Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1882, p. 8

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COLUMN Ut .1. ». BAM»wnr. •m w* ItM McHeary achool wlU do« for «| wk on the Mtli of March. Spring Hitii April Id. T<8t. . , Tki> Onemrnod school cl#w* t wry jvofltihld fonr month* term, this week. Ifr. Vrooman returns to his homo near Marengo for the pi»«»l. The tine of the next meetl*jr of the MeHenry County Teachers Associa­ tion has been postponed one week for good reason*,, probably. We shall gNAi programme nefct week. The series of language and w«f»ptl- 'IMntary reading IHWM furnlahed by the Schoolmaster Ml* a long felt want. They are well arranged and almost In­ dispensable In a first elas* school. Of eoarw, there I* a clas* of teacher* who <fo hot whh them, wouldn't use them If they had Bnt that class is getting smaller every year and ^ur schools are Improving. %iU- •A Vnoli 1* said abont the "Qulncy 8ys- k t^wi" and ret few teachers know what It really meant. It la not the remit of any taan> eflort, but the out­ growth of thought an«l study of active, onnMlentlous teacher* who are aided ani encsnraged by an intelligent and •Herpetic wbunl board. Th# object i* U> make pupils at the time of leaving schools, something more than ma­ chines, to asake the work of education something more than aeramming pro- NM for examinations, to put iu place of absorption energetic action and mike tHe child in reality a- living soul In order to do this, thoy n*e unusual but very natural method*. Geography . la tanght by piling up sand in the form of land surfaces. Grammar is tanght by letter writing. A |ove for" reading 1* stimulated, many times ere- ated, by the teacher who takes some standard book and reads from it and talks abont it to the pupils Antil they «« anxteus to read the books for themselves. Music and drawing are tftttght ami daily exercises given to develop the physical frame. Many of the Ideas developed by the Quincy have been discussed by thoughtful and oaprfttlc teasers for years but Massachusetts loads la reducing the theories to practice. The sense of pain in the month jpgnards the throat; in the stomach it tAi'ords a warning against improper food **••<!, In fact every part of the bodj is sisseptiMe of pain wherever that sense uiiHceecettary to indicate disease or in. hot the heart, the hrain, and the liiimigs, although the most vital organs Miftre protected from injury by tho sen - xiatfcftity of the exterior parte of the I .bOcjyjn high sense of pain in them is , and they are almost io*en_ la It. The heart boats opwardj .wef fourftaousand times an how, and if < theffair. from a diteased heart were -•TO«f .a**te, it would be indewl sad for •thostfflovor; bat Spain from a <M*e«*e 4of thftbetgati is seldom more than an •oneasy<eonsation. and this more ospee- 'tally tifter violent exertWm, be tog a * cheek totnoaecessary action, and so far ^SHftiL 4idd«a death often occurs from dlseaM-tff tho heart; not from sadden ,<iise«s**oi <ibe heart, but from disease .'ooming^yoty littlo pain, and being -tterefese>iWKkn«wa. "Tho. Mo al~ 'thoogb the eoarce of sensation. I* itself -Insensible *e «aln. In surgical oper- jitlow pdHini of the brain have been vmmoved-wMMat the patient exhibi- -tina M»f «igb«sf pain. The hrnga are (highly aiMftAls of impurities in the tttlr; and th»« «re are guarded again* t <dw MMtalio»^ Injurious gases; their -aeoslMIUy daeiog inflamation indicates ithe da^gor JutV<«mpols the tieccet>»ary «aa|»j;-lN*t)tlMsr mm almost insensible to {pats frem mutlieftfmor decay; in such # ease, tlie senso wouldbe useless and jH affliction. The lungs have be«Mi -taken oat without cawsinjg pain, and dering their .decay in wnamptlon th» It very little. So yon see the i44ght«at warning should be attended *o sconce. Most persons think chfrc 4s no laager unless tiie pain Is exoru. gifting. A generous and timely rem- is worth more than untold gold. AKE NOTICE. A ZiLye that are ta waat of Tads la any A jtowsb Unagl imsfcel seWtettyye wawg win frfiSyaa/ftilisii, er otherwise Jest as we sea agree. U*p work of att hteds dene te order en short s*> r. A. NIMItD. MttNftNllY, ILL i i i • • i i i IS NOT DEAD,.! --BtTT TRBBB W1L BK-- Qnst Slnghtn is Clothing f®r 30 Dfty», «t E. LAWLITS' 19 mmvso*s mom, As bu will do nothing- bat Cus­ tom Tailoring hereafter. Keep on your spets and read this bill: liens Wool Salts,... .i • SO Kirmen Psnts. (WOtli.'j»i«.. , 1 75 50Splendid Vest*, each, 1 15 Chinchllln Ovenroats, fbrmerly •I3I...% 1 '8 00 Gray do do 2 SO Fine Dress suit#, tormerlv Hi, ... 1A (ft Next do do " . ... TO fit Next do do t17,R0 13 g Next dn do *9,00 7 en Eves Open RatO, formerly 1,40,. OS Silk Handkerchiefs, 7ormerly 1.S0 M Two 1lu.tlnn Kid Gloves, formerly 71 Paper sosome formerly 15 cdnts,... .. 01 Felftist Fine Linen Shirts, M Three Pairs Qoml Overalls. 1 #» TJovs Wool Caps, 28 Boys Suit*. 2 25 Boys Suits 3 25 Roys Suits' Fine, IM Boys Overcoats, pood. 3 50 Rest Linen Colars, 15 $3F~ValI if in search of ^rood Bargains. , E. LAWLG&. XoBEeary. Jan. 10th, ma. m * choioe line of Blaek Itid Gtoves in ladies,iand Misses styles at 50 and 75 cents per pair. We ntee the Quality, To He equal to any TOO pay $1.50 for. Ladies, Misses and Childrens Hoods, i>carts, Nubnls, Blaukets, Men and Boys Caps, Gloves and Mitts. . jii g" xfUmtmini 4 - : Great Reduction siimM:* -.1. i'mwrKmmpm.... ,•* t'. ••M 'ii* v^":M ' m Flannels. Overcoats, „ ' f- »- /rm •*'- ' • . ' v i SviC'-'- V . And in tact all Winter goods at <j >«t. r Four lbs. It will pay you to invest money in to close them out. these gopda as we aro bound FXTZSZMM027S A SITAXTSOIT: **CAV90" BV1BSB Mrs Back-Strap Arctics. The most Convenient of all Arties. They iro on easily and fit perfectly, The corpulent And •Merly will appreciate them. Nottrf.nb- le to buckle. Exclude wet and snow. Very Tn,M<S£h,ro^ssii.bu» aoasAuar STORE Twd Doors North of Perry lb Martin's Whe*« yw1 ̂ ill find all gindtes a common Oiair op to toe finest Set, of the best make and quality. People bminir ci me will find all my ffoods as represented- AND now until the 4th of March we will sell our winter and heavy goods at greatly reduced prices in order to reduce stock in time for our annual inven­ tory, which occurs then, and to make room for the largest stock of spring and summer good s ever brought to Woodstock., Am over­ stocked in Men's Kip Boots in sizes6 and 10, and will sell them at a great bar- ain. Remember we buy and sell for cash and at bot- om prices. W. H. DWIGHT,; Woodstock, III. Jobbing and Repairing neatly and pronptly done. In McIIenry and Nund a Cotbv iioHoiiry. fim} drakl Biuera are i sad Bnt XrdleiM ferer HaSk In thisDepartment I keep a first-class aitsortmeut of Ca«kets. and Coffins, and Shrouds of ail siae* acdquaUty. A Hearse furnished at .'easonable rates. rxswMf, r, Uwr t-pMslb!f ion(. *xl4 whww Wep >r(M'£ssJ »at perfte«t«f* dMr ttypuBrwtt-mhttdTigartottsydartlrflwii X«AL VKAE «LPPL0NA>I>CUUA otsmm, «r who m- •rt II • II miiiUliA,"""'- --J•lidHMwiIlM, SvMtminlawViiHKwHIieutlntsf SsMttrwhtrowbi what tl» SIMMS «r «U1 In. Do^twrnitBstttyaai ffeel tad or mlamlk, Kaafara I SSOOwUi Repaid for*. 7u re or iK'Ip. 1)» nut suffer base Hop BU sick tm( If y«o oee them at ooct • red taadndc. o-fff *?i not ortetrowfriewb o£er,bti(iinanl tnie tbcaa" k>o«e Nop ft ttemciiiber, Bop Bitten b BoV Wte, droggt } dntaken ttoilnim. bat tM Parai^W* » d B»,i j|*itelneCT«r made;tbe tMOBB and aorr* and DO person or •hwild be without them. -- D.I.G.Li&natnolau and irmirtifcle 00pel. forUrunk»ni«**,u* of opium, totiaeeo ucl mreotiuk Ali auid by (lrus;;-i<*. flead for CtrrBWr. Map BiSlsw ntf. c«w. Hwlmtfry.T f Robinson Wagon Co. JACOB STORY, MeHENBY. ILI^. Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, ever shown in M cHenry Oounty, which we offer to the bf v" ing public * * ? AT BOTTOM PRICES' DSALIKSIN m WIL T1JDMAHSH, WTJ.TO1CP m AKB mmmmAKW*, f^dUeONDA - • iL Li HOIS Mm U4l«« mt jittefiivuto e»R. ffSMBMrtMeM. Mamifacturers of SPRING WAGONS. Bnggiei & Fhaetoiuk l for dMign• and prices to BOBINSOK WACK51T CO., CINCINNATI, O. TEE HOBSE L WAGON. A NEW HOOK on the Horse. Hh history, »tructure, use* aid treatment. Alto giving; a few of the most Important and Effective BemediSs for the cure of the diseases of the horse. tW Valuable to every owaer and Itm ot lit *s£t VMMrft and aur- kand • tu) •ml trio Pubikhed by um sosnracir WAOOI ee., "4 ""d sent, postage paid, to aajr addrMB, on WOOpt of TMKCB "-CENT STAMPS. u4 Denereat'a. 4§d MM |*faea. br«in nerve siiil tonus, mtBeripg Imp <*n abad « Wtaerir itwim jou feet Bull; PR 'ore* 'arlor. iiua| Boom . IbmjMtfc IMI, IwiTf plate paper, contain- •I HwMioM. plans and details for the above house; also book o< 'A page*. Ktving specmcations, iteraued estimate and form of contract--invaluable to e*ery e«peuUr or party propocing building, as a giiid® in mwHHC kids «r drawing contracts. ^Pnce $i.00. Seat by mail, postpaid. Ml Hwlftrf H. E. WALTON. Scissors, Shears, Table ad Pooket Cutlery, Spades, Sbovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grlndslties Window Glassi CRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. J. 8TCRY. A.T J. R, WELLS SON'S, WAT700imA» For the Next Thirty Bays, Goods will be sol J »t GREATLY DUCED PKICES, to Close our Winter Stuftc. RE. 330 W. Ninth St., Cinoinnatif CHEAP LANDS on btf eradit pud •Mf terms, inaailld ellMatt, DM from NtlMMOFKKll forntolstb* OOLDEM DKLT tbe UNION PACIFIC MIIWAT, of oa riek 8*11 mm the MlVUIl «Mi Tis is i rare ebanee tor i^bose wishing to bujrj w«st» •Ml JUmsIMIM Mmgm, |m« JV«^ AdMwem Dry Good% Wsnconda, Jan, «th, 18W. " Clothing &c R. v.- JOHH 8TE9BA, Formerly of MMHSwiry, Ohicago. ha» retnniid to WwMlrtetk, Illinois, And has now.onlhand the largest and 8to* k of READY MADE HARNESSES, COIJT. ARS, WHIPS, ftp., to be found In tl»# Donntv, and |»HB eret-ythinir made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call ami see me. JOHN STERM- I ;r • 1 188S. ' HASPEffS WBKLT, tllnntrated. HARPER'S WEEKLY"sun.ta at tbe iMnd of AmertMn Illustrated weekly tonrnals. Bv its mipartisan position in politics, ng ad. mlwftle ilinstratInns, its oarefnllr chosen serials, short stories, sketches unrl poems, contributed by tne forensost artists and authors of the day, it carries instruction and entertainment to thousands of American homes. It will always be the slm of the publishers to make Hatym** Wc«klg the moat popular and attractive family newspaper lu the world, HARPER'S PIRIQDIGALS. Per Yoart 4 0• Jft 00 7 09 1»» I 00 HARPKK'S Mr KEKLY ..... StAMAZINB..:".. llAltPKR'S BAZAR t The THIIEE above puhiiorttiena.^,,.,. Ans TWO atiove namcil •MArRP«R'« Y0ns« PEOPLE.*..-. HARPKR'B MAGAZINE :R ; gAHI'KR'S YOUNG I 'KOPLK f ! ARPKR'S FRANKI.IN RQUAM LIBRARY, One Yeitr (H Mo*:) 10 00 Postage free to alt rubtcriber* in Ou United Slate* or Candida. The volumes of the Weektp befln with the first nutnber lor Januai-v of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will l>e understood that the snV^riber wishes to commence with the number next arter the receipt-of order. Tito Inst twelve unnual volumes of HAR* Pfcit's WEKKI.T, in neat cloth binrting, will bd sent bp mail, >>ostafre paid, or I>T exprest, fife of expense, (provided the frelfrht||does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 each, €hith Cases for each vo1nme« auitable for binding, »vill be sent by mail, postpaid, oc receipt, of $1 00 each. Remit ttuvea HhouUI be made by Fbftt-Ofllco %|oney Order or Draft, (o.-tvoid cbanoe of loss. 2\'nr*paper» are not. to copy thin u<tverU**menl without ihi-, express order of Harper <1 Hrn. hcr*. Address, JtlARl'JtUi d- BltOTHERS, O. C. COtBY, AT HIS TWO T:. is now Offering the Largest Lii>e^|€ Our stock is complete and comprises everything usually'kept in a First Class E^rdwsiro Storo> Our store is crammed full of Biirsrains and we offer the^best and most goods for the lea^t money of any one in the business. WK INTEND TO KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUT OF HIGH PRICKS IN BARB WIRE. The Best Barb Wiî in the Market jit 9 ct». per Pound,, JgF Call and see us and Jearn that we mean business. Store in klcHenry, Opposite Bishop's Mill. AtXundain Palmer's Store. BUY YOUR , Ms, Oils, etc. OF GEORGE W. BESLEY, Whose Store can'lie found oft the West Side, yrheae everything (his line can be fouud, Fresh and Pure. ( in Rvor broujfht to McHenrv poiintv, nmonsr which can l»e found th« Roniif»r f<i'wrv. Prinrps# fjibniry, Hnrris»An Smith Safety Lamp and n fiiio line of Urm'kpt and (land Lamps, of every description which will tie s?o1d at prices that <!jfy competition. Call aud see their oefore pOrc^asing. ^y • . -r --iirjt.flftii li'tiif ;Phyi!»k?in n» Pre«criptioiii« -fCaliyf menCalt. V:V' at- -r • . "f w McIIenry, 111, Oet. lOth, 1**L W ' : W \ W i (|i^rf?itiii^ij^'py iK Vl HAHPEh'S MAGAZINf, varled,"alwt«ys rood,' alirfi^i' fm. proving."-- r/ittcfe# Fran^i Adan&, Jr. Hurpcr's Sfafjtxrine, the most popular illns. tinted periodical in the. wovM, begins ita sixty-fourth volume with the December Number. It represents what is ^est in Atner. ican literatureand :irt; and its marked suc» aess in Euitland--whero It has already a rir. enlation larger than ttuu of any Kngfish mnir- azir.e of the same class-- tins brought into iie service the most eminent writers and artiats nfOr eat liritain. The fbrth'joming voluniea for 1H82 will i.i every respect surpass their predecessors. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Pcr^eara HARP BR'!? MAGAZINE it....:, HARPKR'S WEKKLV .4.:.... HAUPKR'S BAZAK Tlio THUKIi above ptihli««tioiie.... .. Any Tl*"O above mimed HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE HARPER'S MAGAZINE { HARPKIt'S TOCTNti PKOPLE f HARPER'S FRANK LIS SQUAft® ! L.IBRAKV, one year (52 Noe.) .V Postage free to all mbscribert m the &nte* or Ctinada. ' ( The volumes of the Marjmine begin with the nuinlwrs »or June and December of each yanr. When no time is sueeifled, \t is nndar stood that tho subscriber wishes,to bogin with the current Numlibr. • v A Complete Sot of HARPER'S MAGAZINE, comprising sixty-three folnmess in neat cloth binding will be Kent by exhrexs. freielit at expense of purchaser, 011 roreipt of $2.?6 por volume. Single volumc-s by mail. poMtpaid, §S.#a Cloth canes, for binding, 50 cents, bf mail, pastpaid. Index to HARFKR'a MAOAZtNE, Alphabat- Ical, Analytical and Classified, for Volumns 1 to 60, inclusive, from June, 18S0 to Juni, 1880. one volume, 8vo. Cloth, M.00. ' Remittances should te ntude by Poit-Offlce Money OrderoY Drnft, to avoid chance of loss. JVewtpaperu are not to copy thi* advcrn.ierrumt without the^e^r^tg order of Harper die Brother*. Addr^M. ; HARP&R A BROTHERS, New York. • i S 4 00 10 6b 7 00 , .1*0 , ««• W 00 L'niUd »vwm HARPER 's BAZAR , ILLUSTRATED. Thla popular Journal f« A r*r« com­ bination of literature,,art and fashion, Its stories, esaays and p«em» are bjr tiie best writer* of Europe and Amer­ ica; ita engrnvlngs possess the highe»t artistic excellence, and ill all mailer* pertaining tn fashion it U universally iicknovvlftilsred to be the leading au­ thority In-the land. rl^« new volume will contain rusuiy brilliant norelti«s. - HABPER'S PERIODICALS- Per Yeam HARPER'S WEEKLY. The THREE above publicatioa, Any TWO above named... .............. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE .-m HARPERS MAGAZINE L HARPER'* YOUNG PUOPLEF •"*?? A£K Noa.)..... 4 0C 10 <M 7 *e l to • 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUA LIBRARY, Om Year, (60 KM Mticriberi in the United Pottage free to-all State» or Canada. Th® Volumes of tl»e Bazar begin with the first number for •January of each vear. When no time is men- tioHeil It will be understood that the subseriber wishes to commence with jthe number uext ajfter the receipt ol ftpder. , The last twelve annual ypluiues of HARPER'S BAZAR, In neat cloth blnd- liier, will be s«nt by mail, postage paid, or hy express, free of expense (pro­ vided the freight docs not exceed fl per volume), for #7.00 eash. Cloth Cases for each volume. «uitable fi>r binding, will be wnt by mail, postr p »id, on receipt of 91.00 each, Remittances should be made by Fost-Olflce Money Older or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. ZCeuapapers are netSo earn tfUe aduerttieme>0 withotUthe express order Qf IJarper J: Brothera Address, HARPER dt BROTHERS, New For*, FIT8 EPILEPSY --OR- Fnllea Slcknemu . P»rtnanently cored--no h«mbu(-<4tr Mf south'* iitMtaye of Dr. Goulard'# Uclebratod lutailiiile li*it Powder^. To convince suflfer^ era thnt ilieae pow itn-o will do all we claim for tli'i-n we will tend them by mail ooutpiiMi • free 'I'rml Ixix. As Dr. Gouiitni is tne only thraicinii that hit# ma.:e this ili.sciise a spec, if «tu<!v, and as to our knowledge thousands "have been oerinanen 11v cured by the use of a<liesc Pii-.'iters, we wiil ^iiHrantne a por ma. nenl cure in erery case, or relund jrou a'l money expemiod. All uufferjer* should give these pHvilers in earljr1 trial, and be con. vinced of their curative powers. Price, tor tarxebox, or 4 boxe<s loriiO, aeut by mall to any part of the United states or Canada on receipt of price, or by express, C. O. D A4- * ~ #!«• X . J - ; '! jSfc-

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