Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1882, p. 4

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, > 7 v t ; * f : iw-'-W WRDJfKSDAY, JULY M. Kclitor. TICKET. STATE * '"j~..l""' * V' * 'V - * ' ' *- - v *> *." . "" ' "" . \ ' 'f- ,. ^ ^ ¥>• * "• ft* ' . : § • "*' . i x T' JT/' ^ ^'r1k. f ... •_ ', *"> •'*• f1 i . ?J ., < -< - N ? • - j'V'ii'v » *T, "T" y|»*««#•>, (' Pw ««»• TM»imw: «HL' 34. C. SMITH, of Chicago. #4*» KlMt'^niwrintenilent of School#: imLlW J. 8TRATTOX, of Mt. VertC*. •A, COWCRF«SI<3NAL. • Member of ConcrpM, 5th Distrf(|iL BKUBKX ULT.AVonn. of Sycamom,:, COUNTY TICKET. ;T%- •' forTiwntT Clerk, 001.. WILLIAM AVERY of MnrenffO. For Conntv Treasurer. iOAPT.WAMK* XISH, of Algonquin. Fnr fVmnfy Jwlw. (X H. OILMOKR, of Woodstock. • For Sheriff. A4A.D tTDBLL. of Chemnn<r. #®r Snt»crintMi<1ont of ?r.hools. * LD. BALDWIN', of McHenry. For Coroner. W. W. COOK, of Wood stwlc. J9»A Washington correspondent enys: Tha *p*ctaelc of Senator Ben HI1! dying ami surgeons poweilo®! to save him, is a sad sight; most especially sad to the Democratic party, of which lie was, with Lamar and Jones, the leader in the Senate. Prayer meetings are held each evening in his behalf at his Georgia home, but It is probable that they will have no further effect than those oftered up for Garfield A bullet through the spine ami a cancer in the throat are beyond the scope of relig­ ious ablution*. On her wedding dav an Indiana girl wrote something, sealed ft fh an envelope and gave it to an Intimate friend. "If I am alive six months from now."* she said, "give this back to me unopened. If I am dead, read it," On the day that the half 5'ear expired the bride committed suicide, attd the enclosure was found to be a statement that she expected no jpy from the rilarriage, but was willing^to give» it a trial before deckling ta take tMr- own life. Republican Senatorial Dis, trlct Convention. •« The BepnMtMin voters of Boone, Lake anrt McHenry Oonnties, comprising the Eighth Senatorial THstrict, are reqnestct to send 'lei- ptte* to the Republican District Convention, ta Ite held at the Oonrt Honse, in Woodstock, McHenry Connty, on Monday, fleptemlter 4, at •ae o'clock, T. for the purpose of placing la nomination two candidates for mem Iters of tke GeneraLAnsembly, and for the transaction •f any other bnsiness that may properly come before it. The representation will be on the %B*is of one delegate for ererv 180 BepnbHcan vates east for President in 1890, and one for every fraction above 45. On this basis Boone flennty will be entitled to 14 delesrates, Lake Oennty to ISdelegate*. and McHenry Connty «• n delegates. CHART,F.S K. FULLER, A. H. GLKASOX, Boove Connty Comntltiee. JcaTrs BAVGS, • "" JORK STEARKS, C. A. PARTRTBO*, Lake Connty Committee. GROHOE K. BTTMKBC, I. B. Ct'RTISS, J. W.TCRISTT, JfcHenry County Committee. has always seemed strange that the Quaker. John Bright,. with his peace principles, should retain a place in the warlike cabinet of Great Britain during Its unnecessary war with Egypt. At last ho has resigned. "For Torty years," said Bright. "I have told mv countrymen that morals were the true basis of politics. I have de­ nounced war. and I should have been false to my principles had^I become a party to a war which was begun with­ out necessity." §6T*By the Chicago papers of Mon­ day, we learn that Bon. M. L. Joslvn, 4}f Woodstock, has received the ap-: ^ointment of Assistant Secretary of fhe Interior, and will probably depart for Washington at an early day. t&*A Chicago corset manufacturer turns small accidents In hi* factory to profitable acconnt. When a work girl breaks a needle or whalebone costirig less than half a cent, he lines her Ave cents; for breaking a two-cent bobbin, ten cents; for a drop of oil on the floor or work; and various sums for tardi­ ness and other misdemeanors, so that the cost of production must be consid­ erably lessened by this system. The souls of such men occupy a space In comparison with their bodies about as large as a grain of sand in a world of pl|nets. Were they rulers in Heaven, they would consign to eternal perdi­ tion anyone guilty of dropping a note in a celestial symphony. A WORD TO TNK FATTMHRFT. It will l»e nntioed that the Chicago dallies publish full and flattering re­ ports of crop prospers, particularly west of the Mississippi river, claiming rhnt the wheat In many places yield thirty bnshe)« or more to the acre, and that prospccts for other cereals are equally good. The tr«ie inwardness of this whole thing will he apparent when it is noticed that the statements come from the Rimvell ring, who have lands and bonds to sell, and It Is a barefaced scheme to sell their lands and bull their stocks. There are few tracts of land in Kansas where the soil is strong enough to produce thirty bushels of wheat *o the acre, and the largest yield they ever had or claimed previously was thirteen. In a year lik" this, when the corn prospect Is so poor and the main dependence is upon wheat and oats, such statements do great Injury to Illinois fannms by causing them to sell rln'jr products too »*henply. Our advice is for you to pay no attention to them, and sell only at remunerative prices, which, with patient waiting will surely come.--Anrora Herald. A BIS Slieep Drive. - Tom Iveogh. well known as a stock man, has a ftock'of 30,000 sheep over tn Diamond Valley, which lie is driving to Cheyenne. He started with them early in last April. From here he ex­ pects to be about twenty days on the road to Wells. fTrom that poijit to hi* journey's end he will be three months more. He will reach Cheyenne about the 1st of'November, the entire time of the drive being thus about seven months. Mr. Keogh looks brown and tough. He has ha<1 a hard time of it to get feed for his sheep on the way. Several times he thought he was on tlie point of losing every cent'invested but he has been very fortunate, losing only 225 head up to this point# All the rest of the way there is plenty of grass and water.--Eureka ( Cat.) Senti­ nel. . NOTICE, To the Fublio. Thftt I have some SPECTA! %KK» GAINS to offer them, in U great va­ riety of articles, among which are A large line of itfi'jt,' vffi®S7 "Stifl PRINTS, At 5 cents per yard, of good Prints at 4 yard, and some nice Also a line etiiti per oilon Dress Goods, In W omie and Brocade styles at 8 cents pel yard., Last, but not lwi«t, a very fine assortment of articles at the pop­ ular price of 5 CENTS EACH. Would like to have you call and see what bargains we can show youatyolo, Lake County, Illi­ nois. rf> , i>>V r-'< ;:.f r. ' <,*tr; • ®r h-."> f VV? »' ' >% ' ^ ' **• \ 1. " ' HENRY ROGERS. 19"The Pemocrats of Tennessee lire so divided on the State debt qoes- . , $ion that there is a good prospect that <>. the Republicans will be able to carry State at the next election. The \|!^robabrtlty is that Governor Hawkins ~irill bfe re-elected, and that the Legis- ' . fature will be Republican, thus seenr- .<5 'Ung a BepnbHcan senator of the United . States In the place of Senator Harris, „,if'"I*.; J '• • m • 11 k jfeMiehael. the Independ - w;.- -i-^int candidate for congressman-at- • ^ |arge In Pennsylvania, takes high mor- . J»I gronnds in . a (letter to Chairman w ^J>vm?ooper, refusing to withdraw, as fol- _ lews: '*1 will not withdraw or retire nnleM •vent* hereafter shall give assurances that the necessary reform In the civil " j|MiTice shall be adopted, and assess- , ̂ ^nent* made upon officeholders returned r|||Mid not hereafter exacted, boss, ma- and spoils methods forever aban- y*4lened. and all pnblic offices, from United States senator to the most un­ important official, sliocld be filled cn- -SH ;?y ^ honest and capable men who will lil represent the people and not attempt to dictate to or control them.n H^The reports that come from the Mormon hierarchs do not indicate a readiness to bow to the will of the peo­ ple, as expressed by congress and the flupreine Conrt of the land. President Taylor and ex Congressman Cannon' liave recently addressed large bodies of Mormons. In most exel ting if not trea­ sonable language.expressing their de- termlr.stloa to adhere to their Illegal course, and to protect themselve "as beat we mar." as Pres. Taylor said, "from the aggressive, unjust, inhuman, and ungodly acts of the enemies of till* people of God and human rights." The darlnc position maintained by the rebellious leaders only makes it more necessary that the Government adhere firmly to Its resolution to-purg* the Territory from the flagrant and odious oftense thit has so long been a •tench to the nation. f&*The Republican State Central Committee met at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, on Wednesday last, Ju­ ly 19th, for the purpose of perfecting Its or&rauizatlnn and discussing the po­ litical prospects In the State at the onmlng election. The Wankegan Ga- An old traveler has been formu­ la ting his observations, and finds na­ tional characteristics among beer drinkers, which are very Important if true. He says that if a fly drops into a glass of beer lie can tell the nation­ ality of the drinker by his subsequent conduct. An American will jolA about it and order a fresh glass. A Spaniard will pay for the beer but quietly move of! without touching it. A Frenchman will pay and go but will loudly sputter. An Englishman will empty the mug and order another. A German will earefully fish out the fly and swallow (he beer. A Kusslan will s«vallow both the fly and f lie beer. A Obftirtman w+f> rescue the fly, eat It, and pour the beer under the table. It is now important to ascertain the views of the $y.--Ex. , RBVBALKD BY I DRKAM. The body of the young man named Cicero Dixon, son of a guard at the prison, who fell Jnto the Arkansas Riven below the Grand Cation-and was drowned about a week ago, was found to-day in the river opposite this city. Last night a Mexican named Jose Sancho dreamed that he saw the body in a certain place in the river. He started out to find it, and, on his way, was accosted by the City Marshal, who asked him if he was not going to work. The Mexican told the dream he had, and said he was going to find the bod}'. The Marshal tried to laugh him out of it. but^he Mexican went hts way. and. in a short time, returned as pale as a ghost, and said he had found the body in the place he had seen it in his sleep. The circufnstauce is well authenticated, and is fully cied- ited here.--Denver Tribune. • cerfe, whose editor is one of the Cpraw. u . ,.i > .• . .. , 7 tole,but although the snow was tramped mlttee. In speaking of it savs: „ There was a tree anrl prolongrerl Of 11^'- P# on the question of officer*, but the opposition V» the Hon. A. VI. Jonea flirt not rrytUiiie and when the lmltot wig Anally tnketi ihm nen- tlemnn received twenty.ore ot the twenty, •is votes cast, himself not voting white the other five votes were ssattering. Thus another tally Is made against the combined opposition of the South- werthglennon combination, headed by the General of the Invalid Corps, Gen­ eral J. M. Southworth, even If they did have an office in the Chicago Custom House at their disposal. These politi­ cal shysters have made a desperate, underhanded fight against Jon®s, for no other reason than becaus'e he could •at through their rotteitness,and would hare nothing to (|o with them. Col­ lector Spaulding must feel proud of his proteges. The people have no use for them and the Collector may find them ft heavy load to carry. The election of Hon. A. M. Jotie? as Chairman, and Daniel Shepard, Secre­ tary of the State Central Committee, gives the utmost satisfaction to the people, and Insures a lively and vigor­ ous campaign. Two better men for the positions ootild not have beeu juthe State. , i down hard, there was no sign <tijMMi*Rfon . brick. Word was at once bron^lit (S^A Leadville letter says: There was a singular loss on the Aspen road the other day. The Farwell Consoli­ dated Mine Company at Independence deposited $20,000 in two gold bricks at the Independence Bank, that Institu­ tion shipping it by their own pony ex­ press to Leadville. The precious bars were loaded on the back of a pack- horse in a couple of gunny sacks, se­ cured by leather straps. About twelve miles from Independence the armed messenger examined the gunny sacks to see if the treasure was safe, and was astonished and terrified to find that the friction against the cloth had worn a hole through it, and th<it one of the bricks was gone. He at once re­ traced his steps, closely examining the snow, which lies deep upon the road, for some trace of the lost gold. The tracks of the horses were ' j>lait»!y visi- the to the bank, and over one hundred men were sent out on the search, which, was eveutually successful. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sore». Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblain*. Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions, and positively cures ril?** It is guranteed to give perlect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents, per bottle. For sale by all Druggists Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis. Loss of Voice, or any affection of the Throat and j,uiigs, are requested to call at anv Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr.King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption. free of charge, which will convince tliem of its vvoudertul merits arid slmw what a regular dollar size bottle will do. Call early. in ten. BECKWITH.--In McHenry, July 18th, Chauncv, only'son of George and Ernes­ tine Beckwith, aged 3 years and 3 months. * * LINKS, RespcctfnP.v Inscrilieit to Mr. and Mrs. B 'ckwith, tn memory of tholr tittle boy in Heaven. * BY A FKIEND- Jestis saw, with loving eyes, A vacant place hevnn<l the nkies For some dear little one. He chose your darling for his own, And placed it near His Heavenly Throne Bright, shining as the tun* Now clothed in robeo of spotless white, And radiant with celestial iisrht, your precious child shall dwell. Forever tree from care aiid pain. It waits to welcome you ngHin, The joys of Iteaveu to tell. Be comforted, and In tjiis hour, Behold the lovicg Savior's power To soothe the Horrowin^ heart; He'll lift your soul aliove this (rrief, And grant you sure and sweet relief, And bid these clouds depart. 'Then look hprond thi«> V«1J of tears, And though it be for many years Before you meet above, • Tour little one shall know yon th«re, And Welcome you to mansions f»ir, ' In hwpp«ii<MM awl love. r*' A, £m McHenry, 111., July 10th, 18S2. LATEST NEWS, Aud the terrible low Prices at R. Bishop's Waiehon«e, makes everybody happy aud satisfied that he is sell- ing Farm Machinery, y ^ At Lower Prices, quality of ma­ chinery considered, than can be found wsewhere. He has the celebrated FIT3S1MMONS A S^AXTSON, mam ************ i? *» * * • *• .(*«•, - . r • • * ' -v tV »* <ffe, * ' . : ' If : "Are displayinw a Larffe and r v ENGAGEMENT EX* TRAO: N > kRY. At Great Expense the AIan?tpre ment has secured the services of ress Goods W, ; •' Is.* ys • ̂ . • ' H i;1. Also Gents' Parasols, Fans, Lacfes, Embroideries, Notions, Lt4ie§' and Fine Teas, Coffee and Spices, None but the Very Best. CHOICE BUTTE* AND ECCS WANTED • . * For which the Highest Market Price will be paid. Call in* * ' . . iv;4fcJ. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. McCormick ers and wine Bind- towers. That Wonderful Bosk. CUIDE TO SUCCESS ?• FOR Business Ai\D V SOCIETY Is scllliihy tens of thousa.i<1ft. It is the most universally useful liook ever puhlishe'l. It tollf comiiletely HOW TO DO KVKKV- TKIN'G in the host way, How to be YourOwn Lawyer, Ilnw to Do Rusiness (Jovrcctly and Successfully, How to Act in society anil everywhere. A gold n.ine of varied informa tion 'lo all claxse^-. for constant refCrenc. AGKSTS WAN'TKI) for all or ipnrt! .time. To know wiiy this liook of REAL value and attractions sells liett-wr nny other, applv B. SCAMMKLL A CO., 3t. Louis, Missouri. REPORT OF THE C O N D I T I O T * THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, -- AT-- Close of Business July 1/82. RE8OLKCK8 Loans and discounts fl23,2f>:i B4 Overdrafts 804 00 17. J*. Itonds to seoure circulation... 80,000 on U.S. Bonds on hand 700 IIO Hue from approved reserve agents. 8.0H7 Due from other National Itnnks.... 8.RS3 28 Keal estate, furniture and fixtures 4,'20o Co Current expenses and.taxes paid... 204 05 Premiums I'aid 440 ft7 Checks and other cash itecio 1,022 iWi Bills of other Uanks 8,844 <10 Fn-'l paper cur. nickels A pennies.. 74 Hrt Specie * 14,812 on Legal tender notes -2,000 00 Total . 47 LTAKtLtTIBS. Capital etoek paid in 36,(100 00 Uiidivided prollts ' 8fiS 73 Iiidividiial'de|K»gitM ouhjcct to cheek J38,:i97 S8 Dne to Old'Kirst National Bank, Woodstock 17,8M S5 «... |192,tt«6 47<j Whrclvare acknowledjyecl by alt to he tlie* best "Harvesters now ill the market. Also the D. S. Morfftm & Co's. Self Rake Harvester and Mower, the Genuine Holllngsworth Rake, And in short a areneral assort­ ment of Farm Machinery of all kinds, which will Ite sold as low a.i pood machinery can be bought wnv where. •- . If in Wiiiit of a Reaper, Mow­ er, Ritkc, or a»iv kind ot machin­ ery , do not fail to call and'see me befortyi^ivhasiiig elsewhere. r 7 ; : ^ R . B I S H O P . McHeary, III., July 11th. HB2. -OF-- Cincinnati • Ohio, PERRY & MARTIN Have a larger stock than ever before in T!io M^FTenrv Urick Mnnnf""- tiirin? (lompnny are now ready to supply Brick in quantities, Prom Small Lots C A R L O A D S . Total . STATE OF ILLINOIS 88 MCHENRY CRTLFNT R, , I, John J. Murpltv, Cashier of tlie above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN J. MATPHR. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th (lay of Jul), WW2- CIIAS. IL IKTNNKLLV, Notary Public. Correct Attest V . A. M I'RHIIT, W. H. STKWAKT, FRKKMAM WHITING, Director*. Money to Loan On Real Estate, for Long Time, at Low Interest. J. J. MURPHY. TO CREAM of all BOOKS of ADVENTURE. Pion Daring Deeds BOOKS of nil kinds. Magazines. Pap pers, News Xoveltle*, Fruits, Con- iect iouery , &.Q., &c., at the Bazaar, op> ypilte J- Stofi's, ilclleury, 111. _ _ A N D Heroe_ Tlie thr i l l ing ; idv«.ntnrcaofall t l i e huro ex­ plorer* and frontier Uffliters with Indiana, outlaws and wild be;i«t», over the whole country, from the earliest times to the pres. cut. Lives ond fanious exploits of DcSoto, LaS^tlle, Siandisli, Boone. Kenton, Itrady, Crockett, Bowie, Houston, Carson, Custer, California Joe, Wild Bill; Buffalo Bill, Gener- • 1# Miles and Crook. (Treat Indliin Chiefs and score* of others. GOItOKOU-iLY ILLUS- TU.\TKr> with 175 fine engravings to the life. AijfcN'T-j VVAMTUD. Low prieed ami bests anything to n il. MTAN0.\KD B<K>K CU, Sr. Ijrnm, M<). 'Valile and pocket cutlery at Perry A Their Brick are second to none to be found in the market, and will be sold at the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, or those handling Brick, will do well to call anil sec us before pur­ chasing For further information, apply to oraddresb. McHenry Brick MamtfacMs Company, Mchenry - - I l l inois. July 5tli, 1H«. JOHNSBURCH The most daring Ladv ^5ro- naut in the woild, who will make three Ascensions in her mammoth Balloon. "Milkentee," on the grounds of the MoHEKRY COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY r W oodstock, 111., Sept. 13, 14 Ac 1«. All Amplications to accompany iss St(ylare in her perilous trip to the clouds must be addressed to the Secretary by September 10th. The Greatest -AND- Most Attractive Fair IN THE WEST. Summer Dress Goods Cambrics, Buutings, Plaids, asljuieres, jn black and colors, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Sarins, Silks, Marble V o HENRY MILLER, --DKALER IN-- * in and Forein Mu^uments, Headstones, IB'PC.. ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc Heni-y, III. Jolinubnrgh And. SOth, 1877 Look «t our all wool Lace Buiitlng^ before buying. J, STEVENS FT SCHMORB ^ CASIIMKHKS. Wtt lMlR lw»|tcrilon of our Caoh- fO«»rp«. i»avliig»«»ow* tixTlarfeest-line er er pile red In tlie fount y. i'EUUT & llARTIN. Broctidcs, Piissemcnteries, Moires, Frin^jes, Buttons, Also full line of Clothing?, Boots and Shoos, Ladies and dren's Fiue Wear, Groceries, Paints, Oils, &c. Call and examine# I FSSLK? A MARTIW. PARASOLS AND FAN White Goods, NEW STYLE GLOVE * • "«5, • And an exceptionally fir line of Hosiery. Look ov< the Line i Stevens &' Schnor $1,400 In Speed Pre­ miums. The Re-Union of the old 17th Illinois Cavalry, on the grounds the third day of the TTair, General John A. Beveridge, commanding. For any information, address the Secretary. <s o % AS. WEIGHT. Sec 'y . Woodstock, HI. Have just opened Depot. near tl I RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY, I Invites an examination of his immense stock of Dry Goods, Dress Gooc Tankea Motions, which are being offered at very low prices. I haye the large sortmcnt of KEADY MADE CLOTHING ever shown in Mcf which will be sold very cheap for cash. In Hat- and Caps, Boots and Shoes, my stock is complete am confident I can save you money on these goods. Paints, Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware. Wooden ahd Wi ware, and the largest stock of Groceries to be friend in McB Prices always as Ion as good Goods can be sold. JSo trouble to f.09da. (Jail and be convinced.

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