Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1882, p. 2

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• •»%#(* f«« UCl*h '•wn»}« of fî ty CMlsge, &» aneiphwe Of the Senior oUm, Wl ladaflnflaly ttythefttooHfraSa k-iS^BoOi t«i»6W. driw riiifci--Xil n If fi' pinrrl ~ *-"*_~r _ . • • liquors. Tha says; "The ill length an# tybnty and gteafc- t̂mfottonete*? tMitafeiiUt, iift. AweU- as'itveain* of ttrit MadteMi ttlii *>-i •ii*< »«) »® <n »>«* w» 10 *•»'<"« TVjybfca MMf a" % •frfi i»*<» « Wttuk at w>*uH r v™ thtjastl mtiE * ,«*»•* k»»*eer tjjumd, bet it mjKMipU fan* that ae kVM* •hwtefeinUwyWd will > Tn seoond UIMI mwUfai of IMtOMl tsu* L«•**» A a W a a h t a c t a a - a a t h e l f t h 'SS?i»se=&S lean prieoMrs in Kntfish Jails; feaoto " TSa.frotia«tB>tb»|i>wMiwH<»«ra> ior " v - " t aMMh _ off 8mi, OntfbSween «hiiSMM» l*nM*«r Mitel* stt thaOay- Bssastsas ^kRHmad. • .; II ... Rrb and4 white, residents of Indian Xsoitocy k»mU te be alike laoaoaii against Jay OeaH for seaming all the nibapdi in that Mtea, ud wban lie obtained opotral of the WSftSMiMm Unsthe Cherokee* oWStfyvowed sotolobba* '*«««••» JDvring March twobnkttneo wens mate >s5&ssa •^T&ag&s mHSEt'itad ®ry ranHfto a ptts of rails tad Mia, aftdwaa ID- raa£%5£K?i»-,̂ ,ias lisfct tares, mU m board of the Ma with mo?- D« will of OongMMauUi Allen, of St JU»M| qorarspropsarty valped at. •15tOQ<M)00. The widow b given the residences and farms in •MlT-rnr MM! MaasSchaeto^s, tad moat of the l̂ QBwiU be divldedjMtimen aeTaml chil­ dren Commissioner link iaanea a eircal&r ftAag the ratee fitotn Ghlmgo to New York on K«a stock aUSO cental oncattle, 90 > centa net on iESvy f̂iE dou to this eoaidry. / " p o i ' i i ' r i i i i n '"'Ifea Postmaster,General writes tothe "fWmaker at Ctnofnrtatf that employee are not fdrfatAMn from ieue|i«Hfc mnnimpal offices whfch'do not eonfliefcwfth'their dntiea--The aujital t Democrats of Oregon have nominated Joseph «o w> J a Smith fcr Governor and William D. Fentoa for Oongrwaan>a«i ' • .THE Ohio House of Representatives wl» dmwalj amwde ̂(he other day, to hear the report uf<tfee faalî Investigation eotnmit* toe. ffflMw ifloeh. smamhar imwflhwiiflid, end .WUliaa A. Wr%ht> ttemeeoiitBtiTe from for eenaora far eon- •4,000,000 or more br forw«rdh« infenor mill. The heed of A Tb&i tor the MMMrination of tbe ^ypt{an Kiniator of War haa been diaoomed jGjt Aai<afc IxiodeiL -ftalMtt Gnnd Dcka Vladimir haaioforwwi tha Emperor ̂ Anateteilutthe Aflat tottartar the BgyptUn lCnle- terofWarwaadieoOTered t̂Mringleadwa wen atreateO at Cairo.. . Ttie optnm habit wee what «UMt Dr. liamHon, the Anorioan who vwrdaced JohM... -Five ttwownri Jewa ton,fdto î aoently been expeOed from Moe- Tas Miniater of the Bnmiati imperial hMisdWM haa «8«»ed!» pdvate circular an- ooondng that theeorooatkmof thaCtearwUl tak»plaoe in Aa«vit»^nd that. ®«» .vSSve laat a foctttflifc and tt U arttoated ttat th« •xpeoaaa wUl-enoont to 10,000,000 ronblea.., • Vienna dkipatoh etatee that three pereons who ware aaoeodiag the Alpa ion Eaeter Sunday •tolen ftroea ttoeladiee efthe imperial fawJUf of BraHL ' AbillTFOWjIf, NEWS. îatHOP fpiBB ou'uioo oat aeooind best l|hM in tiie Hinman-Bare libel mit that haa oeenpiod ,J~ the attentioki of th« Supreme Court in New York eitjr for bever»l weeks, The jury brought in a vecguct favor «f the Bev. tkunnel D. Hinmaa, awardinahim, fl0,000 damages The eaae related thiToilBcuftiea between apartor ud hia Biahop,!aod'also revealed the drcum- ataneaa wrrounding the life and work of a mla- iionaryin tbe far Weat among the lndiana-- A. T. .'Stewart A do. annonnee the dia> oontinaanne r of, their dry goode and manu- factujiniK bnmieaa, and offer their atocka and miliaittr sale. Neither Henry Hilton nor Will­ iam libby wOijgive farther deiaik for publioa- bon.Atthe tmie ofthe foonder'a death t2V 000,000 waa invested in the bu*ineaa. The fa- mona edict o( Mr. Hilton against the admisaion of Jewa to the hotel at Saratoga la said to have eatfeed a l&M tk one^half the wholesale and re- taU tra«le>ot the New York ttonae. Hie first eobfesaion of the shrinkage of the business Of 'tte tbii' 'was the fact ot its ob> tainiBg dtfnekinte for #100^000 «»' BO.„. Flaqtee broke ont in tbe P*roh*U House, Titn»- Vfl$eT5a. firemen refused to respond to tb»alaisa«Ader tbe newly elected Chief Hahn. Ham Caldwell roqueeted ex-Chief Coatle to Skb eoKnS; and he did, with the entire tone i working iindar him. The flamcu gained •aoh.headway that.̂ heyoould not be extin- gttkhed, anS the.eatire block, valued at $m,r M6»< waa deafcepid. •' AT Sedalia, Mo., a number of persons who Mm in tbe same division with Jeaae James "TtSt UKttU ofthe Annttioaa Biakke with great esnahaais t aU ihla be true be most baveao^r ̂I)B fii Credit IndnstriaL I will go tothobo«tam«f tfts." Then, aftttamomenr, tnatng to wHMtW, he said t " Wha do yon want m ta dML Bhipherd ?" lbs witness hsndedhia a^M ftoTa Aimatoh and said t M8end that iQ Haribut* Blaine read it, aad^lMpit "No, not that; a* aal̂ iV .̂1 l« ̂ " " 1M IIPIIIIHMi tMH DSDBfBWOI EMS your oondui ̂is Sk) b aa to lead to swtpioion of ImprojHr nA^oa with the Ondit IndustrieL ̂witaSs^eqottniied ! through Senator Blair, ttaa seot; but Ibs SttwM ̂ A nn the oorrespoodenee fnr- ' Department waa sent, was tbe dispatch which tbe Seo*. preeenoe and read to am." In his tastiaM r before the oommittee, on fih« 10th kMt ̂Adi herd said he had a I# with Gen. OnateSMi ting the affStas of (i hn- vianOoajpasgrjW I that he (Grant) declined rifar 'IhmhmM'Ii Shs^comDanv. itthouSTbt loohed fa finmw Hgbt Wit* nessaatd9&M «M lanator Conkling agreed to MUBta'IfHNpItt for profeesknaT aervioee if ths ooafvri«UiM|iiii arise. Bhiphnd dedhied to.tsfl wttb 'Hwfc he had been "hiding dnftMaD >MMoondenoew upon pension afl |̂p(Bpt|Oiit tbe eosomncee was ex- of their investigation sad fely private manera. The aaked if he had anything Aarfai Juatifloation of his eharge iSr pi |3bat had been influenced >tto Fai«|t%a Company by the Credit at aome kogth to the effect been charged with pnr - the reputation of a dead i ae on lot care to go further or say Urftwaenot dteeotly in the line of bis ' Mlrt Bie had Mad from newspa- Mli fnMniothors reperta eon- ""SftSSfe ihad «U{dMrd, at his 'examination ea the 11th Iqst, po#tfvely refnaed to toll who was the anther of tbe s^i H letter sent by himto Ari- aola. aader SffriKof Minister Hnrlbut, and to be dsMvarsd w |tie latter. Mr. Blount oon- ttnosd to «dot ttfsn the priritSd iftarresuond- eooe, and S|»4#fpijJ to extract fttmi tbe wit- neaiia ctiqpfim- answer to each question, raadiaff fiMsa ths Istter sent to Arisola through MMf Hartlwt, but obtained nothing but'.srsaiss, mpliee. He asked : "Was not ifaat Httar trritton by tbe Venezuelan MiaHtsr?", Wtlacas declined te reply. WMaw_was aekeflf Senator Blair, as oounael, was iMlfnisd wttn in relation to the letter to Hwltet in whMl.he (Shipherd) tendered him MMOO.ia stodk. aad replied: " Betwtor Blair did DOtsee the Mb? to Hnrlbut," Witness, hewevac, told iMni abom it some time after it IMS sist. It was discussed by all tbe eonnael; none of tbea even found fault with it on its faeabital̂ ^he remark was frequently msde: letter will bears double ooo- ijf get you into trouble." ion was resumed on rMth. pritiM# refused to produce » «st of Jamas O. Bliilao at Wash- jlhat hs will be aoaadidate for f _ from Mstosfla the gfoersl tk*et, in (Mar to prevent a triumph by the fusk}m*te, tba Stats let having tmma sedistriotsC SiStlEWwa*. Mf*.. MMh UM» 1 toe gnat ec tM, Miaay tamed •lte'iliM office ; î ^H;̂ ^*w<ish dMysaM aaaM ftomibe =" jl'"-: aa--*jM(.at< isaapb, Ma^-wbsaw Jiasse. James •"WWW VWMWf MM JWN MIV • INBHW SO H--fit i»hiriSittss»&Witaajtold ftst̂ hesose ' H %-ti ̂ • Ls%u^^HCatiis iMMHeta, Ohioagw ̂aged 80 *« i * .. *i,.r W4 iartiet near S-*:Vi •OSewS&Rtow' ' <ii ,;nrtfcfcf>Sssa MidiliyM a dead'-of 'the ̂ maintaining his Si << xepomtidm. impo*tant [xdnts in tiilllSWbwsSt itot a material de- ̂";5"••••» ilrtill%hn>l>iisai|li;in Wnassow, Iowa and isAoaH t̂lsdBSipt in Dakota and ^hjftWIyoWWlN'disteioU repieaea^at the became load* p- !' _ e^gaaaglMBalnaane ̂aadhe waaaeac te the "* <«'tt|i!'CWfaL'Oc ̂ ; ««4© and, Saata Vsnwd ^As 'robbed a. few pK - . AwL I4,,||UTftf 'ftftliin'iio' 'Miaa. ofat men, C .*'"r n£%£Sg ITiliuMPt̂ • H*';With 4>octod ptatob. One : carq^ng; ae<pMowi iM>; 'ordsred a . atisaion • " | j f f r j j f r a r t n i a i i s d f O r t k l » V e^wroar. tm«f ̂ roe NmberS flrdd <4 him, '»•"; f ^ut hrittapstfifaiitotefrih* baHpssslsgthroa ̂ '.*ho.saerkss«salAass. Att the robbers then /*. mC ilhat poOTgeSooville haa at fisR jaiuwIg wifMrawnfraatbe Got- i »tpi|rt»| Mra. SeovtBs fî raphsd Qhsrfse RBeedtohavyooaS t̂arsHMtotsdtotafcs fl̂ P^HBMtlWtaia-ef-the aaaaaafn. he being * '̂i%JB3P2f£fiTed*',)y ̂ im **** * ̂ 1»°p ̂ fal pMpU fi food snaps la the ftooth, 'W^MMdtasnsss of sMp of wurt* and oata,aad a Oi&L 4ar The hptsass of foodsrops >.«Operoaot.iaw«M2 ̂ WA*MS5lf«TOH. . \ Broidri»HTATxv» Axjuks, of' who hss|aatdUa aitihe s l̂ttal, was born In PtttafleU. Mast, Aug. * 181#. AtlliesiSof age ha aatsred IMlda OotMge, sad gfckdaated , ja l S ̂ ^Ootghar of tbe sams year he weot |o New York and oommsaoed Q>s study of law. to 18M be aasausa tfae cKabfi of Magtutaa, «, position 1M held for two Of the MmUmmimt, at WaiAiuton, P. G.» and waa elected Pobtts Printer, ft tbe nrtog of 1842 he ft* up his Vsridsuos inSTLoim when heaisrriUand hesatassnsidsd. ' . a GLBomnr# of Ghioago, hps ntb- mltted to the Beasts OonsnHtee on Oommsros a Mil to regulate tnnapertatioa, 1# theory be­ ing that oarrisrs shoald be snbjeetsd to severe penalties for extcction, whOs left free to man­ ege their btnihNS within the liaoits of reason. Labor bas oraered s MB drafted to appropriate «l̂ M%OK0Coreehadtothsoaghe«t the United Statee in proporUoato tee prevail̂ illiteracy. Th» ; t4#r-ronke defendants racaiwd a bad setbsqk m thf dyistoo bjr Juste Wylle overruling ihe mottoa'to qoash ths mdMmeuts. The decision applies sqaslhr to die ^atraw- boud " oases, and to the saotilan te quaett the WWapat for mnidsr in tbe Soteklo case. The star-rooters lanst now oome to trial, hav­ ing sshaasted aU thsir deviosa for ebMrnotioa snrt dslsy., WABOKH GBOOKU sajs he has never seen Gniteau so eantfsd ss shsee hssring of the move of his. sfstar to ban a CUoago court give her lani oustody of his estate. Gnitwu tUnkS all ms hister wants to aooom- plWUifc to get the profits o< hiabookj He de­ clares that if he has to die, he wlU make a wiM which will keep her f»om gettfng a eent from his estate. SooviUe be po t̂hrely rules out of his oss* Md Beed win hereafter have entire charge. Gufteaa has obtained about *700 from the sale of his pictures and autographs. His f^^awage $10daily. The assassin has issued the following "oard • MmVn l̂LSoaviO ̂MOordlag tonewapmr sSttftawS'sirsisfyS IMt tla tsetUurt.l do not live In IUtno!s,»n4 have apt (MaMthtanemn, Besides, I aai not a hiiwtlft Thit was ottrfafty de­ cided aamrtrial thavatived taWashluRfam for ov«r » year, and this la my legal rwtdeuo*. • 'tfe® oourt_had bs»« iimmim tbe peUtJoB pwwnptorUy, t£be BoovUl-- ie nwlssaoss, and I want nothluu to dowMh tban. OKABUH OCTTKAU. ... .It is said the Fresittaft wUl make the -Fits John Porter oaee the snbkiot of a special oom- intiiiioatibn to Congrtas «t an etrty &$T Tttfe House Judioiatj Committee has received a letter from Jsues A. Gesrge, the forfeitare of the lead great to ths Texas Mis toad, whiobhas letelr bssft add'to the flof tlwm Paciflc. Tbe grant was made to t*- enea oompsting line to the Psd&s coaSi. sad WMWtised about eighteen million aoaea, aad not a m&e of road haa been hutlt in the region cov­ ered by the grant Mir. <3eotfe dedans that the grant waa seoored by bribery, and asks t» be oallad asa wttueas....TheBoard of M-nttr- &m of dlemeoestoir DieSbled Toionteer flidt- duzr* ilintsd the following ofltowB for ths smaVbow Ar .̂,...Two e captured Little gnernlla, namsd B0b» ^TSiSSSS-offt Z-££g*u YUxiITBstiBPt, OoL t. '• A.' Martia; Beoretary, r - r * , r aL > Jr . . jJk a*. AvMXMAXiowot ministers of the Abi- can M. EL sfaonli, beaded by Bishop Brown, and accompanied by Fr-d-fc* Dongla ̂wait- ed eyon Attorney General Piesstts sad made ootnalaiat that thsUnMed Statss Attorney for Mstioalareass MAwredtewssttatof Bishop P^Mb .Mtoff tbe*eilroa4 ,|»Bto at î dn l̂ft several miles fiom a stattoiL after having pw ehaaed a flrst ciaas ticket. It was reprsseutsd that ell spptteatfcms to the: District Attorney for legsl rsdrssp were of no mfl, Ihe Attorney General praaised waiter shsald he IBTSSHHHI.... m jwmf In AOOOBDINO to BradatreeCt, these were 111 failures in the Psjtsd States during ths week eadinf Apbu ii a daonsss of 8 from ths pressd- ing week,and»ttiare than during the oorrespood- ing week last year. The dearease was ahnoat Sirely ̂ the Middle, Btstss, whkh had 19 ft&nrae, adscTekae of lS: New England had aainereass of 4 ̂ Soutbern Btstss 36, a d®- ereaseof l; WfeUrnBtatss 88, the asms m the ̂ rsMdlng wfiSt [ Oahfornia and the Terri- torles7, an hMTeese of l; Oaaada 18, an in- eraassof 10. . OxuntAW is oni ip another eaidjjo the pnhlic. " Had thqy (relatives] all died," he asyg, "twenty-five years ego it would have been » godsend to U0.n He charges *Scoville with a, desiriB to get control of his [Guiteau'u] book, end ways M Ass already paid Sooville f275, " which is mora than his aiteged aervloes are worth.** Tn eomet is now about 186,000,000 miles from the earth. Itarill eontlnne to ap- proachmitilMayJO, wbeaits dJstaaoe will be abeat 80,000,000 nules from us. It will be seen in its greatest gk»ry about the 4thof. June, Tan invitation extended to Moody and give a year to work in London has Frightful Boiler Explosion. Baltimore has been the scene of a fearful ex­ plosion, attended with shocking Ipsa of lite. A large boiler blew up with terrific force in tbe flour wd feed null of A. EL Bibley, in the western section of the city. The force of the explosion shook the earth for Mocks aroaud. . This threo-story brick building and two small houses in the neghborhood were shattered. * Briaka and timber were blown through the air like chaff, aad human beings were burled in everv direction. John Addison, theengiatfr,'and Henry Walter, the colored fireman wen torn to pieces, as not even frag­ ments of their bodies bavs been found among the wsSle of ruins. There were sevm penMos killed follows: John W. Addison, Har­ rison Walter, Frank Kramer, Abraham H ib- born (oolored), Maria C. Kanff, Georgie P«nts, Grade Gray. Andrew. Cooper wax terribly scalded about tlie hea4L and will probably die. James Poden had hu skull .fruct- nred. Edward Ooukkhan, Bernard Tan lor (a ohild), Ida, JResenhmg and a aimiher of others were more or'lees injured. Benidc tbe above, there are several person* minslis .̂ Ttie batyiings In the rear of tbe factor? in which ths explosion opcuried were occupied by wotnen of ttmae, SM beaoath tttir TWIM wveral voans giris psriAstL .The tin nmt or tbe wilding in whiou the boiler burst was carried tbron?h toe air ever a block of hoesss and I&oded ia the middle of the Htreet A Gernuu woman who was in the yard of a house near the'null, hanging up tome wet cloths*, was hauled-beneatn tbe rear wall of her house, wtueh was blown down, and in­ stantly lolled. lAimediatrly aft<ir the cxolo- sion mrabroke out among ihe r.inK. and M>ver>ii of the unfortunate beings were either bnrned to deettr er' ̂ mbcated. A lotr pre«8uxc of U f water in thw boilseis said totsweesasw) tbe exploslOB. _ - WMM ill tin Mtfrapk The ~ teleffnuph work of England haa nowbeen v&y ksrgely eonfided to women, and it ie ealmiUtod tiiat there oan not be lees than TOO emplored at the Centra! Qffioe. The eta# of the Telonaph Clear- ing-hmuo Cheok Branoh, which enper- •isee the whole telegnnphio work of the kingdom, and aots sa a ehook upon all the ekarie in Ik* depaitmeut, ie ezcln- sivelT ooanpoeed of women, to idiom is also tntrnaied the entire financial bnsi- ness. Certain branches of the savings batik department an ftlio in their hands, •a welt ae DM dead letter olBioe. The nnmber who mppty whenever ® vacancy poonm is enormous. Hone of the more important offioee heve jet been filled by women, whioh, It 1a thought, are better officered by thoroughly competent men. No ucae than one-fifth the algte of the Antowtfa.Byhare been identified with * l~i1.r.u ^ 'Go in, Shlpherd's eacamination on the 14th Inst, was dry and unintsraating. Be stated that he pre- ssnted a letter of introdnotion from G«. Grant to President Arthur, bat declined to xepea1 what oocorred at that interview with the Pnsi> teit. He assured the oomietttee, however, •hat nothing 4m«rt that could have any reference toi ths allegations of the House resolution Which led to the invest!- gstioa, although m eonveraation had aome relation to the Pirnvian Company. Witness 'Voluntarily denied Tthe published statements that hs had eertaianoROS&ondsnoe withBsoe. tary Blaine, and that there were oertain letters which Blaine woukloot hks to have published. He said he never retailed an antogniph letter from Secretary Blatto. 1-- its session on f6,000 per annum the Commissioner a under Mr. Saunders intro- POIHGB jjg COWCBES ̂ •fke!Souae, in eotm t̂tee of the whOte, de­ voted the day, at its session on the 8th inst, to debate on the Tariff {Commission bill. The Senate heldno sesswyi. Ihe Bonato passed i the 10th inst, to lis sakriegof the elsotioi the Aati-pofygamy law daeefi a bill to apfnopi tte 990.000,000 in trust for the Wichita aad < ler bands of Indian ̂ the income to be paid I i«an semi-annually, on condition of their relit nishing their right to 4(^000,000 acies of land n Khnsas and Indiau Territory The death o Bepreaentative Allen was ahnooneed. In tbe ] wise, ifr. Butterworth introdooee u ieeolution < Jttngspon the Secre­ tary of State forinfotf tation Oi regard to the cattle trade with Eagles i aad- fork shipments to Franoe. Mr. Thompj >a subialtted a majori­ ty report on the contest I seat of the Second district of South Cat dine, admitting Mr. Mackey. Mr. MoLane lutroditted a 1411 to abrogate tbe fifth, and atob Mtidas of the BarUagame treaty with Ihfaa. Ifr. Bay pre- seutod a measure to ma a the fees en postal money-orders ft to 10 cfnts. HQ. Biohardson handed In a concurrent resolutive to Inquire iuto the eost of a suttabl i site foi a reskwuoe for the Presided A bill to restore Oapi list of the navy, with earn in pay for nine yea: Senate on the 11th ini MeDill voting in it# fav< Mr. Vest introduced deMiKued to oecure ra naviuatlon. Angus Gai r~- Ooifcin it the active tation of tbe differ, was passed by tbe Bon Cameras and with the Democrats, general bridge law, nablc protection to leron t«pottcd & bill held. &•„ whieh, as Pulilk Printer, were wnt ir. by the .in to i n 3t4:xbal for aa: fiainnol 2\f. Jack- ' n a l K - ' . v e n u e f o r t h e nnayivaiua; .Edward ndent at *W Jfran- naviuaiton. Angus U approoriating $320,163 f*r keeox'uu îiiel by Ben Holladay on aoeounnof Indian Inutilities. An exeontive session 8. P. Hounds was confix.. The following nomimtio: PieNi'l«nt: John B. G. P, Uiu Kiuit dirtiriel of Loni hon to be Collector of Ini Twenty-thud d;H:ric^ of _ F. Dnrlon to t u Superii citco, Cal.; Stephen W. Duncombo, of ̂Hichi- gan, to be R giwter of the Lend Office at Aber- deen, D. X.; Thomas S. Allen, of Wiscrt4«tn, to be Receiver of Public Moneys at Aberdeen, D. T.} John P. Gawey, of Ohio, to be Regfetsr of the Land Office at Olympla, W. T.; Vln- •JfiSJ8*rfew. o< Wiseonam, to be Booetver of Public Moneys at ESw tilaire, WkhT%e ̂*PP«l>riating W0^wTto [••d the Arapahoes, Obq^naea, Kiowas and tiaee other tribea la' Iadlan TerriU*y, In eomnntteeof the wbole on tbe Postal Apuro- Priation Wli, a Senate a^odmaTTaT :̂ eoned m to inenaee by *600,0UU the aUo wanes f* inaUa, bat ths progiaatioo to restore tte franking privilege WM defeated. )fr. Headsrsoa reportedSMU for ths construction of the Ollasis and Sfisrissî pi Mr. Be well presented a petition in the Senate en the 12th last, from 878 oflfeers of tbe armv, praying for the passage of the Mil for oompuU sosyrettfemeetatthssceef ttjsen. The MB anoteng to the Southern Utas effiteultural lands in Utah was amended toaUowthe Indians to reoeive their sunoities in cash Or stock, sad then passed. A bill was psssed to refer to tbe Court U Claims tbe bill of George B. Payne for si­ ted wrongful seisurs of his soger fdsata- "aUer' to im- George "Maney, of i to the Senate tbs naidss of dent and Consul Geosral am I* iSV-Sitt ' :.y ia Bolivia} William Bsrug ̂ of Geoqga, iPotatsr Beriisot of the {MM •Mateo ef 9e> . «he Marr- a Oninesebill t̂ oviding fw jbuTmpeiiwn festtnigrsttonfor tea years. iSe Ootnmittse Approprietions WasttiStraoted toreptort what further mesaiiiee nf isjttef sre asoeassryfor the of tias Mississippi. Mr. Cameron paesackted la tlie Senate, on Uhe 18th in .̂, a protest from the Land League against tbe imprisonment of American dtisena inlrdsad; A bjU wespiseed for the adjust­ ment of the ehitts growing out of tbe dee- traction of the mhrate armed brie Geo. Armstrong in 1814 at Port BoyaL Mr. McMillan made a fSvorable report cm a MQ aothoriaiwg the Beoretary of war to ̂ dtoshrustion of »av^gation by requiring additional at the expense df the bridge «*• TheHduse bill to rectify dutiee on of -the Methsrtaads was ameaded and Tbs bill for a right of way through Territory was passed, an amendment to require the eonsemof the Indian Council be- ingrrieoted. Tbe bill was peassd to appropriate W^OOOm s^ply tbe dafiaienoyin the snb- rtftenoe of Indian tribes, as also aots to bridge tho Misriesippt at gsithsbnrfc IB., and to establish an essay oOoe at Omaba. The House passed a MB to ratify the agreement be­ tween the Snoshoaes and Bannoolrs end the Ulth and MoriheSn railroad for the sale of kodsJn Idsbow The Tariff-Commission bill was tsken u&ettf speeches were made by Messrs. XMegtsff, Turner, Bramm and Ann field. A bfll was psssed appropriating 810,000 for the erection of a monument over the. grave of Thomas Jeffsnon. y Mr. Maxey made a faveteMe report to the Senate ̂on Ihe 14th Inst, on the Mil renewing the appropriation of March, 1877, to pay South­ ern mail contractor*. A bill was passed to pay the claims of 1,800 loyal citizens, aggregating 8291448, for small supplies taken for the use of the army daring the War of the Rebellion. Mr. Voorheea spoke on his resolution condemn­ ing the Secretary of State for his neglect of American citisens in Ireland, and on motion of Mr. Sherman it was sent to the ("omnfittoe on Foreign Relations for further inquiry. Ih tfae House the minority report on the anti- Chinese bill was read. It aeclares against a, fifteen-yew mspenston, and In favor of Mr. Pace'» motion, The private calendar was taken up in committee of the whole, and the bill for toe relief of Edward P. Armstrong, of Missouri, wss debated for an hour and defeated. At» caucus of the BepuMfean members of the House it was sgreed that on Monday, 17th, an effort should be made to pass the anti-Chinese bill (Mr. Page's) under a suspension or the rules; and that on Tuesday and for the re­ mainder of the wesk the Committee on Elec­ tions should have the leer fer the disposal of contested-election cess* the Utah cess to be disposed of and thlh ths Iffaoh^GfaelnMrs Mississippi contest Did Letters. " f.-\ Donbtless, kind reader, you hate a treasure box, or cheat, or trunk, and away in some hidden corner among the many keepeakes so carefully kept, is the bundle of did letters yellow and stained and wrinkled by the hand of time. Would you give them away, burn them or sell tliem for money? We think the unanimous response would be "Nay!" "Nay!" Precious relics, aa they are opened and read in the hours of ioneh ness, how they fill the soul with sweet­ est memories. How oft you delight to read them! and how deeply absorbed ott become in their perusal! Amid the soenes of li», now wad ihen an p ĵrwBr© with the dear old letters. Select some eoey place by a <|uiet stream or beneath some nreading'fene, and while the sun sheds his blandest smiles, the sky puts on its bluest lobe and the birds thrill their sweetest notes, you may read over the events s|ul pleasures of the olden tame with oogapletost zest, and in your abstraction of surrounding scenes, dream the happy hours away. Touch with loving care these humble reminders, for they are precious indeed. Place them away in the safest retreat* and when the years shall grow apaoe, they will soften the wrinkles of age, ana serve to keep green the memories of the past And when you shall have reached the last oasis in the arid desert of life they will be fragrant flowers in your pathway to the tomb.--"Amicus in Cincinnati Farming World., .. The Encore Kuisanee. We hare cried ont again the encore nuiwmce until many friends regard it as a hobby of ours, but even that will not prevent us from voicing the sentiment of all sensible people. It is time that ther newspapers took up the cudgel in the name of sense and decency, and protested against the practice of encor­ ing everything npon any and every stage, and for all perform twees whatso­ ever. It Is a fearful strain upon the nerves of sensitive people to see the cur­ tain go down npon "a most foul murder," and, at the instance of a riotous mob of gallery gods and enthusiastic flats, have the poor, gory rem aims re-endowed with life and come smirking and smiling out before the curtain. Applause is all very well, and no one enjoys and appreciates it so much as an actor; bnt to be called from the grave to bow and smirk isn't just the thing. Where the curtain can be raised and a' tableau presented just aa the actors were ,la«t seen, it is well enough but, for the sake of people with# sensibilities, let there be no resurrection of the dead for fme purposes. A call for a singer, or some fine little speech is tolerable, if not too much overdone; but repeated demands and importuuities from these dramatic body-snatches are as,, disgusting a* Uiay aro wearisome.--2ur/f Field, and Farm. were first mJM$»&Arra*s Franoe, inthe #tfiaaaili a si as ftla aenitfiw •uVNrMwOKX wXHBlUBKTfl Drama the X«%u flf Trojan 5,000 poor children were supported by the Govern­ ment in Rome atone. IT is within the last two eentnries the first attempt was made in Europe to establish quarantines. Tffl fijist baloony, or belcony, a« ft was originally called, was put up in Con­ vent Garden, bj Z«oard AranduL in the seventeenth ee&tary. ONS ancient Mexican pensltj was to have the hair out, aft some pohlM and during • medimval times in cutting. the hair wss enacted ts a pun ishmenl • 4 DoKmAir once aotuallv assembled the Roman filiate in special session to vote ouithe merits of anew sauce whioh he desired. to try cci a &t specimen of tha Mediterranean turbot. THBBE were no sermons in the time of Elizabeth, except when the Sunday hap­ pened to be a festival. The succeeding Kings had two swy meaning; they often lasted more thsa two honxm. ITAXIT is the only oountry in Europe where sll famous men axis expected to sit in Parliamcmt, and where the humblest citizen would rather vote tat a great composer or General than for • local celebrity. WHEN the first oensus of Oeylon was taken, in 1871, it was a common belief among the natives that the object wae to discover the number of unmarried youths, with A view to their being takes to Europe, whose male population, they said, had been destroyed by a great war. JAMES JX brought the coinage of Ireland to disgraceful condition during his stay there. His coins of gun-metah copper, brass, and pewter were foroed inf̂ circulation by every dexioe, and his Irish subjects were the losers, having in their possession nearly the wholp of his worthless money. GARFESWD'S friend and commander, General Thomas, whose stubborn cour­ age saved the day in the great battle for possession of Tennessee, was well called the "Rook of Otuckamanga." In the neater battle in 1876, for the nation's honor, Garfield well deserved to be called the " Rook of Ohio." In SUSTAINING and defining the notion of sin, the early church employed the machinery of an elaborate legislation. Constant communion with the churoh was regarded as of the very highest im­ portance. Participation in the sacra­ ment was believed to be essential to eter­ nal life. At the time of St. Ovprian it was administered to infante. : > v gin to grow farna and hmgjmwsee man. other week or eo.--flood |rbnU. UYESTI49ATIOX nr PBRUT of I^nnmuSk 1st that he Bpr^fuwasa iuSSiii for ttoTaadatMB fsiMistasis'J M was ussbia te --gg--t'SHoliwiB of York. CHXOAOO lH6Mtte.* "There is Mii4 J|H|M1VBA ferott in 8ouft«s BBaoia by Uo rseaat heavy keem Th. «osftionally«tfd weathe«of tbe aad SB IndusoM. feyM-i'iibt for It. of. the iaMiaai organs of who died al Bllduabuii. from eaihwr i haWOwed ham, trichiws tha^Biieyooaid be oitavi M ' • • - The witneas WW" •* I inasof Ksgntotk, ttMM' ~ WU MFV ML <T I«J SIISMI |*»W> <Y WD Story of A Stone* Gardner, a tanner livings at NuvifiW, Ouio, lins a stone among his collection of curiosities whioh he says he took from the inside of a horse in "Eng­ land in 1832. It is nearly round, is four­ teen inches in circumference, and weighs forty-four ounce*--nearly three pounds. Mr. Gardner nays the stone was found near the animal's baok bone in the abdomen, and that it was not attacked to the flesh. He thinks it was formed' by the tine dust from miU-stones being in the chop feed whieh wss fed to tha horse, as in those times the chop con­ tained-considerable stone dust from the fact that just after dressing the mill­ stones the miller ground chaff to clean the burrs. Mr. Gardner thinks the stone dust was absorbed from the stomach by the tissues of the abdomen, and there collected into this huge ball, and that this ball strfldaa tbe heart of the animal earned its sudden death, as it was well at night when toned out to pastM* bnt dead next morning. This atone has decreased in weight six onnoss in fifty years, thus showing that the substance composing it is volatile to a eertain extent--Oineinnali Commercial. AT supper, being observed to view MMW butter with distrust, Krauf was Mdtod If hb did not like it. "like is a word too fasailiar," he replied, "I rever- Warming Up the House. "This," observed Mr. Niles, as Ihe postman tumbled down the cellar stairs with a registered letter, "this is what I call hold lines." and the worthy gentle­ man fired a brick into the furnace, and rattled around outside with a huge poker. " What's hard lines? What are you doing?' asked the postman, handing over hia bode and card for signature. " Trying to keep those people upstairs warm, replied Mr. Nile*. "Hallo!" he continued, as a. bell $vey jus head floor again,* and he the door and banged poker. " But why; don't you build a fire?" de­ manded the postman, looking in at the empty furnace. Mr. Niles desisted for a moment and looked over the tops of, his glasses in mild indignation. " Do vou kiiow the price of fuel T* he inquired, as soon aa he recovered his speech. "Have you any notion what coal costs?" and he humped the furnace vigorously. "Build a fir©! Well, I guess not! If they bear me rattling around down here, "they think there's a big head of steam on, and when I com­ mence to Leave bricks they all open their windows. See that load of bricks? That's mj fuel for this winter," and Mr. Niles poured in a couple of handfuls and began to. rake down savagely. " Well, here, sign these anyway," sug­ gested the postman. " Wait a minute," retorted Mr. 'Niles, as another bell rang. " That's a shock- headed newspaper man on the second floot. He don't get enough to eat to keep warm," and Mr. Niles fetched the furnace some prodigious thumps and slammed in more bricks. "I plugged up the pipe to this register with carpet so the cold air couldn't get up, and yet he's howling around with a olull B--- that top floor fellow!" he ejaculated, as the first bell tolled once more, "You just rattle the poker, will you, while I burn some atraW in 1m pipe. When he smells the smoke he'll begin to peel," •. " What's that other bell?" asked the postman, as another bell rang violently. " Homebody's got company in the par­ lor," replied Mr. Niles. "Hit it a @ouple of lioks around on the far side. That's it! Say, you wouldn't mind raking it a bit, would you, while 1 give that barrel a few tarns. It's fall of stones and it sounds like putting in another load of coal, bhakti her up hard!" "Hello!" exclaimed the postman. " What's that quarreling upstairs?" " Never mind hia," replied Mr. Niles, "that's a friend of mine. He come here three times a day with a shovel and bas­ ket and hollers for his money for putting in two hundred* tons since the first of November. I've done him some favors and he helps mC'out DoK'i shake any more, you'll break the bricks. Now kick the door a couple of times, while I beat with the poker. It's lucky for ma that this is going to be a mild winter." " I've got to go," said the postman. "I wish you'd sign for the letter." "Just roll the barrel of fire bricks while I go up for a pen, that's a good fellow," pleaded Mr. Niles, "and if a bell rings, bspamer around inside the furnace. Don't be afraid, there's no there, and onoe in awhile just that shovel aoross the floor a couple Cl-timss and tbs*'kick the door. It sounds beantiful upstairs." When tile postman left him Mr. Niles thanked hiaa for his trouble, and the last the poetman saw ot him be was scraping the coUUair box with a hoe to give the iw»|rms irion of a tremendous Brooklyn Eagle. • . TT ftraitryStiilsiM* ' ' M il mm a • n i> IIMItf nf ' AjftuMlk'.* . MMm VWOWUWBMW - CpwallJQKIHHU VR^QPw '̂ is a law forfaiddjag tlHi il--iilMlnii of » tree Ttftwt pimm» another to take ita This law is aa outgrowth of A haa been. seaentificelly stotins, inundations, - and BatiiflMISse in Switawrland, scattering death and dft» on.sU sfcles, is due to deforest _ timber baa dira|i|i irarwl untfl httle remaina, except on &w hUi slopes of the mountains, and thattiSe U <* inferior sise - and ̂ qnslity. -Vnleas me poocess is arrested, the mountains " will present as bald n o> Alpa which divide ud imAhifip more desolate and dreary outside ttie steppea of Aaia ̂or ihe desert of Africa ̂presedls itself to ihe eye of the traveler. Switaseriano,; OOIUMW with the age* of the United SteteMs btit a spe£L but if we have more stowage 'and wider' : stretches of timbered lands, we atre alao oon&uming them more rapidW. A glance at thî jiwifcs « forestiy bulla- tins isstied by the Oensus Bureau VsnS> cient to alarm, one for the future timber supplies of the United States. Tlie maps show the original extent of the fewest lands and the area da* nuded by the remorseless sx of 4he lumberman. Take Michigan, tbe great pine State of the Northwest. More man uiree-fonrihs of the land, including the upper peninsula, haa been stripped of its limber. A few statistics will snoW that tbe amount of white pine remaining on the Saginaw and its tributaries, and in the basins of streams flowing hito Lakes Huron andrMichigan, ia estimated at 29,000,000,000 feet, board measure. In the single year ending with May, < 1880, 4,068,773,000 feet were cut. At this rate the supply will be exhausted in less than eight years. Of the same tim­ ber on the peninsula there were 6,000,- 000,000 remaining, in round numbers, and of this 328,498,000 feet cut in one year. From Menominee and Delta bounties the merchantable pine, says the' Bulletin, has been almost entirely re­ moved. The destruction of the woods has been on the same exhaustive ; scale. . The maps show that atong every navi­ gable stream, and on the rivers of the lakes, the timber has all been cut away, and each year the lumbermen have to go back further into the interior for their supplies, and the cost is increased by the greater difficulty in getting the tim­ ber to market Wisconsin has only 6,100,000,000 feet remaining of -n-irite pine. In the census year 540,997,000 feet were cut. How long before Wisconsin will cease to furnish a supply of this valuable timber? She hns still 3,810,000 acres of hard, wood forest; but the ravages in that are hardly less'than in the pine lands. Minnesota still has 17,200,000,000 feet « of pine, and some 6,775,000,000 of mixed "J/ pine and hard wood to boast of, but the out during the oensus year was 115,777,* 000 feet, and each year as the supplies in Wisconsin and Michigan dwindle the Oemiaid u£on Minnesota's ETOOtmxft Wffl increase. In short, unless something is done to encourage the replanting of forests of pine and hard weod it will not be twenty jears before there will be a timber famine in the land, with prices so ex­ travagant as to put an end to building in wood and to the uSe of wood as fuel. We need not dwell on tlie effect of de» forestry on climate and temperature. This has been repeatedly done in tltesQ columns. It is the universal testimony of mankind that it results in diminution of rainfall, and the dwindling away cjf creeks and navigable streams, and an in- crease in sudden and devastating storms and violent hurricanes. We have the history of the old world before us, aad if we do not profit by the warning ex­ ample we deserve to be punished for suona crime against nature.--Cincinnati Commercial m A A Condemned Han's Little Daughter. " Papa, dear papa, I'm glad yonVi going to die. lor you know, papa, that 3 you were not going to die, you would be taken away off into a dark prison where I could never see you any more; you know, papa, that would grieve yon so much that you would not live vary long anyhow, so I think everything m best as it is, don't you, papa? And I will grow up to be a big girl, and I will be so good, papa, that every one will love me, and I will never forget you, papa, nor how much you loved your little Mary." This strangely affecting speech was made in the Si Louis jail to a man who was to be hanged y. MI HARKim . V nw YOBS. A Buy The island of IfMritius is % plaee when one ean realise what it ia to be a 'damp, moist, unpleasant body." If any one asked me what was the se­ rious occupation of thy life here, Ishould answer without hesitation, "airtng my olothea,"and it would be absolutely true. Ho one who haa nut seen it oan imagine tha dsatp aad mildew which covers everything if it be shntnp even for a few dsyau Ammonia in the box or drawers ..v...*.. Hoes. COI TO*. FLOUB-- 8np«rftiM WHKAT--NO. 3 Spring Ho. 2 Bad. COBW--Ungraded OA-rs-MJxeS Wsstem........... I>OKK-- Ueas Uw... CHICAGO. BWIW Choice O-racletl Stoen... Cows aad Heifen Uediiuu to fib HOOflLtaa.. • ,,,,, , FltOVli--Fiiney White Winter Ex. Good t<> Choice Spring Kx. i WHMI- HO. a Spring -- M«.8 8(iii| COBN--Ho. 2 OAT«--NOW % Bye--NO. --N«i. % . BOTTBK--Chotoe Orssmwy fou -Heti .... tiitn MU.WAVKKK. WHMF-JFT S....i COBK--NFLT OATS--No. X... Bti--lift 1 Bauur-VA 1... IT IS ..............1»« @17 28 11# * "irr'ViinVR* Wsu>-ValM..........„.... a a COBN--Mixed..... 11 OA*»-lIew t ft|~ Kt* ff low-MSsaa. if tt Î »» U omcnKXATi. Waius.. 1 SS op*K....: n g«e . n Los u Toumoi Waut-lh 1 Bad 1 tt Oun OATS GG _ _ . nxraorr. Fww-Choios... a SI WHBAT--Ko.1 Wktt* Ooaa--Mbesd....; M OAM-Kiwd tltU.. n SSS w • iroiAHdioua WJIKAT--H«. IM. IMS BAST UBSKTX, n S M 4 as ---mm ts S IS .... a S§ « «s-;..; i»&\ % m «i a 0 w S g i n ; « n i % M 9 00 1 si 7 . mm

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