m w*#<** .& Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and M ' H E N R Y , I L L I N C I BUSINESS CARDS. S. r. BENNETT, M ? No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." I*iiH hed Eve«-y WAdM(d#j by. |iVA> uis BDITO i and PUBLISHER. Orce in Old F. O. Block, * 4*0rPOSIT« . K\ VKRStTOCj Holt#*.-- TERMSOP SUIMCRIPTIOS.. . .One Tost1 (m .Vlvan^e) If "fit. ^ifl -vlthHfinsa Minths,.,,.',.,2.f0 j§$ •li'Mirtnthm r«»-v»lv«f . ftp tfir^flj, " six 'vllnith' In the svm in'nrtion. A. E. 1IAI.OWW, M. D. V PHYSICIAN AXI> RCRC5EON. Oflfceand restdence on Clav St., Woodstock, III, Prompt attention friren to'proleseionai»>aH8 at, all hours. Also United St&tes^S^Kmlning Snr&eon. •\7"F.TETtINAKT V Illinois. C.S. ft KEEN. SURGEOH, Rlcbmond BUSINESS CARPS, T. t!T}mrx, >f. r». 1 OTr^niAN AND sttrufov. over : •' the Pout ODff, «nr»osHe Perry & Martin's restore n»» stairs;* McHenry, 111. si; C. H. FRO®H®, M, T>- IllHWIfiiW wn SITRRKO*. JoJiflSliUjrgh, im-ORM hour* 8 to 1*1, A. M. * W : W ft. .T. HOTTAPT), M.,r> •*>HY<UCT AN ANO STT^oeon. • * rav rexMence, opposite Iff. E. i iKeHenry. 111. nt Chnrob, JESSE A. BALDWIN, % ^TOUNEY *tT,«W and Solicitor In C8»*n-f\ c.erv. Will nraetfee in $thte and in Federal Cowls. Office; 3d Floor, New Cnetom House, Oli^casro. s*i>NRr Di«snnow, NOTARY PUBT.TC and Conveyancer, Allien, rn. , nii. c. k. wtLum DENTT^T. Residence Dundee. Will:be a Wa'fondn the l<Hh ami «5tb of each mont.h When date* occur Saturday or Sun. d»v T make mv visits the following Monday. Also at A.l£onqnfri, everv Tuesdav. Office at Hotel. McHENRY HOUSE. PETER SMITH. PROPRIETOR. <>OD noar«i by the dav or wcok nt reason-T nblo r?ites. The choicest lirands of 0- E. V. ANDERSON, U.-5 P.. . .,- VjUY^tOT \N and OW'B at i Resl»»*'« T»r:i" otto**, Qpposi^ •1-;;lit Ijif ji" •'..j-jjftj'ilfl Jfonse, MeHehrv, TIMnots. b V 0\RT- (MRTJh V>. &••>•• • -•v AT.^ON and On'mllf'* Hoti*e, ".toS'nebnvrb, ,/» ^ Til. Ple-'snnt Ttonm* for fTnnt.evs and Fishermen. T<-e *<»•• tbe use of Hun'1 <•>•«.-- ^ •'iPhote.e brand* nf Wliies and I.inuors always ( . l»n hand. ,fM|l and see me. •, <s ; f'J;r"'.fi ' j'1 »;ij V yjjW|'i)i^ifi i|* Winen, T,fqnoi-« and f^iwira for Horde*. A tine Plmon connection with the House. PETKtt !?MITI1. «<>od «ta1»lin}t Holrt Ttlble Rive mf a call. * Jm PRATT HOTT^E. " f" A. PR- \TT, Prowrlwtoo. ViVstVclas. a<*l " co n-no t-i f 'ons. tJood Rurn in'colinection ®5r , -|«Taucotvi,, Til. ! ,.105. .1. FRKTTS f"'" " I tV,,* 1 »"sre, Smoked Meats, etc., *•' ^Keepa none hut the beat. ' ^ if EAT MARKET, nw the B-idaro, Mc-iVI Henrv, ill. Krof1> und HnH Metts, alvwvs band. . .. . / ' f^IG All Manufacturers, ifcHeury, 111. *Ji-i '> v./ de*f» solicited. fh<»n, ii Old RARUI VN BRO*. Or-Mc.'fenrr, |n Keiter Rlook, two doors w<»t of PlAlff- »BALRB Office. ?-r RICH AltO COUP TON. sr, t ; IrtT^TlOKof the Peaceand OanveyAncer.*,; " il Will attend pvomotlv to the collection 9f nj lebts. Volo, Lake Connty, 111. A ' B. E. RICHARDS. ' ilrTAHR complete Abstract or Title* to land : In M HenrvConnty, Tll,r>oia. Office with ,roupfy Cierk, Woodstock. 111.; ^ M • ' E.M. OWEN ' •" ••: I ENEIIAT< Pealer and Mnmifactiirrrs T Acent In I,eadinfr V-arm MHpbinery. rleew low iiwl tttmi;w N. S. COLBY. f" ortRNRY, Mc.Henry Co.. III. BWKMl«r of Spanish Merino Sheep, Iterki riire a.nd Poland Ohiivt - wine. V choie^ tot of youiyr luck stock for sale. Please cull and examine lefoi© buyinjr elsewhere. } . K.O.SMI'TH. t'^OOT ANII SHOE MAKER. Prompt attcn'. 1) tlon pi veil to ReiNtlti**. Shop in J. *l« illes' luitldiup, next to river bridge, enrv, Illinpis. •j* PKTKR LEICKHM IjEPAIRS Watches, Clocks and .Jewelrv of 1*1 all kindx. Also Repairs Violins iuthe,ba*t noftsiblemariner, on ahr>rt notice and at "re*, jinn Able rates. Also VioMtts for Sale. Shop «t door North of Riverside Block, McHenry W. H. 8ANFORP, ereh'ant Tailor |n the store of C. H. Dickinson, Eastside of g JfablieSquRre, ; ^ f waoi^TOCK; tiit.;' i A * o o d S l o c k o f F i n e O l o t h a f o r 9 u i t i n £ n a l -#aygon hand. Suits made to order and a lit Warranted. Give me a call. # ' W. tJ.SANFORI>b' -v" , Woodstock, III., Sept. 27th. 1875. ^ . . . v ' J. A. SHE9WOOD . . AUC TK» 10 I-: 18 AND APPRAISE#, -a Algonquin, III. ;V;.jjS* ALHSof Stock, Farming Tools and Goods ; 1) of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm «des a specialty. Terms reasonable. Pout Bee adaress: Algonquin, III. ^r'Vd. -- . t;,:i ,:^A. M. CHURCH, .'•'»« - . afefSS;' Watchmaker and JTewele** NO. J*7 RAVPOT.PfT STREET, (Brf<rsfs Home,) Ohica-.'o, ill. Special attention pairing Fine watched and Chronometers. *S"A Full A%sortment of Goods in his lin^ GEORGE CtJRTBfa, House. Painter§ ' ' ' McHENRY, ILL. Shop Opposite Perry 'A Martin's. Will attend promptly to all work and guar, antee satisfic.tion Prices as low as good work cau be donfc anywhere. FINE CHAINING A SPECIALTY . IttlXED I*JSLINT8te;,i' t arii"prenare<l to tnrniih Mixed Points of 1*11 kind* at.the lowest liviuir prices, and furnish an article fur suiieriof to the. common Mixed Paints being so'd. Call and si e me. .J,.'. , CEO. CURTIS. McHtnry,4prilJ2,l^. ANDERSONVILLE DIARY Escape, and List of Dead, '! < BY JOHN L. EANSOM. ^ The J>Ut;ftt the Dead (rives Accurately -the ^ 1 Name. Repriment, Oompany, pat# «if " ' Bentli and Nit01 her of <!rtvc. In f „ the Cemetery, of all who "'* die<i in tha t ilread- ' ful Prison. 12.912. Nearly 13,000 Victims. The Diary i, an every«lay account of Fourteen Months imprisonment written e:ic^. day. word for word as printed, and t tells fully and nndecsifcandin'rlv, ' hnppenine.s in Ander^onviilii-1 and other prisons. ViMual'le to all those who lost frienda tbere, A volume ot 301 paftes, nicely printed and illustrated, liound in cloth, with gold trimmings. Price, #1.50. .' A. BvWdwell, of Woodstock, has been a p. p»>lntea a sent for McHenry Co. He proposes toCaM upon the people ofeverv town durinjr the ^p-inR. presen ting this valuable work for i hei r cowsiderat, ton. H I/' WEDNESDAY ADIES TEt> BY DR. CONPU visit thft MARSH, MRS. W WA UCOKD ILLINOIS Ana in BONNKTB ^LUHE TS--ELRGANT RL&UQX8 " A^Mhergooda line of ^»Jarge WORSTEDS, HAIR NETS, CHILDREN'S BIRTH-DAY S OF AT.Ti KINDS, 1<>r the lad if s. And many Prices will. aea and worlj. will be tly done. Roses! Plants! H, HI lorlst. Bege to *if McHenry And is stock of' surronnding FloMeri taell rtor.cn ar and Hfty cent per(>etual R«.ses. cents per dozen, tlt'ty cents per I« *ary la _ : Monthly Rot-ea, I sell one d f'ansies and Cabtape a hundred. SLOim, BEAU STYLISH TCTi -w~fc -«/- Wild JtlVb. JL nsiti P'i ?l»ec of the Millinery her stt«re in pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United * StaUs Examining Surgeou. RtCtuaoiMt, llltRulS. M. M. CLOTHIER, HEBRON, ILLNOI8. "NJ OT AR V PITBIjIO and Conveyancer. Prosecute claims in all Bureaus in De partment of Interior. Letters must contain stamp for reply. Post Office, Richmond, 111, JOSEPH N. FREUXD. CALOONeANP RESTAURANT Bonslett's g» old *tam\ oqiposite Bishop's Mill, Me- 0 >oicest Wines, Liqc«r» »nd „i?avs to l>c found in the county. Oysters in their season served up shajje desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HOUSES. ' ' •• : V .-rtiit* ANTONY KNGteLN, ^ QAT OON ftTid Restaurant, Ruck's "old stan<t: McHenry. 111.--The choicest Kentucky W hiskics, >iour Mash, Wii»-3s, f^icrars, etc., always on hand. We liny none but the liest. an»l sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. Richmond House* RICHMOND. ILL. G. N. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING, recently purehaied the above House, I have put it in thorough repair, with new fiti-nitue thronglwut, ano would respectfully invite the p;»tron.is* ot the trav. elins public and others. The tables will al- wijys be provided with the l>est that can be piwtired, and polite and attentive waiters will 1h> in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of jjuests. \o pains will tie spared to make this a First Class House. Largtt and commodious barns on the premiaes. Free Omnitxis to and from ail trains. Sample Room son tirst floor. " ..,T * . . - •%£\kA> If yfilFl STA, ffip E. WIhIITMAN, Proprietor. First class ries, with or without drivers, fiunisheil nt reasonable [rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. A. WENDELL, mmtm&m jomsa McHenry, III. • Will take ooiitrfli'ts f.»r putting up Bulhliiigs aiiil kkai'aiiK*** idv work will pom|mr« wir.li tiny mnti in tli« StHte. I an<1 will <Io work from 15 to A. per cent chettiH'r Hum other, rarpptitors. as I have two of my Imvs who work with me. which tiiakek it t^tmible for mo to do so. « All .Tolts in the Garpenti»r line A. WENDELL. Ajfciifisi Wanted KOlt Aitcnts wanted tor ev^ry town in the State, snd for Circulars. , Sen WSf. IT. COWIIN, Oen. Agenrfor the Xorthwe*ft ' Woodstock, llL A R C U S CERMAN Manufactured by i" F. M^JtCUS, --DEA^iR IS'-- . f Pi WINES, L10U0RS AND u'sifc-.-; CI & AR S. Woodstock* m* Put In ^ The best Tonic, in the world, i, ^ |Pint«n<l tjuart Bottiea. t " r. MA CU8, Patentee X*. Bonsldtfk "a ju^t tie : •. px - mrV - - - lu-tNbra. IIKeeps constantly on hand the finest brands Flour and Femlofall Mnds, which he.will < gjsU at Wholesale or Retail at r Bottom Price#. I' - five different brands of Fionr always* orn , liand and warranted as. represented. /' - ' • ^grFlonr delivered anywhere in the C°' - tion. Qwlers mar be. .gireu by PqsU 1 D n o A S . . . . . Box M f f , Post OScft GIVEJME A CALL. L. BDNSLETT. It; XeHcnnr, V«reli8tli, 1881. $aloon and Ee^taura&t, NEAR THE DEPOT, McHENRY,. - ILLINOIS- The "best Brands of Wines, I,i())«or» #n«1 dftars always on Hand. Good Stabling' fftr Horses. ALSO ACENT ln? FOR " Franz Fall's • • • • • • - fcySH MILWAUKEE; Beer in Largft or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand cheaper than any other, quali tv considered. This lioer has a world wide reputation, and goodjudg«!s acknowledge it cannot oe ear' l>aaeed in the world'. Orders by mall promptly attended tj>. JOS. WIEDEMANN. IMIWiry. IUs Aag- 10tb, 1.1SS . TRi Magnetic Ointment. V4RRAHTEB • To Cam Piles ani Chafing Sorai. A^ i.SoreXyes. Sore Throat, Karat be. Bruises. BnrBK,eut8, Vr**. Skin Disorders Scrofulous •tid all Sores, its Hfc.T in >iti kl^nc). Liver* Bowel ui i long liiseasfs, l.fcenmidlMn. Backache, Lameness Sprains, and Nuelllngs i" *e* •nitl<."i in- Mi.; fw*»t i»hvMci»ns as c.ntpi> wonder-ial. For sale bv <ira«*i»ts. Price:»» nw'Wcmh, %Busoaw SOB A Cl , solo Pwp^., BnCO*. Jf .1. o BORDER OUTLAWS By J. w. BUEL. 07%e A*eM, Thritlinff anit Avthanti*'. tllistory ot the l ives :rnd Wonderful Adventures of America's Great O'ttlaws, »j| The Younger Brothers, Frank and Jesse James, And their bands of hixhwavinen, down to the present, moment, mcludiiiir f>K.\TH OK JK^SK JAM KS.apd Hit the late star; lina anil thrilling ievelopaieats. Fifty Iilust»ntioj»s and Por-its. among winch are Jes*e Jmnes after he was shot, and' 19 line0«>lorcd Plates. Interiors and letfrrs frnui Cole Vouniter. The breaking up of tlw temd and revelations of. 1'TARTMNG SKCUF.TS. The /Hick bl't'T- the teri ible "Blac/e (Mth," and Iturdreds of o^fier astonishm'-' iiicts. Most Woiiilerfu i and ISx itinff Book ill existence! Outsells everything! New and greatly enlarged edition; new illustrations; WK> pajres; )>rice Jd.60. Auents' Canvassing Outfit, 50c. Illustrated Circulars and full particulars "FREE. Agents, don't-lose this stand op|iorlunitv! Address HISTORICAL P UttLiSiilNG ;CO.f 002 N. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. tlio attention s^ooli ot rpeeivtnl ut Where she will he plftised tos^e all who may hivor hermit It « °'i11. The varied stock oonsists in part 0 • f. -fi- & * » • > u " OhD -jLAcm $&• JiIHBOy.\U FLOW Em. LADIES TIES. • LADIlBS' LALTES' AN« WAVES. CHIli- pRE2v'S i'APS, t&c., <&e. Ottstomcrs frora a dfstnuoe rill find it to their ndvautuge to ffive ine a call. , s •1118. O. 8. S»TEVENS, Richmond, Illinois. BLACKSMITH' AND Wagon Shop, Perry A at his Shop North of Martin's stftre near the Brick Ohnrch,l« now preparifci to do anything in thtf liivo of Hlaeksinithins or Wa#on Making, on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. With the best of! material&and llrst-class workmen we srre prcpareu to get up Bnggies unci WHjfons ioAfdcr.on tho m<Ht reasonable terms and warrontias represenlAU. Horse Shoeini k General JoIMm prompt.lyjattcnded to. , " If in wan; of a new Wa sr>T, be sure to cul at mv Slioi), examine one of ray Wagons and learn price before purchasing". Mv Wagon* took FIRST PREMIUM AT THE COUNTY FAIR last Fail over all others. I will not be undersold,quality considered. . Give Me a Call, t PHILLIP HAUPERISH. IfeHenry, III., March 21st, 18S1. GROCERIES! CROCERES! M. Engeln, 1 Having removed Ms store to Colby's Brick Block is ix»w prefiared tcy offer to Ibe buying public a lull line of CH0IC£ FAMILY GROCEtfflELS, Canned G oodis. CIGAR, TOBACCO, PIPES, &cf, Ac. My Goods are all fresh and will be seM at the lowest living prices. t. . I also keep a full stock of Gnn Material ishiujr Tackle, Minnow Seins, Haminocks, and in'fnrct everything pertaining to Fishing -•iud Hunt in.if, can be found at my store at reasonable Prices. Violins, Acordeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, ann all other esti-as for Violths. My stocks of CIS WARE is complete. Call ami exaiuiue it. l£u;iruutee Prices that defy alt oompotition. ^ >- * _ ; Carnagt -and . Wagon Have brought a fine st*»ck ot VVjtwon Material to" town, awrt are prepared to do all kinds oi Repairing "ba short notice, and will ' PUT OP NEWJfOiUC .>,f- ; ^ «• Jn the best of style. " - ^ l^Hi TAIIKS HADE ORDER. rail and see us. Shop, rear ot Carpenter's Blacksmith Shop, opposite the Parteer Hoose. TRIPP BROS. McHenry. 111., April 12,1S?2. SoldlwrR' Depai*tnient. S. F. PENNETT. - the Hoard of Itevlew Bill. ^IIP liill now ppprlinjr in the Ffo»«M> of .^prf^eiilaflv^s for the s:ahl?shmei»r 4>f a special Boanl for the co»«ifloration M rejected pension ami honnty land warrant, claim? ought not to he pasced without very careful consideration. Mnce it isliv no meang wriain that it will accomplish the object which its authors rlotihtless iiad in fmmlng it. In tlie first place, thg macliinerr pro- 'tideil'for the rlispatcli or business Is "sadlv jmaUequntc. Under the most fav orable cir*,iioistant*es. it would he a physical 5trtposisi.ilility for each member of the Board t<» exnmlne aind pn«s upon m«re than two or. three claims |>er diem, and at that rat« it would require many yeaiV to di«pose of the thousands of i-ej^cteiV applications. The mere reading of tliw papers accoinpanylnjj each claim,"to say nothing of liie weijli- in^ of *»hlepee., the examination of record* and lite taking of new testi mony. wonid consume several hour9 of «very s^ss'on. . ' *' We also question the wl«dom of im posing upon the Commissioner of,"Pen sions the duty of presiding'over the de- liberationa of this Board. How, indeed, would It be possible for him to direct Its labors without neglecting the work of hie own office? He has already more work than one man ought fb be requir ed to do. and he could scarcely under take t|»l« additional ch-trge exeei$ at a sacrifice*«»f other interests.sril! more importaijt-- more import ant because, it seems to us. claims about whose va lidity there is lio question ought to be settlfd In advance of these which havt already been once passed upou. Indeed it. Is our judgment that, at the present time the attention of the U®vernme!:t •fuabt to be. concentrated upon tfte taste of a»lj»idiisti ing the qftarter (\t\ million claims that, simply lor the lade of,5»i«f». llcient ch'iiVal force in the Pension Of- tW, liave never been parsed upon a If all. Wlieu once thejV hafe Iweti dis» |M«ed of It will be a cninparatjveVi' eafty maticr to provide for the uotiaid-' "Mttioti of rejected applications. The bill I* u«t olijevtl«jimble,4»AW- - grotii|*:li> alq^ljfe have sai "i rides la inadequate for tl»« ftt'Complish- meiit or its purpo8<s. 'We tnav add rhnf it Is als«*fitmiKM-sontr, It is oonstuscted apparent If upon tlie theory that i t I# pr.uMicable to try pension cases in much" flie sart>e manner as ordinary claims privetrl«nl in a court, of equity, wherea« fii.' whole experience of the IVuclon Sluice is .igaiwst. su^h a supposition. •' Upon all these points. t»f course, tve are open to eonvi«?tion, but if we may judge by pittt exjwrnice, :lie objects of th»» hill. m> wnim^ttdablfl In tliein- selv s. ^viil lie Iruscrated t»y the phys ical obstacles which will Impede 1*9 operation. The same considerations, which make the'nettlement of claims iti the Pension Office a work of so much time and trorttile. will limit the work o(f the Bo ar (J to a very small.(proportion of hchlevemellt to eftivrt. The One tiling which tl|e Pension Office ne*ds to-day is the Increase nf clerical force tlmt Commissioner Dudley lias asked for. to take up and adjmlteite the claims that are no\y pending.and which it is practicable to settle at once. But ^bis increase will be useless, unless, at die same time.a proportionate increase Is authorized In the fori;e of lite J^ttr Ueon-General a;id Adjutant-GeneraTs Offices. Our Oongressmen will shortly be compelled, to fae6 their soldier von- Jtftuents again, ami they cannot aflortl «t9'ignore tiiis Hil-;m portaut fjwt^rap^ •"f"* ^ *' , OnlT One out of Ten teffc sp,ji^.s^ From a quriet country neighborhood 'iicar tlie eastern bonndHfy of our patri otic Stat*-, says an exchange.soon after the opening of the war, brave boys to the number of ten responded to their country'* call; and. wfth hardlv an ex ception, all exchanged prosperous, hap py homes fot* the perils ar.d chances of camp ami ' battle-tleld. Of thesw ten. young men'trot more than three or four iiadV readied^ tW '*& of l«i»»ity-o«w years. .A;'" , "f • - What ^yifarnlngs'amt hopes ani fears Went out from all tho«e households af ter that regiment, whose number be came tlie dearest, most familiar name of the whole neighborhood! How Httsy hands worked for it! Called almost at once into active service, anxiety wis changed to certainty that never coftid taken" had thfilled through the Xorth, the tidings came to another home that this victory hud takfu fr»«n it foreyer the only son and brothe*. One of tlie two ha<l fallen iit the 4ast battle. The comrade was allowed the privilege of j taking him off (lie fleM, of watching witty him '.HI he tiled, and of marking' bis burial place. Whin at last the- thinned ranks of the a^my came back, only ttue Ikmhcv i* that neighborhood was glad:letied by the return of a sol dier boy -- .truly, for after nearly three years of faithful service to liis country, lie hud not yet reached his was: "Ah, you're surren you, ---- --- yon!" Colonel fleer, under the influence thtn provoked, with more strength than pietv'or bland reply, responded: "Not mil fool V' 'h|> conference e denly, and wJrl'ilto- propar*ti*6ii at once r^uij^d. • ^ j- ;v"i Snred by a SWmc- At. the battle of Peach Orchartt.wWeri ' H McChJllau was inakiltg'hls ciiange of base, a Michigan infantryman fell to tiui ground as if fitot dead, and was left twenty-second yea*. Before Mart lug ,v^nS rt <s the regimens for hOifte,- lie p.iiil a visit' to t he grave Gauged prsiiion. Tlte hall which hit of his dead comrade, and with thought- jwSs TAKE NOTICE. A LI. ye that are in want of Tuhs in anv /\ form, from one bit-f;et to 500; if yon wunt, n Tnbnmde ton hting-bole, bring ii along. I will also take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise just as we ,3an ngree. Shop work of all kinds done to order on short no- "<*. A, HEBARD. ^ HfuHEflY, ILL '$0*. The Highest Rank' Wade front harmless nifUerfaii, and adapted.to the neeifef tff Yading and: falling iiair. Parkers Hair Balsam lias takeu the highest rank as an ami reliable hair restorative. ful tenderness plucked tlte lew leaves of green that liad sprung up. to lake to Pred's nlot her. Thev came too late, for she, stricken by disease, and mourn ing for her boy. had just closed her eyes in death; but the little tokens of life from the grave of her soldier son buried at Vicksbtirg jv«ve placed in her hands over the still heart, with \vhn<»e last beat she had breathed his name. General Torbert'n Wnjt. < Torbert, of cavalry fame, who war lost at sea last year xvith the Ill-fated Ver.i (Jruz, was a go.od tlgluer au-.i/a hard worker. While, Jmv ing a kindly heart fot>the trooper who \vjis always ready for the "hoots and saddles"" he bated a shirk, and Itaii his oyn way of meeting the co.nplaiutti urged by shirkers to get rid of dntv. .lust before breaking oattip, in the spring of 1865, the General a11«tided %*ick-call to s^e the state of lie ilf.h ItrMii.s command. "One after another Of the boys cafme in for prescriptions, and. by . and by a strapping. Uig trouper, who was a no torious shirk.entered the tent with his hands on his stomach. Torbert took him all to at a glance, and then Hum* tli'red out: / ' "Wiuit are you-hem for?" ' ' •'Sick?* was tlie ftvitit res •'What alls you?" "Snuke in tlie stomaefc.** "How long pan it bucti t *"»ix tuo;ithV - "Surgeon."' iaid. the General, *9 he tutuied to t'lu: olllcer, "call in two men, jcutr this imLii oiten «tul remove-tlte sniffy*. W* a r* going t» break camp i»,i ten $ f1 him Ifrst struck the barrel of his giMi, glanced and struck a button off his coat, tore tlie watch out nf bis vest pocket, and struck the man over the heart, and «a« stopped'there by a soitg-hook in his breast-pocket. He was uncousciona for three quaners of nif Iratir. asid It ww a full month before the black and feitt* Spot disappeared. _ . 1 Y . ; • NUN DA* [The following was put in typt lfcr last weeks Issue, but was BRIVSldltrily crowded out.--Editor.} 8. l\ Baldwin called Saturday,on'hta . way to Woodcock. Dave Powers, of McHenry fame, wif In town Sunday, f Charley Beers and <rif» ' gitests of A. B. Tyt rel Snntfay. Mrs. More Harris is working $£» Womlstock. Her child is at Pi<tt*«. • Cat, Lincoln is back again, ready ftW trial in spite of many conjectures nboat his having skipped. •/ 1 M:%. M. C. I'ntield spent the Sabbalfc under tlte paternal roof. • s "t John Darby *nd family went to Lak* ' county Saturday hut to attend the fu neral services of Orren Noyes. a brodi^ ' er-in-law. ; s It Is now thought 11 tat A.M. Clam will open a restaurant in the McDonald, building on Mailt street., Stewart Miller's child was buried al ^Barrington, Sunday last. • Mrs. Jessie Baldwin is tusade under the care of A, E. Baldwin, of \food>to«k. U is hoped that It will prove 0UI3- temporary, . , 3 ' Mm. D. B. W aruer has retttrAed frail her^taUlifl^aijMii "" ^ %> < the "boys'* all come back to no. Long marches and two fierce battles spared them ally but from a crowded Southern hospital, one day. were borne two of them in their coffins and started 0:1 their journey toward their Northern homes. Then tlie dark *£Adow began to fall. 9oon the messag%* "Died in the -hospital" was repeated, and another came. Near the end of those terrible three years, the story of our ten brave boys was this: Four ha:l died in tiie hospital, one in AndersoHville prison; one hart beeti discharged from dtrty, and two shot in battle. On tiiat fonrtlr ot July two wei*e left to »>tanrt before Vicksbnrg--the two who had been bunk mates together when they tirst went Into camp, had tparched together,,had bef ti in hospital together, and it almost seemeil that a kfmf fate was ^oi,^ tr» send tiiem home together. But soon (be !*w» that ^tieksbiu^ is Fifteen minutes after that the man was out on tlie Hue grooming his'horse, aisd by noon lie looked well euough to eat Ills' y^y through a barrel of pork. tjettystmrg*! Kennlonr, Ti*e ooiinui ttee ot ex-UniJSrti ft*»d ex^ ^Confederate.officers, comprising Gene rals Dudley.'Scale#. Dawes, Ayers. Col onels Maunipg, Aiken, anil others, ap pointed to arrange ti series of Joint Re* unions of veterans of the Army of tlie Potomac and the Amy of North ern Virginia to fix historic points for the Government history of the battle Of Gettysburg, have decided on June 7th for those engaged at. or.iiear the "Peach Orchard." "Wheat Field," "Dev- lTs Den," and "Round Top"; June I4th for those engaged i:t thefin^t. dav's Iwt- tle, and October 18th tfjv thfN^ej/gVvged at or near Culp's Bill/or Kast Caiuden Hill, the hour and place for meeting to ife tlie Eagle Hotel. Gettysburg, at 8 p. m. Other Reuui'-us will Ue called *3 the history progresses. * ^ ! |! An Old Rngle •« tl#» M»irtK*li(!. : < - * As tlte-fleet of Federal transport# was just on the point of leaving Anna polis for Hampton Roads I11 October. 180V, preparatory to starting tor Port Koy.al. a large bald eagle came sweep ing out trout the Mary land shore, and soaring grandly high iu tlie air above the fleet, tiiially alighted 011 the rtiast- heudiif the Atlantic, the headquarters of General Shernian and of the Third- New H:;m|>sliire regiment. In an in stant all eyes were upon the great and graceful visitor, and conjectures were busy, as to whether he was a loyal bird or some cunning secession roaster in tent on spying ont the Federal strength. The brave New ^famps!i5rc boys gave, tlrn bird the benefit of the doubt, aii officer peremptorily staying the hand of a man who would have shot him.aud liis appearance was accepted a4 an omen of aucueto.to the-expedition,,',u *' AjBlHgular C'Mncldenoe, ^ ^ Major Biftoi* K. Prentisfe^if the Fifth Maryland Infunjry. was wounded in action before Petersburg, Va., April 2.16631 He was carried liack to tlie hospital at City Poin^ wlie^e he after wards found his brother. Major Prentiss of h Confederate regiment. Both were batfly wounded and tlietr c»ts \^ere moved war togeth*r. The long sum mer wore away and tlie brothers. wli«*»p wounds were beyond the reach of stir gical skill, were gentlv moved t» the Armory Square Hospital at Washing ton. Death came finally us relief, when vrithln a week of eetrh other the hjfindg of both were folded across their breasts and tlte grave received them. Ben. jRobin*oh takes tlie hammer and saw W of old. He la workiug on Johnson's liouee. » John Goodwin has Ui€ lumber o» hand for his pickle factofy, whicli wtlil : b e c o m m e n c e d e o o n . - j , " 4 D. R. Richardeo>> is able to be out one* more after, six weeks of contlne- ment in consetpietice of the removal #|.^ a large tilth or from bin leg. > Tlie, addition to C. E. Wumeip^4iot»e ft MP and enclosed. ' X Win. Butler tma had hi^iio«»e raiso# tip and : a new foundation put' tberi- ' Milder. The large poplar ifees iii front of twfc Vermilvea place tiave been »*ut which changes tt\e aptiuarance ot tlw - 'place inucii)y.|- Croquet is now beeojning popular again. The click oftiie. hall and iiM1I|(;^ tiiay t>e lieard in various part«^f l&ti town of aa eveniiigv J. P. Vermiiyea hassold the <»hteni1| of his livery business, only retaining one ty^rse and carriage for his own njp, W»o. Jackson and wife have return#*} from their visit. They will go to keep- ' )ng house iu town as soon as they cttr get a honse. ^ k ^ Norton Miller and wife, of Barring ton dentre^'were Visitinglrving'* fh|||-'^ «n Monday last. v^ j * * t* • D. C. ^ al lory has been beautifrla^ tils store front by painting "aesthetic; also a new eign is added. .. . '.lij ftlSf'The Gnitean family bill become a natioMwl nuisance. What;' with th$lr petitions, tlieir lecture#, their bOoks- and their general lack %f sense of decency, they threaten |i» , make, the fhinllv name a<* odious.as the •assassin lias made it infamous. Unfold thnately there must be some soil fo|. this sort of notoriety to take root or ft Would, not flourtsS as it does la" tills country. MisfOrrunea and crime* ,$tro nratters which rawt often be mad* ^ public by force of circamslances. bat? should be relegated into obscurity a* soon as tlie ends of justice and mercy are observed. It h n bad social symfK torn When tliey are either a source 0#, revenue or n«"d to gratify curiosity. ; ; £ill >', I - g^Oltserying that tlie playful ey« clones iccaslouailv catch up with U!>* tliinkfug individuals the Signal Servio* « Bureau ha^heen stinlying the be^l - { methods of /lodging hurricanes. Aft* " cording to au eastern paper the mtreafet 4 ^ i»a<i promulgated the" following rules 'raj be preserved when cyclones prevail: ^ i When a man sees a cyclone eotning at Iiiui from the east t»r mnth-eust to ritis to t'»e eo-ith. If it .is north-east 1^ should rmt north, and If very clo^i «oiith-A.*isr. Utieae suggestions are af* 1 I U All Kxebaiij;b ofCwmpltments. During a temporary lull in the con-, eou^panied. thft fOot^^ oofe that closer a cyclone is the' more it balioewf ^4 4- the citizen to luunp hi«n<e|f. iflct attending the rebel attaek op .Franklin, Teijuesseiv Genera! Fof«eM. who liad seen one of I.ie«t«Miai;t llo}i* kin's white signal flags wt»rking, and thtnkinj it tras a si^'i d weakness, sent a flag of tt'uce to Coloaer Bird. The'flag was home l»v what seeu»e<l to be an extremely courteous young rebel | plete. Please Call aud let us «Ww voi|i otfk*r,"tffH b»*ii«>» sah«at^» \ hi^agity our «or* Wf««« yooffewrttta#, Mlts. S.~ SEARLKS, h.-vvltig retnmef from tlie city, her stock of Millia«r|p,r ^ C o h a y s . L a w s . P ^ t i a t ' K , M a n J t f f * » a a i | , . ̂ - i nil kiu lsof Fancy Wsar is. now coea*"" v n* "