Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Mar 1882, p. 5

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V ¥».*, J^e^euy |K§Mea!ep, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1S82. Railroad Time Table. rJOING SOUTH, neva Lake Passenger......... Geneva Lake Express •* fteneva Lake Freight «OT*O TOIRN. - Tlene*a Lake Freight.... Genera Lake Exprcs». fienuva L.akeJPassenirer ,.7:2» A. * .8:40 " ..l:t>5;p. M ..9:33 A. X . »4:53 P. M B. Bess. A cent. McHenry, III R ' . THK PLAIHDEALER and the Chicago ['• Weekly Herald for «2.i5. This is one *> -l>f the best weeklies in Chicago. Call it this office and get a sample copy. MTH« typical American" Is what the Jpondon Saturday AetHew calls Guiteau. .Evidently some literary EngMshmen U anxious to have his mouth slapped. WE would call the attention of our readers in Wauconda and vicinity to •the new advertisement of F. B. Harri­ son, Drufgiet. SHEEP men don't fail to procure the {•hearing chair if you would keep the fiheep from injury in tagging and shear* ,;lng. DR. E. V. ANDERSON, of tills village, came out last week with & spanking new team. He now'.drives the finest pair of roadsters in this section. « LOOK out for the new advertisement Of Jacob Bonclett, Furniture dealer, next week. T» the mean time call and see his large stock of goods. ^ IT is reported that C. F. Hall, the popular merchant of Dundee, has re­ ceived and refuse an oft?r of 94,000 per year for the rent of his elegant Hotel tt Ptscatanqufc Park, Geneva Lake.* WE would call the especial attention •t our readers to the card of Dr. S. F. Bennett, which can be found on the flrst page of this paper. Dr. Bennett, |« also U. S. Examining Surgeon. ' SOME of the papers in this District are urging the formation of a District Editorial Association. Well, we •fecond the motion. Won't some one »ut the question? 'v. --iu, : „ , Gtfo. W. 8KSLET» the West Sld<* Druggist, has made arrangements, to put iu his store, about May 1st one of Tufts Artie Soda Fountains. These are said to be the finest Fountains iu the market. - Br I letter received by Rev. Joel Wheeler, from near Concord, New Hampshire, we learn that the snow is three feet six inches on the level 11; (hat locality, A siigiit ditiereuce as compared with Illinois. B M. OWEN A SON have ordered and are expecting in a few days, a car of fine Buggies, samples of which c4n be jren at their Warehouse now. They ' ire much better buggies than those for- Iherly sold in this section. 1*8 day an IndiAn*jw»1Tr •milan : horse whipped tier divorced fiusband. He felt an good as though fee had got married again, end wanted to know wherein it pro'flteth a man to feta divorce, if this sort of a thing was to be kept up. 'G WE learn that the Doran Cheese 'Factory. In this village, will be opened lor the reason in a few (lays, A first class Butter and Cheese Maker lias been secured, and the interest of the patrons will toe looked after In every particu­ lar. LDAM STKGEMANN, of thlavillage. 'has been engaged to take care of the E. A. Small property, at Fox Lake, the conting season, and will remove his ^family to that niace soon A Mrs. Small fortunate tn being able to secure so good a man for the place. ONE of the legends upon the walls of the rooms In which the Wisconsin Dairymen's Association held Its recent annual meeting wasuTalk to your cows as you would to a lady." This Is mani­ festly absurd, Cows have no possible Interest In lies about milk. AN exchange says: "There am three phases of a young woman's life, all visibly connected: As a baby, she's lugged;as a young wnman, she's hug­ ged; as a wife she's humbugged." We don't know much about the first or last, but we al ways intend t0><5o our share of the second. THE post-office department suggests *that all letters of importance, mid es­ pecially those containing checks, or other papers of value, shall have plain directions for returning to the sender, printed on the outside. If every letter should be thus provided, there would be but little use for the diar letter office* WHILE in Wauconda on Saturday last our attention was callod to anew _ tingle Harness, that had just been . 4nished at the shop of B. J. Barker.-- It was m^de of the finest leather, trimmed In gold and black, and In point of workmanship would bo hard to beat. In short it was one of the finest single Harnesses we have seen for many a day. IN relation to tin recent ftftsll- pox scare at Watikegan the Gazette •ays: "People have ceased to discuss Or to be frightened at the small-pox scare in tills city. Almost everyone has been vaccinated and the only re- oent cases have been mild cases ot varioloid--so mild In fact that the "old ladies" § till persist fh calling them "chicken-pox." THE new advertisement of Henry Maiman. Merchant Tailor, Wauconda, can be found in another oolumn. He has* fine stock of goods for the Spring ~ trad#, and Is prepared to sell you a Ready Made Suit or make you one to order on short notice and at the lowest living price. Call aud seehiuawhen In want of anything in the clothing Mae. W 1 p. sv •' r -s-y-f"1' 'i* ? i"\ " .*• T, 'XT ' i f • ' •" '• • "W i " • *' "-3** V ,-y,7- ..*• . - PERSONAL. JAMES B. PKRKY, Esq* returned from his lows trip on Thursday last, HINTON WHEELER, of Blackerr Kane County, was calling on friend here on Friday and Saturday, J. A. BALDWIN, of the U. S. Attorn­ ey's office. Chicago, and H.'it. Baldwiu, of Crystal Lake, were the guests of their' brother, a. D., in this village, over Sunday. ^ FRKD SCHNORR, who has been with O. C. Colby & Co., at Xunda, the past year, started on Monday for Chenoa, III^ where he has an engagement In the employ of John Wightman. JOHN MCALI.ENNY, who has lately been in the employ of I. N". Mead. Hardware dealer, In this village, started on Monday for Dakota. MRS. A D, LYNN, of Chicago, daughter of H. McOmber, of this vil­ lage, is reported quite sick at her home in the former place, MRS. MOLLIS PERKINS, nee Stocker, has been quite sick the past week, but is now reported better. Dr. Anderson is in attendance. H. SNYDKU and Shell Colyer started for Iowa on Friday last. J. H. MCCALL the "Sheep Shearing Chair" mail, (^stopping at the River­ side House f,»r a few days. No sheep owner should fail to see this valuable inrention. AN exchange makes this suggestion: In all towns whee a newspaper is published every business man should advertise in it. if it is nothing more than a card stating his name and the kind of business lie is engaged In. It lets people at a distance know that the town Is full of bu^iijfss men. The igjtfter finds its way into thousands of plains where haiul bills cannot reach.-- A card in a paper is a traveling sign­ board and can be seen by every reader Think of these things. AMONG the one hundred and seventy* nine graduates £rom Rush Medical College, on Tuesday of last week, was Edwin R. Bennett, son of Dr. S. F Bennett, of Richmond. He is a young man of ability and energy, who took hold of study of medicine with a deter mination. and now when a little over tweuty-one years of age he has gradu­ ated with high honors and is ready to enter upon the practice of his chosen profession. We predict he will be a thorough success and an honor to the medical profession. FROM the Lincoln, Nebraska, State Journal of Fej^. 24th. we learn that A« F. Pargons, a'f^rincr well known resi­ dent of this village, has been made a full fledged lawyer and been admitted to practice ' in the United States Courts. The many friends of Mr. Par­ sons iu this county will be glad to lear»i of hi* success. Ii# is a young man of ability and energy, an<i will till with honor any position to which he may be called. His old friends in ,.£||U ftejstiou alUm^o, fcn jMfcfrUing the greatest success hi his chosen pro­ fession. WOOL OROWRRS. Have you seen the "sheep shearing chair?" Hundreds of them now in use. All our best farmers say It is the only true way to handle sheep" for tag?iu?. trimming feet,or Rearing, as it saves time, hard labor, and protects the sheep from injury. J. II. McCall, the patentee, of Barnesville, Ohio, lias sold to a number ot our careful sheep men already. The chair won the highest prize at the Centennial, in 1876. and at all the State and County Fairs where exhibited. Why don't some of our enterprising nseu take hold of this valuuLle invention? LIST of letters mid postal cards in the Post Office at McHenry for the month en.iingr, Feb. 28th, 188*2: LETTERS-- James Comiskev, Nellie Darron. Michael Lawler, David Magoon, L. B. Mauley, Nelson the tailor, Fred Nel«<>n, Ann Neals, John Neisen, Conrad Bimhte, Emaell Peterson. John Relihen, R. J, Smart. Edgaf Still, John Williams, J. N. Woods 2. POSTAL CARDS--R. AH>ernard, Seuil Batir. Henry llommes, J. G. McHenry. Ann Neale. W. F. Speaker, R. E. Thorson.-- Parties calling for any of the above named letters or postal cards should call for advertised mail. JAMKS B. PERRY, Postnastcr. The Dairy Market. From the Elgin Daily News On the board of trade Monday the price of butter declidsd from 48@50 cents that was paid a week ago. to 43@45 »?euts. This was by most every­ body expected, as 50 cents was all out of reason. There is said to be reason In *11 things--except 50 cents for but­ ter. The demand for the article at that figure did not keep up. People even gilt-edged people, couldn't pay it. The natural consequence was a tumble which still leaves butter waj' up. Most of the sales? we re e fleeted at 45 cents. Cheese, what little was sold, brought 7§@8. A year ago on the board cheese was worth 9@9}, while butter realized 3*2}@32}, the total sales reach­ ing $45,396.56. Alter the meeting the directors held a seance. They discussed some proposed amendments to rules gov­ erning the sales, but settled nothing- They will meet next Munday fore­ noon, just before the board's session. Mrs. H. II. Nichols. Has just returned from the city with a full line of hats for the Spring trade, of the latest styles and patterns, to which she invites the attention of the Latlies. Her stock of Ladies Furnish ing Goods if complete in every par­ ticular, were bought with i .espicia] reference to the wants of the ladies of this village and vicinity, -and will be sold as cheap or cheaper than the same quality of Goods can be bought elsewhere. fie &uj;e ajitl call and see our new SHiujSlik »^^ aal(ioaoi^ • V, * 0 < DIED. HKBARD--At the resilience of her »on. In tins t illajre, Friday evening, Feb. SUh, ISM. I oily Xiles Heharil, mother of K. A. Hebanl ami Mrs. K. Uriswold, of thi* village, aged 93 ' "Ufa, 3 mouth* and IS ilays. Mrs. lie bard was born in Coopers- town, New York. November 6th, 1788. Her maiden naaie was Polly Niles. At about the age of 12 years she removed with her parents to Bradford County, Pennsylvania,1 where at the age of 22 she wa9 married to Alexander Hebard, of the town of Ulster, in that county.-- They continued to reside together iu that county until the year 1848, when her husband died, and iu 1849 stie came to tliis county, where she has since re­ sided. living alternately with her sous and daughter. She was a woman of robust cons tit u- tion. and never knew what It was to be sick until a few months before her death, She was the mother often children, six girls aud four boys, seyeu o( whom survive her. Site was a woman who sustained a high christaiu char­ acter in the com muni ty, and was honored and inspected by all who knew her, and the memory of gi&udma Hebard will long be cherished by both old andyouii£. ^She lived to a ripe old age, and at last fell peacefully to slee'p. Her funeral was held from the -'resi­ dence of F. A. Hebard. on Sunday afteraoou last. Rev. Mr, Oweu, of Lake County officiating, and was attended by a large Dumber of relatives and frieuds. A CARD. We would take this opportunity to return our heartleit thanks to neigh­ bors and friends, and especially to the family of H. E. Wightman, who have so kindly aided and assisted us during the sickness and death of our mother. We would also thank the choir who ar­ ranged and furnished the splendid music lor the funeral services . We can assure them, one end all that their kiuduess was highly appreciated F. A. ASM M. A. ItKISARD. PKATU OF JOHN M. McOMtlKK. I>IRI>-- In this villasre. on Tuosdav rtiorn irjr, February 28th, 1S.+J,nt - o'clock, 'A. M., of Erysipelas, John VI, McOaib«jr, ugoJ 5;t yours, 10 months un<i 19 days. eceased was born iu Colesvllle, Broom Co., New York, April 9tl», 1828, He caiue with his parents to Mcllenrv in June, 1837, since which time this has been his home, a perlod#0f nearly forty-five years, lie was a mau of more than ordinary ability, and has held several offices of profit and trust in this township, among which were Constable, Collector, Justice of the Peace, Police Magistrate and Deputy Postmaster. Me wae a genial, whole- sou-Ie'd man, generous to a faulty and was honored aud respected by all who knew liitn, He was coiitiued to the house only abou^ ten dnvs. erysipelas In its worst form being almost entire­ ly oontined to his iiead ami face, aud despite all that the best medical skill could do, he quietly bt'eathed his last at two o'clock on Tuesday morning. - »4i« kwm-»ntf fmir clitWrrn, two daughters and two sons, besides an aged father, brothers and sister, to mourn his loss. wUij^ave the heartfelt sympathy ot this entire community. The funeral was held from his late residence this Wednesday uioroiug, at ten o'elnck, Rev. Joel Wheeler officiat­ ing, and was attended bv a large con­ course of relatives and friends, his re­ mains being deposited iu the McHenry Cemetery. Exam illation8 ot Teachers. Examinations of candidates for teach­ er's certificates will he held at the fol­ lowing times and places: Maiengo Monday March 20, Huntley, Tuesday, March 21.. Hfbron, Thursday, March 23. Hiirvai'd. Friday, March 24. Woodstock. Saturday. March 25, Nuuda., Wednesday, March 29, McHenry, Thursday. March 30. .Richmond, Friday, March 31. Candidates aro requested to be on hand promt ply at 9 O'CIOCK A. M. All persons desiring certificates should be present at the of these examinations I shall examine no candidates after these dates except on my regular office days at Woodstock on the second aud fourth Saturdays of each month. A. W. YOUNG. Co. Supt. of Schools. i TO WHOM IT MAT CONCKKX. From the l"»th day February to the 16th da}* of June. Is the closed seaion for fish. During that time it is unlaw­ ful to take tlsh with any seine, truminel. net, wing net. or with any device other than hook and line. While our duties as commissioners do not make us fish constables, we will prosecute to the full extent of the law, all violations of it that can be proven aud aid in every way possible the ar­ rest and conviction of the offenders. All citizens, particularly those inter­ ested in the rod and line, arc earnestly requested to give us their by notifying us of any violation, secur­ ing proof of ths same, etc. N. C. FAIRRANK, S. P. BAKTLKTT. S. P. MCDOLK. State Fish Commissioners. IL H. Nichols keeps tlte Durham brands of smoking tobacco also Hit smoking. Hip Hop " Our Pet Three Beats " Pearless " 1 A A double A smoking. Kentucky Long Cut smoking. 3eal of North (Joroliua smoking. Hunters Killicknick smokin-r? Gay Fellow smoking, also two brands of Cigaretts. Call iu aud get a smoke or a dish of oysters. II. H. NICHOLS. One door south Po*t Offle.e, FOR SALE. A house and 14 acres of land, within half a mile of the village of Mcllenry. Land well adapted to raising cucum­ bers. • Inquire of JOHN J. FLUSKT. WAUCONDA. WStJBSPRTPTIONS for the PLAHfDKALKR will be received in Waunnnda at F. B Harrison's Drug Store ami at the Post Office EDITOR PLAINDEALKH:--The Cheese Factory dividend for December, the first uijder the new management, was the highest it ever declared, being *1.70. thus comparing favorably with its neighbors, the Mndget, (tiSnaMy ahead, declaring 81.64.) and Lsk* Zurich 81.72. The present extraordin­ ary high price of butter warrants the farmers in expecting still highsr dlvl. dends for January, and especially February. /' Help bids fair to he scarce and high the coming season, a number of con­ tracts having been made at from 18 to 25 dollars per month, and perhaps at still higher rate* in some cases. James Ilalpln is to work for Andrew- Bangs. Faxton Foster and wife have re­ turned from Nebraska to go on to W, 11. Ford's farm. Emerson Cook will be the right bower of Frank Calkins, who shortly sroes on to the Lamphere farm. A number of improvements in and about the village will help to make tilings lively. Mr. TUos. Glyuch Is building a large barn, and two new cheese factories. mentI6«ied lu a for­ mer letter, will probably soon be in proccss of construction. Chas, Gris- wold has bought of Robt. Harrison, the house by Ills store, just vacated by George Pratt. Mr. Grlswold will move the building ou to his land near the lake formerly, owned by Ladue Hill. Mr. Harrison intends building a fine residence ou the old site, which will be occupied by Mr. WymNii, the new merchant. W. H. Ford will prob­ ably build another fine residence on the old bowery stand. Jnst where the new bowery will be-ereoted Is not definitely determined but that one will be built iu the spring is of course a forgone conclusion. Mr. Bonner who goes to Nuuda, has rented his house to J. V. Stevens, and complete an unfinished house on his place and offer it for rent. George Pratt has moved Into the house just vacated by Jay Bennett, and will Improve his own house as soon as George Mills, its present occupant, goes to Dakota. A number of other changes and Improvements are talked of-but we save them for another week, Ad more definite Information. •Eugene Williams,of Oregon, is visit­ ing old friends here. Woodstock Department. to Notice to Holders of McHenry County Orders. Notice Is hereby given, that, on the first day of April. A. D., 1882, f will pay the following six per cent. $300 McHenry Co. Orders, vl* : Nos. 92, 99., 141. 148,155, 162 169.176,183,190,7. 16, 24.39-.40, 48, 56,65. 73, 81. 89, 97. 140, 149.157.165,173,181.189, 9.18, 27.37,46, 55, 66,75, 84,94, 138,147,; 158, 167, 177, and 186. Interest pill cease on the above County Order* on the. first day --fci-M • - ' JAMKS NJSH, CO. Trea% Woods tock, III . Feb. «d, 1882. EWTOR PLAIN DKAI.SK:--Pie as t do me the favor to say to your readers In yOur next two issues, that a Rail Road Control Convention will be held in Springfield, March T5th 1S82. Every town in entitled to send one or mure delegates in sympathy with the call to said convention. This Is the peo­ ples and not a party question. It Is hoped every town lu Mcllenry County will be represented. March 8th it recommended in the call as a suitable time for the towns to select their dele­ gates. Truly yours. Tiios. JMeD RICHARDS. Seneca, Feb., 20th, MS2. Great Clotting Out Sale. Having rented my Store, I now efler for sale m v entile stock of goods at cost or below. My stock consists of Dry Goods. Notions, Hats.Caps, Gloves Mittens, Boots. Shoes. Groceries. Crockery. Glassware, Wall Paper, Window Paper, and tnauv other arti­ cles usually kept in a country st^re too numerous to mention. 1 have on hand a fine line of the celebrated Selz cus­ tom made Boots and Shoes, which 1 will sell at lower figures than thejr can' he bought elsewhere, as I must close this stock out at om*. This will be a ?ood opportunity to purchase any­ thing you may need in the above line of goods. Call aud be convinced that this is no sham sale. RORKKT HABBIBON. Wauconda, February, 13th, M81 The best cough medicine in the world. Sample free of charge. Call at Beslev's Drug Store and get a sample bottle of Brown s Expectorant free of charge. It cures coughs, horse- ness. whooping-cough and consump­ tion In its early itage*. It is a scientific preparation, admirably adapted for the cune of all throat and Inner diseases. It is pleasant to take and entirely harmless. Try It. It costs you noth­ ing. Regular size hot ties. 8.50 and •1. For sale by G. W. Besley. Re Mew Sour Lease. There are times In every on's life when energy fails and a miserable feeling comes over them, mistaken for laziness. Danger lurks In these symptoms, as they arise from diseased organs. Parker's Ginger Tonic will restore perfect activity to the Stom­ ach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood and renew your lease of health and comfort.--Advocate. F. G. Mayes says be eauuot lie under­ sold, , The C<fluloId> Autograph Albums the finest thing out'at Besley's. The celebrated Breadhead Dreg Goods, at Butler A Warner's, Nund a These Goods have no superior In the market. Bargains lo Watches, Clocks, Jewel­ ry. Silverware, Books and Sewing Ma­ chines during the next 30 days at O W. Owen's _______ FOR SALE. I offer for sale iny house and two lots situated in West JfcTcHenry. Good brick house, consisting of six rooms.-- Good well and cistern, outhouses Ac.-- All In good repair. Good fruit on the premises. Will be sold reasonable.-- Apply on the premiaef, ^ How Is butter for high ? Only 40 45 cents per pound iu this market. Delos Blakeslee, our town collector, has rented the Harry Jewett farm, aud will move upon tli<> same to commence spring work very soon. The Rev. D. D. Hill, of Belolt. Wis.. preached In the CongregatiooafChnruh. in this city, last Sabbath, both jtiioru- ing and evening. Homer Abnot t has sold his farm east of this city and moved to town again. We believe be lias rented . tlte old Stevsrs house on Clay St. \ Andy Malxer has,closed his Main St. butcher shop for six weeksy Andy says his assistant Is taking tfnre of the $ick and afflicted and gives that as a reason for his closing. That's right, Andy. It is a good time to take a rest. The scholars In the different depart­ ments ot the Public School had all their pictures taken one day last week. At least that Is a remark we heard one of the yotmg urchin* make upon com­ ing from school. , There are two bad cases of diph- thArla in the frfmiiy of Fred Burtehy, wh»lives about two tulles north of this citjf. E. H, Richmond, "proprietor" of the Richmond House, this city, has sold out his harness business and wjll now devote all his time to the rapidly in­ creasing business of his hotel. The gentlemen who have bought out his harness shop, good will, etc, are Messrs. Domire A Spriggs, who have long been iu the, employ of Mr. R., aud are also known to be first class work­ men and right good fellows. Success' to them in their new enterprise. We know they will do well. James Carr, who has recently lost two children with that terrible disease diphtheria, has another daughter dan­ gerously sick with neuralgia of the heart. She is under the care of Dr. A. E. Baldwin aud seems to be improv­ ing. The Timet correspondent says he showed the article to Gafd, and he said it was God's truth, every word of it. Gard used It In his editorial :ol- urtin as a leader, oopyiug from the Chicago Time*. And yet the same correspondent had previously told over twenty persons that the Sentinel was the Slimmest paper published in the county; tha: he had even heard the owner of the Sentinel, John M., say that if lie was Gard he Would put a little something into that leading paper (the Sentinel) If lie was obliged to write it with the shears. r I-EkSONALS. Otto Freeman and wife, also Mrs. A. Freeman, all of Genoa Junction, vis­ ited at Dr. A. E. Baldwin's last Satur­ day- Dr. James Northrop was reported very sick the early part of last, week. We unr^rstand lie Is better and Im­ proving rapidly at this writing. Marl; TTTikox was taken lll tW first part of last week and was a great suf­ ferer for a day or two. He Is now considered to be gaining rapidly and will soon be out again. J. A. Baldwin. Assistant U. S. At­ torney. wife and family, are guests of Dr. A. E. Baldwin, this city. M N. Richards, who is connected with the Chicago post office, visited his home in this city last Sabbath. Rev. R. C. St. Clair, late of Missis­ sippi, ami who has been quite sick while visiting relatives in this city, is now reported much better aud will soon be himself again. ( apt. L. D. Kelley, who li serving as a Juror in the United States Court, at Chicago, wits called home last week on account of sickness in Iris family. J. L. iloyt went to Batavia last week to see his son Jay. E. E. Thomas, of Omaha, #as In this city last Saturday. O. W. Owen, of Mcllenry, called t'on friends In this city last Friday. Miss Julia Brown.of Jaiiesville. Wis., is visitingat the residence of David Miller, thlsclty. J. A. Reichelt, with Sels, Schwab, & Co., Chicago, called upon Woodstock friends last Thursday. NUNDA. EDITOR PLAIXUKALER:--G. C. Otis, of Barrlugtou, was iu town over Sun­ day. Also G. L. Hubbard aud wife of Rlngwood. Sociable at Webb Morse's this Saturday night. The Literary at the Lake will be held on Thursday night of this week, Mr. Vermilya had the misfortune to lose one of the little blacks, a horse well known in this section. Lafe Benthusen has returned, after a two weeks absence, working up a clue of the Hinsdale tragedy. John Marshall's sale amounted tO„ over $3200. The Masonic Social was well attend­ ed, by over eighty and a good time was the general verdict. The next one was not announced, but it is under­ stood that there will be one some time this month. Miss Dufield'* Concert this week at the Congregational Church Friday night. This will be, no doubt, the best musical entertainment of the sea­ son, aud those who mi»s it will miss a rare treat, # Eb. MsMlllin sold his place to Rich­ ard Bonner. Kb. says lie was the last one In this vicinity who found aeertain man to be a sneak and reprobate. The most of us found that out years ago. Mrs. Beckley is on a visit to Beloit, Wis. Quite an exciting law suit took place here Saturday, iu which I. M . Mallory was plaintifi and Peter Weils defend­ ant. Ira got out papers for assault end battery, was beaten and afterwards plead guilty and paid the usual fine. PATRONIZE home industry aud buy your Cigars of Burbiau Bros. They make four di tie rent brands, aud art equal to the best. Nunda Taxes. The undersigned Collector of Taxes for the towu of Nunda, will be at the following places, at the time designat­ ed, fer the purpose of receiving the Taxes cf said town, as assessed for the year 1881. On Saturdays aud Mondays, at th» store of Geo. Dickinson, in the village of Nun da. v Tuesdays--At Shales' Store, Barre- vlile. Thursdays--At the Store of Fltzslm- mons & Evausoti, in tiie village-of Mc­ Henry. * C. C. PETTEBOWE, Collector. Bnsinesit Notieeftr . Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic tfcif appetite. The Moll no dnlky Plow at .Owen's. •" Fishing Tackle of all kinds at |C Engeln's, in Howe's Block, uear lb* new Bridge. ; The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow • E. M. Owen's. ISOLD! SOLDIl SOLD!!! Having sold my place of business I have got to move, and do offer my stock of Cloths and Ready-Made Clothing at cost for the next ninety days. I have a few Overcoats that 1 will sell at ten per cent, below cost. Now Is your time to get bargains as iny stock is clean sud In good shape. F.G. MATES. McHenry, 111., Jnmiary 11, 1831 • Dress Making. Miss Es telle Thompson, at the resi­ dence of Mrs. W. A. Howa*d. Volo, is now prepared to do Dress Making and Plain Sewing. Patronage solicited. Miss K. J. TUOHCSOW. Volot Feb. 4th. 1832. FOR SALE. 8. Russell & Sons, Volo, Lake Co., Ills., breeders of pure bred Short Horn Cattle, offer for sale four choice young Bulls, from six months to two years old. Catalogues and prices sent on application, „ "BARRIAN BROS. OWN."* the "Ameri­ can Queen," and"Trade." They have no superiors. Smokers should bear this In iniud. Our books aro open to receive contracts for salting cucumbers at ten c^nts pet bushel GAU and see us. CRISTY, WALKER A CO. FARM" FOR RSJNT, A Farm of 300 Acres near McHenry, for Rent. For particulars Inquire of RICHARD BISHOP. TRT one of Barbian Bros. *'New Stock." It will compare with any Ci­ gar in the market. JEALOUSY. Some poet has said that "All tor­ ments of tlte damned we find In only thee. Oh. Jealousy, thou tryant of the mind." This it grandly sweeping and magnificently inaccurate. Any suf­ ferer from IiiMigc^ticii knows to the contrary. Indigestion the villain of the tragedy played among the ga*tic juices of the stomach can, and does double discount the horrors of jealousy. Jealousy is often an attendant upon the latter, and when indigestion is re­ moved this jaundiced companion of a deranged liver flies. TAREXINK IS the! best kuown remedy extant for iin-f paired digestion, derausred liver, and1* Sterns G. W. BKSLBT, Agent. IF you want a good smoke try one of MBarbian Bros. Best." They a|» A No. 1. Paper Weight and Ink Well com­ bined. A fine and haudsoine article.-- At Besley'a. v B. and L. Cro'me Plug Tobacco the best brand at H. H. Nichols*. Society Belles. On account of its remarkably del­ icate aud lasting fragrance, society belles are loud in their praisee of Florrston Cologne. II. H. Nicholfc keeps the American Eagle, Dew Drop and Far West Brands of line cut. FOR SALE. A commodious residence, at the cor­ ner of ail icon and Vine Streets. Woodstock. 111., conveniently located to business, school and the various churches. Two lots, well stocked witli fruit, both large aud small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and cistern. Terms easy. Apply to 1 r * • ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, III Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv­ ered at couveiiieut distances from my residence. ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, 111 PHOTOGRAPHIC. I would respectfully announce to the citizens ot Mcllenry and vicinity that I have opened the Gallery over Perry A. Martin's stor«\ where 1 will be pleas­ ed to see all those U» want of Pictures. I feel confident that I can satisfy you. as 1 luve had a large experience in Portrait and Landscape photography, and am prepared to do both kinds of work. It is my Intention to make Mc- Henrv my future home, and hope by fair pealing aud lair work to 'merit a share of your patronage. My prices will be reasonable. 1 shall try to suit my customers as well as myself, and will not be content with a picture if 1 think that I can make a better oue. 1 can be found at my place of business during business hours. Kcspeotfullr Yours, r L. K. BENXETT. Read, and don't Forget It. The best and most reliable clock made in tills country, is -the Setli Thomas. The best plated knives forks and spoons are 1847 Rogers' Bros. The best hollow ware, such as Cas:or*. Dinner aud Pickle,Cake Baskets.Sugar and Butter Disltes, Syrup and Child'* Cups, Card Receivers. Nut and Tre- serve Dishes, etc., are the Meriden Brittaniaand Middletown Plate "o. Waltham, Elgin, and fine Swiss .Watches, fine Gold and Plate Jewelry, and C«dn Silver-Wkje you will find at J. P. & W. R. Smith's, and soldV as cheap as others sell trashy stuff". A'l kinds of Watches, Clo-ks and Jewelry neatly repaired and satisfaction guar­ anteed. J. P. A W. K. SMITH. Store first door south of the Pest Office, McHenry, 111. CORN WANTED. Wantefl,200 Tons of Ear Corn, for which the highest market price will be paid. • F. K. GHAK6IS«'» COWS WAITED. Wanted immediately 20 good new milch Cows. Apply at Hanly & Sons Mill. McHeury, HI. A. H. HANLT A SONS Buckeyc Force Pumps, at K. X Owen's. All the first-cliua Plows at '.IE, li' Owen's. Ladles and CtiHdrenS I?«<tei1*Mfet cheap, at J. R. Welti & Waueoit- The finest line of Oliver and Plated to he found iu the connty, at ©„ W. Owen's. German School Books, and English and German Mass Books, at M. Eo- geln's Howe's Block, near'the bridge. Tue finest stock of Perfumery in the county, at J. R. Wells & Sou's WaucoQ- da. • . . >•••.•• Spring Orove Mills, * r!, A ? '3 .. Vi I now have my mill In running order and am prepared to do grinding on short notice. Also griud the cob with the corn when desired. i HKKBY J, DAYMUML ' Spring Orore, Nor. Slat. MSI. The finest line of Dress Goods la this market can be fouud at Stevens «Schuorr's. ^ Hums. Shoulders, Bacon, Salt fwk Lard and Corned Beef, at Howard** Market, near the Depot. Examine the S and 10 cent counters at J, R. Weils A Sun's, Waueouda. A full line of Buck Gloves and Mttto at J. R, Wells A Son's, Wauconda. FARM FOR RENT The Subscriber wishes to .reftfe hit Farm to some good cash paying custom­ er for s term of years. It is located a - half-mile west of Velo, Lake Co., III. „ . J. COJirTOH. Volo, Deo* 5th, ISS1. Just received. Overcoats for Men and Boys at F.«. Mayes* Clothing Store, uear the new Bridge. Cheap as the cheapest. SEWING Afacblue Needles for every machine tnadc. can be found at M. En- geln's, iu Howe's Block, near the bridge. ^ Call and see our 9S *4 and *5 Ota*, coats. The largest line In town. ~ f COUNT B»«*V . EXTENSION TABLES. Extension Tables only One Dollar per foot at John B. Biaks's Furniture Store. Call aud see them. FENCE POSTS FOR SALS. ^ 2QGQ SSaSCuvu SiliT OAK Pence Fiiiti for sale, iuquire «f JOHN DOKJUF. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. , We have a large stock of the ihalii est Causes manufactured. 1 STBVBKS *«ouoa4 "v YOUR CHOICE. m For your Candies call op Steven* ^ Do Sewing You Want a Machine. If yoti do, of course you want |1m> best, as it costs no more. Then why buy from an Agent who carries but oue which fie has fixed up ou purpose to show, when by going to the store of O.W.Owen, in ycHenry,you can have your choice of Five, viz: The Domes­ tic, Eldredge, American, Improved Howe, aud Singer. We keep all these machines in stock, and any lady who wants a machine can set dowu aisd try them all, and then select the oue which suits her the best. The first three named, the Domestic*- Eldredge and American, are three of the best ma chines on the market, aud any oue will be convinced of the fact by calling at uiy store and trying oue themselves. Also a tine stock of Clocks, Watches Jewelry. Silver aud Plated Ware, ean be found at my store. Organs aud Pianos for sale or reul. O. W. )VM " IF you want to buy Clothing at Chi­ cago prices, call on E. Lawlus, I u Lan­ sing's Block, Mclieury. The well-known author of "Medical Common Sense,".Dr. N. B.Wolfe.of Cicinnatl. O,, has just published a aew book, called 4,Mor« light about the house we live In*!" which is attractively illustrated, and abound* in "plain talk% but tru e' against swallowing drugs In­ to the stomach, for any disease of the nose, throat or lungs. It is a whole­ some little volume to read, and should be in the hands o*^ every subscriber to this pa|ter, but especially those who have any trouble in their head, their throat or their lungs. Send ten eeate to the Doctor, and get a copy of ilfirte by return mdil. Address as above. ."J Best Woven Wire Mattress, for 94.00 at Johu B. Blake*8. Dissolution of Copartnership. THE Firm of Colby Bros., MnHenry aa4 XumtA, lllinula it this uar dissolved fey mutual consent. All money due the iirta at Mi'llcnry, can be iiai'1 to Henry Colby. wlM will continue the Inuiness at that place tad who is hereby authorized to receipt tor the sumo. All uionev due the firm at Numia ean be paid to O. O. Colbv, who wi'l continue the business at thnt place and who is hereby au­ thorized to receipt for the same. All <>pM| accounts at McHenry must l«« »«uled tw cash or note oa or before March 1st. «. O. COLBT, 11 EN IIY A CARD. T wonliT hereby tfw n k the rfftwnrt1 (Jf Henrv and sttt rounding connty for the »e liberal patronage extended the Urra Colby Urns., asturin; them that br fair deal- inn and low prices I «UaU endeavor ta natlfe a continuance of your favors. - & OQLBV. February 1st, ]88i MKS. WH. TIOMABdU, Fashionable MLLmzft DRESSM WAUCONDA sar­in *ites the ladle* of Waaeeada rounding ufwn» to oall, aee her |Wdi learn her prices. Mrs. Tidrasrsh has al way* en line of sMod*, iaelutftaf ailllior; uting goods. Patterns, both liutteriak'saad A full line on band. Call nod give her a chaaoe to stow (M«a aaiaaaeyHsaa. * ; MMi

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