Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1882, p. 8

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n.". V , • » , - / • • • i.', <*<»* "**• »• • .. ~ • f :" J " A ^ .&»' " * " •' ' " ' ,r- , •/.*$*« ' -< ' ^ ?r* ' . „„ »•»»»,., * .«(»i"_,,®S'-.>•%< vs. • •;, *>#• <j*d r-,~* . ' l* »" > ' 'VJ**' " -N. * ' * " i rfh 4 ^' "1 v o- * £ ° * i * . 4 "j J •*1 !££af ~ ^ t t & U^Kidt " ' X * . ~... .«•.' .v\, .1'.,,', ' " • ;• «*r'r *w«»< I«*r .U- *~ r: yh • .L. drinking tea. general ami Such gather- Th^ NihilisU ore AH i.kttkr . liar OflfT|iiBsv>ondcm*<\> \ _ 'A< Switzerland, J«n« 3f» US®- KlWHUST CnflONY iJffiBKhVA. Thirl ng my *lay at thi* Wn»»i'»l c'tv •n t.flfee Lemon In full vt«w. when the Weather It clear, of Mont a»d Irltltln ft few infles of the Prison t»f ClilHon. I ^ve had «pport«ni- flea to ttudy Nihilism snch as are not often possessed liy &»• A«u|j icati. On •f'VRf hw from Paris I wished to Iwy a luncheon and a bottle of *rfn« at the Nation of of Macon. I had Ho nnall cliane». aM none of tit* few H«ntlemcn wh® **w in th# same «oach wfi* ahl« to cha'iar^ a T.ou- lt. which was Hie smallest, piece in my pawewilon. One of my follow-travel­ ler*. a young /fontleman of aljout #w*nty-five, kindly offered to lend me fetiro franci. and from this Incident be* gaa an acquaintance with one of the most active, intelligent and well knowi> •fthe society of Nihilists, who are joshing the greatest revolution rg|i been known J n Enr^pe since 1793. ; The Nlhillft colony In Geneva has of JSte been considerably reduced. Be­ tides those who h ive removed to Lon­ don, a certain number have gone to Klct and Mars*m<!«; The chiefs wed to Meet at a Russian restaurant, which, however, ceased to exist some months •go. Tlieir quartler general us? <1 to be at a honse situated in the Chewln do Mont Choisi, where on certain days of the week men and women might be teen, aeated a la Turc% on the floor emeking cigarettes and The conversation was there were no speeches. fags are no longer held. litre* reading-room and library of tkeir own, but these ate not n«ed for meetings. Some of them are costo. ifters of the cates frequented by the Jfteneh Socialists. At. a rule they live private lodgings, and not, as former*' at restaurants, where they were too a&lly hunted out and watched by the ents of the Russian Gov- trnment. Experience has rendered hem cautious in the extreme, and any no applying to then) for information Concerning Russians residing here is immediately suspected,'watched, and 5Reported to the whole colony. Thus, a <tbert time ago a Russian ladv, whose ||w»n had suddenly left home withont Ing leave of his friends, cftme to ke inquiries in Geneva, apprehend- ng that he had joined the Nihilist* She called an several of them, • exhibiting her son's photograph, and [iving a minute description of his ap- warance. She was at once suspected >f being a spy, was reported to all the ihilistic centres as such, and an appll-. Ration was made to the local authori- ^||ies urging them to expel her frot^ geneva. J'hefe are geueirally «om«" n or twelve paid ngentsof the Rus*. kn Government charged with the sur- "'^•"'^lelllance of the Nihilist refugees, fit ipeneva, but they have to be constant^ ' replaced, as thev are almost invaria- *T detected after they have been here %nt a short thne. One of them was ^"" "HUtrTnT out smwe tlnrre before he became 'liware of It: his photograph was ob­ tained, and acopv forthwith dlspatche j 'to tho principal Nihilist centres. In 'lirder to ayotd suspicion he had con­ tributed genefftnsly to the refugee re- " Kef fund. As a matter of fact the Rus- lien Gavernment ageWts encounter the ^eatest difficulty in the accomplish- Sjbeirt of their task. Most of. them on ar>- i fiving go to the booksollers and try to 'uTr,:.'.^ind' out where the Nihilists meet, "^.'.'•.v^hey h»ng-abont the restaurants and -'«afea frequented by the Nihtlists, and fire always ready to contribute to the # Jtellef fund, Many of them have albums *^OBtalning photograpli^of the Nihil- Jtets supposed to be here- bat they get. A t<> know very little, and receive no as- y- distance from the Geneva police an- ^ fhorities. Political Intelligence Is t>mmunlcat.ed to forefgu governments y the Federal Council, and tiiat o»>ly jy§n exception;U occasions. As a fact S^he Nihilist refugees in Geneva have * pot taken advantage of the hospitality , #xteinled to them for anv unlawful '"V. jNrpose, and it is to the credit of thi s ^4i#onrnment that they should not make #tfrftzerlamt a depot for Siberia'. A. P. GRAY - ' ' * Always Ahead. iarriaj / .3 SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED --AT HIS-- age and Wagon Factory, AND -v V, | BLACKSMITH SHOP, " RICHMOND, ILL. f JWAvtrr lmplcm'nt, Tool or Micbine a fimppr wunis. PI, .\TKORM SPRING, DK* I.IV :RY AM) FAIIM WAGOSS, TOP AND OPEN BUCCIES, One, two and three seated, from the cele- brntcrtl manufactory of J. W. Henry A Co., Freeport. Blaoksimithlng, Painting nutl Repairing Done in a workraatilike manner and war. -OF- SPRING AND SUMMER rail tort. From the 1ar«re variety of Farm Machinery mannfaot.nml, we seloct that liost, B.l.tiite'i for this section, and nimn tho BEST TKRMS TH.VTCVIl CAX PURCHASE, which en- iililes us to supply our patiHins with just what they want, anil "at, lower prices than any other concevn . northwest of Chicago. Cail an«l make cxaivina'ion for yourselves before pivinjr your orders for any piece of nvic.hinurv tou maV nce<« the coming season, and yoh will find the best and mosx completi; Hne of Farm Machinery ever before offered in Mcllenrv Co liemember that we offer the VKHY BEST MACHINERY at the»VKRY I.OWKST PRICE that Cash can produce anywhere. " A. P. OJiA F, Itichmond, Itty ClotMng, Olotliing, Clotliiiig, 0 ;>V s^ii For Spring and Smaer. A full line of piece, goode of the latest styles and at the lowest ligures. 'X : * **J' *" " It.- '•m Hi " • * old reliable Boot and Shoe House op I iW, 3 :• H ' vCSW » '•ms. Oome ««rly and ejcrnniiie my tieiir goods which are now received and placed wpoo the market to^ be «o!4 for very money. "v'J • »ing little Our Stock is 'the-Ijargert, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable to be found in the Northwestp, JDmp iu and take a lopjt and get pov i#- cash McC;/;,.:/* '• i.Jnt . "t w. a. d'WTGHT, 1 "Woodstock, 111. Farmers, .up. I '* 4.h' ?•; .r.V i " ' 5 - I tf" ' 'rhW: p- y B. F U R N I T U R E S T O R E „ yon want firJcIas* machin<wry ftomething we bay ao much %{ that you gret the benefit oi it? We know of some dealers that buy jso much that they claim to sell low, but you get all their prsces aiid ithen come to us and we will selljyoujthe same c^eaja^r^ thswi iiny other dealer.* < We have just received the finest car of GABBIAGES, ALL STYLES, That ever came to this county. Jf in want of one don t fail to call, as the finish beats .them all. A guarantee of our own for one yew with each carriage, . 3PLANTERS. We have six different kinds. Among them are three different •Keystone Planters, Standard, Union and John I)eere, all Rotary or Slide Drop, and at prices you will lie satisfied with, Tk- ^ ^ CORN CULTIVATORS. I' \'/\fVe have eijarh^ kinds. Atnonsr them you will find the eel- ebratec Bertrand/ Call before buyi$&. Warranted to suit. MINNEAPOLIS SELF-BlNffEIS. i We have the Renown Minneapolis Twine Binder. If you look «{t over yon will find it has more improvements than any Binder ont. Nothing to be feared from Mccormick's threats.. For Reapers arid Mowers wa have on . hand the Manny Light Reapers and Mowers, the Light Standard Mower, the Roice Reaper, Richmond Mower and the Peerless. * Of Hay Racks we have five--the celebrated "Tiger." New Hol- lingsworth, Furst & Bradley and (-ase, all self-dump or hand. Of Pumps we have both wood and iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell and Mishwaukeee, and jor an iron pump the well known Trakem and Buckeye. Can* al­ ways repair or put them down any depth. E. M. OWEN & SON. Established in 1866, JOHN STERBA, Woods took Woodstock, Formerly of Mc,Henry, Chicago, has returned to And has now on Uaad the stork of Illinois^ largest aift4 'BEAST HADE HARNESSES, COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found Jfttl Oountr, and Iihh everything made BB^T MATERIAL. Call and^see me. JOHN STERBA. t. x Vfisr J. DOKOVAIf I: ec Bertrand/A Faroes, Standard, Case, Cljmax and others. C L O T H I N G 1 A Bi^er Stock than ever. SUITS / SUITS at Suits all pricejr &t at $4.50. ' $5.00 A J a i m a n ' s " f - * * ? : ' AUCONDA. For anything made ti> order, Maiman'a U th place to go, Auo a full line|ot Gent's Furnishing Goods. Hlkm CAPS, &c., Ac- Two Doors Ncrth of Perry & MVartin^t Where yon will find all grades of Furniture, from A common Chnfr up to the finest Set, of the best make and quality People billing c t me will find all my goods as represented. |5f Jobbing and Repairing neatly and promptly done. UNDERTAKING. ' 4WSb - tn this Department I keep a firsfc-c!w» assortirtiMrviiSf Co»kct»y aixl C^oitins, and Shrouds oi ail fkiuds and quality A Hoarse tWuwbeil at .-easonable rates. Mrs. Mainaan, Has re^eived-s line St-> kof Spring and Snm- m«r Millinery g<K>dA, a of the !:»te»t styles. A nice lot* of Ribbons and Plumes. The iidies of Wes tern Lake C ounty are especiallv nvited to call and exaoii ne goods and prices. H. MAIMAN. STORY, McHENRY. ILL DEALER IK If you are & ino 11 of butinew, weak-«Md by the Btraiai of your < aveM itimulatttjand Ul« Hop Sitters. If yoa are yonu Jf «ad dUerctiou or tlist-ipa Had or etag^. old or raorlicaltii or lan«uir<ii I tern, n-ljr on Ho p| Wkoottr yon arc, irtancTt'r j on tt vt tttat Jiur ihmhIb cleansing, to:a-InjT or stimulating, tnke Hod Bitter*. Have yon dys­ pepsia, kidney or it rinary com' , plaint, illscas'* ottbe «lomudi, bmtvia, blood, liver urverves f Tou vtll DO curcd If yinutre Mop Bitters It you nr f If jon • muii.or Ict- ter* toiling orernm liifriit work, to re»-t»i!t hi.Liii ju rv^and j-ivi. umj Hop B. ..] • in® from any in-ti.jn : if you are m»r-vouiipf, suffcriiig from ing on a bed of sick- | Bitters. v l'liousand* ale an-nuaily f r o m Borne i form of Kidney i> disc aw: that niig-Jit I have been pre* enU ti I by t timely use of HopBltters i.avl 31hI1(Iii( eitr Xude. Acc'v-mbiratiot) oi Mops, BuShu, Mar*" Crakfe huj L-andolian, «»th uilijiefccst,and ii.ns: o*4 ura tivc inoix;itics i f all othrr letters, •wiu t *\tho pwatcsa, etooci Purifier* liver Re-ru l^ntor. raJ l-i:"? aiiit Ileallu Ucstorlug Au-eSt a So disease c^\aa v.vailiiy long »*ist wbcroHop Bii:e:-S are us^ vtuiud and i>ei fe*«i are their Olkii Ihey g.-6 m* aii T".-rrta a;oi »t4 i&rm. To all whose - • "jpV.iyrj.-iitscai'sc irretrr..ii-S- tyofliwIiowelEci'Vi urinary ivrvrius. or wHo rt- quirean Api>_tlisr^VT '"ir nlr'"'1:,,t Ih.y Uiiu-rs are i!LvarV'tt1'1'-" W»tf>0«t intOI- icating. Ko malter what your or rymptom* are what I'm; or ail "R:nt"r' '8 ugu Hop Jtiit-tc-rs. l>on't wait untii slrlc but if yon ; tlieni at once- amidretls. ssoo will Ito r»aM for a ca5Jsc they will not only feel bad or Jt may save yourlili-.H a v catff- flj weak r.tiil Iow»ptiitftl,try Ui It may • a.v e y o u r life, it has eaved luttv < HOP NEVER FAIL B® I. C. is an absolute and irresihta-!>!'• nire for drsuikenness t ust o£' opium, tobacco,mi iiarcotlcs» goldbydrngr-; feendfor Circular. | Reciter, I. T> I ATorjjulo, Out. ?;nV i.h.V A LARGE FISH, --AT THE- . a Drug Store y Book Haunt prepared to sell jail of the apparatm for eatching the above. The largest and most complete line of tishing good> ever displayed in Wa'ueonda. Pure Linen Lines, Trolling Hooks, Floats, Sinkers, JointeTi Ash Rods, etc.; at a bargain. THEODORE THQtiAS wil hardly be able to call JL t W a u c o 1 1 a **>\ tlris season, if he does, however we can give hini figures on IJ All- MOHICAS and Ainsical Iiistru- mentii of fll inscriptions that oul j' astonish him. A new line ust I' ceiveu. t all and examine. F, B. HARRiSCIN. ' • cu: c or I>.j not SJlTer yotjr Tri'Mnla millVrr.Uit u»e and ur,a' thtiu Use K'OP Gt lieuiember, Hop Kittrrs iv rtruifjrwl dri:!kl£(?ti uc.-rcnsm, )>vt ti-.o i'nivri n J HcUiciMe<rv«rjatt<>;the ML\VALtO<T^y FHJ-vX® and HOPC* and «o o/ f'tmily* s>iioula Ije without tit* m. •BR." D,|,O.H mi aiml»;leandlrr&(|stil>ie c:irn i j jrl>t r.:keujn s^uscof <>; ium. toijucco *ju!' Ali •'-Id fc.v ( ly*--".h, .Send for t'irculiir. Ji^ P fciiirr* il'.r. |<{«v'bo ~t --V.Y r' PARKER'S HAiB BHISARI. The I'cst, (leanest and most Economical Hair Dressing.. Sever Fails to More the youthful color to grey hair. 50c and $1 sizes at Jniggists. fiorestoo Cologne. A ne«v a rrnnt an<' Price and 7 T H I S I * r K W M - 4 L I > , Piovos bevond a:iy rea o^ble question that th# CHICAGO & NORTH-'WESTERN RAILWAY Is by all odds the l>est road for you to tak hen traveling In either diroctionbetween Chicap and alltbe Principal Points in tbe West North & IrtM Oivefully examine this Map.-> The principal Cities in the West and Northwest are <Stationi on tilln roAil. lt» througb trains make close connections with (tee traima +t nil truiiroaus at J miction points, T.J. Dij & Co It is a fact well known to tlUs Farmers of McHenry Countir that vwhenever .they have spoke a of Dacy to opposito«i dealers, that the sound o# his name has caused t hem to shtid« der and their bones to rattle|r ( simply beeanse the wonldl l>« Opposition dealers know too we||? that we have bought ©ur g»oodli* in iTfttch larger qnantities that they have done, and that we laivfr ; always sold goodfr for less|r % than the same quality could 1« bought by many of them and they know it. Again we havo our first choice of machinery ill; the market, and always aim iptt't keep none but the best. Our '• present stock consists of niau* articles of machinery not foutv! elsewhere in the county. VV" * have-by actual count over 101 Buggies, Platform Spring W:iir­ ons and three spring Milk Wag* ons. f(Jal? and count them.) Also -a car of Qlidden Barbel Wire Also plows, harrows.. Pulverizer#, spring tooth har rows, seeders, drills, rollers., corn stalk cntters, sulky plow.4^ etc.. etc., without limit rafi||- ers who consnlt their own intell S ests will not buy ado.lar's w<A'tl| ; until the> »et our starvatioil prices. Write for circular*. ' T. J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, III. _Asinanu egaunefc -Brfrkctitv Jrilnerd RENC Quintipsoc jfumi Ordw^y Clcyfon andiyuk oO*e*n u.'u« r\.ROV Princ LOUX -Algor.a YAKKTO.N Biou* c;; Crtii/toH '* yjMUGtit WEST RAIL CHICAGO THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAItWAY, Over nW of its pvmripnl lines, rime each wnv dnilv from two to four or niore Fast Espr Trains. It is tlie onlv mud West, North or Northwest ofChicafro that uses the IMPERIAL PALACE DINING CARS. Tt in tho onlv rond ";hat runs Pullman Pteepinpr OaVft North or Northwest of Chicago, tt} has over 3,000 Miles Of Road- In forms, amonsrstloftiers, the following Trunk Lilies: Council Bluffs, Colorado & Pallfnrnin Mne. Wiyona, Mltinesota * Centra 1 Oacota Li »». "•ionx City A Xortlicastevn XrHvaska liine. fMMciigo, St. Pr.ul Jt Minneapolis Line, _ Klpin, Roc.ljftkr'l, Frpcporyft IMilnHufiXinc# Mjtwankec, Oroen Itny & LalieSwpe Line. Jim River Va-ilev, Vierise Jfc Ocadwood Limv. Waukesha. Madison A.Northfi 11 Line Tickets over this^»a<1 are sold l>v nil Coupon Ticket Asrents in the Uniterl State* & Cnnada Remember to aslj/ror Tickets via'tliis roaa, be sure they read over it, and take none other Scissors, Shears, Table ant! Pocket Cutlery, Spades Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Giindstnea Window Glass* CRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. J. STORY. G. W. BTCSLEY, McHenry, 111., D. B. Maine, Genoa Junction, Wis., A. S. Wright, Woodstock, III., and (Jr. E. Dickinson, Nunda, 111., sell the reliable and pure medicines called DR. KALCKHOFF S MEDICINAL CARAMELS LAYNG, /Gen'i Sup't Chicago. W.H. STE .fNBTT, Gen Pass Agt Chicago. B BUSS, Ag't C. A H- W jlt-y, McHenry, III. BUY YOUR OF figs, pleasunt CONTAIN only Vegetable Extracts, combined with different aromatic spices, tamsriafis prunes an 1 chocolate, forming agrce.tWe, mild, safe and pare medicines. Tticy are ss pic to take as the finest confection, and tfkn-foro take tho pluco of all niudicincs which are sold under different names to secure hewing efiVct!». These mcdiclnes are no eecret prcr arations, bnt the formulas for the different kinds have been n?ed extensively for many years throughout.tho world, by leading phvFicinns, for the various diseases they are recommended for. They are manufactured with the aid of improved machinery, nnder the supervision of a regular educated physician and chemist. Their cheapness alone creates a good demand, as each box contains Caramels (SOdoses), the pilca per box being from 25 to 50 cents. We mention nR. KALCKHOFFS CATHARTIC CARAMELS Are an agreeable, M mild, en!e, and certain cathartic medicine. Cures Consti­ pation, Headache, Indigestion, Disordered Stomacb, etc. Price, 2oc. per box. DR. KALCKHOFF'S WORM CARAMELS Effectually destroy all u chain, broad, round, nprin;;, tape, aud v hip worms. Chll- Cu&mcls drtn delight to take them. Price 25c. per box. >1 exceedingly fm-ad<1 lfutiug perfume. PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A Purs Fanlly Medicine that Never Intoxicates. If you arc a mechanic or farmer, worn out with I overwork, or a mother run down by family orhouse- Jhold duties try Parser's Gingek Tonic. 1 If you are a lawver. minister or business man ex- | nausted by mental strain or anxious cares do not I take intoxicating stimulants, but use Pakkkr's Ginger Tonic. H you have Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, Kidney or V. rinriry Complaints, or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves you can be cared by Parker's Oingbk Tonic. If vou are wasting away from age, dissipation or any iliseaf-eor weakness and require a stimulant take vjiNGhK Ionic at once; it will invigorate and build vou up from the fifst dose but wl'l never intoxicate. | Jt lias saved hundreds of lives it may save yours. """OX * CO., tss Wllliva St., New Tori. iOe. audi liar at all «>ttier» i:i luctUtinck. GP£AT SAVING Db'VI^O DOLUAH SIZ2, Won Csameli COMll Oktmeli Throat Oiraaeli DR. KALCKHOFF'S COUGH CARAMELS Are a certain care and •» Inst'.nt relief for Coaghu, Colds, Asthma, UrouthUig, Consumption, ctc. Price 35c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFF'S THROAT CARAMELS Are a pleasant, safo and •» esrtain cure for all Throat Aiiectione. Public speakers, elerpymcn, law} ere, and inueiclans should not be witlt- ont thfrm. • * Price-25c. per box. RR. KALCKSIOFFS.FEMALE CARAMELS Are a regulating medi- •* cine ati<i certain cure and rcll'-f for all femaln diseasos. For further particulars, auk your druggist for a circular. _ Price 50c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFF'S DYSPEPTIC CARAMELS Are a pleasant and •» permanent cure for ell diseases of tl}o btomacli--Dyspcp- : eia, V/atcrbrns-h, Pain, Vomiticjr, etc. Price "<0c. per box. Oft. KALCKHOFF'S KIONEY ANQ LIVER CARAMELS Are • certain cure lor all JtLiduey, Heart, and JLiver l)lscasc«. Pricc 50c. por box. OR. KALCKHOFF'S HERVE CARAMELS Are a certain cure for ail xvtvouk and bcxaal iJioeaseb, Nervous and 8csnal Dc- - biHty, fSl(i.ep)eB»uy^s, etc. PrScc .Mc. per box, IMITATION IMPOSSIBLE, Dr. K::lck!iolr» Caram on are packed, eaoh twenty in w&terpioof wrapper. Each Caramel has on one side ntumped the pi;rtiaturevof A. P. K;:!rl;hoff. M. ]>., and on tho other Mde the name of the C'arr'nel. These Oaramela for sale by ail diuRfiMt« and patent medicim; dealers. If your drug­ gist does not keep them, send the retail price to the manu­ facturers, and they will forward the some by mall free of charge to auv address throughout the United States. GIVEN AWAY ! To all druggists and dealers lu patent medicines, Mmplc packagei of Dr. Kalckhoffs Caramels are given away. Everybody can obtain a sample pickaxe free of charge by applying io yopr drng^ift or bv -.rriting to the nianurac- turers and enetr-sln^ a three cent postanre stamp. Drugsista •ad dealers will write for Dri^lf-tV ClrcuUr. MEDICINAL CARAMEL CO., Manufacturers and .lJolo Pronrietors. "'TT.WAUKEK.vnW. Dyspentlc Cmmelt Eitaey mi Lifer Cari&cU *<& IMA GEORGE W. BESLEY, Whose Store can be found on the West Side, wheae everything this line can be found, Fresh and Pure. in Xk Prescriptions He a Calt. C. WBESLEY Mofloiiry, III, Oct. 10th, 1882. Physician# ^Carefully Compounded. INSURE Mutual Life of New Ycr% Bwaiise it is the nlilnst Company In til# lltiHeil states with thirty-nine years of ex<« pt'i-ifm-e, Hei-.atico it i»8'he larpost. Compnn\ ' {« tfif nor Id. Assets nenrly Uotible t)|H$. ofany OI.Iut C<.>»ipMnv. lie raiist'iii i.i. i ho most populnv Comyanjfc Its policyJ.oMers nituibcrt»ver Beeatise every 'lollar of the above inuaoritl sttm totfie pQliet/ Itntder.i. nt><\ the sttr« ptiin- otw whut i« heKially reqniiiteii^ h» ;«h. '•tvilVv (liviilerl aniwviisi l Iwin, wit tell sitivpJuB amy tie aptvlieil iu •'•Wher of two ways: Fl-ntt, io |wir ,t portion of the »n-niiBt preniium. thus materially reilucinir the ci>f.t, or it m:»y h* tt>e<i to imrchas'- rtdftitiovu-il insurance. In the latter way forty.eisht policy holders i>| the year jttst'piisit, hol'linjr polieies, the l'aco vitltie of whieh \va>. iH.y,5iH', were <uirrioil fat mii average term of S3 years :tt luw lilted, and the adilit ioim bi-ouprhl. the »nug sum of a littto flyer ^:{IH),(I0I). Many of these policies had ben fcelf .sii»laininp lor yenrtt. iteeause tne rates el'every other Company • re nearly «->r.'hteeii| j«r cent. Higher thai* - those of the Mutual Life. Because its running expenses are 'owtf than any other. Tne sworji statements of the Equitalile I.ife AsfiiiHiK-e of New York, a|eouipanjr several millions less than half as lar^e as the Muttiiil l.ife, show its expenses of manage, nient to have averaged 1+.23 unving tho la»t three years, those of the Mutual Kile 7.8 the- diflerenee of first eost of policy, Hnd manajtc- ment expenses alone, are equal to 23 per cent in favor of the Mutual l.ife. Because it e,an ,anil does afford the cheapest* eafest anil/most satisfactory insurance invest­ ment of any Company iri the world. As It will be lm^possilile for nie to see all wh<> are •lesirous \*f obtaining l.ife insurance nfc actual, j will «av to sncli that a |>i«tal card wil-1 always rca«)i me at this place and on receipt of same I will forward different plans and actual re.iulf* (not estimates) which are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history of l.ife Insurance. Tliis:Company issues only regular I.ifo Wl Kniiowineni pntii-ies ami like other Comjmny# of the highest stamtard refuses to have »DJi tiling to do with Tontine ytivtlrting. C. H. MOKKY. A g t n t , For McHenry.County, and western part oi LakeCuuiitr. ' , McHKNRT. ILL. FITS EPILEPSY --on- Fallen SiokneMt Permanently enred--no hnmhns--by on% month's usiiage of Dr. tJoularil's Cclebratetl Infallible Fit Powders. To convince suffer* ers that these pow iers will do all we clain* for them we will semi them by mail nnstpihl n free Trial box. As Dr. Goulard is the only- physician that has mace this disease a «pec. ml'study, and as to our knowledge thoustml* have been permanently cured by tne ns-! of these I'owders, we will guarantee a perma­ nent cure, in every case, or refund you a'l money expended. All sufferers should give these Poo-ders an early trial, and be c »n. vinced of their curative powers. Price, tot • large box, $t, or 4 boxes lor §10, sent liy mail to alnv mart of the United states or Canad i on • - ^ O. D. Art. Fulton St., receipt ef price, or by express. C. O. D. dress, ASH A. ROBBING, Brooklyn, N. V. Ever brought' to McHenry county, amongr which can lie found the Ronnir Library, Princess Libnirv, Harrison & Smith Mifety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lumps of every description which will be sold at prices that d<jfy competition. Callaud see then- oefore purchasing. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured All sufferers from this disease thatarc anx tons to bo cured should try I)r, Kissner'a Ce.ebraled »;on«nmptivc Powders. These I'owders are the only preparation knowc itiat will rnrc Consumption and all diseases ot the Throat and I.nngs--indeed, so strong is our faith in them, ai>d also to convince vou that they are no hnmbug. we will forward to> every sufferer, by r.inil, |>ostpaid, a free Trial box. We don't want your money until yon N«re pcrlootly satisfied of thei1* eu'rative pow« ">rs. If your life is worth saving, don't delay ngiving these Powders a trial, as thev wilf surely cure yon. Price, for lange bo*. «Ck sent to any part of the United Statesor Cana da, bv mail, on receipt of price. .Vldress^ ^SHT A ROBBIMS, ^l-uitoa Sk. Brook CHEAI on long credit piiA . easy ti>rm», in a miI4 cllniatp, fVee from heavy snsws, bllftkt* Ing fronts, and <ft«- eessite raias. ANDS MILLIONS OF ACRES for sale in the GOLDEN BELT of Kaon% by the UN!9N PACIFIC RAILWAY, «f oa rich ::oil as tln> sun ever shoni oa, witb nuu'iit'ik eaas sad aesti JW DcwrripHre ond Hlnstra,t*id .JtooF* telth Map*. Sent JVes, Address LAND COWMrSS'ON E R,--Kansaa C'vkicl KANSAS CITY, MISS OUHL

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