Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Feb 1882, p. 4

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P"pfli SUSP:.® 1 -sr: '&:?: > M- *. -11 Hy 8TBAYKD. Fran tfa« of 11M vsdtnigmd, •otoetlme dart agt be month of October a two year-aJd Btod Heifer. Had a WEDNESDAY. FEB. 8> 188J. «J. VAN8LYKE, . jM""""" ... --i Kklltor. ir: FIIRSMIIIKI.AS A NORNLI^DRTLRA We have no disposition to do *ny» tiling to open the political campaign for the romlna: Fall election at this •*r!y date, and cniwqutenlljr do not wish anr rcn*rVs we may now make to be oons|«Vred In thnt light, but as (he Wowletock Sentinel and their cllqne are diligently at work In :•, Ifcelr usual dark lantern manner, we f*nn»t refrain from telling our readers ja«t what- these wise acres are attempt- lilg to do. an<! siiow up a little of the "true Inwarilness** of these double- |Wad«ii poli t IchI dead beats. 'The editor of the Sentinel* who Would like to have it believed tti»t he carries Merienry County In his vest ptHtket, hits been playing a bold, double-headed game. To one party tie is very confidential and a warm friend to Congressman Sherwin, but lie gets on the other side of the , Square and closeted with the "old war W>rse,M "anything to beat Sherwin11 Is the battle cry. The Klgf n Advocate, Aurora BeacrtH and the Democratic Elgin Frank are read with g*eat relish around the stove after office hour*, and are furnished daHy by the Sentinel nan, but wl»»»n any papers are sent Win thnt are Inclined to give Sherwin tnd his friends a fair show the| are Itamedifttdr squelched by this t'm- partial editor. The crowd that night­ ly gather around that stove to roll these alinders and falsehoods against «Mtr M. C. a* a "sweet morsel under their tongue,^1 are a sight for an artist, and if tlify would keep their "calf," who bleats upon the streets. In closer quarters, thplr sly doings and sayings night not be made so public. But tills double dealing by the Sentinel \$ no new move. Before the National Convention they had one pre­ tended Grant editor and one for Blaine thus always sitting on the fence ready to drop to the side that wins. And yet the Sentinel claim? to be the bod­ ing Republican- paper In McHenry county! If so the rest aye certainly obfects of pity. v The PLAINDEALKK was for Grant s'fh*t., last and all the time, and we are *»-day proud of the fact, but when he was defeated at Chicago we gave the successful nominee our hearty and un- •dlyided support, as we did every other nam? on the Republican ticket, from the time they wore noninated until the day of the election. Can the ~ tinel say as much ? Now in all candor we wish to ask ; Vliat great service has the Sentinel done the party that it should be entit­ led to two Government offices? The junior editor, who holds a lucrative position in the Chicago Custom House, It a life long and blatant Democrat, nd did not even pretend to come over to the Republican party until called to iiot as a lackey to another member of the Southworth family, In a Blaine delegation to Spilngfleld. Are there Jiot enough good and true Republican*, . ttid deserving men. In McHenry county ' to fill what offices she Is entitled to Under a Republican Administration, ..without being obliged to pick up such , w|ilte-washed democrats as this repre- ^ , , Jfentative of the Sentinel f This Is a question that Is being asked by tlie people, and woe be to the publie man arho is responsible and evades the an- ' - fwer. I' The Sentinel claim* to be the leading I"; > f ' RftpuMlPiin paper In McHenry county. 4 As to this claim we are willing the r } people should decide. The PLAINDEAL- KR ha* no claims to make for itself |V' . nor otHces to ask for. but would mildly I" suggest that after the Sentinel Is sup- f plied from editor to ••devil,* some good Republican or ex-soldier, some ||, r * One who has done a little work for the f Uiigiit be remembered. i' ' • '<" - «. ^ 4 ^ HOW. c. w. urroi. ^Ip the following paragraph > ftinn the Kendall oouaty Record of last \*v* Jndjje Upton Is thus reported by a ; f^rrespondeut of the St. Charles T ifrron'cfe: |a conversation with Judge Upten.last w<>4>K. WP remarked that hia vigorous -7 old age WAS tha result of bis temperate W ' v' habits. He remarked that he nevrr dritnK but one glass of liquor In his 11 f«>. " ^ H« f>ortr»yed In strong language tt»e terrible consequences resulting from the use of liquor. 1 v • ",,r v'ew Mr. Upton is one of the & % grandest men In the State, and lie tqpulri honor Illinois If he were given a , , flace in the United States Senate, jj. ;•.* (Commenting on , .. ettgo Evening . lf«stM reniHrk **>•• lb* ) The Kend f:"'"; ' kludge Up _ tjiruuit be V-v- |pr as the s._ v- St calls him uo i the State.** A Jndee Upton's many Lake oounty ff- . friends will b« gratlied to know that - v k ' he Is held in such high esteem wher- 4 # *l*r he Is known. He ta not only one j; Of "the grandest men In the State** but " am RAKMnv rrnnm XDITOR Pi^ATIRDKALIR We dlscoy. er by the pai*ers that the Junior editor of the Sentinel, Mr. K. T, Glennon, has received an appointment In the Chi­ cago Custom House. Considering the •act that Mr. South worth has already a lucrative Government position, and the Republicanism of Mr, Glennon ha* but a late date, there la considerable doubt existing Mmong the luost ucrnest Republicans in this county, as to ^he propriety and wisdom of Mr.Giennod's receiving the appointment and enter- lug upon such a rich legacy. It Is not our purpose to go into a full discussion of the merits of this appointment and the influences which brought it about, but simply to call attention to the sentiments regarding It which have found public utterance. The fact Is tlie opposition to the appointment Is of so pronounced a character that It proposes to hold whoever had a hand In It to a rigid accountability. There is no mistaking the sentiment of the community on this question," Even tlie county officers who endorsed Mr. Glennon, are conscious of the tact as It is, and say it Is an outrage, but tbey done It to help Mr. Southworth What has Mr. Southworth done, more than others that entitles him to so much con&klcration from the hands of a half dozen office holders in this city? The answer Is explicit and admits of but one honest interpretation, and that Is, uMi:ive tickled you, now you tickle me.11 But what of the other editors aud workers, faithful and true, who have stood by them aud the Re­ publican party for so many years? Are they not entitled to some consid­ eration and praise for their approba­ tion and services. We an aware that unappreciated genius Is proverbially sensitive and naturally turn In resent­ ment upon the intruder who gets the sugar plums. But who claims that Mr. Glennon is entitled to position for ser­ vices rendered the Republican party? No one* Why was be appointed? To please the Republican voters of Mc­ Henry County? No/ a thousand times no! They would sooner see him gar- roted. Against this there would be no protest. The appointment was made to please, not the people of McHenry Countr, but to satisfy thf greed of one fat, lazy, intellectually feeble editor, who by a kind of subtle craft and pol­ icy has, all his life, managed to live by trading on the perquisites of politi­ cians and the good nature of the pub> lie. But If we are not grandly mis­ taken, the dear people are about to serve notice ou this man to quit. The sepulchre is about built and painted for the byria! nf h!? politics! carcass. WOODSTOCK. above the Clii- of the 16th, , as follows; suggests gait, now on Statfa Sena- vid Davis.-- grtnuest men be Is. m • t' f f¥- ' . lie is by a long w*ys the most popular fudge that ever ^traveled this circuit.** ' §!• Is fearless and straightforward in thefdiseiuirge of bis (udtelal obligations , ' *nd alns to do his full duty at ail g, ' \ >>%• - " Hou. Clarfc W. Uptoo is one of uar- , lure's noblemen, and wou!d lAdeed ^iionor Illinois** In the United States on&te.--Lake County Republican. The many friends of Judge Upton McHenry County will endorse every ^ %ord of ||ie above. He Is indeed a Joan who would honor any position to ;^wh!ch be might be called in either §; |State or Nation, Cf\ •flTThe motion for a new trial by he council for Gulteau, th» assassin, ss denied by Judge Cox. And he was «>nt«>nceri to he hanged June 30th.-- The people, out and all( *»y auieo. SPRING CROVK. EDITOR PLAINDEALEE: -- Messrs Tbayer A Wedge, of Milbeum, were in our vicinity looking for a good driv­ ing team. It Is rumored that Mr. Wm. Reading nearly closed a bargaLi with them for his ft»00 drivers. T.W, Kimball had a narrow escape for bis life one day last week while drawing wood on the ice between Crabappie Island and his place. The wind was blowing very strong and began to slide the sleigh when the horses became frightened and ran for home. All was right until they reached the slioro whore there was a slight turn. Here Mr. Kimball was thrown off his load, striking on his faec aud bead, giving him a bad bruise, but be got up and caijght his team again.-- Glad that lt^ras no Worse. Mr. J. M. Craine has been visiting friends in Chicago for a couple of weeks. He says ho had a ride on the new street cars run by as underground cable. We hear that JosepfS Westlake. of Broadhead. Wis., has sold ont his factory near that place and Is to be connected with a Arm to buy cream and make butter exclusively. It is the wish of his friends here that be may prosper In this new enterprise. Japics Nlsh. Sr., has been very alck for some time baek but Is BOW an the gain. There was a good number ont at the glass bill shoot on Saturday, for so bad a day. The *lnd blew strong and the shooting was rather poor, with the ex­ ception of two who got ten straight goose eggs, making a clean score. We hear that our old friend Harry Smith has taken unto himself a wife. We think he might have made MThe Grove** a wedding visit. We heard of a man being merry on our streets one day last week but lie •aid tlie cause was evangelical whixy. and thought it was harmless but found the spirit in it after all. Old Mr. Sutton, of Solon, comes to our little burg once In a while to talk w>th ShortlllT about his little trotting horse. The old man is very smart for a person so old. He has seen the snows of eighty-four winters. • They sav David Smiley is a good walker. He walks to the lake and then faces-the winters blast till the other shore Is readied. This Is only once a week and oaly on Sunday and the re­ turn trip Is very early Monday morn­ ing. Our school Is prospering under the managemeut of our efficient teacher, Mr. Will Wier, of Greenwood. We think the directors were lucky In securing the services of such a mau. It Is said that the larger pnpils of the 8oion school have graduated and re* tired. We hear that part of the Solon bridge is at Richmond and will soou be placed ou the abutments and wlieu finished will be one of the best bridges la the eounty. James Overton has commenced work on the ice. He gets it In the eroek op­ posite J. M. Cralne's residence. Eugene Lawson, of Russell. Kansa*, is visiting friends and relatives here.-- He says Kansas is the place to make money and that the crops have been very good in that part of the state. Wni. H. Broadley aud sUtar have re­ turned from a visit to Meads In Michigan and Indiana. There has boon an organ grinder fron Wilmot In our village tinkering orfT*M l*o or three days of last week. Vred Hatch haa loct a now thnt was valued at #600. ^ Our lyceum had a big turn out and a lively time. One of the speakers said It would be better to buy a pair of panta and bring them home or a dress for his wife than to spend hia money In the aaloons. So think we, Mr. Lawson says he has a mysterious oil can. When he goes away It leaks all outs James Westlake has rented the cheese factory at Wilmot and is to let Ed Coulinan take charge of the same. We have no doubt but they will make a success of lc. John Hendricks says If yon wonld like to s*e dot machine I will bring him to you or if you want to Insure your Broperty I vould like to do dot too. It la said that the men who eared for Pettr Harness during his sickness with small>pox have received no pay. It is well known that Mr. Harness is a poor man and ha*> but one arm and Is unable to pay them, so it remained the duty of the town to do so, but by the neg llgenre of our town officers in at­ tending to their duties in time noth­ ing was done. Now who would be the ones to offer their services at sueli a time? These men were the only ones that could be got for love or money, and we think someone ought to pass around the hat, for they did exceed­ ingly well In keeping the disease from spreading. There was a spelling sehool one evening last week at the Colo's school house. Miss Alice Cole lias tho honor of spelling the school down. At ten o'clock, Sunday night Jan. 31st, our quiet little town was thrown Into great excitement and turmoil by the skulking of meandering forms trying to escape the vigilance of some one. But who? That was the question that puzzled. Some of our most daring citizens, who always abide by law and order, sallied forth to quell the awful disturbance. The sequel was this: Four of our citizens had been asked to remain and administer unto the wants of a sufferer, and "let me say a. bach­ elor." when who should appear but a woman, yes, that*s what they called her. "Unconnected but somewhat con­ cerned In the matter,11 she gave these heroes to unerstand that there was the door and to get, and they did. This explains all, except that the heroine was soon siezed with hys- i=r!?., b!*t »?!!• spirit", oysters and beet tea restoratives, we are not called upon to chronicle any deaths. The score below is the result of a glass ball shoot at this place, January SSth, 188J: 1 II 4 It 7 I IH *, Peek 1 i 1 II I I I | H E Jackson SlSOllSll i-« r e e e ' i i i i i e - * J. Hembray 001000100 0--2 Wm. Hesnel^rsve 000111O11 1--6 H. Daymen t 1 1 o 0 1 19*004 8, Pierce 000000000 0--0 E. Hesselfn'ftve 000000100 0-1 M. Jackson 10001101 1 0--4 D. Smiley 000 1 0001 1 1--4 A. Jnckfton 0 1110 1111 1--9 H. Olirixtain 000 1 11110 1--4 P. Hoffman C 0 0 0 i e 0 0 0 1--S II. Peacock 1000001 1 1 l--ft J. Jackson 0(0000000 0--0 There will be a pigeon and glass ball shoot at this place the lltb of Feb­ ruary. Dnnrcs O'MALUT. SOKETHtro NEW. NELSON, HsTlns Jiist arrived from the Bast, and de­ rided to locate In MoHenrr, I have opened a shop In FIT/SIMMONS ft EV ANSON'S 8TOH1, end put in one of the finest stocks of CLOTHS ever broacht to McHenry Ooanty. All of the latest Styles and Patterns. NrtoM shelf-worn itoodg, but everything new am! trenh, and the latest rtyles to be tound in the city. Having for year* been connected with one of the largest and most fashionable Merchant Tailoring and Cloak Houses In New York, I am confident I can please all who may give me a call. «et Fit Warranted* •vary Tim*. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every Particular. S t ? ' " . : ? • W H X o a . n q u a . U y F. VXU0V. MCIIENRT, III., Feb. 1st, MM. Dissolution of Copartnership. mntnal consent. All moncr due the Arm at McHenry, can be paid to Henry Colby, who will continue the Wine»« at that place and who is hereby authorized to receipt for the same. All money <lue the firm at Numia can l>e paid to O. C. Colby, who wi'l continue the busineKH at that place and who is hereby a- thorized to receipt for the same. All open ac.couni« at McHenry must be settled T»v east or aote ea or before March 1st. o. O. COI.BT. HKNBY COLiBT. A CARD. T woaM hereby thank the elllseas of Me. JTenry and snimundlngcount v for the verr liberal patronage extended to the firm of Colby Bros., assuring them that bv fair desl. ing and low prices I shall endeavor to merit s eostiausM of your favors. February 1st, MR M. M„ CLOTHIKR, HCS^OM, LLNOS. NOTARY PfTBLIO and C«n>6?#vatt«er -- Prosecute claims in all TlurexuK in De IMrtmaoiof Interior. 1,**tfer» must lionuin stamp far reyly. #«at Ofllc*, Jticlimond, u{| white spot fa forehead, and some white on holly. Horns short and stood almost straight up. Whoever will return said Heifer or give infor­ mation where she may be found will be liberally rewarded. JoHji W. SMITH. RISOST OP THK C O N D I T I O N -OF- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, Close sf Business Dse. 31,'81 * •Bsocaca* Loans and dlseoants •Kl.SH ill Overdrafts I.SMS? circulation... *M,00000 u. S. Bends on hand loono One from appro veil reserve agents. 88.414 Wi One from other National Bpnks *,439-24 Real estate, furnltnro and fixtures. 4.S0uco Current e\|tensesand taxes paid... *74 27 Cheeks and other casu items 41 03 li.lls o. other banks SJ67 no r rc 1 paper ear. nickels i pennies.. 7 RS Specie SB ,11900 l.esiil tender notes... 2,0(10 00 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas. , ttrer{*pereeet.of circulation).... t,*M88 Total....;, fNMMSS _ . MAMLITIES. Capital stock paid in ........ .. .... SQ,0nono Siirpliia fund... S7.JH5 IS Undivided profits >,18744 National bank notes outstanding 4S,ono no Individual deposit* snbjcct to check 198,82ft as Demand certificates of deposit 2,0WS 2ft Total STATE OF ILLINOIS ) >ss MCHBHBTCOrNTr, ( ' Murphy, Cashier of tlie above nam en Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of inv knowledge and lie lief. . "/ JOHW J. MCHPHT . CashlerT^ flnbeerlbed and s worn to before me this 10th day of Jan„ ist«. C. H. DomrBLLT, Notary Public. Correct Attest W. H. STKWABT, K. A. MIIRHHT, JOH* J. MlTBPHT. Directors. X Money to loan on real estate, for long time at low interest. JOHN J. MURPHY. MBS. WM. TIDMARSH, Fashionable MILLINER AMD DRESSMAKER, WAVCONtU - - ILLINOIS, Invites the ladles of Waneonda and sur­ rounding towns to call, see her goods and learn her prices. Mrs. Tidmarsh has al srays on nand a full line ofgoods, Including millinery and trim* min«r gooda. Patterns, tioth Rntterlok's and Demorest's. A full line on hand. M Oalland give her a chance to show goods and nana prlnes. Bargains In Watches, Clocks, Jewel* ry.Siiverware,iBooks and Sewing Ma­ chines ilurto^ tlie next 30 days at O. W. Owen's* . J-r (StTOOBSSOB TO C. ft. Hit Wauconda, III. Keeps constantly on hand light and heavy Harness ot all kinds m*de of the best ot ma­ terial, warranted represented,and sold as cheap <ts a goo<t article can be bougtt any- where. A good line of Itobos, Whips, and Harness Material. Always on hand. Call and see me when In vrant of anything In my line. Waneonda, Jan. 18th; 188a!** FITS EPILEPSY --OR- Falleit Slokiii Permanently cured--no humbug--by one month's usuage of Dr. Goulard's Celebrated Infallible fit Powders. To convince suffer, era that these pow lers will do all we claim for them we will send them bv mail postpaid a free Trial box. As Dr. Goulard is the only physician that has maCe this disease a spec., uil study, and as to our knowledge thousands have lieen permanentIv cured bv the use .of these Powders, we will guarantee a perma­ nent cure in every case, or refund you a»l money expended. All sufferers should give Uhese Po» ders an early trial, and be con. jvinccd of their curative powers. Price, tor larfcebox, S3, or 4 boxes for #10, sent by mail to any part of the United States or Canada on receipt of price, or by express, C. O. D. Ad­ dress, ASH A ROB BIN 3. S&> Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. V. CONSUMPTION Positively Cored All sufferers from this disease thatare anx­ ious to be cured should try Dr, Kixsner's Celebrated consumptive Powders. These Powders are the only preparation known that will cure Consumption and all diseases Of the Throat and Lungs--indeed, so strong is our faith in thein, and also to convince yon that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, postpaid, a free Trial box. We don't want your money nnlil you a**e perfectly satixtled of theii- curative pow­ ers. If your life is worth saving, don't delav in giving these Powders a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for large box. S3, sent to any part of thp United Statesor Cnna- da, bv mail, on receipt of price. Address, BOBBINS, Fulton St.. Brook SMALL POX. ffcarlet Fever and Diphtheria prevented ana cured by the use of BRQMO-CHLORALUM. Used In Hospitals of Xew York, Boston, Phil!ide(phia..llaltimore, Washington, Chiea go. New Ot leans, and oiiiei citiea. Patients should lie sponged with it, accord ing to directions, several ti nes a day. The virus of the disease is by this means neutral- iited, and .vintagion prevented; pitmarks arc also prevented. One bottle diluted with wa. tor will make twelve pints of proper strength for use. PRICK, 60 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Sold by all Druggists. Send for a Pamphlet mtOMO CHEMICAL CO. " M Liberty Street, New York City This Week & Offer a choice line of Black Kid Gloves in ladies and jBbses styles at 50 and 75 cents per pair. We • iv Guarantee the Quality To be equal to any you pay $1.50 for. Ladiea, Misses and Childreus Hoods, Scarts, Nubias, Blankets, Men and Boys Caps. Gloves and Mitts. Flannels, Overcoats, And in tact all Winter goods at cost. Four lbs. Tea $1 It will pay you to invest money in these goods, as we are bound to cloee them out. FXT2|SXMM0£rS & EV.&JSTSOIT. JOHN B. BLAKE. FURNITURE STORE Two Doors North of Perry A Martin's Where you will find all grades of Furniture, from a common Chair up to the finest Set* of the best make and quality. People bu\ing ct me will find all my goods as represented. (^"Jobbing and Repairing neatly and promptly done. XJNDERTAKJNGi Tn thfe department I keepV ̂ rst-clags assortment of Caskets, and Coffins, and Shrouds of all sup* and quality. A Hearse furnished at rfttpujaibli rtttii Opposite Perry St Martin's Store, Xllinoifll JACOB BONSLETT, Has just rc turned from the-eity with the finest stock of Goods foi* the Holiday Trade ever brought to this place, consisting of articles both uaefulsind ornamental. When looking for Presents do noi lail to examine my stock, af it is all new and fresh, (no old Stock,) and will be sold at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. M Anything from a common Chair to the finest Parlor Set can be " tound at thi* store, and of the best make and finish to be found in i the market. j3|T\Jobl>ing of all kinds promptly attended to at reasonable tuto 3 First-class^Worfc guaranteed, " \ Undertaking. M We have large assortment of Burial Cases and Coffins always on hand and made to order on short notice. Our goods are first-chug and pricea within the reach of all. : ^ We invite all our firle ndso give us a call, M \ t JACOB BON8|.E'|»f. McHenry, March loth, 1881. Great Reduction OIV BOOTS AND SHOES. From now until the 4th of March we will sell our winter and heavy goods at greatly reduced prices in order to reduce stock in time for our annual inven­ tory, which occurs then, and to make room for the largest stock of spring and summer goods ever brought to, Woodstock. Am over­ stocked in Mens Kip Boots in sizes 6 and 10, and will sell them at a great bar­ gain. Remember we buy and sell for cash and at bottom prices. W. H. DWIGHT. Woodstock, IU. NO WONDER J. W. Crist'y Is Selling More BOOTS aud SHOES Than any other house in Mc­ Henry county. He has a better article for less money. But not iitent with that he has opened the largest and finest stock cf GLOVES and MITTEHS, Mens and Boj's HATS and CAPS, In the greatest variety of styles probably ever seen under one roof in McHenry county. And the strangest and most pleasing part of toe story is that these goods are being sold at LESS PKTCES than before the late advance. The public are in­ vestigating the fact and find it pays them. EX-SOLDIERS, and their HEIRS ShouM nil xciiil tor simmle copv of tliat won­ derful napt'i- lli« World untl SoUlier, inilili.-ltcd at Wauliinston, l>. (). It contains Stories of the War, Camp 1 il'e, MTH,!:.»I < • >!<• ;'.:ittlo FieM, ami a thou«au<l things ot iiiloresi to our rountrv'M <lofon«le 8. It Is the jrreat soldiers' pnjH-r." It c.ont-'ins nil the l.iwi ami iiistruo. tlons relating lo Poiisi<»i<s and Bounties fur soldiers ami tlieir heir*. Every ex-soldlcr should enroll his name under the World and Soldier banner at once. Kliclit pages, forty columns, weekly. ^I.O*1 • ""«>•. mp'c Address, Woaij 1> Ai'D UUA •*>), WafiuugUiu, D. U. NOTICE. DON FED10! IS NOT DEAD, --BUT THEBE WIL BE-- Breat Slaughter f&Clothing For 30 Days, at E. LAWXUS' IN LANSING'S BLO(JK„ As he will do nothing but Cus­ tom Tailoring hereafter Keep ou your specs and read this billc Mens Wool Suits, Farmers Prints, good, oOSpiendid Vests, each, Chinchilla Overcoats, formerly 118,.... Gray do do t5,.... Fine Dress HUHs, formerly #23, Next do do $18,30 . ... Next do do #17,60 Next do do 19,00 Kves Open Hatft, formerly 1,30,. Silk Handkerchiefs, "ormerly 1.00...... Two Ilutton Kid Gloves, formerly l,ti Paper sosnrns formerly 1A cents,... .. Belfast Fine I.inen Shirts, Three I'alre Good Overalls, * Itoys Wool Caps Boys $uitn, Tloys suits I.".'""* , B<»ys Suits' Fine,..., !!!'.!!! Boys Overcoats, good Best Linen Colars 4 00 1 78 1 IS 8 00 3 M 15»00 13 5C 1* 00 98 n OS 80 1» a IU JM 5 50 s SO IB fcigJ Call if in search of good Bargains. E. LAWLUS. McHenry, Jan. 10th, MM, In Memorium The life and public ser n i TIT TIT TI vices of the Nation's hero. GARFIELD X'zwk*.rs Mentor, by invitatiop, under the direction of Mr. Gartleld, Contains \ steel portrait of GarlleM, faithful portraits of mother, wife and children ; alxonumereus fine engravings; «3 conil «*entii(i letters, covering and explain- iu,T lil« \v!i«lo career; ten original testimonial leuei'a tvuiu Williams t'ollugc classmates; extracts from importan t sp^eehes and writ­ ings; endorsement by CW. liockuell and th« l'rcnidciit in every book. Agents potUtveljf making HQ daily. It Is the most aitraetire,' authentio and l>esl. Price, $1.25. Agwtt wanted ewi/v herr, JtirHend 91.00 for terms and out lit, inrUidinu conv uf thu book, Ad­ dress. IXDKPEXDJCXT PVBLISJUXV CO., m <*86 Mart* jn it, Chicago^ Iit

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