Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1882, p. 5

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" Id:' • -\y- .i t V) \ •* /?'<•* 1 •.. w • ?j< ••> f. . v*jrv: >*!••• - * « ? * „ • ^ 0--J7 \¥ „* 7 t'ipf/.v®? ; ?3"7?B™ fsf* , 5^-'; •*" f <4n»'«| 14 v*fe - ^HTJ^hhlNbf. WEDNESDAY, JULY 26. 1888. Railroad Time Table. 001»I<; SOUTH. enevaTjAke Paosenorer ........7:95 A.* inera Uk« Kxpresj : .8:W TiUke Freixlit r. U. He am boat Express . . . . , . . . . i »*.V»..».5:M " IR . FLFLLVO JTOKTH. #9ben**i Titk* FreisrHt.... A. * fit earn tv»at Exnress . 10-.M " i-. ifSenera Iittke Rxprexa . 4: M p. v Ukfl Puwnnr --6:58 " B. BUM, Agent. . McHenry, III MASOXIC Mclfmntr T^nnoK. No. 1W \. F. and A. M.-- -Jtegular Communications the Saturday m or before the full of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. CHAS. C. COLBT, W. M, McHKwur cnAPTKR rfo. 34 R. A. M --Rejru- t*r Convocations held on the second and fourth Frid.iT a m each moneh. SMITH 8KAIU.ES, H. P. > A TOUKO child of'R. Holly, of this Tillage, was buried on Sunday last. of page. READ the card, on the first John Klelfgen, Painter. THE McHenrv County Falrfta* A new advertisement this week. Which 110 one should fall to rend. 1 ( ALL the Daily Papers can be found at BesleyVDrug Store, after the 10 o'clock trai 11 each morning. f A new sign adorns the front of Riv- I erslde Block, which read*, "Henry Pol- I by." It takes the place'of the old sign \of Colby Bros. WE hear a rumor that a Brick Block Is to be pnt up on the corner opposite Blake's Furniture Store, a part of which is torbe used as a Bank. ^We hope the rumor may prove true. JACOB BON^MCTT has been repairing the house on liiS farm. Painting it in­ side and out, papering, ctc., which much improves its appearance. John Kleifgen did the work. X ' • ' $. > LET every sportsman take an interest 111 enforcing the game law, this year. If there is any hunting before the 15th of August, some one will get caught aud they will be mnde to feel real bad. RKV. W-M. NICK I.E. of Ringwood. will preach Sunday night, at the M. E Church. Subject, "Conversion of the Jailor." Services in the' morning as usual. , WHEN will people forbid the use of toy pistols by their children? Our ex­ changes, since the Fourth, have report* ed hundreds uf ea^cs of lock jaw, maim­ ing and death, caused by them. . . Outt Ring wood and Solon correspon­ dence came to hand but were tinatoida-, bly crowded out this week. What does not spoil by age will appear -next week. to T- ~ ~ ; 1-1; PKMONTL. C. H^BEERS and wife have gone Grant Park. III., to visit friends. vMiss MABEL FORD has g »«e to Ifarlen, Wis., for a three weeks' visit. MttS. F. K. O RANGER Will Visit, friends iu Chicago this week. , , Miss R. A. WIDMKR, of Chicago, is visiting friends here this week. Miss MAGGIE CLARK is spending a few days in Chisago. Hjhss JENNIE SKARLES J*ylaiting with friends in Chicago. GEO. GARRISON, of Greenwood, ti|. 011 our streets on Monday. FRIENDS from Chicago have been visiting with the family of J. Bishop. JOHN STERBA and family, of Wool- stock, were calling 011 friends here oa Sundav. > - ^ * • Miss ADIME ALEXANDER, $f Lake Zurich, was the guest of H. E. Wight- man and family on Sunday. ASA W. SMITH, ESQ., of Woodstock, made our sanctum a call on Wednesday of last week. EDSON BRESEE has been qntte sick the past weeK, but is now reported better. HENRT AND OSCAR AHRRNS, of Chi­ cago, were the guests of Geo, Rosen- berger and family last week. CHARLES WARD, who Is with Cnlver, Page & lloyne, Chicago, has been rus­ ticating for a week in this vicinity, making his headquarters At the River­ side House. & m ( ICE CREAM every day and evening at H. H. Nichols', either by the dish or quart. As long as the weather keeps warm you can depend on finding it nice and fresh at all times. THE Unlversiili&ts of Nnnda, wHI give H Lawn end Ice Cream Sociable at the residence of Mr. E. Berkley, this week. Saturday evening. July 29th. U1 are cordially invited. AT a meeting of the Town B«ard( held at the Town Clerk's office on Fri­ day. J„.W. Crlsty. Supervisor, present­ ed his resignation. which, being ac­ cepted, F. K. Granger was appointed to fill the vacancy. •The Ladies' Literary Club will meet with Mrs. C. "V. Stevens Wednesday, Aug; 2nd. at the usual hour. Topics. •'Percy Bysslie Shelley," '"Mrs. Mary Shelley," and "Jean-Ingelow." MRS. JAS R. PRRRT, President. • JULIA A. STORT, Secretary. THERE will be a Steamboat Excur­ sion to Fox I.a^e on Sunday next July Sftth. The Boat wiil leave McHenrv at 2 o'clock, p. M., returning leave Fox Lake at o o'clock p. M. Fare, round trip.60 ceiits. 1 APPLES, Tomatoes Grapes and Peaches can be found at H. H. Nichols' Restaurant. He intends to keep rIt kinds of fruit in its season. He has one of the neatest little stores in the county. HON. HENRY D. DEMENT, Secretary of State, will please accept thanks for volu.nes one, two. three and four. Ses­ sion Laws, 1881, ttnd Senate and House Journals, and laws of the special ses­ sion of 1882. - WANTED, at the Patriot office, six young doves. Call at once, or address, stating price.-- W'aukegan Patriot. Our ex-devil is in want also, but Its lambt. not doves, he's af ter. Whether its "Mary's little lamb,'1 or some other girl's, we are not informed. SHE decorated her room with bric-a- brac and pictures.-and placed her hus­ band's photo on the topmost nail. Then she sat down to admire her work, and blissfully remarked: "Now every­ thing Is lovely and the goose hangs high." INTERESTED parties should make a note of the fact that a law of the Unit­ ed States/makes it a grave criminal of­ fense tu4ll up the holes iu a punched coiiv«Cnd passing it of! as the "clear qnjfl.'1 The penalty Is only W.OOO. or imprisonment for five years, or both. ----• • THE Ice Cream Festival, for the ben­ efit of, the cemetery, on Thursday evening last, was a success iu. every particular. A goodly number were present, and all seemed to enjov them­ selves in the best of manner. The •re­ ceipts of the evening were something over $60. WE learn that SmitVs Bell Ringer's will give an entertainment at River­ side Hall, on Monday evening next, July 31st. This troupe is said to have one of the finest bands in the State, and their entertainments are highly spoken of, both by the public and press, wherever they have been. We bespeak lor them a fu11 *ioese. ONE of the most dastardly acts that e have heard of in many a day was committed at the M. F<. Church, during service on Sunday evening last, by some party on the outside. We. know not who It was, but If he could he found out the severest punishment of the law should be administered to him. We are sorry to know that there Is a ifnan or boy In this community who is l<bw etiotkgh to do so mean an act. THE Nt. Charles Chronicle Is rather hard on Dr. Todd.'the Elgin weather prophet. Hear what it says: "Many papers are publishing Dr. Todd's •weather speculations, which are about as sensible and accurate as the Indian's reason for the great earthquake in the Mississippi valley in 1811. When asked what was the caitee, he shrugged his shoulders and said,'Humph 1 me spec great spirit too much bad whiskey." SOLDIER'S. ATTENTION!--MUO B. Steverts & Co.. the well known War Claim Attorneys, will be represented at Woodstock. Monday and Tuesday. August 14 and 16, by their- special agent,'Frank L. Darling. Soldiers and others interested in claims for pension, increase of pension, or other claims. It it hoped, will give him a call. Mr.. Darling's whereabouts may be ascer­ tained at the office of the Clerk of the Court. WE were handed a copy of the Braid- wood. III.. ReptthUcnn. last week, which contained a notice of anew Photograph Gallery, which had been lately erectetf in that village by B. A. Ford, who for­ merly mn the gallery iu this village, From the description we should judge no finer gallery can be found In the State, outside of the cities, and tlrit Mr. Ford was doing'a t'iriviiig business. His friends in this section are glad to learn of his prospm-ity. THE old saving tliat there ar$ tricks in all trades was verified by the fol­ lowing, which we clip from an exchange; "They wanted to serve supper two evenings at a church fair up in Belvi- dere hut they only had food enough for one even!ng. So they loaded one table with bread and butter and cheese, and pur. pretty girls to wait on«it. and put the good supper on another table waited on by darkeys. The men came In with their dollar tickets aiid t.liey all dropped at the bread and cheese table of the girls, while the tables at which the darkeys stood were left va­ cant, and Ihejrj had the good supper left for the second night." A YOUNG lawyer at Janesville stepped Into the Recorder office one day last week for the purpose of thrashing Its city editor for telling the public j>ne had been seen lying drunk. He commenced operations on ye editor but was whipped so quick that he -started directly for a warrant, but the court would not issue It. The editor was punished In the evening bv being presented with a handsome I o ique< bv a number of Janesville ladies who seem to have appreciated his efforts. IN speaking of the encampment of the Chicago regiment at Geneva Lake the daily News says: But one disa­ greeable feature has occurred so far to mar the serenity of camp life, being the reducing of a corporal to the ranks and sending him home in disgrace, •subject to further orders, for conduct detrimental to the morals and unbecom­ ing the dignity of the regiment. The colonel is determined to keep t!\e reputation 4f the regiment up to its high standard, however much he may deprecate being obliged to resort to extreme measures. IN making up his forms the foreman of a Montreal paper mixed an article on Roman Catholic Missions with a recipe for making tomato catsup. As published the article reads: "The Ro­ man Catholic* claim making ma­ terial advances in Africa. During the past three years they have obtained a firm footiuflr iu the interior of the con­ tinent. and have sent forth several missionaries into'the equatorial reg­ ions. They are accustomed to begin the work by buying heathen children and educating them. Th£~easiest and best way to prepare them Is to first wipe them with a clean towel, then place them in dripping pans, and bake them till they are tender. Then you will have no difficulty in rubbing them through a sieve and will save time by not hfHncr obliged to rut- them in slices aud 000it lor Mverui houri»." a 1 . v iiWjfe --*• -- AN exchauge says: "From one half to one pound of alum dissolved I11 twelve quarts of water, and put upon potato vines, with a brush hroain. Is said to be a dead shot for the nogs. It is believed to be equally efficient for cabbage worms. Dissolve the alum fin hot water aud then add the required amount of cold water. W. P. MORSE, one of Uncle Sam's most efficient mail agents, has. been transferred from a night run to the new R. P. O. mail service between Chi­ cago, III., and Winona, Minn., and took ills first run out of Chicago on Saturday morning last. After having done night work for over three years his transfer to a .lay route Is but a just recognition of an efficient and faithful officer. WE learn there Is to be a Foot Race iu this village on Saturday next for a purse of 925, open to all who may wish to enter. Also at the same time, a race, single dash of one hundred yards, of two well known runners of this vil­ lage. There will also be a purse of­ fered for l lie best single jump. Taken all together some.rare sport may he expected. OUR attention has been called to some horse shoeing done by J. W.Grlni- olby. of Ringwood, and we must say that as a workman in this, line he is hard to beat. He turns all his own shoes, and good judges say' that they are simply perfect. He cures In­ terfering hotses, which tact of itself goes a great way with owners of hors­ es. Our readers In Ring wood and vi­ cinity are fortunate in having so good a blacksmith in their midst, and he should, as ho 110 doubt does, receive a liberal patronage. THE Wiuikegan Gazette says: "The Executive ftommitte of the Lake County soldier's Reunion Association are to hold a meeting in a few days to mftke arrangements for the annual meeting, which is expected to take place at some time in the latter part of August. Those who have proposi­ tions to submit to the Association looking to the furnishing of a camp­ ground. music; etc., should correspond with L. C. Manzer. Carp post-office, in tiiis county. President of the Associa­ tion, or with Col. Win. M. Reid. Wau- kegaii. tluriug the coming week/* WE are informed that Dr. E. A. Tubbs will not return ttl this place, as was expected and hoped for by our clti/.ens, but will instead settle in some eastern city. Now while we don't mean to infer that McHenrv is lacking physicians, hut would rather - boast of the ability of our doctors, j'et we be­ lieve there Is room, jea, need, in all well-organised societies, for men of the skill and knawledg* of Dr. Tubbs, and we would cheerfully any to the people wherever the Doctor may choose to locate, that they have been fortu­ nate to secure a man of good aud stea­ dy habits^ of patience aud ability, and when we shall have heard from him in his new home shall speiilc more f u l l y o f h i s . q u a l i f i c a t i o n * . . . WAUCONOA •»-*UB*ORIpTIOVS for the Pi.AtWDRAT.CR will l»« rjjcoiven in Wuuconda at K. B. Har­ rison's Dm# store aud at the Post Ottru. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Lady Alice Thome. Mr. Fisher's grey messenger mare was eminently successful in her stupendous race against time last week. In fact she gave such unques­ tioned proof of her aristocratic blood. Mfiudav. coming in long before sunset, that Mr. lloney declared the addition­ al sixty mile test unnecessary, aud paid over the money. Instances are not uncommon where trotters have com- iu twenty seconds or such a mat­ ter ahead of coinpetitors, bht rarely, if ever, as in the present instance, do we find cases recorded where the win­ ning horse comes in two full days ahead. Mr. Wallace Bennett of Barring ton, was buried with Masonic honors lues- dav. Rev. Mr. Cooper preached the se rmon. THERE will be a Steamboat Excur­ sion to Fox Lake on Sunday next. July 30th. The Bout will leave Mcllenry at 2 o'clock, p. M.. returning leave Fox Lake at 5 o'clock, p. M. Fare, round trip, 50cents. Mr. Splicer has received news of his wife's safp arrival in Glasgow. She In­ tends beiuy absent about two months. Mr. Spencer put. Iu a new purifier some time ago. and Is now adding more tiew machinery. Whatever In­ creases the capacity ond efficiency of thq mill is of personal interest, not only to Mr. Spencer jand the farmers but to the entire community, espec­ ially the merchants, who wish, of couree,_to draw as much legitimate trade as possible to their owu town. A picnic party.consisting principally of Mr. Swinson'a family and his board­ ers, took a trip to Fox Lake Wednes­ day. ' There are three dances to report this week. One Tuesday night at Mr. Frank Powers' new bam and two Fri­ day night: one at Mr. O'Neil's new barn, and one in Maiman's Hall. An additional feature of this dance was the sale of a rifle belonging to , Mr^ Fred Kendricks, by ticket, an extra charge for a dance ticket giving a chance at the gun. It was won by Mr. Collette, a Chicago fruit agent, who bought a ticket on his lasc trip here two weeks ago. Mr. Robert Taggart will not teach this year, lie lias taken an agency for school globes, maps and other school furniture. He lias just bought a horse of Mr. Paschal Houghton, add will travel through Mcileiiry County aud the northern part of Cook. \ Mr. Ernest 'l'aggart, a student of Olivet College, Michigan. Is visiting at his uncle's. Mr. J. R. Weils and Mr. Robert liar* risou have friends visiting them. Miss Barey is visiting her sister Mrs. Dr. Wells. Chas. Myrtck. son-in-law of Am­ brose Bangs is at Justus Bangs. Chas. Callahan ot Chicago, recently made a short visit home. Mr. Stebbhis Ford-was iclc^'l quite seriously by A bora* Sunday. A SHORT PRIM Kit LESSON. Now, my son, I have told you so many things about Natural Historv, In which I have endeavored to explain to your youthful mind some of the habits of the Editor, the Public Adminis­ trator and many other animals. I think this evening, we will try an exercise iu orthography and syntax. You may spell primer. ,, Y 'I '/ "f ,$* ' } P-r-l-ro-in««M\ primer* 'So, my soil, that Is n But, mv papa, I have spelled it as I found it in the "McHenry County Dem­ ocrat' and here it is--p-r-l-m-m-e-r. Give us another "nrimmer lesson," Van, and then, for the good Woodstock Department. the community, 'no. the _ .. choke Asa off. That is so, my son. Evidently Web­ ster aud Worcester did not knew how td^fepe!! it as tiiev use but one Now you,may spell "discordant.* D-i -8-c-o-r-d-e-n-t, discordant. Wrong again. No, papa, I spelled It just like Democrat and here It is: The quarter inspired the grinder with fresh vim, and he bore riiflu down on his musie tmx and made the vicinity' tairly howl with dis­ content sounds. . Well, my son. Webster and Worces­ ter must have been great bunglers at spelling. Spell "cucumbers.* O-u-c-h-m-b-e-r-s, Now, papa, please do not say that is wrong, for here it is. I just took it from the Democrat: We hare ottr hooks open to contract for cnchintiers for the Harvard Factory. Call and contract for as many acres as you wish. Sure enough, my son. the Democrat must be right, so you try Usulphur." S-u-l-p-h-e-r is the way the Demo- cro< spalls it, and I hfcVe It he re to show you: J. U. Crorob and family have gone to Rul. pher Spring, at Geneva Lake, to spend some weeks. Well, well! Webster, ^Worcester, Walker and Johnson all are wrong. I do not see why the Democrat does not publish a dictionary and teach 11s how to spell. But I must way yon did some excellent work by observing so care­ fully how the Democrat spells every word. Papa, yon ought to have said, "you done tome excellent work.1* Do you not see thnt I* the way the Democrat prints it. Here it is |ust as 1 cut It out for my scrap book: Our base ball olub done aome excellent work Wedresday considering the practice they have had. Here is another scrap which teaches me to spell "mopped" with but oue "p'» aud ••bququ^t*' It-o-q-u-e-t: • The editor of the Janesville Recorder mojicd the floor in good sh.tpo with a "limb of the law" last Monday, and was rewarded by the ladies of the city with a handsome lioquet. Editors are bad medicine in Wisconsin. And here is another example which you old fashioned people do not kiiow how to spell--endurance. It should be, an-durauce, jugt as lha* Democrat has It: \ Von ean strengthen your muscular system and increase your powers ot anduranoe. I will try you wfth one mere word and If yon beat me with that I will bid you good night. Now spell "Assess­ ment. \ A-«s-in-e-n-t. You need not laugh because that 1st the way the Democrat spells it. Look here aud see for your­ self: por., to-wit: That the assment of railroad .r„|n property lie subject to and equalised by the '* per cento, etc,,, etc.., etc. But. papa, what does "assment'* menn. and what,does It mean where It says: "rtte quarter Inspired the grinder with fresh vim, and ha bore right down on his music box and made the vicinity fairly howl with discord- eni sounds." What was in that box that made the vicinity howl so? My son.,4the ways of the Democrat aie past finding out/' Good night. . Corydon Richards has moved to Ma­ rengo. * Geo. Whltson and sister. Miss Ida, went up to Twin Lakes to vislt friends in camp there last Saturday. Mrs. M. W. Kerwin, of Chicago, is yislting lior parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Quinlin, of this city.,, Mrs. A. K, Blinker went to Tomah, Wis., last week. We believe the lady has relatives there whom she visited. The fountain that we htve repeated­ ly spoken of is at last in running order. In the'centre of our beautiful park. Misses Nellie and Jennie Burtch, daughters ot the editor of the Harvard Independent, visited friends iu -this city last Saturday. The Rev. Byron Alden preached In the Baptist Church, Sunday last, the Rev. J. D. McLeau being absent taking a short vacation. Mrs. Ed. Richmond returned home last Saturday,after visiting friends In Iowa. She had been absent about two weeks. * J Mrs. John A. ParrlshKoK- -this city for Washington Co., NISY., last Mon­ day. We believe she Intends remain­ ing in that vicinity until tail. L. J. Gates, wife and family depart­ ed for N. Y? the first of the week, We understand they will visit the rela­ tives of both Mr. and Mrs. Gates, and stay until the warm weather is over. THERE will be a Steamboat Excur­ sion to Fox Lake on Sunday next, July 30th. The Boat wll| leave McHenry at 2 o'clock, P. M., returning leave Fox Lake at 5 o.clock, p. M. Fare, roaitd trip, 50 cents. Elmer Bagley, son of our popular lumber dealer, was quite sick last week at the Richmond llmiMe. We under* Stand at this writing he Is much bet­ ter. and will soon be able to attend "to business again In his father's office. ^ M. I). Hoy and wife took their daugh­ ter Kittle to Geneva Lake last week, thinking a change may improve Miss Klttle's health, which has been very poor for some time past. Mr. Hoy re­ turned to business, leaving Mrs. Hoy and daughter to enjoy the gentle breezes ot the beautiful Lake. Dr. Jennie Haynor returned to Chi­ cago early this week. She has been here some time In attendance at the bedside of her father, who died la«t week. Miss Hayiior Is practicing Iter profession In Chicago, and we hear Is meeting with suueess in every par tlcular pertaining to the same. Mr. O. Y. Fields, of this city, Who lias for so many years been the head brakeman on the Woodstock Accom­ modation train, tojd the boys at the train last Monday morning that it was a glH, sure, tills time. The llttlestraD- ger came Into the laud of the living last Sunday night, and was thrice wel comei, «o at least one would judge, by seeing the smiling countenance of O. a OBITUARY. MRS JENNIE E. HKWES was born In Ring wood, McHenry Co.. III., Dec. 24th. 1859. and died July 17, 1882. She was married to her now bereaved husband, Aptll 0, 1870. She came to Hebron soon nfter, and her home has sinc#benu at tills place. Her health had not been good for a number of weeks, but her symptoms were not considered alarm­ ing until two or three weeks ago. when she seemed to. be failing, nud grew rapidly worse until she died. She leaves a husband, a father and a moth­ er, a sister and four brothers, all of whom were present at the funerel, but one brother, who was in a distant state and could not be present. Mrs. Hewes was well known and much beloved by the whole community. She assisted her husband in the store, and In this way met and knew most every one. She was more than ordinarily attrac­ tive iu personal appearance, with love­ ly qualities of mind and heart, such as won and lield many friends. Her loss will be felt both at Hebron and at her former home, by a large circle that reaches far beyond her immediate rela­ tives, As the end approached her mind was clear, she recognir-ed her friends, distributed some of her eftects among them, bade them a loving fare­ well and calmly died. Funeral services held at the Hebron M. E. Church, July 19,1882, conducted by Rev. G. C. Clark. The remains were interred in the family lot at Ringwood Cemetery. A CARD. The friends of Mrs. Jennie E. Hewes. deceased, wish to express their grati­ tude-to the many who so kindly assist­ ed tliem In their latehrial and affliction. Buc klon* Arnica Salvo. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises. Burns. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, And positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henrjr Col­ by. Money to l*oan. In sums of from f 100 to 91,000. Apply at this office. MERINO BUCKS FOR SALE. The undersigned has a tew chaice yearling Bucks for sile at his farm, 1J miles southeast of Spring Grove. Mc­ Henrv ('ouiitv. 111. Th««y are the finest l„t of Merino Bucks in the County. Post office address, Biivin's Mills. III. AAUOV iio*rMAii. julyfr-aiit' > We hear of but llttle'sickness in this locality nt present. It Is, indeed, a very poor time for the doctors to laugh and grow fat, unless they are blessed with an abundance of this world's goods. The M. D. who gets his bread aud butter by Ids practice Is anxiously waiting and watching for the time when the festive cucumber, the juicy watermelon and the roasting ear are ready for the harvest. GRISWOLD LAKE. EDITOR PLAIND BALER:-- WIN, Ven- ettje is erecting a new house on his farm on the west side of tho river. Thos. Powers, of McHenry, was on our streets last week. We wonder If he was in earnest when he«aid he was after that cultivator shovel. R. J. Sutton Is preparing to ereot a new barn on his premises soon. if you want your buggies painted isp in style cell on M. O'Brien. Miss Claxton, of Volo, and J. Wil­ son. of this place, were married at Geneva Lake on Wednesday last. The young couple have the best wishes of this community. May they live long and prosper. A base ball club Is to be started here soon. W. J. Kittle, of Ringwood. was visit­ ing Ids parents at this place last week. Mlrou Francisco was on our streets last week. The question is, why the factory divi­ dend for Maty is not aronud. It is left for those interested to solve. J. C. Conway, the enterprising horse dealer, is now speculating l:i trotting stock, a sample of which may be seen at auy time by calling at his place of business. We understand that James >Morley, formerly of this place, but late of Michi­ gan, died very recently. The deceased was well known here. Those interested in dancing should not forget the dance at Volo, next Fri­ day evening. The McHenry Quadrille Baud will furnish the music. A General Stampede, Never was such a rush made for any drug store as is now at Henry Colbv's. for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aud Colds. Ali persons afflicted with Asthorfe Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Se­ vere Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bot­ tle ot tills great remedy free by calliug at above Drug Store. Oonven. Greenback Mass tion. The voters of McHenry County are requested to attend a Mass Convention to be held at Nuiida, Saturday, July 29th, at 1 o'clock, p. M.. for the purpose of putting iu nomination candidates to be supported for County officers, at the coming election, to appoint delegates to the Congressional aud Representa­ tive (/Olivertions, aud transact such other t»us'»»o*s n« may come Wfore tjt* incciiu^. BY Oaosa or CoaxiTTsa. Motto*. To P'vasurc Seeker* ami Whoever Jt Man Concern. As parti-", known and nnknown tn me. have ruthle*«ly cnt and despoiled timber, dng and removed *od. stone gravel and grape vines, and otherwise* lawlessly damaged my lot of about 60 acres, situated on the east-shore of tin* south Lake, at Twin Lake*. I hereby warn all persons against a continuance of such conduct. Neither can any per­ son occupy said premises without per­ mission from the owner, i shall, from aud after this date prosecute offenders to the full exten; of the law. HANKAB Manama. HIMOS, lit., Julr 18, isttt. :• •• ReedVQHt Ed*»To*c „ appetite. Fishing Tackle of all kinds at EugeliiV, in Howe's Jltock, am new Bridge. Overalls--We have a largo »toek ffC*| men aud boy*. Good and cheap at:, Henry Colby's. ^ ^ Bockeve Force Punspfe, at E t.A Owen's. ' The Union Cora Planter it Owen & Son's. HOUSE AND LOT FOR I offer my house and lot, alttMted In tho village of McHenry, for sale. Tliilre is a irood barn, outhouses and small fruit 011 the premises. Will be sold.on reasonable terms.. Apply to X. KMOKur. IE yon want a good »m»4m try tlM Little Devil,'* at Bfealey'* Iht^ Store* Parasols A Fans, Fine Display Sat Perry & Martiu'* A fine stock of otraw hats. A good I1.SB hat for SO cents, at E Lawlu«*. THE latest Sheet (Music, and all of the Seaside, Lakeside, and Franklin Square Libraries and Story Papers at the Basaar Book and News Stand*, op­ posite J. Story's, McHenry. III. Bunting^ ' *t; A nice line of Lace Stevens A Schnorr's. Our Grocery Department is now complete, and have some bargains fu tea and coffee which it will pay the close buver to iuspeet. HENRT COLRT. New Hats In endless variety, iktest styles aud lowest prices at Henry Colby's. HOSIERY. Do not buy a pair of HOSE nntll von have looked «*>r new stock over. STKVKNJ&SonNOB*. Paints and Oils--afuMlins and pri­ ces low at Henry Colby's. ; ̂ j g "RAISE A BREEZE.*: Get one of ottr fans and protect yourself with oue of our new style parasols. pannr AMARlqi; MRS. E. W. HOWE Has just returned from the city with a full Hue of Spring and Summer Millin­ ery, to which she invites the especial attention of the ladies. Her stock of Ribbons, Flowers, and Ladles' Furnish­ ing Goods generally, was never more complete than now. and she Is confident that she can please all who may favor lier with h call. Call and see the new styles and learn prices. UlRg. E. W.Howrn Clothing.--Black Dress Suits* Con­ firmation Suits, Spring. Summer aud Fall Suits. Children's Suits, Boys' Suits Youtli's Suits. Men's Suits, all at prices to suit at Henry Colby's. Umbrellas.--We have a giod assort­ ment in styles and prices. Call and see them at Henry Colby's. Fine Shoes.--The largest line and best styles ever shown in this market. Call aud examine them at Henry Col­ by's. * 11 --•••'<{"» Our stock of Drugs. Chemicals and Patent Medicines "was never more complete. Goods reliable and prices right at Henry t7olby>. . *" WANTED. 60.000 pounds choice Butter, fW which we will pay the highest market price in Cash or trade. RITCSIMMOM A BVAHSOIT. Always RsCrwM A delicious odor is Imported by Florestoa Cologne, which la always ro> freshing, no matter how frvely UM«I, 'The finest line ,»f silver and Plated ware to be found in the cooaty, at O. W. Owen's. IF you want a good smoke try one OF u Barb!an Bros. Best." They are A * •• - f „«eeiHy BeWm. OtrieelNfnt of its ' Icate and lasting fragrance, society belles are Jond In their praises of Florcaioa Cologne. , • ; FORSAL% * 40 Acres of land In Section 11, ail fenced. Also 80 acres of land, §witti a good house and barn thereon, Wttll timber and water in abundance. In Sec­ tion 22. Also mv homestead on tho Crystal Lake and Nun da road. Good OSW house, barn and vtlwr outbuildings.--- Apply to <JoHS& funn. FATHER ft »ONS, For Clothing look at our lafye stock. For a good suit and a oOH fll call on Stevens A Schnorr. FOR SALE OR RENT. A honse and one-half acre of land the village of Ringwood. House tains live rooms. Will be sold able. Apply to WESLET LuM, Kixowoou, ill., April 4th, 189% la TRY one of Barblan Broe. "New Stock."* It will compare with any Ci­ gar in the market. Look at French Ginghams ens 4b Schnorr's. ; at 8to*> ' m Spring ynrt Summer Oirereoata Henry Colby's. Ir yon want to bny Clothing at Chi­ cago prices, eall on E. Lawlus, la Lan­ sing's Block. McHenry. Dress goods In new style* few* t| cents per yard tip ait Fitaslmmoaa |il Evanson'sf The finest line of Drees Goods, Lin­ ings and Trimmings at Steveas Jk Sehnorr's. New Invoice of Parasols Sun­ shades at Henry Colby's. Clover Blossoms Wanted. I will pay 1J cents per pound far Clover Blossoms, deli?ered at Bishop's Building, near the Bridge, McHenry, U. H. .OLATSOW. FOR SALE. Am obliged to sell my driving team, one a dark and one a light bay: seven and four years old, respectively. Weight, when In good order, nine hundred and twenty-five pounds each. Inquire of Mr. H. L. Waterman, at the pickle factory, McHenry, or of J. W. Crlsty, Ringwood. III. w. A. oaisvir. JnneSlst, 1882. Anything des.ired In Draat Trim­ mings at Perry & Martin's. Plain and Lace Buntings. Lawns and Cambrics at Perry A Martin's. Wool Twine enough for all at Henry Colby's. Gossamer Circulars, and Coats for ladies and gentlemen always In stock at Henry Colby's. / ALL the daily and weekly papers, magazines, Ac., can be found at Wheel­ er's news room In Keller's block. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 9000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Posts for sale. Inquire of JOBS DORAK. The Highest Rank Made from harmless materials, and adapted to the needs of fading and falling nair, Parkers Hair Balsam has taken the highest rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. . ^ ' NOTICE. j Wii'erens. my wife has left my and board without just cause or prove cation, this is to forbid all i^rsous from trusting or harboring her on my ac­ count. as I shall pav n? debts of her contracting, after this ^ate. S/EPIIEJ* p. SMITH, MCHBVBT, lit, July 8P. I«t. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Millinery and Dressmaking. / Four pair of/oveialls for Law Ins'. Lans/ng's Block. st E. CARRIAGE^! CARRIAGES! CAR- / KIAGES! Any one in want of a -Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail to call oi- E. M. Owen & Son and see the large car-load just received. The finest finished lot ever eome to the count# and will sell them cht»ap. ; nEAD LIGHT OIL. The best Kerosene OH In lots at H. a Nichols. 175 Fire Test. Clothlngnew and stylish and prices ever moderate at Fltsslmmons A ' K*» auson's. Look at our tine of Gnlnett and American Dru, aii'». Walking Shoes.--A full line, latest styles and first class. Wo have alw» a few dozen pairs we are offering at ft reduced price to close. Ask to MS them at Henry Colby's, Csll and oyer look tlie flnO lot Carriages at E. M. Owen A Son's •' The "River Queen>* The beautiful Steam Ts Queen." is now In first cfase plying the waters of tlge La * Tttwr ta thou twisty of MeBemML ill Parties desiring - to charter her for pleasure trips, by tlin day or koar, or for special trips, will be accommodated on short notice. Mir The "River Queen" will be ready at all times to accommodate the public, elthej; jtor private parties or passenger travel. Omnibuses will be at the depot nn tho arrival of all traius to convey passen­ gers to the boat. C. O. MALMGREN. Proprietor. N.J. MILLER. Captain. . Table Oil Cloth, very g«»od, 90 cents p^r yard at Fliaslmmons A Evaason'a A new assortment of Laws thlowook at Perry A Martin's. Waaconda Ice Cream Parfera. E. W. BROOKS. SUCCESSOR TO OOLDINO * BWMMCS, Would respectfully announce to the public tiiat he lias opened his fci Cream Parlers for the season and now prepared to furnish loe CrefCmf every day aud evening, by the dUhf »r quantity. I also keep on hand Fancy/Groo. erles of all kinds. Canned Goods, Na­ tions, Tobaccos. Cigars. Confeeilonerjv etc.. which I am selling aa lew or lower than any other honse in tho county, quality of goods considered. When iu want of anything to my lino I invite you to call! confident that ( can please you both In quality and price. E. w. BROOKS. Wauconda, III.. May 23d, 1881 Just received--Some very, pretty and desirable styles of sH wool Lara Buntings which will be sold very cheap. Call and examine them ai Heur)* Colby's. Honey, sholoe aud cheap at Haary Colby's. SELF BIDDERS, TWINE BINDERS. Farmers wishing to purchase a Self Binder will do well to call on E. M. Owen A Son and fee the uMianespo!ts" before buying, as it has two years ad­ vance improvements on the binding part that no other lias. J. F. Applet*? the Inventor of tlie Twine Binder* su|>erluteud8 the Minneapolis DSN] vesterwoiks. There ts nothing to ha feared from McCormtck'* threats. Can , also get yon a ee&brated Wood Twltm] Binder If you prefer it. BSherman, WOCilSHTOCK, 8UL, -nutn iv-- Breech and Muzzle U Shut 6unt. Powder, Shot. C&M, Wad at ae4 tor sale. Pisbiag iWkle All kind* of ;•< Sportlnf AND REPAIRING DOX&] A good Breech uw ilnf, Double Gnn. wairanMd Twist, SSS. Witt-heater R18e, 7« m<«l«t, IS tta Nickel Plated S shot Revolver, *9.ta Self cooking British Halt !>•» Puiwl. tMtl A foci Sinirlr Barrel, Itreeeb Single Oiib, w»ri-anted. *S I vt ill UU'UM ».•!. AN? ^ 'B I'leeaeaSy I Ronsan-l iritU if y*i| waft] xnon MM >t wtll n*v yea t»«-*tl MM 1 ear mat every (at I tel.. B SBMMMA1

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