Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Mar 1882, p. 5

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f »• " • vim; » v $ • . "Vd-.f'.'s • j-*** Uppf npni iMsiTOtSSf Itbiealer, WEDNESDAY, MARCH Si. 1883. Railroad Time Table. 101XO BOUT*. . • Ken T,ake Pnasenirer TitflrA. M tra Uke KxpreM .8:4# ' (eura Lake Freight ,,..,....l?H!*. • OOIHO VOBTK. _ BUM Like Frelrht >:S A. V Gtonera Lake E*preg« 441P. a Betm Ijftk« Ptutactr...-- * :S8 ' B. Brss, Accent. McHenry, 111 8KB the new advertiseirfent of T. J. Dacy & Co., the **Bosif* Machine men. Which can be found in another column. THE oldest inhabitant IS GENERALLY a man; not because he Is given to lying, but because he commenced owning up his are sooner. MRS. vS. SRAKUKS has,just received one of the finest stock pt, new Spring MILL i nary ever:,brought to this town. Call and see. ' • AVOID that whieh you blame others for doing. «ays one of our wise men. Wall, things have coma to a pretty pass if a man can't kiss his owe wife. WE are under obligations to R. A. Howard, of the West side Market, for a fine Bear Steak, left at our residence one day last weak. It t« a rarity In this section. * * f? MORTON A CHAPKIX. Algonquin, sell a car load of cows in that village, to* morrow, Thursday. J. A. Sherwood. ,, the "Boss" Auctioneer, will be the speaker for the occasion. A MAW who was sentenced to ninety- nlne years imprisonment In Texas - appealed for clemency, and the klnd- 1 biarted Judge, much affected by tli« F aeene, took •§ six mouths. THE **Ladles Literary CluV w i l l meet at the residence of Mrs. E. M. Owen, Wednesday, March 19th, 2:30. P.M. Subject--J. G. Wlilttier. J JULIA A. RTOET, secretary. ' XJos. J. pBKTT iiavlug recently fit t ted \ up his Market in the best of manner. Is now prepare<1 to F'tirnlsti meats of a kinds, of the best quality, AMI at the lowest living prices for cash. Xo one should fail to read the new advertisement of J. W. Cristy, Riug- wuod, which can be found In ANOTHER place In this paper. He is offering bargains never before equalled In the county. THE Quarterly Review of the M. K- Sunday School, i n this village, will be 5held is thf church :;cst S;;;;D;;y ing, commencing at half past I Everybody is invited, '*£•?. I}!'OBDKK OK COMMITTKB. SMITH A SNYOER advertise an Auc­ tion of forty 30W6 to take place at the barn of A. L. Howe, in this village, to­ morrow, Thursday, at, 10 oclock A.M.-- Tills is a good time to make au ad­ dition to your Dairy. - L. P. SOUTHWOUTH. of UusselL Kan­ sas, shipped six hundred Sheep from this Station to-day. Wednesday. He bought them in this section and takes them to a large Raucli which he owns near Russell. PRRSONAt,. SHERIFF CHURCH, of Woodstock, was on "our streets one day last week* C. A. CODB and wife are spending this week among friends in Clilengo. 13. A. KNIGHT and wife ,of Chicago, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Brown. Mrs. Knight will temahi here during the weak. PAUL BROWX spent Suaday with bis parents, in this village. Miss HATTIE STOBY, dangtiter of John I. Story, has beeu quite stak /the past week, but is now reportud better. HARRT lloiMKs returned from his trip to York State, on Friday last. TAC COLE, of Richmond, made our sanctum a pleasant call on Tuesday. CARL RALSTOX. was out from Chicago visiting his parents oii Saturday last. ' M^AKD MRS. WM. FOX, of DeKalh. III.,'itave been spending a few days with the family of Henry Colby. E. A. JAMES, of Mil waukee, brother- in-lrw of Dr. F.J. Cross, S|*ent a faw days in this vlllagetast week. PURCHASERS of Boots ana Shoas will be interested >n the aunoHnce- rnent In our advertising columns this week, by W. H, Dwigiit, the extensive Boot and Sho4 dealer of Woodstock, lie carries the largest stock in the county, and buying in large quantities. Is able to sell At prices sufficiently low to make ic au object for people |to travel twonty-flve miles to buy of him. Read Jii« advertisement, and call aad see hlui when in Woodstock. CfCII" MV«V1 T. ELDRKiXik is »>till buying and shipping Poultry. He has probably shipped as much, if not more this sea­ son than any other buyer- l:» this If vou have PoultryJto sell now is the time to bring it in. He pays the highest marke; price. , A CHICAGO dispatch says that articles of Incorporation have been filed with the Secretary of State for a railroad from Waukegan to the West bound* of Lake County. Several Chicago ge 11 tle- meu with Messrs. Erskino and Brad­ bury of Waukegan, are the Incorpor­ ators. IN a Glenwood, Iowa, paper, we find the following notice of the good fortune of Albert B. Boone, a former resident of this county: It is better to he born lucky than rich. A. B. Boone, ot this place. Is the fortunate recipient, of a notice from the Omaha Bee to the effect, that he has drawn a Three Rivers Vibrator Threshing Machine, valued at #650, in their annual distribution of premiums to the subscribers of the Bee. This Is very uppioprlate lis Mr. Boone is in that line, and no.v has three threshiug machines beside? a corn sheller and similar machinery. His many friends here rejoice to learn of his good lor- tuue. J. H. MCCALL. the Sheep Shearing Chair man, returned on Friday from a two weeks trip in Iowa, where he made an extensive sale of Territory for his Chairs, and Is again ready to supply the farmers In this vicinity. Those who have used them say they are wo^th double-thelr price even for one .year's use. Mr. McCall cau 1*6 fouud at tlia Riverside House. "Mr Rambles in the Enchanted Sum­ mer Land." is the title of a pam­ phlet sent us by the C. A N. W. R. R It Is a series of letters written during the Sninrher of 1831 by a lady travel­ ing and resting in WUcousiu. The letters are written to her Invalid friend in Louisiana, a lady who had ex­ pected to accompany the author and are 'nice pen pictures of nearly all of the pleasure resorts or the North- west. Tha pamphlet Is neatly illustrat- ed. Tlie letter* are fresli. racy and en­ tertaining. it can be obtained by ad­ dressing C. A S. W. It. K. Chicago, HI. Examinations ot Teachers. Examinations of eandidates for toad . er'» certificates will be held at the fol- 4t»*eli»g times and places: v Maieugo Monday March 20, Huntley, Tuesday, March 21.ov&w Hebron, Thursday, March 28£^. IIarvard. Friday, March 24. Woodstock. Saturday, March 15, Nuuda„ Wednesday, March 19. Mcffeury,'Thursday. March 30. li^uhnmnd. Friday. March 31. Candidates are requested to be -on hand promtply at 0 o'clock A. M. All persons desiring certificates should be present at the of these examinations I shall examine no candidates after rtheee dates except on my regular office davs at Woodstock on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. A. W. YOL'HO. Co. 8npt. of Sohoola KASIKK PARTY. There will be an Faster Party at the McMcnry House, in tills village, on Monday evening, April, 10th, 1882. Music, Riiigwoojj^J^aiu^ All are nrmsA. • Pern SMITH, Proprietor. THE McHeury Dramatic Club are [now rehearsing for the besutJ|ul five act Drama entitled "lite Hidden Hand." which they propose to bring out in about two we^ka^due notice of wlncn win oe given. This Is one of the finest dramas on the boards, and the former well earned reputation of till* Club will ensure them a full honse on thifc occasion. Look out for tlielr posters early next weefc. v WE desire to call attentWfc^lW^the advertbmeut of fhe Colorado Mineral Specimen Conipauy, elsewhere In our columns. This Is a goad chance to secure a fine collection of geological wonders, which, in additlbn to their rarq beauty all are labeled. %o that the possessor of a oabines may become quite a mineralogist. They make * specialty of these small cabinets. J>ut will furnish to order cabinets of any size and^-pri^e. Also Botanical Col- lectloivs and Fossil Remains. WE find the following fey Peck's Sun: •HA young man at Elkhart. Ind. has startid a six-colnmn weekly with the avowed object of "restoring to the Re­ public its wonted grandner and pros­ perity." You can't do it youu^ fellow We trietKit for six years to restore the Republic to its wonted grandner and prosperity by publishing the ablest paper iu this county, and taking tur­ nips and slab-wood on subscriptions, never had money enough to buy a dog. but of late years we have let Jthe won­ ted Republic shirk for itself and the 1st of January we had over $6.n Hams, Bacon, ̂ ausa^e. and all kinds of trts*h and «;iit ui«*ats. at Frett's Market at living prices for cipMi. Ir yon want to buy C|othuu at, £hl- eago r»rf«*s. C»'l on E. Law Jus, fM tan- iiig'a Block, M'tHcury. ' - The D^iry Market. From the Elgin Daily News Butter seems to keep pretty well to the same figures that have been paid for some weeks. The regular sales Mouday were rattier larger than the week previous, but prices were 38, 39 and 40 cents, with 48 ruling. This is against 32$@32| obtained on the same board a year ago. At the present prices dairymen ought uot to som< plain. Since last week the market for cheese has slightly Improved, then none was sold; Monday there was 0110 transac­ tion, at 5^ cents. A year ago cheese sold for 9J. So while butter is much higher f ban a year ago, cheese Is a great deal ldwer. The resolution introduced by C. W. Gould two weeks since, to t*»ke §200 from tlia treasury to Iwip prosecute Chicago dealers of (Hitterlne and otlier adulterations, was voted ilowii. The call board held for the space <»f fifteen minutes is becomlug popular. CALL at Frett's Market and see his flue arrangements for keeping meat in warm weather. The handiest and nofttest murktl !n the count v. HORSE FOR SALE. For Sale, a first class driving Horse. Good either single or double. Is sev^n years old, sound and kind in every particular. Will be sold at a bargain If inquired for immediately, luqnire of J. J. Vasey. Ring wood. III. Mrs. H. H. Nicholt*. Has just returned from this city with a Hill line of hats for the Spring trade of tlie latest styles and patterns, to which she invites the attention of the Ladies. Her stock of Ladies Furnish­ ing Goods 5f complete In every par­ ticular, were bought with espicial reference to the wants of the ladies of this village and vicinity, and will be sold as cheap or cheaper tli inlhn name quality of Goods can be bought elsewhere. - iiw sure aud call aiul sea our new OI\»C of tiuls. . • Mas. H. H. IfiCBOLS. GREEK WOOD- T EUITOR PLAIJJDEALBR:--Our asaJl carrier, who is now compelled <0 trav­ el the roads dally, reports them as be­ ing In a horrid condition, a question which will admit of no argument »- Our school in tha* village closed on Friday last, with many regrets on the part of the scholars as they report a very pleasant and interesting ' term. The teacher, J. A. Vrooman, leaves many warm friends In the community whose acquaintance he formed during his short stay. tThe teacher for the summer term has not yet been en^ gaged, as tlie present directors prefer to wait until after the election of di­ rector aud the organization of the n°\v board. There have been several applications however for the position. The remains of Louis • Amblee, late of Nebraska, arrived for Interment In the Greenwood Cemetery on Saturday last. The deceased was a cousin of J. H. and O. Garrison. J. P. L>assow and wife returned from Cinclnati on Saturday last, where he has been spending the last few weeks, under medical aud surgical treatment tar the removal of a cancer from Ills eye. lid withstocd the critical and painful operation of the removal of the eye aud tlie sawing and taking out of the bridge bone of tlie temple and cheek, with a courage and nerve equal to the best, being able to walk out nearly every day. Although some­ what haggard and *vorn from his con­ st'i nt suffering, lie Is apparently doing well. This new "Egg Firm" of Foote A Jones, organized a short time since, made their first shipment to Chicago one day last week, with returns iu due thne of a margin In favor of Green- woo.i a« a market, iustead of Chicago, of two cents per dozen. It hns had the effect to stimulate the liens of the surrounding country to a double effort. They are evidently attempting to get up a "coi ner" on the hens. When tlie crisis conies we will Inform your read­ ers which "bust*" tirst, "firm"lisns or Eggs." D. VV. Sopor started for Chicago on Moudwy for the purchase ot more new goods. Those wishing to obtain prime new, Black Onion Seed, hf- the pou-jd at from •.50 to 84.00 cau obtaip the same by sending ili»«lr orders to "D. W. Soper,"' or "Foots A Jones* Green* wood. Ill, . Knowl tfg that peoptfiS* taste differ and fearing that some of your renders may tire rrom constantly reading prose, (especially where so prosily written.) for the benefit of any such, we offer the following, for considera­ tion. " V "Lot vhett the three foWdemon atalksaloug. The irork of dua&il itiou to proloug; Knvy, anit liate, an>i malice ail ;otahlne<l. To make AffliiUi'inii ami torment mankind. Forward the duuion strides in sullen mood, And cliew* a vi|n;r fitr iior daily tood; Loaded with islanders, and with poiton •trotiff §he deals them largely to the (rapine Mtrongv At others'excellence -ihe pines straightway. Slate briug« her malnre into active play.; G 3o<t name she tear*, and scatters to |he air, jlll other ef|>theia of s»od and fair. A spotless i.hnr 14-ter, whenever found. With lmtc she trtmple* on the mlery irrouml; While in h^r train ' ehot l c te npest rise, That swells and roaches to the topmost skies.' "So smites the slanderer, with poison'd tongue. The man--her neighbor--who has done no wrong; ' Thieflike, sha steals what gold cannot re. place, And, like a rowsrd, dare« not show her, face A brutish cur. thU sneaks aiung the track Awaits her time, then springs upon th« back." Choir practice ot J. H. Garrison's on Friday evening. Woodstoel Department. The fronf of JeWett%« Boot and Shoe StoN> looks jilea since It received that new coat of paint. J. S, Wheat sprained one of his limbs last week ami has h?eu coufiued to the house Iu And still they come. We mem* tl^e farmers moving Into town to live. M. M. Morley and I. G. Chase now reside In Woodstock. The funeral of Francis Short was largely attended last Wednesday. Mr. Short wa* 81 fears of age and had re­ sided I11 this county 44 years. A little son of Ah.tkew Burke, an employee of the Woodstock Brewery, broke liis leg above the knee last Sab­ bath. l>r. A, E. Baldwin was- called who set the broken member and the boy appears to be doing nicely at this writing. I. G. Chase, of Seneca, has purchased the Wm. E. Smith propcrtjr In this city aud will move into the time early next fall. Mr. Chase has sold his farm iu Seneca and Will first visit his son llenr.v, who resides In the west, and then go east and remain until he moves into lits hou»e hers which Is now oc" enpied by G-S. Southworth. Frank Ta ppau,lately in the employ of Frank Bunker, as a grocery clerk, goes to Huntley this week, where lie will emb'irk In buslnns* for himself -- He goes Into partnership with John Ilawley of that tawu, who lie formerly worked fur. May success attend him Is the dasira vf Ids many friends in this city. Our merchants are fast filling up anil getting ready for thespriug campaign. The hardware firm of Tliot*. Whitson A Sou have bought largely and arc uow prepared to furnish from their mammoth stuck anything wanted iu their Hue of trade. This is the.largest Hardware House Iu northern Illinois.-- They have one of the best arranged and finest stores In the state, using all of three floods. The winter term of onr public school expired last Wednesday, when a short vacatiou was grunted the scholars and teachers until Mouday of this week the spring aud summer tei;in was com­ menced, so that the school Is uow In running order mid is 6ald to he in a condition of prosperity and running very smoothly under the management of Prof. Kstce and his able corps of as. vlstants. The family of Mr. Burley llvlag 011 the Mareugo road about a mile from i this city and whojia^recently lost two chi'drs;: frus: tftat terrible d!ss;;*»e dlpfherla have their last and youngest child a little girl down with the same disease at tlilja writing and tlio case is said to be #vor*e t%au either of the others. Surely this family are luiviug mom than their share of nflllctlou. The Odd Fellows of our city metj Rt their hall last Tuesday evening and were visited by tioII of n^em- Iters of the order from nuda. ami also I by several cnndldapea from Pulatlne, j who were llinitfated. At 10:30 o'clock, all retired to ihe Richinond House sind sat tlown to a bap^uet prepared for the Occasion. Although Mr# Richmond had *hort notice we hear many words In praise^from those who sat down. At the conclusion of the banquet tlie mem Iters repaired to the lodge room and engaged In "degree work until about 2 A. M. The Democrat in giving j*an account of tlie above meeting says "Installation w«»held at the A. O. U. W.. rooms TueMlay iilglif. when aeveral members Richmond Departnent. (Jomiwtioirn. r. UKKNKTT. Jesse Allen sold seventy odd hsad of teat tie at auction la^t Saturday. The rand about here is exactly one million feet deep--as far *s explored. As usual when tlie roads are bad. much sickness prevails in the couutry. and tlie doctors earu their nlckleS. Notice to Holders of McHenry County Orders. Notice is hereby given, that, on the first day of April. A. D.. »882, I will pay the following six per cent. $300 McHenry Co. Ord'*rs. viz.: Nos. 92, 9#. 141. 148,155. 16J. 169.176, 183, 190, 7. 16, 24.32. 40. 48. *5. Go. 73. 81. 89, 97. 140. 149. 157.165,173. 181.189, 9.18, 27.37, 4G, 55,66,75,84,94. 138.147, 158, 167, 177, and 186. Interest wlM cease on the above County Orders on the first day of April, A. D.. 1882. JAAAS NTSH, do. Tr«a% Woodstock, III., Feb. «M, 18BS. Fred Fisher, lias so iiiucii Improved of his disease as to be about ou crutches, and is about able to ruu the house. AlHils friend" are glad. Mary, daughter of M. M. Clothier, lately arrived from Massachusetts, has been dangerously 111 w|th pneumonia, but. is now happily convalescing. ' a - Henry R* liorst supplemented his. late Injuries from a runaway, by taking on an atrocious sciatica fr»ra widch he U now convalescing. . J. C. McKesson lias just bonglit a span of colts 3 and 4 y^ars old. They promise to be "flyers. Hope they may both turn out "Charley Fords." Our friend P. A. Putter lias been "doing himself proud" In tidying up his store until it is n^at and inviting as one could wish. Wa command his good taste to others, A 8. Wright aud James Rice want to Elgin Monday to commence opera­ tions Iu tiie Spring: Bed business. Messrs. L. B. Rice and A. 8$. Wright own the patent right for Kaue county. Dr, G. Frank Lydstuu, Chicago, late resident surgeon Charity awl State Emigrant Hospitals, New Yo« City, spent the last Sabbath in Richmond. Dr. Lydston Is located at 137 East Madison St. Chicago. His specialty Is Surgery. Country physicians requiring help In difficult surgical cases, will Hud iu Dr Lrdston an operator second to none, and will do well to remember his ad­ dress and send to him wrhen In need. The fine qnality and large quantity of wark turned out at the wagou shop of A. P.Gray is a subject ol general re­ mark and worthy special mention. Mr. Gray came to Richmond almost a stranger and expected the usual ii|^illl work of commencing a new business In a new location. But lilt success has b en truly gratifying both to himself aud his frlenns. Tlie re Is ast«»dily In* creasing demand for his wo'k and he is running his shop to its full capacity. Anyone in want of a heavy or light vehicle, open or top. will find Mr. Gray a Rood man to deal with, and one whose work can be relied on every time. Our whilom townsman. Hank Treoil, nowVcatedat Man«ou. Iowa, Is the subject of an article in the Calhoun County' Journal, a part of which we re­ print. Trebll Is night watch at Man- so:i. where a lunatic was«conflned In tke-«aiabiM*e.< The Jour**/- teHe rest of the story thus: About 10 o'clock, as Mr. Trebll. the night wateh, was making' his rounds, lie heard erie* from the cooler, ftud up­ on Investigation found that Ronosch had set his bed oil Hre in the cell.-- The whole room, was filled with smoke and appeared to be o«i fire, and the helpless inmate locked in a prison of dentil that looked like hades itself, with firu all round, was a |>itable light to see, Hank threw a pail ofwaier through the bsrs aud quickly unlocked the door and relense'l the prisoner from the Ixsll he had made for himself, and drugged the bed out into the street Jn*t in time to save the cooler from burning up. „ . By this time a large from Palatine were { w|'ow,| b»d gathered and, quickly ex­ tinguished the lire. It was a close call for young Ro^nsch, as a few minutes more lie would hare been su(located by the smtike aud hear, and with the strong wind that was blowing, there would have been a -fair show for the west . _ , , "ide of Malu street, below Sceoud. to and the effect on Ills vision was to |)aVe been wiped out. The Journal InstalbMl." The editor ( ?") of that pa­ per had probably be«o looking through tlie wrong kind J of glares when he tried to make up his account from eltlieh the Independent or Sentinel. | EXTENSION TABLES, • ^TCxtenslon Tables only One Dollar per foot at John B. Blake's Furniture Store. Call and »ee them. Board of Audit. The Board of Audit, of the Tofrti of Mellcnry. will moet at the Town Clerk's Office, in the village of Ma- Henry, au Tuesday. March 28th. for the purpose of examining and auditing Town Accounts. All persons having, claims against the Town should take due notice and govern themselves ac­ cordingly. ; J. VAW SLTKK, Town Olafk. a Women's hxperlener. Mothers aud Daughters should feel alarmed when weariues* constantly oppresses them. *'If I am fretful from exhaustion of vital powers aud the color i» fading my face. Harker's Gin­ ger Tonic, gi ires quick relief, 11 builds me up and drives aw*y pain with won­ derful certainty."--Baffub) Ladj/, Great Closing Out Sale. Having rented my Store, I now cfter for sale my enliie stock of goods at cost or below. My stock consists of Dry Goods, Notions, lIat$.Cap«.Gloves Mittens, B«w»ts. Shoes, Groceries, Crockery. Glassware, Wall I'aper, Window Paper, and mauv other arti­ cles usually kepi iu a country st.ire too numerous to meuliou, I have 011 hand a fine line of tlie celebrated Selz cus­ tom made Boots and Shoes, which 1 will sell at lower figures than they can i»e bought elsewhere, as ? must close this Ktock out at once. This will be a good opportunity to purchase any­ thing yon may need la the above line of goods. Call and be convinced that this is no sham sale, RoaienT HABBISOX. Waueonda, rebrnary, Wth, ISM. ; Foundation rocks and Gr:iv*Id«*iv- ered at coiiveui»*f dUt<tucet froni my residence. " ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, ill make the letters l.O. O. F., appear to be A.O. U. W. and the word Initiated look like "Installed." The candidates from Palatine will probably smile when they learn that they were "in­ stalled" before they wera luitlated. PERSONAL. E. A. Stone who was reported sick in a farmer communication is aald to he Improving and artll soon be about again. C. S Bltxer of Indianapolis and who formerly resided 11,ear tills city Is here visiting friends aud relatives. Thomas Wiggens A Son, of Harvsrd* called ou friends In this eity last week. Mr. Wiggens was on# of Wooditockt eaily settlers. Mrs. Win. H. Co#11n who has been very III during the last week or so Is pronoiincod inmih better by her physician. Dr. A. E. Baldwin. Orvllle Bsrber, of the Chicago IHsllfW f^we, W'l* bore fa«t v^eek. ; WAUCONDA. •WSITBSPRIPTIOJiSifor the Pt,AfKDBALKH Sill l>e received in Wauc.oiida nt V. B. Srrisoii's Dr«i Store and at tbe Post Office EDITOR PLAJNDKAUCK:--Fred Bur- rett and Engene Jenks have obtained good positions la «u agricultural implement manufacturing establish- at Hockford. Superintendent Fisher visited the school last week Thursday . He held an examination for teachers certificates. School closes this week with an ex­ hibition Saturday evening for tne benefit of the school library. The mud is responsible fur the lack of news this week. ----1------mf * > Free of Cliargd. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds. Asthma. Bronchitis, Loxg of Voice, or any affect ion of the Throat and Lungs, are requested to call af. anv Drug Store and «et a THal Bottle of Da. Kind's New Discovery for Con­ sumption. free of ch'irge. which will convince t.iiein of its wonderful merits and aliow what a regular ^ollasr bottle will do. Call early. | _ 1 '« aad .'urtly. Ladles who appreciate elegance aud unrity are using i'arker*# ll.iir Balsaiii. ft l« the best a||f»*le juilil for restoring giay liair tu its uti^inal beauty and lustra, gives three cheers for Hank Trebll, the night watch. At considerable trouble we have gleaned from the Crop Report, of the State Department of Xgrlvulture, the following statistics to regard to the crops Ac., of McHeury County for 1881: Tlie number ol acres iu meadow is 41.541; In winter wheat 4^2; In spring whea^t, 3.495; In oats, 22.422, In pasture, 70,697;iu orchard-. 1.711; Iu rye, 347; In barley, 527; in Irish potatoai 949; In sorghum, 95; in flax, 460. Tlie prices of crops Iu MeHenrjr County, Dec. 20tli, 1881, ware as fal­ lows; Com. 51 cents, winter wheat $1.16, spring wheat M.13. oats 39 cents, rye 88 cents, barley 76 cents, buckwheat, 91.00, white heaus. #2.10, Irish potatoes^ to ceuts, winter apples, 92 cents, flax seed, Si.30, timothy sead% 92.23, clover seed. #4.90, kinugaribn and millet, 60 cents, sweet potatoea. In their seasou. #1.50,grapes pef pound In their season, 6 cents, clovsr hay per ton. 6.65, timothy hay, 8.00. prairie hay, 6.15. native wine per gallon, 1.00, sorghum inolaswss, per gallon, 55 cents, wool per pound, 37 ceuts, milch cows per head, 40.00. butter, per pound, 32 cants, cheese, per poiiud, 10 ocuts. No of acres In corn, 38,830; average yield per acre,24 bushels; yield, total, 931.920; price per bushel. 51 cents; value of crop, #475.279; cost of produc­ tion per acre, 11JS0; total cost of pro­ duction, #446,545; profit on crop, #28,- 734. The value of pasturage, per acre Is estimated at 1.95, making total value. 226,256.00; total yield of potatoes, 72, 124 bushels, and value. 57.699.00; cost of production! 8.838.00 value 38,861.00. The average yield of sorgrhum mo- lasses per acre was 137 gallon#, gal­ lons produced. 13,015, value 7.158.00. No of hogs re|K»rted by assessors. 26.- 363, marketed Iu 1881, 18.718; average weight. 255: total live weighi, 4.773.- 090; average va'ue per 100 pounds 5iiS; total valii.' 255.361.00, No. of eat tie asse^e-l. May 1881,43.- 193; no marketed 1881, 9,934; average j live weight, 1.200; total weight. 11,- 920^00;* average price, live weight, 4.26; total value 506.634.00. * No, qf fat sheep, 13,230; no, marketed 1 1881, S,175average, live weight, 100 pounds, total lite weight.- 317/KW pounds; value live weight, 2.75? value 8,731.00. 'l>ethree above 1tem«9f hogs, cat- t WaiKi sheep marketed Is 1881, aggre­ gate a value «>f 824.270. The statistics of hog cholera In Mc­ Henry County show that two per cent ol the hogs were affected, and the to­ te) loss 527 head, turolving a loss ot 2,819.00. Tbe number of sheep killed by dog* In 1881 was 1.004. valued at 2.560: The total average iu county, as Ire- turned bv assessors. Is 38-1,265; square miles. 600.41; average number of hor*«p to square miles 10, cattle. tC" hogs, 44< Sheep, 84. The total value of farm nrndncts i n the year 1881, was 1.468,120.00, an average value of 3.82 per acre, on au assessed valuation of land of 14.93, or a full value of 23 58, giving the per cent of value of farm crops to full Value of land p^acrc of .16, live stock marketed. .8, and both together, 24 per cent. The names aud post office addresses of crop correspondents to Department of Agrbmlture for McHenry Copnty. are as follows: E. H. Scevard. Ma- renao; James (/'row. Crystal Lake; Sidney Dlsbrow. Aiden; T. McD Ricliar<ls, Woodstock; Richard Wrny. Rlohmond. • WANTED. Itocontmct at once for Fifteen Acres Onit>nf and Five Acres Cabl»ge. Shall close our pur­ chasing contracts for Cucumbers March 15th. i3altin<r Contracts at ten cents per bushel will be h«ld open until April 1st. Please remember the time. • liegpecttnUy. CRISTY. WALKER * C9. "Now Don't You Forget," To come to the Ringwoed Nursery tills Spring with yoar teams, and for a little mouey take a load of Trees to adorn your homes and make old aud young in the nelg hborhood contented aud happy, ® Very Respectfully Yours, R. A. BUCKLANB* ̂ BtagVOMt, HI.. March 7th. MM. • - - * r NOTICE. * ' T iitti tmw buying #75^vbrth«t1aither at a time, and am prepared to sel] double Harnesti for #30 for the uex' 30 :laj9. By paying cash I get a discount and will share It with my customers Hand made collars, all warranted* Give me a call. O. I. HnniuKD, Uingvood. SOLD 8ULDI! SOLD!!! Havlrig sold my place of business j have got to move, and do offer my stock ef Cloths . aud Ready-Made Clothing at cost for the next ninety days. I have a few Overcoats that 1 will sell at ten ppr cent, below eostt Now is your tiu>e loget bargain* as my stock is ylean aud In good si»Hpe, •" ^ ' K.O. MATES. ltoHsarr, til., jaauary 11, tm. : FOR 8AL6. '•*% Russell A Sons, Volu, Lake Co.. Ills., breeders of pure bred Short Horn Cattle, offer for sale four choice young Bulls, from six months to two years old. Catalogues aud prices seut ou application. FOR SALE OR RENl^ ^ The undersigned offer* for or rent his farm, »l tun ted about } mile east of Ringwood. Contains 235 acre*, good buildings aud good improve' inents. Will be sold or rented oa reas. onable terms. Apply to Joe Weldeman, McHeury, or to the undersigned at Geneva Lake. ' JOHN KOIIN. " "BABBIAN Buos. OWN."' the " Amerl- can Queen,'" aud "Trade.*' Tlioy have no superiors. Smokers should bear this in nuiid. I".'! . * t s < -«ll ' iRceiff Gill Ed%e Tonic appeeita. The Moline Owen's: inikj Plow & K. * Fishing Taefcle or all klml* at Engeln's, in Uvwc's itluck, mar new Bridge. Tlie Fm>t A Bradley Sulky Pl«»w E. M. Owen's. « W'"s Buckeyc Force Owen's. Puuipe,la*ft. All tha Owen's.' Plows tti,. K. M • -•'*. Ladles and CidWr^n* l^^nwrar,1 cheap, at J. R. Wells A Son's Waucon** ' da. "'he finest line of Silver and Plated!; Ware to be fouud in liie eousity, at O* W. Owen's. German School B<i«>ks. and RngHstt and Germ an Mass Buokaw at M. Ei»» . gelu's Howe's Block, m-ar tlie bridge. " 1 " ' • " Tne ffn«*st. Utock of Perf<t«nenr in the 11 emmty,at J.SU W*l|#*SoufW. da. . ^ Mtnoymnee AvtfMeA. Gray hairs are hannr.ible, hnt thefr ^ prematnre appearsure Is aniiaylngi - Parker's Hair Balsam prevents itie* aw»v-' novauce by promptly rentoriug it* * youthful color. v Tlie finest Hue o^ fireea Goods iilrj this market can be found at Sic vent .. A ^liuorr't. •» Hnins. Shoulders. Baetm. Lard and Corned Bfef, at l|oiaardtfe Market, near the Despot. . < | Examine the 5 aud 10 ee>it enonteri , at J. R. Wells A H«»nV. Waiarouda. A full l!ne of Buck Glo*w» and MttfS at J. R. Wells A AOM'S. Wuuconda. Just received. Overcoats for Men ani l® Boys at F. G. Mayes' Clothing Store-, uear the new Bridge. Cheap as tk« : clicapest. SKWIXG ^fachine Nee»||ea for every machine made, can lie found at.M. geTn>. tu Howe's Block, near bridge. Call and see oar OS $4 and 4S Ovsr* Coats, The largest Hue In town. COLBT Baoa, JEALOU8TT{ gflotBt poet hns said thftft-^AII- meuts of the damned we tlu<l in only Uiee. Oh. Jealousy, thou iryaut of tha mind." This is grandly sweeping and magnificently inaccurate. Any stif* ferer tiom Indigestion know* to-tluM contrary. Indigestion tbe villain of the tragedy played among the ga«ll* juices of the stomach can, and doe# double discount the horrors of jeaKmsy, Jealousy is often au attendant upoa v the latter, and when indigestion is ie« •«ove«! this Jaundiced coR»*%f";lon of n. «Ieranged liver ffies. TARKJtWl! Is tha best known remedy extant for lm- paired digestion, deranged liver, and disease# of the bowels au<l kidoeys.-- Price 9^0 aud f 1. o. w. imiT, Aint. lp you want agood smoke try one of | "Barbian Bros, Best." They AN A'- No. 1. v. Papa*. Weight aud iuk -W#lI ooa»« » biiied. A fine aud haudsome sriinit.-* ' 1 At Besley's, B. and L. Crome Plug Tobacco best brand at H. If. Nichols*. _ MM Our book8 are open to receive contracts for salting cucumbers at tea cents pet bushel f UU aad see us. CRISTV. WALKER A CO. T*T one of Bar hi an Bros. "New Stock.*1 It witl compare #1tb any Cl- gir in the market. The best cough medicine In the world. Sample free of charge. Call at Besley's Drug Store and get a sample hot tie of Brown's Expectorant free of charge. It uure« coughs horse- ties?, whoopiug-coui;h and consump tton in its early *tag<'«. It isascientidc preparation, admirably adapted for the cure of all throatand lung diseases. It is pleasant to take„ anq entirely harmless. Try it. It costs yon noth­ ing. Regular Rise hottie«. 9.50 and $1. For sale by G. W. Be«ley. H. II. Nichols keeps the Dttrfoam brands of smoking tobaoco also lilt Miakilfcr,' Hip Hop " Our Pet " Three Beats " Pearless " A A double A smoking. Keptuck v Long (Tut smoking. •ieal of North Condiua stnokHig, flnnters Killickulck smok1tr»»- ; 1 Gay Fellow emnkiiijf..also two brands of Cigarette. Call tu aud get .aL< smoke or a dish Qf oysters. 1 .NICHOLS. 0as d«>or south Po^t Offlne, Tl. I|. Nichols keeps the American Eagle, Dew Drop and Far W«at Brands of tins cut. Best Woven Wire Mattresa, for #4.00 st John B. Blake's. F. G. Mayes says he cannot bs urder- sold. PATROXIZK home industry and buy your Clears of Barbian Bros. Tbey make four different braucls, and are equal to tlie best. , M FENCE 1'OS IS FOlt §ALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Poets for sale. Inquire of JOHV DOKaX. Society Belles. A'V," Ou account of its remarkably Icate and lasting fragrance, society belles are loud In their praises of Florcstou Cologne. 1 " '• : 1 I '" ' ' TOR SALE. ^ ~ *'*0 4® Aei*s of laud in SeetlW- It, sf| \r; fenced. Also SO acres of land, with good house ami barn thereon, wlt!|# S timber and water la abundance, in Sec* SI tion 22. .-rll Also my homestead on tlie Crystal ; Lake and Nunda road. Good ne«^ house, baru aud otlio/1 outbuildings.--« Apply tu JOHN FLUSKT. The of ~Medioaf:?vV: Common Sense,"# Dr. N. B. Wolfe, oft Clci limit I, O.. has just puhlislKNl a uewpr • r h • K, called '"More light about lb* house we live in!" which is attractive!# illustrated, aud abound- in "plain ial^ but true* (tf/a inut swallowing drag* in* to the stomach, for any disease of ths ; nose, tliroat or lungs. It is a wbo'.e^ some little volume to read, and shmiftf b»« in the hands o"" every suUsciiber this paper, but especially those wha have ^ny trouble in their head, thei^v,,, throat or their lungs. &itid tea cent#; .; to the Doctor, and get a copy of It fre# '% by re turu tuall. Do Addresa as above. Yon Want a Machine. 8ewlii|); If you do. of course you want tha;.*-: best, as it costs no more. Then buy from au Agent who carrtea but . v.; one which he has fixed up ou purpoaa ^ to show, when by going to the store ofT?^ O.W. Owen, in yclleury, you can hava^j>|| your choice of Five, via: The Domes*' tic, EMredge, American, Improved: ' Howe, and Singer. We keep all these' machines in stock, and any lady whft lit wants a machine ban set down and prj?£0 them all. and then.seiect tiie one which> ^ suits her the best. The Hist three< i j named, the Domestic, Kldredge aud ( American, are three of the best ml chines 011 tlie market, and any one will^lll be convinced of tiie fact by calling at:vi; my store and trying one themselves. Also a line stock of Clocks, Watches ^ Jewelry, sjilver and Plated Ware* be found at my atora. Orjcami acal^ i Pianos for sale or reut. I M . a w. 3wsx '-M Read, and dont Forfet It m CHOICK CONFKUllON'ERY. We have a large stock of the ehulo- est Candies of)auuta<atur«d. hxi-vaya. A SCU.VOKK. vi .Tlie best aud most reliabh* rtock ".| made iu this country, is tlie Seths,'Iff Thomas. The heat plated knives^'ii forks and spoons are |S4? Rogers* Bros.^'!^ The bast hollow ware, such as Caator*. ,-S'i Dinner and Pickle,Cake B«tfk#ls.Sogar and Butter Dishes, Syrup and CM»lid*a??|i Cups, Card Receiver*, Nut and f*re-' serve Disttes, etc., are the Iterideny.'Si Brittunla and Middletowu Plate ^ Waltham, Elgin, and Hue Swlsa^ Watclies. tine Gold and I'lnie Jewelry,"'%^ and Coin Silver-Ware you will Hud at.-JM J. P, A VV. R, Smith's, and »old «i*.. clieap as others sell lra*hy >tutl. All kinds of Watches,L'be'ks and Jewelrjr neatly repaired and «ai is fact ion |iar» aiuet d. J. l*. A W.N.iarra. Store first do»r s«Ni«k at Ua hal Ol8(%, McUeury, ill. FOR SALE. > •A commodionti resideni^vU t|Mp> uer of silicon aui^.VitM* s»|f»ets Woodstock. 111., conveuleu^tj? to business, school and the Cituicitfs. Two lo.a, »«-ll with fruit, both large and Pleasantiv »ltu.itetl. at a well if Goo«4 weH aaii aMfttu. 1 e>rw« .. - lt .. i'..'

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