ST"a" V. • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1888. ;# jr. VAN SLYKE. Editor. 'v, ggythe Wooilftock correspondent •f the Oh Icngo Timet liw come out an * the champion of tlie **8mttliwort1»gleii- combination, mid h*s mirely suc- » Reeded lit one thin* and that I* In ^nnklnsmor* of an *«» of himself than #ver, if It were possible to Improve ' tn what nature liiid iilready done for film In that direction. From the 4epthn of hi* ponderous brain he brings iforth sentences like this; s The congressional fight has already f p*n<><3 In this county. Friends of "Mr. h«rwln," our present congressman. fca?e commeiteed a bitter warfare on In* Si»adln<f paper, The Woodstock jpenfinrt. In order to bring It out In fupport of'Mr. Sherwln.'4 f Now the first sentence above quoted tin absolute falsehood, which the I r*rrlter of the limes special must have ^Inown if he knew anything about the »>?$icts at all. There has been no dis position to open the Congressional j declination, and that put VVindom in light, onlr by the Sentinel crowd, who UAltFlttl.D AND AIXISON A little gossip aboot Garfield'* pro* posed appointment of Senator Allison of lovra, for Secretary of the Treasury, has lately co'tne to light which will be Interesting to oar readers, For along time it will be recollected that it was considered a settled thing that Allison was to be Secretary of the Treasury,-- The following is told by a friend of Garfield's with every appearance of being; the truth: "One of Gnrfipld'* Warwlcks said to him the night before the Cabinet went In: Generil. that man Allison can walk on a m»« bl« floor without you hearing him. He lias not one element of courage, and will uever stick to you if you jr#t into a tight place. He is sly, and runs away. It you put hi in In the greatest place in your-cabinet you will ruin yourself, and doliiin no good. For God's sake. If you can't take Judge H'olger or a first-class man. put in Senator Windom. To this fervent ap peal Garfield replied by sending for Allison late in the morning--it was toward two o'clock. He said: "Allison, if von are nominated 1 hear that the Credit Mobilier case will be revived against both von and me. will embarrass me at the beginning, and make you uncomfortable. I will give you the best place in my Government, but 1 would like you to decline the Treasury Department." Allison sat right down at the table and wrote bis M inao ;.|eof 'Jfenf lave brought It iii to cover up the real Question at Issue. But lying and mis representation has been tlieir stock in §rade throughout, and we are there fore not astonished that they should «e«k the services of this brainless Special of the Democratic Times to kelp them in their dilemma. Further pong in the Times special we find the following*: f The fl^ht en the Sentinel here Is not indorsed by manv of our leading men. all know if "Mr. Sherwln" Is flic ople's choice In Mcllenry comity the (inel will come forward and work |or his success. J Here the '"leading paper" proposes f|« follow not lead. Well, even If they ^jlone that it would be more than they ttlene two years ago, when even up to the eve of election it was hard to tell f *•> ^vho they were supporting for Congress, r, jAnd how was It as far back as 1874, when Hurlbnt and Farnsworth were funning on opposite tickets? Did this I* " ^leading paper* give Gen. Hurl but , •hat support that he was entitled to as , the regular Republican qominee? We jMnse for* reply. But as we have said before, this Con- - jgressional question is not the one in -controversy at this time, and if only Jr brought forward by this "leading pa- £:i"' , P®r" *nd these "leading men" to cover 1*$;, 'UP the true inwardness of the bargain -and sale. In which two attachees of the Sentinel are furnished with govern- lv>-! '».«> ps;!t!cr,;, and the Republican //"voters of McHenry County insulted by % ' "being represented in Chicago by a I;,/ democrat without standing or infln- Jenoe, and whose only qualification, if ' he has any, Is in peddling bogus tickets j-. /among his former friends at the bid- |||||vdInf{of his master. It may be there is ^f " ne remedy for all this, but we opine ** *' 'that these "leading men.*1 who are %• •• just now making themselves so coti- Jd- *plcoous In this matter, will hear something drop before November. -§'• **• ^ WTTbe President has nominated ?=the Hon. Roscoe Conkling, of New vTork, to fill the vacancy on the 1 Supreme Bench caused by the retire ment of Justice Hunt. No better ap- .polntment could have been made. ^The Woodstock correspondent of the Chicago Times of Wednesday, gays |among other silly things, that "the • fight oa tlie Sentinel here is not indorse- | ed by many of our leading inen." The ^ Sentinel copies the article entire, with- out any comment. This same corres- •" pondent, if we mistake • not, recently remarked to a member of the county press that theSentinel was the poorest paper In the county, and complimented him on having called out that sheet.-- He remarked that all whom he had conversed with had severely criticised : the SentineCt course. He knows he % utters a falsehood when he says that the Sentinel is the leading paper In the county. Leading paper in what", pray ? ri What has it ever led in, aside from - holding fat offices? Every newspaper and nearly every correspondent in the County has called upon the Sentinel to define its position, but it has not re •ponded.--Harvard Independent. i®*The Rev. Mr. Paxton, of Wash ington. who lias just accepted a call to the Fifth Avenue l*r«?sbjt,eriaii Church of New York at a salary of 113.000, Is a young man with a record. He is the son of poor and humble parents,and secured his education by his own exer tions. !n the winter of 1860-1 he was a student at Washington and Jefferson College. Pennsylvania, and his room mate was a young man named Cooper, from Tennessee. They were brothers In affection, had sworn eternal friend ship, and the only difference that ever arose between'them wastlie question in volving the future of the Nation. Coop er was tlie son of a slaveholder, and de fended the right of his native State to secede. Paxton was an Impetuous abolitionist, and protested against dis union. Both were earnest Christian men. Upon their return from prayer-meet ing one night in April. 1861, they heard the news that sent a thrill of excite ment through evory pulse In tlie land. Fort Sumter had been fired upon.-- They went to their room, and discussed the event. Both "*ere too earnest to talk calmly and hard words led to blows. For two hours those young men fought, in their room. until the furniture was broken Into splinters, and both were covered with wounds and bruises. They separated only when they were exhausted. Cooper packed his trunk and left for Tennessee in the morning, joined the Confederate army, rose to the com mand of a regiment which was one of the last to surrender, and is now the leader of the 4*Debt-paying Democrats'* in the Tennessee Legislature. Paxton went to Philadelphia, en listed as a private, and rougnt tnrougti the'war in the ranks. The two men met several times in battle, unknown to each other. After the war Paxton returned to college, studied theology, and was called to preach at Harrisbitrg. Senator Cameron, who attended his ministrations, recommendod him to the New York Avenue Presby terian Church of Washington four years ago, and he has served m its pastor with great success. Soon after he went to Washington he was announced to deliver a lecture on "The Private »oldier In the War.*' Colonel Cooper happened to be in Washington, saw the announcement, and attended the leeture. He heard the story of the fight between the two college students told to the public, and when the address was ended went to the platform and extended his hand -- Mr. Paxton recognized him at once, their old brotherly relations were renewed alter an interval of nearly twenty years. and Mr. Paxton, who Is fond of tellling this story, always remarks as he concludes it, "the war is over now." , ^ ̂ ^ _ greenwood- Editor Plain dealer I1 Is not our Intention to Interfere with Mr. Ven- nor's management of the weather mak ing business, but would suggest that he substitute In his almarfacsomething in the place of this mud. Rev. J. Young delivered his farewell discourse at the Baptist Church on Sunday last. Although the weather wh" quite forbidding and the roads bad, a goodly number turned out to hear Ills closing address, after a pleas ant pastorate of some three years and four mouths, during which he had made many friends and but few enemies. He left on Monday morning for his future home In Nebraska. The concert under the management of Prof. S. D. Baldwin, by his class class assisted by ontside talent, will be given on Saturday evening. March 11th, at the Baptist Church. An effort will be jpiade to make this one of the most successful concerts ever held at Jthis place. J. A. and II. R, Baldwin, of the Baldwin Brothers, spent Sabbath at home with parents and friends. Mrs. W. D. Lee has been suffering for the past week or more from < ery- slpelas of the face-and eye. The singing class will meet as here tofore on Friday evening of this week. Henry Sonderlcker and wife started for their new home in Nebraska on Monday last, Mr. Frank Mansfield contemplates visiting the West in a lew days for tlie purpose of investing in western lands. There will be the usual services at the Baptist Church on Sabbath next. A present supply is expected to be obtained from Chicago. G. E. Adams, our enterprising ton- sorial artist and veterinary surgeon, has made an addition of one more new art to his profession, namely, "Vet erinary Caudaltfferous Barber." All work in this line done with neatness and dispatch, and in the latest styles. As a specimen of hie work In the nerf art. he would call attention to the fine steeds of)our fellow townsmnn "Felo de Se.** Mr. Dwiglit Smith Is at present on the sick list. "Ague if you please." Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sore*. Tetter, Chapped Hands. ChilMains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures piles. It is guranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents, per bottle. For sale by all Druggists I" r 19"The bill for the protection of •migrants, now pending In the Uunited States Senate, contains a provision which Is designed to put an eud to the practice or shipping European crimi nals to the Uaited States. It makes it unlawful, under severe penalties, to laud in this couutry any person who has been convicted of an infamous crime or who has been imprisoned for other than political offenses, or who has been pardoned on condition that he emi grate to the United States. M^*Ours is an era of "leagues' and the latest to put itself fotward is an **anti-Vaccinatien League." This or ganisation held a meeting in New York dty Tliursdaj uight, and adopted res olutions demanding the repeal of all laws making vaccination compulsory The members also pledged theinso) #es to resist iu every possible way the en forceinelit of those laws. One of the •peakei* expressed his belief that the natioual Board of Health had declared •wall-pox epidemic simply in order to get one liuudred thousand dollars from the treasury. Living Witnesses. The hundreds of hearty, and healthy looking men, wemon and children, that have been rescued from beds of pain, sickness and well nigh death by Parker's Ginger Tonic, are the best evidences in the world of Its sterling merit and worth. You will find such in almost every community. = "T'.wg'v Urged by ail irresistible desire to do good to the community in general and the subscriber in part ticular, a few weeks ago a large and miscellaneous assortment of musical ipstrujpents was sent to the J Wauconda DRUG STORE, BOOK HAUNT, AND Musical Emporium, The humble efforts to meet the demands of the darling public was appreciated and the supply was speedily reduced. A new supply of accorileons, harmon icas, and violins lias, therefore, just been purchased, making the stock unusually full. It com prises aceordeons from 95 cents to $9.50, a large assortment of Violins and Violin Fixtures, Banjos, Guitars, Drums. Flageo lets, Flutes, Piccolos, Bones, Harmonicas, 'Jews Harps, &c. Also Violin Boxes, Music Folios, Music Cases, Instruction Books and SHEET MUSK", 100 copies of which have just been received, and will be sold for FIVE CENTS EACH. These last two shipments of goods were pur chased at bargains, and therefore can be, and are, offered very cheap. Call and be convinced. F. B. HARRISON. BOERHAAVE'S • RECTAL REMEDY •1.00 A BOX. The Knife and BR- r,ur<; sort h :t rt> tlK» l:mt- re- rilo lor I'rol nuhnsr, Oint-All merits and lini- mersts Fall--- B OJE E H ATTE 'S tlECfSl. KkmSIT? makes tin' knife tin; liyriUinc"nini [he ••^utrry n n r v . 1 1 v i i H I T ." .Trr'f-r^nmi.f' ami bo 'lw It. Tin; w«v*i H'.KS '*'111 be relieved in Ten Minutes- Send «8 by nttil, One Dollar and we will mail you a box;, after using half of it, if it fiiils tD answer the recommendation, return 'the other t|nlf, by mail, anil your dollar will be returned at once. No oncvith llectnl Troubles should be with- out the HKCTAI. RKMEDV. HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTY CO.. Agents for the IT. 8., Chicago. BOERHAAVE'S KIDNEY CURE. fl.OO A BOTTI.E. to "Riights Disease. "Fift>;^Years and upwards" ffildnm faM rfr"mTiT7~various KliftlTTi"~>*ie«, and I'vM.nry Pist»i rU'tnco n" I ?I li"n i n ioftliiin '^f OTe'^Kinilflnfr' Ac. londhijr--how often -- I* will cost One Pol Free of Cost^fev 1 1 All persons wishing to '-tUMr'-flit" merit* of a great remedy--one that will positively enrfl Consumption. Coughs. Coi'ls, Asthma. JBrouehit is. or any affection of the Throat arid Lungs ire requested to call at any Drug Store and get a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consuinp- tion.P'ee of cost, which will show you what a regular dollar size bottle will do. Annoyance Avoided. Gray hairs are irvnorable, but their premature appearance is annoying. Parker's Hair Baleani prevents the an noyance by promptly restoring its youthful color. EX-SOLDIERS, IfSTTlie indictment for manslaugh ter of the conductor and brakeman whose carelessness made the Spuytea- Duyvil disaster possible, has been fol lowed by the holding of Potter, the owner of the New York building, on Franklin Square, which was burned with great loss of life two weeki ago for the action of the grand jury. The building was so constructed that when the fire started from below no escape was possible for those at work in the upper stories. Public sentiment is strong in its demand that life shall be held »acred and«liai] not be imperilled by carelessness or by a false idea of economy. and their HEIRS Should all »end for Hample copy of that won derful paper tlie World and Soldier, published at WauliiniTton, D. O. It contains Stories of the War, Camp Life, Rccnen from the Buttle Field, and a thou Hand thing* of interest to our country's defende s. It is the preixt soldiers' paper.' It contains all the laws and instruc tions relating to I'ensioos and Bounties for soldiers and tbeir heirs. Every ex-soldier should enroll his name under the World and Soldier banner at once Eight pases, forty columns, weekly. 41.00a vcar. Sample free. Address, WORLD AND 80LDIEK, Box S3*, Washington, D. C. Inr, sent t>v mail "BOERHA AYE'S- to Irv a KJTINBY CURE is warranted In efrery"ctfie.1 Affer i tite hotti^TfyoH thinl vnur Dos case, nihil'Ui ~: is the li'STfw I if nie of tJeiief Harness! H HarnessI t<fe( ^ £ t" mxtar 3 ' (Sooomsob to O. H. Si 8 foi Wauconda, III- ITee|»« constantly on hand light land heayy Harness of all kindc, m*de of the best of ma terial, warranted as represented,and sold its cheap as a good article can be bought any where. A gooil line of Robes, Whips, and Harness . ^Material. Always on hand. Call and see me when in want'of anything in my line. Watieond* iath. m " FITS ILEPSY ichnfisn. Fallen rermanently cured--no hitmbug--br one month's 11 suage of Dr. Gonial*)'* Celebrated Infallible fit Powders.. To convince suffer ers that these pow.ters will do all, we claim for them we will send them by mail postpaid a free Trial box. As Dr. Goulard is the only physician that has made this disease a %pec. lal study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been permanently cured by the use of these Powders, wo will guarantee a perma nent cure in every case, or refund yon a'l nionev expended. All sufferers should give these'Pwvders an early trial, and be con. vinced of their curative powers. Price, for large box, £$, or 4 boxes for §10, sent by mail to anv purt of the United States or Canada on receipt of price, or by express, C. O. D. Ad dress, ash & ROBBIN5. 369Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured All sufferers from this disease thatare anx ious to be cured should try Dr, Kissner's Celebrated Consumptive Powders. These Powders are'the only preparation known that will cure Consumption and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs--indeed, so strong is Our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no" humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, postpaid, a free Trial box. We don't want your money until you a*-e perfectly satis-tied of their eurativc pow ers. If your life is worfh saving, don't delay n giving these Powders a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for large box. $3, sent to any purt of the United Statesor Cana da, bv mail, on receipt of price. Address, ROBBINS, StfO Fulton St.. Brook Opposite Perry A Martin*# Store nun**1* JACOB BONSLETT, Has just returned from the city with the finest stock of G the Holiday Trade ever brought to this place, Gbnsisting of article!: both uaefuland ornamental. When looking for Presents do not iai§ to examine my stock, af it is all new and fresh, (no old Stock,) au# will be. spld at the p>fJjL * LOWEST LIVING PRICES Anything^ from a common Chair to the finest Parlor Set can bt to una at thi" store, and of the best make and finish to be found iti" the market. Jobbing ©f all kind* tromptly attended to at reasonable rate First-class work guaranteed, ^ Undertaking. We have a large assortment of Burial Cases and Coffins always oq band and made to order on short notice. Our g^nnrla are first-class, and prices within the reach of all. Wc invite all our fiile ndso giv^^s McHenry, March 15th, 1881. a call, JACOB BONSLETT. Great Reduction ON en-.*1 ieTtTTT i he'oViiJInaF nir nionev will l>o ruiurned at It has done wonders during more than fifty y«ars of use. Bougie, Caslieter, and Syringe are discarded ntjinrsii and useless. TUT BOER H A A VK'S ftTON K X C IT RE. I-IOUSR(IO%^ SPECIALTY CO.. tBPThe Grand Jury at Wathingion baa indicted several of tlie Star Route contractor*, forming what is known as the "Dorsej Combination," and Includ ing ex-Si'nator Dorsey, T.J, Brady, •Z'Second Aeaistant Pos;master Gen- •ral, and John R. Dortey. The Grand Jlwy have examined fifty-three wltnew e». raoft of wlioiu i-ame "from tlia far frcat; and Its deeUion wat- nnanlmoug. Colouel Bliss tVeis much eucouraged at reMik of hU labor*, and saj's he will J* rMfU In April. New Seed Dikect From thr Gkoweu.--The attention of Market Gardners. Florist* and Dealers is called to the great Inducements the Mohawk Valley Seed Gardens ofler in seeds to the trade. The proprietor informs us that large quantltlesof both Vegetable and Flower seeds ate grown there and sold direct to the trade. Home grown Onion and Cabbage seed a specialty.-- Samples to test, for a three cent stamp. Trial Box "A" contains one packut each of Cabbage, Carrot, Celery, Onion and Parsnip, valued at 25 eeuts, and sent free to test for 10 cents. Whole sale Catalogue sent free to tlie trade.-- Sampk* copy of his beautiful Floral and Gakdkn Instructor sent fre*. or with a packet of choice vegetable «>r flower seed to test, for a three cent stamp. Address A. C. Nel^is, Canu- jeharie, New York. TZliLSSL'S Magnetic Ointment. W A R R A N T E D To Cure Piles and Chafing Sores. Also.Sere Bjes, Sore Throat, Karache. Braises, Saras,Cats, Corns, Skla Disorder*, Scrofulous saiall Sores, iu effect m Uldney, Lively Bewel and Lnnf; Diseases® ItiteniaattMa, Back- Mle, Laaeaess, Spralas. and Bwelllags Mrded by the hunt physicians ss simply wonder- Mi. For sale by druimists. Price #11 nii'l 4O cent*. B. Baasosa, Sob * Co., Sol* Props., Buffalo, N.1. * TOU aro a inmi V5iWj3 W > FOK SALE. 40 Acres of land in Section 12. all feinted. Also 80 acres of land, with h good house and barn thereon, with timber and water in abundance, in Sec tion 22. Aleo my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nu:*da road. Good new i house, barn and other outbuildings.-- J Apply to Ju«p £**«#*£. (*prd hy ti *» y^ur oiitifji rvoid! u#o Hop Bittern. If YORI are youi '« ON> DISCRETION or ried or tincln. ohi or poor HEALTH or LA ness. rely on Hot: Whoever yon whenever yon tliat your ry: needs rlcaimii lug or -.(.imi: •jrit hout iHlorfct take MOP Bittor*. Rare ymt fty*- g prp~«' r.rtinit'ir icnrt t » r liivraw of ihe *toin«di, blood. hvtr orutrvt* f YOU w i l l OP eiirrJ if Hop Citt&rs lfyo'iwvi'in-i it i It iii a 5 i -V j >3 av e y o u i l-'j life. It I'.tsi eavfd I <lr••"'ij---- waste, Ub£ Hop & sufTerittK from any in-tloii ; if yoti arr mar-youiiKi 8Ulferii»(f frotu iKtr on a bed of aiek Bitters. TIIOUHAVIL nuutly f at uiitci HU\ I; pr by 6 t TI HcpBltter NEVER OU Rt' I of I TOILLT.Y ovei W11H THE Mutual Life of New York. WHY? Beranse it is the oldest Company in tlie United States with thirty-nine years of, ex perience. Because It is the Inrgest Company in the world. Assets, £>1,702,903, nearly double that of any other Company. Because it is the most popular Company. Its policy holdors number over 100,000. Because every 'lollar of the above immense sum belong» to the policy holder•, xn<l the sur- plns over what i« actually required, is an nually flividt'it amnn?sl them, which surplus may l>e applied in either of two ways: First, to pay a fxirtinn of the annual premium, thus materially reducinir the cost, or it may be used to purchase additional insurance. In the latter way forty-eight policv holders of the year ju st past, hold ins policies, the face value of which was $l.'W,r>00, were carried foi an averajrc term of 33 years at low rates, nnd the addition* broiiRlit the siiuir sum of a little over £300,000. Many of these policies had been self sustaining lor years. Because the rates ef every other Company are nearly eighteen per cent, higher than those of the Mutual Life. Because Its (running expenses are 'ower than any other. Tne sworn statements of the Equitable Life Assurance of New York, a|<'oinpany several millions less than half as 1 irge as tlie Mutual Life, s'hov its expenses of manage ment to haVc aveiajted 14.23 <iuring the last three years, thosoof the Mutual Lite 7.8 the diflerence of lirst wst of pol'cy, and manage ment expenses alnne, are equal to 25 per cent in favor of tlie Mttual Life. " Becanse it can tnd does afford the cheapest, safest and most si tic factory insurance invest ment of any Com nan y in the world. As it will be impossible for nie to see all who are desirous of obtaining Life insurance at actual cost, 1 will say Co such'that a postal card will always reaoh me at. this place and on receipt of sain* I will forward different plans and actual tpnu/fx (not estimates) which are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history of Life Insurance. ThisjCoiripanv itgues only regular Life, anrt Endowment polic es and likeuthcr Companys of the highest sintilard refuses to haye any thing to do with ion/inr yambttny. C. II. JIOUIiY, Agent, For Mcllenry;County andjwestem fpart of i MoHKXRV, ILL. P a UmB ais a m the moat fa&tldious W A perfect Hair Re»tor* R and RPRETSIUG. Admired tUel«nlU>eu and clrgnnttxrfume. |.Sever Falls to ltcstor« tirejr or Faded Hair | to Um youUJui color, 50cu.|nd$l fciioi at all drugguU. S1,000 REWARD- Kor any case Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated or Protrnling I'lLF.S tlrnt OK HI NO'S PILE REMKI»V fails to cure, Pren.-tjed by J. V. Miller M. I>., »lft Arch st, Philadelphia, Pit. Pfone genuine without hin signature. Send for circular. All druggists or general storee h:;ve it or will sret it foi von. fl. Sold 'in ItotUm} IqrColiijrKninttrauisti, Best Ginger, Kiioliu NO WONDER J. W. Cristy Is Selling More and Than any other house in" ,Mc Henry county. He has a better article for less money. But not content with that he has opened the largest and finest stock cf GLOVES and M1TTBNS, Mens £and Boys HATS and CAPS, In the greatest variety of styles probably ever seen under one roof in McHenry county. Ana the strangest and most pleasing part of tue story iu that these goods are being sold at LESS PRICES than before the late advance. The public are in vestigating the fact and find it pays them. N e w F a M I STOOK, JU8T RECIEVED --AT-- M a i m a n ' s QLQTHIIHGS Ds I. Oi ls fiu ahauhite 'and lrrcsisiu-Ible pure for •rirunkemicfts IIV? oi o|>»uin tobacco narcotics. Sold hydrojp- S<?ndJor i 'uvular. uop nrrrnt ••ro co., Rocbenter, R, T. AT'IMUTO, Ont. many of the Lest inolicin » biiic<l intoa jnc<!ic»ne of f DSsii! rake, end powers, ;tstoin.ikethe Gr< tcstttluod Purifier&the Bast lleaitb and Stremj It cures Dvspep<;nt Kh a Ud iscascs of the hi Kiilneys, and all Female If you are wasting awa any disease, use the 1" *• 'p Y known aie here coin- h vr.ricd and effect Restorer Ever Used. imatism, Sleeplessness, JJowcls Lungs, Liver, omplaints. with Consumption or to-day. It wiil surely il ; fur stifM-riort j Hitters, l-»sen';esof t^in"^ r>:id ot -r T>>nic», as ithuikls up tiie system wuh iiit int ucating. 50c. and $1 sizes, at all dealers in dnv;S None genuine without signature of llr cox & Col*! Y. Sc:;d for circular LARGE SAVING IN IiUYI¥ TliTI r>'>T.T AR S;ZH. AT WAUCONDA> I.have the largest stock of Full Good* ever brought to Uke County, which I will sell at LO'VBtt PRICKS THAN KVKtt BE- FOIiK.<le Clothing more numerous than ever ami at pricos sultc<! for every ptirse.-- For anything made to order, whether a single garment or a full suit Maim an's Is tho place to buy, Also a full line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hats and Caps, Ac. I have a lar&e variety of PIECE GOODS, of the Umk StyietJ and (Patterns, at low figures. Mrs. Maiman, Who is assisted bv Miss Gleseler, has jnst received a fine stock ot Fall Milllnerr, of the latest styles to be found in the city which she invites the Ladles of Wauconda to call and examine, Hats and Bonnets Trimmed in the latest *t vies and at reasona ble pric.-g I)re*4 Making done promptly audiMitistactiuu guanratoad. CLOAKS 1 A full line of CLOAKS 1 K full line of Cloaks and Oolmnns, all «lzes, ef the latest *lyl<»8, and at prices to salt.-- OkU Hiul ixubIm them. BOOTS AND SHOES. From now until the 4th of March we will sell our winter and heavy goods at greatly reduced prices in order to reduce stock in time for our annual inven tory, which occurs then, and to make room for the largest stock of spring and summer goods ever brought to "Woodstock. Am over stocked in Mens Kip Boots in sizes 6 and 10, and will sell them at a great bar gain. Remember we buy and-sell for cash and at bottom prices. W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111. AT R. WELLS & SON'S. WATTC02STDA. ILL. For the Next Thirty Days, Goods will be sold at GREATLY DUCED PK1CES, to Close our Winter Stock. Tis is a rare chauce for *hog£ wishing to buy RE Dry Goods, Clothing, &c W : uconda, Jan, 6th, 1882. J. R. WELLS & SON. on leaf tniii •asy terms, In a mIM climate, flrse from heavj SBOW8, blight* Ing frosts, and e*« cmsIv* raiitm. ANDS MILLIONS OF ACRES for sale In the GOLDEN BELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Of as rich Boll as the sou ever shone •a, with good markets east and west* For l>e»eriptlr* and IHustrmted -Book, •lift Maps, Sent Free, Address UNO COMMISSIONER,--Kansas Divialo* KAItiAt CITY, MtMOUM. In Memorlum The life and public ser n 1 "n TIT TIT t» vices of the Nation's hero. GARFIELD % Mentor, by invitation, under the direction of Mr. Garfield. Contains \ steel portrait of Garfield, faithful portraits of mother, wife, and children; alsonumereua line engraringa;' 63 confidential letters, covering and explain. li>K his whole rareer; ten original testimonial letters from Williams College cla.ssinatos; extracts from importan t speeches and writ ings; endorsement by Oof. Rockwell ami the President in every book. Agent* positively making 110 daily. It is the most attractive, authentic ;nid best. Jfriee, AytiiUs wanted everywhere. *S"Send fl.OO for terms and outfit, inriud.ngcouv of the book. Ad dress, jxnri'FyDK.xf rrnLi&irijya CO., 54 »fc W) Alauwtn tst., Otmxiyv, IU