew*. Mr. and Mrs. Wol­ fram, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parlous, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Parson*,' Hasle and Robert Clark. Standard sauce dish. J. Robertson, Set goblets Miss Belle Fenner. Bed spread, Miss Lucy Wol- from. Card case, Nellie Sumner.-- Matcn safe. Frank Parsons Majolica pitcher. Mrs. Dr. Lyman. Chicago.-- Lace collar. May Whitney. Card case. Thou hast tiled thy mivaion O, sad, lone tree! Not a gashing note from a wild bint's throat* Will ever again, with its pUtntive strain! Seek thy ever groan bou|h£, for Its ve a per f*ne. Thou art ladea with frntt, to-night Christmas fee. And bright erfesnre irlUteniag, 0A quick ear* nre listening. For n.tmej yet na*itok.»n for gift-oorJ* un- broKen, While aitft talry linger*, o'er partings still linger. * Over parcels, with covers, Mr swset hearts anil IOVDII, '* Over pa~kitges bonad With strong cloth around, For fathers and brother*, aweet sisters and mothers. Over gilts foe the poor, who la this eharmed hour, Leave their own dark door, to bnt gate on {he store Of Christmas! prapared for the happy onee more; And ot tea with sljffes and tear stream lug eyes, • Do they mingle and pitie, at the daysdeollne, For Christmas! to gladden their own dismal home .g While the acene la completing, Araept the kind greeting, Of true loring friends. « ho warns wishes ex. tend, Fer a bright Merry Christmas and a ffappy New Year. was robbed in Chicago last we«*k. • ' Ed St Clair is at home and talks some of canvassing this county for Gaskell's Compendium. This Is the best work of its kind in the market. The attendance at the Lake last Friday night/at the Union Literary meeting was more than the room could accommodate. The programme was carried out in full. The Joint debate which was the feature of the evening wns decided in favor of those who re­ presented the Union Society. John Darby commences the erection of a dwelling house tor himself next week. Lest Grover spends this w»ek visit ing relatives at Diamoud Lake, Lake County. Mrs. Benton is hax-ing her house painted. Miller Is doing the job. Mr. B. P. Featherly has returned from hia Michlgau trip where he has been visitiug. Joe Green, who has been absent six years in Nebraska, is here on a visit.-- He says he has a farm and likes it very much and all he lacks is a bird for his cagt and he will try to catch one while here, . Boone^ouiity, Nebraska is his home. Fred and Harry Sanford were before Esq. Butler on Monday last to answer to a charge of disturbing divine wor­ ship. They were fined 96 each and costs. Wc think if three or four more could have been added to the number and treated the same way It would have given better satisfaction. V A few friends cf Mr. and Mt». Ira Mallory gathered at their hoiis<Klast Monday night and Informed them tnat they had been married flfteeu years. It was a complete surprise. They left several articles of glassware and en­ joyed themselves for a few hours. Charley McDonald is home and It only just able to get around with tbe aid of a cane. Inflammatory rheuma­ tism is the cause The Woodstock train, which switches in our milk car. has been ordered to' run down to the depot anyplace men at the switch and then ruu back and fly in the car and return and get the train. This makes them considerable work andJ'takes time. The intention te to prevent an.y possible accideut ; but we have another solution. There is a new man at the helm and if lie did not do something to show his authority the train men would not notice the change. Cal Lincoln w»« re-arrested Monday night and taken te Woodstock. GOODS MARKED DOWN. Cloaks, Dolmans and Ulsters, Beaver and Felt Hats. Knit Jackets, Hoods and Hosiery will be sold at cotit to re­ duce stock, and to make room for spring Goods. MM. H H. NFONOLA. COWS WANTED. Wanted immediately 30 good new milch Cows. Apply at Hanly ft $ops Mill. McHenry,111. A. H. HANLY £ SOARS Mrs. S. Hearts will sell Dolmans. Misses and Childrens cloaks at tbo very lowest prices to close out ftotHr. gfie "btittle, Georgi euuer. Twenty dollar gold plecea brides father and mother. Aeknowl edgrae nt. The Parsonage at Genoa Junction from the first day the Pastor took pos­ session of it. has been almost the daliy recipient of generous surprises, from their many friends at Genoa, and Richmond, and the country surround- iugeacii. The participants, iu these benevolent efforts, will accept the as­ surance. that their constant kindness is appreciated, as slso, the grateful ac­ knowledgments. of those, to whom they have come, so often, as tbe re­ freshing draught of pure cold water to the thirsty travelers,?!* the desert. It would be Impossible toenumerate, the times, the manner, the number and the names of the articles contributed or by whom--but it will be sufficient to say-- they always came--just at the right time, and from the right sources, In the right way, in just the right quanti­ ty, so that tbe supply at the time just met the demand. 8o there was no lack and nothing to waste. The Mas­ ter says: "It is more blessed to give, than to receive," ant) judging from the great blessing, experienced iu the receiving, the blessiag experienced lu the giving must he very great. "The liberal deviseth liberal things aud by liberal things shall he stand. KEY. P. &. VAN NEST, D. D. Mas. A |«, VAN .VEST. ALDEN. EDITOR PLAIKDEALKR:--Finally old winter has made its appearance among us In ear-jest, but act9 rather queer for him. f A Vaccination seems to be the main epidemic in this part of the county at present, aud is raging to quite an ex­ tent among the juveniles. Carl Wachholz, a German living about two mile* north-east, of town, has had the misfortune to lose two children within the last two weeks, and a third one is not expected to live, with that dread disease diphtheria. His family have the sympathy of the community lu the hour of their afflic­ tion. Geo. Clawson comes to the front and says he Is not going to be out ot date., but is going to beat his neighbors In the shape of a barn. He Is busy haul­ ing the lumber at present. C, R. Fink spent three days last week at a dairy convention lu She- boygfn, Wisconsin. Clin*. Easion, formerly of this plnce, now of Yankton, Dakota. Is visiting his parents aud relatives iu this viciu- ity. Mrs. Johnson has sold her place, con­ sisting of twenty acres, to Mr. iBe'ttle- my, Sr.. for $1.JOO. G. B. Andrews, whose health has been very peor lor some time. Is now very iow. Rev. Adron held meetings each night last week, and will continue them through the ooming week. Although slimly attended,he still has faith. A child called at the house of G. Bates about a week ago, and it will probably stop with Mr. aud Mrs. B. for a while. It Is a hoy, W. Brandon, who has been teaching writing out around Pecatonlca the past three months. Is visiting his par- -em* - - -• • • ^. Onr school Is progressing finely un­ der the administration of G. Miles. It U the largest it has been for several years, and we hope it will be the most successful one; Is the wish of the Twxjug. The And And A Tribute to the Qbrlttmsi Tree, BT C. B. VAjT NEST. [Published byiRequest.] Spring wakes joj|, in loosing eaptire stream*, ! bursting beaaty, ia tke wild towr'i gleams, i summer's glory, )a soft showers are borne, | To ripe tbe vintage and prepare the corn. Autumn's rich garniture! and failing leaves, Her mellow tic ted e^ies, end garueied shear «s, Leave memories sweeti then pass on rapid lag. I And mournfully enthroM the season'# king. Cold, morning winds, ainf through tbe forest drear, i And solemn reqniem, g|er the dying year And stern December, am hit snow crowp'd breast, And witber'd garlamie; lays him down to rest Wild hnrmanies ot unseen chords are beard) And naked bousrbs of tall eld tree sere stirred. And moving shadows, 'neatb the star-lit sky, 4eera listening to the <lir|g»Mike melody. The wailing oeased, and o'er tbe dying year Creation rtrop'ta tributary tear. And loud hHannahs, usbsred iu the morn. When Chi ist, the Lord, tie Prlnoe of Peace was liornl Rlcn gifts around the infliltt Savlcur lie, Where the sweet Mother sang her lullaby And where the horned oxen, nightly fed' Laid him to rest; within t|e manger.bed. But, Hark I to the gleeful sound of tbe be'ls. The Christmas bell; in their joyful swells- Pealing with pride fwi tbe far ni|i side, And bounding echo through forest dells. The n haste to the chiming; joyous and free, On tl)it festive night, wlierp the tapers bright, Are tilling the tree with wild hnagery. And illuming the place, pith tliei) mafitoai light, t Thoq «rt proud la thy Hearty O, world and tree, la thy royal green and stateliest mten, And heart gifts hung in thy branches among And ore r them a» splendors fairy (ike flung'- BENEFIT PAKTY. Yourself and Ladies are oordlally Invited to attend a Party for the ben» eflt of Mrs. Thomas Loughltn. at Riv­ erside Hall. McHenry, III., on Friday ^veniug. February 3d, 1883, Floor Manager*--Cha*. T. Eldredge, Robert McNeil, John Courtney, James McCabe, John Knox. Mtiilc--McHenry Quadrille Band. Tickets, 91.00. Supper extra. As the above Is a very worthy ob­ ject it is to be hoped that all will turn out. Mrs. Loughllu is both worthy, aud needy. JASL KKNAKLLKT, P. H. CONWAT. Proprietors, SOCIAL PARTY. There will be a Social Party, for the Benefit of the German School, at the McHenry House Hall,on Monday even­ ing. Feb. 30th. 188i. Tickets, includ­ ing Supper. $1. Music, Ringweod Quadrille Baud. Let all come and have a good time, and lend a helping hand to a worthy object. Br ORDEE COMMITTBE. Best Woven Wire Mattress, for #4.00 at John B. Blake's. Notice. After January IBth, 1882. the under sighed, Collefctor of tne Town of Mo- Henry. will be at the following placet, at the times desiguaied. for lite pur- |K>*f of receiving the Taxes for the Town of McHenry, as assessed for the year 1881: » Ou Mondays at the store of Adams A Lye. lu the village of Jolinsburgli. On Tuesdays at the store of J. W. Cristy, in the village of Rlngwood, On Wednesdays at the store of Perry ft Martin, in the village of McHenry. On Saturday* at the store of Stevens A Schnorr, In Che viDage of McHenry. Those Interested will take due no­ tice and govern themselves according. JAMES LADO. Collector. SOLD! SOLD!! SOLD!!! Having sold my place of business I have got to move, and do offer my stock of Cloths aud Ready-Made Clothing at cost for the next ninety days. I have a few Overcoats that 1 will sell at ten per cent, below cost. Npw Is your time to get bargains as my stock Is clean and in good shape. P.O. MATX3. MeHenry, 111., January'II, 188i. FAIR WARNING. All persons knowing themsuvea In­ debted to the undersigned are here­ by requested to call andsettle the same without delay, as my books must be closed at once. Do not delay as delays will be dangerous in this oase sure. Joa. WIEDEMANN. PARTICULAR NOTICE. All persons having empty kegs of Falk's Milwaukee Lager Beer Com­ pany, are hereby notified to retnm the same to nie at once and save them­ selves trouble. I mean business, aud persons having any keg* In their pos­ session will do well to heed this call without delay. Jos. WiKDMiAKir, Agent. MONEY LOST. Lost, on the 3d day of January, In McHenry, or between McHenry and Jaiues Doherty's, on the Nunda road, thirtv-five dollars. The finder will be suitable rewarded by leaving the same at the PLAIN DEALER OFFICE or re­ turning it to the undersigued. K. H. TnoMreoH. HoUsK AND LOT FOR SALE. The nnderslgned offers his House and lot for sale, situated in the vi ilage of Volo. Lake County. Good House, good barn, well, eiatern and out houses. All In good repair. Also one aere of laud adjoining. Will he sold reason­ able. For further particular^) Inquire ou the promises, /N SMITH. • The Moline Owen's. Snlky Flow at Fishing Tackle of all kfmti Engeln's, In Howe's Block, new Bridge. « n The Furst * Bradley Snlky thm E.M.Owen's. Buckeye Force Owen's. Pumpe, at B. All the Owen's. flrst-clane Plows «| Ladle* and Cnlldrens UHdirwiar. cheap, at J. B. Welh * Son's da. Traveling bags for ladies and easouably good assortment and pries* right at t itzsimmons & EVernon's, g and Plated W*Owe„V tlW fK,nty* at °- Gertnan School Books, and IngM and Gerinau Mass Books, at M.~Xn» geln s Howe's Block, near the bridge. Tne finest stock of Perfumerv in Iks"7 c a n i t y , a t J . B . W e l l s A S o n ' s W » da. Chickens and Turlejnu < C.T. Eklredye has enlarged his Poul­ try House and is now bet ter than ever prepared to do a laige business in this line. Do not fail to call and see him before you sell your poultry. It will pay you. C. T. KLoaroaa. " KSTRAY. ' - Bsnib lh#initiosnre tif ttie Itndei^ signed. about Oct, 1st, two Spring Cows. The owner is hereby notified ta prove property, pay charges and take tiiem away. Tnoe. LcMitr, Elngwood, Jan. 1st, ISSS. FOR SALE. A house and twelve lots. With sitller buildings thereon. Also a house aud 14 acres of laud, within half a mile of tlie village of McHenry. Inquire of JOHN J. FLU SET. OVERCOATS AND ULSTERBTTKS We have the largest stock of Over­ coats and Ulsterettea ever shown la thik market. As we wish to rednee stock before our annnal invoice, these goods will be offered till J*n. 1st mrr and examine lira at Colby Bros. UNDERWEAR For men. women and children. A whole cart-load for tale and print M below the average. Come in and take a look at the Ladles' Vests now offered at fifty cents. W« claim it to be a genuine bargain. fiwiMMoaa * Bvaaaov. The largest and most* complete lot of Kni t Under wear ever offered In this market, just received direct from manufacturers. Will be nold at frit torn prices. Examine tlie soofe ---• : prices at Colby Bros. Spring Grove Mills. I now have my mill In running and am prepared to do grinding oe short notice. Also grind the cob with tiie corn when desired. Hmtar J. PATH--I. Spring Prove. Key. Slst, MSI. Woi fted goods at 19 cents, save tS Is usually sold for 25 cent*. Look la at Fltzsiminous A Evanson'a. Tiie finest line of Dress Goods la this market can be found at Stevsne A Sch norr's. Bams. Shoulders. B*eon; 0«1| Kard and Corned Beef, at Hawattffc ; Market, near tbe Depot. ^ Examine the 5 and 10 cent eoaatets ft J. R. Welht A Son's, Wauconda* .) m Cloaks and Dohlmaus at manufac­ turer's prices. Now Is your time to sect*i e one at Fltxsimmotis A Evan- son's. FOR SALE OR RENT, The undersigned offers for sale or rent his farm of 57 acres, situated In the town of Grant, Lake County, 1} miles from Fox Lako and 4 miles from Volo. Is under good improvement and can be procured on reasonable terms. For particulars inquire on the premises, ' FRANCIS DEELT. CORN WANTED. Wanted, 300 Tons of Ear Corn, for which the highest market price will be paid. F. K. GRANGER. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! Ladies Dolmans and Mantles cut and made to order bv F. Nelson with E. Lawlus. Mr. Nelson is a first class cntterat both Ladles aud Gentlemans garments having just come from one of tiie best Cloak and Merchant Tailor­ ing Houses iu the East, with the best of reterar.ces. We are now ready to coinpeU with the best Houses in Chicago. We have Jn/?t received a full line of samples from Chicago. E. LAWMTS, Lairing Block. GREAT REDUCTION. ON BOOTS AND SHOES. From now until the lourth of March we will sell our winter and heavy goods at greatly reduced prices in order to reduce stock in time for our annual Inventory, which occurs then, and to make room for the largest stock of spring find summer goods ever brought to Woodstock. Am over* stocked in Mens Kip Boots in sires six (ft) and ten 00) aud will sell them at a great ty^rgain, Remember we bwv and sell for!Cash and at bottom prices. ' W. H. PwitiitT. Cower Main St. aud Public Square. W0^tQ<* Fitasimmons A Evanson are giving an extra 10 per cent off ou Overcoats. Purchasers of Dry Goods should not fail to eall at Butler A Warner's. Nun- da and examine their stock for tbe Fall and winter trade. No trouble to show goods. A full line of Buck Gloves and . at J. R. Wells ft Son's, Wauconda* FARM FOR RENT The Subscriber wishes to rent Me •" Farm to some good cash paying custom* , . er fer a term of years. It Is located a < • i half-mile west of Volo, Lake Co.. lit Yolet DM* STH, Mil. : THAT TEA. The color is good, the flavor |M|, No poisonous sittings at the VtMiota af the cup. 4 pounds for tl.OO and Mad weight at that at FitasinuaOM £ Evanson's. Just received. Overcoats for Mea anlit Boys at F. U. Mayes' Clothing Sio*, near the new Bridge, cheapest. Cheap US '•̂ fna"5.X F. G.Mayes says he cannot be under­ sold, IF you want to buy Clothing at Chi­ cago prices, call on E. Lawlus,In Lan­ sing's Block, McHenry. FOR SALE. 1 offer for sale my house and two lots situated in West JfcHenry. Good brick house, consisting of six rooms.-- Good well and cistern, nuthouses Ac.-- All in good repair. Good fruit on the premises. Will be sold reasonable.-- Apply ou the-premises. W*. WALSH. FOB SALE. A house and five acres of land In ths village of McHenry. Will be sold rea­ sonable. Inquire of CASPER WIRFS. Read, and don't Forget It The best and most reliable clock made in this country, is the Setii Thomas. The best plated knives forks and spoons are 1847 Rogers' Broar The bast hollow ware, suoli as Castors. Dinner and Piekle, Cake Baskets,Su^ar and Butter Dishes, Syrup and Child's Cups, Card Receivers, Nut and f're- serve Dishes, etc., are the Heriden Brlttanla and Middletown Plate ^o. Wultham, E'gin, and fine Swiss Watches, fine Gold and Plate Jewelry, and Coin Silver-Ware you will find at J. P. A W. R. Smith's, and sold as cheap as others sell trashy stuff. All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly repaired aud satisfaction' guar­ anteed, J. P. A w. R. SMITH. Store first door south of the Post Office, McHenry, III. % CLOTHING. We now htve the la Children's. Boys', Youths* Clothing ever shown In McHenry* which will be sold at prices to suit tia times. COLBT Bitot. New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a rani and a»» wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Bloek OVERCOATS, as cheap as at an. In tbe country, at Butler ' Nunda. SEWING Vachlne Needles for every machine made, can be found at M. geln's, iu Howe's Block, near tla bridge. Fitasimmons A Evaneoa are vaMaf qulteabreege on Overooats over at tbe west end of town. Look la. " *• ; All first class tea drinker* t h a t t e a a t F l i z s i r n m o n * A pTCHtOMMk Evan--a% pound and tl.OO buys 4 pounds. Try^SSl ft TEA. 80 eents for one ponad pounds for tl.OO. at Fltasi EVAUSOU'S. Call and see oUr tt t4 aad •& coats, Tbe largest line in town. 0»ut Bi EXTENSION TABLES. Extension Tables only One I per foot at John B. Blake's Store. Call and see them. Ovan FENCE POSTS FOB SALS. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence FM fur sale. Inquire of JOHN 0O14JI CHOICE OONFBCTIONERY. We have a large stock of tin eiali eet Oatidfes manufactured. (< svavava a tewea* YOUR CBOICK. For your Candles call on Steveat ' Sebnorr. i , ^ Sewing Do You Want a Machine. If yon do, of course yon want the' best, as tt costs no more. Then why buy from an Agent who carries but one which he has fixed up on purpose to show, when b going to the store of O.W. Owen, in VcHenry, vou can have your choice of Five, via i xrhe Domes­ tic, Eldredge, American, Improved Howe, and Singer. We keep ail these machines in stock, and any iady who wants a maohinc can set down and try them all. and then select the one whichv suits her tbe best. Tbe first three, named, the Domestic. Eldredge and; American, are three uf the best pa chines on tli^ market, and any one will be convinced of the fact by calling at niy store and trying oun themselves. Also a fine stock of Clotcks, VYi^t^l\es Jewelry. Silver an l Plated pap he found at nyr stone. Organs *ttd Planus Cor sale rent. ~ p. w. The Celulold Autograph AMMt the finest thing out'at BesloyX FOR SALE, .A oommodioits residence, at Mia **•* ner of adiaon and Vine Streets. Woodstock. Ill,, conveniently locsM to business, school and the varloaa churches. Two lots, well with fruit, both large and Pleasantly situated, a< u well wiiail. Good well aad extern. Tenas Apply to Foundation rocks and €}rav*t ered nt convenient diitjnoes front anp resilience, ASA W." r.:"t W V * OVERCOAT*, A full Hne at Colby Bfts, < - " ' : "i GQLO SPKCf ACUlit J At Besley's Drug State. A Aae «lttM|k meat, . That tea, four pounds tor |i4i|| Fltas'mmons 4 Svaaamrt \§ t*M ii fft a bargalu, * M

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