Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Feb 1882, p. 5

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j£«{[eiry pUiulMler. WEDNESDAY,: FEB. 8. 1883. Hal I road Time Table. ooiso south. T.ftfce Pa.sscnirer Geneva Uke Express ... lienor* Lake Freight NOI*T> ITOITI. fteaeva T.ake Freight , Oenera Lake Express Bnm Uka]P»u«m.... •t:S5 A, It .8:40 " .!:«» r. it A. V .. .6:58 " B. Buss, Azent. McHenry, III VALENTINES in John B. Blake's. endless variety, at IF you want a good smoke try one of "Barblan Bra*. Best." They are A No. 1. Valentines, from one cent to 91.w0( at Geo. E. Dickinson's. The largest assortment ever seen in Nunda. THE weather in this section is more like April Shan February, The man who is not su»ted with this kind of Winter weather Is hard to please. F<MJH'D, In this village, a Watch, which the owner can have by calling lit this office, proving property and paying for this notice. THE Ladies Chnrch Aid Society, of Rlngwood, will meet at the house of Mrs. J, Madole. 2* miles West of the village, on Thursday next. PKRSONAL. L. LAW and wife,of Jauesvllle, Wis., were the guests of B. Gilbert and fam­ ily over Sunday. P. D SMITH, of Osborne. Kansas, has been calling on friends here this week. MRS.S. SICARLFCS is visiting aasoug friends lu Chicago this week. REV. JOHN YOUNG, of Greenwood, Was the guest of Prof. S. D. Baldwin and family on Monday. MRS. A. D. LYNN, of Chicago, was calling on friends here this week, GEO. MADDKN, of Dekalb, III., a son of Henry Madden, was on our streets last week. , . THE sociable for the benefit OF] 4h« cemetery will be held at the residence of James B. Perry, on Thursday evening of this week. PROGRAMME, Select Heading--Dr. H. T. Brown. Vocal Music--Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Baldwin. Solo--Mrs. H. II. Nichols, •' Recitation--Mrs. Frank Granger. Duett--Misses Mary L. Owen' and Bertha HolHster. Vocal Music--Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Stevens. • Select Reading--Miss JullnCSlory. Quartette--Mrs. Julia Bsshop. Mrs. T. J. Walsh, Mr. T. J. Walsh, Mr. S. D. Baldwin. Song--Win. Slers. Quartette. ft 11 are cordially invited. ' PBOF. ESTEE, Principal of the Wood- I WE learn that reports are being cir- stock School, will lecture In this vil­ lage on Thursday evening of next week, the 16th. We will give the place, subject and other particulars in our next. WB are obliged to leave out quite a number of onr regular correspondence this week, on account of the crowd of Other matter. We trnst they will bear with as, and we will try and not have It'occur again. ARTHUR TYRRELL, son of J«imes Tyrrell, and brother r>f Mrs. Benson Hanly, died very snddenlv at Alexndrla Ohio, on Tnesdav morning last, ot congestion of the bowels. We learn he was sick only about three hours.-- Funeral to-morrow (Thursdw-) from the Universalis Chnrch, at 101 A. M. i J. P. SMTTH, the Jeweler, has moved Tjis stock into the room in the North side of Bishop's Block, two doors North' of the Post Office, which has been fit­ ted up especially for his use. He has a neat and tastv little shop, and will be glad to have his friends call and see him. THS tee Harvest on the Pond HAS been progressing rapidly the past week, from BO to 75 car* a day being loaded. The mild weather of the past few days, however, has somewhat in­ terfered with work, but still it did not •top them entirely. The crop secured *s of the best qualitv. If. M. PHRSET, of Council Blufls, IewOvRsin this village last week, aticf ' purchased two cars of fine Sheep, both thoroughbreds and high grades, the former from the flock of N. S. Colby and the latter from the flock of Win. CoveW. We guarantee to say that in fine sheep there are few sections that can compete with McHenry. THE Harvard Independent savs; "Ed. E. Ayer has purchased a la-ge tract of timber land in Arizona, and has procured a number of the latest Improved lumber mills which he wi'l put In running order on his lands in a few weeks. He will probably employ ISO men In these mills, besides a large number in the woods. Mr Ayer's Investment will foot up to quite sixty thousand dollars." DUNDEE FEB. 2nd, 18S2.--Louis Kntz. •head brake man on Crystal Lake Freight while doing switching at Dun­ dee to-day was instantly killed by catching his foot in guard rail p'hen engine passed over him, horribly mutilating his body. The youn** man ^ was he main support of a mother and 1 ( 'hromo to °"r rea-'^rs. both of which culated in neighboring towns that there is Small Pox In this village, and for that reason many are afraid io come here. .Now we wish to say to one and all that there is not a single ease of Small Pox at the present time in tills village. There has been one case in the west part of the town and a mild case of vereloid in the south part, but these two are entirely well, the p-emises have been well fumigated, and all danger of its spreading is now passed. This state of things is due to our efficient Health Officer, Dr. O. J. Howard, who spent his entire time In the matter, and is certainly desiring of the greatest praise. We again say that all stories that there is Small Pox In McHenry are false. There is not ito-day a single case in the town. As our Woodstock correspondence was closed on Saturday morning, quite a number of items of Interest which happened later was missed. Among these we learn the following from private sources: On Sunday night a Are broke out in the basement of Miller's Bakery, on the South side of the Square. It burned through the first floor, and some lively work was required to sub­ due it. It was supposed to be the work of an incendiary. We have not learned further particulars. JOHN A. PARISH, an old resident and prominent and highly respected citi­ zen of Woodstock, died at his resi­ dence, in that city,on Tuesday morn­ ing. Our correspondent will undoubt­ edly give us full particulars next week. WE are in receipt of the Breeders Live-Stock Journal and copy of their Oil Chromo representing a group of Hereford cattle. Among cattle men there is no feature attracting so much attention as that of the Hereford cat­ tle. While they are an old breed in England they are comparatively a new one in tliis'country, and the breeders are developing a wonderful enterprise in pushing their merits. The leadl'ig feature of these developements is the establishment of the Breeders Live Stock Journal, which is devoted large­ ly to the interest of the Hereford*.-- It comes to us now in a new form, and double Its former size. The Chromo is a new feature. It is a fine work of art, creditable to the designer, to the artist, aed to the engravers, it bring* before tlie public a life like representa­ tion ot this fine breed of cattle, while the Journal brings forward their merit* in an able and convincing manner. We commend both the Journal and the sister. Inquest was held mangled corpse sent to the "home at Turner Junction. and the mothers /a H. H. NICHOLS has his Cigar Sto^e Mud Restaurant, next door to the Post Office, now In full blast, and we mu«t say has one of the tastiest arranged and neatest places of the kind to he found In the county. He keeps the choicest brands of Cigars and Tobacco. Confectionery. Nuts. Oysters bv the Can, disli or bulk. Pigs Foet, Pickled Tongue, and in short if you want a first-class lunch of any kind you can get It on short notice at "Tips." It is a place that has long been needed In McHenry, and we trust it may be lib- orally patronized. . . TL L.JAMES, who HAS^FITEII here for the past two weaks, putting our Iron Bridge in shape, which waft racked by the ioe last winter, finished the job -on Mondav, and now the bridge stands as straight and solid as it did the day it was first finished. Mr. James is deserv­ ing of great credit for the matiher which he has done this work. While he has bad large experleaon In bridge building, and repairing the same, he had never seen or attempted a job just like this one, and many had said the heavy piers never could be straighten­ ed. But Mr. James is a practical man, and while he was aware that it was no easy job, he went at It in a business like way, and the result was eptirely satisfactory. The Milwaukee Bridge Co,, are fortunate in having the ser­ vices of so able and efficient a man as Mr. James. The celebrated Broadhead Dress Ooods, at Butler ft Warner's, Nuiid:i. These Good* bare no superior In the market. « * BARMAN BROS. OWN.:? the " A meri- oan Queen,"and "•Trade.** They have no superiors, "mokers should bear this lo mind. may be had by remitting One Dollar to the Breeders Live-Stock Associa­ tion at Beecher, Til. FOR SALE. S. Russell & Sons, Volo, Lake Co., Ills., breeders of pure bred Short Horn Cattle, ofler for sale four choice young Bulls, from six months to two years old. Catalogues and prices sent on application. Our books are open to receive cont£aqf£ f°r SH.lti.nor cucuuiliers aj; teii <3eutd pel bushel rUU and see us. „rCRI8TY, WALKER ft CO. S@TTbe Blackberry correspondent •of the Aurora Herald savs:" "We have no quarrels here, about post­ master.., We think the Republicans of •this congressional district, (always ex­ cept |ng the office seekers) will judge the Hon. J. C. Slierwiii by his conduct in congress, rather than by his failure to help every greedy office seeker, to an office. Let congress make the post, masters elective, then the congressmen will be more independent. His elec­ tion will not depend upon those men. who care more for a postofBce than tbo public interests. Let the people watch closely Mr. Shenviu, read his speeches, see how lie votes on all great questions affecting their interests and the in­ terest of the nation, and not listen to the whinuings of soreheads.'* FARM FOR R*',NT, A Farm of 300 Acres near McHenry, for Rent. For particulars inquire of RICHARD BISHOP. Money to Loan. In sums ot from #100 to 91,600. quire at this offlee. In- Titr one of Barbiau Bros. 4 'New Stock." It will compare with any Ci­ gar la the market. C ft KENWOOD EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--We find It exceedingly difficult at times to gath­ er together news items sufficient to pay for dipping onr pen. The events of the past week have been few, but little of import having transpired. The donation gathering on Friday evening last, at the residence of Mr. Toles, was largely atteuded,some two hundred of the social and happy peo­ ple of Greenwood and surroundin? country/being present, who evidently fulfilled the mission of their visit by leaving some eighty dollars, as a token of their esteem and regard, for the benefit of the Rev. John Young. The evening passed ofiTln a very pleasant and social manner, iuter9|>er«ed With fine music which rang through the flue and spacious parlors, and fell sweetly upon the ear of the feasting and toil­ ing ones in the dining room* and kitchen adjacent. Mr. and Mrs. Toles are well worthy of the many thanks which they sincerely have from the membeis and friends of the Baptist society for their generous hospitality in opening their doors and extending a kindly welcome to the use of their fine house. They both have the pe­ culiar faculty af making their guests feel perfectly at home. While it is not onr object or aim to laud upon anv undue credit or praise for their good deeds, or for the labor performed In preparing and in assisting and waiting upon the tables, for all did nobly aud worked faithfully until the last. Still we deem it no more than due to make particular mention of Miss E1U liotch- kiss. In this connection, as worthy of especial credit, working faithfully and with a natronly care, which few young ladies of the present day pos­ sess, We can only add that here is a prize for some worthy young iran. as we are cettaln no other need apply.' Our faithful and accommodating mail carrier, "Jabez Ratbery" of whom mention was made last week, was made the recipient of a hue buflaJo robe on Saturday morning last by the patrons of the office. To say that he w'as very thankful would be too mild a term. To use his own language as he came on Sunday morning to have the clergy publicly thank tlje people his behalf tor tlieii kindness, he says,t "I was loo full to say any tiling mid I want you to thauk them for me.** Aiid the big tears of thanks filled hi* eye*. Who will say that It does not pay to make such a man a present!* Mrs.Gilbert Howe Is lying danger­ ously ill at Mr. W. D. Howe's. Mrs Howe is a daughter of Mr. Rich Har­ rison. Also, the wife of Andrew Jacobson is not expected to live. Mr. Lewis Boone, one of the first pioneers of the county, died on Mon­ day evening at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Geo. IIotchkf«s. The presiding elder of the M. E. Society preached in the church ou the hill on Sunday evening. Singing school ou F iday au J Satur­ day evening* of *Me weekf- "Felo"say* If the warm weather continues he |g going to make one more transition, from -HI "Ice boat" to a "balloon," as be thinks he is a little smarter than "Darius Green," This idea came forcibly to his in hid a few days since as lie was flying he lure a gale on McCollmn's Lake. Scene, as seen, short, stubby man. with long- ulster overcoat reaching to hi* boot- heels. a pair of smooth rubbers on his feet, two inches of water over the Ice, the wind blowing a stiff gale, the wind tilling his ulster sails, the wind gives him a start, he e.-iunot stop, and away he speeds, sometimes on one end.some­ times ou two ends, nnd sometimes with both ends up. still on he speeds with lightning fury, loudly calling for help. Twice rescued, once, saved, he returns home with the above determi­ nation, BX-Sb N A I'Ott CONKI.ING. A prominent New York Republican said to a correspondent that if Senator Conkling would run for Governor of that State he would be the nominee of the Republican party next fall. He said that he sincerely hoped that he would, because he would as surely he elected as nominated, and then if lie could get Sam 1'ildeu to run on the Democeatic ticket it would make a lively canvass aud would help the Con­ gressional elections, which usually go by default to a greater or less extent in the off years. He said his friends had no assurance that Mr. Conkling would accept the nomination, but it would be tendeMed him, and the utmost efforts would be made to induce him to accept it and to make the canvass. Some of the papers in this con­ gressional district are using the name of A. J. Hopkinifof this city, in con­ nection with the next congressional election. Mr. Hopkins is busily en­ gaged in building up an excellent bus­ iness as attorney, and could not afford to give up his practice and go to con­ gress even if assured of success, and he is too honorable a gentleman to permit the political monkeys to use Ills name as a cats-paw to rake their chestnuts out of the fire.--Aurnra Herald. The Ryan-Sullivan prize-fight, which took place at Mississippi City, htlf-way between Mobile and New Orleans, at noon Tuesday, resulted in a victory for Suilivan. Eight rounds were fought, Ryan falling to come to, time on the ninth round. The time of the contest occupied twenty-six minutes. Dress Making. Misa Estelle Thompson, at the resi­ dence of Mrs. W. A. Howa* d. Volo. is uow prepared to do Dress Making aud Plain Sewing. Patronage solicited.. Miaa E. J. THOMRSOIR, Volo, Feb. 4th, 18*2. Paper Weight and Ink Well com­ bined. A fluent! hauOsomeVi uvhvr* AtBesley 's, Woodstock ^Department. Workmen are busy taking down the steeple of the old Presbyterian Church. It will seem odd to look aver onr city anil uot see the old land mark. Col. San ford'* lecture was well at- ren«le4 on Friday evening. Tim Col. always draws well. ' * Quarterly nieotlngtt the M, E. ChurclkSumlay. Simon Brink Is ceiling the court room and hall in ttye.brick building on the hill. James Kfsson Is reported 'to ll* very sick with typhoid fever. J. A. Parrlsh is qnlte sick and has not been in his office for some days,-- It seeir a queer not to see John' it the office. Improvements are to be" the order of the day when spring opens up. We hear of several bhildings to be built and alterations made on , others which we shall make mention of when the proper time arrives. Miss Sullivan who some of onr papers had almost dead Trom the effects of chloroform administered by one of our dentists while extracting teeth, is as alive As ever awul working lu Chi- cago. A couple of Richmond ronghs were brought to this city one day last week by officer Elile and one of them re­ mains iu the county jail unable to pay tli" fine Imposed upon hiin /.'by E«q. Johnson and not being able to furnish bail. The other was Hped lightly paid Ills fine and returned home. James, whom we have known for many years aud Who was generally known as Cooper Riley, In this sec­ tion, died Monday, January 30th. Mr. Riley was an excellent citizen and was widely known In ,thisc!ty an<kllart- land. He'llved to* ripe old age being over three score years and ten. The funeral service vim held the Wednes­ day following at the Catholic Church and was largely attended. Another of James Corrs children died of diphtheria last week, this time a strong healthy boy about 16 year* of age. The other children of the family are said to be out of danger. All have been sick with the disease. Miss Smith, of our post office, went over to Marengo la«t week to assist the new Postmaster. Dr. J. Q. Adams, in openiug up aud Inking charge of the Marengo post office. She only re­ mained one night, being reca!led on account of sipkpes* in the fatnilyof Postmaster SOuthworth or this city.-- We hear it reported 4fat the retiring Postmaster, f^leiwart, turned the business over to' his successor and would not assist him iu the Sea>-t nor give him but. little instruction, wljfch Is always needed when any person takes hold of any kind of business that they are not accu«;oiAed matter how good their business qualifications, and it would seem that' common courtesy would suggest* to the retiring P. M.. of Marengo, xjjat it "would have at least HTipeijre^ .^eiiflt^uil^ to havo^luue what little he cou^l to assist the new P. M., in such a ' trying time, aud we venture to remark he lias made uo friends by his course at home or nbroM<h Observe the difference be- tween.thn two. Postmaster Sacket, of Garden Prairie, who is a cripple, left Ills oxtlce and came to Marengo every day utter Dr. Adams took charge of the MarengO office and did all in his power 'IO1 assist him in getting started right, all of which will not be forgotten by the Dr. ami his friends at home and throughout the county;' In our last weeks communication we Mild that it was generally understood here that Mr. E. T. Gleiiuon, Junior Editor of the Woodstock Sentinel, had been given a vacation and we remark­ ed that we supposed the }roung gentle­ man would come home and liven up his paper a little by writing some of those mbtimc and forcrable editorials which have been sadly missed by the readers of tlie Sentinel since his departure to Chicago. We now find that we were iu error a6 regards the vacation spoken of aud that instead Mr. Gleuuon's head was clipped when the regular clean­ ing out process wag gone through with III Mr. Spalding's office last week, but that through the influence of the old war horse of the political aflairs of his county (who by the way has got through with his labors as a juror In the U. S. Court at Chicago, arrived home la*t Friday aud stands once more upon his native heath) aud by Post- master Southworth appealing to the county officers to "help^s o*we sink," because the Sentinel could not!\ survive even" with the post office at its back unless given another government office, and the}', the officers mentioned.know­ ing what a vast amount of telling work the Sentinel always does for its friendn iu time of need, unless on the last day in the afternoon,"jiwt before the bat­ tle mother,*' they happen to tlv the track or kick over the traces, which is a trick they are not at all backward in doing aud they heve had much and quite recent experience in the per­ formance ot these back banded somer­ saults. Nevertheless the endorsements were given and eveity one conversant with such affairs know wlii. Yet there is not a single one of these same officials but have been repeatedly heard to remark that they considered the Sentinel the poorest and weakest editod paper in the county, and they dare not deny it. Upon receiving such endorsements the burly P. M. went to Chicago and laid the case before the proper authorities. Intimating that he carried the vote of the Republican voters of McHenry Comity, (especially those of the soldier element) hi his pocket, and he was Logam right hand mau and that the names he presented were the only real political leaders iu McHenry County aud they were all hogan men, but did uot state how long such had been the case with some ot them. The powers that be. did uut feel like iguoring the tremendous backlog so A compromise was uaaue that Mr. Glen:ion should be appointed to the office of temporary Inspector in the collector* office, whereas he had been a regular iitft)>*ctor for a few months back. Anything for govern­ ment pap woul l do. even it it was coining down a peg rind If then- wan onlv three dollar* (wr day for a «hiy now and then until navigation should open when the work would be steady nntll fall, Alas how the mighty have fallen. But what isvthe difference, so long as one can be considered a government official. If be can only eke out enough to »>uv a day's board ahead, and be kept out of the Sentinel office? where be must know by this time he Is not wanted. For fear that anything real startling and brilliant that may appear In the editorial column of the Sentinel this week should be laid to the Junior Editor as having written It, aud because we are always anxious tp gyrrect and make right any wrong impression we make the above correction. If the readers of the PLAINDEALER n'otice that no items of news appears later than Saturday moruhig in our column they must be^fr w tl» ns for thi* time, for uot being allowed to gal her the news of the ea ly part of the week. Business Is business and we have to (o'ahd attend to it. HKRONAL. Mrs, M. L. Joslyn, who. has been visiting In Knnsas. arrived home last week. Robert St. Clair and wife are here all the way from Mississippi-- MW* «ay come back to stay--that is to live at the north. Mrs. Charles Schryver has gone to visit friends In Iowa. Miss Mary Whitney Is visiting friends at Elkhorn Wis.,and Richmond 111. A. W. Smith went to Marengo Saturday morning to help Dr. J. Q. Adams get the Marengo post office in good running order. Old Settlers' Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Old Set­ tlers Association of McHenry aud Lake Counties, will be held at the River­ side House, in the village of McHenry, on TttuirsiiAY FK»KI;AHY 9th, 1SS2, at one o'clock p. M., for the purpose of electing officer? for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other busi­ ness irs m.,v come before the meeting. All interested are earnestly requested lo attend. JrsTrs BANOS, President. J. VAN SLYKK, Secretary. •AUCTION" SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, on tits farm, in the town af Grant, one mile south of Gavin's Coi­ ners and at the west, end ol Long Lake, on Thursday, Feb. 23rd, 18S2.-- Commencing at 11 o'clock A. M., the following property: 1 span matchcd mares. 6 years cK3, 38 choice cows, com­ ing iu in the spring, 3 yearliirgt. 3 ca)v-s, 1 ;ow nad pigs, 5 shoats, S3 choice'slfcep.^O'tons talpf Imy, 10 ttm* wild hay, bushels oats, 1 fanning mill. 1 set double harness, 1 pair bob sleighs, 1'bay rack. 2 plows. 2 cnltiv- tors, 1 drag. I good lumber wagon aud other nteusiU too numerous too men­ tion. TKRMS OF SALE.--All sums of 95 and under. Cash. Over that sum a credit of One Year will be given On approved Notes with interest at six per cent. FRANK DKKLY. F K, GliAWCER, Auctioneer. PHOTOGttAPHip. I would respectfully announce to the citizens ol McHenry anil vicinity that I have opened the Gallery over Perry & Martin's store, where I will be pleas­ ed to see nil those in want of Piciures. I feel confident that 1 can satisfy you. as 1 have had a large experience iu Portrait anil Landscape photography, and am prepared to do both kinds ot work. It is my intention to make Mc­ Henrv my future home, and hope by fair dealing aud lair work to merit a share of vour patroirijje. My prices will be reasonable. 1 shall try to suit my customers as well as mvself. and will not be content with a picture If 1 think that I can make a better one. 1 can be found at my place of busiuess during business hours. * l i t t t ' n 1 1 y Yours, i.. K. BENNETT. light About the House we Live In. . The well-known author of "Medical Common Sense," Dr. N. B.Wolfe, of Ciciuuati, 0„ has just published a new hook, called "More light about the house we live in!" which is attractively illustrated, ami abound- in "plain talk, but true." af/ainst swallowing drugs in­ to the stomach, lor any disease of the nose, throat or lungs, it is a whole­ some little volume to read, and should be iu the hands of every subscriber to this paper, but especially :hese who have anj" trouble iu their head, their throat or their lungs. Send ten tents to the Doctor, and get a sopy of it free by return mail. Address as above. Merchant Tailoring? and Cloak Making. F. Nelson, having recently arrived from the Hast, will til's week open a Merchant Tailoring and Cloak Making Department at Fitzsiuiiiions & Evan- son's. Mr. Nelson challenges any men. chant tailor or cloak maker for fit or- w»i-kman»hlp. either in men's or ladies' wear, having for years been connected with large and fashionable merchant tailoring and cloak houses in New York and other large cities, and can, produce the best references. Perfect firs and prices very re asonable will be guaranteed In every case. lnHact, he proposes to furnish a tli-st class gar­ ment for almost, the same as you pay for cheap, factory made goods. Sam­ ples of cloths from the best mills in the country will be open iu a few days, from wnich selections mav be made for any garment desired. It will do you no harm to investigate ths new enterprise, and if found beneficial to the village and surroundings, pat­ ronize it. Call and examine. HoUsE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his House and lot for sale, situated In tlie vi llage of Volo. Lake County. Good House, good barn, well, eiateru and out houses. All In good repair. Also one a«re of land adjoining. Will be sold reason­ able. For further particulars inquire ou the yruniisgi^'* SHiTHr Richmond Department; 0OlTTH!BCTK» BT 8. F. BE5KETT. Wallace Bennett and wife, of Bar- el ngton. III., and Jay W. Bennett, wife and child, of Wsmconda. vhitpd rela­ tives in Ki'*uuiond, Saturday aud Sun­ day. * P.J. Erealibrack was taken suddenly ill while Attending the Division of the Sons of Temperance, on Wednesday evening and wus quite delirious mostot the night. The trouble was a severe conge?tIou of the lungs. He Is now nearly right asrain. We regret to chronicle the death of Willie Drake, whose sickness we men­ tioned a week or two ago. He, came home sick three weeks ago, from Elgin, where he had been employed in a store. It was evident from bin con­ dition when lie came home that he had kept at .work too long after he was reallv sick. His fever, of a malarial nature quickly took on marked typhoid characteristics, and reducing hemor­ rhages occurred. But he made a brave battle for life end remained hopeful to the last moment. His death occurred on Friday evening the 3d hist., at al­ most the same moment a sister, then llis present age. died, just exactly five yesrs before. A strange coincidence! Willie was the pride and hope of his family, the reliance of bis parents in their approaching old age. and an only |pn. His untimely death is a terrible blow, and the whole community sympathise with Mr. and Drake. The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church on Sundav afternoon, and the remains were buried in the Richmond Cemetery. Collector's N tice* After January 15th, 1882. the under­ signed. Collector ot the Town of Mc­ Henry, will be «t the following p'iccs, at the times designated, for the pur­ pose of receiving the Taxes for the Town of McHenry, as assnssed for the year 18S1: On Mondays at the store of Adams & Lye. in the village of Johusburgh. Ou Tuesdays at the store of J. W. Orlsty. in the village of Riugwood, On Wednesdays at the store of Perry & Martin, in the village of McHenry. On Saturdays at the store of Stevens & Schuorr. in the village of McHenrv. Those interested will take due no­ tice and govern themselves according, JAMKS LADD, Collector. SOLD I SOLD!! SOLD!!! Having sold my place of business I have got to move, and do offer my stock of Cloths and Ready-Made' Clothing at cost for the next ninety days. 1 have a few Overcoats that 1 will sell at ten per cent, below cost. Now is your time to get bargains as my stock Is clean and in good shape. K.G.MAYES. McHenry, 111., January 11. 1882. Buainesg Notice*. Seed's Gilt Edge Tonic restor*** appetite* ^ The Mottne Snlkjr Plow SI?*. IT" Owen's. -T ^ Fishing Tackle of all kind* at If BngHu's, iu Howe's Btock, near thft new Bridge. The Furst & Bradley Sulky Plow * E.M.Owen 's. Buckeye Force Pumps, X Owen's. . '••J?*?? . All the first-class Plow* at E. K Oweu's. Ladles and Childrens Underwear, at J. R. Well) ft Son's Waueon- wlllff« K8tr1lne?f s,lver *nd Plated W Oweu's ,n c°u»ty, at O* «n^ r ' / « Books, and English and Germaif Mass Books, at M. En- ?eln s Howe's Bloek, near the bridge. Tii*. finest "stock of Perfumery In the wimty, at J. R. Wells & W9 Waocoo- da. • Spring Grove MlUn. }1 ' I now have my mill in rnm.liig ©refer1 and am prepared to do gri..dliig on short notice. Also grind the <rob with the com when desired. -T- hkxkt r mrasiss . Spring Grove, Nor. 21st, MSI. The finest line of Dresa Goods frr this market can be found at Stevens & Schuorr's. Hams. Shoulders, BAeon, Salt Pork Lard aud Corned Beef, at Howard's Market, near the Depot. Examine the 5 and 14> cent counters at J. R. Wells db Sou's, Wauconda. A full Pn© of Buck Gloves and , *t J. B, WeMs & Son's, Waueonda^t ;; FARM FOR RENT ^ r The Subscriber wishes to rent Ms Farm to some good cash payf ng custom­ er for a term of years. It is located a half-mile west of Veto, Lake Co., III. Volo. 1*4- *>,. ML '• <»"**«•- Just received.Overcoats for Mwi aii" Boys at F. (*. Maves' Cloth Tng Store„ near lite new Bridge. Cheap as Ilia cheapest. * SEWING J/aehlue Nee»flefr Iter svet^ machine made, can be found at M. En- gehi's, lu Howe's Block* uear tba bridge. Call am) see our «i 94 and *6 Ova»w coats. The largest line in town. • OOLBT Baot, EXTENSION TABLES. , Extension Tables only One Dollar* per foot at Joluv B. Blake's Furniture Store. Call and see them. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Posta furSiife. inquire of / v' JOH* via: ^ CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. ^ We have a large stoek of the chofo* est Candies manufactured. STKVKNS A 8CHMO**i • SOCIAL PARTY, There wilt be a Social Pa^fyTfor the Benertt of the German School, at the McHenry House Mall, on Monday even ing. Feb. 20th, 1883. Tiakets, includ­ ing Supper, 81. Music, Rlngweod Quadrille Band. Let all come and IIH ve a good time, and lend a helping haud to a worthy object. BY ORDKR COMMITTEE. JEALOUSY. . Some poet has said that *'AllUor< ments of the damned we find In only thee. Oh, Jealousy, thou tryanf of thhe mind." Tills Is grandly sweeping a/tir) magnificently inaccurate. Any Suf­ ferer t'lom Indigestion knows tp the contrary. Indigestion the villain of the tragedy plaved among the gastic juices ot the stomach ocan, and -does double disrount the horrors of jealousy. Jealousy is often an attendant upon the latter, and when Indigestion is re­ moved this jaundiced companion of a deranged liver flies. TAKKXINK is the best known remedy extant for im­ paired digestion, deramred liver, and diseases of the bowels and kidney's.-- Price $.50 and 81. G. W. BKSLVT, Agent. The best cough medicine In the world. Sample, free of charge. Call lit Besley's DVug Store ::nU get a sample bottle of Brown's Expectorant free of charge. It cures coughs, horse- ness, whooping-cough and consump­ tion in Its early stasjes. It is a scientific preparation, admirably adapted for the cure of all throat and I11112 diseases. It is pleasant to take and entirely harmless. Try it. It costs yon noth­ ing. Regular siato hotties, $.50 aud 91.' For sale by G. W. Besley. PATRONIZE home industry anil buy your Clgai* of Barbian Bros. They make four different brands, and are equal to the best in ths market. Chickens and Turkeys. C. T. Eldredjre has enlarged his Poul try House and is now better than ever prepared to do a large business in this line. Do uot fail to call and see h>m before you sell your poultry. It will pay you. f ./ C. T. ELIMTBOOB. FOR 'SALE. A honse and twelve lots, with other buildings thereon. Also a house and 14 acres of land, within hilf a mile of the village of McHenry. Inquire of JOHN J. FLCSKT. YOITR CHOICE. ' For your Candles call on Stevens Sell 110 rr. , Celulold Autosrnph the finest thing out' at FOR SALE. A commodious residence, at the cor­ ner of adison and Vine Streets* Woodstock. III., conveniently located to business, school and the various churches. Two lots, well stockeri with fruit, both large and small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and cistern. Terms easy. Apply to ASA IV. SMITH. Woodstock, III Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv­ ered at convenient distances from my residence. ASA W. SMITH. • ' ' Woodstock, |fl O VE RCOATS.J^S;|FL| A full line at Colby Bros. *.• v.> GOLD SPECTACLES, At Besley's Drug Store. A line assort­ ment. F. G.Mayes says be cauuot ba under­ sold, IF you want to buy Clothing at Chi* eago prices, call on E. Lawlwa, In ~ slug's Block. McHenrr. ^ , Best Woven Wire Mattress, for $4.00 at John B. Blake's, CORN WANTED. Wanted. 200 Tons of Ear Corn, for which the highest market price will be paid. F. K. GUAKOKK. GOODS MARKED DOWN. Cloal.s. Dolmans and Plsters, Beaver and Felt Hats. Knit Jackets, Hoods am) Hosiery will be sold at cost to re­ duce stock, and to make room lor spring Goods. Mas. 11 H. NICHOLS. COWS WANTED, Wanted Immediately SO good new milch Cows. Apply at Hanly A Sons Mill. Moltenryjll. A. H. HANLT ft SONS NEW THIS WEEK. All persons knowing theinsolvss ta- tfcbted to Mrs. H. H. Nichols, will please call aud settle the same as soon }is.|M.-s»l.;.-, as our books for l"S8l must be closed. FOR SALE. : I offer for sale my house and two Tota situated 111 West JfcHenry. Good brick honae. consisting of six rooms.-- Good well aud cistern, outhouses ftc.--• All in good repair. Good fruit 011 the premises. Will be sold reasonable.-- Apply ou the premises. W*. WAXJKB, FOR SALE. A house and five acres of land la the village of McHenry. Will be sold rear so liable. Inquire of CASPEU WINGGK Read, and don't Forgst ft The best and most reliable doefe made in this country, is the SetU Thomas. The best plated knives, forks and spoons are 18-17 Rogers* Rro*v The best hollow ware, such as Ca»tors% Dinner aud Pickle, Cake Baskets.Sugar and Butter Dishes, Syrup and Cbihrs Cups, Card Receivers, Nut and Pre­ serve Dishes, etc., are the Merldiea Brit tania and Middletown Plate WaltlitCm, ' E-glu, aud 0ne Swiss. Watctoe*. fine Gold ami Plate Jewelry* and Coin "Silver- Ware you will find at J. P. & W. R. Smith's, and Nd aa cheap ns others sell trashy staff. All kinds of Watuiies, Clo"ks aud Jewelry neatly repaired and satisfaction guar­ anteed. J. F. ft W. K. Surra. Store first door south of |hf Pott Office, McHenry, 111. Do Ton Want a Sewing* Machine. If you do, of course you waat the bett, as it coets no move. Thee why buy from an Agent who carries but one which he has fixed up ng purpose to show. when b going to the store of O.W.Owen, in vcHenry, you eau have your choice of Five, via: The Domes­ tic, Eldredge, American, Improved Howe, and Singer. We keep all these machines In stock, and auy lady who wants a ncicMue can set down and try tlietu all. aud tbeu «e««et the *ne wbiclt suits her the best. The fit>( three named, the Domestic^ Eldredgo ami American, ave three «»f »he best ma chines on die market, ami any one will be convinced ol' the fact by tullliig aH uiy store and trying <m»k (heats*-tv»a. Also a fine stoek of Clock*. Jewelry, srtver tuu Plated War#, e*uk be found at my store. Organs SM| Pianos *r sa*e e* A

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