Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Feb 1882, p. 5

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'T* v - v *v--. - ~**JLr* •«* #««* *« ?*- #*•»-*•; •&TA '-*<TJ' -V',' " < **** \ <" * •« -yvr^.% V,*- ~«r **&>**? ]fc{(Nfrf piaiiietleF WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22. 1881. (l^'sS&J Railroad Time Table. S(HNQ SODTE ......7:® 1.1 ,.* .8:» " l:es*r. II Lake Passenger.. x;fflSeaeva Lake Expreae • ^'#eaev» Lake Freight.... ^ ootwa IOIIK. . _ . i"jfceneT% Lake Freight * .4 BeniT* Lake Express . r»" ^•^^peaeea LakeiPasaenrer .. «:« * «•-.*•'."•<" B. BPM, A*ent. <• ... • McHenry, 111 , . t • - ? •« -«y-------------- ; * ODK RKLDBTT' FKR90XAI.. The time for our annual settlement ; 4 with those indebted t» n» I* here and b$?® shall send statements to subscribers V.̂ nd all debtors soon, and we must in- ? '^ii^ upon a favorable response. Our -> tolls and trials in journalism and Job printing are too wearing and vexatious to body and soul to induce us to work without payment of just dues. The laborer Is worthy of his pity. Come our office and settle, please. HOMER WATTLES, Esq.. of this town aowed wheat one week ago last Tuee* „d*y, Fab* 13th. How is that for early. PATRONIZE home industry and buy your Clears of Barbian Bros; They make four different brands, and are equal to the best in the market. Call at H. H. Nichols' Restaurant for Bulk Oysters. He will give you a pail; with every quart or pint of oysters yo buy of him. A slight snow storm on Monday and Tuesday. Spring is not here yet, and if Vennor's last prophesy is to be believed we may yet get six weeks -sleighing in March. D. W. SOPBR, of Greenwood, pur­ chased one ef those Estey Organs, of O. W. Owen, last week. Mr. Owen is doing a good business in those fine Instruments this winter. / A? THE party tor the benefit of the M Gertnau School, at the Mcflenry House F oa Monday eveuing, was a success I financially and otherwise. We have Vjiot learned the amount of receipts. Til* Sunday World says: "Beecher •ays "we pray too much.*' This •xplaina why the average newspaper man's breeches always bag at the knees." »- . A LITTLE girl gave the following co­ nundrum and answer, which we pro- - pounce pretty good: "Why do girls : %1meach other, while boys do not? J Because girls have nothing better to lilss. aud the boys have. The Postmaster Genera} baa '*d- • dressed a ietter to the postmasters throughout the country, asking tliein to respond to the appeal of the Anuy • of the Cumberland, and solicit contri­ butions for a monument to Garfield at ' "Washington. .IAMBS TTRRICLL has recently: sold is farm, where lie now lives, and. is building a new house and bajfaoft^ /orty owned by liitn, one and a quarter miles east of his old place. Smith & Snyder have the job of putting up his ew buildings. K. B. SIIKHWOOD of Elgin, brother of James A.Sherwood o( Algonquin, died at the former place on Sunday. He wss a soldier in the late war, wat» wounded, and never fnlly recovered Bis !>kull was trepanned a few days ag , and congestive chills followed, resulting lo <}$*th. He was 43 years of ago. 1* alarm of tire on Monday evening fabout n'ne o'clock startled our citizens, but upon investigation it proved to be a chimney burning out: In Howe's Block. Should a lire break out, we virtually have no protection, and our village would be at the mercy of the touring element. WE are under obligations to Edwin R. Bennett, son of Dr. S. F. Bennett of Richmond, for an Invitation to attend the graduating exercises at tiie Ruah Medical. which took place yesterday. We should have been glad to have ex­ cepted the invitation, but was unable to do so on account of other duties THE1 Annual Meeting of the McHenrv County Sabbath School Aesouiation will be held at the Congregational Church, Woodstoek, on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Maich 1st and 2nd. A good programme is pre seated, and it is hoped that every Sun­ day School 4n the County will be 'represented. A SrcAMOKR paper epeaVs of a young lad living east of that city, who was engaged in killing rats the other day when one big rat who was bolder than the rest, jumped up on his arm and when he went to pull him oft caught the boy by the finger, and in return the boy grabbed the rat hy the head with his teeth and killed him. Pretty tough story. WB learn that Miss Cornelia Du- fleld, assisted by her Class at Crystal Lake and Nunda. and some parties from Woodstock, will, by request, re-1 peat her Concert at the Congrega­ tional Church, Crystal Lake, on Friday evening, March 3rd. Her former Con­ cert was a success in every particular, and we predict for her a crowded house on March 3d. WB would call especial attention to the advertisement of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York' for which C. H. Morey, is Agent in this section. It is witliout question, one of the best companies In the United States, and as it Is clear! r the duty of every man of family to get his life insured, we advise all to see Mr. Morey before insuring. ||{^ advertisement. IF you want a good smoke try one of * Barbian Bros. Best." They are A No. 1. Paper Weight Jind L fin At Betley'a. ».» ^ am- A ."Ink Well com­ bined. A flne aa^p|fMidaottc article.-- PKhftONAt. SMITH COLBY aud family , of Chicago we visiting friends in this village this week. JOHN WENTWORTH, accompanied by a friend from Chicago, is visiting hie parents In tbls village. B. H. and A. X. TRIPP of Bolvidere made a flying visit to MoHenrjr last week. ! BAKTLETT, of Marshal town Iowa,son-in-law of F. G. Mayes, and a former resident hem, was teen on our streets last w« ek. PAUL BROWN of Chicago, son of Dr. H. T. Brown of this village, spent Sun­ day in this village. A. M. CHURCH of Chicago spent Sun­ day in this village. MRS. HEBARI>, mother of F. A.Hebard who we reported as sick last week, is gradually (ailing, and her death may be looked for at any moment. She has uot been able to swallow anything, not even water, for the past eight days. JOHN MCOMBER is quite sick, at his residence in this village, with erysip­ elas iu the bead, and but littie hopes are entertained ot his lecovery. DYER HEBARD of Elgin was in town a few,days since, at the bedside of his sick. mother, iss ROSE ATTLES, daughter of omer Wattles Esq.. who has beeu dangerously sick the past nine weeks, is now slowly but surely recovering. This will be good news to her many friends iu this village. M. CLOTHIER, of Hebron, passed through here on Monday, on his way to JSostoa, to visit among old friends. He expects to he gone about ten days. THE sociable for the benefit of the Cemetery. will be held at the residence of Dr. H. T. Brown, on Thursday, (to­ rn or r row evening.) Tha. following is the programme. Select Reading--James B. Perry. Vocal Music--Mr. and Mrs. • C. V. Stevens. Recitation--Mrs. F. K. Granger. Vocal Music--Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Baldwin. Song--'Master Howard and Miss Grace Stevens. * Qurtette--Mrs, Julia Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. S. I). Baldwin. Music--Fred McOinber aud Miss Ilat- tie Story. All are cordially invited. THE following was intended for the Educational column, butwjia handed in too late, and we therefore give It here: "Rather a light attendance at the Teachers Meeting Ia6t Saturday. In the forenoon there were present the following: Messrs. Estee, Sheldon, Baldwin, Fisk, Cos, Mentch, Harbstck, Parsons aud McNett; Misses Wells, Darby and Martin. Iu the afternoon Mr Kow-ton aud Misses Cumins and Blakcslee increased the attendance. Quite a limn tier on the programme failed to put in . an appearance, but otlmr exercises were supplied aud a very iutre»r»ug meeting held. A re­ port of proreediug* next week.*' AIC0NQUIN. The Reading Room has been re­ moved to the very pleasaut room* over Helm & Peter# store, which have been fitted up especially for that purpose. This association is now in a very pros­ perous condition, haviug about 400 volumes iu their Library, and under the charge of their efficient boar J of Directors is bound to prosper. The long needed new Depot is to be built at once, the lumber and workmen being already oil the ground. It will be on the opposite side of the track from the old one. At the AUftion Sale of cows by J.|D Ferguson on the 13th., twenty were sold at an average of #48 each. This was a good price, and uo other man but Sherwood, the "boss" Auctioneer could have got it. Capt. Dominey and Prof. Crouter have lectured here the past week. Business of all kinds is booming in till® burg aud of course all are happy, We learn that the Ice Houses of which we spoke some time since are sure to be built before next winter, oot by a diflerent party than those who first talked-about it. • Mor'ou & Cliapell have an Auction of sows to-dav. EUITOR PLAINDKALEK:--Please do me the favor to say to jour readers in your next two issues, that a Rail Road Control Convention will be held in Springfield, March loth 1882. Every town is entitled to send one or more delegates in lympathy with the call to said convention. Tais i« the peo pies aud not a party questiou. It Is hoped every town in Mclieury County will be represented. March 8th is recommended in the call as a suitable time for the towns to select their dele­ gates. Trulv yours. , 'THOS. McD RTCBAKDS. Seneca, Keh., iOth, WSJ. . The Dairy Market. From the Elgin Daily News" There was a still further advance in hiiuer.on Monday. It rose to 60 cents, starting at that (-rice and so eo-tinui ujj until near theclo^e of the session when a drop to 48 was made. The market closed at that figure. Not all butter oHe red was disposed of. A year a»o on the board it sold for 31 f @ 32j--« va>t difference. Cheese is a drujj upon the uiirfket. As one I'actoryiiien ex­ pressed it: "If you sell ciieexe as low a- 6 CHUt* you've got to" follow it lo Chicago aud cell it over again." ThatV about the condition of cheese at pres­ ent. ' B. aud L. Crow Plug Tobacco the best brand at li. 11.*. society Kvltea. On account of its reiii^irkahlv del ic.ite and lasting fragrance, society IM-IIHH an* loud in their praises o*l Floirstmi IJulogin-. il. II. Nichols keeps the American Ea*le, Dew Drop %od Far West Brands of Hue cut. ty - ARTHUR IIRKCU. J?tB£rVeJy snrttlenly, in West Alexandria, )hiA, Tuesday Worninif, Eeh. 7th mgi VrH.ur Tyrrell, aged. K years « months and l*y». e subject of the above notice was born in the town of Nunda, in this county, and was the youngest son of James Tyrrell, an old ani highly re­ spected citizen of that town. When wc say that Arthur Tyrrell was an un­ exceptionable young man, we do not exagerate, and must say that no re­ marks that we can make will add in the least to the high esteem in which he was held by all who knew him. Strong, robust, of jovial temperament and geuiel manner, he made friends wiherever he went. He had always re­ mained at homo until about three years ago when he went to Ohio to attend school, where he remained four months. He then returned home, where lie remained until about fifteen months ago, when he again went to Alexandria to finish his studies, and from that time until his death re­ mained there, a part of the time teach­ ing, tlie^ Istter of which he was en­ gaged in at the time of his sudden death. The death ot one so young, and whose future was so bright and prom­ ising, isv indeed sad, and the aged father and^iother, brothers and sisters; have the hei^tfelt sympathy of all in this, their de^p affliction. To show in what esteem Arthur wss held by those most in timate with him in his new home, we append a letter from one of the teachers in the Public School at Wen Alexandria, Ohio: There is nothing so sure as death, and with a relentless hand he quite as often strikes those whose character and influence are the greatest and the best. It seems especially so in the short life ot Arthur Tyrrell, a young man who has, for the past two years, either been a student In the Public Schools of West Alexandria, Ohio, or a teacher in one of the schools of the county. He possessed rare ability, and was fast making his way to that eminence of which his relatives and friends could justly be proud. Arthur loved his associates, and with them delighted to be. It Is said that he never tasted strong drink of any kind whatever, and that young men would frequently absuin from t!ie use of it in his presence out of respect for him But Arthur Is no more, the good ex­ ample set by him is «1I that is left to serve as* lie aeon light, to direct others who are left behind to pilgrim, yet a years, through lifes uneaven few journey. He wa« brought here hy Prof. M. C. Tyrrell, au elder brother with whom he made his home while in Ohio. This Ions seems doublvgreat on account of its being the first sus­ tained iu a family of eijfht children, and he the stoutest of tlSein all. While mentally and physically he had few equals, he was, socially, one of the -most jolly and agreeable young men In uii tiie iarid. The parents, the brothers and sister* have the sympathy of the ent.lre community in th|,\ their great bereavement, and none doubts but that "In the hereafter angels may, roll the stone from his grave away."* We also give the following preamble and resolutions passed at the Teachers' Association, held in the couatjr^ where he taught in Ohio, """ At a meeting of the Southern Teachers' Association of Preble Countv Ohio, held at Wc*: Elkton, Feb., 11th, 1883, the loiiowing resolutions were idopted. WHKKKAS: It hss pleased Providence to remove Brother Arthur Tyrrell from us, therefore, J\e$olved; That in his death we. the teachers of Preble County, have lost au honored member; that we deeply re­ gret his untimely death; and that our sincere svmpathv he tendered hi* brother. Prof. M. D. Tyrr«ll of West Alexandria iu his many recent sore af­ flictions. Resolved; Rhat a copy of these resol­ utions be sent to our county papers, to his parents and to his brother I'rof. M. l>. Tyrrell. J. M, HOLIDAY, Chairman. K. E. LOWRT, Sttori'iarv. ALDEK- EDITOR PLAINDEALER:-- Did you get a vaieutinef has been the bj*-wprJ for the past week with most of th*' young people. Rev. Adron is still holding his re­ vival and lias beeu quite successful the past week, which has encouraged him wonderfully, aud without doubt he will continue his meetings a while longer, lie was assisted part of the past week by Rev. Mr. Curver, of the Presbyterian Cnurch in Hebron. Mr, John Suell. who had his ankle injured by fulling from a barn some time ago. is improving finely. He is able to get out around some by the aid of a pair of crutches. A Mr. Williams, a young lawyer of Chicago, spent last Saturday aud Sunday with T. J. Rush ton. Miss Km in it McLean, who has been sick nearly all wi»ter, has so far re­ covered as to be able to ride out some. We saw several articles In the PLAINUEALER of February 8th. which we thought bore pretty strong upon tiie editor* of the Sentinel, aud we thought there must have been some misunderstanding somewhere. But as he last issue' ot the Sentinel was mum. we are naturally obliged to believe that there is a nigger iu the fcnce some­ where. aud that the seutiiiMfiits tlien aud the^c expressed were true. Weli, we think it about time that "bo^sis!)!** ceased iu this county. Let the good word go vu. Kenew tour Leaae. There are times in every oil's life whe n energy fails and a miserable feeiiug conies over them, mistaken for laziness. Danger lurks in these tymjitoms. as they arise from disease^ organs. Parker's Ginger Tonic will restore perfect activity to the Stom- acli. Liver and Kidneys, purify the bloodi and renew your lease of health and com fort.--Atio iaate. The best cough medicine in the world. Sample tree of charge. Call at Uevlev's Drug Store mid get a »umpie bottle of Brown's Expectorant live ot chutgr. 11 cure* coughs, hotse- lies*, wliooping-coiigh aud consump­ tion in i (Nearly stages. It is a scientific preparation, admirably adapted for the cure of ail throat and lunar diseases1.' It is pleasant to take aud entirely 4)srnile»s. 'Try it. It e»*t* you noth- iifgf Regular size hot ties. 8.60 and VI* For sale by G. W. Besley* Woodstock Department, County Court is in session. A.L.Salisbury takes the place of the late John A. l'arrish, as clerk of the school hoard. It was lively at onr, post office last Tuesday--valentines, you know, and lota of them. The Presbyterian Society arc mak­ ing all the preparation possible to commence work upon the new ehurch, they propose building this spring ami summer. Stone are now being hauled for the foundation, A dangh ter of Hooker Foot, who re­ sides south of this city, in the town of Seneca, died last Saturday of typhoid pneumonia. She was about twenty years old and a general favorite among ber friends and companions. The fu­ neral service was Ijeld at the Congre­ gational Church, this city, last Monday forenoon. Mr. J. H. Mlirer is busy getting his place of business ready for the early spring oampalgn. Re has had his hands full to bring order out of chaos which the recent fire left his very badly damaged 3to?k in. H«­ ever, be better prepared than ever to furnish a good square meal or nl» bread, pies and cakes wheiila running order once more. Early on Monday morning last a freight train lotded with stock, com- Ing esst. when between Kishwaukee Station and this city, was badly, wrecked, about fourteen c*rs being piled up promiscuously. Cattle and hogs, horses and mul<;s were killed or injured to such an extent as to be worthless. About six head of horned stock, twenty-five to thirty hogs, two horses aud three mules were killed outright. .In the^car with the horsei and mules was a boy, fast asleep, who crawled out from the debris when things came to a stand still, rubbing his eyes and inquiring if the train had gone through a bridge. The wruck was so complete that trains were sent out from Chicago to take passengers aboard that were transferred from trains coming east so as t«-get them through on time. This time Frank Bunker Is the man and it is a boy that weighed all of eight pounds, which same arrived last Thursday. Frank appears to be do­ ing well and it soiling groceries cheap­ er than ever. Ed Ercanbr.acl^, whom we reported a week or so ago lis haviug fell from load of wood and the wheels of the wagon having passed over his hip, veutured out too soon, and is now laid up again, much worse than a few days after his injury. Richmond Department. CuSTltlBlTKDBT-*. P. BENKKTT. PKKSyN A LS. J, H. Durfee is sick. Frank Richards lias moved to town Mrs. Flora Hayden, nee Slocum, of Eau Claire, Wis,,is. In this city visit lug relatives. Mrs. E. Bildwin is yet quite sick although at th4* wjtting is said to be slowly gaining iu health. N U N D A EDITOR PLAIXOKALEB:--F. Plnney, of Ohio, a brother of Earnest, is here. Some one said he did not propose to go back alone. Masonic Social at their hall t'jis Friday evening, the 24th. All masons aud families are invited. ^ The Social at Webb Morse's was postponed for two weeks on account of tiie state of weather. The same pro­ gramme will be the programme for the next meeting: A new sidewalk to the Desciples Church. A much needed improve­ ment. Joe Fuller, of Algonquin, was joined in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Lettie Bcardsley, daughter of Henry Beardsley,of this place, oue eveuiug last week. A surprise party, consisting of 18 of the scholars, congregated at the resi­ dence of John Darby. The surprise was intended for Wna aud ^Marv, but tliey were surprise to see how the fair ones entered iuto tiie spirit of the event aud entertained them so hand­ somely. Mis. Wells has bean visiting bpr daughter Cora, at Clinton, Wis. Rumor says that Mr. Felt, the Wil­ son Sewing Machino Siian, has taken unto Himself a wife. We shall see. J. P. Fisk. Principal of the Richmond School was in town on Saturday to at­ tend the teachers meeting. Thursday, Feb. 21st was the 30th An­ niversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mr?. Gilbert Hunt, and the many friends of the above named gave' them a surprise ou the evening named.-- Among the many presents the most prominent was a complete •"China Tea Set." Although it was a surprise Mr. and Mrs Hunt ma de It very agreeable for those assembled. A Mr. Gerbnr, of Rockford, who represents the "Illinois Masonic In­ surance Co.." was Iu town lor a few dars aud succeeded In getting several applications among the masons of this Lodge. Mr. Taylor, who is in the employ of ihe Christian Church, held HII Insti­ tute here last week, holding over Sun­ day. He is also a preacher and deliver­ ed a discourse to a large audience in the Christain Churnh on Sunday night. Great Closing Out Sale^ Having rented my Store, I now' offer for sale mv entite stock of goods at cost or beiow. My stock consists of Dry Goods. Notions, llaU.C;«p».Gloves Mil" tens, Boots. Shoes, Groceries, Crockery. Glassware, Wall Paper, Window Paper, and many other arti­ cles nsu.illv kept in a country store loo numerous to mention. I have on hand a tine line of the celebrated Selz ens- Ion) made lio<»ts uiid Shoes, which 1 will sell at lower lUnres than they eau he bought elsewhere, as 1 must close tliU stock out at out*. Thi# will be « good opportunity to purchase any­ thing you ni.-u need in the above line of goods, fall ami be convinced that this is no sliani sale. KOIIHRT HAftaisair. Waueoada, Fsbrn*r*» lith, MB. Mark Starkn, jeweler, !n tho old Cluney building, repairs watches and jewelry. Give him a call. The new quarters which Geo. Hicks now occupies for his barber shop, are neat and convenient. He is In the building on Main StM formerly oc­ cupied by Jerry Cluney as a residence. Mr. Hieks proposes to give you a clean shave, and sell you a good cigar when­ ever you want It. J. Niles Burton, of^g firm of Aldrluh «fc Burton, returned, to Rich­ mond Saturday evening bringing with him a wife, to whom he was married last week, at Whitewater. Wis. Wc arc glad to know that Nlies has con­ cluded that single life has less charms than married life, and cordially wet- come him and his fair bride to the ranks of those who are content to "do well" without "doing better," (Read St. Paul.) That their united lives may be ble»sed with inula than the ordinary amount of sunshine, Is the wish of tho subscriber. The Elgin Daify News discourses thus on the case of "The People or Mc- Henry County t» Sauthworthglennon:" Mciienry County is awake and ac­ tive just at present. The past course of Messrs. Southwortli and Glennon has so aroused the press and people of that county and especially the good citizens of Woodstock, that we fear our good friends of the Sentinel are In a fair way to become political orphans should tliey pursue longer the same track o'er which they have strutted in the past. It is a lesson worth learn­ ing that, even when in the ascendencv, man should not attempt to shine too brightly lest, as a natural consequence, he come to griel ami "fall down like a falling star." A public iran or an editor, in order to maintain the dignity of hi* profession and hold the respect of the people, must take a stand of some kind. So long as he oe copies a seat upon the fence he 19 viewed from either »!de with equal feelings or distrust and oftltnes eon tempt. Brother Hurteh, of the Har­ vard Independent, one of the best papers published in northern Illinois, has challenged the jovial edijor of the Sentinel to "come out" and let the anxious public know where he does sm d. One week he pours oil upon the head of one candidate, and the next week sweet tally drips from his pen upon the cranium of another political aspirant. Brother Van Slyke, of the Mcflenry /Va/wifja/er, other wise known to the Republicans of Mcflenry county as the tried and true Ptaindealer, has aluo become anxious aud wants Mr. Southwortli to say where he Is. Up to date he has not descended from the teuce, but occupies a seat upon the top rail and smiles complacently upon those who beseech lilui. Policy, no doubt """ •••Kftt the policy wliicli the old proverb declares Is the best. It is high time that the curtain fell upon this tragical inclined drama. The audience, tin* < ntire public of Mciienry county, can uot stand it to have their feelings thus worked upon. Let the closing aet be a climbing down from the fence by the "two orphans." "Gard" and Glennon, Whichever side of the fence they alight upon will matter but littie, only that it will bring to a close the awful drama and lift a heavy load from the hearts of the spectators P. S.--It is stated that this happy denouncement can not be brought about until Glennon hears from Samuel J., of Gartnercy, his chief counselor in times of dire distress. Wc Will try to wait witli patience. 'The Newt is quite right when It makes the statement that "McHenry County is awake and active" In tha matter referred to. Most Republicans in the County fail to see what Mr. Southwortli or the Sentinel has ever done for the party to earn a fat Gov­ ernment office for both the editors of t.hat sheet. We have heard many thinking men remark that the Sentinel is the weakest paper, with one excep­ tion, in the County, and uot to be com­ pared in political influences to such sour.d sheets as the Mciienry PLAIN- DEALKK and the Harvard Independent. Aud yet, we arc informed, it was through gross misrepresentation of its influence that Mr. Spalding was in­ duced to appoint Mr. Glennon to a position in tiie Chicago Custom House. Again, there is uo getting around Mr. Gienuon's Democratic antecedents and associations and for that reason Ids appointment to a Federal office is a hard pill for old Republicans to swallow. Mciienry County has about 400 Republican ex-soldiers who look witli no favor upon the appointment lo Federal office of a man whose politi­ cal antecedents are unsavory and whose Republicanism is believed to be any­ thing but nound. Those soldiers will * vote as they shot" should the oppor­ tunity ofler to show their resentment' for rewarding with a Government of­ fice one so little entitled to' it as Mr. Glennon. But what exasperates the people of the County more than anything ehe is the wide spreud belief |liat the pro­ curing of tiie ofilce for Mr. Glennon was a corrupt bargain.and sale between John M. and G. S, Southwortli as party of the first part, and Ed Glennon as party of the second part. This is cur­ rently reported, and we have uot yet seen a denial. If it be untrue Messrs. Southwortli and Glennon have a right to stand up and deny it apd bring on their proofs. The nature ot the trans­ action referred to Is thus reported.-- Mr. Glennon has a 500-doIlar Interest in the Sentinel. The Southworihs agreed to procure Glennon his Governuiein. appointment aud secure it to him for a specified time on consideration that he surrender his 9500 interest iu the Sentinel and pay to J. M. Southwortli personally $-00 ca*h for hift*'intluence." That is the pl»in English of the story, if true the Soutiiworth Brothers ap­ pear in the unenviable role of otlice brokers-T-meu who sell their 40 called 'Influence" fur money, or its equiva­ lent. The transaction involves much more tliau the persoual reputation of the men said to have tieeu engaged iu it. it strikes a vital blow at the purity of civil service appointments. If of­ fices are to be bought and sold like commodities of tucrcbaudiso it la high Business i > time that uot only McHenry County, but the whole country 'as well be "awake and active." We have no per­ sonal feeling against Mr.Glennon, but we do strenuously object to haviug the public offices made merchandise. We are thoroughly convinced that Mr. Spalding W HS led into the serious mis­ take of appointing Mr. Glennou by misrepresentation, and that he can make the matter right with tho peo­ ple of Mciienry County only by remov- ' " s W ' f y Nnnda Taxes. ^ The undersigned Collector of Taxes for the towa of Nunda, will be at the following places, at the time designat­ ed, for the purpose of receiving the Taxes cf said town, as assessed for the year 1881. On Saturdays and Mondays, at the store of Geo. Dickinson. In tha village of Nunda. Tuesdays--At Shales* Store, Barra ville. "^Thursdays--At the Store of Fitssin mons & Evaason, In the village of Mc­ Henry, OvC. PaTTBBOaa, Collector. Meed's Gilt Edge Touic appetite. The Molfne Owen's. Fishing Tackle of all Itl i.tT Eugeln's, in Howe's i*tOck, new Bridge. The Furat Jfc Bradley ctu&y Flow E. M. Owen's. Buckeyo Force Owen's. All the Owen's. Puuupe. at X. M ' first-class Plows at 1, If Ladies and Ctiildrena TTnlist waai- ch«p, at J. R, Well* * Son's da. . Collector's Notice. . After Janurry 15th, 1882. tha under signed. Collector ot tne Town 6f Mc Henry, will be at the following places, at the times designated, for the pur pose of receiving the Taxes for the Town of McUenry, as assessed for tha year 1881: Ou Mondays at the store of Adams ^ Lye. in tiie village of Johnsburgh. On Tuesdays at the store of J. W Cristy, in the village of Ringwood, On Wednesdays at the store of Perry A Martin, in the village of Mciienry. Oa Saturdays at the store of Stevens St Sctiuorr, in the village of l^cHenry Those interested will take due no­ tice and govern themselves according JAMKS LAOD, Collet tor. SOLD! HOLD!! SOLD!! Having sold my place of business have got to move, and do ofler my Mock of Cloths and Resdy-Msde Clothing at cost for the next ninety days. I have a few Overcoats that will sell at ten per cent, below cost Now is your time to get bargalusas uiy stock is clean aad In good shape. F.G. MATES. McHenry, tit., January 11, 1883. Dress Making. Miss Estelle Thompson, at the resi­ dence of Mrs. W. A. Howa'd. Volo, is now prepared to do Dress Making and Plain Sewing. Patronage solicited. Mis* K. J. THOMFSO*. Volo, Feb. 4th,188i. FOR SALE. S. Russell & Sons, Yolo, Lake Co., Ills., breeders of pure bred Short Horu Cattle, ofler for sale four choice young Bulls, from six months to two years old. Catalogues aud prices sent ott application. "BARBIAN BROS. OWJT," can Queen," and "Trade." no superiors. Smokers this'in mind. ' ' • tha "Amerl They have should bear Our books are open to receive contracts for salting cucumbers at ten cents pei bushel Call and see us. CRISTT. WALKER & CO. FARM FOR Rir,XT, A Farm of 300 Acres nbar McHenry, for Rent. RICH AUD For particulars BISHOP. inquire of Money to Loan. In stuns of from 9100 to 91,500, quire at this office. In- TRT one of Barbiau Bra*. "New Stock." It will compare with any CI gar In the market. PHOTOGKAPHIC. * T would respectfully announce to the citizens ot McHenry and vicinity that ~ have opened the Gallery over Perry & Martin's stor , where I will be pleas­ ed to *>ee all those in want of Pictures 1 feel confident that I can snti>fy you as 1 have had a large experience in Portrait and Landscape photography, and am prepared to do both kinds of work. It is my intention to make Mc­ iienry my future home, and hope by fair dealing and lair work to merit a chare of your patronage. My prices will he reaxonable. I shall try to suit my customers as well as myself, and will uot be content with n picture if 1 think that I can make a better one. I can be found at my place of business during biifdnes» hours. HcspectfuUv Yours, . L. K. BSNNXT^T. SOCIAL PARTY. There will be a Social Party, for the Benefit of tiie German School, at the Mciienry House Hall, on Mondav even I ng. Ke b. 20th. 188J. • Ti ekets, i iichtd • Ing Supper. 91. Music. Ringwaod Quadrille Band. Let ail eoiue and have a good time, and lead a helping hand to a worthy object. Br OKIIBR COMMITTEE. Read, and don't Forget It. The best and most reliable clock made in this country, is the Seth Thomas. The best plated knives fork* aud spoons are 1847 Rogers' Bros. The bast hollow ware, such as Ca*:or*. Dinner aud Pickle, Cake Baskets.Sugar and Butter Dishes, Syrup and Child's Cups, Card Receiver*. Nut and l*re- serve Dislies. etc., are the Merlden Bnttauia and Middletown Plate '-o. Waltham, Eigin, and fine Swl*s Watches, fine Gold and Plate Jewelry, and Coin Silver- Ware you will Sud at J; P. & W. R. Smith*?, and sold as eheap a* others sell trashy otaff. AH kinds of Watches. Clo-ks and Jewelry neatly repaired and satisfaction guar­ anteed. J. P. & H. SMITH. Store first door south of the Post Office, McHenry. 111. COIIJTWANTED. Wanted,200 Tons of Ear Cora, for which the highest market price will be paid. v K. GUANGKK. COW TTTTVED. Wanted iuimediately 20 good new milch Cows. Apply at Haniy A Sons Mill. MoHeury,ill. # AH.HAMLTABOWS Best Wove?i Wire Mattress,for 94.00 at John B. Blake's. . T h e f i n e s t l i n e o f S i l v e r a n d P l a t e d lo be found iu tiie couuty, at O. >v. Owen's. German School Books, and English and German Mass Books, at M. Ett- geln's Howe's Block, near the bridge. Tne finest stock of Perfumery la tha county, at J. R. Wells & Son's Spring Urovo Milla. 1 J now have my mill in running order and s,m prepared to do grii.*ilttf oa short notice. Also grind the cob with the corn when desired. ^ , ' • .H»:»a*,j, DA**wit.;'i Spring Grove, Nov. 2V«t, 1881. The finest line of Dress Goods In tills market can be found at Slcvena m Schnorr's. Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Salt Pork Lard and Corned Beef, at Howards Market, near the Depot. Examine the 5 aud 10 cant at J. R. Wells «ft: Son's, Waucooda. A full l!ne of. Buck Gloves and Mltfea at J. R. Wells Jfc Son's, Waueonda* FARM FOK RENT The Subscriber wishes to Mat hie Farm to some good cash paying custom­ er for a term of years. It is located a half-mile west of Volo, Lake Co.. III. Vole. Mr ftth. 118!. ' <»"**»• Just received. Overcoats for Man an# Boys at F. (J. Mayes' Clothing Store, near the new Bridge. Cheap as ths cheapest. \ SKWINO Afachine Needle* for every machine made, can be found at M. Ba- gehi's, iu Howe's Block, aear ft* bridge. Call and see our 93 94 aad 96 Ovife* coats, The largest line in towa. ' ' COIBT Beaa. ISXTKN5ION TABLES. . Extension Tables only Oaa Dollar per foot at John B. Biakt's Furuitara Store. Call aud see them. •> „j v FENCE POSTS FOR SALS. 2000 seasoued Burr Oak Fence for sale, lnouire of ' J OH IT DOEAJt, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. We have a large stock of the ett Caudle* msuuractnred. vbj'1 STKVEMS * iOMoitlt- '. • '&M YOOll CHOICE. . Sehnorr.' . J ?, •S'i 8owix>c Do You Want a 5 Machine. If you do, of course yon want tha best, as ft costs ho more. Then why buy from an Agent wbo carries but oue which he has fixed up on purpose to show, when by going to the store ef O.W. Owen, in ycilenry, you can have your choice of Five, via: The Domes­ tic, Eldredge, American, Improsad Howe, aud Singer. Wc keep all thesa macliities in stock, and any lady whe wants a machine can set down and try them all. and then select the one which suits her the best. The first three named, the Domestic, Eldredge and American, are three of the best ma chines ou the market, and any one will be convinced of the fact hy calling at my store and trying one themselves. Also a tine stock of Clocks, Watcthaa Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, can be found at my *tore. Orgaus and Planus for sale or reut. \ IF yoiTwant to buy Clothing at Chi­ cago prices, call on £. Lawlus, in Lan­ sing's Block, McHenry*. FOR SALE. I offer for sain my house and twa lata situated in West .McHenry. Good brick house, consisting of six rooms.-- Good well and cistern, outhouses Ac.---- All in good repair. Good fruit on tha premises. Will be sold reasonable.-- Apply on the premises. WV. WALSH. •% -: 9H. M. CLOTHIER, HE 39ON, - ^ . . ItuaOii* "MOTAKY Pum.rc *n.l Conv#v&neer.-- Presenile clAiiu* iu nil Bureau* in De. partnient of Interior. 1. el tors must coatala stump li>r reply. Post Office, Richmond, III, Dissolution of Copartnership. THE Finn of Colbv Rro»., MeNenrr and -• .Vumla, Illinois is ilii* Jar ctis*olTe<i kr nytitii.-it-vonscjiit. All mouev due Hie t)rm at Henry, <"*" be .tai l u> Henry Culbv, who will continue the nusinegs ;ii thai place aad who is hereby Hnltioiixed to receipt fi»r the *amc. Ail uumcy <lne the firm at Nuada eaa 1M? paid toO. C. Colby, 'vho wi'i continue the business nt pinc'e and who i« hereby an. thorized to receipt for the sarao. All op*a accounts at llcllenrv must be tattled hr a«ii or note ou or before March 1st. «». U. COLBY, a Hxsar ooi.feg» A CARD. T would hereby than K the citliena of Me» Denry ami n>nn<:i:i? coiintT for the Terr l>eml !>atronftirc extended the flra ef olt»y Urn*., »<*uriii? thetn that by fair deal- inn and low prices* I shall endeavor to metis contiuuancc of your favors. . . . H . O O L B * . February Isi, isss. "i M MRS. W31. T1DMAJBSH, Fashionable • UILLmm ; .r P'F '-is A3D DRESSfflAKE*, irAUCOM&A JtS sltfe Invites the lad lea of Wfcaena4e 1*4 ear- rottaditttrlowest" c*U. ace her geeOa aat learn her prices. Xra. "yidrntr** lute at way* ea hM* a M lineor.< H>U, iuQiadiatf atuUaesy aaAjMNga t a m g g o o d s . V ' . - . , . , . Pattern*, iieth RmterMt%«a4 -D«aaa>eiME!K A lull line on i»*od. , caiiaad r»ve her a ejaaeaiia ikalf iaais aad aa w julec*. """

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