Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jul 1882, p. 4

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pisMedep. WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1S82. J. VAN SLYKK. Editor. : ; ESTATE TICKER;' ; For state Treasurer: , , •iv . J. C. SMITH, of Chfcugtt. £ « , JN>r State Superintendent ofSchoolst, . IjMllll I I J. STRATTOX, of MV V«r»08. CONCRESSIONAC "•Iter Member of Congress, 5th District! JIKUBEN ELL WOOD, of Sycamore. COUNTY TICKQR , . FojvCoanty Clerk, . " pot. WILLIAM AVERVt>f Marengo. For Contttr Treasurer. CAPT. JAMBS NISIT, of Algonquin. For County Judfre. Q. H.GILMOKE, of Woodstock, For Sheriff. ' .'f:} ASAD UDELL, of Chemimg. For Superintendent of Schools." ' 8. D. BALDWIN*, Of McHenry. For Coroner. W. W. COOK, of Woodstock. COCNTV NOMINATIONS. Thm the Conventi*n Tlitch met tm the 34t!i of Jim*, dorto their work well is eridenca<! by tlie general satis­ faction which we have heard expressed on all hands. CfQt. WK. AVERY. Th# candidate for County Clerk, is a man of excellent quail ties, a staunch H»-publican, and a man In efprv way qualified to (111 the responsible position to which he has been nominnrnd. In fact we honestly believe there is no man la the county whose nomination ferCounty Clerk would have given anoh universal satisfaction as that of Col. Ayery lias, and we believe he will be elected by a more decided majority than baa been given any candiddt* in this Comity for years. M CAPT. JAMES NISIT, Onrcandidate for County Treasurer, la too well known to need any ecoml- nms from us. He was so popuiar among the people he had noopposition. and received the nomination by accla­ mation. Mr. Xish is a man of unques­ tionable integrity, is an excellent busi­ ness man. and possesses In the highest degree the very qualities that go to make an efficient and safe Treasurer. o. n. GILMORE, The nominee for County Judge, has ptcali ar fitness for the place, and is eminently qualifier! as far as legal learning is concerned. He !« a rising young lawyer, is Industrious, has excel­ lent business habits, and in addition be enjoys the confidence of all who know him. MrHenry County will be lionored with Mr. Gilmore on the "bendU' Administrators of estates and otheta having busines» in Probate Court will find him always prompt and attentive. He is sure of an election, ASAD UDELL. The nominee for the office of Sher­ iff. Is a man whom the people will de­ light to honor. He served his country faithfully during the rebellion, is a man of good habits, excellent -business qualifications and undoubted integrity, and when elected, which he Is sure to Jte, wHl do honor to himself aud the people of the county. PBOF. 8. D. BALDWIN, The sandidate for Superintendent of 8cbools, as we have before said, has had large experience in the school room, and is well acquainted with the wants of the schools of the county. He has been employed in the schools of this village for'.the past seven years, and la the county for over twelve years* and has met and is acquainted with •early all of the teachers in the county, and is therefore eminently qualified to discharge the duties of the office with safety and credit to the county. DR. W. W. COOK Has filled the office of Coroner so well In the past that he really had no opposition. We know of but one duty be has neglected, and that is to make public liis verdict in the inqnest held Ou the retaking of the Woodstock Ring. But then the cause of their death is pretty generally known and we for­ give him. He is sure of an election. l^The cheek of the "hero of Elml- ra," failed to bring the usual result at the late Springfield Convention. Af- ter che County Convention had flatly Sat down upon J. M. South worth as one Of the delegates to represent the Coun­ ty In the Slate Convention, he. bv the •Id of the "old war horse." inveigled on* of the regular delegates to give htm a proxy, With which in his pocket, fco hied himself to Springfield ahead of the other delegates, ana announced himself as a delegate from Mtllenry County. But wlwn the regular delega­ tion arrived they did not propose to bo Imposed upon in this manner, and tile Captain of the invalid corps was politely invited to take a back seat. This is just as I t Should be. The Re­ publican -voters ef McHenry County are •ick and tired of brfcng misrepresented by this Chicago ward, politician, and will have no more of it. The Sonth- wprthglennon combination Is political­ ly dead, and the sooner they remove the stinking carcass the better the peo- -$le will like It. *>«* » ii 11 . i • T» * rn« COJIURKSS. ' ^ After a protracted session, daring j Iphlch one hundred and fifty-one bal. "flits were taken, the Congressional Con­ tention at Elgin on the 30th nominat­ ed Reuben Ell wood, of Sycamore, as a candidate for Congress in thin, the 5th District. After the withdrawal of Mr] Slierwin,this, in our opinion was sure :«|o bo the result. Mr. EUwood is a •tanrich and reliable Republican ot the old stripe, an able man, and will repre­ sent this district urffeh honor to him- •v:ii!f R,,d hi* constituents. We predict ijps election by the usual majority. EDITOR PLAIXDKALRK: -- As. the Soufhworthglennnti Combination, In their last Sentinel, assaifed ine, lit reply, ns they claimed, to sornethins that I had written to the I'LAIXDKAL- ER relating to Mr, Sherwln, and as that assault was entirely false in Its intent, and its every insinuation an ^unqualified lie that Emanated from •the brain of a base coward--(for none 'but the vilest of cowards would strike a man when he iaclown. Mr. Sherwin Is out of tlio fight, yet his cowardly enemy must give him another thrust.) 1 may, I trust, be justified in stating a few facts that bear directly on the insinuations at issue. The PLAIX- DEALKR'S language that Squthworth J>ick* at is this: The poor, disabled veteran, Illiterate ^houirh he mijrht l»e. destitute, and almost friendless, has alwa'vffonnd a true and help­ ing friend when he brought his grief to Sher­ ry In. The above quotation signifies just as it reads, to a dot. Gard Southworth, himself an applicant for an invalid jiension. knows--better, I think, than lie knows his duty to his God and his Sabbat It Schools--that a pension claim is purely a question of law and evi­ dence; that all the Congressmen in Christendom cannot put a claim through the pension office, solely by their official influence; that no man stands between M. M. Clotliiar and the Government in the prosecutiun of claims of any grade or degree that are confided to his care. Tkis, Southworth knows, and for him to insinuate to the contrary, is equivalent to publishing a premeditated and wilful lie. I did not, indeed, wear a Quarter­ master's shoulder straps, and loll about camp with a nigger to black my boots, but as my old friends In Hebron well know, I fought through the war like a man--my father gave his life for his country--I know by bitter experience the hardships of a soldier's life, and while I live, T shall stand truly and faitlvfnHy by the soldier's side, regard- loss of fate and fortune. The Southworth spite, it seems, must fly it some one, and I am an available mark. It is no more than I looked for. Gard Southworth feeds sumptuously at the public crib, ami- like a growing calf, bleats for more] He. with the aid of his trained ring of bosses, cheated the soldiers of a trib­ ute that was their due in the Chicago Custom House, and I must be punished for daring to say so. Having offended the gods of the Sentinel, I expect in the future to see their frowns and hear their abuse Perhaps Southworth may increase the Sentinel's circulation and increase his power by harboring spites and paying off old scores by lying slang--but not in Hebron, it is a max­ im iu law that all men are innocent un­ til proven guilty. Now I challenge Gminy Southworth and his hot bead crew to name a soldier In McHenrv County that has obtained a pension by fraudulent means, or to name a soldier in McHenry County who draws a pen­ sion and is not entitled to it. Now 6ir, name your man or shut your mouth. The Commissioner of Pensions re|H>rts that the frauds upon the Pen­ sion Bureau are one-tenth of one per cent.--one in one thousand. That Commissioner has ransacked the coun­ try for frauds, his system of investiga­ tion has been most thorough and com­ plete. McHenry County has been In­ vestigated In every nook and corner. Snobs, copperheads and rot gut roaks have had a free chance to complain about frauds and they have improved their opportunity. The statements of jealous neighbors and envious acquain­ tances--"! think so." "I believe so." "it certainly is so,"--amount to nothing. Show cause for the faith that is in you. We want facts to settle questions of law. The pension laws are most ex­ acting and complicated. There are at least, twenty soldiers In McHenry County, who, in equity and justice are entitled to pensions, but in law are neither entitled to pension nor to the benefits of the Soldiers' Home. A sample case is that of Carlos E. Rob­ erts, of Greenwood, who served his country eight years, is a totally dis­ abled man--a living skeleton--yet stands not one chance in one thousand to get a pension. Now. Southworth & Co.. If you have more lying insinuations to publish, pile it on. I neither love nor fear my enemies. Curse a sneaking rowdy who dare not show his face in making a per­ sonal attack. M. M. CLOTHIER Republican County ' tion. ; ' The delegates to the Republican County convention assembled at the Coijrt House In Woodstock, Saturday June 24th, at one o'clock p. M., and were called to order by G. S. Southworth, chairman of the County Committee, who nominated A. B. Coon as tempor­ ary chairman. G. S. Southworth, .T« B. Babcock, N. B. Bortch and J. E. Netliercut were nominated as secre­ taries, , A Committee on Credential consist­ ing of one from each town was appoiut- e'1 as foliows; Rfley, Ml H. Under­ wood ; Marengo, J. M. MJtrks; Dunham, J. Goodeell; Chemung, H. T. Woodruff; Alde», S. Cutter ;Hartland.C. I. Austin; Seneca, G. W^ Goodrich: Coral, N. W. Derry; Grafton, G^S, Torre nee; Dorr, W. H. §tevN|rt;fft>reenwood, Dvvight Smith; HebroYi; Tli WvMead; Richmond 5. R. Ward; Bjarton; D. Haldeman; Nunda. J. R. Church; McHenry, J. B- Perry; Algonquin, C. R. Chapcll. The Committee retired and examin­ ed the credentials, aud reported through tlieir chairman that the cre­ dentials were »II right, aud delegates mentioned In same entitled to seats In the Convention. The temporary officers were, made permaNent. A motion was made that a commit­ tee of one from each town be selected to select delegates to the Congressional Convention. Mr. Cheever offered the following substitute which was adopted" by a vote by towns; 152 for, 24 against. RESOLVED.--That the fallowing named per­ sons be elected as the delegates to represent this County in the District Congressional Con­ vention to tie held at Elgin on the 3oth of June; anil that sai l deleirUes lie instructed to cast their votes as a unit, and useal I honor­ able means to secure the nomiivvtiou of Judge B. X. Smith for Congress: E.G. Ayer, Otie- mung;3 A Crissey, Marengo;-A R. llmrne, Dorr; J. V. Aldrich", Kichinond ; J. R. Church Xunda; A. C Thompson,Ureenwood; Lester Barber Coral; A. It. Coon, Marengo^JJ. S. (Jammings, Urafton On motion a committee of one from each town was selected, to sclect nine delegates to the State Convention, and twenty-one to the Representative Con­ vention. After some discussion, the committee was instructed to allot one delegete to the State Convention to each district as follows: I, Dorr; 2, Marengo; 3, Chemung; 4, Algon­ quin and Xunda; A, Hebron and Richmond; 6, Kilev, Dunham and Aid on; 7, Seneca, Green­ wood and Hartland; 8,Coral and Grafton; 9, McHenry and Burton. After consultation Committee i&*As showing the feeling among the Republican voters of McHenry County towards tHe Sonthwortliglen- non Combination and their backers, we would call attention to the result of the late Conventions. Every man who endorsed the democratic 'misrepresen­ tation of this county in the Chicago Custom House has been defeated, no matter whether he ran for office or for delegate to some convention. It has been sure death for any and every man who ha?'received their endorse­ ment, from Congressman to Sheriff. Their only supporters now are the "old $noop." Beverage, and Collector Spnnlrtlfig. and we very much doubt If the latter can afford to carry the weight niucli longer. That this county should lie represented In the Custom House by a Democrat, without either brains or standing. Is a disgrace, and that the people are justly indignant thereat has been fully proven. |&*The New York Observer says: "No more getting drunk, If you please, at the public expense. T.he Garfield funeral, the Yorktown fesMvnl, even the King Kalakawa revel, were as much disgrace as we can well bear; and now to go It all over aga'n because a Siamese prince is coming. Is a little too much. We have had enough of this folly and shame,*' To which a great nation, righteously indignant at the shameful proceedings on the occa­ sion referred to. will respond with an emphatic Amen! J Table and pocket cutlery at Perry & Hart lirs. Cashmeres in Black and Colors, Very Low, at Perry & Martiu'rf. consultation committee re­ ported as follows, which report was adopted. Dc egates to the Stite Convention: Di»t. 1, M. L. Joalrn;2, I. It. Curtis; 3, C. M. Wilkin son;4,C. E Chapell; 5, J. E. Xethercut; 6, O. Diggins; 7, B. Wright; 8, W. A. Bois; 9, S . D. Itildwin. Delegates tothe Itepres-ntativeConvention; F. G. I/ackley, ltitey ; C If. Wayne. . D. Beldin,' Marengo; w. G. Billings, Dunham; J 1* Cheever, Chemung; E. Glass, . Alden; P Roe, Hartland; J. Bayard, Seneca; X. W. Derry, Coral; J. M. Pendleton, Grafton • G. S. tionthworth, C. Donnelly, Dorr; Dwight Smith. Greenwood; C. F" Itrontz, Hebron; J. Robhins, Richmond ; D. Haldeman, Tiurton; J. Van Slvke, McHeViry; W. .Harrisor,Xunda. H. Keyes, Algonquin: G. K. Bunker, Dorr, delegate at large. The following resolution was adopt­ ed. RESOLVED,--That the delegates this day elected to represent McHenrv Countr in tiii next State Convention be ami thev herebv are instructed to act only with the delegates to •said convention in the other counties in this Congressional District in the selection of a member of the State Central Committee from said District, and !iy tlieir votes, I-IIOHId occa­ sion arise. to pronounce imniisuikiMy in favor of each Congressional District selecting for itself its member of the State Central Commit­ tee. Motion made, seconded and carried that the Convention proceed to ballot by towns for Representative until some candidate receives a majority of the delegates here present, and that the result of the ballot be considered instructions to the delegates as to the choice of this county in the Represen­ tative Convention. The following named men were put in nomination: .folui Eddy. C. H. Tryon, M. M. Clothier. O. C. Diggins. A ballot was taken with the follow­ ing result: Whole number of votes, 176. Necessary to choice, 89. John Eddy, 27; O. C. Diggins, 66; C. H- Tryon, 66; M. M. Clothier, 17. No choice. Thirty-five ballots were takan suc­ cessively. as rapidly as the secretaries could record the votes, with one or two intermissions of flVe minutes. The ballots did not vary -materially from the first. On the third ballot Clothier dropped to Hebron, 10, and on the fifth had Riley, 7--17 in all for a number ot ballots. Eddy went to 19 on the 14th, and up to 43 on the 22d. His usual vote was 28. Diggins went to 74 on the 7th, and held on with slight changes until the 17lh. when he dropped to 60; rallied to 73 on the 19th aud dropped to 58 ou the 26th ; rallied again to 60 and held tail the end. Tryon wenjt to 75 on the 3d, 74 on 5th, 77 on 6th, 64 on 7th, 71 on 13tli, 66 on 14th, 57 ou 18ili, 65 ou 19th. 46 on 22d. 65 on 24tli. 64 on two ballots, 63 up to 35th. The towns visually voted straight, but once iu a while one would change to vary monotony of the ballot, . S. K. Bartholomew received 7 votes from Riley ; G. 8. Frary the 15 votes' of Al­ gonquin ;'S. Cutter the 8 votfcs of Alden S. Haight the 8 votes of <>raftor.; Mr. Hatch the 3 votes of Burton, etc. After the 35th ballot a motion was made to rescind the resolution for con tinqing balloting on Representative and go on to the nomination of county officers. Vote by towns. 131 ayes, 45 nays* Proceeded to ballot by towns for County Clerk. Win. Avery was put in uomiuation by S. K. Bartholomew Peter Whitney, by C, II. Donnelly Fremont Hoy by B. F, Church. Result, ot first ballot: Win. Avery,84 P. Whitney, 62J; F. Hoy, 24J. No choice. Second, Avery, 84; Whitney, 78J Hoy, 13|. Third, Avery, 84; Whitney, 78J; Hoy 13}. Fourth, Avery, 88; Wbitney, 78J; Hoy, 9j. F. Hoy's .name was then withdrawn. Fifth ballot. Avery, 95; Whitney, 81. Col. Win. Avery was declared duly nominated by the Convention for County Clerk. _• Jas. Nlrih was nominated J>y accla­ mation for county treasurer. O. H. Gillmore. of Woodstock, and A. W. Young, of Harvard, were placed in nomination for county judge. The ballot resulted as follows: Gjll- more, 114; Young, 62. O. H. Gillmore vvagjtj*clared the nom­ inee of tlm: convention for €dnnty Judge, ^ f Asad Udell, of Chemung, M. Church, and II. G. Ehle, of Woodstock, were placed in nomination for Slierif). A ballot was taken by towns, which stood, before announced, Udell, 87; Church, 79}; Ehle, 9}. Woodstock voted 9} each for Church and Ehle; Coral, 4 Church, 6 Udell; Algonquin, 15 Church. Woodstock changed to 19 ' for Church; Coral to 10 for Church, Algon­ quin to 15 for Udell. Result of ballot, Udell, 96, Clutrcli, 80. Asad Udell was declared the nom­ inee of the qon?entiot^for Sheriff. C. J. Allen, of Marengo, and S. D. Baldwin, of McHenry, were' placed in nomination for County Superintend­ ent of Schools. The ballot stood, Allen. 74; Baldwin, 102, and Baldwin was declared the nominee Oi~ the Convention for County Superintendent of Schools. Dr. W. W. Cook, of Woodstock, H. T. Woodruff, of Harvard, and Mr. Watsou of Nunda, were placed in nomination for Coroner. The ballot stooj). Cook. 130* Wood­ ruff, 35. Watson, 11, and Cook was de­ clared the nominee of the Convention for Coroner. A motion was made and carried that the Convention now resume the nom­ ination of a candidate for representa­ tive. The 36th ballot was taken and re­ sulted as follows: C. H. Tryon, 97; O. C. Diggins, 56; John Eddy, 13; M. M» Clothier, 10; whereupon, C. H. Tryon* was declared the choice of the Conven­ tion for Representative. Frary received the lo votes of Al­ gonquin on the 35th ballot. A motion to continue the present county central committee was lost by a vote of 87 nay3, to 64 ayes. The Chair was then instructed to appoint a county committee of three, aud named G. S. 'Southworth, J. V. Aldrich and S. K. Bartholomew. The Convention recommended that the towns of Algonquin and Nunda. having each two polling places, be al­ lowed to have two voting places for the election of delegates hereafter. The Convention then adjourned. Rocky Mountain Mining /> Review, the leading mining Journal of "the /country, containing KACit WEEK the latest news from all the camps of Colorado and the adjoining Territories, for one year, and ONE TEN DOLLAR 8H4RE OF WON. x ASSESS A RLE STOCK IN THE8PRVCE CREEK MINING COMPANY. The properties of this company are located' in Summit County, Colorado, and consist ot 18 full claims upon which considerable work has already been done. The mines are all good, and the stock of this company offers an unnsuftlly good field for investment. The publisher of this paper ,mys for stock given to subscribers the regular price at the com­ pany's office. For information regarding the mines or stock, address the secretary, D. R. CLAt", 122 Curtis St. Send check, money order or registered letter to JAMES R. IVJtS, Pub. Rocky Mountain Mining Review, Denver, Col. GENEKAI* MKKCHAPTTS. - mM- C. L Pratt, [Successorto B. K, Duets] WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS, Would respectfully inform Jthe citizens of Wauco nda ami surrounding country that he has a lorge and well selected stock of G}ods in his line, for the Spring and Summer trade, consistiing, in'^part of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, HATS AND CAPS, ^ Boots, Shoes, Glassware,* FOR RGPltK.SENTATIVE. Capt. Charles H. Tryon, McHenry Counties choice for State Representa­ tive is-an old and well known citizen aud his endorsement by the conven­ tion was highly gratifying to his many friends. The Richmond Gazette of lasc week lias the following, in relation to him which we take the liberty to clip: Mr. C. TT, Tryon, of Hebron, has for forty-live years been a resilient of Mc­ Henry County, and Irom early boyhood has been inliimyely identified xvitli its growth and iutwes's. Has always been a farmer and probably few. if any men in McHenry County have traveled" inoiv miles bet ween the handles of a preak- ing plow than C. H, Tryon. Has never been a politician or olllce seeker, hut has rather avoided office, although he has several times served his town as Supervisor and Justice of the Peace. Althou>;h living in the town of Hebron his social and lnisiness relations have always identified liiin with the town of Richmond, and it was h's Richmond friends that urged hit*.) against his own business Inclination to allow them to use his name two years ago for the po­ sition to which he is now nominated, and to which he then would'have been nominated had lie commenced an earlier canvass, and Richmond to-day claims him as her ow» candidate, and will stand by him first, last, atjd all the time. Crockery, Ac., Which he is bound to sell as cheap ns good goods can be bought any where. He also keeps n fine line of GENTS' FUB- NISfllNG GOODS, to which ho invites par­ ticular attention. In short, everything that can be found in a general store will lie kept, and sold as low as the lowest, and everything warranted as rep­ resented. Chick's Celebrated Rockford Flour, ALWAYS ON HAND. When in want of Goods in my line you Will find it for your interest to cali'and see me. c. WAUCONDA, May L. 1882. PRATT. The Celebrated Bashaw TROTTING STALLION, Kirk wood, WILL BE FOUND Tuesday at Greenwood. W ednesday sit W Cods took. Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Ricbmoud. Terms tojinsnre, #15. All wishing to see him can do so bt calling^at the aiiovo places, where we will be happy lo show him. P. J. EBCANBRACK\ Prop. JOHNSBUR6H M ' s,rararis The McHenry Brick Manufac­ turing Company are now ready to supply Brick in quantities, From Small Lots --TO-- Q A R L O A D S . Their Brick are second to none to be found in the market, and will be sold at the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, or those handling Brick, will do well to call ami see us before pur­ chasing- For further information, apply to or address, McHenry Brick Hannfactnrini Co ID pan j, McHE^RY - - ILLINOIS. July &th, \m. iarlWoits. HENRY MILLER, --UK-VLER IN-- nan aid Foreign HarMe. Monuments, Headstones, E PC.. ETC., ETC. American & Ssotch Granite Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc Henry, III. Johnsbnrgh Ann. 50th, 1877 B. RAINTH0RP, Rlngwood - - Illinois. To the people of Ringwood and vicinity I would respectfully say that I have opened a Rtore near the Depot, wheire I will pay the highest market value for Eggs Butter, and other produce, ctwh or trade I wing immaterial to me I shall keep ou hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour which with choiqe brands of C-i gars and Tobacco, I am going to sell at prices to defy competition and though I have met with muck more liberal patronage than/I had expected, I shall yet ho I (font inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger ojistom. B. RAINTH0RP. Rtirowooo, 111., June 13th, 1883. REPORT OP THE C O N D I T I O N --OF -- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, -- AT-- Close of Business May 19, '82 Have » htser »t*Mhan <SYWr Wore In h a ' ' if p ' & • ' ' / r ' - I ,« ' • - j r . -Wi • Cambrics, Buntings, iJ •• T rimmings, Laces, Satins, Silks, Brocades, Passementeries, Moires, Fringes, Buttons, &c Also full line of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Chil­ dren's Fine Wear, Groceries, Paints, Oils, &c. Call and examine. FERRY <& MARTIN. " KKMICUCKS Loans and discounts l.f fll,907 91 U. S. Itonds to secure circulation... IT. S. I'.onds on hand j. I>ue tYoiu approved reserve agents. Due from oilier National Bj'nks.... Heal estate, furniture and fixtures. Current expenses and,taxe» palq,,. Premiums Paid Checks mid othtjr cash items Hills of other banks Frc'l paper cur. nickels & pprinle*.. Specie . I.ejral tendernotes ...... Due from lT. S. Treasurer other than 5 per cent, redemption fund... 20,000 (Ml 700 (Ml 1(1,(100 77 3, KW '21 4,200 < 0 3S 75 447 S7 •1,4:1!) 72 2,WW (Ml S(i !W1 25,010 <>») 1,000 00 Total. 1,000 do ..^M.t.372 85 MABU.tTIEft. Capital stock paid in .... ..•??}.. 31,80000 tfhdlvided prollts,.. -v.... 35, 04 Individunl deposits euhjcct tocneck 92,!»52 33 Due to Old First National Bank, Woodstock 24,835 40 Total r$M8,372 85 STATEJOF ILLINOIS > > 88 MCHEXTtT OOtTNTV, ) I, John J. Murphv, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the alnive statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN J. MUKPHT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of Maj, 18*2. CHAS. II. DONNELLY, Notary Public. Correct Attest JC. A. MCBIIHT, W. H. STEWART, FRKKMAN WIUTIN», Directors. e Money to Loan On Real Estate, for Long Ttme, at Low Interest. J. J. MURPHY. PARASOLS AND FANS White Goods, NEW STYLE GLOVES, And an exceptionally fine line of Hosiery. Look over the Line Stevens &'• Schnorr, i • >• ' ' r Have just opened, near the Depot. HENRY COLBY! RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY, ILL. Invites an examination of his immense stock of Dry Goods, Dress Motions, Goods <£iO. which are being1 offered at very low prices. I have the largest as­ sortment of READY MADE CLOTHING ever shown in McHenry which will be sold very cheap for cash. In Hat- and Caps, Boots and Shoes, my stock is complete and I am confident I can save you money on these jEfoods. Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware. Wooden and Willow- ware, and the largest stock of Groceries to be found in McHenry. Prices always as low as good Goods can be sold. No trouble 10 show aroods. Call and be convinced. OUR SPRING STOCK, Is now in, and demands the attention of Judicious Cash Buyers. DRY GOODS. 1ROTXON3, HikTS, SOOITS, SHOES, STAPLE AND FANCY CKOCERIES CROCKERY, &c. &c. Prices reasonable, goods reliable. A small living margin will satisfy us. Call in. Butter and eggs want­ ed FITSSrMMOliTS A EVA1TSON

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