' • - Jf̂ nry ̂ ltiiisaler WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5,1882. Railroad Time Table. "TJ AOIWO SOUTH. |m«Ti Lake Passenger .7:2S*A.1I Aeatn Lake Kxprc*s .8:4® .rjeaera Lake Freight.. .iV« • enev* Lake Freijrht --5A. * eneva Lake Express 4:Mr. M -fienlva LakejPassensrep <5:M " B. BUBS, Agent. 4^ % Mclleory, III Compositor Wanted. A food compositor can find a sltua- f >?tlou by applying immediate!J at this ;IV' MBS. JARLEY 19 COWWG* yT^l "Hidden Hand," at Rlnnlde Hall, to-inorrow, Thursday evening, by ^j^lg^cHeury Dramatic Club. a I HON. J. O. SIIEMWIK, wlll'pleaee ac- Slept thanks for Public Documents re vived. , 7:;'; 8kK the notice of new Millinery Woods, by Mrs. E. W. Howe, in another eolumn. i • LOOK out for Mrs. Jar ley and her 4»llectloa which will soon be Hf(> J*011 oat for the date. ^ HATE you tried those Bone lees Cal for n I a Hams at Frett's Maritet. Theyj the finest things ever brought to lis town. '• THE McHenry Dramatic Club, * Bivertide Hall,Thursday and Friday eveningsof this week. No one should fall to see the "Hidden Hand."* •y 3 - * , / , - \ : itf' "v '• t \l AM election for one Township Trus tee will be held at tlie Council room in llils village, on Saturday next, April 4th. The polls will be open from one to four p. u. i I JAMF.S TTHREI.L left at this office .few days since a Medium Red CloveT *oot, which he dug on his farm, that measured four feet and three inches in llngth. Who ever saw a longer one? - REV. A. M. HUNT, of Michigan, wil deliver a Temperance Lecture in th< JJntversallst Church on Sunday eveniu •text, at h^lf past seven. All are cor ^ially invited. " WE have received a new advertise- tneut from the firm of FitK$immous & JEvanson which \ylll appear next week. In the meantime we advise ali our : readers in need of goods in their line to call and see their splendid stock for |tie spring trade. It cannot be surpass- in the county. v Isaac 11a P. V For <-< ^"STr. Cr •LI " MRS. SEARLKS has just returned from , tjie city with a full stock oj Spring * •' • ?St Winery, Cloaks, Ulsters, Circulars, s ^°lma,,s snd Jackets, to which she In- INtes the attention of the Ladies. Her •lock is complete, and comprises all the latest styles to be found in the city. jfclsoa full line of Trinnned Hats for * . ---- -- THE finest thlugfor house or office purposes that we have seen for many . » day. is the Luminous Match Safe ' lor sale by O. W. Owen. It can be .' Men plainly In the darkest room, thereby being a great aid "when yon frant a match." in preventing cues ^ords cansed by falling over a chair. Its cost isonly thirty-five cents and it is trnamental as well as useful. Call at His store and see one and you will be fture to buy it. TRIPP BROS., the new Wagon Ma- have Arrived and taken posse»> [•ion of the Wagon Department in ^Carpenter's Shn^on the West ;idg» and with a fine stock are now prepared to bill Id new work or repair old on ihort notice and In the best of manner. They are young and energetic business, men. and we bespeak for them a thriv ing business in this, their new location. Pe rso'is wanting anything in their line should not fall to call and lee them. LIST of letterb remaining in the Post Office at McHenry, 111,. March 31. 1883. L. O. Boweu, John Gawley, J. J. Haley, Geo. Harlow.< Robert Heath, Henry Raport, Frank Landerson (2). Philip Sutton, John Lalow, Miss Ella Babcock. Miss Anr.a Cole, Mies. Anna Jackson, Miss Eva King, Mrs. Mary Stephensoi, Mrs. Nettie Taylor, Miss Albina Van Leshout, Mrs Fannie Wil ton,. FOREIGN LETTERS.--Mr. Laurie. P. P. Torse in. POSTAL CARDS.--Henry K. Allen.v Hodges & Barden, Albert Burns S. G. Obes, Mrs. Mary Wagner, JAXKS B PKBBT, P. M. V< ... THE "Hidden Hand," a splendid Tlvo Act Drain*, will he biought out by the McHenry Dramatic Club, at :?%iverslde Hall,<bii Thursday and Fri day evenings of this week, April 6th r and 7th, and every lover of the play . ahonld go and see it. * The entertain- . Jtiente given by this Club will com- •"•""'pare favorably with the best, and as the young folks have spent both" tlpe find money to get up something to Jilmuse during the winter months, and dm now badly In debt as a consequence. It Is to be hoped that our citizens will turn out and give them a benefit on this occasion. #80.00 PRIZES.--We are informed by / ' the proprietor of the Mohawk Valley > * peed Gardens that be oilers #60.00 in tiix cash prises to the parties who have j|is new Lettnce "Nellis Perpetual" longest fit for table use from one plant ing, this variety has been thoroughly tested and many prominent agricul tural authorities say it is a rare variety worthy of universal cultivation.' He puts the price of a single packet at 25 . #ents, postpaid, which contain* enough •A I®' a large family. For full particulars |end for NELLIS* FLORAL AND GARDEN /INSTRUCTOR, a 60 page beautifully 11- frustrated pamphlet containing many illustrations and useful hints, also nov el Inducements, which is sent free to ill. or with a packet of choice vegeta ble or flower seed to test for a 3 oent item p. Address A, C, XEJ^, Caua- )oti*rle« Hew Tork% - { . personal. A..F. PARSONS, of Lincoln, Nebraska, is vleltlng among friends In this vil lage. * J. L. GAGE, of Darlen, Wis., was visiting friends here on Sunday last. JOHN WHEAT, of the firm of Murphy & Wheat. Druggists. Woodstock, was on our streets on Saturday. GEO. WHITSON and John Donnelly, of Woodstock, was calling on friends here on Sunday. A. W. Anderson, of Seneca, spent Sunday, with the family of pr. Ander son, In this village. REV. W. A. ADRON, of Alden, former pastdr of the Methodist Church, in this village* was shaking bands with Ills many friends In this vicinity on Tuesday. ) IP yon fall to see Mrs. Jarley when she comes yon will miss ,tlg§ treat of the seaaon. ^ THE Ladies literary Club will miget at the residence of C. V". Stevens, Wed nesday, April 12th, at 2 30 o'clock. Sub jects, Bryant, Carlyle and Dickens. Mrs. J. B. PEKHT President, J DMA A. PTORT Secretary. Town Meeting. ' Annual Town Meeting on Tues* day was one of the most quiet that has been held in this town for many years. There was but one ticket in the field, that headed by J. W. Cristy for Supervisor, and while there was. as usual, a little scratching, the ticket went rhrough almost unanimous. The absence of a contest of .course caused the vote to be light, but 206 votes being cast. Whether the oppo sition, who have been so often beaten, have given up their case as hopeless in this town, or are laying back for a "better hold*1 another time, we are unable to say, but we are free to say we don't like such tamo elections. We like a square fight. No skulking. The following is the ticket elected: For Supervisor--J. W. Cristy. For Town Clerk-- F. G. Mayes. For Asfrefsor--John ilueinann. For Collector--James Ladd. For Commissioner of Highways- Isaac Harsh. Nonstable--H. N. Holmes. Cristy lias served this town in the capacity of Supervisor long and well, and the people pf the town are greatly indebted to hiiu for the able manner in which lie has performed his duties. It is a thankless office, and oue which Mr. Cristy would gladly pa^sover to someone else; but the people decided that they could not dispense witli hid services at this time, and lie reluctantly consented. His unanimous re-election is a just com pliment to lilsefficiency. AT the Town Election in Nuuda. the following ticket was elected. Supervisor--Henry Keller, Town Clerk--Edgar Beolfley. „ Assizor--M. Filzsimmoat. -Collector--James Andrus. ^ ^ , Commissioner of Highwaya-- u<£nry Magooti. Constable--Ross Robinson. The Dairy Market. From tlio Elgin Daily News, Butter showed an advance of from half a cent to a cent per pound on the board of trade Monday, most of the sales being at 43 cents, against 42@42J of last week. Willi better roads and generally favorable circumstances there Is a strong probability of a de cline in prices ere another week rolls around. Cheese was more active than last week, but still little was done. The prices ranged from 5 cents for the muchly skimmed article to 10£ for a better quality. A good deal of cheese has been unloaded during the past two weeks, as the irregular sales show. A year ago there was no session of the board hem. it being town election. Shippers were, however, tending away their cheese most I v at 9 cents. NEW SPRING MILLINERY. Mrs. E. W. nowe has just received a full line of Spring Millinery to which she invites the attention of the Ladies. The latest and nnbhiest styles can be fotind at her store, and prices to suit the times' A fine lot of trim med Ha tft for Easter. Call and see them, and learn prices; TKFRS. E, W. HOWE, FOR SALE OR RENT. A house and one-half acre of land in the village of Ringyvood. House con tains five rooms. Will he sold reason able. Apply to WESLEY LADD. RINGWOOD, 111., April 4tb, 1883, * Fresh and Salt Meats, all kinds, at Frett's Market. E.fBTER I*ARTY. There will be an Faster Party at the McHenry House, in this village, on Monday evening, April, 10th, 1882. Music, Ringwood Band, All are cordially Invited. PETKK SMITH, proprietor. Our Spring stock is now in and de mands the attention of judicious cash buyer*. Dry Goods. Notions. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Staple and Frncy Groceries. Crockery. &c. Prices reasonable, goods reliable. A small living margin will satisfy us. Call in. Butter and eggs wanted. FITZMMMONS A EVABSOV. nr. TWINE BINDERS. FARMERS intending ts buy f'Twine Binders" will do well to lodk om very carefully Geo. Esterly's Automatic Twine Binding Harvester before buy ing. It will bear very close inspec tion. Sample st- McHenry Vlllaire on or before the 15th of April. Farmers need have no fears of the Royalty business, as the Estcrly Company will back up all who purchase their machine. \ VEDDEK 81-OCLILF, ATTEST. CLOTHING. The most complete assortment ej sUowu here. Prices very moderate Vurxsimiowa A SVAHSOI V : * • Wooil stock Depart mo nfc< Geo. K. Bunker bought the M. D. Hunt homestead last w&ek for bis son Frank. The prloe paid for It was •3,500. RlchUrd Roisali is fixing up the house on East Jackson St., formerly owned by West Foreman, so that one would hardly know the place. It takes Dick to straighten tilings up. Francis Best, formerly of Woodstock and later of McHenry, passed throngh town one day last week o?i his way to Manitobiv. Mr. B.has lately returned to Elgin from the Far West. Mrs. James Riley, a very old settler In this vicinity, died last week Tues day at an advanced age. Her husband, generally known here as Cooper Hi ley, preceded her some six weeks ago. Both were well known and greatly respected by this community. The Woodstock correspondent to the Harvard Independent Is rather warming the two brassy youths that eke out the MiHeury Oo. "slush Buck et.*1 Boys you must confess Charley is toe much for you. and you know lie tells things that are so--if you don't everybody else does. If those person* who take both the PLAINDEALER and Sentinel will t»kn the pains to look over a copy of each paper some week and compare the general news items, editorial matter Ac., &c., it will not take theui long to decide that the leading paper (the Sentinel, is but a fourth class news paper, yet ft claims to lead in every thing-- Government offices not ex cepted. The Red Ribbon Club, of this city, seems to be increasing Iu numbers and doing a good work. In fact we hclieve at no time since their organization has there been sucli rapid gains in drawing into the fold so many of our old, young, and middle aged as now> Last week Tuesday evening they took possession of their new hall ov«*r G. Blakcslees' grocery store, and the meeting is reported to have been very instructive and interesting. A colored woman with three children, and .whose name is Mrs. Lydia Green wood,readied tfef# city a few days ago from Vazoo Cor^Misslssippi. She for merly lived in the family of the Rev. Thomas St. Clair, who has latclv re turned from that section. Mrs, Green wood iq recommended by Mrs. St. Clair as a hard-working and trusty woman and since the terrible and dis astrous floods in that State has left herself and family homeless, and help being scarce here, there is no douht but that she tvill be provided witli enough to do to support herself and children by our citizens. One day in the early part of last week Frank Brink, son of Simon Brink, of this city, while playing around the cars near the depot., was badly injured by stepping between two cars to couple them. It s«tenis that some companions fu this extreme ly thtrtgemtJ* ami fwiHurrfjr nn1«eW«4 were pushing the car that came in contact with another, which jammed the-bov between the bumpers, break ing his color bone ank otherwise injur ing him. It i« certainly a'Wonder that lie was not killed outright. It is to be hoped this accident may teach at least those boys a lesson that they may long remember. Dr. A. E. Baldwin eras called and,the broken bone being re set, Frank will toon be on the srar path again. Thu following we take the liberty of copying from the Woodstock corre spondence to the Harvard Independent of last week: The following dispatch appeared ih. the Chicago papers of last Monday: KNOXVILLE, TENN.VMarch 27.--James E. Jpucs.ctnimiug lie embezzled 91,000 while money order clerk in the post- office at Woodstock. Ill , tias been ar rested here, lie also accuses himself of murder. It is believed he is insaur. It will tie remembered by most of our readers that Jones left here about one year ago, and it was said a$f that time there were some five or six hun dred dollars missing. We have been unaole to learu any particulars in re gard to his arrest. Deputy U.S. Mar shal Riiiiflaml started for Knoxville early this week and will return to Chi cago witli Jones. Deputy U. S. Marshal Rlngland reached Chicago witli his prisoner late last week and lie U now under lock and key iu tiiat city. We have learned no further particulars but will endeavor to do so for our next commu nication. PERSONALS. Frank Durfee and wife have recently visited at Mrs. Durfee'* father's, A. L. .Salisbury. Hon. Richard Bishop, of McHenry WHS in this city early last week. M.M. Clothier, of Hebron, passed through Woodstock from Marengo homeward bound last Saturday. Mrs. A. L. Salisbury, who has been yery sick, is thought to be mueli better at this writing. Gen. Joint M. Southworth of Elinlra, N. Y., tame, was iu Washington, D. C., last week. John went down to^arrange the slate for the fall campaign. Mrs. Win. H. Cow!in, who has been extremely ill for over threo weeks, is now getting better but very slowly. Geo. Salisbury started for Kansas last week. Miss Ella Hunt was In Woodstock to close sale of the Hunt property to U-. K. Bunker last week. John Southwick visited his brother- in-law, L. J.Gates, last week. Mr. S. resides iu Waukegau. He has lately returned home from Dakota. Mrs. Pluney. nee Mies Cornelia Du ne iu, started for her home in Ohio early last week. A little sou of Fred Domlre, who has been down with lung fever, is reported to be Improving. FROM LAST WEEK'S 'CORRESPONDENCE. While out hunting last Sabbath with three op^four of our sporting gentlemen^^l Kennedy, asaloou keep- city, was badly wounded h» the left hand by the bursting of his gun. He was brought to town aud taken to the office of Dr. Cook, who amputated a portion of the. hand, we understand only leaving him two fingers for future use in Ills hunting expeditions. While RoblMt Forrest,'Hartland, was walking^n our streets lafet Satur day afteriiooo, lie was taken suddenly very sick; and was taken to Dr. Cook's office, who relieved h|s suffering for the lime being, which we believe to have been caused by violent cramps and terrible pain in the bWels. Later tie was attacked again and was taken to the reslihsnco of Peter Bain, where he was kindly cared for and remained there until Sunday wheu be seemed t<^ be free from pain and Improving hourly. Du FIELD--LINNET.--'The residence of Mrs. Allan Du field, in this city, was. Wednesday evening, March 22d, the scene of a most pleasant gathering, being nothing less than the joining iu wedlock of Miss Cornelia Dufield, eldest daughter of the hostess, to Mr. J. F. Pinrjp|V of Ohio. The solemn ceremony was performed by the bride's uncle, the Rev. R. K. Todd, after which a sumptnous supper was partaken of by those in attendance. Invitations had been mailed to over fifty relatives and friends of the bride and groom, and the company present comprised several oc* onr leading citizens with their entire families. The aflair was said by thosd present to have pasted oft very pleasantly. Miss Dufield was horn and reared in Woodstock, and is kuowu by almost our entire popula tion, and the people of adjoining towns, in which she lias been giving music lesions for the last ten j*ear«, and had thereby made hosts of warm friends and acquaintances. The writer has known her almost from infancy, and believe* with others that Mr. Piuuey take# to his home In Ohio one of Woodstock's tried and true daugh ters, and oiMKthat mother, sister and brother will sadly ^Hiss from the hearthsioue, but witli; \heir many friends *id neighbors t just that Cor nelia will have a happy and prosperous voyage through life with the husbnnd of her choice. We hart almost for gotten to mention that the presents given the bride by relatives and friends were'costly, elegant, numerous and iifeful^ and that, when gazing upon them in after years she cannot fail to re member tlio home, friends aud scenes of her early childhood and girlhood. May her path through life's journey be strewn with peace, happi ness and prosperity, is the sincere de sire Of your correspondent. OREEKWOOD- 1COITOR 11|.AIXI)KALER:--Springtime in nil her gjdry is bursting in upon us like an electric flash, opening hud and flower. The wanning and genial rays of the sun are inviting Nature to put ou her beautiful robes of green, making gl.id tlio heart of the toiling farmer, ,As. l»e through the^jtUey and upoirthe l»nfsi<U\ at his flocks and herda grazing and basking in the ami* shine, he feels to rejoice, and to hail with joy the fiest messengers of Spring. Mr, aud Mrs. G. W. llodkiss started ou Saturday last for a few days visit In Chicago. M iss K i11 it Stni t h one of Greenwood's fair daughters, accompanied by her father. Mr. Dwight Smlth^elarted on Tuesday for Evaiisou HI., where she expects to spend the summer at school. Kittie is a fine scholar, and will be. greailv missed at'home and by her many warm •friends. Miss Hattie Martin closed her term of school iu District No. 4. ou Saturday last. Patrons aud scholars are well pleased with lie labors, aud as a token of their esteem, iter scholars presented her with a line Alhtlhi. The closing exercises wound up with a "sham |pic- nic" of paper pies and cotton cakes. C. H. Merchant lias been suffering cousidorahly for a short time pa»t with sciatic rheumatism. II. R. Hit Id win Is at home for a short vacation. A few of Greenwood's "pets" are taking a short vacation, spending a few days lr. Harvard. The people of Harvard have our sympathy. Rev. Mr. Fuller, of Morgan Park, filled the pulpit at the Baptist Church last Sabbath. Services as usu.ul uext Sabbath. Fine Hams. Sausage, aud the best meats of ail kinds, at Jos. Frett's Mar ket. If yon w^nt to buy a suit of clothes for niau or hoy, aud have the cash, call and examine the new stock at Fltz- simmous & Eyansou's. FOR SALE. I have eight fine Sows with Pig for sale. Persons wanting them should call at $>nce, ' *>. JOHN DORAV. Whole Suits and extra good at F!tx< slminons St Evanson's. The Henderson Boot. At Perry & Martin's. Warranted New styles Wall Paper now in Fitzsfmnions & Evanson's. at Bargains In Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Silverware, Books and Sewing Ma chines during the uext 30 days at O W. Owen's Kid Gloves (quality warranted equal to anv two dollar Glove) are being closed out* at 5u cents per pair ac simmons & Evauson's. Fitz- Wauted. Wanted, situations for two boy?, jyie 12 and the other 16 years of age. Ap ply at this Office. • , Table Oil Cloth, very good. 20 cents per yard at Fitzsimmona & Evanson's, FOR SALE, . Two good Milk Wagons, almost new. Will be sold cheap. Also one two fear old Bull. A very fine animal. Inquire of VeBcar?, April Ht, W). My Richmond Deportment* OLWTRIBCTKOBTS. F. IJKNNF.TT. Glad to see a uew barn at the Par sonage. • . . % The teachers' examination adver tised for lest Friday, has not been reported to ns. Dr. E. R. Bennett entered npon his duties in Cook Cb. Hospital. Chicago, ou Saturday, April 1st. His address will hereafter be as above. The Richmond Public1 School closed last Thursday for a vacation of a week. The rhetorical exercises in the after noon were varied and Interesting, Som'c one Cor more) evilly disposed, removed th« sign of jeweller Marks, aud he is out iu a dodger offering two, dollars reward for Information leading to identification of the offenders. Messrs. Alexander & Hyde have Ju*t received the largest stock of wall pa per ever brought to Richmond, and the styles are varied aud elegant. Call and see them. The repork of Richard Wray* Treas urer of the Commissioner* of High waya shows the total receipts, of the board to be 83.9fti.3l; expended for bridges and roads. S3,919.7*2; leaving balance on Ipand, 935.5b. The drug store of Alexander Hyde Is now connected by telephone with the residences of Dr. Bennett and A. R. Alexander, and another line will probably be put up connecting the depot with the Richmond House. Miss Hannah Cotting gave a very pleasant party to the young folks on Tuesday evening. March 28th. prior t<» Dr. E. R. Bennett's departure for Chi* cago. Everybody says It was the pleasant est party of the season. The suckers aud pickerel ars putting in their annual appearance in the Nippising. Fishermen should remem ber the notice lately published by the State Board of Fish Commissioners, giving warning of the illegality of taking fish in any way except with a hook aud line, and that said Board would prosecute all persons who use spear or seine. We learn by private letter from a Citizen of itebron, who has been vis iting at Marengo, that our towns- woman, Sarah Peterson, Is giving the utmost satisfaction to the people^ of that village ffnd vicinity, by the m'an* ner In which she discharges her duties In the post office. The letter says: "Sarah gives good satisfaction In the post office and ns an assistant for Adams, it would be hard to find her equal." We are glad to hear &o favor able reports from Ml«s Peterson. At the caucus held at the House, Saturday, April 1st, the follow ing nominations were made: Super visor, W. A. McConncil; Town Clerk, A. R. Alexander; ^Assessor, W. I., Turner; Collector ITarvey Booth; Com missioner of nigliways, E. Bowers; School Trustee, A. Gardiner. Chas* Green, who served the town as Collec tor this year, is beijgfc urged by his friends to run on an Independent tieket. If faithful performance of his duties j* any recommendation be would be elected. Connected with the ° Institution Of the Sons of Temperance Is a scheme of life insurance for the members only, which offers unusual Inducements to such as desire to insure. The expenses are quite small compared with ordi nary insurance In the stock and mutual companies, aud the security absolutely perfect. P.J. Krcanbrack, Richmond Division, lias taken the agertcy for this insurance scheme and will take appli cations. All Sons of Temperance in terested will do well to call on Mr" Ercanbrack for information. G. W. El dredge Informs us that the scheme of putting np a large pickle factory In Richmond has assumed def inite shape, and the factory will be built In time for ihls season's crop, Contract have already been entered into with<a number of farmers for the season'*) crop of cucumbers at jflfty cents per bushel. The factory will be Duilt of a size to use all the material that can be* contracted for--probably not less than 50,000 bushels. The immense profit to farmers in raising cucumbers is well known and it is likely there wilji be a great rush to make contracts. Call on or address G. W. Eldredge, Richmond, III. At a regular meeting of Richmond Division Sons of Temperance, held at their divMon room March 29, the fo'. lowing officers were elected for the ensuing quarter: W.kP.. John West. W. A., Mrs.'P. J. Ercanbrack. R.S., S. F. Bennett. A. R.S.. Hannah Cotting. F. S.. John Wray. , T., B. F. Gibbs. C., J L. Downing. Con.. P.. J. Ercanbrack. A. Con.. Miss Anna Gooditand. 1. S.. Mrs. M. A. Witniore. O. rt. Holden Gillespie. Installation ou Wednesday, April 5. The Division is In a prosperous condi tion. with the utmovt harmony of feel ing and every prospect of loug life and usefulness. Soldiers and thoir hi Irs will* be ln« terested in knowing that Attorney M. M. Clothier has opened a perma nent office in Woodstock at the res idence of Wm. R. Cowlin, where ho will be personally until further notice. The office will be open all days of the week except Sundays, Mr. Cowlin act ing as Mr. Clothier's assistant when the latter is absent. The large vol* ume of Mr. Clothier's business in pros* ecuting soldiers* claims has made the establishment of a central office In- dispensible, and while we wouid havfi been pleased to see It opoii at Rich mond, we preetiuie the location Ml*. irUl aero*. modate the greatest number. Mr. Clothier's remarkable success as a claim's attorney was long since dem onstrated and it is hardly necessary to remark in thU connection that all bus iness intrusted to his care will reccive prompt and careful attention. v u * MRS. SCHUMACHE Has just returned from theedty with a line stock of ]®illinery Goods, "of the latest styles and patterns, to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of McHenry and surrounding country. Her stock Is new and selected with 3he greatest care, and she Is satisfied she can please all who may give her a cull. She has also a fine stock of Triminings and Fancy Goods to which she invites the sttet.'tloo of the buying public Rameniber the place, ono door west of Howard's Market near the Depot. SHEEP MEN, Ita not fail to procure the SMsarhtg Chair. E. M. Owen, N\ S. Colby,, FA Sutton and many others who nave used then for tagging and triintnlng feet, say it is the only complete way to handle sheep, being easy and worth double the cost in ohe year. Henderson Fine Shoes-- ladles' Low and Opera Button--at l'erry „ & eJfar* tin's. , . - " . "TV- ; #---<--•-- --11 WANTED. To contract at once for Fifteen Acres Onion? and Five Acres Cabbage. Shall close our pur chasing contracts for Cucumbers March 15th. Salting Contracts at ten cents per bushel will lie held open until April 1st. 1^1 ease remember the time. ltespeettully. v CRISTY. WALKER & CO. "^owDon't Yott Forget,'* To come to the Ringwoed Nursery this Spring with your teams, and for a little money take a load of Trees to adorn your homes aud make ol$ and young in the neighborhood contented and happy. Very, Respectfully Yours, R. A. BUCKLAJfd. Ringwood, III., March 7th, 188SL NOTICE. I am new buying 875 wort hot leather at a time, and ain prepared to sel| double Harness for $30 for tike next 30 3a; s. By paying cash I get a discount aud will share It with my customers Hand made collars, all warranted Give me a call. O. L. tfVRBASO, tttagwood. SOLD SOLD!! SOLD! I! Having sold my place of business I have got to move, and do oflcr my stock of Cloths and Ready-Made Clothing at cost for the next ninety days. I have a few Overcoats that I will sell at ten per cent. beloVr cost Now U your time to get bargains as my stock is clean and In good shape. y.O.MATSS. IfoUeary, (Uj, Jaonary It, 1884. Reed's Gilt Bdge Tool* ~ appetite. . ' " The Moll tie £ttiky Flow al I, Owf^i. , . Fishing Tackle of all kinit* a4 M# EnyWIit's, in Howe's Block, ueer tbs neSr Bridge.. The Furst St Bradley Svtky Ptew •" E. M. Oweu's. Buckeye Foroe Owen's. All the Oweu's. Pumpe, at flrat-elasft new* ft-: II Ladles and Childrena Underwear*, cheap, at J. R. W«IU & Sent WaaeMK da. For Sale, a first class driving Horse. Good either single or double. Is aevea years old, sound and kind in every particular. Will be sold at a barpain if Inquired for Immediately. Inquire of J. J. Vasey, Ringwood, 'U.^. FOR SALE OR RENT. ' The undersigned odera for salt or rent his farm, situated about $ mile east of Ringwood. Contains 233 acres good buildings aud good improve* nients. Will be sold or rented on reas ouable terms. Apply to Joe Weideman, McHenry, or U* the undersigned at Geneva Lake. JOHN KOHH. "BARMAN BROS. OMTN.*' the "Ameri can Queen,'* and "Trade." They have no superiors. Smokers should bear this in mind. Our books are open to receive contracts for suiting cucuml>ers at ten cents pel bushel C*ll aud see us. CRISTY, WALKER A CO. TRT one of Barhian Bros. '"New Stock." it willcompare with aigjr Ci gar in the marker. The best ceugh medicine in tlMS world. Sample free of charge. Call at Besley's Drug Store and get a sample bottle of Browif6 Expectorant free of charge. It cures coughs horse- ness, whoopiug-cou^h and ,consump tion in its early stage*. It is a scientific preparation, admirably adapted for the cure of all fliroa^and lung diseases. It is .pleasant to take and entirely harmless. Try It. It costs you noth ing. Regular sifee hot ties. (^$0 aud #1. For sale by G. W. Besley. ~ ._T',e 3ne«t ii»e #f Silver and Plated Ware to be found iu the county, «t O* W. Owen's. ! German School Books, and Engffisk and German Mass Book*, at M. Ea- geln's Howe's Block, near the bridge. Tn* finest stock of Perfnmerv In the bounty, at J. R. Wells A Son's Waucea. Ssnqraae* AyuM«6. hairs are honorable* bsrt ttwif' premature appearance |« an,*oyia«» Parker's Hair Baleam prevents the aa« noyance bv promptly restoring ti* youthful color. „ * ; The finest line of this market can be found & Schuorr's. Good* t« t Steve** Ilams. Shoulders. R<t*on, Salt Peril Lard aud Corned Beef, rat U»ward*e Market, near the Depot^^^/^ Examinethe 6 and 10 cent couutere at J. R. Wells At Son's, Waueonda. A full line of Buck Gloves and Mlttt at J. R. Wells A Sou's, Waueonda. Just received. Overcoats for Men and Boys at F. <4. Mayes' Clothing Store, near the new Bridge. Cheap as the cheapest. SEWING A/Whine Needles for every machine made, cau be found at It. Rm- gein's In Howe's Block, near the bridge. Call and see our S3 #4 and $3 OVSP> cpats. The largest line in town. . cxu.Br Sao*, JEALOUSY. jNiet lias said that vAft tor ments of the damned we find in only thee. Oh. Jealousy, thou tryant of tho mind." This is grandly sweeping and magnificently inaccurate. Any cof ferer from Indigestion knows to the contrary. Indigestion the villain of the tragedy played among the ga*|i## juices of the stomach ean, and do*#/' double discount the horrors of jealowy. Jealousy is often an attendant upee the bitter, and when indige&tinii 19 re» moved this jaundiced compar.ion of a deranged liver flies. TAICKXIXK is Sim; best known remedy extant for fM|» paired digestion,, deranged liver, awl diseases of the bowels and kldueys.-- Price 9.90 and ft. m G. W. RBS&BT, AgmM. IF you want a good npoke try eua ef "Barb!an Bros. Best.** They ans A No. I. Paper Weight an«t ink Well com* blned. A fine and handsome article.-- At Besley'a. Hie Sootety llettoa. On account of its remarkab¥r de|« I cafe and lasting fragrance, socletjr heiles are loud la their praises ef ^l<Mre«teu Cohigne. ' FOR SALS* 40 Acres of land In Ssctlfta #, ail fenced. Also SO acres of Jand, with »- good house and barn thereon, wIMi timber and water Iu abuudaoue. In See* tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake aud Nuuda road. Good ai»«p| house, barn and other outbuild!ngaU*#| Apply to JOHN FLUSKT. The well-known author of "Medl Common Sense," Dr. N. B. Wulfej Ciclniiatl. O., has just published a ae hook, called "More light about house we live in!" which is attractively] illustrated, and abound* in *ptahs tarfr*] but true" against swallowing drugs to- to the stomach, for any disease of thel nose, tliroat or lungs. It is a whelH some little volume to read, and be In the hands o"* every subscriber' tills paper, but especially those wl have any trouble In their head, that! tliroat or their lungs. Send ten ceet to the Doctor, and get a copy of It fr by return mall. Address as above. H. H. Nichols keeps the Durham brands of smoking tobacco also Hit iiuoking. ' Hip Hop " Our Pet " Three Beats * Pearless w A A double A smoking. Kentucky Long Cut smoking. Seal of North •"orolina smoking. Hunters Killickuick smokiii". Gay Fellow smoking, also two brands of Ci*garetts. Call iu and get a smoke or a dish of oysters. H. H. fJiicaota. One dder south Post Ollee, A Ora*nl «ai Never before wa« 'here such a made for the Drug Stores ws is neerj for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's Net Discovery for Consumption. COIIJ and Colds. All jiersons afHicted wt Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoarseness. S®v| Cought-,-or any a fleet ion t»f the Thi and Lungs, can get a Trial Bottle this great remedy/ree, by calling auy-reliable Drug Store. ",K ' tToiJ * H. H. Nichols keeps the Amerioan Eagle, Dew Drop and Far West Brands of tine cut. Best Woven Wire Mattress, lor #4.00 at John B. Blake'a. F. G. Mayes says he eaiinel Ike voder-; sold, PATBOKT2B home industry and buy your Cigars of Barbian Bros. Th»y make four different brands, and are eqtia) to the best. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. J000 seasoned Btirr Oak Fence Posts for sale, inquire of - JOB* DORAN. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. We have a large stock of the cbolo- est Candies manufactured. .0. a. /,• \ Free of Charges AIT persons suffering from Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis, Los.*" Voice, or any affect ton of the Thr and Lungs, are requested to call at as Drug Store and get a THal Bottle Dr. King's New Discovery for C« sumption, free *4 charge, which wil convince them of itss wonderlnl met and show what a regular dollar bottle will do. Call early. Ele(FTBE« MM! Iluttjr. Ladles who appreciate elegawe^*^ parity are using Parker's Hair Bafss It is the best article ,*old tor restort gray iiair to its original color, beau and last re. Mrs. H. H. Nioltols* Has just returned from the city wi a.f»ill line of hAts for the Spring tt of the latest styles and patterns, which she invites the attention of Latlies. Her stock of Ladies Foml ing Goods if complete lu every ticular, were bought with esplti reference to the wants of the fail of this village aud vicinity* and be sold a* cheap or eheaf than the same qnality ef Gootle cau bought elsewhere. Be sure and call and see our Spring Style of Hat*. 1 ^ * Mas. A H. »ic* •f t III J w. Jrttti*. Springs vie* af Martin's. Ir you want buy Clothing at cago prices, ea'l« B. l(**lm,lt Mug's Block. Mcllenrr. EXTENSION TABLES*. - Extension Tables OUIT One per foot at John B. Blatts'a FuftU;