Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Feb 1882, p. 5

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JJeJenry Îtiaieaier. WEDNESDAY,: FEB. IS. 1881. Railroai Time Table. »»'»1 WO SOOTH. Luke Passenscer 8twv* Lake Express fteneva Lake Freight noiwo WORTH. l«nM» Lake Freisrht &«ne»a Lake Express) ftenera LakelPassenorer ...7:35 A. M .8:20 " ...l:n#-p. M ...STSSFT.H . .4:&3R. M B. Bras, Agent. MeHenry, III CTHK great want of MeHenry to-day more dwellings. IF you want a good smoke tryone of MBarbian Bros. Best." They are A No. 1. ELDXB OWKN. of FJKE Coogtf, will preach In the Eniversalist Church, 5n thla village, on Sunday next, the 19th inst., at t o'clock P. M. "RKISONS for dressing plainly on Sunday" la the title of a little essav on social ethics. Most of us have the very t*st reasons for dressing plainly on Sunday. Don't mention It. /THK IC* Harvest clo9«II h«r« last 'week, and now the Pond and River are ire* of loe, the weather being more like April than February, Some far- mere have already commenced plow- in PFCMONAL. / Y0!? U.IRA °1-1 T -- i „ , fooyered the mistake under which yon Miss MA** L. OWEN an4 Miss Maggie [kindly gavo it to little Clark, of this village, welt up to Rich- V here was just then recovering from moml this morning, to s)end the bal-|°Bg ai)d troublesome illness, and, ance of the week among;frlends there.** ,Df ^ amuse and interest «» that tt.rfc might enjoy this beautiful weather. to that it has been oC great nse in ED. W.*OWEN and sitter were vi£i t- AQD stimulating the little fet­ ing friends in Elgin tip past week. exercise ; and they have be- 6 * r »e such strong friends that I have MRS. DK. A PERSON; who lias been I known how to part them. But now, attending her son, Who was sick in »I think we can spare Fido ; and if Seneca, came home an Tuesday. F. A. HEBARD lias been quite sick the past week, bull is now better and able to be out ^jaln. His mother, who is over ninety years old, has also been quite feeble tlie past few weeks. JAMES B. .PERU?, Esq., started on Monday morning for a trip through Iowa. ^Jolm I. Story, late of the ftrm of O. C. Colby & Co., lias accepted a po­ sition in the store of Henry Colby, in Riverside Block, where he can here­ after be found by his friends. Iwiil take it back I will resign it with Liv< ^ure, and with grateful thanks for »; kind intentions with wliioh I »m (I you bestowed it." *Tut, tut!" said the farmer, " who's Sner abeut taking it back ? When I is a thing I gives it, and if I gives it | mistake, more,fool me for making i' iRn^ ,a ^feeling, blundering old J® beside, to go and take you for a id woman. My dear, I'm as pleased py thing to find as I was wrong; and , K" ̂ Ug Vack 010 dorK» I wiah ! in i l lM.1 | O A. -- ? M i TYli l tELI. . -- Died, very suddenly, HI West AK-x: in>Ir i : t , Ohio, Tt iesd ' iv morning: , Kel) . 7 t l i , of congest ion of the bowels , Art t iur Tyrrel l , «on of Jaines Tyrrell, of this town, e had intended writing an obit­ uary in connection with the above, but at the time of going to press have be*n unable to get some points which we needed in order to do so. We shall, however,give such notice next week. Richard Wray Is preparii% his hot­ bed thus early for the propagation of plants for re-setting. The Town Board of Health of the yeatl'own of Hebron has passed a resolu­ tion for all persona in the town, adults as well as children, to he vaccinated.^ a dozen more to give yon for ano pretty speech erf yoars. « Blue birds and robins have put in an appearance in this vicinity, and a pair of the latt&r are building a nest near the "mill house." That looks like no Jspring. Warm weather put aw to the ice cutting on the mill point last Sat­ urday. Several hundred car-loads have been shipped, and about,, fifty men were employed In the woijp mat to L F. G. MATES, our old and reliable Merchant Tailor, having sold his building has removed to suitable rooms In Howe's Block, where he will remain temporarily, until he pan build • store store suitable for his business. WE are sometimes so Impressed by a fellow-man's estimate of his import­ ance that we tremble at the mere sug­ gestion of what might have been if the Lordiiad forgotten to make them.-- We caH no names. C. T. ELDREDGE is doing a big bus­ iness In the poultry line this winter, as is evidenced by the large amount he is shipping weekly. He is an old hand at the business, Veep* well posted and pays as high a pri^e as the market will warrant. THE ladies connected with the Crystal Lake Catholic Chnrch will give a sociable and entertainment, for the benefit of their church, in Marlow A Fitch's Hall, February 20th, 21st and Mnd. Goo-5 mmic furnished. Admit tance only 25 cents. Refreshments KR THE LADIESS "WHITHER are we drifting?'* asks an exchange. We gUre It up, but what is the use of drifting, why not pull, pull for the shore, pull for fun. or for e*er^ else, pull for all you are worth and you will fetch up somewhere. Go with the crowd, and you won't ha- lonesome i^way.: ffan Item «f Q. C. Colby A Got*H*r«l- I ware Merchants, who had a store In f this village and also at Nnnda, was ] Saturday last, the time of ? copartnership having expired by ^ limitation, the company. John I. Story J retiring. The business at both places 1 will be continued by O. C.Colby, h, thank you, sir, but I don't, I said nervously. "One is as much as we oan manage, isn't > r j f " fed then I made him shake hands I this estimable Mr. Fubaey, and him he was the gentleman who ht us Fido, and that the fairies not going to take it back again ; so ould take it home and keep it I early said " stick to it "--and some e would go and see Mr. Fubsey, >ke him something for his pretty teres ting little present. ump in now," oried the old farmer atiug the chaise. "Jump in, both wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHmm <>u. I'm going straight home, and ONE of the best and most readable will be as pleased aj Punch little dailies in Chicago is the Herald,fd wfyf h**511 in a miz-maze about r w. NW. Post Master, is editor-in-chief. It 'sj saying what a pity it was, you so bright, newsy, and staunch Republican,hg and pretty, and clever too. But and is fast growing in favor with the|©> jump in, and we'll just be home reading public in this section. It hasfe® 'or dinner. of .a,tors t1,rU^llUiU,.fryou5'p,S;» a:ul we predict will at no distant day be the leading daily in Chicago. The daily is published at the low price of' $5 per year, postage free, placing It within tiie'reach of those who cannot afford to pay for, or spend the time to read the great blanket sheets. The Weekly Herald has eight pages, and is most complete weekly newspaper ever issued from Chicago. Its success has been unprecedented. It is issued every Wednesday morning, and con­ tains correct market reports, all tlfe news of the week,agricultural, literary and general matters, well selected and carefully arranged. To those of our subscribers who wish to take a Chicago paper, we can make them the follow­ ing low rates: P LATIFDEALER and Dally Herald, 1 year <6.00 PliAllfDEAXKK and Weekly Herald 1 Year $2.20 n, and I am quite unprepared; beside, Dory must hot be out too iTu N*D A- IDITOR PLAINDKA^ER:--Wm. nnff- sibli II cm e the on t O: Mot 6,00 past I> thai load bod tim< S: ai ue put hail P som mak b< at thro f fin OOKTRIBUTKD »T R. F. BBHKKTT. We trust add one more feather to the already broken back of our rail­ road camel, by giving our readers what the genial Elkhorn correspondent of the Lake Geneva Herald has say about It: Our envoys to Madison, Messrs. Con- pcr ami Spragne. spent two or three days in the interests of tlie <\ l\ A; S. K. R. wreck, at the Capital, and came back with doubts resolved into con­ victions that the Air Line railroad was an airy nothing, with only an iui- aginary existence and a name. It is vain to speculate upon what might have been the fates had Mr. Jackson t)f«n more kind. There Is some rwasnu to believe that but for the sudden and unexpected transfer to the C. M. St, P. it O. road, the Grand Trunk company would really and seriously have taken hold of the thing and built the Air Line road. But the 6ale of the Barnes Jackson interest demoralized tlie whole WE learn from the Chicago Ttrne* that the Fox River Steamboat Com pany. who are the owners of the hand some little Steamer MLotns,w have in creased their capital stock from 32.500 t This of course means more ; ^improvementsin this boatf The Fox ' Lake CTiTffare enterprising, go-ahoad fellows, and consider what l« wortb do­ ing ^t all is worth well doing. We wish them success. THE new Estey Organ, which has attracted so much attention'of late at tbe store of O. W. Owen, was purchaa- chased on Monday last, by E. J. Phillips, who resides near Wauconda. for * present to his daughter. At we have always said the Eatey Organ has no superlors,-and thi6 was certainly a beauty. We congratulate Miss Phih lips on being the possessor ef to fine an instrument. r IN. HTNGELN has taken possesion of the store in Colby's Block, Just No«h Of the Riverside House,, and has now on band a full stock of Fftnily Gro. csries, Cigars, Tobacco, Hunting and Wishing wbioli Tor quality and price he is willing to com­ pare with any store outside of the city. Look out f^r his new advertise­ ment next week, and in tlie meantinje 4f in wint of any goods in his line give hint a call. As will be seen by a notice in the Xducatlonal Department, Prof. Estee, Of Woodstock, will lectin § in the Universajist Church, in this village, on Thursday, to-morrow, ovening. Sub- ject--"-Shall our Common Schools be fltalntained?" One half of the pro- oeeds will go for the benefit of our Public School, and will be used for purchasing some necessary books. Prof. Estee is said to be a good speak­ er and we hope to see the Church well filled to-morrow evening. GREENWOOD. EDITOR I'LAINDKALKR:--Some of our weather wise prognostleators are pre­ dict! ug severe cold Vreather and deep snow before the close of winter, while others, together with natures own prophet*, the robin, meadow lark, blue and black bird , wild geese, ducks, Ac., are iHtemptfei# a^l^ifljetell an opposite programme. The funeral of Lewis Boone 'on Thursday last was attended by many of the pioneer settlers of this connty, who caine to pay the l<tst tribute of re- spevt to one who had In former years 6hared with them the trials and priva­ tions of tlie early settler. Mr. Boone was born in Kentucky, removing from there with his parents to Michigan, when lie was six years of age. From thence they removed to Ohio, from which State he removed to Northern Illinois In 1837 and settled upon the farm on which his remains now rest, although at his death not an own«r of tlie land, lie was a lineal descendent of the famous "Daniel Boone" oi his­ tory. His death occurred but one day prior to his79th birthday. The family of G. Hotchkiss, at whose residence he died, together with other relatives, tender their sintvre thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kindly rendered aid and assistance in his last illness an<J burial. S. Baldwin, Esq., has let his farm to G. II. Garrison. * Mark Dawson and family are fo oc­ cupy the house known as "Fort Adams 1 A. 3. Newman received quite severe injuries by a fall while putting hay in his new barn on Saturday last. Prol. S. D. Bald vin, assisted by his class and some outside talent, propose giving a concert at this place some­ time ere long of which due notice wfll be given. Oii/lfyall carrier has o^oe more betfn glad at lie art and warm of body, by the present from the patrons of the office of a heavy ulster overcoat. J** MRS. SCHUMACKER has moved her foods into the store one t?oor West ot \ Howard's Market, and will imtnedia* 1 tely add thereto a full stock of Milli- I aery and Ladies Furnishing Goods* of V«(he latest slytfit, t6 wld ch'^Ke^Tnvi tes the attention of the Ladies of McHen- ry and surrounding country. She will keep none but the best of goods and will make her prices as low as any oth­ er store in the county, and with the aid of a1 first-class Milliner hopes to receive a liberal share of tbe public patronage. The celebrated Broadhead Dress Goods, at Butler & Warner's, Nanda These Good* have uo superior 1A »tbe market, • Bargains in Watchew, docks, Jewel­ ry. Silverware, Book* and Sewing Ma­ chines dnrin» the next 30 days at O. ;,W. Oweu'a* v . * " AUlfEK EDITOR PLAIN DEALER: -- Spring, Spring weather at any rate; and how long will it last? Not long we hope, for WM would prefer to see winter at this time of the year. Our little burgh Is growing slow but sure in its way. J. C. Brewer has erected a fine little barn since we last wrote, and W. H. Wright has the foun dation laid for a feed 6tore down by the depot. E. S. Smith is talking about putting up a dwelling house. It looks a little as though he was going to take a partner C. R. Fink, our ex-cheese maker, who has been traveling all over tlie coun try for the past three months, looking for a factory, has given up that idea and lias rented Aaron Rowe^ farm. Hebron, and is now looking for instead of a factory. A Mr. Munger. of Dunham, is going to erect a cheese faetory on the town line between Alden and Ilartland He has the lumber on the ground already Geo. Andrews has purchased a house and lot in Marengo, move there soou if uis neauu win allow. We have a new telegraph operator at the depot. His name is Miller, fresh from Jacksonville. 111. He U now practicing ou the alphabet. E. H. Wordeu, who is teaching Seneca, smiled upon friends urday. man has bought C. C. Petti bone's place for 81000. Cice says he swill go to Kan­ sas as soon as he can complete tlie col­ lecting. Miss Dufleld's Concert, at the M. E. Church last Fridaj* night, was a com­ plete success. "She has-been requested to repeat at no distant day. John Darby has commenced the erection of Ids house, which when com­ pleted will add to that part of the town. The Masonic Sociable was admitted by all to mor» than meet their expec­ tations. About seventy-five were present, and enjoyed themselves much- JT»# CNOol*Intr^ VAOOI a;wj |n. strumental music made up the pro­ gramme. Notice was given for anoth­ er in two weeks. Ira has sold to Wm. Butler his part of a lot which originally came from the one it is now uided to. Geo. Comstock, of Barringtun, was visiting in town oyer Sunday* Newton Paine has moved on hi« fethers-law's farm, J*san Paln«>.-- Newt, has been North for a year past, but came to the conclusion that Nunda" would do, therefore returned. We learn that Frank Wheaton In­ tends moving to Elgin. Wm. Chamberlain and family will soor. start for Buiiingame, Kansas, having shipped their goods there, Najali Beardsley broke down his clover hnller last week near (funtley and was obliged to wait for castings until this week. Two large Pickerel were offered for sale on our streets last Saturday that weighed 14 pounds each. They were caught from Giiswold's Lake. Teachers meeting here this week Saturday. The reason why the min­ utes did not appear in last weeks issue is a mystery td the Secretary, as ho nailed them to Prof. Baldwin in time if Uncle Sam had performed his part. John Goodwin is now ready to con^ tract for Cucumbers with the farmers," lie will build a factory or storage building this spring. The dance at Lew Burton's last Fri­ day night was well attended and en­ joyed by those present. G. E. Dickinson lias bought Wood- rnil's horse and buggy and now wishes the girls to know he is ready for any invitation for a ride. We learn that Woodruff, the black­ smith, will go to Woodstock and en­ gage in business for himself. George hired a tramp blncksinith who proves to be not deserving of the name. Our last week's communication was mailed as usual, but did not appear in print. Was it received or not? If not something is wrong somewhere. Untversalist Social at Webb Morse's residence this week Saturday night. Born, in this village, a pair of twin boys, blacksmiths. They will bear the name of Fezer if the}' stand the storm long enough to be known. Quarterly meeting at the M. E. Church last Saturday and Sunday, Pre­ siding Elder Maudeville officiating.-- He also preached Sunday morning to a large congregation. The case of John Buler, of Crystal Lake, that Benthusen lias been Work­ ing on since last fall, reeulted in ar­ resting Myers and wife, of Duutiee, and recovering the balance of the goods. Goods and money amount!ug to two hundred dollars In all. Lafe is a worker and is bound to win laurels as a detective of the first water. Ti busi ness brtt tlie work that was in stom progress stopped; the legislature en- whei dorses tlie proceedings, and our happy being dream is over, We have the old grass exhti grown graie left, however, to point - with pride to. and the dim and shadowy hope remains jthat at least this section of the line, from Genoa to Jefiersou will sometime he completed. In the meantime it is consoling to re­ member that the good people of Genoa,Geneva, Klkhorn, Whitewater, etc., Iia/e already li. R, communica­ tion with all other important points, anil that they may coutinue to prosper, eqist. and be happy. Or course all bets made by the subscriber and other optimists on tlie sure and speed}' con­ struction of sa'd Air Line railroad are, without further notice, declared ofi. principal object Is to Wr«*t the land- grant from the old claimants and stop all further disputes regarding the mat­ ter. Mr. Cable savs the stork lie pur­ chased from Jackson and Barnes is the only legal stock, and that held by tlie other parties is of no value. Mr. Sco- field, the President of the Chicago. Portage & Superior, on the Other hand, states that the Jackson stock is of no value, while the stock held by his side is the simon-pure article. Mr. Seofield, also states that his company will com­ plete the road to Chicajjo at once, and give this city a ne»v competing line to tlie Northwest, while the other side Is tiring to stop the building of such competing line. Mr. Cable does not think that the Scofleid party will ex­ tend the road to Chicago, but will stop building as soon as it has secured the land grant prize, and then to sell out to the highest bidder. It Is hls(Cahle's) intent ion to. extend the line In con­ nection with the Rock Island main line, and thus gjive the bitter an inde­ pendent outlet to the Northwest, aad. therefore. Chicago can only gain by having the road secured to his side. To determine the status of the stock held by tlie various parties is what Mr. Scofield came here for. to have a conference with Mr. (/able, the alleged purchaser of tlie Jackson stock. Tlie conference was to have taken place yesterday, but, as Mr, Scofleld's at­ torney did iioturri*e, an was expected, it will not take'place until to-day. Mr. Cable does not think that anything will come of the conference, and be­ lieves that tlie matter can only be de­ cided by litigation. The purchasers of the Jackson stock have every thing to gain by delay, as it will preven* the Scofleid party from completing the road withlu the required time to seoilre tlie land-grant, in which event tlie grant is likely to fall into the hands of tlie St. Paiil A Omaha Company, which, in tue meanwhile, is completing its line through that section. Every­ thing indicates that Mr. Cable and the Kock Island are working hand in hand with the St. Paul «fc Omaha Company, although the latter remains in the background at present. Additional strength is given to this belief by the fact that some of the leading owners of the Hock island are also largely In­ terested in the St. Paul & Omaha line.' The following from the St. Paul Pioneer-IVexs is apparently a correct statement of tlie situation: "To* man up a tree, there seems to be a wheel within a wheel in the al­ leged purchase of the stock of tlie Chicago, Portage & Su|>erior Road, which road as yet has no tangible ex­ istence. The first statement was that President II. H. Porter, of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Line, had bought the stock, and subsequent Interviews with Solicitor Spooner, of that company-, apparrently 'gave awav' the whol'e mattet. Subsequently Mr. Porter has taken the pains to deny the story that he had bought the stock, considering it utterly valueless. It Is highly probable that all tho gentlemen have f-poketi tho truth within the circle in which they have their immediate movements. Mr; Porter may not have Nunda Taxed* The undersigned Collector of" Taxet for the town ef Nunda, will be at the following place*, at the time designat­ ed, for the purpose of receiving the Taxes cf said town, as assented for the vear 18S1. On Saturdays and Mondays, at the store of Geo. Dickinson, in tbe village of Nunda. . Tuesdays--At Chalet' Store, Baite- ville. Thursdays^-At the Store of Fitzslm- mons A Evausou, in the village of Mc- Henry. Q C. G. PRT-rnnoMB, Collector. Reed*? Gilt Edge TOQIC restore* appetite. * The Moline Sulky Plow At S. M . Owen's, Fishing Tackle of Engehfs, in Llowe's new Bridge. nil kinds at Block, mar The Furst iSs Bradley iiuUty Flow E. M. Owen's. Buckeyc force Pump*, *t Owen's. * Collector's Notice. After Jamie ry 15th, 1832. the under­ signed, Collector of tlie Town of. Mc- Heury. will be at the following places, at the times designated, for the pur­ pose of receiving tlie Taxes for the Town of MeUenry, as assessed for the year 1881: > - Ou Mondays at the store ef Adanis A Lye. in the village of Johnsburgh, On Tuesdays at the store of J. W, Cristy, in the village of Ringwood, On Wednesdays at the store of Perry A Martin, in the village of Mellenry. On Saturday# at the store of Stevens A Schnorr, in the village of Mcll*nry. Those interested will take due no­ tice and govern themselves according. JAMKS t. ADO, Colleotor. , All the Owen's. first-class Plows Ladies and Chlldrens tTnftfWttrt" cheap, at J. B. Wells A Son's Waueoa^- da. . j The finest line of Silver and Pfate«lA » W*re to be found in tbe county, at OiK W. Owen's. German School Books, and Ingllsli arid German Mass Books, at H. JCi geIn's Howe's Block, near the bridge. The finest stoek of Perfumery in th®^+i» eouuty, at J. K. Weils A Sou's Waocoa* %'Yt ,'* • da.' !"?>' . • SOLD! SOLD!! SOLD!M Having sold my plaee of business I Spring Grove Mills. I now have my mill in ntnning order ^ and ain prepared to do grinding o^ short notice. Also &rlud tlie oob wi»H the corn when desired. HKJTRT J, DAT*B»T. Spring Grove, Xov. 21st, 1SS1. ^ The finest line of Dress Goods Ifjf^ this market cau be found at BteveoP- A Schuorr's. - 'y , have eot to move, and do offer my stock of Cloths and Ready-Made Clothing at «ost for the riext ninety days. 1 have a few Overcoats that 1 will sell at ten per cent, below eosy Now Is your time to get bargaius as iny stock is clpan and In good shape. r.G. MATES. Me Henry, 111., January It, 1S89. The social event of the season oc­ curred on Thursday evening at t1»d resi­ dence of Robert Johonnott, of Rich­ mond, when his daughter Louise R. was united in holy matrimony to Johu-j bought that stock, andJiia^ company as n-t « 4i.. -- I Yy*llll9% il)Q 1119»llinK<C VCIOIIIVII) UCIflJC | performed by the Rev Mr. Clark of tbe in cows _ in last Sat- ONH OF THE TWINS. Paper Weight and Ink Wy'll com­ bined. A flue mid'bandiouie article.-- At Bessy's, Great Closing Out Sale. Having rented my Store, I now ofie^r for sale in v entire stock of goods at cost or beiow. My 6tock consists of Dry Goods. Notions, Hats,Caps,Gloves Mittens, Boots. Shoes, Groceries, Crockery. Glassware, Wall Paper, Window Paper, and many other arti­ cles usually kept in a country stare too numerous to mention. 1 have on hand a fine line of the celebrated Selz cus­ tom made Boots and Shoes, which 1 willselfat lower figures than they can be bought elsewhere, as 1 must close thii> stock out at once. This will be a good opportunity to purchase any­ thing you may need in tlie above line! of goods. (Jail and be convinced that this is no shaui sale. ROBERT HARBISOIC. Waneoada, February, lilfi, Btt Methodist Church. Ouly Immediate friends and relatives were present. At 8 o'clock the happy couple, supported by Mr. Herbert Gibbs as groomsman and Miss Marietta Jotyonnott as brides, tnnid entered the parlor to the music of a wedding inarch played by Miss May 8ennett, a^id fcl|e twaiiiwere made one in accordance :rij»^^0f ^ the Methodist Episcopal Chnrch. Con­ gratulations and a bounteous supper followed. We subjoin a list of presents received: Glass water pitcher, Mrs. C. S. Rice: glass tea set, Mr. and Mrs, Rensellaer Johonnott; silver castor. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Johonnott, and Mr. and Mrs. S, F. Bennett; parlor lamp, Mr. Henry Rice; half-dozen silver fbrks. Mr. and Mrs C. W. Voak, Wil- mot. Wi»; half-dozen silver knives and forks. Miss Mariette Johonnott; bed spread and linen tablecloth. Mrs. Louise Crosby; one dozen silver teaspoons, Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns. Patterson, N. J.: half-dozeu silver knives and linen napkins. Miss Gertrude Johon- uot; elegant gold watch and chain, by the Grooir; silver pickle castor, Her­ bert Gibbs; carving knife aud fork, Robt. Johonnott; three silver table spoons, Fanny Johonnott; biscuit cut­ ter. Mrs. Cairns; set glass salts. Miss Minnie Roder; silver cake dish, Miss %„ottle Reynolds; Lamp, Miss Maria Brown;cash 810, R. R. Crosby; silver nutter knife and sugar spoon, Henry Johonnott; glass seK Mr. and Mrs. L- B. Rice;glass w'ater pitcher. Miss Mary Brown; pin cushion, tidies and toilet set. Mis) Ada Rice; wash bowl and pitcher. Miss Orpiia Wilson; set sad irons. Mr. Beia Tabor; half dozen silver teaspoons, Mr. Andrew Bourne; tidy, Miss Corie Davis. Elgin. 111. Ou Friday afternoon and evening an elegant reception was given by the Groom's mother, followed by another at Wllmot, Wis., given ^ty Mrs. Rice, grandmother.of the bride. The young couple starf out in life with bright prospects and the good withes of a bost of friends; ,> The firre«c| interest in the Superjor Portage and' Chicago R. R., bf every­ body in thla part of the country In­ duces us to reproduce* the following lengthy ar||cje Irom the Chicago Tribune of Jan. 3lst. People here­ abouts don't care wl^> has possession of tlie road so it Is built and we judge from tlie ttonor of the Tribune"article that whichever of the competing companies secure ^e land grant, the road will be built all the same. We don't give up hope yet.' A great ^|eal more importance is be­ ing attach#i! to tlie fight1 for the pos­ session of V»e Chicago, Portage and Superior Railroad than the matter really deserves. The contest is simply a revival of the old fight between rival corporations for the land-grant attach­ ed to tlie charter of this road. It mat­ ters but little to the general public who finally getscontrolof the company or the land-grant. If the Chicago, Portage A Superior Railroad does not eomplete the sixty-eight inilesotroad south from Superior City, the.valuable land-grant, which is tlie principal bone of contention, will revolt to the State of Wisconsin. A rival line, the Chi­ cago. St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha, has long been after the grant, and has been buildiug a line through that sec­ tion in order to secure it. Both roads claim to be entitled to the grant, and the matter is to eonn* up before the Legislature this winter. 'Although Sir. R. It. Cable, of the Rock Island, claims that he is the sole purchaser of Jack­ son's stovk. vet it looks as if the Chi­ cago, St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha Companv i^iii* #^#>4 ! sneh may not have made the purchase. Str far so good. The GraiUi Trunk iiri« did not buy, for a fact f good again.-- Mr. Cable.'of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, did buy, so lie claims, for himself only, and not as representing anybody else. He says. If correctly re­ ported, that he cannot decide what dis­ position to 'make of the stock until after consultation with the officer® of the Chicago,Portage it Superior Road. Now, if Mr,#Cable had said lie Wanted time to telegraph and write to certain New York parties he might have given Dress Making. Miss EStelle Thompson, at the resi­ dence of Mrs. W^ A. Howard. Volo, is now prepared to do Dress Making and Plain Sewing. Patronage solicited. Miss K. J. THOMPSOH. Volo, Feb. 4th, 18S2. FOR SALE. S. Russell A Sons, Volo, Lake Co.. Ills., breeders of pure bred Short Horn Cattle, oftcr for sale four choice young Bull*, from six months to two year* old. Cataloguss and prices sent on application. "BARBIAN BROS. OWN," tbe "Amerl cau Queen,'* and "Trade." They have ill) inpcriOri. DiiiOSSfj stlOtHU W this in nitud. Our books are open to receive contracts for salting cucumbers at ten cents pel bushel Call and 806 us. 0RI8TY. WALKER A CO. Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Bait T.ard aud Corned Beef, St Ho' Market, near the Depot. Examine the 5 and 10 cent cono at J. R. Wells A Son's, Wauconda. A full l!ne of Buck Gloves and at J. R. Wells & Son's, Waueonda. FARM FOR RENT •» The Subscriber wishes to reat h|| . r'S Farm to some good cash payingeustofli* /1 er fwr.a term of years. It is located lg| V u:, half-mile west of Volo, Lake Co., III. ^ 5 J . Oovrroir. - ^ Volo, Dec* &tfa, 1981. -M • ,1' Just received. Overcoats for Man aiW| . Boys at F. G. Mayes' Clothing S near the new Bridge. Cheap SS cheapest. .. , SEWING Machine Needles for every machine made, can be found at M. IE a* Rein's, in Howe's Block, near M bridge* $14:" Call and see our S3 94 aad H Ovsf*. ,, -TV •oats. The largest line In town. .if, * $ COLBY toes* ^ ' ' ~ 0, EXTENSION TABLES, ***' J •5il' :«j aw; m Extension Tables only One Dollfl per foot at John B. Blaks's FurultuM S3 Store. Call aud see them. V > FARM FOR RUNT, more satisf action to the general .nUGtomy*. especially those people who keep the run of the internal affairs of some of our leading railroad companies. "It is pretty well known that the Chicngo A Northwestern and the Chi­ cago, St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha line are closely allied in business in­ terests. Though they are two distinct corporations, they have mutual in­ terests, The Rock Island is another distinct corporation, but as yet having no northwest connection via»t. Paul.-- It has been striving for business in this direction for some time, and lias so far succeeded that last summer it secured some emigrant traffic from Chicago, hound to the Red River Valley and to Manitobia. But tlie golden opportunity has come at last by which it can make a strike for Lake Superior by the con­ trol of 'he route laid out by the Chi­ cago, Portage A Superior Company' and that, too, without bringing on • a fight wlni the Chicago it Northwest­ ern and tlie Chicago, St. Paul, Minne­ apolis & Omaha, in fact, it apparently matters not whether the Omaha line, or tlie representatives of tlie defunct Chicago, Portage A Lake Superior Road securcs the land-grant prize to be fought for in the Wisconsin Legisla­ ture, when 'certain facts are considered, the principal of which facts are the names of the leading directors of tho three great companies mentioned. The Omaha Line has, among other gentle­ men, for Directors David Dows, R. P, Flower. Benjamin Brewlster of New York, R. R. Cable of Rock Island. II. Ii, J'orter, of Chicago. In the Chicago fc Northwestern Directory and David Dows, R. P. Flower, lu the Rock Is­ land Directory are David Dews. R. P. Flower. Ben | am in fierwsler. R. R( Cable and II. H. Porter. Here is a wonderful couincidence of names that justifies the surmise tiiat there may be a coincidence in the fact that the Rock island should take a hand in this patronage business, and have the auda city to strike out for Northwestern business. Dr. David Dows possibly is the masterspirit in this whole move.-- it is said he, with tlie influences at Ids command, Is wealthy enough to exe­ cute anv reasonable railroad scheme, and that, in defiance of railroad tere?ts. How much he can and will ac­ complish through his three companies time will tell. It seems therefore a waste of time to to speculate much up­ on probabilities until it is known that he willgo back on alibis past aspira­ tions for Northwestern business for the Rock Island and his known power to wield the policy of the other two roads into a harmonious purpose to act together. After all. may not. the three companies for all practical purposes be termed one company, with the Rock island acting as tlie dominant power* The purchase of the Chicago. Portage & Superior stock by Mr. Cable for the Rock Island seems to answer the ques­ tion. The Omaha and the Ro^k Island may'confine |heir road building from Superior City to Veazie and both ma». claim the land-grant, and even figlW for it in the Wisconsin Legislature, but whichever party secures the prize may be only the disbursing agent for a 'divy' between the three great corpora­ tions named. David Dows, Esq., of New York, being the great directing Captain of the whole movement. Later news says tiiat the matter of the Laud Grant has been made the subject of a long report by the Rail­ road Committee of the Wisconsin Senate, in which is given a detailed history of the gtant,and ends by re­ commending tiiat tho laud-grant J>e •riven to the "Chicago. St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha Railway Co.," which will immediately deposit $78,- 000, to pay of the laborers who have been defrauded of their wages, for Rent, RICHARD For particulars BISHOP. Inquire jo! Money to Loaii. In sums ot from 9100 to 91,500. quire at tbis office. In- FENCE POSTS FOR SAljk 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fenta for sale. Inquire of JOHIR DORAX; CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. We have a large stoek of tho est Candies manufactured. STBVKNS 4 TUY ohe of BarBIan Bros. "New Stock." It will comparer witb aujr Ci­ gar in the market. PHOTOGRAPHIC. I would respectfully announce to the citizens of Mellenry and vicinity that I have opened the Gallery over Perry & Martin"s store, where 1 will be pleas­ ed to see all those in want of Pictures. 1 feel confident, that I can satisfy you. as 1 have had a large experience in Portrait and Landscape photography, and am prepared to do both kinds of work, it is my Intention to make Me­ llenry, my future home, and hope by fair dealing and talr work to merit a share of your patronage. My prices will be reasonable. I shall tryto suit niy customers as well as myself. aiTd will not be content with a picture If 1 lliink that i can make a better one. 1/ can be found at my place of business during business hours. •"•"'""aVwin. SOCIAL PARTY. There will be a Social Party, for the* Benefit of the German School, at the Mellenry House llall, on Monday even­ ing. Feb. 20th. 1882. Tickets, includ­ ing Supper. 91. Music, Ringweod Quadrille Band. Let all eotne and have a good time, and lead a helping hand to a worthy object. BY ORI>KB OOMMITTBC. If OUR CUOICB. !** For your Candies eali on 8teres* » Tke Celoloid Autograph A "the finest thing out' at Be»ley*a, FOR SALE. A.commodiou8 residence, at tho n*f of ad i son and Vine Streets Woodstock, 111., conveniently looatoa to business, school and the varisM churches. Two lots, well stOfkflA with fruit, both large and Plensantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and cisMyftw Terms eaif. Appirw •'W Woodstock, Foundation roeks ami Grave! d»llf» ered at convenient distances from q|y residence. ASA W. SMITH. w oodstock, Ml ; OVERCOATS. r" A full line at Colby Bros. F. G.Mayes says he cannot be u4|§* sold, - " k Read, and don't Forget It. The best arid most reliable clock made In this country, is the $eth Thomas. The best plated knives forks aud tfpopns are 1847 Rogers' Bros. The bast hollow ware, such as Castors, Dinner and Pickle, Cake Baskets.Sugar and Butter Dishes, Syrup and Child's Cups. Card Receivers, Nut and 1're- serve Dishes, etc., are the Meriden Rrittania and Middletowu Plate ^o. Waltham. Elgin, and fine Swiss Watches, fine Gold and Plate Jewelry, and Coin Silver-Ware you will find at J.. P. & W. R. Smith's, and sold as cheap as others sell trashy steff. AM kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly repaired and sat isfaction guar­ anteed. J. P. & W. R. *MITH. Store first door south of the Post Office, Mellenry, 111, Chickens and Turkeys. C. T. Eldredge has enlarged his Poul­ try House and is now better thai^ever prepared to do a large business in this line. Do not fail to call and see him before you sell your poultry. It will pay you. C. T. Eu>aai>Ge. FOR SALE. A house and twelve lots, with other buildings thereon. Alse a house and 14 acres of land, within half a mile of the village of Mellenry. Inquire of Jons J. Flight. Beet Weven Wire Mattress,for 94.00 at John B. Blake's. CORN WANTED. WanlfttMOO Tons of Ear Cora, for whieli tV/highest market price will be . , L* L" llu paid. 3ft! Ir yon want to buy Clethinc at Ctt* cago prices, eall on E. Lawlua, >Ing's Block, McHen ry. , FOR SALE. ^ I offer for sale my house and two lota ? situated in West JfcHenry. OoMl brick house, consisting of six rooms,--. Good well and cistern, nuihousee 4e.»"• All in good repair. Good fruit on tho premises. Will be sold reasonable.-- Apply ou the premises. WM.WAL8& M. M. CLOTH1EH, LLNOi. NOTARY PCBLIC and Ooevtranoer.--- i'nvsecute clain partm«ut of Interior. Stamp for iwptjr. Letters most ooalaia Port Oflte*, BiehMad, 111, Dissolution of Copartnership. THK Firm cf Colby Bros , Mc Henry aoi • 'Ji Nunita, Illinois ialhisttar dissolved by : mutual consent. All money due the iirin M Mellenry, can be paid to Henry Colby, Wke will continue the Imsiness at that place a*<t who is hereby anthoruett to receipt for tt* . ' same. All money due the firm at Nuuda earn l>e jiaid to O. C. Colby, who wi'l continue Its H « business at that place and who is hereby a*- v >fi thonzed to receipt for the same. All oMpa ; accounts at MeHenrr most be settled Hfar ' oa«h or note oa or before March 1st. ^ O.«?. COLBT, q HKSHY OinVny. -'j , A. CARDt, .. ' \ ryjfc ^ T WOIIM hereby thank the Henrv and sui rounding county for She very liberal tiatroaajre extended to the dnn wF <>)lby Bros., af-fnrinx them that br Mr deeK inn and lonr prices I «balt>eMea*er Se »e»tfc a continuance of your _ H. COLM^ February 1st, 189a ;a MRS. WM. TIPMARSHI Fashionable ICLLmSR » •• AKD wAvcomM iiziintfi Invitee i F. K. GttANOKIt . !»•. « •' . COWS WANTED. Wanted ittiuiedlately 20 good new mllcb Cows. Apply at Hanljr «k 8ow» Jliil. Alclieury, 111. A. ii. UAJJIIT A Bona. • • ai*-. ..liik/ ...-> has ai vara <MS * M LMdttul atfUMnnf asMl tteMAles of WieeeMa W* r«nBdt»»|r loieni to eefl, ee» her yaMo OM| toara her fi'ioes. Mrs. Ti lrawh line ofiwuiit, lucltttiliuf tuinf goo<ls. Patterns, liotli Bettertelt'ea|tf A. full line o«_ hf»n>t. » CaH and xi re her a aa4 a»»« prteoa, im&t

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