V v; WKI>XK8r>AT. MARCH 18, 1 wj*. ̂ TH'*5T */• < y * ™ , •' _ * I ' K t 1 * *'< ; i r,» - 7;; ^ . " •* • "**> - ?;V ,%* V' . »>. ZL<*fs;Sl: WsmUL.Jkt^aiJ* "/ »- * , - * »\\ * J. VAN SLTKK, Editor. f ITOM week from to-morrow, th# MM. Inst.. th» G«IM»M»I AMi»mh1r OR tt»la STATE will meet In apodal M>«AIOII it 8prti»rrt*lrf. »• per tli« proclatiMftlon wOflv«rnor tltillnm. rW »v1 *C #'« : iJHT*In th« Ronu of Repre«ontnHve« ft£WnRl.liijfton Mr. BIIM piwwnrpil nw bMn'tr»»d mil! two petitions from Till - not*. Indian* and !fcw Ynrk.algtmri bv Sft.ono Hrlr«MiK. prav'n; for a pM*aga *f « hill ponalotilnf tbft soldiers Ami Mflnr# of tti« lar# war confined In con federate prison*. i-S?' i»» A hill which hu HNH»: Intro- dBWd In C!onjjre*«, hr Mr. Jacob*. CN". Y.) to ivftilatA th« oxportnrlon of bMUrund chMV, require* that such •Hlriw he distinctly hrasi'lad or mark# 4 upon •very box. flrliln or puck- •f». with the word "oleomargarine." "wlw." buffering.71 or other word* by iHkleli the artIHe miv be known. M'i, • . r;> ' 7 •, fch •.. Mr,: if- rf\: $\y tfe"' f.!) ti . . *'• i ' f ' # v 'HhThe Captain of the Invalid rsorp*. the wlf fttjrled *,Oolone|i,'* (») 3. M. ha* been vending hi* emi*- *avie« *ver the conntjr attempting to ttrore--what? Well, he lias so far an«reeded in proving--nothing. Just that and nothing more. He Is In a Highly nervon* state, but the people have no soothing reme<lle«. Hi* eini*- •arles mar al«o find themselves in the condition of "old dog Tray." The end is n«t yet. "The Inter Ocean of Tnesdav "Judge Edmunds, after liavjng the question of accepting the Associate Justiceship under advisement for a number of days. Iia* Anal^ declined It, and the name of Judge BUtchford, of New York, wa* sent to |the rtentte.--• The nominee is a man widely known and respected, and will no daubt prove aa able and upright Judge. He is at present a Judge of the United State# Circuit Court, aad Is an appointee of librsham Lincoln.'1 6dl1 V< h' iiyfe -'^•WSfA pressing cry for help comes jjjj|»n the Inundated districts In the low er Mississippi valley, the condition of things there apparently getting rapid ly worw, instead of better. It is estl- toated that twenty thousand people In Arkansas have been made destitute by the flood, and flfteen thousand In Mi*. •Isslppl. Cattle to the number of twenty thousand head havo been drowned. It fei said that if the levees are not repair ed before tl>e end of May or the begin- t»l«C of June, when there Is usually very high water, there will be no use of 'plan* ting seed, and «i there will consequently J* uo crops this year, the people will ha *e to be fed by ch&rity or starve. They are to greatly Impoverished to |fpair the letees themselves, mid gov. irnment aid will be necessary. The •Henators and Representatives from the gRIicted St ate 8 have held a consultation «>d decided to ask Congress for an ad ditional appropriation of fonr hundred thousand dollars for the benefit of the •nflerers. THIt *TOKV or I LETTBH We find the following In the Inter rteean of Jan. 38th. 18M, which cannot fall to be of Interest to every reader: "The death of E. A. Small, the well- known lawyer, recalls an Incident ^ his trip to Europe last spring #4l worth relating. Mr. Small went abroad for his health, accompanied by hi* son, a young man just reaching hi* major!tr. While traveling ou the con tinent Mr. Small fell In with Sir T*l- borr Bsiker. and parry, and thencefor ward their mutes were made to Join, so that an acquaintance mutually agreeable mlg**t he continued. Mr. Small has long been the warm friend of Oen. Grant, and was highly re garded hr the l*t*er. It hapj>ened that the OhWgft htrw had a letter from the General si a personal and friendly character, *»d '» the conns* of sonie conver**?jn« with Sir Talhott Raker thl* letter was *h«>wn to the lat ter, and emmnented upon. After traveling f«»r sonse week* together, the party finally embarked at Constanti nople on the steamer Vesta, of the Auittralif Lloyd* I.Ine. for Trieste -- .lust after «Je{»rilug fmm Constanti nople the son of Mr. Small was taken ill of typhoid fever. The captain and officers of the steamer were much alarmed, and called It typhus fever, which was e« inside red of a malignant and contagious type. They were so apprehensive that they notlHed Mr. Small that they should be cjwnpelled to put his son ashore at Athens, the safety of the rest of the passengers and crew depending upon it. All ap peals and protests were in vain, and Mr. Small and his English friend alike came away frotn interviews with the captain tearing him inexorable. Mr. Small felt that to put hi* sou ashore at the place indicated, where care and medical skill could not be obtained, was equivalent to sacrificing, his life, and took his stand at the door of his sick boy's room, declaring they must overpower him by force before they could remove his son in that condition from the ship. The port was almost reached when Sir Talhou Baker tliought'of one more appeal to make to the captain. He mentioned Grant's letter, which Small had shown him,and asked to take it. It was given, and Sir Talbott went with this letter to the captain. Mr.Small had no hope that any appeal would be successful, and with almost grim dlspair, was . stand ing guard at his son's Itedslde, What was his amazement, then, to see hi* English friend return In a few minutes | with the captain, who entered the | room, hat in hand, and bowed as if saluting an emperor. In one moment the anxious father wai reassured.-- •'Pardon me," said the captain, "for having given you uneasiness. The friend of the great soldier can com mand my vessel from bowsprit ts rud der. Yon end your son are welcome on hoard this ship under all cl renin- stances." and from that moment on to the end of the voyage every attention, and kindness were lavishe 1 on the father and hi* son. The young man recovered, and Mr, Small always be lieved that his life was saved by that fortunate letter,jind by the fact that, when bravery and generalship are honored, then the name of Grant is the synonym of heroism. Kxottrate* to California. Arrangements have been perfected for a great and popular «5Xcnrsion to California. The party will be compos, ed of ml ulsters, educators, scientists, bus!ne#* men, health and pleasure seek er*. They will leave Chicago May the 8th, by a special train of Pullman pal ace cars, via the Chicago Burlington & Qulncv railroad to Kansas City; from there the route will he via the Atchison Topeka ft Santa Fe and Southern Pa cific rail vay« to San Francisco, return ing via the great Central and Union Pacific roads to Omaha, thence to Chi cago via the great t£unk line,, the Chicago and Noethwestern railroad. The pfcrty wilt visit, among other points of .interest, the mine* of New Mexico sfnd Arizona, the city of £fonta Fe. the ^os Vegai hot springy the orange groves of Los Angeles. San Diego, the ghastly, guvsers, the *tatcly big trees. Yosemlte Valley, San Francisco and Salt Lake Citv. At San Francisco the party will disband and retnrn 'home at pleasure within tlie limit of the ticket, ninety days. Of the outward hound trip a dally paper will be pub lished, a union church organized with a pastor and choir, a school of science established, and each dav, at 11 A. >1. In the "Temple Car" prepared tor the occasion, able papers will be read, lec tures delivered. followed by discussion, The details for this, the greatest event* In the liistorv of American travel, will he perfecl, and everything first class% Hotel rates and price of detours will be greatly reduced. The price or a rouud trip ticket from Chicago will be 9150. Those wishing to join the party should address at once, with stamp, "Manager of California Excursion" lock box 119« Minneapolis, Minn., and receive lu due tltno full particulars. THK ASSASSIN'S DOOM. "If Gultenu is insane, his madness is of a kind the law was designed to punish," says a well-known attorney.-- Undoubtedly. No question now re mains a* to the certainty of his punish ment. His life and trinl have already become matters of history. Dr. Rld- patli. the eminent biographer of Gen. Garfield, has written the history of the assassin in a style which the public will relish, and added to his "Life and' WorK of Garfield." making the record of the tragedy and It* principal actors complete In one large and handsome volume. In which the grandeur and glory of Garfield'? life are strangely contrasted with the Infamy of lii& murderer. Published by Jones 6 rot hers A Oo., Cincinnati, Chicago and Kansas City. The "Life and Trial of Guiteau" is iin> Iwiivil i'<* & rrjinr&ii irvluuiS, at a very moderate prhn*. ui e Bucklen's Arnica Sftlve. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rhettin. Fever Sore*. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tion*, and positively cures riles. It is gnranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents, per bottle. For sale by alt Druggists ,(l, , i®" There has been a great amount f '|jf discussion as to the wisdom of pen- , «leninjr so liberally our needy and dis abled soldiers. The Arrears of Peii- ,. .ilosw have eotne in for a large Hiare of IJtaise. This government can never fifty in money. Its obligations to the Iwave men wbo came forth iu numbers like the leaves of the forest, to die If ttecessary, that the Nation might live. ^Thousands of men wounded and jAightly disabled in service, are now, ylty the advance ot years, unable to )»hor and. are constant sufferers. A |pen*f«n with arrears is but a poor re- li«m for the sacrifice. A father and Vfto:ber both now near four score year* ,#ave their only son of nineteen to the* Ununtry on the bloody field of Gettys- „] i^ifg. Does the pittance of a few hun- 5i|red dollars compensate this aged *or pinchings of poverty .ihey have felt because their stay and ; #tifi poured out his life blood in defense *#f hie country? The long delay in 'fcieslng out a just recognition of the , roldleri' services has forced many to *f»««l*o that in the uext war they will join the ranks of the contractors, sut lers and quartermasters. Let every •oldler and widow receive a pension, . al1®1 forgetting the brave sufferers who |ftormed Chapultapec and rought in NN' fSr*At Washington, Sunday, Dis trict Attorney Corkhill aud Dr. Gray, of Utica. N. Y., examined a portion of the bill of exception* iu the Guiteau case, which refers to the medical tes tlmony. Guiteau. Sunday, apologized to Scorllle for abusing hlin at a pre vious visit. The trouble was caused by Scoville withholding a letter to Guiteau from a Hoboken young lady, professing great devotion. Scoville convinced the assassin that the woman wanted his replies merely as a souve nir. lexico. 9STThe heavy raius of last week caused many rivers and creeks in New York State to overflow their banks,. All along the ^ohawk considerable damage was done. All the low lands of Westchester county, contiguous to rivet's and creeks arc submerged. House* are surrounded by water.-- Fences, bridges anil outhouses have gone down the stream, the roads are Impassable, and. in the vicinity of the riv^r, under water from six to ten feet. BRX Pk tSL UltlHOLUHT. DIED-Feb. 15th, 1842, in ItinKWO««, III., of lanir fever, Ben Pearl, only CHFL<L of John and Emma GrimuWby, sged 11 months and TS days. Line* tymprtf-heiical ly iiucrUmti to Mr. and Mr*. (Jriinoldby. Parents weep not for ron darling, He has gained the shia ing shore. And has joined those gone before, Where pain and sorrow are no more. Lay away the little garments, Kotde-L with maternal care, ' * They will serve but to remind yon Ot the robe your loved one wears. He no more will need those garments For In the elyaian lie Ids of light, God for his children HAT prepared A lobe of pure and SIMILES* white. Mow the little crib is idle, That oft the.sweet form lulled to rest, Mow the blue eyes closed forever, AND his spirits wi th the blest. He has joined the heavenly choir Of that happy, sp»tle#s throng. And there is a new made 1} re. Added to the seraph's sorg. , Though yon sadly miss your darling. He's safe within that fold ot Hla. Who has said "bring Me the children. For of sach my kingdom is." Would yonr longing love resell him To this world of cat e and ttrife. From the golden streets of Heaven To the paths of human life? Mo, lie thanktal that onr Father Took him to that glorious goal. Ere a grief had dim-neJ his spit it, Ere a sin had stained his soul. A FBIBKR. Rintrwood, III., Feb. 20th, 1883. .v. J. "W. Cristy Offers his entire stock customers J®FS' m I do this to close oat entirely in the uext^ ̂ •' • -&8&V ; . .. > .. Sixty Days. 1 also offi&f to sell my store for three-fourths its cost. Some body is going to get some bar- gains. This is no snide adver tisement sod don't you forget it., J. W. CftlSTY. RTXOW<V>D, III., March 13th, 1892. e" LQTHXNQ ** HOUSE, AT WAUCONDA. Urged by An irresistible desire to do good to the corryminity in general and the subscriber in part ticular, a few week? ago a large and miscellaneous assortment of musical iu^uwents was sent to the Wauoondn )RUG STORE, BOOK HAUNT, AMD Musical Emporium. The humble efforts to meet the emands of the darling public was appreciated an'd the supply was speedily reduced. A new supply of accordeons, harmon icas, and violins has, therefore, just been purchased, making the stock unusually full. It coin- arises aecordeons from 95 cents to $9.50* a large assortment of Violins and Violin Fixtures, Janjos,Guitars, Drumt. Flngeo- ets, Flutes, Piccolos, Bones, Harmonicas, Jews Harps, &c.. Also Violin Boxes, Music Folios, Music Cases, Instruction Books and SHEET MUSK', 100 copies of whjiHiiiave just been received, ai\d wii be sold t for FIVE CENTS JEACfrT. These trtst two shipmentji of goods were pur chased at bargains, and therefore can be, and are, offered very cheap. C^ll and be convinced. F. B. HARRISON. 19*Mr. Bland, a member of Congress '• fr««ii Missouri, must have been think ing of his grandmother's darned stack ing leg. through the intetstises of the cross threads of which the glitter of sliver used to aftect his infant eyes. r when he trade hit argument in the House, «n Saturday, in favor of popu larising silver coins. What else could have prompted him to say that the popularizing of silver coins would be »£• * ,UeHns of en«>ur»glng habits of econ- ,\^OBiy ftud Mvl,»K among the people. I-' /• 'houlil,being a congressman. an«l ' therefore supposed to know a good , many tilings, knew that there Is a dif- f- 1 fere nee between saving aid hoarding. "Fw> bf!tter" exclaimed, "chuck the coloa dowu in an old stocking, than * - leave them locked up in the Treasury i-Us' "r vaults"--aud he declared that this ^ t Utter proceeding was t virtual demon. ^ etixathui of silver. He did not ex- ^. plain in what manlier coins tied up iu stockings and thrust down in the %» bottom of a hair cove red trunk would be a more active help In carrying on :• tlie commerce of tiie country than l,'it ^ ' those same coins locked up in'"Uncle , " 8am*s vaults. But then your true Dem- acratlceeonoinlcttl reformer seldom. If ^ < . over, cares tor praetlcaliii«e aud detai h». --hockford OaxttUf. tQTTlie lie w Uniled States census gives 92.69S Protestant churches, 71.G62 Protestaut ministers, and 9.003.060 memhvr* of Protestaut churches, De, ducting the Roman Catholic and Mor mon population from (lie total popula tion of the country, there remains 43.- 864.371. This gives one church for every 473 persons, including infants and children, one mintstfr for every 612 of the peopl»», and nearly one pro fessing Protestant for every five of the population outside of Catholicism aud Mortnouism. A clergyman in this country bar? a stranger preacher for him on* day, and meeting his sexton, asked. "Well Saunders, how did you like the sermon to-day?" "It was rather ower plain aud simple for me. I like the sermon best that jumhies the judgement and cosfoonds the sense. Ah, air, I i»ev*r saw one that could come op to your* self at that," Annual Town Meeting. NOTICE U hereby (riven to the Citizens, I.ettttl Votors of the Town of Mr-Henr In the Comity of Mellenry and State of ILLL noi-«. th:it ' lie Annual tnivn Meeting for amid Town will he liclM at the Council Room, in sal»l Town.nn Tuei«l»v, the 4th ilajf of April next, lieinfr the first Tuutulav In eai<t Month for the pnri>o«e(i following, vis: KIltsT--To chaose A Morterater to preside at SNID meeting. SKOOSl)--To elect One Rnpervlnor (who •hall be ex offlclo Overseer of tlie Poor), One Town Clerk, One A»9e»iwir, One Collector, One Commissioner of llltrhwayft, One Con Ktable, Hint as many Pounjl Masters as the Kleetors may <1et(trminc. And to act upon any additional subjects which inAy in pursuance of law, E*me be fore said meeting, when convened. W'ieh meeting will he called to order be twecn the hours ot eight apd nine o 'rlock in the forenoon, and kept open until seren o'clock in the afternoon. Given under my hand, at McHenry, this lAth day of Hareh A. D. IM. J. VAN SI.YKR, Town Clerk. W"A small boy in Boston, whose deportment at school had always rank ed 100 pe«l cent., came home oi;e dav with his stamliujf reduced to 98. "What have yon been doing, my son?" asked the mother. wBeen doingT" replied young ho|>(>ful. "been doing Just as I have all along, only the teMStlMtreiiught me this tiuie." A slioe and hat dealer down at Cincinnati has bought up all the kit<)K and cornered tlie article. No one can buy a kite unless lie buys a hat or a Ptt'f J>f shoes. The number of 'lost hats" is *aid to have been enormous in 4»LL parts of that city, aud HO on® was itble to accouut for it iiutil.thia d«viue vi a tratkviuuu was discover id. CROCBRIEf! CROC ERIC 8 M. Engeln. Ihy's nt<x'K IS now imiisrsd to offer to the buying public a full Hue of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Canned doodiau CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES &c,, Ac. My Goods are all treshand wilt FEE Mid at the lowe»T l iving prtees. R I also keep a full .itock of Gan Material FUhing Tackle, Minnow Scins, Haininocks, and in fact everything i>eruiiniia(r to Fishing' and Hunting, can be found at my store at reasoukble I'riccH. Violins, Acoriieons, Pieatas, Flutes, Violin Strings, ami all other extras tor Violihs. Mr stocks of I'LNW^RE I> complete. Cull and EXAMINE it F guarantee Prices that defy all •OlUMlillua. M. INOILH. BOERHAAVE'S RECTAL REMEDY #1.00 A BOX. The Knife and Tega- urenrt^nTi""™-™"™ 1 if- "V. Clothing --AT-- Mftmatfs n 3umaI\ h'*M ft K<* \ JACOB BONSLETT, of Sprinr Goods rhleh I will BE- I kave the largest stock ever brought to Lake County, sell at X.OWI8H PRICES THAN »SV«R FORE. : Ready-made Clothing more numerous than ever and at prices gutted for every purse.-- For anything made toohler, whether asingie garment or a full suit Maiman's Opposite Perry 4fc Martini Stbrll^ w * 'm-f , Illinois out btlTefilire stock ot* ?«r-it His stock in full and com- "Jm / #t, * Having sold his W niturc at cftst, from now unt?? May 1st. plete, and rare iuUucemeuta will be offered to bmi Furuitiire., x • *;' AnvtbJnff frorii a common Chair tit tne finest Parlor Set can be Is the pluce to buy, GENTS' FURNISHING Caps, Ac. Also a full Une ol GOODS, Hats ant 1 have a lar^e variety of PIECE GOOOS, of the Latest ityie^.and IPTTMNI^ st low •gurea. J " Mrs. Maiman, WHO conducts the Millinery Department, has MiUinerv, AnytWn^r frorti a common Chair ito the finest Parlor Set can be ionnd at thi« store, and of the be»t iqake and finish to be found in he maiket. n We invite all our friends to fcive u» a crilji JACOB BONSLETT. MeHeniy, March 15th, 1881. '"i received a line stock 'ol Spring MiUinerv, of the latest styles to be found in the city which she inrites f,he Ladles of Wiiiicomia to call and examine, Hats and Bonnets Trimmed in tiie latest stvleKand at roahona^ ble prices. Dress Making done promptly and satisfaction guaranteau. Call a Ad be convinced that I sell nothing but good Goods, and at prices as low as the same quality eari be BOUGHT anywhere. Wauconda, March 6, I ~--:-- H. MAIMAN. •*ort Pitos. makes the knife tlie liganTriTanTTIie cautery TI UNOI-CMSAR* fhu 7or-TnroM'n<TTn?, menta and Lini- ments Fall--- B 6 E B ff]nrvirr8 itietrFrrgTkwy rr Ule Rowels. and h(>»U it. The worst case of PILES will be relieved IN Tan Minutes- Send ns by mail, One Dollar and we will mail y o « A box ; a f t e r u s i n g h a l f o f i t , i f i t fails t>answer the recommendation, return the other half, by mail, and your dollar wili be returned atonec. No one w i t h Rectal Troubles should be with out the RECTAL REMEDY, HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTY CO., Agents for the IT. 8., Chicago. lOERHAAVE'S KIDNEY CURE. 'i ' #1.00 A BOTTLE. "Fifty Y«y?|1lng Upwards" seldom upwards fall to inH ii'c"™1Hlrmln! INSURE WI1H THB Mutual Life of New York- WET? Beeanae itis tbe oldest COMPANY In tlie United States with thirty-nine yean of ex perience. Because i t is (He lamest Cemp»n> fe the world* Assets, $B4,7O5,!IM, nearly double that of any other Company. Because i t is tho most popatar Company. Its policy holders number over 100,000. Because everr dollar of the above immense sum belong* to the policy holder*, and the sur plus over what is actually required, is an. nuallv divide* amongst them, which surplus may lie applied in either of two ways: iTlrst, to pay a portion of the annual premium, thus materially reducing tho cost, or It may be used to purchase additional insurance. In the Inttcr way forty-ei^ht policy holders of the year Just past, holding policies, the face value of which was 9133,300, were carried foi an average term of 33 years at low rates, and the additions brought the snug sum of a little over *300,000. Many of these policies had been self sustaining tor years. Because the rates ef every other Company are nearly eighteen per cent, higher than those of tne Mutual Life. *owor Kidnc TroTTUlew.nnd I'rinarv "pisturhajlce n"n<1 lTnrt«mrnntlon"" lQ4 the to "driirhts Dlkease.1, TCTT leading- *c7 Hmv" "often-- It will cost Onfe Dol- lar, sent mail, to try a bottle of B0ERHAA1 KIDNET UVBE " Helief is warranted is every ca ie. After using half the buttle, it vSu think it is not adapted to vour !>• iMt-i nail to ns tlie half which is left, in the original packsge and your money Boeause Its (running expenses AN* than any other. 2 Tne sworn statements rff the Equitable Life Assurance of New York, a (company several millions less than half as large as the Mutunl Life, show its expenses of manage ment to have averaged U.23 during the last three years, those of the Mutual Life 7,8 the dlflerence of llrst cost of policy, and manage ment expenses alone, are equal to 21 per aent in favoi'of the Mutual Life. Because it can and does afford the cheapest, safest and most satisfactory insuranrc invest ment of any Company in the world. As it will be impossible for me to see all who are desirous of obtaining Life insurance at actual co*t, 1 will say lo such that a postal card will always rea«h me ai. this place and on receipt of same I will forward different plans and actual rrinllx (not estimates) which arc certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history of Life Insurance. This|Cnmpany issues only regular Life an<f Endowment policies and like other Companys of the highest standard refuses to have any thing to do with IbtUiiie gambling. C. H. MO KEY, Agent, For McHenrytCounty and western part 'of LakeCuunty. ' • MoHENRY, ILL. P a r k e r s H a i r B a l s a m SfttUiM DM mofti fiuUdtout M A ptrftct Hahr Re«tor#r and Drtttloy. Admired for»Ucl«inlinf«andelepantp«r(uin». Merer VUls to lestere Grey er Faded Hair SI LH« JII^SFTIL IMHI SSCTA.AO<LSI , will be returnt'l at once. It hasdone Vonders during more than (Iftv years of use. Bougie, C'asheter, and Syringe ire discardedjas harsh ami useless. THY BOEKIIAAVUs K IDSKY CUKE. IIOrsEII<)M> SPECIALTY CO.. Agents for tie U. S. Chicago. EX-SO and thalr f HEIRS Should all «en4 for sample nopv of that won derful paper l|e World and Srddicr, iiublished at \Vauhington| I). (•'. It contains Stories of the War, Camp Life, scene* from the Rattle Field, and a thousand things of interest to our country's defeideis. It is the great soldiers' PiM-er. It contains nil the laws and instruc tions relating ti> Pensions and Bounties for soldiers and tljeir heirs. Every ex.-oldler should enroll ^i» name under the World and Soldier tanner fit once Eight pages, forty columns, wceklv. #1.00a year. Sample free. Address, WOIH'D AND80LDIKK, Box M8, Washington, Uj. C. MRS. VM. TIDMAK8H, AUD *u DRESSMAKER, WAUCONIA - - ILLINOIS Invites the 1 dies of Waaeonda awl anr rounding tow|»to call, see her goods and learn.her prioqs. Mrs. TMma^h has al iravs on Band A ful line of goods,Ocludipg millinery aad trim mlng goods. Patterns. T*tJh BntUrick'aand Deasorest'S. • fu l l line on |and. Oaliandgiv^bera Show goods and aa ne PRISTS * PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Glager. Bach*, Mandrake, Stllllugia and many of ine best medicines known are here com bined intoamedicine of such varied and effective powers, as to make t! >e Greatest Blood Piuifier& the last IfeaMt art StmigSi Rettorcr Cm Used. It cures Dyspepwa, Rheumatism, H-op1essne*s, all diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Live% Kidneys, and all Female Complaints. If you are waiting away with Consumption or iy disease, use the TONIC to-itay. It will furely help you. P emember S it is far superior to Bitters, Essences of Ginger and other Tonics, as it builds up the system without intoxicating. 50c. and $1 sizes, atSill dealers in tlrtitjs. N one genuine without signature of Hr cox & C n.,N Y. Serd lor circular USUI KAVIKO IN BUYING TSiE DOLLAR SIZE. CONSUMPTION Powltivoljr Cured All suflTerera from this disease that are anx ious to bo cured should try Dr. Klssner's Oetebrated Oonnumptlvc Powders. These Powders are the only preparation known that will cure Consumption and all diseases •f the Throat and Lungs--indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, postpaid, A free Trial box. We don't want your money until you a»e perfect ly satisfied of tliel!* eurative pow- ers. If your life is worth saving, don't iieiav giving these Powders a trial, as they will surely cure yon. Price, for large box, $3, sent to any part of the United Statesor Cana da, by mail, on receipt of price. Adilresa, A ROBBINS, ssovultoasu KraoS G. W. BKSLEY, McHenry, III., D. B. Maine, Genoa Junction, Wis., A. 8. Wright, Woodhtock, 111., and G. E. i>ickinsou, Nunda, IU., sell the reliable and pure medicines called DR. KALCKHOFF S MEDICINAL CARAMELS CCONTAIN c j prunes an TO take as the llncxt confectton, and therefore taKe ILIC P different namrs to secure healing effects. These medicine# are no pecret pro- arations, but the formulas for the different kinds have been used extensi-cly for manr years throughout the world, hy leading physicians, for the various diseases they are recommended for. They are manufactured with the aid of improved machinery, under the supervision of a regular educated physician and chemist. Their cheapneaa alone croates a good demand, aa each box contains SO Caramels (90 doses), the price - - pes hox being from 23 to 50 cents. We mention Cattartic Csnmilt. VTR, KALCKHOFF'S CATHARTIC CARAMELS Are an agreeabla, V mild, aale, and certain cathartic medicine. Cum; Consti pation, Headache, Indigestion, Disordered Stomach, etc. ' Price, §5C. per bo*. nR. KALCKHOFF'S WORM CABAMELS Effectnally destroy all W chain, broad, round, spring, tape, and ' HIP worms. Chil dren delight to take them. Price 33c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFFS .COUCH CARAMELS ARE a ccrfain cure and Instant relief for Conghs, Consumption, etc. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Price 35C. per box. QR. KALCKHOFFS THROAT CARAMELS Are « pleasant, safe and V certain cure for all Throat Affections. Public speakera, clergymen, lawyers, and mnslclans should not. be with out them. Prlee 96c. per BOX. HR. KALCKHOFFS FEMALE CARAMELS Area reguiatingmedt-•* cine AND certain cure and rollel for aH female diseases. For further particulars, ask YOUR drogglat for A circular Price 80c. per box. Aro a pteasant aod tttomach--Dyspep- Price 30c. per box. Are a certain ,ver ILI.seases. Price 50c. PER box. Female Cwsatli Dysneplic ewsniii cart, aud QR. IUICKHOFFS NERVE CARAMELS Are a certain cure forau •> Nervous and ttexnai Ui«eases, . Congl Garsa«L* Nervous and Bcxoai De- Price SOT. per box. Dr. billty, Sleep lessnesE, etc. XKHTATZOXf IMPOSSIBLE* rTKalckhore Caramels are packed, each twenty la a Tlroat tetMlS waterproof wrapper. Each Caramel has on one aide STAMPED the signature of A. F. Kalckhoff. M. 3., and on the other side the same of tlie Caramel. These Caramels are for sale by all druggist* AND patent medicine dealers. If your DRUG' gist does not keep them, send the retail price to the oiaan- factorers, and they will forward the Same by mall free of charge to anv address throughout tho United States. ERITEN AWAYL To all druggists and dealers iu patent medicines, sample nackav-es of Dr. KalckhofTs Caramels are given a*ay. Everybody CAN obtain a sample packaoe free of charge by applying to your druggist or BV writing to the mann^ac- turcrs nnd enclosing a three cent POSTAGE stamp. DRUGGISTS and dealers will RLETME write far DRU^^IST*' Circulnr. MEDICINAL CARAMELOOw MauuUciururs and^ole Pronrtctors. MTT.WA ITKE E.m THIS NEW AND CORRECT MAP Piovos beyond auy renable question that TH* Chicago <2t 32Q ortix western Is,by all oclds the best road for you to talus when traveling in either 4irectton between Chicago ui all tie Priacipal Points ii tbe Test Norlk & NirtM Carefullv examine this Mapt The principal Cities oftthe West nnd Northwest are Stations ostitis road. Its through trains make close connections witb the trains of all rail roads and Junction paints, ~ 'G A kenf*4 FL9RENC Quimitiee Worctntr . tpald ilniMn MvM$ Ordway Cloud Clailam APO ooil ^ e Ft""?4*** I'O* I \«t •yrftUrion,. % VASKTOX Siou* c„ Crtit/toq „ '> rWeill \f W ?. aton a feTERH. Railway 4rn i °'t ?• r 0^>L -'*ta CHICAGO & NOBlHr JwlLito* UWIOW *A. H C*..CM THE CHICAGO A Over ail of its pnnci|>al lines, runs , -- It is the only ro»<l we»t otChis'Jigo tliat tru MORTH-WSSTKRHtRAILWaV , •iailr troni t wo to four or more Fast £apres" TrftioA IMPERIAL PALACK DIIMING OAR®, It fa the 011 lv road bat runs Pullman^leeping Cars N^th«>r Northwest ot^Cliicngo. lit has nearly 3*0<60 Mlles.'of Road- In forms lh<.followi,.^Tr„nk Mnes. Ceancil Bluffs, Henver A California I.ine. Winons, Minnesota A Central T>akoka I.Inss si™. 15iV» VM \*i«brtilt» * Yankton I.lne. Clncafr<>. St. IV.ul A Minneapolis Line Northern Illinois. rree|H.rt ft Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, (ireoa Bay A Lake Superior LiM Jim Biver Valley, Pierre A Head wood Line. Waukesha .'Madison AINorthem Line Tickets over this road are sold bylall Coupon Ticket Ajrents in the United Sta tes * Canada Rnmnmiwu- iniuk tor Tickets via this road, the Remember to ask tor Tickets J ®. LAYNO. Gen'l Manager, Chicago sure they read over it, and take none other r.H. STXIX1TT. Gen Pass Agt Chicago. 8MALL POX. Rearlet Kever and Diphtherta prev M«t cured by the use of BUOHO-diiiORALUU. York. Used In Hospitals of New Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wasli ngton, go. New Oileans, and other cities Boston, Ckica-iiinucipiiii*, *•**• ZL ^i»i.a go Patients should be sponged with It, 1se^orrl. ine to directions, several times a 'taj. rne virus of the diseaHp is by this means i*ed, and .-ontagion prevented, pi1timarks are also prevented. One bottle diluted witfa wa. ter will make twelve pints of proper strength for use. PRICE, M CENT# PM BOTTLB. • Sold bv all Druggists. Send for a Pa tnphle now wy an ^r,,i,1{KoMo CHEMICAL CO.e M Liberty Street, New York Otj In M«morlum The life and trab>le ssr a TlUTtlV n vicas of the Nation's hero. I» M l\H I B.I.II Bv Major Bund v. Own- U A l i r i c i l J J p l e i t o d a t e . Written at M tor, bv invitation, tinder the direction ef Mr. Garfleld. Contains X steel jiortralt ot Uarlleld, faithful portraits ot mother, wife anil t'hildren ; alsoinnnereiia tine engravings; G3confidential letters, roverinjf and explain, ing his whole career; ten original testimonial letters from Williams College classmates; extracts from iui|tortaii t speeches aud writ ings; endorsement by Col. Uocktrell and the President in every book. Agent* -positively making * 10 daily. It is the most' attractive, •at ben tic and liest. Price, *1.36. Agents wanted everwherr, 4S~ftend #1.00 for terms and ouuil, including copy of the book. A<t> dress, Ijvj)/cj'ltxvi-;xr CO., NitW llwiuw &, CAwvtik IU •if"