Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1882, p. 5

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FLIWWW. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1. 1S81 Railroad Time Table. 1O1W0 SOUTH. Seaeva Lake Passenger IM »> Geaeva Lake Express ®:S0. ften«ra Lake Froisht-- If® *• • «f»TX» *OR#«. * „ . „ &ea**« Lake Freight .-.*!*'*• * Genera Lake Express i Lv .. fteaeva LakaJPaasensrer. ••--••-•• 6,:' B. Bros. Anent. McHenry, III Woodstock Department. Richmond Department Rere ad Oils Edge Tonic appetite VAMSTOKS In Jobn B. Blake's. endless variety, at MEETING at the M. E. Church every eveitifthit week. Preaching by the TUT one of Barb! an Bros. "NEW Stock." It will compare with abf •gar In the market. . BEMEMBKR the Benefit Party, at Riverside Hall, Friday evening, Feb. 3d. f TH* fee Harvest on the Pond, by Shedd ft Co., I* progressing rapidly, And. the quality of Ice secured is of the : •" "" ' . • Sociable*of the fcl. E. Church will meet at Mrs. William Paige's this week Thursday afternoon,Feb. 2nd.-- A orarm invitation Is extended to all. PATRONIZE home industry and buy yonr Cigars of Barblan Bros. They make four different brands, and are eqsal to the best in tha market, 9 Women's Foreign Missionary Society, of Rlngwood. will meet with Ms*. E. H. Walker on Tuesday after­ noon. February 7th, from two till live o'dsck. • __ As will be Been by a notice elsewhere the firm of Colby Bros, has been dls^ solved, Henry Colby continuing the business at this place and O. C. Colby taking the store at Nunda. Do not fail to rea<( the new adver­ tisement of W. H. Dwight. Boot am Shoe dealer, in another column. If In1 want of foot wear of any kind it will pay you to Call and see him. 8EE the new advertisement of Fitz- slmmons & Evanson. in another col- tttfln. They are offering rare bargains In order to close out their winter stock. Read tkeir advertisement and ill and see them. MITS ALLIB TUTTLE, from Michigan,, is visiting at E. Griswold'e. v " ̂ 6. A. CANMELD and wife, of Rock- ford, have been in thJs village tlie pa*t week. They were called here bv tin death of L. Stoddard, the father o Mrs. Caufleld. GEO. COI.BT. who lives Just north o| tlMB village, is reported quite alck wit inflammatory rheum^itm. MRS. DR. ANOKRSOY was called to Seneca quite suddenly one day last week, by the news that their only child.who was visiting at its grand­ parents. was quite sick. We trnst she may soon return with the child com­ pletely restor-d to health. «, . ̂w As will be seen by our Wauconda correspondence, John Pratt, .ve land­ lord of the Pratt House, In that village: lias been purchasing more real estate J This makes four or five business houscsj besides several dwellings which lie? now owns in that village, and still lie 1 looking for more. Pratt is oue of th most enterprising men in that filing and insists that Wauconda f»> bound t< be the biggest-place in Lake county a| ho distant day. Besides he keeps thi best Hotel In that county to-day. TilR Drama of "The Turn of th Tide," as produced by the Dramatl Club on Thursday and Friday evenings- last, was not, on account of the unfavor­ able weather, as liberally patronised us we had hoped it would be, nevertheless it gave very general satisfaction to those who did attend. The different parts sustained, and .iltlionjjh a much lighter Drama than the '"Bank ers Daughter" there was fun enough in it to please all. They will now probab­ ly bring out something else in a lew weeks that will equal it not surpass any of their former effort*. ' THE social event, of which we hint­ ed last week, us about to take place, i Mah DIKD-- In Mclfenrv Jan. 28th, 1883, Mxa: Nancy Breaee, aged48years, 6month* uU 9 rs. B re see irw born 1® Nelson, Cheshire County. New Hampshire., her maiden name being Nancy Beat. At the age of 9 years, she wunt with her fathers family to Vermont and pro­ bably thero learned the lessons of economy, thrift and industry for which she, had long been noted. In December, J1813, she was* married to Isaac Bresee, and they lived in the "Green Mountain" State, until the spring of 1854, when they came Wesi and settled in this vicinity where she continued to reside at tho time of her death. She g»ve birth to six children, all of whom lived to grow up, but only three of them,a son and two daughters survive her. Her husband died in 1857. since which, time she has had a very pleasant home with her son and oldest, daughter, She had always enjoyed good health until about four months prior to her death, and even then no wasting disoase seized her but her once vigorous^constitution now en. feebled by age, was racked by local difficulties which probably hastened her demise. For the last few days of her litfc, her general health seemed bet­ ter than previously, and the day of her death she assisted in doing the morn­ ing work. The funeral was held at the Univer­ sal ist Chuivh and Eld. Joseph Owiu, of ort Hill, conducted the services. the following: VAKRIED,--At the residence r»f the bride'* WE are informed that C. B. Curtis *nd R. Bishop are making preparations to build a Pickle Factory, on the West side of tl^e Railroad track, just opposite ^ the of Crieiy, Waiker A Co.-- ta When we learn more particulars we TjVill inform our readers. * A REGULAR Convocation of Mclfenrv Chapter No. 34. R. A. Masons, "vtll b» tveld on Friday evening of next week. Fob. 10th. Business of importance.-- Alt'mem here are earnestly requested to attend. . *< ' SBAKVBS, If. J^. P. • ^ ̂ TeB work of straightening the bridge is progressing favorably, and l>y the close of tlie week it will probably be.all In good shape. C L. James, or the Milwaukee Bride* Co.. who is in charge of the work, understands this business in every particular. MRS. SCIIUMAOKKR, in Schnnrr's Block, near the Depot, lias the finest assortment of Valentino#, Fancy Good? &c„ to be found in tho county, to which she invites the attention of the buying public. Call and examine her atfcck and learu prices. jif WE have received from the puhlish- , #if»Charles B. Holmes, of Geneva Lake, Wis., a piece of music, with song and r-uiiiicd "Drifting back io Ten­ nessee," which good judges of music pronounce very handsome. The pub­ lisher will please accept our thanks, ISEE the few advertisement of Nel- ., e*wi. the Tailor, wiio can be found in the store of Fitxsimmons & Evanson.-- Mr. Nelson comes highly*recommended as a first class workman, and we hare % JIO doubt he will receive a liberal pat- ® ronage. Kead' his advertisement in *,<«Sl»other column. ON Saturday last an Tee train that ^ pissed this place broke and ran oil the track at Algonquin, one car smashing Into the end of the Depot, scattering things in every direction and frighten- t ,n* the employees almost to death.-- » Another car ran off the bridge into the river, and the track was torn up a con­ siderable distance, delaying all trains h~ Iter several hours. Fortunately ao one 'tM injured. ^ WE hear that Uncle Henry Wilcox. Greenwood, has been hauling wood a poor family of that place, who, lie uys, have thus far this winter been kept warm by the long and continued ^--prayers of the clergymen. He be- *' lleves that prayers are all right in their place, but on a cold, blustering day a co^d of good wood is a good tieal more pract icable. If men are to » be known by their works, Mr. Wilcox ^ trill stand with the best of them. parents, in this-viUtre, on VVednes<!av «ven inKi Jan. 'Wth, I^S'2, liv the R«v. J.O. llif?el Mr. Frank Clalkuis, of Wauconda, anrt Miss Efflep. Curtis, of Mctfenry. he bride is the second daughter of C. B. Curtis. A large company was, in attendance, composed of the rela> tlves and friends of the happy couple from"Elgin, Algonquin. Wauconda an this village, and we learn the Present^ were numerous and valuable. As w have not been furnished with a list, o tliera we are unable to give them t our readers. The young couple star out in the jnitruey of life with the bes wishes of all. < A CLASS of CuiiiliiuijlCni ioii newspapers for publication is Well hi off by an exchange as follows: t,News4 paper offices receive many communi-l cations every day. Correspondents as-' swrae the editorial ,lwe" and, without, signing their names or giving any clue to their iudentity. they write: "We are delighted to announce that John Catehali. our genial harness maker, iias been united tn the bonds of matrimony with %Mtss Mary Takeaiiyb<><Ty, the beautiful young maiden who has acted as milkmaid for Farmer Hayseed dur­ ing the p«8t thirty years. Tlitf happv couple rode in a lumber wagon to the dppot. and started on the train for a day's visit with friends in Turnipvilie. During the absence of Mr. and Mrs. C. the Simpkilis place will hare a few clapboards nailed on and the blinds painted,and when they return they will occupy the upper back rooms.-- We wish them much joy. etc., etc. P. S.-^-Ple*se Insert. An Old Subscriber." Some people have a habit of writing "personals" also, and say. " The thous­ ands of friends of Arabella Pinkerton, of' will be glal to know that she has fully recovered from the ef­ fects of 7fie carbuncle on her neck, and will attend all of the balls In her part of the countv lhis season. P. S.--Mr. Editor, please publish this ag a joke on Tom Calieverynight. The boys and girls of Poilunk will understand shout, that carbuncle. One of Them."' IMF.IV--At his RESIDENCE, in this viltaire, .Tin mil, T.AWHKX STODDARD, in the .ftstli ve<irot his age. Stoddard was born at Amster- m, Montgomery County, New Yorli. Alarch 12th, 1824, He lived there until the spring of 1856, when he moved to this county. In the Fall of 1889 he came to the village of Mcllenry, and has resided here ever since, with per­ haps the absence of a few months in an adjoining county. During his residence here he has been engagedin the mer­ cantile business, and few men were better known in this part of th*> county than Mr. Stoddard. His. health has been poor for years, but he has been able to attend to his business, and not even his most intimate friends thought for a moment that lie was in any dan­ ger. He was at his store all day the Saturday before he died. He haR been a terrible but silent sufferer, preferlng to bear his sufferings silently rather than pain his friends by their recital. A physician was called on Sunday, the 22d, hut could give him no relief, slid on Tuesday he quietly passed away. He leaves a wife and tour children, three daughters and one'sou, to mourn his loss, who have the heartfelt sym­ pathy of this entire community, in this, their sudden bereavement. REPORT of the BcliooJ in District No. three and eleven. Nun-la for i he month ending Jan. 23rd: .Number enrolled 2fi. Average daily attendance 17. Total number days a: tendance :i"5. Number days taught 21. Number visitor- 6.-- Names of those not absent during the month: Sarah Andrews, Carrie Shr.'es, Emma Shales, Eugene Cox. Lewis Cox. Nathan Nish. John Jfish. Alex. Andrews Charlie Shales. 1,17./.IK NEVIIXR, Teacher. When to Stop Advertising. When every man has become so thoroughly a creature of habit, that he Will ccrtalnlv buy this year where he boughtlUe .Iwt, Whan younger, snd fresher, and spunkier concerns in your line cease starting up and using the newspaper in telling the people how much better tliev can do for them than j'ou can. When uohody-elso thinks *it pays to advertise." When population ceases to multiply, and the generations tliat crowd on after you, and never h«ard of you, stop coming. When e you have convinced every­ body, whose life will touch yours, that you-have better goods and lower prices than they can ever get any where Out­ side ol your *tore. • Wh«n you perceite'lf to be tlip rule that men who »rv«-r df> and never did advertise are nut-stripping their neigh­ bors in the same line of business. When men stop making fortunes right in your very sight, solely through the discreet use of this mighty agent. When you can forget the words of the shrewdest and most successful men concerning the main cause of their prosperity. Wheir yon would rather have your own way and fail than t;ike advice and win. When you want to g;» out of business with a stock on baud. When you want to get rid of the trouble of waiting on customers. Mail matter now leaves ̂ Woodstock for Greenwood every day. » No cases of small pox have as yet appeared in this vicinity, ret one hears all manner of rumors which, upon in- vestigatlon'proves tof 'emitriate .fren no reliable source whatever. O. IT.Gilmore lectured^ at1'Murphy's Rail on Friday evening of la*t week. «ud as we ^predicted the gemleuian drew a good audtam* and gave an ex­ cellent lecture. The Red Ribbon Club ,gave an en­ tertainment at their^hall last "Mondsy evening. A general good(tinie is re­ ported. The renowned • Clement Concert Company visited this city Tuesday evening. They always draw well here." Col. Sanford lectures In this city February 3d. in connection with, the Union Church Lecture course. The name of this celebrated lecturer -b enough to call out those #l»o are in search of information and have a taste for something genuine and solid. Snyeral of our young men have or- ganlzed a debating club, and as their rules, etc., are to be In imitation of the National House of, Representative'*, they have decided to call it the Wood­ stock House of Representatives. A. E. Bourne is President, and Hum Whitney,'Cleric. Another county heard from--which means that the correspondent to the Richmond Gazette from this city,; in­ timates that Capt. A. E. Bourne, of the Woodstock Guards, h»s Congres­ sional aspirations.. This will be.nice-- Mr. Boui ue for Congress, a«4 Mr. Gil- more for Count jr Jurdge. That is nice for the'lirm.' The Woodstock Guard* will give their annual rein;ption February 22d. One feature of the entertainment will be a driliof sixteen mem bets of the company, de-ignated as the "awkward squad," who are now being thoroughly drilled for the occasion by T/leut. Geo. Eckert. He was chosen from among tlie officers of the squad On account of his being the best drilled officer in the Company, and by the ^'*y, Lieut. Eckert is one of the four members of Co. G. that has seen servicp upon the battle field and whose record was ex­ cellent ss a soldier during the whole war of the Rebellion. And this lime It Is the Richmond Onzette that has a new correspondent from this city, and, allowing us to be the judge, that paper has not lost any­ thing by the change. Mr, W. D,, of Ilc-iirOii, to tills station a very choice car-load of new milch cows which were purchased by him in Wisconsin. Tliey \v«ro un­ loaded here last Saturday. While hauling wood one day last week, Mr. E. Ercanbrack. of this city. OOHTKIBCTKBBT 8. F. BKBNKTT. Johnny Stiains new boarder tips the bean) at 13 pound*. Good enough. There is to be auother wedding in town in a few days, hut we wont tell. ' ~9 , Robert Bennett, of Wauconda. Is fUllbig relatives and friends in Ricli- Jolin Sumner's people and Robert Gardner's people rejoice In each ftn In­ fant daughter. D. L. Sampson and A. R. Alexander have commenced the campaign in their spring bed business. Hope to hear re­ ports from litem occasionally. Thirty to fifty cars are dally loaded with ice from the Richmond mill pond. The work Is giving employment to every idler who has ambition .enough to earn a dollar. The dance at the Richmond House was an immense success, about 80 num- Btrs being sold. Mr. and Mrs. Culver ate makH.g for the ^it^nijMwl Mouse an enviable reputation. Those who are having a vhard time with vaccination will find great relief by bathing the inflamed arm two or three times daily with camphorated oil. The druggists generally keep the article ready prepared. * Freddie, son of Wm. Fisher, ®f Hebron, is suffering from scrofulous inflattimation of the hip joint and it Is pulling on him pretty hard. However he is doing as well as could be hoped^ and although such an affection Is usual­ ly obstinate, It is believed ho will come out all right in time. The report that the Chicago Portage and Sujierior R. R., is bought out by the Northwestern 'merest., raises grave apprehensions that the building of it is to be abandoned. There has been some rioting among the workmen at Superior City, who have been defraud­ ed out of their wages. The presentation of a splendid gold watch to M. M. Clothier, by the soldiers and their families whom he, had be­ friended. was a deserved testimonial.-- He ought to feel proud of it--and lie does--and the givers may mark a bright spot in memory for having done a graceful ttiiug. The Miirengo Republican lias a good word for Dr. Adams, the new post­ master at that pi see, as well as for the I outgoing officer. W. C.Stewirt. We copy a paragraph from the Republi­ can n article: The Dr. *vill be assisted in tho office by Mi,ss Peterson of Richmond, daugh­ ter of a personal friend and comrade of the Dr. in the army. Doubtless at de-, , first there may be some errors and slipped and fell under the war wheel | jrty„ jn ti,e distribut ing the mall, but eeeded in pretty thoroughly demolish­ ing tlie boggy. Mrs. Foote has gone to the city to prepare for lionsekeepiag. May your, expectations be fully realized, is the wish of the writer. Mrs. Morley ha* ftMitoti Into tlie lionse sin lately bought of Mrs. Strong; and the balance of Sherni Burton's family has moved up to the factory. Cal Lincoln was again released as the charge was an old one. Phillips the one causing the arrest made good Ids escape from the coanty. WAUCONOA. •rWBSORii'TION'S for the PLaratrXALm will be received in Waiicnnda at V. B Harrison's Drug Store and at the Poet Ottce EDITOR PLAINDEATEFT:-- Mr. John Pratt contiunes to furnish real estate items. Last week he bought tlie Duers property of A. C. Bangs. Mr George Mills has moved Into one of the mill house son mill street.. Speaking of mills reminds us that those who feared the mill would suf­ fer from the loss of Mr. Coggits as its manager, bid fair to be agreeably dis­ appointed. Judging from the amount of business it does, and the excellent satisfaction It continues to give, it seems probable that Mr. Spencer arid his experienced bauds will be able^ to maintain its old reputation. Frank Lee Calkins was married last week te Miss Kffle Curtis of Mis Henry. Doubtless & full account of the wedding will be fouud In another column. Mr.C, K. Wait returned from Kansas just In time to take his place in the orchestra for the club dance Friday evening. One of the severest Inteliectnal struggles of the nineteenth eentnry 1$ expected to take place a week from Tuesday night at Rossville, the oc­ casion being a debate between Ross­ ville and Wauconda. upon the question Rewrtveti, That Poverty is productive of uiore Crime than Wealth. Tlie Mdiln* Owen's. Mk; Pkm Fishing Tackle- of Engtdn's, lit Hewt's new Bridge. Tlie Furst A E. M. Owen's. mW Kindt' st y dulkjr Flow Buckeye O weu's. fom 0% lithe en's. Ladies «nd Children Underwear, <Jieap, at J. R. Wells * Son's Wueotw The finest line of Silver and PlMOC Ware to be found in the county, st Ob t W. Owen'*, ~ - ______ '• German School Books, snd English « and German Mass BonU. at M. Ki» gelnfs Howe s Block, near the bridge. - * ' Tin* finest stock of Perfumery in th* / .'t eouuty, at J. K. Weils A Sun's Waaeowv ^ ' da. ' • si Spring Orove MfYla I now have my mill in running «r»let* and am prepared to do grinding short notice. A)M> grind lite cob wi the corn when desired B***T J, Oinm. Spring OroTo, Not. fist, mml. The finest line of D this market can be found A Schuorr's. » Goods | s a**8t*vsi£ Hams. Shoulder*, Baoon, Salt , Lard and Corned Beef, it Howard")! Market, near the Depot. Examine the 6 and 10 cent counted^ «• at J. R. Wells A Son's, Wauconda. iSft •: . ---------- - r'-Vjirf",, . A full l!ne of Buck Gloves and Mtttjl vl* 1] at J. R. Weils ft Son's, Wauconda. ~ * • • • FARM FOR RENT ; - v, 't The Subtcri her wishes to rest hli ^ i Farm to some good cash paying ctmoni* ' er for a term of years. It is located II lialf-mlle west of Volo, Lake Co., HI. J . Ooiimit. Volo, Dee- 5th. 1881. Notice. On Monday, February 6th, our books will be opened to rcceive contracts for < ucumbers lor the seawn of 1882. when we hope to again m<*et our friends and enter their contracts for tlie coming season. As we shall only contract for four hundred acre* the coming season* we hope to receive your names as early as convenient. Tours Very Truly, CUIISTY. WALKER, & co. y H. H. NICHOLS has leased the store ; IStely occupied by L. Stoddard, next ' door to the Post Office, is painting, papering and otherwise putting it in t.j|rder and will this week open up with ffne stock of Confectionary. Cigars, ^Tobacco. Fruits, Oysters, He will keep none but the best brands of goods snd make it an object for the public to f <S»ill aijd see him. Oysters ,by th^. quart. • "-San or dish. We bespeak ' for him a •"K beral patronage. R,: WE are getting out a Catalogue for Jtussell A Sons, Volo, Lake County, of tome very choice and well bred Short Horn Cattle for sale. Messrs. Russell £ Sons, have one of the finest herds to v. fee found In this part of the State, and extend a cordial invitation to all those Interested in fine stock to call and in­ spect them. Th^ Short Horns offered fior sale are very finely bred, are of rare Individual merit aud every way desir- Sbie. No lover of fine Kteick should fsll ; to go and see tbem^. ,. Money to Loan. In sums of from ilOU to $1,500. quire at this office. Old Settlers' Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Oht Set­ tlers Association of McUenry aii'l f<«ke Connfies, will be 1iel«l at the River­ side House, in Ibe village of McHenry. on THDIJSDAT FKRKI.'ARV 9rh. 1882, at one?o'clock p. M.. for the purpose of electing officers for the enduing year, and the transaction of «nch other busi- ne«s as mav come before the meeting. All interested are earnestly requested to attend. JUSTUS BANOS, President. J. VA.N SLTKK. Secretary. In- and 3Ierchant Tailoring Cloak Making. F.Nelson, having recently arrived from tlie East, will this week' open a Merchant Tailoring and CJ)oak Making Department at Fitzxiininons A Evan- son's Mr. NelsonCH-IIMigea any in< i- ohant tailor or cloak maker for lit «»r workinaiifliip. either in men's or ladies' wear, having for years been connected witii'large and fashionable merchant tailoring and cloak houses in New York and other large cities, and can produce the best references Perfect fits and prices very retsonable will be guaranteed in every case. In fact, he proposes to furnish a first class gar­ ment for almost the same as you paj for cheap, factory made good*, Sam-s H. C. Hut pies of cloths from the b«'fct mills in | f)»e, D. W the country will be open in a few day*, f TfW> Treas from which selections mav be made ; wiffle last \ for anv garment desired. It will do van no liarm :o investigate th? new enterprise, and if H»nnd benefioiai lo the village and surroundings, pat~ ' it, ja4 wuune. Mczlcaa nr|! Hnwk W«r Recoid Under tlie provisions of a late act of the Legislature of th# Slate of Illinois, the Adjutant General Is directed to prepare aud publish the records of the services ol the Illinois soldiers in the Mexican and Black Hawk wars. To its«lst in preparing this record, tlie Adjutant General would be glad to have brief sketches of the services of the several Regiments and Companies, from the survivors, or from anyone possessing information. I. H. KLLIOTT, Adjutant General. Springfield, lit.. Dee.. 30. 18SL tfcgfAt the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Lake County Agri cultural and Horse Grower's A^ocia- tion. held on Monday evening last, the following named gentlemen were elected trustees: A. Z. Blodgett. J. F. Powell, A. C. Bower. C. A. Partridge. Hutchinson. O. fl. Heath. J. C Arnold and^D. Brewster.-- •easurer's rejwift showed I hat eat's exhibition was serious* ly'interfered with by the prolonged rains, tlie Society paid expenses aud still had a small surplus in the treasure, i The Association etill owes 93,000 oil the 'virffi i ^mrcljajie.--Qazettt, of the wngon. which pttssoff, heavily loaded, over his hip. Mr. K. managed to crawl to the re si deuce oflVm, Mur- ^PTSY, WLFWI UU •4T^FERCRTAI M, in Greenwood, w lie re lie was kindly taken in. eared for and sent home. It was found that no hones werq broken, but that he was seriously bruised and otherwise injured, so that he will likely be laid up for some time to come. It seems almost /% miracle that he es­ caped as fortunately as lie <IM, consid­ ering the circumstances. Some McHenry parties had a lawsuit In this city last week before Esquire Baldwin. The particulars we have net learned at this writing. Just as we are closing our communi­ cation We hear that the. junior editor of the Woodstock Sentinel. Mr. E. 'I\ Giennon. who Is connected with the 'office of the Collector of Customs, st Chicago, has been given a vacation (f) for a few month*. Mr. G. "lias been closely attending to the arduous duties connected with his position for over two month*, aud certainly needs and deserves this act of kindness from his 'superior officers. And in the mean­ time it is generally supposed tiiat Ed will write some cf his old time brill­ iant and xtirrincj articles for the ed­ itorial columns of the SenttneL Ed, we welcome you hack, old boy. lf only for a short time. PERSONALS. Mr«. E. Baldwin, who was quite sick the flret part of the w#sk. Is, at this writing,reported much better. A daughter of Mr. C. L. Curtis, the able correspondent from this place to the Harvard Independent, lias been very sick with inflammation" of the lungs. We understand th«t Under the professional care of Dr. A. E. Baldwin. Miss Grade is now out pf danger, and if no set-back occurs, will about again. Geo, F. Rusbton, of Alden. who is une of Uncle Sam's railroad postal officials, called upon his many friend* here oue day last week. Come agaiu George, you are always welcome. Capt. Win. 11. Stewart represented Post No. H«.G. A. R., of this city, at the i>e part me ut Encampment. Thurs­ day of last week, which was held at Rocklord. Two or three members of the family of Win. Still, living a liltle east of town, are reported as quite sick with lung troubles, caused by taking violent colds. W» understand, however, that ail are on the road to recovery. Thomas Conner, section boss between this city and Kisiiwaukee. is very Sick with congestion ol tiie luugs. Col . II.II. Sweet may be sees upon our streets once more. Miss Flora Pease, who "has been vis I ting with the family of L II. Jones, returned to her home wt Marengo last Sabbath. • Capt. Robert Palmer, of Coral, gave us a coi;«1ial aud friendly grasp of the baud last Wadnesday. The Captain .U»es not come to the county seat very often, but when he does he uieets with licai ty welcome. We noticed the Hon. R. T. Crawford, of Kocklord, upon our streets last Friday. Wonder it Congressional matters brought hint here. Messrs. Bunker. Jones, and Kelley. who are serving as Lnitetl States juiurs at Chicago, cume home Thursday evening last, the court having td» journed on account of sickness fit the family of Uie presiding Judge* _ t '•* ..<• . ...«.» * ..... these will be obviated in a few days.-- The Dr. b is taken great pains to pro­ vide suitable quarters for the office, and tarnish tit* public with ail tjefded facilities and accommodations, and will from time to time add such other con­ veniences as may seem to he needed.-- We believe the Dr. will prove a very popular and efficient Postmaster, and discharge the dut ies of Ills office in an acceptable and satisfactory manner fo the patrons of the office, in which case he may be assured of a cordial aud earnest support. We take pleasure in adding to tlie above that Miss Peterson is a young lady of rare good sense and many estimable qualities, in fact, oue of the best of Richmond's many good women, and while Dr. Adams has done a grace­ ful thing In em ploy lug the orphan daughter of Ids old friend and comrade In arms, he has. at the same time, secured nt) rlRclcut assistant. We fsc-I sure Miss Peterson will please ttie good people of Marengo, and wish her abundant success. NUNDA EDITOR PLMXDKALKR: -- Richard Bouner and wife, from Wauconda, were here Saturday last. Tlie^r will move here about March 1st, and make Nuuda their future home. Welcome. War. Ilartmau and Ed Barnes have bought out McDonald's Livory Stable. Success to the new firm. School was closed in the higher room pn Friday last. Vaccination of tlra teacher was the cause. Mrs. Chas. Andrus has been and Is vpry sick with lung fever. At the time of writln<r s|ie is considered out of danger. Also Miss Pearl McClure has been a sufferer of tiie same disease but in a milder form. There will be a Mf.sonle Sociable on Friday evening of next woek in Mason­ ic Hall. All Masons and families are requested tobe present, whether mem­ bers of the Lodge" or not. Miss Lizr le Martin is the owner or a new upright Piano. Sh® proetured it in Chicago last week. It makes a very neat household ornament. Earnest Pi nnejir has been layed up for a few days with a lame back caused by shoeing too many horses. Quite a scare In town on Ifonday lust oyer the supposition that a fellow townsman was coming down with the small pox; One family moved from the neighborhood of the supposed in' fectioii. Dole has his ice house full and lias •topped cutting ice for the time. It is thought that he will cut and ship loe soon. Jud Nicols is out from the city rest- ing up a little. He is iookiug qnlte pale snd thiti. John Goodrom has bought tlie Di* Ballou place, where Burton has lately lived, and is to become one of us. Two runaways in town last Saturday. Old Bill ran away with the dray during which time he broke a few spokes out of a wheel belonging to Tommy Leonard. Tommy came out unhitched^ Collector's Notice. After Jannery 15th, 1882. the under­ signed, Collector of the Town of Mc­ Henry. will be at the following pUces, at the times designated, for the pur­ pose of receiving tiie Taxes for the Town of McHenry, as assessed for the year 1881: . On Mondays at the store of Adams & Lye. In the village of Johnsburgii, On Tuesdays at the store of J. W. Cristy, In the village of Riugwood, On Wednesdays at the »tore of Perry & Martin, in the village of McHenry. On Saturday® «t th** fetors of oiivfvrn A Sohnorr, in the village of McHenry. Those interested will take due no­ tice aud govern themselves according. JAMBS LA DO, Collector. SOLDI SOLDI! SOLDI II Having sold my plaee of business I have got to move, and do offer my stock of Cloths and Resdy-Made Clothing at cost for the next ninety .. w» a -- • ' m -• wWnfvinV IUHI * will sell at ten per cent, below cost. Now is your time to get bargains as my stock is dean and in good shape. r.6.M&TU. MeHenry, tlln Jaqnsry II, MM. BENEFIT PAHTY. Yourself and Ladies are cordially invited to attend a Party for the ben­ efit of Mrs: Thomas Lnughiln. at Riv­ erside Hall, McHenry, III., on Friday evening, February 3d, 1882. Floor Managers--Chas. T. Eldredge, Robert McNeil, John Courtney, James McCabe. John Knox. / * Miiilc-- M clletiry Quadrille Band. Tickets, 91.00. Supper extra. As the altnyn !s a very worthy Ob* ject It Is to be hoped that all will turn out. Mrs. Loughliu Is both worthy aud needy. JAS. KENARLLKT, P. H. CONWAY. - Proprietors. SOCIAL PARTY. There will be a Social Party, for the Benefit of the German School, at the McHenry House Hail, on Monday even Ing. Feb. 20th. 188*. Ticket*. Includ Ing Supper. St. Music, Rlugweod Quadrille Bnnd. Let all come and have a good time, and lend a helping hand to a worthy objeet. Br onus* COMMITTEE, Just received,Overcoats for Men aa|$ lotblng Si Cheap •! Boys at F. G. _Mayes' Clothing ^twjjp near tlie new Bridge. , _ __w ,¥ cheapest. ,.V; ., » i • i. SKWING .Machine Needles for every ' * * - s machine inadc. can be found at M. Enc *> geln's, iu Howe's Block, near thtf ^ bridge. -* i * , - ^ ^ Call and see our «S M aad ft Onn»; ' "• C 'i -coats. The largest line in town. t - EXTENSION TABLB9. - . ^ Extension Tables only One DoHd? " ,A ^ Ssr foot at John B. Blake's Furniture tore. Call and see them. FENCE POSTS FOR SAUL ^ SOOO seasoned Burr Oak Fence Poili forsale. Inquire of JOHH DORAR. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. We have a large stock of the choliir: eat Candies manufactured. . . STKVRNS m SWUM--I : ; ^re< A HoUsE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his House and lot for sale, situated In tiie vi llage of Volo. Lake County. Good House good barn, well, cistern and out houses All in good repair. Also one aero of land adjoining. Will he sold reason able. For further particulars Inquire ou the promises. PETER SMITH. Chickens and Turkeys. C.T. Eldredge lias enlarged his Potd Irv House and is now better than ever prepared to do a large business in tiiis line. Do not fail to call and see him before you sell your poultry. It will pay you. O. T. KUHIIBSI. FOR SALE. A bouse and twelve lots, with oilier buildings thereon. Also a house and 14 acres of land, witlilu half a mile of the village of McHenry. Inquire of JOHN J. FLUSKT. Best Woven Wire Mattree«tf«t #4.00 at John B. Blake's. CORN WANTED. Wanted. 200 Tons of Ear Corn, for which tlie highest market price will be paid. F. K. GiiAKtigft. GOODS MARKED DOWN. Cloaks, Dolmans and Ulsters, Reaver and F^lt Hats. Kuit Jackets, Hoods and Hosier]' will be sold at cost to re duce stock, aud to make room for surliut Goods. Hn. H «. Nnnbu. COWS WANTED, Wanted immediately » good aew milch Cows. Apply at Banljr & Sons Mill. McHenry, lit. A. H. BARIT & Sana |TEW THIS WEEK. ATt jWrions knowing, tiieinselve# In his team and some one called bis at- Klebfed to Mrs. 11. H. Nichols, will tiie fact When he set out to please call aud 1 «e tMMks <ur l«Ul l»m>i )M0.H.ii.»«ms, ten Hon to l«iok up Charley, leaving his team «u» | pitched, when they and suo» i OMJKT yM S YOUR CHOICE. For your Candies sail on> 8teve«e The Celulold Antograph the finest thing out* at Besley**. FOR SALE. A commodious residence, at the ner of adison and Tine Streeta. Woodstock. III., conveniently locates to business, school and the vnriona churches. Two lots, well stocked! with frnit, both large and smalt. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. $22,166 "«% ' • ' i ^ ^ Woodstock, 10 Founcfatton fbcla aria t3ravel dt!l v» ereil at conveuleiit diftaiK'es from pr­ eside nee. ASA W. SMITB. Woodstock, BX " ^ :';;i;^)VERCOAT8.f' A fuH Tlhe st Colby Bros. GOLD SPECTACLES, At Besley's Drug Stove. A IM inent. ah ,; F. G.Mayes says he cauuot be unde#> , sold, . Ir you want to bay Clothing at CM» csgo prices, call on E. LatiMyli ItfHftfp sing's Block, McHenry. FOR SALE. 1 offer for sale my house and two lot* situated in West* jifcHenry. Good brick house, consisting of six rooms.-- Good well and cistern, outhouses Aft- All in good repair. Good fruit on tH* pieuii*e*. Will bo sold reasonable.*-- Apply on the premises. ^ WX. WALSH. FOR SALE. v^ A house aud five acres of land In tfci . village of McHenry. Will be sold re* ' »< & souable. Inquire of CASPEK WUTT. ; - > - ^ • - t t Road, and dont Ftrget It T ^ | • The best and most reliable do#| ^ < A made iu this country. Is the Setfc ^ I'liouias. The best plated knivea \ fork:* aud spoons are 184T Rogers' Bruo, . i The best hollow ware, such as Casiove, Dinner and Pickle. Cake Baskets.Sugar and Butter Dishes, Syrup and CtiibrH Cups, Card Receivers. Nut and I'ro^ , " serve Dishes, etc., are the Merldta Brittania aud Middletown Plate '>0. ; ̂ Walthain, E;gln, and fine Swls» f 41 Watches, fine Gold and Plate Jewelrf, and Coin Silver-Ware you will Hud mk J. P. & W. R. Smith's, and sold M cheap as otheis sell trashy stuff. AH : ̂ kinds of Watches.Clocks and Jewelry neatly repaired and satisfaction gnsil^ auteed. J. P. A W. Jt. Slirrii. J Store first door south of the PaIt Office, McHenry. 111. j'"*f ^ Do 1 y k, v- " - You Want a Machine. If you do. of course' ton want the best, as it costs no tnorev Tben »kf buy from an Agent who carries but one which lie lists Axed up «*» pwrpoce to show, w lie ii b going lo I bo Move «f O W. Owen, iu rollenry, yon ea« havo your choice of Five, vis: The Dom«e> fio, Eldredge. American, Impcovo# Howe, aud Si-ger. We keep att tiMM machines in stock,and any ladjr ehs wants a maebiue can set down and try them all. and then seiect the one »lll» suits her the best. Tbs Wt IW* named, the DomestiCw Eldro%e M# American, si-e three of' the beet ma . ciiiues on tbe market, aad any ssf en •, : be convinced of the fact by calling Ok mv store and trying <mm» IIteMMelvcO, -t» "Also a line stock of i*locks,_Watehea Jewelry, Silver and Plated^ Wore. e<MS • j /, fee found ai my store. Osjfooa awt ^|«awter)ale«f MMd* ;.«>

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