Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1882, p. 5

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]|4|evj pUiuietlw. WEDNESDAY. APRIL M,LS8A. Railroad Time Table. "W1KO SOOTH. I^Rcra lake PaAMitinr 7:85*A. G«ur* Uka Kxprea* .I;W ' lM4n Lake Freljht........ Is# '. OfMfO woa*** T*ake Frej*ht.......... ;•;» a. *1 MRttt Ukl KxprMO «:!Wr. M fieaeva Uk«,Ptat«B(er S:!W " B. BPM, Airent. Mcffenr*, ll\ (Mwip------i^p--------J-------------- fie you want a Rood imnke t r y the ••Little DfTll." at BeriefV Hrug Store* Miss MAT FUJI, of Chicago. wss the] guest et Miss J**IMI« Searhis, In tbli village. last week. MM. R. BISHOF hu been quit* sicl ttM past week, but It now reportef better. MRS. JAMRS BRITTON, of Rochester, Minn, arrived here on Saturday last and will remain some time visiting relatives and friend* in this vicinity Olf Saturday next an election will be held for one School Director, in place «f C. O. Colby, whose term ex- H GEO. COLBY had an addition to tils family one day last week, of a nine pi»und girl. Mother and child are do­ ing well and the father is happy. THK Cheese Factory of Doran A Co­ in tills village, was opened for business •• Monday last. Emmett Riley has »n engaged to run it. FOUND, a Buffalo Robe, which the owner can have by callingOTI J. J. Gil* le« proving property and paying for this notice. O. C. has moved his family to Nnnda. the largest part of hi* business being at that place. His Hardware •tore in this village. Is srill running, fclng in sharge of Frank McOinber. EVBKY foot of real estate In Illinois Is to be re-valued for taxation by the town assessors elected on the 4th iii't. Lfttt year taxes were levied on tiie Valuation of the proceeding year. asu the new advertisement of Oeo. Curtis, House and Sign Painter, which can be found in another column. He also mixes Paint of all kinds, and will warrant yon a first class article. . B. ELLSWORTH, who for the past few years has been on the old Mend farm, lias moved into this village,, and now occupies the building lately fitted by G.T.Howe. ' TKIPP BROS., our new Wagon Mak­ ers, haye an advertisement in another column, which those wishing anything In their line will do well to read. They are first class workmen and work entrusted to their care will recede prompt attention. Call asd see the in. J. W. CKISTT, of Ringwood, has fomethiug new to say to our readers this week. It seems he is bound to cl£ee out lilt business and is ottering bargains in all kinds of goods. Ton will miss it if you don't call before lit closes out. THK Steamboat, "Mary Grlswold," is now making daily trips to and from the Lakes, carry lug passengers, freight, etc. TIM . "Lotus" will com. vnence running as soon as the travel fairly sets in. I Hick limiting Is re\ jrted good. THAT now Soda Fountain at Besley't which we spoke of a few weeks ago lias arrived, and Is Indeed a beauty. As soon as the weather will warrant It, it will bS put in running order, when our citizens will have a chance to "quaff" from this Icy Fountain. / I THIRI> quarterly meeting oft the !M. S. Church will be hehl in MoHeflry next Sabbath. There will be momfiig and evening services. The Rev. C. E. Mandeviile D. D., will preach in the •veiling at half past seven o'clock.-- You are cordially invited to attend. IfK would call t()e attention of our readers to the new advertisement of Henry Colby, which can be found in another column. His stock of goods for the Spring and Summer trade can­ not be surpassed, and bargains can al­ ways be found at his store. Read the advertise meat and call and see for yourself. ' • REGULAR communication of Me- Heory Lodge. No. 158, A. F. and A. Mason*, will be held'on Saturday •veniag of this week, April 15th.-- Every member Is urgently requested •• be present, as business of impor­ tance will come before the Lodge. By Order of a G OoLar, W. M. NKLLU£ FLORAL AKD GAROKK In- STRCCTOR for *82, is a 60 page pamphlet devoted to gardening, containing much Information and useful hints and many novel Inducements. It also describes and illustrates many hundred kinds of vegetable and flower sends that in of­ fered at greatly reduced prices. #60.0G In six cash prizes are offered this sea­ son and i* open to all. A wholesale catalogue sent free to the trade. A samplo copy of the INSTRUCTOR is sent free to all or for a three cent stamp, a packet of choice vegetable or flower seeds will be mailed free. . Ad­ dress the Publisher, A. U. NRLUS, Can- ajohario, S. Y. If yon want to bny a suit of clothes for man or boy. snd'have tiie cash, call and examine the new stuck at Fltz- dnimnng JL£VMIigftn'l - I? > iryr* *9. We learn that a company has been formed In this village, who will Imme­ diately commence preparations for starting a Brick Yard on the premises of F. A. Hebard. where It is said tliey have discovered the flnest clay for that purpose to be found in the Northwest. A good Brick Yard cannot fail of being a paying iustltutiou here, and judging from the men who have taken this matter In hand we are assured the mat IT III ^ We shall give THK Easter Party, at the McHenn House, was well attended and an en­ joyable time Is reported by all. A, MRS. JARLKT will positively be at j Riverside Hall on Thursdav and Fri­ day evenings, April 27 th and 98th.- Fnll particulars next week. AT the election Mr a Township School Trustee, on Saturday last, E. Griswold was elected his own success­ or. particulars hereafter. NOTWITHSTANDING the bad roads, the attendandance at Riverside Hall I on Thursday and Friday evenings of ] last week, to witness the Drama of the ' Hidden Hand." bv the McHenry Dra mat ic Club was good, and all wero highly pleased with tiie play. The members of the Club all sustained their parts In an unexceptionable manner, and proved what we have before said, that as Amateurs they have no snpe- riory They go to Wauconda this week Thursday audTriday. and we bespeak for thein a good house both' evenings. WE learn that some boys, Who are large enough to know better, while hunting around McCollumn's Lake, amused themselves by firing at short range into board fences on the farm of Mr. Colby, splitting and breaking the boards, spoiling them entirely.-- The parties are known and all that Is now asked Is that they replace the boards with new ones at once,* and save themselves trouble. This kind of malicious action has 'been borne long enough by Mr. Volby and he now proposes to apply the remedy. "A word to the wise." etc. THE average young man cannot holti thirty pounds ot' iron on his knees twenty minutes. Vet he willingly kills himself trying to hold 140 pounds of girl for two hours.--Detroit FreePretn. Well, what of it? Would yon advo­ cate the holding of bar iron hy a man young or old. in preference to 140 pounds ot good looking female? If that is the platform you are running on you will have an almighty big ma­ jority recorded against you. You hold the thirty pounds of pig}iroii, and. we will struggle along with seven times that weight of'tother kiwi. We are always willing to do more than our share of hard work. THE next. Sociahle for the benefit of the Cemetery will be held st the Parker House, on Thursday (to-mor­ row) evening, Aprlljl3th. The follow­ ing Is the programme: ln*truinental Music--Miss Elolse Walte. D^iet--Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin. Reading--Mis* Clara WightmSn. Song--Miss Millie Waite. Duet--Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Stevens* Rending--L, D. Blackman. Reading--Miss Eioise WaUe. Duet--Mrs. Nichols and Misa Bertha Hollister. Quartette. All are corriiallr Invited. m «* , II» I , tfl j,i*" j^. % WE would call especial attention to the advertisement, to he found else­ where in this paper of "Andersonville Dlarv. escape and list of dead, by John L. Ransom." This IR one of the most interesting, works published, and is selling like hot cakes. Wm. fl. Cowlin. Woodstock, who was himself a prisoner in that horrid prison |>en. is the General Agent for the Northwest. and# persons desiring Agencies should write him at once. A. B. Bidwell is Agent for McHenry County, and no family should fail to obtain a copy when lie calls. Read the advertise­ ment. F. G. MATKS and\ his son-in-law. E. H. Bartlett, have purchased of D. S. Smith, the corner lot east of the old Baptiqt Church, and will ^Imme.-liately commence tiie erection thereon of a store, 20 x 40 and two stories high, which they will occupy themselves, putting lu. -in .connection with Mr. Mayes Merchant Tailoring business, a stock of Groceries snd general merchandise. This Is one kof the pleasantest business points In town, and tli« erection of this store will be a good improvement to our village.-- Mr. Bartlett, who has been in lows for the past few years, is well nud favorably known In this section, having formerly resided here, and we predict that i he new firm or Mayes & Bartlett will do a lucrative business. r AN APOLOGY. To THE CITIZENS OP McHENRT:--Will you please to allow me to make my apology for your disappointment last Sabbath evening* I do not carry a watch myself and depended upon others for the time, and was deceived. Before I was aware of it it was too late. I started for the church, but only to meet the audience returning home. Ladles and gentlemen, I am very sorry indeed, and. though the mishap did not occur through any fault of mine, I would earnestly beg your pardon. Respectfully, A. M. Hex*. MR. HLKT W||| Lecture at the Urfl- versalist Church on Sunday evening next, April 16th, at 7 o'ciock. All are invited, NEW SPRING MILLINERY, Mrs. E. W. Howe has just received a full line of Spring Millinery to which she invites the attention of the Ladies. The latest and nabbieststyles can be found at tier store, and prices to suit the times' A fine lot of trim­ med Hats for Easier. Call aud see them, and learn prices. Mas. E, W.'Hows, A Woman's Kiporlnaar. Mothers aud Daughter* should feel alarmed when weariness constantly oppresses them. "If I am fretful from exhaustion of vital powers and the color i£ fading my face. Harfeefs Gin­ ger Tonic, gi tes quick relief. It builds m a up and drives away pain with won­ derful certainty."--BaffuloLady, Fine Hams. Sausage, snd the best meats of all kinds, at Jos, F^ety's Mar- N U N O A - EDITOR PLAINDEALER The nock yard has been moved to the lumber yard switch. s W. H. Beardsley started for the south this week. He wtll visit Kansas friend* before returning. Work has commenced OR W. John­ ston's home. „ Miss Lillie Arnold has returned home from New York where she has been for several months. The Easter exercises In the M. E. Church were splendid, taking Into consideration the tittle time that had been spent lu rehearsing the little ones. Mrs. Ida'Bagg. of Aurora, Is visiting relatives and friends here. Arthur Brooks returned to the elty Frldajr last. ° D. B. Warner received quite a serious jam ou one of his fingers. He- caught it between the edge of a syrup barrel and the floor. Mrs. Benthusen is quite side. Life is Wetter so that he is able to be down town. Mr. Richardson Is getting along nicely. It is hoped that his leg will entirely heal this time. Geo. Hiatt has been considerably un­ der the weather for a few days past. The Post Office has been neatly and tastily painted and papt-red which adds greatly to its appearance, L. D. Lincoln. Addle and Cal. spent last week up at the lakes hunting ducks. They brought home about eight dosen and reported a good tiuie. WAUCONDA. •^SfJBSORIiniOVS for the Pl.AtimaAI.KK will lie receiretl in Wauconda at r. B. Harrison's Druf Store and at the Post Office. EDITOR I'LAINDEALRR:-- Being stormy Tuesday, a light vote was poll­ ed. Everything passed off quietly, the candidates nominated at the caucus thn week previous being elected wUhaut opposition. H. B. Burrett Is sccor» diugiy Supervisor for another year, A. C. Bangs, Ass$*sor, \V. Powers, Road Commissioner, John Golding. Town Clerk, John Dillon Collector. After considerable discussion the town voted to pay James Grace 6100 for a horse killed some weeks ago, at a bridge which Mr.Grace claims was defective. It was also voted that all bridges should be laid with plauk, aud tliat.all bridges three feet or over in width should be protected by a railing. The same cau­ cus committee was appointed to hold over another year. A six year old daughter of Jas. MOJI- alian died suddenly Thursday morning. A. P. Worden aud Lewis Staxou were severely injured at Mf. Phillips, by the fulling of a staging-or a heavy ladder. Both men are reported at present as improving. Mrs. Poo!e started Thursday, to vlflt her sou in Kansas. The Mclleury Dramatic Club adver^ tise jo play Thursday and Friday even- lug* at Maiman's llall. The reputation |he club acquired 'A heu tlity were here last, ensures a good house, provided the roads are any way decent. SPRING GROVE. EDITOR PI.AINDEAI.KK:--M. Smith's new house is fast Hearing completion under the skillful hands of Messrs. Sut­ ton A Gardiner of Solon. Our little town ought to be uamed Gunrown if a person was to judice by the sound of guus heard here every day. Three new guus have come to town. The possessors are M. Peck. Henry Dayment and Robt. Tweed. Ji* Ff!Uik Lawsou feels so big sluce that girl camo to live with him that noth­ ing will hold hiiu. He has even busted his vest. Fish are here In plenty and John Frizar Is hnppy. He Is the boss fisherman, and ha» eouglit 200 in two or three days. ^ Our election wss held at Cole's School House: The following are the oSU'era fur the coming year: Fred Hatch, Supervisor, Wui. Slater, Town Clerk. John Miafcr, Assessor. Wm. Piercc,Collector. John Sanborn, Com­ missioner of Highways, Charles Mead, Justice of the Peace. Frank Cole and Chas. Mead, Constables. There was but one ticket aud no opposition. James Wiuu and Sarah Thompson were inairied at Richmond. Hi., hy Rev. Mr. Clark. April 6th, 1883. We wish them much joy. Our blacksmith has turned out an egg wagon for Alex. Tweed, of Fox Luke. It is a good one such as Shortlift is noted for making aud was painted by our old friend Scott Wanemaker, in Mr. Gray's shop at Richmond. Wm. Wray'sold horse is dead. He will draw the. cart no more. Tiie funeral procession was long and the remains were depositsd in the saud bank grave yard, by die creek. His place is filled by another botqght of Doc Kilburu. Pat Goodwin and wife have returned from Colorado and are visiting with his father-in-law, Mr. Watts. It Is rather hard to go out on a Sun­ day evening to see your girl and 'wait patiently for her two hours and theu toddle off for home and meet her with another feller. Well never mind, Jim. there are more fishes in the sea. A couple of our sports, a short time ago. wlieu down at the lake turned pale and began to think there was no ground at the bottom. The boat be­ gan to fill with water. They called' for help and Mr. Woodard came to tlielr assistance, so ail was well. Boys don't overload again. Henry Dayment is building anew fence around their lot, which will be an Improvement to the place and James Westlake is at work repairing tiie Broadiey place and Will move in it at ouce. , , . Wanted. Wanted, situations Cor two boys, one IS and the dther 16 years ot age.1 Ap­ ply at this Office. Table Oil Cloth, very gpod. SO cents 1 fpjr yap* »( yit#simmou« A Evansctrs, The public park •*> given a general cleaning up last 'weefc, which adds greatly to Its beauty. Quarterly meetMig services at tiie M. E. church, last Sabbath.' Presiding Elder Manilerille in attendance. Tl»e spring house in the public park is again open and ready for business, and. we should judge. i« being well patronixed, If it Is rather early. There was Easter services held at the M. E. church,last Sabbath evening. We did not learn what mm prised the programme, but it is reported there was a full house and excellent service. The Blisses Soper & McLaren have bought out tlm millinery business of Mrs. Nolan, and propose carrying on this l'ne of business at the same stand on the south east cornet of the public square. Give them a call. E. A. Murphy and E.E.Richards have been elected as mem hers of the Board of Education. Mr. Richards is reelected and Mr. Murphy takes the place of the late J. A. Parrish. At a meeting of the Board, last Tuesday evening, Mr. Richards was chosen piesideut and 'Ifr. A. L. Salisbury clerk. a •f •' Among the merchants -vho hare re­ ceived their spring am) summer stock ot goods, is W. H. Dwiglit, the leading hoot and shoe merchant of the county, Mr. Dwiglit has bought more foot wear than ever, so at least one would Judge by seeing the 1 mine use pile of boxes filled with tliis class of goods, that ar­ rived and was unloaded at his door some few days since. It would really seem that said boxes contained more numbers of {pairs of hoot* and shoes than there are people in the whole of McHenry county to wear them. Mr. Dwiglit Is known far and wide as the old aud reliable boot and shoe mer­ chant. The straight ticket, or the People's ticket, was the only one in the field la«t week Tuesday, for the election of town offices for the next year, and there was only a single opposition made to any of the candidates nomi­ nated, that being against the candidate for collector, M. D. Friend. Mr. G. L. 3h«rwoo<l was placed it|>ou the ticket as a stump candidate, aud beat Mr. Friend so bad that lie does not know yet what struck him. The hames of those elected are as foliows: Super­ visor, E. M. Lamb; Town Clerk, E. Baldwin; Assessor, A. Bourne; Collect or. Geo. L. Sherwood-; Com. of High­ ways, Jacob Snyder; School Trustee l»r. Wm. II. Buck. .With tiie exception of Messrs. Sherwood aud Snyder tiie officers elected were their own succes­ sor*. The Sonthworthglennon combina­ tion concern, the "leading paper" (the Sentinel), also t h*iA old war horse aud tlra calf that bleats upon the streets, imasiiie that they have really squeMi'd and put to naught tl|« fitatoment made by f.. II. -Jones 'Hi |rg*r<i to hls-con versatlon with the hero of Elmira. and the owner of the 'Mending paper" aud the old war horse, which same n|i- peared in the PLAINDKATXN of last week.--hy publishing au affidavit made by the "dairy maid," who tried to bor­ row $200 from the old war hort« -- for what pur|w»se can be Maslly seen by reading the ststeinunt made by Mr. Jones, and which tli^y do not deny nor desire to talk about. Gentleman Mr. Joues* word is ju*t as good now as it was when yon were friendly towards him, and when some of you backed hiiu snd iil« statements, giving hiiu a recommend as to excellent standing in this community and county.wliicli saipe mm he found on tile in au'offlce of mam­ moth dimensions. liv-Cc^rtalii city not a thousand miles from bene. At least, so you have said, and which only hap­ pened a short time ago. It is very evi­ dent that it makes a vast difference to you whose ox Is being gored, when it comes to the truthfulness oT a state­ ment made by Mr. Jones. If there is uo truth in what tie states, let the Gen­ eral aud hero of the sick camp, also tiie ol:l war horse, make an affidavit deny­ ing in full the reported conversation-- not a part, nor any change to suit their case, because Ml". Jones, by a large maj- orU*>>l the people of thiscounty and WII, is considered to be as trtuhful «¥ either of th£ |feeii before mentioned, and has not as long to re­ member--alone-- the conversation re­ ferred to, as have the other parties. Besides, what about those threats? How about endeavoring, in certain other ways, to keep Jones from .making tli9 statement, which is w£ll known here to have been the case. Thin threatening business is getting to he an old story, and a grocery is certainly a bad place to make threats, unless you want them printed, especially when they are made by those that bleat so loudly. The affidavit made by Glennon In this matter is nothing more than could be expected aud cuts no figure in the premises whatever. And such is the very prqnounced expressions made every day by our citizens. . PERSONALS. Mrs. J. If. Slaven has returned from Omaha, where she has been engaged in the milliner)' business. We believe she comes bsck to stay. E. A. Murphy is East, buying goods. M, M. Clothier can be found in Wood­ stock every Saturday, at the residence of Wui. H. Cowlin. Those having busi­ ness with him will do well to take notice. O. H. Gllmore, Esq:, went to. New York ou professional busiuesi, last week. L. H. Jones went to Sterling, III., last week, upon business. He returned liotne^ last Mabbath. <*>" G, W. Hunt, of Hebron, was upou our streets lest Saturday. Mr. limit has been very sick, and while he is steadily Improving, yet he looks quite poorly. W. T. Palmar a»d family, who reside In Chicago during the winter mouths, returned to their summer residence w*el&. L. B. Rice, dentist, closes Ills office until April 90th. The public school opened again en Monday. Eldredge. MeCouuell A Co. will con­ tract lor 200 Aires of cucumbers. Let farmers tq^e not Ice. Ell", daughter of Win. Moot*. Hoto(\. was buriad April 6. She died cf con­ sumption. Cftptaln Ray T. Lewi*, of Boston, spent Sundny with Ills old friend, (and shipmate, w* believe,)K4» K< Alexan­ der. Robert C. Bennett. Richmond, will sell a few settings of light Brahma eggs, if called for on premises, at 91.00 for thirteen eggs. Mrs. Eliza Melt wishes us t'e express Iwr thanks to the people of Richmond for substantial aid to reUeburse.' her for loss by lire. We see by the report of Supervlsor Wilcox that the receipts of. tlie Town of Hebron last year were 8743.52. and the disbursements $482.34, leaving bal­ ance In hands of Supervisor oft261.18. For the town of Burton the Report of Supervisor Mead shows, receipts 92*26.67. disbursements, 8147.57, leaving balance on hand of 870.10. THK ANNUAL TOWN MRRTINO.--The annual town meeting of the township ot Richmond .wss held st the. Rich­ mond House. Called to order at nine o'clock by A. R. Alexander, Towu Clerk. On motion, J. V. Aldrich was elected Moderator, and Thomas Bow­ ers, Clerk. pro tem. At two t>. M. the poles were closed for the purpose of attending to the miscellaneous busi­ ness of the town. The report of Su­ pervisor W. A. MeCouuell was pre* sented and adopted, and his recom­ mendation to raise 8150 for poor aud contingent fnnd concurred lit. The following Is an abstract of the ' ' REPORT. Balance reeM from W A MoOonnett pi eriene »i»r Is office | Ain't roc,d Co Col ImI tax 'At less OM " Mx ree'd from town Pol H R T m * .... Dog Tax Ain't rer.'d from All sources........ ... CONTRA. Am't Rill* And'd Mur '81... . " d»c tax unlit out for Ions to sheep Mar«,VM MM AS 17 7! lis 75 37 :!7 isio is 370 41 TB) 3B 9 4W 71 610 35 IMim 1SS 71V 3 57 18 68 .WS S3 Baloff s hat In (lands of *ap*e or"«ir' ^ Am't of levlct lirecoitlng.year for imy't of town indebtedness and rlisrsrt's is Ain't L»V t'n coll'r hiuI P»L«l i>yer Commissions ot town collector. ..i... Leaving bal to ii« coilM b» i'n cot aif, 1* OKUTKOVESrS. . « Am't of Indebteitiicris of town, Tiie report of the Commissioners of Highways was read and accepted. An abstract of same was given last week in this Department. Tiie fecotnmen datlon of the hoard that the sum ot 8S00 he raised for road and bridge pur­ poses was concurijed lnv ^ ^. OVKKSKKIIS OF IHGIIWATS. The following Is a list of Overseers ot Highways elected: Dist. No. I, P. K, Alien; No.9. E. Robinson; No. S, H, Marsh; No. 4. John W. Bell; No. 5. W. Ooodhand; No. fl, Charles Andrews; No. 7, A. L. Austin; No. 8, Frank Holmes; No. 9. R. Ayleward; No. 10, H. Thomas; No. 11, J. Wray; No, 12. C. Coulmaii; No. 13, Wm. Reed, Sr.; Noa 14. J. White. 1 . FOUND MA STICKS.--Dyar L. Thomp­ son. Jame« Hodge. The fallowing town ticket was elect­ ed: For SupervUor. W. A. McDonnell; for Town Clerk. A. R. Alexander; for Assessor. Wm. Turner; for Collector, Cha». S. Green ; for Highway Commis­ sioner, Elijah Bower; for Town Trus­ tee, Alexander Gardner.' FOR SALE. Two good Milk Wagons, almost new. Will be sold cheap. Also one two year old Bull. A.very tine animal. Inquire of THOS. KNOX, : McHenry, April Sth, MM. • Our Spring stock i« now in and de­ mands the*attention of judicious cash buyers. Dry Goods. Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots aud Shoes, Staple and Frncy Groceries. Crockery. &c., &r. Prices reasonable, goods reliable. A small living margin will satisfy us. Call in. Butter and eggs wanted. PIT7.BIMMOMS A EVANSOK. Jointed Firh Holes, a very line article* at Besleys Drug Store. G'holoe Candies, all kinds at Besley's. Free of Charse. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds. Asthma. Bronchitis, I.oss of Voice, or auy affect ion of tiie Throat and.Lungs, are requested to call at any Drug Store and get a T»*lal - Bottle of l)r. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption. free of charge, which will convince them of its wonderful merits and show what a regular dollar size bottle will do. Call early. Kleg*noe *1111 foHiy. Ladies who appreciate elegance mid purity are using Parker's Hair Balsam. It is the best attirlc ^old for restoring gray hair to its original color, beauty and lustre. * Mrs. H. H. Nichols. Has Just returned from the city with a full line of h its for the Spring tr%de. ot* the latest styles and patterns, to which she invites the attention of the Ladies. Her stock of Ladies Furnish^ ing Goods^f complete iu every par­ ticular, were bought with espicial reference to the wants of the ladies of this village and vicinity, ami will lie sold as cheap or cheaper than the same quality of Goeds can be bought elsewhere. Be Hire and call and see our new Sprhw Style «f CLOTHING. Jnst. in. Spring styles at Petty & Martin's. A Central Mamprdf% Never before was Miere such- a msh made for the Drug Stores as la now, for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness.Severe Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, cau get a Trial , Rot tic ot* this great remedy free, by W Bwg SM^il-r" MRS. SCHUMACHER. His jnst returned from the city with a tine stock of Millinery Goods, of the latest styles and pattern*, to which she invites tiie attention of the Ladies of McHenry and surrounding country, ller stock is new and selected with, ihe greatest care„aud she is satisfied she can please all wliomay give her a call She has also a flue stock of Trimmings, and Fancy Goods to which she invites the stteetlen of tiie buying p'lhiic Remember the place, one door West ot Howard's Mnrket th« Depet, The Motine Owen's* Fishing Tackle ofall •dad* at 1 EugelnVf in Howe's u«sr tl new Bridge. The Furst Jk Bfadley Sillkjr Flew E.M.Owen's. WANTED. To contrrfct nt once for Fifteen Acrea Onion* and Five Acros Csibba«*e. Shall close our pur- ehitsinsr contracts for Cucnmliers' March 15th. jSaltiiijr Contracts at ten cents p®r bushel will be held open until April.*4%!** remember the time. Kespccttnlly. v . ; CRISTV. WALKER & CO. "Now Don't You Forget," < To come to the Ringweed Nursery this Spring with your teams, and for a ; little money take a load of Trees to adorn your homes and make old and young In tiie neighborhood contented and happy. ^ Very Respectfully Yours, R. A. BUCKLAND. . Blntwood, 1)1., March 7th, U81 J NOTICE. t ikm HOW buying $76 worth ot leather at a ttihe. and am prepared to sel) double Harness for 930 for the nex* HU 3ajs. By paying cash I get a discount and will share it with my customers Hand made collars, all warranted Olve me a, call.. U. L. Htrmuto, Klnffwood. SOLD SOLD1!! SOLD!!! Having sold my place of business I have got to move, and do offer my •tock of Cloths and Ready-Made Clothing at cost for the next ninety days. I have a few Overcoats that 1 will sell at ten per cent, he low cost Now Is your time to get bargains as my stock is clean and In good shape. P.O. MAYES. McHenry, IU., Jannary II, MSI , FOR SALE OR RENT. * The undersigned offers for sale or rent his farm, situated about} mile east of Ringwood. Contains 285 acres * good buildings and goftd Improve* ments; Will bo sold or rented on reus onahle term". Apply to Joe Weideuiau. McHenry, or to the undersigned at Geneve Lnls%v. :->' JoeirKoMa. Buckeye Owen's. Ail the Owen's. Force Puinps« lfe|k £. It •Mt-cl&4 Plow* W x. I Whole Suits aud extra gOtfd it Fit*- simmoiis A Evauson's The Henderson Boot. At Terry ± Martin's. New styles Wall Paper Fltzsiinmons & Evawon's. Warranted In TWINE BINDERS. FARM KRS intending ts buy "Twine lllnders" will do well to look over very carefully Geo. Esterly's Automatic Twine Binding Harvester before buy­ ing. It will beat* very close inspec­ tion. Sample at McHenry Village ou or before tiie 16th or April. |tir Farmers need have uo fears of die Royalty business, as tiie K*torly Coinpaffy will back up all who purchase their machine. VKDPKFT S1.QCUM, Agont. "BARMAN BROS. OWN," the ~Ameri­ can Queen,'* and ."Trade." Ti|oy have uo superiors. Smokeri should bear this iu mind* Kid Hloves (quality warranted equal - to any two dollar Glove) are heinjc closed our at 5u cents per pair at Fitz* sluimotis & Ev-ineon's, /-'• • - ;• • CLOTHING^; The most complete assortment ever ' shown here. Prices very moderate. FLTZEIMMONS A KVAjraoa. ' -- ft- • ' v Ladles ami Cnildrens Underwear, ' - cheap, at J. R. WelU & Sou's Waucon* da. . The flnesl line of silver and Plated Ware to he found in theesimty,!! ^ W. Owen's. AnMyatiee AfnMod. Grav hairs are honorable, but thelf premature appearMiice Is anuoviar*. I ark*»r'sHair Baliam prevents the' an* , * noyance by promptly restorinc lte ^ youthful color. • ,» »* The flnest line of Dress Goods I# tills market can be found at Steve at st Schnorr's. r Hams. Shoulders. Bncon, Salt Ferlt Lard and Corned Beef, at Howard's Market, near the Depot. ' Just received. Overcoats for Met tM Boys at F. G. Mayes' Clothing Storey near t he new Bridge. Cheap as the cheapest. SEWING Jtftahine Needles for ev*r# 9 machine made, cau be fonnd at M. geln's. In Howe's Block, near the n •" bridge. ^ Call and see our «3 94 and ft coats, Tlie largest line in town. % OOLBI JEALOUSY pbet has said that 'All tori f the v»e^ HtlM "IIHII 19 moved this jaundiced companion o deranged liver flies. TAUKXIXK IS " , .V j Our books are open to receive contracts for sKltinj? cucumix^rs at ten cents pei bushel fUll ani| see us. CRISTY. WALKER * CO. FOR SALE. I Have eight flue Sows with for sale. Parsons wanting them ell call at once, JOHN DOBAN. Bargains In Watehes, Clocks, Jewel* ry. Silverware, Bboka and Sewing Ma­ chines during the next 30 days at O W. Owen's Furniture at Cost. In order to reduce stock we will tor the next Sixty Days, give better bar- gln« iu Furniture than wasever before offered in tills county. This is no hum. bug, and If yon want Furniture of any kind che|ip now is the time to buy. Csll aud examine my stock and learu prices. 1 am confident I cau make it an object for you to come twenty intlcs to trade with me. Call at once aud save money. Jon* ft. BLAKS. McHenry, Mareh ttth, IML t FOR SALE OR RENT. A house and one-iuilf acre of land In the village of Ringwood. Hbufee con­ tains live rooms. Will bo sold reason­ able. Apply to WRSLKT LAI>D. BINOWOOD, III., April 4tb, UM& Meats, all kinds, Sonae ments of the damned we And In only<"' thee. Oh. Jealousy, thou tryant of the * mind."' This is grandly sweeping an«t^,\sJ magnificently inaccurate. Any suf-r ferer fiom Indigestion knows to tlm*. contrary. Indigestion the villain ^ the tragedy piaved among t|ie ga«ti«» . ^ juices of the atoiiiiich can, and does y double discount the horrors of jealausy^* Jealousy is often an Ktteudrtut tipoii • the latter, aud when indigestion is io< * of * -- th« best known remedy extant for im* paired digestion, deranged liver, amf/ diseases of the bowels an J kidueys.-* Price •.60 aud fl. ' «• W. RasLar, Aswii. ^ 1* yon want agootl smoke try OMT "Barhian Bros. BesC tlMf £ - > No. 1., • Society Belten. - On account of It's remarkaWy del* Icate aud lasting lielles are lotid in Fiorcstou Cologne. fragrance, soetoty* their imtiaee ' jFOR SALE. j40 Acres of laud in Seetlo* ISLi fenced. Also 80 acres of hind, wltfv good house and barn tlierron. wltl timber and water In abundance, in Seia^ tlon 22. ^Alfo uiy homestead on the Crystrf»; 4 Lake and Nunda road. Good new ", house, barn and other ontbuildings.--,' Apply to JOUH FUTSKT. 1 The weH-known antbor of "Medical^ 1 Common Sense" Dr. N. B. Wolfe. o^^S>; C-U'iunati. O., has just published a newt .,x- ^ « ho.ik, called "More light about tho '. house we live inr which is attractively^ . illustrated, and abound* in '"plain laik+ * but true' against swallowing drugs in^ - '*'SC to the stomach, for any disease of lb* 1 ^ nose, throat or lungs. It is a who!«-t \ some little volume to read, and should n • ' * be in the bauds o"* every subscriber ic£« this paper, hut especially those whet* have any trouble iu Sheir head, their throat or their lungs. Send ten cent* •„$ to the l>«»ctor,'and get a copy of it fr*+ ."'J by return mail. Address as above. IF you want to buy Clothing at Chi* csgo prices, call on E. Lawlus, i n Lao* r -sing's Block, McHenry. * Fre*h and Salt Frett's Market. at TRT one of Barldau Bros. '•New Stock.*' It will compare with any Ci­ gar in the market. The best cough medicine In the world. Sample free of charge. Call Ht Besley's Drug Store and get a sain pie bottle of Brown's Expectorant free of charge. 11 cure* congh«. bos se- ness. whooping-cough and % consump­ tion in its early stages. It is a scientiilc preparation, admirably adapted for the cure of all throat and lung diseases. It is pleasaut to take aud entirely harmless. Try it. It costs you noth­ ing. Regular ante hat t ies, f.50 and •1. Fer sale by G. W, Betdey. Best Woven Wire Mattress, for W.00 at John B. Blake's. F. G. Mayes says he caiuMki biindeh sold. PATRONIZE home industry and buy vnnr Cigars of Bim>blaik BrosA. Ibey make four different brands^ and ere equal to the hest. FENCE POSTS FOR SAL]$. J000 seasoned Burr Oak Feuce Posts for sale. Inquire of „ JOHN POEAN. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. We have a large stock of the cholc* est Ca»di«* np,Uufa«'ored. ywm GEORGE CUBTI8, House and Sign Painter* McHENRY, ILL. •h«l» Opposite P«rry A Marthtti Will stteod promptly to all work ud geatv aatee mtl<»IW«tton Pelc«« m» tow as fool work cau be <!oue any where. PINS GRAINING A SPECIALTY | MIXED PAINTS, f am prepareft tn turntslt Mix«l Patau all kinds tit the lowest living price®, as>t fur-,.. niali an ariii-le far su iwrior t»» the Mamut Mixed 1'aiuta lieing som. Catl and ate me. GCO.CURTIS- McMsary. April B, 1881 JUST OUT! 1 ANDERSONVILLE tU&fZ £mpe, and List ot Dead, STIOHJI L KA vaoa. The l.iat of the Dead Kive» Accurately the Maine. Keginient, OtMiipany, Date ef Death and Xumber of Grave in f; the Ocmeier*. of all who 1 dle>{ in thi t ilMjitil- fut 12.912. Nearly 13,000 Victor The Diary la an e*ery<lay aceoant rf FWIN teen MiwttM itnpri»onuient w tit tee eaoh wor-l for word a* priniOvl. ami telle f\il\y an<t an'tersunttiu|lj'» * hai»(M>Di'nifs in Aii>i?rsoKv;.*«r and other .. " TahiabK- toail ttm»e who hat tmstisde^- A volmnfMif SU page* aksetr priate* aa4 iU«-trute<l,. bound in cloth, with |oU We* ; iaing«. Jhrice^ A. B. Bidwell. of WW"l»teelt. haa been a*- pointed agent for ^ ler the their considerate :ii'ti rail ntiiin the oferery the prescn tiaic *alaaWe **it bt Agents e»e*jr tiae*iette®iMe«k| Clrc utar«. % 4- yy //. cowlin w Jywi fv Me

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