Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1882, p. 4

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„ T,Vk. Si iff,, « s. S $&'<•> i i -0̂ ft, 1882 lWKDXffSnA\,2 Kditor. TIm» f'rwiiwm Cbimw Bill. vetoed ,«rfv • Iv••••>;«»*#•,'. " •' ,-^V v •- -"•' - * ***«,/ v»l'*Cr^VU< 'T v?';i m » ~ v .. ,, . N 41 v# \ u*t •'*" * I* * * 7 ' :•rt ,-W^-I . "":-<A *• 4'•*?'*' V '• -4'. VS.V ','* •'^'*-•••1 • •»>'(». '.'^...JU-.«> JH iA?. -i ,1 ,. * . * * . 1t- ^ ' 4. • i - ' ^ J *( ' ,'T! J'r," .••.;. 4*tf '"-r*.} ",= ~ :.«•"•• •> »A I * ** :<i' ^ •The action of the United Stutefi' &*n«t« In reteruinff tho Dakota bill to <!•• tfatnttilHee. i# rejcard"«l hs putting jii)«n<t to the Pcheme to make a new mate, for till* Mission at least. IVIowa has fliml' v abolished Its Oc- tober elrctlom *tirl J«>lthe N"ov»m- Wir Stat««, A law to that effect w»« Ipataeri ar a i*cont s«»*js«ei.»n of the Legis­ lator*. A» Indiiina lute-made the «;nne «t>*nfe, Ohio remains the only impor­ tant StRte voting In October AS9*Th« Fourth Congressional dis­ trict appears t* h« a'»lr represented In Conffres* cow. Never sioce tha fftltnjr days of Farnsworth has the epeech«« of Its representatives attract- •4aocb universal attentiori'and favor- •Me comment a» now.--Aurora Herald. f^Corneiius J. Vanderbllt, second •M «f the late Commodore Vanderbiit, end brother of the railroad king. Wil­ liam H„ suicided at the Olenham Hotel. JN»w York, at 2 p. St. Sunday, hy shoot­ ing himself, and died at 9 o'clock the Hae evening. Despondency. residt- 1*C from chronic epilepsy, U believed to kave been th* causey Mf'When Garfield's nomination was talked of, Mrs. Garfield asked Gover­ nor Jewell If it wotrid pay to leave the yleaaaat home in Mentor and received tfce reply: **Tes; li; a ysar your hus- baacf will be President of this country j aad hold the highest office on the whole *I*W On the funeral-train Mrs. Gar- fleld MjRt for Governor Jewell and asked him: •'Governor,has it paid?" And be redded: "Yea; for thSit man I* the best loved man on the globe.*1 gSFJesae James, the no ted "criminal, la reported to have been kitted at St. Joseph, Mo„ on Monday by one Ford, who li reported to have been following blua for months for that purpose, in order to get the large reward ode reil fcf the authorities. While wo consider Ma death a public benefit, we cannot ooaatenance the cowardly manner in which he was killed. It wa« nothing H©fS SGr siii than wit* liiOOi'rei! ttliir- 4ar, and the cowardly assassin should "be treated as such. If.our officers are -obliged to omploy assassins in order to capture is high time they step down and out and give place "to Mich as have the backbone to deal -mvt law In a lawful manner. ,7 •' -JBTTho verdict of the people la not ^lyiai^th^ with the sentence of the * •<5oor% In the Mason matter. It is hard, ?•-li-i 7,7 !* k##Pin^ wlth the 'that ha« ' ̂ r*V * ^**n Peeved In the GnitCMii case. Eight 1'. ; year's solitary coni'hiement in Albany ,C prison for Mason, and a -room with friends, good living, and •VJ^V N Kv 4 v * ^comforts. ; .> #> ^foonsel, furnUhed by the govern- -naent for Guiteau are pictures that •*wlll be looked upon with amazement bf (lit coniii{ generations. Antiquar­ ians may perhaps inquire who was in- saane, Guiteau or the people. The men- *Mer petition from Chicago. 2.400 feet Slong. asking MasonV rel?ase, and the T*1* oontrlbutlons all over the country #for hit needy family, indicates the in- •ense Interest manifested by our out- flftnd people. /t '• 99*It Is intimated from Washington th«* the live commissioners to reorgan- l*e the Territorial government of Utah, under the new anti-polvgamy law. will be selected exclusively from *•*«! profession, as good lawyers Will be needed to settle the details of reconstruction. It is further intimated that the President will not appoint man to a Aommissionership who either diiectly or indirei-Uy, #or the position. This is calculated to <amf dismay to the crowd of profes­ sional <®Soc seekers, to wliom the crea- <loii •# a new office opens a new vista #f opporUttilty. It Is to be feared that •heir "diiMg1' «{|J be overlooked if ••f n«e est permitted to set them ^ theh" suual brazen and pereiat- From the Elgin Daily News. i®fThe time of the present Cou- ^ri»ss 1ms b^en principally devoted to the discussion and passage of three vitally important measures, measures of gieat national and political moment. These were the apportionment bill, the most important political matter that has been before congress for many years; the anti-polygamy bill, affec­ ting the whole country; and the Chi­ nese bill, which is the most direct movement in the interest of the labor ing classes, and hence the entire coun­ try, tliat has been mads by congress in this age or generation. To the Re­ publicans--and. in fact, to every hon­ est constituent of lion. J. C. Sherwin --it is a matter of considerable pride to llnd that gentleman taking a prom­ inent lead in two of these matters. Mr. Sherwiii' was the acknowledged leader in the apportionment matter and now he is found foremost in the ranks among the advocates of the anti-Chinese bill. We are in re­ ceipt of a section of the Congressional Record containing the proceedings of March 24th, and therein *ve And Mr. Sherwln's speech in ftill. It is an elo­ quent, able and"convincing argument and at Its close we find the word **ap- plause" parenthesized. This is quite an nnusal occurauce, and. shows that the complimentary remarks made by the Chicago Tribune and Inter Ocean Washington reports were indoised by Mr. Sherwiifs colleagues. A casual review ot thr Congressional; Records during the first vears of Farnsworth's career, or during the official life of Ilurlbut and Lathrop, divulges no such important questions. The introduc­ tion ot an occasional bill, with now and then a few words of indorsement, sevms to have made up the record of those great statesman. For a young member Mr. Sherwinecan certainlv boast of a 14.;--*' prominence never attained by a second or fourth district member and seldom attained by any memberof congress. WAUCONDA. •*^TJBSr'RIl>TI(>NS for tlie Plaindealek will lie received in Wauomila at h". B. Harrison's Drug Store ami nt the Post OfHc.c. Editor P laixdkaleu:-- Miss Nellie Coggins left Monday for her home in Iowa. Mrs. Bryant^onrtney died suddenly Tuesday of Asthma. The funeral was largely'attended Saturday. Mr. Wilbur Iionghtoti held an auc­ tion near the Cheese Factory'Thnrsday of cows and heifers. Although some of ,the stock were rather thin in desk, they sold very well. The fine weriihef has dried «p the oads wonderfully and has made busi­ ness lively for a few days. The cheese factory sent off about 11,000 pounds of cheese. The mill took a new lease of life, after a month of comparatively dull time. All the available teams were sent to Barrington after good* some having been lying there for three weeks. Mr. C. L.PraUjdtias now a new line of goods in Mr. Duers old stand and Itfe etui* presents a very attractive appea|*sM»ee fauleod. Mr. Robert Har­ rison 13 hauling lumber for his new house. Geo. Pratt Is improving his house. J. V. Stevens moved yesterday into Mr.^Flints house and other nvov- ings will take place early in tlie week. Mr. Wyrnan is expected in a day or two with a full line of goods to occupy Mr. Harrison's store. In short bwsi- inness began to boom last week and will probably contiffue°to do so until dog days. The Scarlet Fever cases are improve- ing, Peter Johnson and Miss EtHe Samson have been quite sick but are now Improving. Mrs Clias. Fletcher an:l her daughter Mrs. O&car Soules, are in a very critical condition, the disease being measles, t Mrs. Soules children having the same disease arc better, Mr. Wood, principal of Jefferson High Schofll. paid his brother-in-law Mr. !*pencer, a short visit. Messrs. Ford & Turner have returned from Dakota, having disposed of their horses for laud n; J . Hon. R&eplieti A. Hurlbwt^ ex- Member of Concrete frow this Dis; rict nnd late United »tate« Minister to Foru, died suddenly ef iif>aTr, disease •* ihe latter plaee •en the 28th ult. Gen BvritwtVMoiit of tlie ablest men who nfeor reprenenud tUU District in Om- ^ !»'• sudden death will be deeply mourned Uy his many warm Meads iu Mclienry County, as well as «tt over the 4th Df«trWt. lo speaking of hit> death the Sand- Iplcli Gfizetle #nys; "He tvas born In CharlPKton. 8. C., aud in 1845 removed «o Belvldere. IIL where he has since Wilded. lie was an excellent lawyer a«d had a large' practice In the'county before the war. He was also a mem­ ber of the State Legislature' for sev­ eral terms, aud took a leading part in it* debates, Iu May, 1861, having en­ tered tlie army he was commissioned Brigadier General, taking part iu the battles of Shiloli and Corinth, and ®Bnlljr succeeding Gen, Bunks in coni- Mand at New Orleans, Returning b©s*e lie *ii elected to Congress and •erv»d In that body with distinction. Be was appointed Minister to Peru by President Garfield, and his name ha* . fmeistly come into prominence In con- pN'tlon wlth the famous Shepherd iu- t^W'f^tlon. He was about to return "i|»me to give valuable testimony, fcheii death suuimoued liiin from earth. (laaeral was a positive man. a fiue i#e*ker. nu excellent debater, of eourt«ous manners, of strong couvic- tloiis, with earnest friends' aud bitiei ipciliies. U4sability is uiKiucbtloncd. I^Tlie British llouse of Commons has agreed to allow Prince Leopold, on his marriage, an additional annuity of ten thousand poundg, aud to bestow a pension of £ix thousand pounds a year upon his widow in case of his death. There were only forty-two votes iu opposition to the grant. The Duke of Albany and Ills bride will thus be enabled to set up housekeeping in a inoiicst way, and Ilia Royal Highness will have no need to spend any of his ten thousand pounds in paying pre­ miums oil a life insurance policy. f@rAn old sage informed the editor of the Amboy Journal "the trees and shrubbery loaded with ice, denotes t good fruit year the- coining season.*1 He has watched it for years and never knew this section to produce apples abundantly except after a' winter of storm and sleet, which load 'down and freeze to the trees. Do X<>u Wjmt a Sowing '••• s Machine* - If vo« rfo» of course you want the best, as tt costs no more. Then why buy from an Agent who carries but one which he has fixed up on purpose to show, when by goljtg to the store of O.W.Owen, iu Mclienry,.you can have vonr choice of Five, viz: The Pomes- tic. Eldredge, Nevv fTorne, Crown, and Si»gei\ We keep nil these machines in stock,and any lady who wants a machine can set down and try them all; and then select the one which suitsjier ih« best. The best machines on the market, and any one will be con­ vinced ot the fact by calling at my store and trying one themselves. Also a line stock of Clocks, Watches Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, can be found at my store. Organs and Pianos for sale or rent. O. 'W. OWEIT Gents' Flue Shoes, largest assort­ ment ever in Mclienry at Perry & Martin's. MARRIED. AtfTltltTS--BITItniOK-- At the rest.lfWe of the officiating clergyman, the Kev. If. K. Tod«l W.KxIstoek, III., Ajiril 3d, Mr. Chester L, AiHlruss, and Miss Cora E, Bumick, all of Woodsto;k,.Mclienry Co., 111. 8TATROF IM.IWIS, Countyof McHentr, ss. --TOWN OF IUTKTON, Dffice of ' the Treasurer Of the Commissioner of Highways. The following is a statement by by D. Hal- man, Treasurer of Ci>mnvis8ioners of liigh- wavsofthe Town of Burton, in the county aii't State aforesaid, of the amount of public, funds received and expended by him during the ilscal year just closed, endin g on the 2lst day of \Iarch, 18^.', showing the amount ot public funds on hand at the commencement of said year, the amount of public, funds received and'from what source received, tho amount of public, funds expended ami for what purposes expended during said fiscal year, ending as aforesaid. The said Tennis Haldeman being r'uly sworn deposeth and saith, that the followjog Statement by him subscribed is a correct statement,of the amount ol' public fund* nil baud at the commencement of the liscni year above stated, the amount of public funds re­ ceived, and the sources from which received and the amount expended and purposes for which expended, as aforesaid set forth in aaid Statement. Signed D. HALL>liM.\N. Subscribed and Swore to before roe this28th da v of March. 18<52. CIIAS. MEAD, J. P. FUJttJS RECEIVED AND FROM WHAT BOUBCES. 1881 Julv 11--Rec'd of Co Trens., delinquent T-XT » 1.12 Sept 10--Borrowed money of Frank Cole 2&0.00 Dec 6-- do do eo eBO.OO 1SS2 Jan 14--ttee'd of Co Trens 58e 00 Feb iS--Eec'd of W Sanborn, Collector #2200,55 FIJlfDS EXPENDED A WO FOR WHAT PURPOSES EXPENDED. 1881 April 18--T> HaTdeman, work on saw Mill Bridge tV Peacock, tlo do..* Tims Dayment do do.. Prank I/aw son and Team Sept S--Freight on Stone at ltingwood Sept 10--Four cords Batavia Stone at Six Dollars pe.r cord, Registering m oney 11 Kilburn drawing Stone IX days,.. J W l.awson do do ' Frank I.awson do do 1 day W I'cacock do do IX aJ Dec 2--U l» Ames. Mason J W Oarr,»or D Haldeman labor $36,73 acd Boarding lays. 3.00 1.30 75 2.00 62 94.00 13 6.75 8.75 2.50 3.75 85 00 at 37 H Ti Cole, Building llrldsre, Smith & >nyder, for?>ime ..." Frank Cole, borrowed money and int. 1SS2 March 21--F Cole, Labor on Bridge.... J Schat'er, Labor on Bridge Items S Pierce, Scraping Balance oS hand, #124,6ft. 54,75 760 00 4»,r.5 1142, CO 82,00 1,50 4,40 1,25 •2239,27 Highway Notice. "VTOTTCE IS HEHEBY GIVEN, thSt Pro- li posals will be received by the undersign- ed, Commissioners of Highway#«f the To?wn of Mclienry . County of Mclienry and State of Illinois, on'Mondayj tho IOti»da>- o.£ Aftril,. A. I». 1SS2, being the second Monday in sniil month, for the laying of the Stone Work for the Abu .ments cf the Johnsburg Bridge, near •lohnsburtcli Village, three mites North of Mc. Henry. That the same Will be let by Con­ tract, by public letting, toHlie lowest respon­ sible bkider, at the hour of one o'. lock P. M., on said day. Contractors to m< et the Conf- missioners at the above named place, on the day and hour above named. S. H. COVELL. CASTOR ADAMS, ISAAC IIAItSH, Commissioners of Highways. Mclienry, III, April 1st, 1882. ^REPORT OF THE C O N X)I rJTX OTV -OF- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, --AT-- Close of Business Mar, 11/82 RESOURCES Lbans and discounts $173,353 84 Overdrafts... 1.S27 07 IJ. s. Bonds to secure circulation... 50,000 ow U.S. Bonds on hand , 700 00 Due from approved reserve agents. 54,K95 79 Due from other National Bitnks 38,652 08 Ileal estate, furniture and fixtures. 4,20u CO Current expenses and taxcfepald... 1.S04 <>6 Premiums Paul 101 00 Checks and other casn items 3,71'i 00 Bills of other banks U,4iS 00 Frc'l paper cur. nickels & pennies.. 54 50 Specie 43,888 00 Legal tender notes S,000 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas­ urer (5 per cent of circulation) Due from IT. $. Treasurer other than 5 per cent, redemption fund... Total.. 2,250 00 1,67B 88 9304,548 32 MABJMTIES. Capital stock paid iu 50,000 00 Surplus fund 27.BH5 15 Undivided profits 5,043 18 National bank notes outstanding.... 45,000 00 Individual dejrfisits gubjcct to check 205,231 40 Demand certificates of deposit l,iMM ~>0 Total .. STATE OF ILLINOIS j «3»4,54S 32 >-SS Furniture at Cost. . In order to reduce stock we will lor the next Sixty Days, give better bar- •I'rns iu Furniture than was ever before offered in this county. This is no hum. bti£, and if yon want Furniture of any kind chpap now is the time to buy. Call and examine my stoc^aud learn price?,. I nnt confident I can make it an object for you to come twenty miles to trade with tne. Call at once asid save money. „ „ Jon* B. Blakk. Mclienry, March 25th, ISS& MCHKN-Rr COUNT Y, ) I, .John J. Murpliv, Cashier of the above named Bank, do *olenmly swear that the above statement is true to the best of uif knowledge and belief. John J. Mchpht. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th lay of March, 1882. Emil Arnom>, Notary Public. Qprrect Attest A. MtTRiiur, W. II. STEWART,* John J. Mlrfht. Directors. Money to loan on real estate, for long time at low interest. JOHN J. MUKI'HY. Corporation Election. THK Annual Village Klection lagu ot Mclienry, will be A Woman's Kxp<<rleacr. Mothers and Daughters should feel alarmed when weariness constantly oppresses theru. "If I am fretful from oxliaustion of vital powers and the color i» fading my lift:*. lfarkeT"# Gin­ ger. Tonic, gi #cs quick reljet. It builds ami dii.-es away pain wit li won­ derful Certainty.**--Baffulo Lady, Young mnn's styles in The latest at Terry A Marllu'e. ' ><. • ' * - «' Jy® f'ir the vil- licld lit the Council Uooin in the Village of Mclienry on Tuesday, the 18»h Day of April. 1882. at w bic.h time the following officers will be elected: Three Trustees and one Clerk, The rolls of said Klcction will be open be­ tween 8 and !• o clock in the morning,und kept open until 7 o'clock in the evening of caid day. H. H. NICHOLS, Clerk. Mc Henry, March fetth, 1882. rw& MS I n^rii .f <m long r.rviilt ^nd (i:.%j torn*, in a mild climate, free from heavy mows, niigat- liig front*, and ex- eenklte rai**. KILLIOftS OF ACRES for s&le In the COLDEU BELT of Kansas, by the IfctON PACIFIC RAILWAY, of cs :'l«h Gel] «s tlif iaa ever h!im« •a, with good markets ease m4 m--U Ibf DeocripUve and XOustntitd Book, 10lth Map*, Sent Free, Ad'!r>a<! UNO COMMISSIONER,--Kansas WvW«L KAN&AS CITV, MISSOURI, ' .1 Wore to Mothers. * Mothers should remember It Jg a moet important duty at this season to look after blie health of their famllleg and cleanse the malaria and impurities from their systems, and that nothing will tone up the stomach and liver, regulate the bowels and purify the blood so perfectly as Parker's Ginger Tonic, advertised In our col1 Pott. - See other column. |»§ Always Refreshing. y: r A dellcTono odor Is Imparted by Floreston Cologne, which is always re­ freshing, no matter how freely used. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sore's. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sore*. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions, and positively cures piles. • It is guranteod to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents, per bottle. For sale hy nil Druggists T. J. DONOVAN. It is a,.fact well known to the Fanners of Mclienry County that whenever they have spoken of Dacy to oppositon dealers, that the sound of his name litis caused them to shud­ der and their bones to rattle, simply because the would be opposition dealers know too well that we have bought our "roods in much larger quantities than they have done, and vthat we have ahvays 30M goodfc foy less money than the same qualify could be bought-by many of them and they know it. Again we have our first choice of machinery in the market, and always aim to keep none but the best. Our present stock consists ot many articles of machinery not found elsewhere in the county. * We have by actual count over 100 Buggies, Platform Spring Wag­ ons and three spring Miik Wag­ ons. ft'all and count thtm.) Als'o a car of Glidden Barbed .Wire Also plo^s, harrows, Pulverizers, spring tooth har­ rows, seeders, drills, rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limit Farm­ ers who consult their own inter­ ests will not buy a dollar's worth until the> get our starvation price#* Write for circulars. %J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, III. Annua! Town Meeting. NOTICE is lierehy givon to the Citizens, I,seal Voturs of the Town of Mclienry in the Count v of Mctlenrv and State of Illi. noi«, that the Animal Town Meeting for vdcl Town will lie hcl<4 at the Council Room, in said Town.on TueaiUv, the 4tli dav of April next, heinsf the flrst Ttie*Uv In said Month, frir the i>un>o.««vj following, via: -- F Ii{S'r-rm'liv»o«e a Moderator, to preside at a*i<i mi <*'fc*ar. - .S K<»$} IA--to Olio* ?*npervl«or *w1jo shall be'eiofllftloOverseer of tlie Poor), One Town Clerk, One Assessor, One Collector, One Commissioner of IliyhwayH, One Con­ stable, uiut as many Pound Masters as the KIcc.tors may determine. And to act Upon any Additional subjects which may in jnirsuance of law, come be. fore said meeting, when convened. Wktah meeting will Uc called to order be­ tween the hours ot ei«lu and nine o'clock in the forenoon, and kept open until seven o'clock 111 tho afternoon. Given under my hand, at McHenry, this 15tU day of March A. D. 1S82. J. Vajt Si.yke, Town Cterk. JOHDiSBURCH Marllcjflrts. MILLER, v '*"*-I)Jf Al-F.R IN-- Ai3rioaiv aad Foreip MarMe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North 6f Mc Henry, IU. JohnftbnrKli Aag. 20tb. J877 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. The P.est, Cleanest and most Economical Hair Dressing. Sever Fails to Restore ili': youthful color to grey 50c and $1 tizesat 'iruagists. Floreston Cologne. d exr^dinely fr*- l.vttng pvr'/uoM, 1 15c. PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A Pore Family Medicina that Never Intoxicates. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or housc- diif.c; try Pas^e.,;'s<3!KC->'» Tonic. If yon are a lawyer, minister orbusinesf man ex­ hausted by mental strain or anxious cares do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use Paiku'i Ginger Tonic. If you have Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs. stomach, bowels, blood or nerves you can be cured hy Parker's Ginger Tonic. T(you are wasting away from age, dissipation or Tiny 'iisease or weakness and require a stimulant take "iM.i'B Tonic at once: it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but wlil never intoxicate. 11 .. ti^vctl hundreds of lives it may save yours. HI3C0X * CO., rn WfllUm St.. Ni* York. Mc. *»4 an dollar eittt, at n!l dfrsieri in GREAT SM"£N<J BUYING MOI.I.AR KIZ*. ONE MOI1B3 WARNING One less weelc Hi wlifch yovtertteer. can sscure a selection of just sucli goods as 5 pu need and mtwt httvt at wholesale prices 1 - that other OTef-worked female pack- •e who declared in her that nerer found time to rast «n^ never eoted to rest. " Well, you will perhaps, in another and better Jd," said a sympathizing friend, moaned the discouraged exeat- "that will not be my Tuck. My r bones will not be well settled in grave more than twenty-four hours n the trumpet will sound announc- the day of judgment and we shall have to turn out again!' 8H0BT Oik GOSH. I tel 1 you I am doling out . J ** j|b*' > *' t< avail them- selves ^of the advantngea I am ottering are wise in time EntiiiMtoQllilM Quantity «i »n Haad im tlie United Mattw. following statement relative to the corn wheat crops of 1880 and 1881 is famished he National Department of Agriculture: are seven States that produce surplus These States, together, yielded 1,046,- 100 bushels in 1880, and 737,000,000 in Oh the 20th of March returns of tha eo­ ted quantity of corn of the U«t crop in hands of farmers were made from 400 counties of theae States the department. They represented tthati two-thirds of the entire area. Tho Ittage of product of each State still on Mb reported as follows: Ohio, 24; In- BULL-FIUBtroe IN EL PASO. Illinois^ 26 My Store andl^or are for sale very low. J. W. Oristy RTyov^ooD, 111., March «th, 1882, Urged by an irresistible desire to do good to the community in general and the subscriber in part ticular, a few weeks ago a large and miscellaneous assortment of musical instruments was sent to the Waueonda DRUG STORE, BOOK HAUNT, AND Musical- Emporium. The humble efforts to meet the demands of the darling .public was appreciated and the supply was speedily, reduced. A ^he\v supply of accordeons, harmon­ icas, and violins has, therefore, just been purchased, making the stock unusually full. It com­ prises accordeons from 95 cents to $9.50, a large assortment of Violins and Violin Fixtures, Banjos, Guitars, Drumt. Flageo­ lets, Flutes, Piccolos, Bones, Harmonicas, Jews Harps, &c. Also Violin Boxes', Music Folios, Music Cases, Instruction Books and SMELT MUSIC, 100 copies of which have just been' received; aud will be sold for FIVE CENTS EACfcjT. These last twei shipments of goods were purl: chased at bargains, and therefore pan be, and are, offered very cheap. Call and be convinced. F, B. HARRISON. BOERHAAVE'S RECTAL REMEDY a •1.00 A BOX. Kr. fc nn>! T cca- T" -Y rl t«>r Pi-ol vuilui; men*'ts""a'n'd X in i'- m/• r» ts T^ail---•*• b o k Ti w A p. v e ! mw* inakcsi Die* knife the li<rntn uniifi'essjirv It ri'tuvns anM hi'Mlsit. The worst cube of ril.KS will lie reiieveit in Ten Minutes. Send ms by mail, One Dollar an»1 we will mail yoti a box; after lifting half nftt, if it fiiils tS amwer the ro'inmnieiulntion, return the oibpr half, by mail, and yoftF~<1ollar wili l>e leturned at <>n^e. No one with Ker.tnl'Troubles should be with* out ihe HKPTAl. R KM lti>Y. IIOIISEHOM) SPECIALTY CO.. Agents for the IT. Chieajro. BOERHAAVE'S KIDNEY CURt 11,00. A BOTTI.E, upwards" seldom "iTTrrr^i m •*"'" vfiri Kid nt* ton* 11 Urin'irV l>is( 11 i-1imn 'iTnTiTTn: u i' 11 r,7f t« "RriKhtH Disease.^ "it will rost fine Pol lar, »nt bv nmil, to try a bottle of "B0EHH > "i VE'S KIDITEY CURE." Heliof Is warran ltd in every ea le. Af er usin:; half the bottle, it yon think it is i ot adapted to vonr Dosenxe, mail to us the half vhirh is left, in the original packiii;eand your money will be returned at once. It ha8done wonders duvmu more than llfty yoiirs of use, liongie, Casheter, and Syringe ire discarded as harsh and useless. TUY BO Kit 11 AAV KN KIDS BY CURE. HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTY CO.. Agnnta for the U. S. Chicago. EX-SOLDIEHS, and their HEIRS Should all send lyr »:uit|de copv of that won­ derful iiaper Ihe World and ft,Ulv-r, i«"blished at Waubinirton, 1>. <J. It contains Stories of tlie War, Camp Life, scenes from the Itulie Kield, and a tliousand things ot interest to our country's dcfendeis. It is the xrnat soldiers* l»;ij>cr. 11 contains all the laws and instruc.. tions relating to Tensions and ISounties for1 soldiers and their heir?. Every ex-soldier slioubl enroll his name under the World an<^ Soldier Itanner at once. Kiglit pages, forty columns,/M'eeklv. i>1.00 a year, sample fro a. Address,'WOItl-D ASD SOLDIER, Uox 5SJ, Washington, D. O. Iowa, 26 * a tu Missoori, A MmMl.Tnwi Tim* • <Pitr WMM «Mfer Brllcr Mfimw*. [Lwrrnworth Time*.] After long waiting a bngle Is Bounded,, tha doors are thrown open, and live horsemen enter the ring, oira conveying & stoat pole, with a prod iu the end of it. Next oome (oar twill-fighters on foot, with a stick about lour feet long aud & dirty red cloth about the sisse of a small table-cloth, and thejr scatter themselves •round behind the several blinds. Now the excitement is at lever heat; Guade­ loupe smiles, the bngle sounds, the doors are thrown open, and in comes a little, stump-tailed bull or stag, with his- horns sawed off. The horsemen ride out, and all in turn get the animal to- chase them around, and the footmen venture out from their respective places, of safety iu like manner, land this per­ formance is kept up until the speed and motion of the animal is reduced to a. certainty. The footmen now beeapae quite bold. They string their cloth 6n the stick in front of the bull, and he rushes for it with all the speed he has left. The man holding the cloth springs aside, the bull passes to the next man, and eo on. Next comes sticking the little spears in> the animal's neck. These are little DWIGHT The Woodstock Boot and Shoe dealer, is receiving this week a mammoth stock of BOOTS AND SHOES for Spring and trade. A large Summe: stock ol Rubber Goods now on hand. W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111 GSM CLOSIE OUT SALE At Cost for Sixty Days FOR JACOB BONSLETT, Illinoi Opposite Perry A Martin's Store, McHenry. - - •- * Having sold his building, will close out his entire stock o t ' Y i nitui c arcostj from now until May 1st. Mis stock in full and coi plete, and rare inducements will he offered to those wishing to b Furniture. Anything from a common Chair to the finest Parlor Set can found at tbi® 3tore, and of the best make aud finish to be fqunu he maiket, We invite all our friends to give us a McHenry, March 15th, 1882. call, JACOB BONSLET G. W. BK8LEY, McHenry, III., D. B. Maine, Genoa Juncu; Wis., A. S. Wright, Woodstock, III., and G. E. Dickinson, Nun 111., sell the reliable and pine medicine* called DR. KALGKHGFFS MEDICINAL GARANEL CIONTATN only Vegetable Extracts, combined with diiTorunt aromatic spices, tamarind*, f j primes an \ chocolate, forming agreeable, mild, safe aud pare mndtclnes. i hoy are as pleas to take as the llue^t collection, and therefore take iho pkicc of all madicsnca '.vMc.i are sold nr dlfl'ercnt nnm< s to secure healing effects. These mcdlclnes are no Bccre.t pre? arations", bat formulas for tho different kinds hare been used extensively for many yea"* throughout the world; leadin" physicians, for the various diseases they arc recommended for. They are manufactured v the aid of improved machinery, under the supervision of a regular educated physician and ohen Their cheapness alo:io creates a good demtuid, as each box contains 30 Caramels f90 doaea), the p per box being from 23 to f" i 50 cents. We mention Cathartic Outsell pation, Headache, Iiidigestiou, Disordered Stomach, etc. r ' Price, 2oc. per box. IM. KALCKHOFF'S WORM CARAMELS Effectually destroy all U clwiu I "oacl, ro'uid, spring, tape, aud *hip worms. Chil­ dren delight to take 'hem. rrlco 2jc. per box. HB KftlfiKHQFF'S COUCH CARAmELS Are a certain cure and U Jnstaut relief for CoagUfl, Col«to, AsUima.JJronchitis, Consinnption, etc. Price 25c. per box. MRS. WM. TIDMAIISH, Fashionable MILLINER,. Worm feuacli AND . J. ,4rt. ,.*.** J DRESSMAKER, WAUCONDA - - ILLINOIS Invites the ladles of TFanconda and sur­ rounding towns to call, see ber. goods and loam her priccs. Mrs. Tldmarsh has il «r*y« on Mad a fat line oftfocKU, Inclndlog millinery' and trim, tiling goods. '"S' Patterns, l»oth Bnttsriek'sand, Demorest's. A. lull line oii hand. Call an l givo her* etonc* and b« ua price*; > Consi ^Public ^peakenl clei'cvmen, lawyers, and musicians should not be with- ont'tiiem. ..„rniBi>»ri« Price S25c. per box. OR KALCKHOFF'S FEMALE CARAMELS Are a regulating medl- II Cine a»Kl certain care and rcli 1 for all female dlscaaos. B'or further particulars, ask your drusrclst for a circular. JTrice 50c. per box. AR. KALCKHOFF'S DYSPEPTIC CARAMELS Are a pleasant and II permanent cure for all diseases of tho Stomach--Dyspep­ sia. Watcrbraah, Pain, Vomitinp, ctc. Price -50c. per box. Price 50c. per box. . . .'S NERVE CARAMELS Are a certain cure for all and besual JJiseases, Nervous and Sexual Do- Wlitv, Sleeplessness, etc. Price 50c. per box. 1I€ITATI©H" IMPOSSIBLE. t»r. KalckhotTs Caramels are packed, eaeh twenty in a waterproof wrapper, liacu uaramei has uu uoc oiuu Biuiapsd the signature of A. F. Knlckhoff. M. D., and on tho other side the name of the Caramel. These Caramels are for sale by all drugtttsta and patent medicine dealers. If your d'Uf- Rlst does not keep them, send the retail price to the irianS- facturi rs, and they will forward the same by mail free of charge U> anv addn-ss Ihrou^Uout fcs Uuitcd States. GIVEN AWAY! applying to yonr druggist or bv writing to the manufac­ turers and enclosing a three cent postage stamp. DrairKista and dealers wilt T>lrn»e write for r>rii"f;i*t*" Circular. MEDICINAL CARAMEL CO.. Manufeu tur.T8 andeiole Pronriutow. • ^ILWAtTKK E.WIS. Pfiisalfi Carjuaela Dyspeptic Cu&aeli We1 CamwlS1 ' jf ~f:'

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