Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1882, p. 5

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WEDNE8DAY, *ABC0 15,1882. PP.RSOKAU. #Of* If. SMITH, of OsborneClty. Kansas. w*« calling on rrt«B^ ti«re the first of the w««k ooiwo COUTH. •••or* Lake FuMMir OM«T» L»kl ~ Mi4n Lake •onro iiotta. _ #«»»•»Uk« * am*** L*k* JI5»M -- *£*„*> HunUktfaimm B. Br«. Agrafe Mc.Hefrjr, III > sarieit dirt she oonld read something of hia itory. She had heard before this hotr fonng lads in the East, filled with ro­ ta antic notions about Western life and idventora, sometimes felt tjjeir way oat RaHreita TlmeTable. *»MWO *OUTH. R , BxprSSf*1.. .. ranches of the Pacific slope. Per- Tratcikt. **| TJEO. W. OLAitK And family, late A LtR^KAL adverti*i^ It alway* * llb- •|*tl dealer. A wefl to th* wise. cut. BKB nolle* of thf Arimial town Ifcetlng. lo be found in anotliw eol- IliKCi MM I# wrjr, »ry Iamb- Ilk*. bat It make* (MM abudJar to think h*w It will go Ml. 4 r° / cbi GKO. OVEII'I Eagle It thriving on chickens that happea to waudar too Mar his eag*. received Spring town MM. S. SKA RUM baa ju*t •tie of &h«»fiaea£ atack ef a*» Millinery war bffcugfct t« this ' Cali and *ee, , IP you want to *** a flue target ghn call at the store of 0. W. Owen. He has as fine a one as eaa b* foand ta the State. It it for tale. : WK learn that Chaa. Kuhnert will / move lilt goods here and be ready to I open hia store. In Howe's Block, May 1 1st. We beapeak for Mr. Knhnart a \ liberal altar* of th* public patronage. A COMMTTKB from Genera Lake. Wjs., were her* on Tuesday examining our Iron Bridge. They contain plate building a siiniiiar but smaller bridge at that place. THE Hoc 1 able tor tba oanefit of the OlmeUry will b* held at th« rasldeuce of Geo. Uag*. to-morrow, Thursday evening. Se* programme In auother oalumn. ' THAt car load of Buggies has art " irhred at the warehouse of E. H. Owen & Son. and th*y are now prepare^ to a*ll you a better Buggy for the money than was *m sold If this market.-- Call and see tbam. attention *f *ur reader*i* dl- tMt*d to the new advertisement of J. W. Cristy. Ring wood, to be fonnd in , , another column. Ha is offering rare Indusemants to the buying public. as be wishes to close out his stock in the next sixty days. Bead bis advertise­ ment In anothT column. GAME* LADD, our Town Collector, ir?t«ri hi* hooka and entiled with . J th* Treasurer on Saturday last, being / the second Collector In th* county to | do sjgy Out of the large tax to be col- lected this year he Informs us that less than on* thousand dollars remains as delinquent. A good showing. THE Ladies Literary Club will meet 'Vt'tlie real da nee of Mr. Richard Bishop. : Friday. March 17th, at 1 p. *. JUl ladles interested ar« oordially Invited to join the "Club." < MA. JASKS H. Pmr, PrlSdtiit. Miss JULIA A. s-roar, Seewwry. . , ( 1 1 . • i • • I . • MADAM RUMOR started a story one k <»»jr last week that one of our promi­ nent young men had gone to a. neigh­ boring city for the avowed purpose of enmmittiog matrimony, hut upon In­ quiry we leant that there is no truth lb the story. There 1* still a chanc* foi- som* of our horn* maidens to captur* the runaway. /R. R. BISHOR is now receiving the lnm- /her for his new Pickle Factory, which f is to be built just south of his Wagon Factory. We have not learned the dimension*, but tie informa us it will have the capacity to store the products of 500 acres. _}The building will be 'Commenced as soon as th* weather rill permit. WE would direct the attention of •ur readers to the new adveriisemeut of the Medical Caramel Company, of Milwaukee, Wis,, which can be found In another place in thli paper. Sample packages can be obtained free by call­ ing at the Drag Store of Geo. W. "Besley, who is sole Agent In this vil­ lage. Read the advertisement care­ fully. * IT ts much more necessary for mer­ chants to advertlae now than It was half a century ago. People are more busy now than thev were then. They have less tliue and leisure to look about for what they want. They rely upon the newspaper to learn where their wants can be supplied, and they accept It as a settled rule that the man who advertises the commoditiee which he has to dispose of Inatead of waiting for the people to find it out themselves, is the beat man to deal with and most likely to give satisfaction. WAUKEOAN Is sure to be governed fdr the next year In an economical and business like manner, as they have an editor for Mayor, 8. I. Bradbury, of the Patriot, having been elected to that office at their late municipal election. Economical because country *dlt*ra have always been obliged to study that of Towa, have moved to this village, where they propose to feside in the future. ft • DR. WM. B. HART, of Greenwood, made our sanctum a call on Monday. WESLEY LADD.* who has been absent the past two weeks on a tour throngh Iowa and Minnesota, returned on Mon­ day. fie reports l*s* snow in those sections than here. C. MARBLE and Daniel Jon#*, of Greenwood, called at this office on S^jis^av last. FEED VAH SLTKK. eldest eon af the ilftar of this paper, has been quite let: tit* past few weeks, hut under the are of Drf Bennett, of Richmond, it is hoped he may be on bis musdc again goo'A, J.A. DnriELD, who represents the Woodstock Democrat, was In town ou Tuesday. \ . f MRS. MART WIOHTMAH, mother of H. E. Wlghtraan, and Miss Jeaftc Wight- man, went to Chenoa, III., on Monday. JOHN DORAN has been quite sick for the past week, bat is now reported better. IttNGWOOp. ETTFTOR PLAIVUBALKR:--SOT HAVING seen anything from our little village for some time, I again take this oppor- tunlty to bring a few item a before your many reader* whleh may concern at least a few. Our harness maker. G, L. Hubbard. || Is now prepared to furnish you with light or heavy harness, put up in first class shape and of first class leather. His business here has so increased that he is enabled to carry double as large a stock as be ha* heretofore handled, and from the outlook now we predict a large trade for him the coming season. It is now a settled question, and her­ ald* the tidings to farmers in this and adjoining neighborhoods, that the cheeso factory hero will again be opened on or about May 1st, and from every apparent indication, we boHevo It will be a succesi. Our cheese-maker. Mostey Buckland. has for the past two yearn been engaged*in making butter ani cheese for one of the best firms in McHenry County. He will reflt the factory and endeavor to make it pay EDWIN R. BICNNRTT, son of Dr. S. F. Bennett, Richmond, who lately gradu­ ated from Rush Medical College has been appointed assistant Surgeon in the Cook County Hospital, aud will enter upon his duties April 1st. There were eight places to be filled and tweuty-three applicant*. The eight oandidates showing the- highest pro­ ficiency were appointed. Four enter U|K>II the discharge of their duties April 1st and the other four six mouths later. Young Bennett stood second on the examination, and consequently received the second of the first- four appointments. This is an honor of which lie may well feel proud. Few young men of hl« age start out with a brighter prospect in their chosen profession. The next Sociable tor the benefit of the Cemetery will be held at the resi­ dence of Hon. George Gage, Thuisdny, to-morrow, evening, March 16th. The following iatlie programme: Instrumental Music,-- Miss Grace O-ven. Select Reading--Dr. H. T. Brown. Duet--Mrs. A. A. Martin and Mlai Bertha llollister. Select Reading--C. H. Morey. Song--Mr*. E. J. Hanly. Select Reading--Miss Julia Staifr, Recitation--Mrs. F. K. Gransef. Sonir--Hattte and Mattie Smith. I lis tru mental Music--Kloise Waite. " ' ^Sflect Reading--Simeon Oovttl. Duet--Mr and Mrs. Baldwin. Select Beading-- by Mrs. James.B. Perry. Duet -- Mrs. O. Bishop and Mr*. T. J. Walsh. Select Reading---Mrs. ttimeon Covill. Quartette--Oliver N. Owen, Ed. W. Owen, Mrs. II. H. Nichols, and Mary L. Ower.. Select Reading--L. Blackmail. Song--Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Mead. Song--Will1 Siers. All are cordially iuvited to sttead. J. S. MKDLAR, the popular photo­ grapher of Woodstock, Is framing the large Garfield family group 20x26. in an elegant tr line made of four inch moulding with glass and back complete^ including the Work of framing, for the small sum of 91.50. AKo • the large picture of President G&rfleid with the presidents from Washington to Arthur, sixe 22x28, at the same low price. Do not fail to see these frames before buy­ ing. About one hundred other styles aud slaes at proportionately low rates ttii virtue from uecessity. and business mrnyais." like because our friend Bradbury oever does anything which he undertakes in any other way. We trust he will not feel himself above us poor "cross-road" fellows by his sudden elevation.-- Mayor Bradbury we wish yeu success. |U«!t. A ue uumiiAiB ta man up siuptxi to the mountains, meaniu' ter go iugh Stovepipe Pass. They'll git i, though, afore sundown." ' It's sundown now," observed Sacra- u to. * Then they've got him now," was the tentious response. ' "And we should too late for the liangin' ef we sk'd go Ik. Leastways"--this was added to companions---" you'd better oome ia I have a bite afore ye go." k> presently the three men sat down (he supper that the young girl quiok- prepared for them. And while they ere eating she herself, at her father's ding, went out to take the saddle off gno, hie horse, and give liim his feed. Bhe approached the door once more a * minutes later she heard words which sed her to stop and listen. I don't like ter say anything against kid o* youru, neighbor," one of the was saying, "but it lies kinder ned ter me ail ther while's though sorter hed some 'at on her mind like, don't s'pose she knows anything it thot young feller, arter all ?" kcramento's father laughed at thh hough it was too absurd to be con- sred. 'he other, however, was not to be <hed out of his (suspicions. Fur all we know," persisted he, "she r hev him hid here aomewhere on the It's easy enough to see, " returned proprietor of the said "premmysis," Uy. " Where d'ye think she's hid ? In her bedroom ?" JB he said this Sacramento, who waa r near enough to see into the kitchen, ' her father rise from his chair and j to the door of the room where she them, i concealed the fugitive. Her heart Bt factory having equal chances. It is a "conceded fact that home pat­ ronage encourages and strengthens home trade, thetehy enabling the dealer to sell at a lower figure and at the same time gives the purchaser a chance to secure a better article. Think of tills and buy y«nr clocks, watches, jewelry and silverware of O. W.Owen. McHenry. * W. Lmighaui, dealer in eggs, poultry and other productions of the farm yard, has been, by more tirgent busi­ ness, compelled to quit the roads for the present, but may be found at his home, where he will pay the high­ est market price for all farm products. Will Green has gone to Dundee to work as a' nnrsery hand. Will Is a graduate who passed the critical exam­ ination of R. A. Buckland, of growing notoriety. Allow us to state, also, that Mr. Buckland will give great bargains to those who visit his nursery tlii* season, as his stock is larger and better suited to meet the demands of his cus­ tomers than aver nefore. Charles Prick*tt will leave this place as soon as spring opens, to lead a sur­ veying party in Iowa. O. K. Churchill will do earpeuter work in this vicinity the coming sea­ son. He executes work correctly at a reasonable price. Give him a call. Address. Ringwood, III. Farmers in need of s*ed corn and de­ siring to secure the same, should not fail to uall at the farm of Wm. Stevens. He has about a hundred bushels of choice yellow dent corn, the seed of whieh was grown in Iowa, aud is fully equal to any we have ever seen. Those who remember Mr. Stevens' corn crop of last year should remember that a change of seed Is a good thing and se­ cure some of this corn. Wesley Ladd is absent on business in Iowa. On hi* return he wilf visit points In Wisconsiu lot the same pur­ pose. • ..v. ... The school closed on Friday of last week and an exhibition was giveti on Saturday eveulng which was largely attended. If we don't m'ss our guess there's a fellow not far off who will recleve a despatch saying: "Mother says I mu«n*t and I can't wed." Bounced by telegraph! Why. he'll think he's struck by lightning. A nephew of Mr. Ellis Is making Uncle Jeff, a visit. We bellev* he comes from Michigan. G3EEKWOOD* EDITOR I'LAINDEALER:--Tour many readers, who through tite columns of yonr last week's Issue observed the notice and programme for. a Grand Concert to be given at the .Baptifet Church on Saturday evening last, may be somewhat Interested to know the resnlt. The entertainment proved a grand success In every respect. Al­ though the evening was not as pleas­ ant as could be deMred, the house was well filled with an attentive and ai>- prNciative audieuce, from whom could be iieard at the close the almost univer­ sal expression. "This is the best con­ cert ever held in Greenwood."' Time and space will not permit of eur mak­ ing particular, or special mention of those who participated fh the exer­ cises. as each and all performed their parts well. W« cannot refrain, how­ ever from alluding to the songs ren­ dered by Mr. Siers, which had the efteci to brin^ down the house/ With double forve. &ome amusing incidents occurred to add spice to the occasion. In the rendering of the song by Mr. the patrons as large dividend* as "any fsiersentitled, "The Dumb Wife," as DWIGHT. The Woodstock Boot and Shoe dealer will receive next week a Mam­ moth Stock of Boots and Shoes for Spring aud Summer trade. A large stock of Rubber go<uls now on hand. Marsh IStb, im. loard of Audit. The Board of Audit, of the T^iwn Of McHenry. will meet at the T«wn Clerk's Office, in the villaga of Mc­ Henry. on Tuesday. March 28th. for the purpose of examining and auditing Town Accounts. All persons having r®l| claims against the Town should take due notice and govern themselves ac­ cordingly. J. VAW SLVK a. Town Clerk. IS. GARDKKIXO -- I o every person . who M5®] plants a seed, their attention is called ^ tn frli. funl f 1 J1 anaj to the fact that at the Mohawk Valley Seed Gardens, located at Cauajoharie THOSE people whd comforted •elves with the thought that all danger iost stopped beating as she saw him of an Immediate termination of terres- li open the door and enter the room, trial affairs were at an end, with the oweti by ^ companions, •on fulfillment of Mother Slilpton's1 WeU make a clus search of it prophecy last winter, have committed le ^e're about it," she heard him the folly of crowing before they are ^^hin. out of the woods; for now comes Mr. Proctor and declares that la 1987 an Immense body will fall into the sun sod cause that luminary to break out xltt an iutensltv of heat which will prob­ ably prove fatal to all lile on this planet- This is afstaggering blow to real estate, vkteb waa jaeft beginning la l*vk apw nd then she stood there in terrible •ease upon the porch, expecting y instant to hear the shout that d follow the discovery of the fugi- *,he chorus echoed, "Dumb, dumb dumb!" a voice from the audience ex­ claimed in an apparently earnest, heartfelt tone, '"Thank God!" which no doubt, was the prayer of many a man present. The entertainment re­ flects great credit upon Prof. Baldwin for lii« untiring energy and effort* ill making the enterprise a success, A Wo to the friends who assisted iu the pie- paratory work. The net proceeds were some thirty dollars with a forty dollar house, as none of the members of the school and those who assisted in taking a part wee* called upou to pay admission fees. Wm. Wire closed his school at Spring Grove last, week and Is now at home. Dr. J. Dawson will return to Chicago soon to resume the study of his pro* fession. The school teacher and hia wife were at Church on Sunday evening. Hope there were none present who missed of seeing them. "Spring" still continues to wear her winter apron, six or more incites thick. We do not give this as an item of news tor your many readers here, but to those located in foreign lands and the far off Islands of the sea. Members of the Greunwood Glee Club, Quartette, Trio, Duet and'&Solo Band are under many obligations to Mr. J. A. Vroonian, who haa so kludly rendered assistance In practloe for the past few weeks. May his shadow never grow less nor remain single long. Those wishing Ndrsery "Stock of any kind, seed, seed potatoes, etc.. should keep.|n mind that Greenwood is the place to go. Choir practice at J. H. Harrison's on Saturday evening. All arelprited. Another new preacher at tlys Bap­ tist Church $ahh»t1i next. at tlw w settl the Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewel­ ry. Silverware, Books and Sewing Ma­ chine* during the next SO days at O W. Owen's ^ I If. Y.. are growu and sold direct to the T< planter at wholesale and retail rates £| to suit the wants ef all. Wo advise i every one who only wants one packet ofseedtosend and get "NKLLIS'FLORAL * | ANI> GARDEN INSTRUCTKB,'1 which con. p tains many useful hints and novel In- ma)ducemeuts. and those who buy In iluf'quantity to plant or sell again to get a wholesale catologue,either of which is sent Iree. A trial box of either vege­ table or flower seed valued at 24 and 60 cents, is sent to test for only 10 cents each. For a Jc.stamp the pioprietoi* j will send you the INSTRUCTOR aud a A packet of either vegetable or flower thei seed to test. Be sure and write at criti o-e'e. T tĥ A Vexed Clergyman. w t Even the patience of Job would be- T'come exhausted were ho a pr*«aclier ceedaud endeavoring to interest his desii muliencc while they were keepiug up Tjan incessant coughing, making it iui- von possible lor him to be iieard. Yet, shoi l»o»' very easy can all this be avoided _j by simply using Dr. King's New Dis­ covery for Consumption, Coughs aud colds. Trial Bottles giveu a way. by all Druggists. tQFDuring a steam voyage, on a sudden stoppage of the machinery, a considerable alarm took place especially Watj among the female passengers. "What t° bj Is the matter f For heaven's sake teH us the worts!" exclaimed one, more anx­ ious than the rest. After a short time o hoarse voice from the deck replied, 'Nothing ,madam, nothing; only the bottom of the vessel and the top of the earth ar* atdck together." NUMOA Eorroa ft,iwlii|iiw>}*^ras Askwt sold his property to D. W. Robinson for 82000. It t« said that Ben. Robin­ son's family will occupy the house. Daniel Paddock is home after a three years trip among the Rockies. Oscar Maynard, a cousin of George Dickenson, has taken Will Morey's place in tl%e Drug Store. A large company of Incited friends assembled at the residence of W. W. Hartmaii, on Friday eveulng liist, it being the second anniversary of their wedding. A Inrjre collection of pres­ ents of various kinds was left from the value of 25 (Hints to 810. > A. W. Young visited our school on last week Wednesday. * , , J. A. Sheldon aud wife attended Mr. Nlckle's Exhibition at Ringwood on .Saturday evening last. Quite a lucky railroad accident here On Saturday laat. A misplaced switch ou the valley road ^caused the engine and Ave cars to lelive the track with but slight damage, taking about seven hours to clear up the wreck. Social this week Saturday evening, at Dr. Saunler's. All are Invited. Literary at tli<) Lake Friday night. Arrangements are made for a grand concert to be held in the Baptist Church at Crystal Lake, ou Friday evening March 24tli. 1882. The pro­ gramme will be made up of songs duets, trios and Quartettes together with organ, flute, piano and concert music. Some flue fcading will also ap­ pear in tlie programme. Further notice will appear next week. • RIOCCFIELD. EDITOR PLAINDKALKR:--Aslhere seems to be nobody to write the \news froir this burg I thought I would write A few items. Alec McPherson has retired froAi the blacksmith shop and gone to farming, Doc carries on the shop uow. W. I). Parks harreturned fntfm Iowa where lie has bet n" visltlng^bfs parents. Mr. Reed has rented/the Robinson place. Frank Waterman Jhas moved into the old Ridgelield flJtuse. How about that hitching post? You had better look ajMt|le out Brmey.^ Mr. Davis has liire| Ben Troop for a clerk. Ben Steveufr st/eppiug dowu and out. How abopt Hty^angar Doc says you set up the cigars on, Ben? Joseph Draper was on onratreets last week. R. Hunts oldest child i*>very sick at present with the whiter cliolem. Hod Burton was ou our streets last Saturday visiting his parents. Mr. 'l yrrell lias his uew house pearly completed and intends moving In this week. Mr. Bordeu moves on his vaaw pl«ce on the drst of April. If yon want anything in the shape of tools, plows, drags or cultivators, eall on L. Hartmaii. WAUCONQA. SWStTBSfRfPTION'Vfrtr the PLAWDKALCA will l>e received in Wftfecottita at B Harrison's Drag Store and at the Post Oflec EDITOR PLAINDEALKK:-- The Cloudy weather Monday and Tuesday, caused cheap jokes to he frequently perpetrat­ ed--that "coming events cast their shadows before." The event i. e., the arrival of a troupe of Jubilee singers, claiming to be the original Tonnes- seeans, occurred Tuesday P. M„ and their concert was given in the evening i at the Baptist Church. A dlfterauce of opiniou prevails concerning the merits. • of the performance, some being pleased with it, while others pronounce it the poorest Jubilee conoeft that they ever heard. One of our prominent citizens has been spending the winter In Chicago with the exception of occasional, what our brother reporter of the Gazette states toi be. "hurried visits" to Wau- conda. The gentleman Is active in his movements? and of quite stylish apt pearance generally* Seeing a person answering to the above discriptiou Tuesday, our Venerable postmaster was heard to remark, "ah. so Ism lik­ ing, u* auother {hurried visit." The parry in question shortly • turned his face to the observers, proving himself to be not but the conspicuous Httle end man at the religious concert afore­ said. It wasn't much of a mistake but It served to amorm the boys all the same*. Mr. Bonder hfir*ohl hi* town proper­ ty to Pascal Houghton. This will force Mr. Stevens, who having been engaged to teach the school for another year had rented^ \e home, to seatc other quarters. !' C. L. Pratt lias sold his house and lot to Frank Morrison., 1 Mr, Wood has sold his farm to the Falrwekther brothers. David UlcClaln and John Golding have moved Into the Brewster house. Through the effort* of Mr. Todd. Mr, Marve Cook lias obtained a numlter of German Carp from the government fiirm in Michigan, and pinned them lit a private lake near his residence. Messrs. Ford and Turner started for Dakota Tuesday with eighteen fine hordes. James Halpin. evidently desiring a change quietly put his trunk through the window of the house of his em­ ployer. Mr. A. O. Bangs, and silently stole away, Friday night. A$ide from the un,(§iri|ess of deserting an employer without due notice, it is n* ones busi­ ness whether a man steals awjay in the night or any other time provided he steals nothing else*, but t.o most people it seems to Indicate poor taste. Notice to Holders of McHenry County Orders. Not!ce Is hereby given, that, on the first day of April. A. D., 1881, I will pay the following six per cent. 8800 McHenry Co. Orders, via.: Nos. 92, 09. 141. 148,155, 162 169.176, 18S, 190, 7. 16, 44* 312.40,48*58,65.73, 81. 88, 97. 140. 149.157.165,173,181,189,9.18, 27.37, 46,' 50,60,75,84.94. 138.147, 158, 167, 177. and 186. Interest wPI cease on the above County Orders on the flrst day of April, A. D., 1882. JAMca Kisa, Co. Tr**% Woodstock, III, Feb. SM. 188>. Renew Your Lease. \ There are times In every on's life when energy fails and a' miserable feeling cwuies over tltein, mistaken for laziness. Dautfer lurks In these symptoms, as they arUe from disetiHed organs. Parker's Ginger Tonic will restore perfect activity to th* Stom­ ach. Liver »nd Kidneys, purify th^ blood aud renew your lease of health and couifort.--Adixjcate. living Wltneseea The hundreds of hearty, aud healthy looking men. women and children, that have been rescued from beds of pal it. sickness and well nlgli denth by Parker's Ginger Tonic, are the best evidences In the world of Its sterling merit ami worth. Von will find such iu almost every community. ' Free of Cost. All pepoos wishing to test the merits of a great remedy--one that will positively cure Consumption, Coughs. Colds."Asthma. Bronchitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs fire requested to call at any Drug Store and get a trial bottle of l)r. King's New Discovery for Consump­ tion. pee of coat, which will show yon what a regular dollar sice bottle Will do. Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv­ ered at coiivenieat distances from my residence. ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, 111 EXTENSION TABLES. Extension Tables only One Dollar per foot at John B. Blake's Furniture Store. Call aud see them. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. We have a large stock of the choic­ est Candies manufactured. STKVRNSA SCHKOBR^ Y0URC7HOICE. For your Candies call on Steven* Schuorr. Do Yon Want a Machine. Sewing • WANTED, r v. To contract at once for Fifteen Acres Onions* and Five Acres Cabbage. Sijall close our pur­ chasing contracts for Cucumliers March 15th. S»ltin» Coutracts at ten cents per bushel will be held open until April 1st. Please remember the time. v ^ ^ Kespecttully. CRISTY. Mrs. H. H. Nichols. Has just returned from the <fity with a full line of hat* for the Spring trade of the latest styles and patterns,' to which she invites the attention of the Latlies. Her stock of Ladies Furnish­ ing Goods if complete In every par­ ticular, were bought with espiclal reference to the want* of the ladles of this village aud vicinity, and will be sold as cheap or cheaper than the same quality of Goods can be bought elsewhere. Be sure and call and *** bur new Spring Style of Hats. . Maa. B. H. Nicaocs. "Now Don't You Forget," n% ' ' ' lo ceroe to tke Ringwood Nursery this Spring with your teams, and for a little money take a load of Trees to adorn your hoiues and inake old and young 1 n tlie neighborhood contented' and happy. Very Respectfully Yours, R. A. BUCKLAND.» Kiegwopd, III., March 7th, 188i NOTICE. I am HOW buying 875 worthot leather at a time, and am prepared to sel| double Harness for 830 for the nex' 30 ,1a>s. By paying cash 1 get a discount and will share it with my customers Hand made collars, all warranted. Give me a call. O. L. HUBBAKD, Ringwood. SOLD SOLDI! SOLD!!! Having sold my place of business have got to move, and da offer my stock of Cloths and Ready-Made Clothing at cost for the next ninety days. I have a few Overcoats that 1 will sell at ten per cent, below coat. Now Is your time to got bargains as my stock is clean and In good shape. F.O.llAtKa. McHenry, til., January II, 1881 Dress Making. : Ml*s Eft telle Thompson, at the resi­ dence of Mrs.-W.A. Howard. Volo, Is now prepared to do Dress Making and Plain Sewing. Patronage solicited. .. . MitsK.J. TnoMrsow. Volo, r*b. 4th. 18SL Business Notices." R**«f« Gilt Edge Tonia appetite. FOR SALE OR RENT. ' The undersigned offers for sal* or rent hi* farm, sltueted about } mile eaat of Ringwood. Contains 235 acres• good buildings and good Improve­ ment*. Will b* sold'or rented on reas­ onable terms. Apply to Joe Weideman, McHenry, or to tlpt ^ undersigned at Geneva Laha. - • _> JOHN KOHX. If yon do, of course you waet th* best, as tt costs no more. Then why buy from au Agent who carries but one which he lias fixed up ou purpose to show, when by going to the store of O.W.Owen, In ycllenry, yon can have your choice of Five, via: The Domes­ tic, Eidredge, American, Improved How^. aud Si'ijfer. We keep all these maehbies in stock, aud any lady who wants a machine can set down and try them all. and then select the one which suits her the best. The flrst three named, tlie Domestic. Eidredge and American, are three of the best ma chines on the market, aud any one will be convinced of tlie fact by calling at my store and trying one themselves. Also a tine stock of Clocks, Watches Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, can be found at. my store. Organs and Piauos for sale or rent# O. W. 3WEM FOR SALE. ' * A commodious residence, at the; cor­ ner of adisou and Vine Streets, Woodstock. HI., conveniently located to business, school and the various churche*. Two lots, well stocked with fruit, both large and small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well a ad cistern. Terms easy Apply to * ASA W. SMITH. •^^S^ruodttook, III . . FOR SALE. r 8, ffnmell dfc Sons, Yolo, Lab* Co., Ills., breeder* of pure bred Short Horn Cattle, offer for sale four choice young Bulls, from six month* to two years old. Catalogues and price* seat ou 'application. "FIARBTAN BROS. OWN," th* "Ameri­ can Queejt^ifil^'radc." They have no sttpferiors." Smokers should bear this in inind. ^ Our books are open to receive contracts for salting cucumliers at ten cents pel bushel (>*11 aud see us. CRISTY. WALKER ft CO. " TRT one of Burblau Bros. "New Stock." It will compare with any CI- gir in the market. Great Closing Out Sale. ' Having rented my Store. I now offer for sale in v entile stock of goods at eost or beiow. My stock consists of Dry Goods. Notions, Hats.Caps, Gloves Mittens, Boots. Shoes, Groceries, Crockery. Glassware, Wall Paper, Window Paper.and many other arti­ cles usually kept Iu a country st.-»re too numerous to mention. 1 have on hand a fine line of the celebrated Sela cus­ tom made Boots. and Shoes, which 1 will sell at lower figures than they can be bought elsewhere, its I must close this stock out at once.' This will be a good opportunity to purchase any­ thing you may need iu the above line of goods. Call aud be convinced that tills is no sham sale. ROBKKT KABBISO*. Waueonda, February, 13th, MS*. The best cough medicine In the world. Sample free of charge. Call at Besley's Drug Store and get a sample bottle of Brown's Expectorant free of charge. It cure« coughs, hovse- ness. whooping-cough and consump­ tion In Its early stages, it Is a scientific preparation, admirably adapted for the cure of all throat and lunsr diseases. It is pleasant to take aud entirely harmless. Try it. It costs you noth­ ing. Regular siae hot ties. 8.50 aud 81. For sale by G. W. Besley. H. H. Nichols keeps the Durham brand* of smoking tobacco also lilt siuokfng. Hip Hop " Our Pet " Three Beats " Pearless " A A double A smoking. Kentucky Long Cut smoking. Seal of North < Jorolina smoking. Hunters Killicknick smokiu<*. Gay Fellow smoking, also two brands of Ci'garetts. Call in and get a smoke or a dish of oysters. H. B. NICHOLS. One door sonth Post Ofl<*.e, p. H. Nichols keeps the American Eagle, Dew Drop and Far West Brand* of fin* cut. , Best Woven Wire Mattress, fdr S4.00 at John B. Blake's. F. G. Mayes says lie cannot b* under­ sold, PATRONIZE home industry and buy yonr Ci*ars of Barbian Bros. They make four different brands, and are The Mollne Owen**. Sulky Plow at Fishing Tackle of all kind* at Eugeln's, In Howe's Block, u«sr th# new Bridge. -r ThoFurat A Bradley Sulky Plow * E. M. Owen's. Buckeye Foroa Putua*, atU'lL'H )wen's. All th* Owen's. first-das* Plow* g. * Ladles and Children!* Underwear/ cheap, at J. R. #ei|« & Sou's Waueoa- da. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be fouod iu the county, at O. W. Owen's. ** ' German School Bonka. and English and German Mass Books, at K. E»* gelo'a Howe's Block, near the bridge. Tne finest stock of Perfumerv la tbi county, at J. B. Well* &Soa's VTaacoa* da. J Annoy*ae* AvriMod. Gray hairs are heoorable, b«t thetf < premature appeaftwe* !s annoyfrig. . Park'T'* Hair Balsam prevents the an­ noyance by promptly restoring Iu youthful color, The finest line of Dree* Good* ta this market can be foood at tttovaM 1 Schuorr's. Hams. Shoulder*. B«oon. Bait Ptttft J Lard aud Corned Beef, *T Vowarf* Market, near the Depot. • Examine the ft and 10 cent co«at«M|v, > at J. R. Wells A Son's, Waoconda. A full 1!ne of Buck Gloves and MtCtS at J. R. Wells & Son's, Waueonda. Just received,Overcoats for Men a*«( Boys at F. G. Mayes' Clothing Store, near the new Bridge. Cheap as the cheapest. j SKWING Afachine Needle* for every machine made, can be fouad at M. Ea- geln's, iu Howe's Block, mar tba bridge. Call and see our 83 84 and OvMv coats. The largest line in town. COLBI JEALOUSY, abet has said that '"AH ments or the damned we find In only thee. Olt, Jealousy, then trynnt of th* mind." This is grandly sweeping and magnificently inaccurate. Any suf­ ferer from Indigestion knows to the contrary. Indigestion the villain of thi* tragedy played among the gastie juices ot the stomach can, and doe* double discount the horror* of Jealousy. Jealousy is often an attendant upon the latter, and when indigestion is t*» moved this jaundiced companion of a iVranged liver tiles. TAHKXIXR IS tba !»est known remedy extant for inn paired digestion, deranged liver, aud disease* of the bowel* an4 kidneys*** Price 8.50 and •!. 6. W. BRU.IT, AGENT," % IF you want a good smoke try one of "Barbian Bros. No. 1. Best.4* They at* A Papor Weight and Ink Well coat* blued. A fine and handsome article.-- At Besley's. B. and L. Crome Plug best brand at H. H. NlcUola'. > v Society Belles. •" > On account of Its remarkalii^\#^itfVi'-^ icate and lasting fragrance, society 7 belles are loud in their prai*** of Floresio# Cologne. FOR HALS. 40 Acres bf land tn SectTon "If.HIT fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house aii<l barn thereon, with timber aud water iu abundance, iu Sec­ tion 22. > Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nu >da road. Good near house, barn and other outbuildings.** Apply to JOHN FMJSKT. ; The well-knoWn author of "Medical Common Sense," Dr. N. B.Wolfe, of Cicinnati, O.. has just published a new b tok, called k*More light about th# house we live in!" which is attractively illustrated, and abcund- in "ftlain lalkt but tru «' ayaintt swallowing drugs in­ to tlie stoiaach, for any disease or tba nose, throat or lungs. It is a whole* some little volume to read, and should be in the hands o "* every subscriber to this paper, hut .especially those who have ail)* trouble u their head, their throat or their lungs. Send ten cent* to the lioctor, aud get a copy of it frim by return mail. Address as above. PHOTOGKAPHIO. 4 I would respectfully annouuee to the citizens ot McHenry and vicinity that I have opened the Gallery over Perry & Martin's stor<-, where I will be plea*» cd to oee all those in want of Picturea. 1 feel confident that I can satisfy yon. as I have had a large experience la Portrait and Landscape photography, and am prepared to do both kinds of work. It is my inteution to make Me* Henry my future home, and hope by fair dealing and fair work to merit a share of your patroaage. My pricea will be reasonable. I shall try to suit my customers as well as myself, and will not be couteut with a picture if ( think that I can make a better one. t can be found at my place of bugiuc** during business hours. ' Respectfully Tours. v ^ L. K. BBHKXTT. ; Read, and dont Forget It The liest and most reliable oloffe made iu this country, is the Seta Thomas. The best plated knivo* forks and spoons are 1847 Rogers' Bro*. The hsst hollow ware, such as Castor*, Dinner and Pickle,Cake Baskets.Sugar ami Butter Dishes, Syrup and Child** Cups, Card Receivers. Nut and Pre­ serve pishes, etc., are the Meridea Brittaiiia and Middletowu Plate '^o. Wnlthaui. Elgin, and fine Swim Watches, fine Gold and Plate Jewelry, aud Coin Silver-Ware you * ill find al .1. P. 4 W. R. Smith's, and sold a* cheap as others sell trashy *tnff. All kinds of Watches,Clocks aud Jewelry neatlv repaired and satisfaction guar* anteed. J. P. A W. R.SMITH. Store firat door south ml th* P<8| Office, McHenry. 111. • i equal to the best. FENCE POSTS FOB SALE. .,; 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Feuce Posts for sale. Inquire of _ JOBN DOH VW. CORN WANTED. , Woated,200 Ton* of Ear Cara, iuft ' which th* higbeet market price will (w paid.. K. K.GKAKOS«. COWS WANTED. Wanted tin mediately 20 milch Cows. Apply at ilaely A ^MUl. McUeury, ill. A, H. Haklt *8om; IF yon want to buy Clothing at cago pri«*«->.cull on E. Lawlus, In ing» Block, Mclieury. 'T j ̂ ' • m

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