Pledged but to truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." .j VOL. 7. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. JULY 19, 1882. J|e||enFj piainifealw. Pnb hert Every Wednesday by< * VA> SLYK3Bi BDITOlt AND PUBLISHER. , Olflce In Old P. O. Block, •*-OrPO»IT* M VERSIDB HOUSK.-- TKRM* OP ISTTBSOltlPTION. &ne YoAKin Advance) tf tfvt Pill wlthinThreo Months,.......2.00 Snln«rij*tl*>n<» receive! fur three or six •tenths in the mhi nroiy>rtion. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. TT. T. TCR<WX.M.T>. OHT«TOIAW-A"NT»' SITUOKOV. Office over r the Poet Office, opposite Perry A Martin's •tore up stair*, McHenry, 111. C. W. PKGKR«, M, T>- PHrsiCtAN AXr> STTR«EOX. Johnslmrgh, Ills.--Office honre 6 to 10, A. M. » - h. J. HOWARD, M. O. .f>'HT9TCT.V\ '.VtfD STTltGEOV. Office at " I tnv residence, opposite H. K. Chnrch, McHenry, III. K. viAHOERSOX. M.! P., PHYSICIAN* nnd Snrsceon. Office at Beslev's .urn- *tore, Opposite Parker ITodM, Me.Hehry, Illinois. fe- CART/ CART,S. SATiOOV «n<1 Tlnardln* House, .Tnhnsbnrjth, III. Pleasant Rooms for Hunters anil Fishermen. Ice fur the nse of Hunters.-- Choice brands of Wines and Liquors always •n hand. Call and see me. PRATT HOUSE. A. PRATT, Proprietor. First fT co:mnoiiations. Wanconda, III. class ae- CJooti Barnjin connection JO«. J. F RETT'S EA*t MARKET, near the Bridsre, Me.. >sl» and Salt Meats, always on hand. MT Henry, 111. Fresh anfl Salt Meats, Sim r*ge. Smoked Meats, etc., Keeps none bnt the best. BARBIAN BUOS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Orders solicited. Shop, Old' McHenry, m Koiter Block, two doors west of PLAIN- >BAI,KR Office. RICHARD COMPTON. TUSTtCK of the Pciccitnd Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the collection of lebts. Volo, bake County, III. G. E. RICHARDS. HASa complete Abstractor Titles to land in M Henrv County, lll 'iois. Office with "Connty Clerk, Woodstock. 111. E. M. OWEN GKNERATJ Pooler and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and terms favorable. Mcllenrv, 11'. ' MCHENRY, Mcllenrv Co., 111. Breeder < Spanish Merino She<jp, Berkt tiire and Poland China Swinn. A choice lot of youn* Buck stock for sale. Please cull and examine before buying elsewhere. B. G.SMITH. Prompt ntten- %hop in J. J. next to river bridge, Me- BOOT AND SHOE M AKER. tlon Kjven to IJoimitin^. Shop in J. J. Allies' bnitdUip, Henry, Illinois. PETER L.EICKEM. ' REPAIRS Watchca, Clocks and Jewelry ot all kinds. Also Repairs Violins inthebeijt possible manner, on short notice and at ren- >-on*ble rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop first door XrtrtU of Riverside Block, McHenry III. W.'H. SANFQRD, JUeroliaut Tailor In the store of C. II. Dickinson, Eastside of I ublic Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A «ood Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al- s ays on hand. Suits made to order and a flt warranted. Give ine a call. W. II. SANFORP. Woodstock, III., Sept. 27th. 1875. J. A. SHERWOOD AUC TI* i: ER AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. * OALRSof Stock, FarmlnjrT'iols and Goods 7 of all kinds promptly a ttended to. Farm ne'es a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post Office address: Algonquin, III. M A R C U S ' GERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, -PEil.ER IN- PURE WINES; LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock 1 he best Tonic in the world. Pn t and Quart Bottles. III. Put up in P. MARCUS, Patentee. L. Boaslett, Ne.-tr the Depot, ftlcHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. tnntly on hanil the bmnds K.mmI .>f »t!,t kinds, which lio.will le i-r 1?<• la11 .t l •leens constantly on hanil the ti i loilV Ul'l ' itL Bottom Pr,ices. F"-ve •lilr<>peo» -in-mvls of Ktonr always" on haird and warranted us ret>re.ifnred. " * £tT!our delivered tnytfbtt-e th 'tlie 'fv>r- •v-ition. Orter* ,iviv i><» :-'iven by Py^ial rii, B »x rirr. lvvsi oin, Liivi: ALE A (IA1.T,. A. E. BALDWIN, M. D. ICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and s on Clay St., Woodstock, III. ition jriven to professional calls at all'hours. Also United States Examining Surgeon. P™ C.S. GREEN. XTETERINARY SURGEON, V Illinois. Richmond, JR%SE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor In Chan, cerv. Will practice in State and in Pod- eral Courts. Office, 3d Floor. New Custom House, fchicaffo. XTOTAR1 IM den,^ SIONKV PlSBROW, PUBLIC and Conveyancer, D1 DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. ENTTST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Wanconda the 10th and 'JJSth of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Snn- dav I make my visits the following Monday. Also at Algonquin, every Tuesday. Office at Hotel. " * McHENRY HOUSE. PT5TER SMITH, PROPRIETOR. OOP Board by the'rlay or week at reason. T able rates ' The choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cisrars. Good Stabling for Horses. A line Pitrnon Hole Table In conncction with the House. Give me a call. PETER SMITH. A. M. CHURCH, W atchmakcrand Jeweler N°n 187 RANDOLPH STREET, (Briirsrs Home,) Chicago, III. Special attention pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. Full Assortment of Goods in his line* GEORGE CURTIS, House and Sign Painter, McHENRY, ILL. Shop Opposite Perry A Martin's. Will attend pro-nptlr to all work and guar, antee satisfaction Prices as low as good work can be done anywlicro. FINE GRAINING A SPECIALTY MIXED PAINTS. I am prepared to furnish Mixed Paints of all kindsat the lowest living prices, and fur- nish an article far superior i<> the common Mixed I'itints lieiug sobl. Call and s< e me. CEO. GURTIS- McHenry, April 12,1SC2. •JUST OUT: mmAl Escape, anrl List of Dead, - ^ DIARY BY JOHN L- RAW30M. The List, of tlifi Wead gives Accurately the. Name. Regiment, Company, Date of Death and Number of Grave in the Cemetery, of all who died in thai dread ful Prison. 12.912. Nearly 13,000 Victims. The Diary is an everyday account of Four- teen Months imprisonment written eac.h day, word for word as printed, and tells fully and uii'ter-UamJiiisrly, happenings in Andersonville* and other 'prisons. Valuable to all those who lost friends there. A volume ot 301 papres, nicely printed an'l illustrated, bound in cloth, with gold trim mings. Price, $1.50. A. B. Bidwell, of Woodstock, has been ap pointed ajicnt for McHenry Co. Me proposes to call upon the people of every town during thesp~ing, presenting this valuable work for ll\eir consideration. Agents wanted for every town in the State, Send forjDirculars. WM. If. COWLTX. Gen. Af/ent for the Xnrth<re.'t, Woodstock, 111. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR THE DEPOT, McHENRY, - ILLINOIS- The best Brands of IVines, Liquors and Cigars always on Hand. Good Sta'bling for Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Lager^Beer. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand cheaper than any other, quali tv considered. This Beer has a world wide deputation, and gooil judges acknowledge it cannot oe sur. passed in the world. Orders by mall promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry, III. Atig. 10th, 1.183 1. B033LSTT. TRASKS Magnetic Ointment. WAREA NTE3 To Cure Piles and Chafing Sorea. Also.Sore Ryes, sore throat, Kiirat bc. Bruises, Burns, CutA, t 'ora*. 'Skin I)isor<irrs, Scrofuloas and all Sores. .fc-i't m •»!, KldM'}', l. 'Tfr, Bowel mil wiif fl'sfiTs, I lifiiniatUra, Hie*- afbe, InMfiicj*, Sprain*, a>i t Swelling o) i- :\ fi-t I."1 i- siwu'iy wo'iaer- fnh FT » 'L" wr •'••vrrits. D. Hansom, Son & To.; s.)i«proiM., Buffet a, • "A- S. F. BENNETT, M. D. •pHTSICIAlf AND SURGEON. Also United 1 States Examining Surgeon. Kichmond, Illinois. M. M. CLOTHIER# HEBRON, - . ILLINOIS. "VOTARY PUBLIC and Conveyancer.-- Prosecute claims in all Bureaus in De partment of Interior. Letters must contain stamp for reply. Post Office, Richmond, III, JOSEPH Jf. FREUXD. CALOOS AND RESTAUltAXT obi stand, opposite Bishop's Bonsletl's , , , Mill, Mc Henry. ill. The c loicest Wines, Liqi'.ors and Sigars to be found in the county. Fresh Oysters in their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the C»n. G0ODSTABLIXG FOR HORSES. I ANTONY ENGEI.N, QAL6OX and Rostanrant. Buck's old stand O Mcllenrv, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, Sour Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., lwaVs on hand. We buy none but the best, vl sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters " eir season. Richmond House, RICHMOND. ILL. C. N. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR., HAVING recently purchased the above House, I hare put it in thorough repair, with new fnrnitue throughout, ana would respectfully invite the patronage ot the tray- eling nublic and others. The tables will al ways tie provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No puns will be spared to make this a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the premises. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on first floor. H. E. WTGHTMAN, Proprietor. class rigs, with or without r fu.ini«hed at reasonable frates. Teaming all kinds done on short notice. M. M. CLOT1IIE1 RICHMOND - ILLINOIS, MCHENRY COUNTY. Prosecutes all claims in all bureaus in the Department of the Interior. Special atten. tion given to difficult or rejected claims. Careful attention given to all matters of im portance Office at the residence of Wm. H. Cowlin, Woodstock, 111. Business will be at tended to by Mr. Cowlin in my absence. I shall always be there on Saturdays, and shall be at the ofllce ot .1. T. Beldm, Esq.,"Marengo, on the first Friday in each month. All letters of a business nature must contain 6tamp for reply. A. WENDELL, CAEPElfTER AND JOIHEB ncn 1 ' i* iiW'. Will tnke oontractfi fi»r putting up Bniltlitigs ami tfii;iraiitt '«' niv unvk will compare with any man i;t tlio Slate. I (•ail and will ilo work from 15 to 2i» pe-r centic'lioaper Utan other rarpent«r». HB I hav« two of my boys who work with me. which makes it possible for tne to ilo so. All Jobs in the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give me ajciiU. A. WENDELL. B. RAINTHORP, Rlnejwood - - Illinois. To t he people of Riii<*wood and vicinity I would respectfully s:iy that I liiive opened a *tore near the Depot, where I will pay the highest market value for E,a«r8. Butter, and other produce, earth or t rade hein<r immaterial to me. I shall keep' on hand A select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands of < i- j S r a r s a n d T o b a c c o , I a m " f o i n t o sell at prices to defy competition, and though I hiive met with a much more liberal patronage than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORP. RING WOOD, III.. June 13th, 1892. Roses! hoses! Plants! B. 0'NEIL, ELGIN, ILL., Reliable Florist. •Reirs to inform the people of McHenry and surrounding country that his stock of Floweriug nud Plants Foliage Isvervlaipe. For one dollar I sell one do7.en Monthly Ho.-es. For one dollar and Hfty cents I sell one dozen liardv perpetual Itoses. I'ansies and Verbenas, llftv cents per dozen. Oablcifre and Tomato Plan'tt, fifty cents per hundred. Addresss as above. El-GlN, 111., May 14th, .1882. GROCERIES! CROCERIES! M. Engeln. Having removed his store to Colby's Brick Block i* n'i'.v prepared l-o offer to the buying public a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, C.inned Goods. CIGAR, TOBACCO, PIPES, E. LAW]LUS, Merchant Ifailor, KEEPS J Foreign and Domeitic Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, OR l»iO iALB. ALSO f * CLOTHING, Men'J B<Ty8, and Children's sizes, cf tjie l>est qual ity and at Chicago p^ic^. , THE - .LADIES Are invited to wit the MILLINERY PARLOUS Mi I - ;»V -I il ' all fre^h and will in.T prici be >Id at •rtiinx pertuinirijr to Fishing be fnu ml at my Store at I a l s o k e e p a t u t l s t o c k o f l i n n M a t e r i a l l i ^ i i i u f l T ; i ' ' k l < \ M i n n o w S e t u s , Hami i io» ; k s , in !'• .el ever ami llnnlinir, _<• ni reacoiiable Cricks. \ mliiis. Aciii'iieonj, l 'icaia«, Flitles, Violiti an" "'her extra-; fm* Violib^. Jlv .toekx »f riNW.MiK i-> complett. Call nod examine H. I srn.ivx ile-j prb-e» tnnt Hefy nil e'VnipetUi".!. M_ EN.,.E1_X MRS. WM. TJ WA UCONDA And Inspect tc BONNETS AND PLUMES--BE81 And'other goods In that lino of WORSTEDS, , GERMA^I CHILDREN'S STOCK 1 BIRTH-DAT CARIW, H LAC1 And many other arti<! Prices will lie made Itrt! neatly and pr >MARSH, ILLINOIS Stortk of *--ELEGANT TIBUONS Also a Urge GLOVES, HAIR NETS. OF ALL KINDS, i tor the Indies, knd work wiW be tty done. TTpon mcelpt of ft.OO t"! dress in the United Stat! |1 send to any the ad Rocky Mounfln Mining x Revi#. the lending mlnsn? jonltwil of the country conuiinipjr KACH WRKKJTM latest news from all the equips of (-nloraw nnd the adjoining Territories, for one year.jind ONE *TKX DOLLAR ::hn ARE OF XOX. A8SE&SA ltLE .STOCK If.v THE SPR VCE CHEEK MIXttfp COMPANY. The propertiea of thla^mpnny are located in Summit County, Ottfiwudo, und consist ot 18 full claims u|M>n whioi considerable work has already been dot»ji | |TlH' mines are all good, nnd the stock of fate company offers an unuMinlly pood field Wl investment. The publisher of this pa)»jfcj<kyB for sto^k given to subwcriliers the rM*»t 1"'*«'" at the com pany's office. For IvfMkiat i"ii regarding the mines or stock, eddrwltlie secretary, I>. 11. QLAY^. I'H Oiirtla,J|ai^*>nii check, money TMrEH it rVMS:1'^ Pub. Iiocky Mountain Mining Jteview. JJenver. Vol. 0. L. Pratt, [Suecessorto B. K, Duera]1 WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS, \ %V^ul<l respectfully inform Jthe citizens of Wnuco nda itud SIII rpuniiing country that he liaa a lorge and well selected stocli of (itods in his tine, for the Spring and Summer trade, consistiing, in purtof Dry Goods* Notions, Groceries, HATS AND CAPS, Boots, Shoes, Glassware, Crockery, &c.f Which he is bound to sell as cheap as good goods can lie lmught anywhere. lie also keeps a line line of GENTS' FlTIi- NISHING (.JOODS, to which he invites par ticular attention. lu short, everything thit can be foiffid in a general store will l>c kept, aixl sold as low as the lowest, and everything warranted as rep resented, Chick'8 Celebrated Rockford Flour, ALWAYS ON HAND. When in want of tJoods in my line you will find it for voii^r interest to call and see me. c. WADCONAA, May 23d, L. PRATT. 18*!. Carriage A NEW and Shop, Wagon OX THE WEST SIDE. Tripp Bros., Have brought a fine stock of VVa^on Material to town, and are prepared to do all kinds oi Repairing on short notice, and will PUT UP NEW WORK In the best of style. WATER TAKNS MADE ORDER. 7 Call and see ris, Shop, ivar of Carpenter's Blacksmith Shop, opposite the I'yi krr Hon^e. 9SC3. ' Mi ll.Tin. • ' ' ' ^ >•*-• Soldiers' Department. % COimUCTKD BT DR. S. K. BENSETT. It Is stafeil that In the appointments to be made in the PenBioii Bureau there will be verr few If any ladies. , ' - ^ V Y The House CommUtee on Pensions has agreed to recommend the pnssag* pr a bill granting a pension of $600 per year to Mrs. BettyfJTaylor tDaiulridge. danghtsr of President Taylor. A Challenge. To the Editor Xalirntil Tribune: WASHINGTON, I), c., June 12, 18S2. A spirit of generous einulatlou hAs characterize the soldier? of the Union army; and as I am compiling the histo- toryof my regiment, the Twenty- fonrth Kentneky Volunteer Infantry, I find that it traveled rlnrlng the war, under orders, by road, rail and boat, twenty-five thousand, three hundred and sixty-two miles. I challenge any regiment in the United states service during the late war to show an equal record. JOHN A.JOYCK* Late Adjutant. Some time since we heard of a sol dier from Kansas applying for a po sition in one of the departments, and we Also heard that he was an Ander sonville prisoner at one time. This probably explains why he was not suc cessful. It requires nowadays mnch more influence to secure a position lor a,p,0ldler tlism ever before. Kansas has at least 50,000 soldiers and sailors, many of whom were disabled during the war, yet the State is meagerly rep- resented in the Departments with them. We are looking up this matter, and inttMid to show the Kansas ^boys'* how the land lays in the capltol--glv- somc facts and flgurcs. and especially how many soldiers and how many sol diers and sailors there are from the State.-- Lnion Veteran, the will the his delight at the carnage below. And that the starrr banner he would watch with his eagle eye, and whenever the regiment was repulsed would fly back to his perch, and with drooping head and t&il show his htimilllation at the defeat. Another yarn was this; "Old Abe" was in danger of being captured by the rebels, on a hard-fought field, when the Colonel rallied his men by the cry that the colors wtre In danger --meaning the eagle, which was called the colors of the regiment--and the men fell into line, and with bayonets Frcm'ti _ " " Bepmktiqm, The seasnh of ne?sed the regular •T" ***- travel .o thi. popular ,V ** The cold, rainy, back*?!"01" np'"° rl* aflected the crop of mm^*1r"*011 '***, just as it lias the crop of is"'"?*' *r* »• .. **i»d pota- * ther. , . Land -- ^ wh. season shall be a success or a. •ArrnngenientsTor cntnning an* nr** >5 | < are better than ever before fr»rn n* ' toes. It has retarded future must determ!ne tho , v th fa Av 1,'il more people. An extra train has rea- >*n <.» » />i,nPn. ,, „ . | placed on the Fox River road foart at a charge, gave an unearthly yell and , . , . , , r their accommodation and that of . ,4fJ: The Rarlal of Soldier*. The following act, passed by Connecticut Legislature of 1882, be of interest to the veterans of late war: SKC. 1. All honorably discharged soldiers sailors, or marines, wlvo have served in the army, navy or marine corps af the United Slates during the war of the Rebellion, who shall here after die In this State, and n liose rel atives and friiMids are unable or un willing to defray the charges of the funeral, shall be buried at the expense of the state of Connecticut. Such f^H^i^.eximiwaa.altjtUJintiu any, case exceed the sum of thirt v-ITve dsCTraf# - . * SEC. 2. The interment sliail be In the count)' where the deceased died, or in the cun tity, adjoining, and shall not be made in any cemetery or plot used ex clusively for the burial of the pauper dead. The grave of such soldier, sailor or marine shall be marked by a head stone with the name ol the deceased, and if possible.the i.ame of the organi zation to rtliich he belonged, such headstone not to cost more than Hf- teen dollars. SKC. 3. The quartermaster general is authorized and directed to procure stii ' li headstones lor such graves, and the graves of any soldiers, sailors or marines as have died since February J, 1879, and remainjtnmarked by a suit able headstone, as provided in section 2 o( this act. of such uniform design IIHI material as shall bo approved of by the Governor. SEC. 4. The selectmen of any town wherein any such soldier, sailor or ma rine lias been buried or may hereafter be buried, shall pay such funeral ex penses, and shall draw upon the quar ter master general for the expense ol such burial so incurred, or for a head stone, or bom. as herein provided. --National Tribune. - "OLII ABK." A. H.Cillon, the man who carried "Old Abc,"th«* war eagle of Wisconsin, through many a battle, died at his home at Syracuse Springs, Kan., on thf 2nd Inst. He was badly wounded dur ing the War, and uulike the bird of freedom which he carried, did not have a pension. The writer hereof remem bers when this eagle w:t9 brought down froniithe pineries, above La Crosse, Wis., by some of the recults from the woods, and paraded around tire streets by the boys. k-OJd Abe" had not then received Ills name, and was known as the "Eight's Eagle." It was kept in camp there for some time until the boys were ordered to the front when it was taken with them and received i;s baptism of fire which made it fa mous, It Is not generally known now --but was, some years ago. that the col umns of the La Croeae Democrat were the first to herald the actions of tills bird. The La Crosse Democrat had a correspondent in the,Eighth Wisconsin who never failed to mention this proud bird of freedom, and it was late during the war when he was named "Old Abe." The editor-in-chief of this paper wrote several humorous articles on the eagle and they were extensively copied throughout, the United States. "Old Abe" was a pensioner on the State of Wisconsin for several years, and was an object of great interest to tlie visit ors at the State capital, where he was kept with a soldier guard. He was taken to the Centennial where his ex ploits were told to gaping multitudes, and at every repetition was exaggera ted till some of the yarns bordered on the ridiculous. 0"e cf these yarns WHS like this: When th<yYet>iment was in the thickest of the nght, and in close <ju:irters with the robe) ^Inos, "Old Abe" womd tly fr«<m his pert;h and «o«»r above the heads of the eonibn'onta, j j n . l w i t h 1 ' H M r t ! ! v c p r » « p « > ! , p a _ ] 5 , t h e h - i ' t l f . T ' i U f t ' closed around him, dealing death right and left in their efforts to carry ofl iu triumph the pet of the regiment, which was linally successful, and which charge astonished the rebs, who did not un derstand what in thunder was the cause for this sudden rallying of men they supposed tliey had whipped.--Ortat West. , - , : „ Syawnor;. BKAN BKD8 FOR THK LIARIM. A French doctor has Invented a" new bed for babies which holds them sate in its custody, and prevsnts them from ever giving any trouble at night to their attendants. This gentleman has subjected his system to the most try ing of all tests, for lie has applied it to al) his own children, and considers that tke life of one of tliem Is entirely ow ing to its use. The Idea Is too All the greater part of the cradle with bran, and Immerse the legs and part of the body of the child In this nest, covering them over in the usual way, but fasten ing down the counterpane t'ght, so as to keep him . firm in his place. Why this change of tactics should have the effect of taking awav from the infant his usual de sire to howl during a part of every night is a question which we will leave nurses to explain for themselves after they have tried the system. In the meantime, until that trial .has been it is only civil to believe the testimo ny of Drs. Bourgeois and Vigoureux, who in two French papers of some au> thority declare that such Is the invaria ble result. This is not, however, the only advantage to be expected from the system. The bran is supposed to have a warming and stimulating Influ ence superior to any sort of cotton or cloth, and to allow children of the more sickly kind to develop more quickly and to be sooner able to use their limbs. The inventor of the system de clares that they delight in their bran beds, and always "quit them with re-J obliged to land on the shores of Plsta- years to one of a different klntf,-- don Globe. A GALLANT KhMCVR. A few years ago, as Col. JRIler. of Virginia, who had Ueefi appointed United States consul at Zanzibar, in East Africa, was crossing the Atlantic on his way to his post, he made the acquaintance en board the steamer, of an Englishman, Col. Preston, and his sou, a little curly headed boy of six summers, whose winning ways and hap py disposition made him the pet of all the passengers. One day the littie fel low fell overheard* when Col, Riley, who was a first rate swimmer, sprang into the sea, and managed to seize the child, whom he.held up till a boat was lowered, and both were rescued and brought back to the ship. Col. Pres ton, who, it may be imagined, was deeply moved, assured the heroic res cuer that, he should never forget his brave deed. The episode had proba bly almost passed out of Co). Riley's mind, when it was recalled by the facts of Col. Preston's death and a legacy .of $30,000, which^Kad been left to liiin by the cratefuf father for 6aying his little boy's life. ••IT WAS THK %!AT." A good story is told Orange Co. boy who drives a milk route In New York citv. It seems tkat he had one wealthy customer that lie served early by lifting a barred bisemeut window and pouring the milk ^nto a pail with a long spoilt. One moruing when he was late, in pushing the pail back to close the window he upset it, the pail falling into the room, and the milk spilling all over the floor. He was in trouble. He had no time to call the girl and wait tor her to ap pear. He started ou his route, expect ing to lose that customer surely. But while serving his next customer he saw a cat in the area way. An inspiration seized the milkman. The milkman seized the cat. He thrust her between the bars into the room where the spilled milk lay, and drove on. Later in the day lie returned to the house, as requested to do by a note in the pail In the morning asking him to "leave tickets." The servant girl same run ning out, saying, "O, Johuny, we must have four quarts more of milk. A nas ty cat trot into the' house and spilled all the milk you left. Just look at this carpet! The mistress was awfully mad. I thought I should lose niy place." The milkman looked his blankest amazement, and sympathiz ing!)' counted out his tickets and meas ured out the milk, saying, "Accidents would happen sanieiiines." I'lie custo mer was saved. The Highest Rank Ma le from hm-nile^s tmteriaVs, and adary-l to rH« oee<ls of Fsdii»«; and »i:»!r. P^'k^r'* 11:»f r Balsam hw (lie li '^lioer r ' i«k »>» rwirt relink'** itair v»>smrativ4. > gin people. We can leave at 11:45 A. *.. take the NEW train a^ ' the Junction at 1:40 p. M., r»artt Henry about 4, leave by the pteamer a| 5:15 and be domiciled at our pieaaai Club House long before dark. Then 911 return we can leave tfei :T\ CIuh House by 6 A. x.„ reach Tnrnef Junction at 11:45 and be home al ft o'clock. McHenry was all alive on the Feortli# > There was no public celebration, towards evening over 1,000 young peo* . -V. pie had gathered for their animal • V Fourth of July ball. There were 28# aJ'j couples at the Parker House, 113 at tlt« Vt Riverside and a huge gathering of Ger* mans at the McHenry Heoee. The competition between the two hotels, the sharpest rivals in the country, is «» managed as to draw the young folks * even from over jthe Wisconsin line, all . 44** over Lake Co.. and down into. Kan* " ^'4; Co. What would Sycamore think of an irruption or 1,000 young folks to a ' Fourth of July dauef 9 The two Fox Lake Steamers are new V5 run by the Chicago Ulub, and they ae* "r^- coiutnodate the travelers admirably, .•.•'jf*- but business is so light that tkray Itavn ':$"i failed to pay expenses this season. Capt. Walter Hill, the popular ami . £i courteous old commander, still control* both boats. The fares are graded, tbia * v:^ ; year frotn 60 the Sycamore Clutf *jj, House, up to $1, to the Indinu Pwint Club House. By the way; a thinl steamer, a little open bojkt, has been ^ put on ;he river this year. I t is faf|a* - J|.l ble of carrying 16 or 18 persons, andf 4 ; 1 clerical gentleman of this week** party ' at the Sycamore Club House, who ar« 4 rived at McHenry tbo late for the regn- % : lar boat, charted her to bring him up{ |: but the little propelle r fonnd her wheel continually fowled In the long weeds;. night came on, a very cold uigltl at that. They lost their way and were and resumed their voyage the iiext morning, However, no such ad van- ftires await the travelers on the regu-» | lar boats. Peacefully aud rapidly ywit pass your eight miles up Fox Lake,. * , through Pistaqua and Nlpposlnk Lakes* if passing under the new aud eostlyr Johiisburgh bridge and cuter .fox • / L.tke. The first lauding Is made at. Sujie's Hotel, and then to the uumsr- ous club houses along the west bank* The summer residence of the late i£. A. Small has passed into the hauda the Union club of Chicago, since thet death of that gentleman, and the u*g- lectcd appearance of the grounds |s * - sad reminder of that fact, Tl»e |?ox Lake club, also of Cliicago, have buile an elegant boat house, the second storjr being tiuislieil as a waiting aud sitting ' ̂ room, with a veranda running around tiie building ou a level with the second . floor, and is connected by stairs -wlthfe^.^ the steamboat lauding, which Is built a few feet distant in the lake. This i*- the club among the nutnerotM one^ having houses ou tlie vast shore. '• Ad« joiulug the Fox Lakv chibou thfUfertlf stands the cow age of «Sr. Wllley, off Chicago, which has been almost entire- ^ | ly rebuilt since last season, and i« fh* iJ'W\ finest private realdeneo em lb* lake/** >,\ The Say lei House has been thoroeghlr .'J • renovated and many Itnprovemeniai made since last year, everything being zfl;. b r i g h t a n d c l e a n a s a n e w p i n . F r o n t J - the platform of tlie Fox I^ake chtb'boafi#^' house on the Fourth of July, WM *ex- J; hibited a remarkable display of fire- " ' works, finer, mure costly than was ever* J seen in Sycamore. Our party also saw * J-t from their piazza tlie fire works exhibit- . ed at Wanconda. iu Lake Co.. and Au- tioch. in Wisconsin. Commodore Page . m also celebrated the day by a yacht race with tlie new sail boat of the Kngle-^ wood club.* the Fox Lake club and otli-* ers, and won the champion belt as u*u-;?_ .. '£v|' al. The fishing Is poor now. Tl»*» 4 * water is high aud is still rising; it la also muddy, and the prevailing wftide are from the north--three condition* unfavorable to guod fishing. The L«v- ells have taken about a thousand poiiu«la ot fish this spring, but the Lov*ll« ex cel any that come to the lake In taking them in. The oldest fisherman testifr that they beat them all as fishermen; The Democrats «f Mala*, IMVS nominated Governor Plalated % r*. election, putting him on an anf^ !»a«k and hard-jinoney phttform. The Gr«eit- back FnMonUw had previously nrnu-, inate<l him onthe ba<is of a *oft-p»oHe jr|.. pliitfoni). .Which of these p'stf^rnta do^s Governor IMa'sled *etv>nt ? The platforms are in dtre^t ,ni* the Cun-ency quesfion. and, if l>e hi\)da to the one, he cannot Itntd JM» th« other. K 'fl'lirt - -L^wha^^' - --