Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jul 1882, p. 8

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WARRING FOK riK.M.TH. t*»n article in Knowledge, "JTnw to 'tJfct Strong," the writer recomm«nd.« Rptrrlng ns nn axwJlent. form of exor- e!w for strengtUcnlng the chest. He •»JW{ Not a riimild be sllowerl to png* Without «xerci*e bv which--at least three time* each day--every air-cell of the lung* has been filled to its utmost capacity. Once, at least, each day thip should be done by active exertion, such M* sharp, but not distressing, run. In­ creasing gradually until two or three lanndred yards are covered at fail speed, •r from half a mile to a mile at a stea­ dy swing. But any run long enough to set the lung bellows actively at work Will suffice for this purpose. Instead •f running, however, some may prefer sparring. This is capi tal exercise for the chest, and Is good also for the arms Md shoulders. A live opponent is not needed--in fact is not desirable; for where there is one the exercise is apt to be continued too long, and repeated only intermittently, whereas it should be carried on daily, and for a limited time only. A calffckln bag, fourteen or fifteen Inches in diameter, hung by a stout cord from the ceiling fit there is a beam to it, or from a cord stretched between two high nails on opposite Bides of the room), will make a capital dntnb boxer* The bag should hang at about the height of the chin, so that fts highest part Is opposite the eyes and its lowest part opposite the chest. Pound away at this as if it were the ISMd and shoulders of a Jiving oppon­ ent, Hit ottfe from the shoulder so that ll flies up to the ceiling; catch it a Mgo*d one* as it flies back toward yon; advance a step, and hit it so that at the next rebound It flies over your head; spring sharply around' and meet It on that side; hit it upward till the cord to»ps; hit It round arm, so that if yon ere not quick enough, it catches fwt on the back of the head. In live minutes1 time, (which, later, you may extend to ten.) yon will b» puffing and panting;like tbe conventional grampus. Yep can then rest, or turn to some ether less active exercise. A. P. GK AY m COW AND THE DOG. strange stories are told of a eow and dog that are owned by a lady of Sierra, Cal. The two animals stick closer than brothers. When the cow, which we call Damon, is out on the hill er in the stable, Pythias, the dog. can be found lounging about, always in sight. They go out on the hills to­ gether at sunrise, and return together at sunset. A few days since Damon concluded to rusticate for a few days, Mid left for parts unknown In company With her comrade. After a long search (hey were found In the neighborhood of Camptonvllle, about sixteen miles from Forest City. During their ramb­ ling of nearly a week the dog had not tasted of food. A couple of weeks •lose, while the couple were sauntering •pMain street, on th^ir return from a day's jaunt, several vicious dogs ran •at and attacked Pythias. But with the aid of his friend he was equal to the emergency. Damon took in the situation at a glance, and "braced up" for a long and bloody battle. S\ie was compelled to use her heels, having n» horns. She used them to advantage. The canines were soon dispersed. Always Ahead. SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED v -AT HIS-- Carriage and Wagon Factory, AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, RICHMOND. ILL. I sell everv Implement, Tool or Machine a farmer wants. PLaTFOIIM SPRIXG, DE­ LIVERY AND FARM WAtiOXS, TOP AND OPEN BUCGIES, One. two and three seated, from the cele­ brated manufactory of J. W. Henry & Co., Freeport. Blacksmithing*, Painting and Repairing' Done in a workmanlike manner and war­ ranted. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, we select that best adapted 1 Ins section, and liimn tlie BEST TKRM3 THAT CASH CANT PURCHASE, which en- altles lis to supply our patrons with just what they want, and "at lower puices than nnv otiicr concern northwest of Chicago. Call and make examination for yourselves before giving vonr orders Cor any piece of machinery yon may nee<' the coining season, and you will llnd the liest and most complete line of Farm Machinery ever before offered in McHenry Co. Remember that we offer the - V K R Y t ? K S T M A C H I N E R Y a t t h e V K R Y l.OWKST PRICK that Cash can produce anytvliere. A. P. GltA Y, Richmond, /ft, Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, For Spring and Summer. A full line of piece (foods of the latest styles and at the lowest figures. C L O T H I N G ! A Bigger Stock than ever. SUITS SUITS at Suits all prices at at 94.60. #5.00 Maim an's CLOTHtxra, klCHAtlD'S BENEVOLENCE. Btchard was given ten cents by his klM annt to put into the contribution box. Now Richard was a very thought­ ful led. He was very fond of lozenges, and on hie way to church It occurred to Mm that perhapa some of the boys in beetbejt lands might also be fond of letenges. " As he neared the apotheca­ ry shop the thought grew upon him. end when he had readied the shop deor he had concluded that it would be feifish in one having hia advantages fer Acquiring lozenges not to use them fer>4he benefit of the lozengeless bovs to lends where apothecary siiops do sot abound. So he entered and pur­ chased two relis of lozenges, and then proceeded en his way to church. When the box came around, Richard put two lesenges into it for the poor heathen led*. Not only did he thus make these fcealghted children htfppy, but he alio feed all the lozenges he wanted to eat daring church time and money enough left to buy more. Few boys would here thought of the far-away heathen Mk II they had all the lozenges tiiey wasted themselves, they would not keve eared if the sons of heathendom •ever got so mneh as a taste of candy. --Boston Transcript. ATV WAUCONDA. For anything made to order, Hainan's is th place to go, Also a full line of Gent's Furnishing Qpods. HATS, CAPS, &c., &C. Mrs. Madman, Has received a fine Stock of Sprint; and Sum. mer Millinery aou ls, a ll of the latest styles A ni -e Jot of Hibbcns anil Plumes. The adies of Wes tern Lake O niinty are especially nvited to call and exami ne goods and prices. H. MAINIAN. if '1"* oPim-st and lli»t Medicine ever Made. Hops,, Guchu, Klan- Patroxize home industry and buy jew Cigars of Bafbian Bros. They •Mike fosw" different brands, and are eqeal to the best. Books of all kinds. Magazines, Pas peni, News Novelties, Fruits, Con­ fectionery, &e., &€., at the Bazaar, op- peslte J. Story's. Mcllenry, III. draft £e an I Dandelion,*" ill- tne !k-sL and most c wativc |>.oputic.', of uli other Hitters, -i .:: c,.". ^thr trrvauit Slocd Purifier, Liver 1*8(311 1 '•fe.TtT, nni! I-ile ami H.-alth Xieatorlng AW'«nt on^pESS»P»E3B ""*»•- -No <riot.a.K= cN«.an possibly lontt «?s!st where Hop r.iLivi-.-: ;ut vjii:eU aJiu perfect are ineir ojn.Tatloiis.E_ Ti.67 g.?e se w ii ani t' gsr 15 th« i ge 1 at! lilm. Yo all whose e u,,1I,l<,>'""'utsc""se 'rrvv'i..ul' ty of tliebowtlsorVk urinary crtrui;*, or win) re­ quire an Appeti/.'.'r^k Toiiii- and ir.ilil Stimulant, llu;i Hitters are :aval<Vual,k" Without intox- Icatirtg. No m ater wlmtyour fe^clln^ or pymptnms arc what the disease- or allwneut In 'iv* Hop 1; turs. lJun'C wait imli', joiiatft"- slcU but if you only fuel l>a<l or mi craul' t-'em at once* It may save lip Q'1 a Vt><l llimdreils. $500 will br paid for a caRw tlmy win eut-o or Itelp. i)o not suffer Aurh*t your fnriuu »i;lTcr,but uso and unc*» thi'ixr^L H^P B Ui:im*iuber, flop Hitters is ringed ti-Uiikon nosU'Utn. b'ltviic I'trv Me<lU-i:ie ' Vt r mado : Vn> and UOrK" and no fx rsou or f inul ,' should lk.' without them. qyj^ D.I.C-H absolute and Irres:: tiSle cur un !>rur.lienije,^sa»se of or;ium. t'>'.jaoco an narcotics. Aii sci i by •*. Semi for Circular. ilop BUI en n*V. C'o., • 5 T A LARGE FISH, --AT THE- Wtuconda Drug Store and Book Haunt, ; We are prepared to eell all of tbe apparatus for catching the above. The largest and most complete line of fishing good* ever displayed in Wauconda. Pure Ltnen Lines, Trolling. Hooks, Floats, Sinkers, Jointed JUh Hods, etc., at a bargain. THEODORE THOMAS will hardly lie able to call t / W a u c o n d a this season, if he dof<, however , We can give him figures on HAH- j MOlilCAS and Al« sioal ilistru- j of ?11 descriptions that' woul; astoniieli hiuQ. A new liiici |H8% t eeived. <'aiI -mil exMruiiM-. F. B. HARRISON. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. The Fe*t, C leanest nnd Economical Hair Dressing. Kover Fails to Restore •• the youthful color to grey hair. 50c and $1 sizes at druggists. Floreston Cologne. A Bin an<l exceedingly fr*- rmiit and Irutiag perfnme. Price 25 and 16c. PARKER'S GINGERT0N1C A Pare family Medicine tliaS Kcver Intoxicates. If you are a mrchanic or-farmer, worn out with I overwork, or a mother run down bv family or liouse- Ihold duties try Parser's Gingek Tonic. 1 If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex- I hmisted by mental strain or anxious cares do not pake intoxicating stimulants, but use Parker's Gi.\ge« Tonic. If y°u ^?ve r*vspepMn, Rheumatism, Kidney or 1 v. i.naiy Crotnf>l;(ims, or if yon aie tioni'led with any -- r-itr ol UicluT.^s sidtn-jcii. howc.s. blood or nerves jii cau be carcvi i..» i'AKKbK's (Jinceu 'I onic If vi'i tire w !*m:irr ,iwav frrtm dissipation or I or w .jtii n<*fs am! reyinre a tiimulant tak^ i+rIomc jt wii! nvii-oraie nivl luild | y' tin f!r*t dost- but will never intoxicate. • i "ii!, . ,. ;, r,f lives it itnv save yours. W'ii-.T ftfc •*!,» VorV. 5IX-. ami | "Of -u.i. 1: • .-v. -..i . in !»-. ii" bti. r - nV-Y!Nn size. ? ' -i' t4* ~ Js. Ik" . SPRING AND , SUMMER ! . v At t|re old reliable Boot and Shoe House ot WM. H. D WIGHT. I Come early and examine my new goods which are now being received and placed upon the market to be sold fori very little money. Our Stock h 'the Largert, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable to be found in the Northwestp. Drop in and take a I00K and get my low Cash Prices. W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111. JOHN B. BLAKE, FURNITURE STORE Two Doors Ncrth of Perry & Martin's Where yon will find all grades of Furniture, from a common Chair up to tlie finest Set, of the best make and quality People buying cl me will find all my goods as represented. ^ 1^' Jobbing and Repairing neatly and promptly done. UNDERTAKING. In thia Department I k^ep a first-class assortment of Caskets, and Coffins, and Shrouds of ail kiuda and quality A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. JACOB STORY, MCHENRY, ILL DEALER IK Scissors, Shears* Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstnes Window Glass, GRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. J. STCRY. G. W. BrESLEY, McHenry, III., D. B. Maine, Genoa Junction, Wis., A. S. Wright, Woodstock, 111., and G. E. Dickinson, Nunda, 111., sell the reliable and pure medicines called DR. KALCKHOFF S MEDICINAL CARAMELS CONTAIN oul.y Vegetable Extracts, combined with different aromatic Bpices, tamarinds flgs, prunes anil chocolate, forming agreenble, mild, eafe mid pure medicines. They are as pleasant to take as the fineet confection, ana therefore take the place of all medicines which are sold tinder different names to secure healing effect*. These medicines are no secret preparations, but the formulae for the different kinds have been used extensively for many years throughout the world, by leading physicians, for the various diseases they arc recommended for. They are manufactured with the aid of improved machinery, under the supervision of a regular educated physician and rhemiet. Their cheapness alone creates a good demand, as each box contains 20 Caramels (20 doses), the pric* per box being from 23 to 50 cents. We mention QR. KALCKHOFF'S CATHARTIC CARAMELS Are an agreeable, » mild, sain, and certain cutbartic medicine. Cures Consti­ pation, Headache, Indigestion, Disordered Stomach, etc. nR. KALCKHOFF'S WORM CARAMELS EffecSiy^rtC/oy°an U chain, broad, round, upriug, tape, aud w hip worms. Chil­ dren delight to take them. Price 25c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFF'S COUCH CARAMELS Are a ccrtain cure and •» instant relief for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, etc. Price 25c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFF'S THROAT UAHAMELS Are a pleasant, safe and " certain cure for all Throat Affections. Public speakers, clergymen, lawyers, and musicians should not be with- out them. Price 25c. per box; |)R. KALCKHOFF'S. FEMALE CARAMELS Are a regulating medi- U cine and ccrtain cure and relief for all female diseases. For farther particulars, ask your druggist for a circular. Price 50c. per box. HR. KALCKHOFF'S DYSPEPTIC CARAMELS Are a plcacant and •» permanent cure for all diseases of the Stomach--Dyspep­ sia, Waterbraeli. Pain, Vomiting, etc. Price 50c. per box. DR. KALCKHOFF'S KIDNEY AND LIVER CARAMELS Ate a certain cure lor all Kidney, Heart, and Liver Diseases. Price 50c. per. box. Cathartic Canaelv Worm Qiiueli Cough Cuamtli Throat Caranela DR. KALCKHOFF'S NERVE CARAMELS Are a certain CTire for all •» Nervous and bexuol Diseases, Nervous and Sexual De­ bility, Sleeplessness, etc. Price 50c. per box. IMITATION IMPOSSIBLE:. Dr. Kalckholi n Caramels are packed, eu<-h twenty in a waterproof wrapper. Ench Caramel has on one side stamped tlie signature of A. F. Knlckhctl'. M. D., and on the other side the name of the Caramel. These Caramels are for sale by all drugnlsts and patent medicine dealers. If your drng- Kf»t does-uot keep them, iMjnd the retail 'price to the manu­ facture™, and they will forward the wnw by mail, Jjreo of charge to any ad-lrc's throughout the (Jnsted Slates. GIVEN AWAY I To a!! (iruagMs and dealers in patent medicines, sample paeku?i'S of Dr. KalckhofT* Caraine's nre t-lven away. Everybody can obtain n sampb' pickase free of charge by apply!U» yoor drngsi-t or >>v writing to tUc manora':- i t.urers nnd enclosing a three '•ent ptvtagu phmo. Druggists and dealers will pl«»««e w}te f.»r cir.'-n»nr. MEDICINAL CARAMEL CO., Mvn» far rarer# l'r«i<iritstor(l. J 'MI/.VACKE t.WT'i. •HMaMHRI Female Cumek DyspDtic Garanele mm armers Established in 18S5. 1 Do yon want first c?ass machinery something we buy so much ol that you get the benefit ol it? We know of some dealers that buy fso much that they claim to sell low, but you get all their prsces and ithen come to us and we will selFyou'the Same goods cheaper than any other dealer. * : We have just received tbe finest car of CAKKIAGES. ALL STYLES, That ever came to this county. If in want of one don't fail to call, as the finish beats them all. .A guarantee of our own for one year with eachvarriage. " P PLAJVTERS. We har^^hf different kinds. Among, them are three different Keystone Planters, Standard, Union and John Deere, all Rotary or Slide Drop, and at prices you will be satisfied with, CORN CULTIVATORS. We have eight kinds. Among them you will find the cel- ebratec Bertrand & Sames, Standard, Case, Climax and others. Call before buying. . Warrarflcd to suit. MINNEAPOLIS; SELF-BINDER. • JOHN S.TERBA, S Formerly of Mr.Hrnrv, Woortkioefc Chicago, has returttwt to Woodstoelc, Illinois, And has,now on hand tbe largest and vbeilt stork of READY MADE HARNESSES, COLLARS, WHIPS, &o., to be found in the Conntv, and lias evew.thinsr .made of ihe BESfMAXERIAL. Call nmlTseeime. JOHN STERBA. r. J DACY J. DONOVAN If you look Binder out. We have the Renown Minneapolis Twine Binder. it over yon will fiud it has more improvements than any Nothing to be feared from McCormick's threats. For Reapers and Mowers wo have on hand the Manny Light Reapers and Mowers, the Light Standard Mower, the Roice Reaper, Richmond Mower and the Peerjess. Of Hay Racks we have five--the celebrated "Tiger." New Hoi- Jingsworth, Furst & Bradley and Case, all self-dump or hand. Of Pumps we have both wood and iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell and Mishwaukeee, and jor an iron pump the well known Trakem and Buckeye. Can al­ ways repair or put them down any depth. E. M. OWEN & SON. T H I S N E W M A P , Piovos beyond ni\y reasou"*ble question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is by all odds tbe;i>e»t]roa(l forjyou tojtak hen traveling in®ither directlonbetween CMcap aif all.the Principal Points in tie West North & Nortliwesl Carefully examine this Map. The principa Cities in the West and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make close^connections with the traiua of all railroads at Junction paints, HDacf&Co. It is a tact well known. :to the Farmers of Mcllenry -Conhty that whenever-they have spoken of Dacy to oppositon dealers, that the sdund ol his name has caused t hem to shud­ der and their bones to rattle, simply ^ because the would b« opposition dealers know too well 4hat we have bought our goods in much larger quantities than they h^ve done, and that we have always sold goods for less monev than the same quality could be bought by many of them and they know it. Again we hay o our first choice of machinery in the market, and always ,aim to keep none but the best. Our present stock consists ot inany articles of machinery not'founil elsewhere in the county. W-' have by actual count over 100 Buggies, Platform Spring Wag­ ons and three spring Milk; Wag­ ons. (Cal! and count ithun.) Also a car of Glidden Barbed Wire Also plows, harrows, Pulverizers, spring tooth har rows, seeders, drills, rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limrt Farm­ ers who consult their own inter* ests will not buy a dollar's worth until they, get our starvation prices. Write for circulars. T. J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, llf- 'AnseMj l^sMaria^ Vj / O *pga I ' I V> rJl T Jirainerd RENCE Chaiu£ler\ Quinnescc _1Vbnetter .^Pa'd Clayton 15 a s fir u'rolr Ordwqy .Vjrrn Cloud Ot ooil i' NOR. j? ̂ 0^1 ;J\V kU UROY YANKTON Crttyton FVriU City tcporu WEJ K**r**V . OWix it CJ.,CM.__Vnc GO <fe NORTH-WESTERN_RAILfWA THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTEKN RAILWAY, Over allflf its principal lines, runs earn wav daily from two to four or more Fast E*pr Trains, 'it is the onlv road West, North or Northwest ofCliicatro that uses the IMPERIAL PALACE DINING! CARS. It Is the'onlv road '.hat runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of Chi«»apw. ItJ hai / Road- In forms, amongst others, the following Trunk Li Winoni, Minnesota & Central DaKota Li ne. Chicago, f»t. Pp.ul & 51 inneapolie Line, Milwaukee, (ireeit IJay ALake^tipe Line. Waukesha . Madison & Novthein Line over 3,0002Miles of Council IS I n ll's, Colorado & Oalifolnia I/ine. sioux City A Northeastern Nebraska Line. Klsin, Ifoekford, Fveeport & Dubuque Lino. Jiin Iliver.Valley, Pierre & Dead wood Line, Tickets over this road arc sold l>viall Coupon TVfcet Asrents in the United State* & Canada Remember to ask for Tickets via'tiiis.roau, lie sure they read over it, and take none other J D. LAYHO. Ben'l Sup't Chicago. W. H,"8TEfill TT. «cn rass Agt Chicago B BUSS, Ag't C. &. M W R'y, McHenry, III. BUY YOTJE Oils, Mins, Paints, Oils, OF GEORGE W. BESLEY, Whose Store can be found on the West Side, wheae everything in this Hne can be found, Fresh and Pure. XaASXE Ever brought to McHenry county, among which can be found the Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp nnd a fine line of Bracket and l'fand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that dofy competition. Call and see their oefore purchasing. Nerve ;sir:s:ls Pliy,sieians Careful ly Compounded. Give n caCul i . j , • C .WBSSLSY. i l l r»)5 V, 111, * Vt . 1-^s^ . IINSUBE Mutual Life of New York, Because it is the oldest Compiinv1 jiti th# Uniieil states with thirty .'nine years 'of ex. perienee, ; Kei-ause it isgthe larsest' C6inponv in th* world. Assets, nearly-double that of any other Company. > ' Bee.-uiwoiit is the in«««t popular Goittpifofr* Its pol iey^liolders niiiitber over lU0i'Qi'«(D. Because every dollar of the above immense sum belongs to the policy holders, and the sur­ plus o\i-r wimt is actually require'I, .• nually <liv:ded ainon^st them, which iM |ilu, may l»e applied in either of two ,wnv«: >'irst, to pay a portion of the aftnunl preini i n. thus x materially reducing the cost, or it nay be used lo pniThns" additional instirau hi the tal ter way forty-eiphl jiolirv h<il-Iers of the,year just jwist, holding policies, tiiu face viiliie «>1 w hi^b was fciis/ioo, were carried foi an average tei iu of ;M yours at low'r.ite.?, and the additions brought the snufcr sum of a little over Many of these, policies hud been self sustaining ior years. Hecause the rate's ef every other Company , are nearly elfjrliieenj per cent, higher than those of the Mutual Lift). . Because Its running expenses ar j :»owcr than any other. The sworn statements of the Kquitalde Life Assurance of New York, n.(company •several millions less til.111 half as lafr'ge as the Mutual Life, sIiqw it® *sxf>enses.-of. munauv- ment to have averaged 14.23 ' during 1 be last three years, those of the Mutual Lifer-'7 S the dillerence of first cost of policy, and jnanitjfv- ment expenses alone, are equal to 2Sper cenl in favor ot' the Mutual Life. Hec.anse it can and does afford the cheapest, safest and most satisfactory insurance invest­ ment of any Company in theworkl. As it will be impossible for me to see all who are desirous"of obtaining Life instunrice at actual cost, 1 will say lo such that a jiostal card will always reatli me al, this place and on receipt of same I will1 forward different plans and actual rcsnllft (not estinjate-) which are certainly astonishing and ont do any thing in the history of Life Insurance. This.Couipanv issues only regular Life anfl Kndowhicnl policies and like ol her Company® of the highest standard refuses to have any­ thing to do with Twtfinf gambling. C. II. MOliKY , Agtl i t , For MclIenry.County and western "part oJ Lake County. MoHK.VirY, ILL. FITS EPILEPSY -OR-- Fallen Sickness. Permanently cure*!--no humbnstr-bv one month's usuage of Dr.'^Uohlard'ti O-'letirated Infallible Fit PowdersATo convln e suffer, ers that these j>ow:lers will do all we claim for them we will send t/etn by mail iiostpiid a free Trial box. As Or. Uoulard is Llie only physician that lias nitltie thisdiseas.' a spec, ml study, and as to our knowledge t housand!- have been permanently cured by t'l-i «*e ol these Powders, we will guarantee 1 perma. nent cure in every vane, or refun I von a'l money expended. All sufferers sh Mild, give these Povdei's an early trial, an I be con. vinced of their curative powers. Price. 1m large box, #3, or 4 boxes tor f 10, sen'; by mail to any part of the Uniteil States or Canada on receipt of price, or by express,'C. O D. Ad. dress, ASH Sl ROBBIN3, ;{()3 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. V. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured All sufferers from this disease thi. are nnx loustobe cured should try Dr, Kissner'c Celebrated t;6nsumptivf Powder-i. These Powders are the only preparation knowc ttiat will cure Consumption and all diseases ot the Throat and Lungs--indecdiiso vtrong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that thov are no hnmbug. we will loi ward to every siifferer, by mail, postpaid, a lYee Trial box. We don't want your monev until von a^e periectiv satisfied of tiu i- eu'ririve p«'>w. ers. It your life is worth saving, don't delay ngiving these Powders a trial, as ticv will surely cure you. Price, for largj bo^c. fr'l sent to any pnrt of tbe United State*or Cana *i :«.• «v receipt of price. Address, ASH St. ROBBINS, .wo Fulton St.. Brook ly n, V \ . ' on long crrrtic end oasy tprniK, in a lit 11 (I climate, freo from Sica'y snnns Might- ins frosts, aud ev- KilLLIONS OF ACRES I cessive rains. for sale in the C O L D E R B E L T of Ka Lisa :, by .the UN!0N PAtlriC UASiWAY, of as £-irh r.ol| a<* the >wn «»«r shanfl «u, Kith frooci inHi-kcts faotl nnti uf%i, W'.tfripli'fif <in*i >v<th .sent Ad'trr$1 LAM^ 'C0*,^?<'T.W,rJS?.•- KAMS C*TV. "les aUHl.

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