Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1882, p. 8

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tilM OiMMiultin' .T*M Oonmftndmenta. I I *m Jigyli&t maketti up thy milk » Into cltceailiit ereby putting the shek- iWlBl® llp^iocket; therefore I com- MM4 im.yi honor and lore WW, you, •»d jmt w(tm and daugli tens--espeo- UllylfciUttPr. 1, *Thou *b»lt sol my unto the «hMM«t*k*r or Mi aulstan, "Wtiy Alftteit ikon me In the Weight of my tttHC lest he arlM lu Ms wrath and PMMk thy snout. S. Remember the Sabbath day to fetter thy milk oarly to the factory, for It* that tarrleth long In the morn­ ing putteth me back in my work, and «ameth much profanity, yon, even so. 4. Thou abalt put no water into tliy ( •Ut, last when thy dividend cometh Mt, and going forth to eeek It thou eoweth unto the committee, they shall •ay unto the, "Dost thou see anything lu our optics of an emerald color? Thou wilt get no shekels lie re for thy •Ilk. not If thic court knoweth herself, and <he thlnketh ah* doth; moreover. If thou eettleth not this thing op, we ahull aak« Si red hot for thee.,* ft. Tkou shalt not kill thy "deklne" asrd leave the carcasses thereof to rot Mar unto thy barn yard or other place wkre thw doit thy milking, for the Kach thereof tainteth the ittllk, •, Thon shait not brine unto the foelory any sour milk, or tainted milk, Mr the milk of a cow that Is lately calved, for from audi milk oometh forth lively cheese. T. Thou shalt not carry off more than thv sharv of whey. One bog Car­ rie th food unto the rest. ft. Thou shalt cause thy cans to be washed every day, the seams thereof and cover, for a filthy can is an abomi­ nation In my sight, and I will visit my wrath upon tbe head of him who bring* •Milt. i. Thou shalt not bother the cheese- •ahe, saying unto him, "When shall I receive another dividend?" for verily I sa? unto you, he neither knoweth or cavath a continental about it, 10 Thou shalt not say unto oiie an­ other concerning me, MLo! bath not till* Phllilstlne of a cheesemaker a soft thing? He getteth big wages and worketh not hardfor verily I say unto vow, that's a "whopper," for be getteth op early in tbe morning and lahoreth till late at night. Moreover, ha worketh on tbe Sabbath May H» Lord have mercy on him. GRAY X{ii&is$r Ahead. ^ SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED --AT HIS-- Carriage and Wagon Factory, A WD . BLACKSMITH SHOP, RICHMOND, I sell every Implement. Tool or Machine a former wants. PI, \TKOUM SPfttNG, DE­ LIVERY ANl> FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIK8, One, two and three NitK^ from the eele brated manufactory of Freeport. Henry * Co., •IS DCT* TO 8IMO. ir. giving reralnlscenses of ras In court, said:, "An odd case was that of State *vs. Link- ham, m N. C« 314. The defendant was Indicted lor disturbing a religions con­ gregation. He was an Individual of awmplary deportment, but ho had a father Imperfect idea of hymn-singing. The disturbance, which was decided and serious, consisted in his holding «N» the notes long after the other singers bad let go. The effect of this per- •totanoe was to mt ke one part of the congregation laugh, and tbe other snad; the irreligious and frivolous «a|oyed It as Am, while tbe devout highly indignant. On many oc- bcing expostulated with,Link- Invariably replied that he would •hip his God, and that as a part of Ills duty to sing. The jory. I believe, fond tbe man guilty, but the extenu­ ating circumstances that lie had no purpoeeof disturbing tbe congrega­ tion and that bis only fault was the adsentrlc vocalization served to re- vane the wrtfiot, These (*WP ure but • MggesttM m tbe rich material for lha satirist aad all literary fellers Which lies entombed io the dust an- aMibered records of the courts.** Tint Wonderful Book. CUIDE TO SUCCESS WITH FOB Business AND SOCIETY. bselHeg by tons of thousands. It is the Boat universally useful hook ever published. It telle completely HOW TO DO EVERY­ THING in the beat way, How to toe Tour Own Sawyer; How to Do Business Correctly anil gnccessfnlly, How to Act In Society and everywhere. A gold n.lne of varied Informa- thmto all c la Met for constant reference. AGENTS WANTED for all or spare time. To know why this book of KEAL value and AtineikODi sells better than any other# Apply telenutoH. B, 8CAMMKLL A CO.. St. Lonla, Mlsaoari. X31a,eksmttHlnfg,. Painting ^ and Repairing Done tn a workmanlike manner and war. ranted. From the lerge variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, we'select that best adapted for this section, and upon the BEST TERMS TH AT CASH CAN PURCHASE, which en- able#, us to supply our patrons.with just what they want, and at lower prices than1 any other concern northwest of Chicago. Call and make examination for yourselves before giving your orders for any piece of machinery you may neoc1 the coming; season, and you will find the best and most complete line of Farm Machinery ever before offered in McHenry Co Remember that we offer the }£RY BKST MACUISKHY at the VERY I.OWEST PRICE that Cash can produce anywhere. •m, •M GRAY, ^Richmond, JU, . ."C lotting, Clothing, fc4S.;.'S ft*?! Clothing, For Spring and Simmer. A fall line of piece goods of the latest styles and at the lowest figures. C L O T H I N G ! ABij^^took than ever. yi*' SUITS I SUITS AT Suits all prion At AT •150. #5.00 Maim an's Art WAUCOKDA. for anything made to orde , Maimaa's is th place to go. Also a full line of Genf8 Furnishing Goods. &Cay" &Ca -ii. Mrs.^ :^£airaazx, Has received a fine St ek of Spring and Sum. u»er Millinery goods, a of tbe latest styles. A nice lot of Ribbons and Plumes. The •dies of Western Lake C ounty are especiaUr nvited to call and exankine good* kiid prlces. H. MAIMAN. IPureKt and llr*t UlrdiciH ever Made. ton of Hops. Buohu* Man* Dandeiion, with clltiie test and tive properties of all other Hitters, greatest Blood Purifier. Liver , and Life noil Health Xtbstoriiig caj'tll. ta tor _ k possibly long when Hop ked,so vjirieU and perfeat are I'oeis A LARGE FISH, --AT THE-- Wavconda (Drug Store and Book Haunt. We are prepared to sell all of we apparatus for catching the above. The largest and most complete line of fishing good* ever displayed in Wauconda. Pare Linen Lines, Trolling Hooks, Floats, Sinkers, Jointed 4»h Hods, etc., at a bargain. THEODORE THOMAS will hardly be able to call A - t W a u c o n d a this season, if he does, however we can give him figures on HAH- llOliilCAS and usical Instru- ments of fll descriptions that *roulf astouish him. A new line ' ,fp*t 11 oaived. Call and examine. R. T, HARRISON. JHICRIAM of all BOOKS if '• ADVENTURE. Kon®®' 1 AND J Oaringj n^SH^ilnitnreii>mu ntorers aad orantier ltKhti-rn with imiiiins, ••tlaws and wild bea«t»>, over the whole aeaatry, from the earliest times to the pres. ttl, Lives and famous exploits of DeSoto, laSalte, Standisli, Boone, Kenton, Itrudv, Oroekett, Bowie, Honeton, €ar»on, CuBter, Osliferaia Joe, Wild Bill, Bufmio Bill, t.ener als Mites and i Ctook, irrc.'tt Indlau Cliicf« and snorea of other*. GOKOKOrSLY Il.l us- TBATRD with llr fln e ongravmps to tlic lifo. AOBKTS WaNI I Oi 1 .ow priced and Li ttis •"v^'iWmtmn , .iA... •• J^TVKDVHC 0 OK CO., 8*. LutM, Mo. A col draltf most < makfas Regul Ageut So disease Bitters are operation TIUY N*VU%&ABLTIGARTOTH*AG«LUDLD!BRA. To all whose e ,,K*ntM cau»e irregular!" tj oftlioliowelsoi% urinal}' organs, or who ZV quire an Aypetlje^k^11^ and mlUI Stiiuulanfep Hop Hitters an lu*al>"lt" without IntOX- Icating. No matter wfcatyoarfe^fUW?8 OE> sym|>toin9 are what tbe disease or aitmineat is a«s Hop Bit­ ters. Don't wait untiljroa«Wre *lclt but If you only feel bad or iii^ierfUjle.a414*0 ti»em at once. It may save has®* *V^<1 IniiMlreda. SBOO W'H be paid for a caB-1* tliey will not cure or help. lk> not suffer ft or'et your friends •uttur.but useauti uri{M ,iso Hop O HvioemfxT, Hop Bitters is noxk drugged drunken nostrum, but the " J Medicine icernuule: the "UlVjiUllh^w riUKSa and HOPE" and no pcisfiu or f:i eiluuid be u itiiout ttiem. ! D.I.O.i<an absol'ite and lrre-iatfbie cure I fororunkew«aa,u^eof uiiium, tf>!»aeco and I narcoties. All sold by dni:r-; fs. Send lor Circular. , Hop RlUera Bff. C.., I Korhesjt'-r.N.Y an-1 T' PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. The Best, Cleanest and most Economical Hair Dressing. never rails to testorc the youthful color to grey [hair. 50c and $1 sizes at druggists. fiorestoB Cekpie, A new and exceedingly fra­ grant and lasting jwrluKWo Pricc 95 aod PARKER'S GINGERTONIC I Fare Fatti% Hedldii fiat Never Intoxicates. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family OJhouse­ hold duties try PAHI^BK'S GINOTTTT TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex­ hausted by mental strain or anxious care* do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use PABKSX'S GINGER TONIC. If you have Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, Kidney or Unnary Complaints, or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs, stomach. bowels, blood or nerves you can be cured by PAKKKK'S GIHGER TONIC, If vou are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant sake GINOKK TONIC at once; it will invigorateand hi"!<l yon up from the first dose but vift never intoxicate. It has saved hundred* of lives it may save yours. H1SCOX k CO., If,J William St., New Yodu Ms. sod WW dullar fiM», «l) dealer^ In in.dieiu<>. ' GREAT SAVING liCYj.NO IXLLLAP. SIZE. '}: • ,j • ^Vi.J ^ * " - - . . .A- ' . AND SUMMER - h -r I" >K" . -it »T""' it V ' • t -ff r' ',r ;* um ota ntirtle Booi uid Sbpa ̂ owe ot u ^ V •4? H . ( D W I G H T . ' • • v. ' * > * • • > ' 3 1 f ' v n ! f ' Come early and examine my new goods which are now bein^ tcceived &pd placed upon the market to be ^old| for ve^ little money. •:* , ! '"4^' . : 11 « •- At ' E. "iKi Our Stock 19 the Largert, the Cheapest and* the Most Desirable to be found in the Northwestp. Drop in and take a look and get my lor Owh Prkjei^ f v , W. H. DWIGHT. "Woodstock, HI • ' I' r •i^r-tenv. B. BLAKE, 'WA: FURNITURE STORE •. /-at Two Doors Nerth of Perry & Martin's ' ..V---^ • ; : • " ' . ' 1 " Where you will find all grades of F«rniturc, from a common Chair up to the finest Set, of the best make and quality People buj inff c t me will find all my goods as represented. ' ' •"•Vv* • Jobbing and Repairing neatly and promptly done. UNDERTAKING. , V-' 1 * . In thi* Department 1 * firet-o1«!« assortment of Caskets, and Coffins, and Shrouds ot all iiuda and quality A Hearse furnished at 'Here! , 1 ' < •<., 1 1 vi) T . ̂ ' , 1 1 Do you ̂ rant f irs t e?asB machinery something we buy so much of i^iat yon get the benefit ol it? We know of some dealers that buy f&o muph that they claim to sell low, but you get all their prsces and #then come to us and we will sell'yoia'the same goods che^er than any other dealer. mf%< We have just received the finest car o|, c ^ /! • CAHBIAGES. ALL STYLES, That ever came to this county. If in want of one don't fail to call, as the finish beats them all. A guarantee of our o~wvk for oue year with eaoh carriage, -r/ PLANTERS^ . ' .. J We have six different binds. Among tliRm are taree different Keystone Planters, Standard, Union and John Deere, all Rotary or Slide Drop, and at prices you will be satisfied with, CORN CULTIVATORS. We have eight kinds. Among them you will find the cel- ebratec Bertrana <& Sames, Standard, Case, Climax and others. Call before buying. Warranted to suit. MINNEAPOLIS SELF-BINDER. ' * We have the Renown Minneapolis Twine Binder. If you look it over yon will find it has more improvements than any Binder out. Nothing to be feared from Mccormick's threats. For Reapers and Mowers wo have on hand the Manny Light Reapers and Mowers, the Light Standard Mower, the Roice Reaper, Richmond Mower and the Peerless. Of Hay Racks we have five--the celebrated "Tiger." New Hol- lingsworth, Furst & Bradley and Case, all self-dump or hand. Of Pumps we have both wjpod and iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell and Mishwaukeee, and jor an iron pump the well known Trakem ipd Buckeye. Can al­ ways repair or put them down any depth. A ' r, JOHN STEftBA, Formerly of McHenry, Woodstock Ohioago, mis returned to Woodstock, Illinois, Avd^haa now on bund tho. largest aadl *Mttt READY MADE HARNESSES, COLLARS! WHIPS, Ac., to be found in the Oonnty, and has ererythine made of th* BEST MATERIAL. Call andjsee'me. JOHN 8TERBA. r. J. DAOY J. DONOVAN E. M. OWEN & SON. T H I S N E W M A P , beyond any rea able question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY It by all odds the beat road,for youtotak hen traveling in either dlrectionbetvreen Chicap anfl ail the Principal Points in the lest North & Northwest Carefully examine (hi* Map.7 The principal Cities in the West and Northwest are IStationc on this road. It# through trains make close connections with the trains of ail railroads at Junction points, T. J. Dacy & Co. lit is a tact well known to the Farmers of McHenry County i that whenever they have spoken ! of Dacy to oppositon dealers, that the sound ot his name has caused t hem to shud- der and their bones to rattle, simply ^ because the would be opposition dealers know too well tnat we have bought our goods in much larger quantities than they have done, and that we have always sold goods* for less money than the same quality could be bought by many of them and they know it. Again we have our first choice of machinery in the market, and always aim to keep none but the best. Cur present stock consists ot many articles of machinery not found elsewhere in the county. We have by actual count over 100 Buggies, Platform Spring Wag­ ons and three spring Milk Wag­ ons . (Cal l and count them.) Also a car of Glidden Barbed Wire Also plows, harrows, Pulverizers, spring tooth har rows, seeders, drills, rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limit Farm­ ers who consult.their own inter­ ests will not buy a dollar's worth until the> get our starvation prices. Write for circulars, T. J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, III. reasonable rates. JACOB STORY, McHENRY, ILL. DEALEK Iff Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstnes Window Glass. ' GRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. J. STORY. 0. W. BTCSLfETg McHenry, III., D. B. Maine, Genoa Junction, Wis., A. 8. Wright, Woodstock, 111., and G. E. Dickinson, Nunda, 111., sell the reliable and pure medicines called DR. KALCKHOFF'8 MEDICINAL CARAMELS CONTAIN only Vegetable Extracts, combined with different aromatic spices, tamarind?, Am, pranes and chocolate, forming agreeable, mild, safe and pure medicines. They arc as pleasant to *BV» as the flne't confection, ana therefore take the place of all medicine* which are Bold tinder different names to oecnre healing effects. These medicines are no secret preparations, bnt the Female Owuulf Their cheapness alone creates a good demand, as each box contains 20 Caramels (20 doses), the price MT box beta*fkoak as to SO cents. We mention DR. KALCKHOFF'S CATHARTIC CARAMELS an ̂ eeabie, M mild, safes ana certain cathartic medicine. Cores Consti­ pation, Headache, Indigestion, Disordered Stomach, etc. Price, 25c. per box. f|R. KALCKHOFF'S WOli CARAMELS Effectually destroy all U chain, nroad, round, spring, tope, and whip worms, chil­ dren delight to take them, Prico 25c. per box. DR. KALCKHOFF'S COUGH CARAMELS Are a certain cure and W Instant relief for Cottgha, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, etc. Price 35c. per box. nn KALCKHOFFS THROAT CMKELS Are a pleaaant, safe and If certain cure for all Throat Affections. Public speakers, clergymen, lawyers, and musicians should not be witli- oatuiem. Price 25c. per box. (IR. KALCKHOFF'S FEMALE CARAMELS Are a regulating medi-W cine and certain cure and relief for all fcnialer diseases. For further particulate, agk your druggist for a circular. Price 50c. per box. nn KALCKHOFFS DYSPEPTIC CARAMELS Are a ple ânt and V permanent care for all diseases of the Btomach--Dyspep­ sia, Waterbrosh, Pain, Vomiting, etc. Price 30c. per box. nil KALCKHOFF'S KIDNEY AND LIVER CARAMELS Are a certain V core for All Kidney^ Heart, and Liver Diseases. Price 50c. per box. niLKALCKHOFFS ttEfll CAIftiEtS. Are a certain cure for all W perron* and bexnal Diseases, Nervous and Sexual De­ bility, Sleeplessness, etc. Price 50c. per box. IMITATION IMPOSSIBLE Dr. KalckhofTs Caramels are packed, each twenty in a waterproof wrapper. Each Caramel has on one side stamped the signature or A. P. KalcUhoff. M. D., and on the other side the same of the Caramel • These Caramels are tor salo by all drnggleta and patent medicine dealers. If your diug- Ktst does not keep them, send tbe retail price to the manu- nctort-:.:. and they will forward the same by mail ftee of Tbrsat Caruitla .emaeii SilMy ail Liver toauel sample piven away. Charge to auy address throaghoat the United Slates. GIVEN AWAY! • To all drajrgM* and dealers In patent medicines, paskaues ol Dr. Kalckhofrs Caramek are pive Everybody can obtain a sample package free of charge by applying to your druggist or by writing to tho manufac­ turer* and enclosing a three cent postage Btamp. Druggists aad dealers will please write for Drustsi'-tf"' Circular. MEDICiHAL CARAMEL CO.. luuiuittciurcra aud «K>1« Proprietors. . - MILWAUKEE, WIS. Hem Canaels Atiie ^Aihlana T C gffaunee'J I rs, .• rainera FLORENC Qumneseo Hvrrts 1 O ' • f Spalding -E.Sf. loud t OVNJ3 I N ^£4P O ood r'i vfet.RO YX^WAturto^ oux Falls .Wikdmair ^ •iou« CmgtoHn >iy rtfeiU CSt9t̂ V ts * alcna I'leeport NOR.-^|WE3T\Syca.;ma V 4 jjy a "/v xoVrF ^ jp* A0/? ^ x »**ar JQ r o% 3>fo#V FS- . Jl L L I fl O CHICAGO . & NORTH-WESTE^K RAILWA nr*vi\ ft C....CW. "L\n THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWA^? Over ftll of its principal linos, runs eaoii way <laily from two to four or more Ittt Kipr Trains. Itiis tne onlv road West, North or Northwest of Chicago that use* th6 , IMPERIAL PALACE DINING CARS. It is the onlv road that runs Pullman Sleeping Oars North br Northwest of Chicago.- It| has over 3v006 Miles Of Road> In forms, amongst others, the following Trunk Lines: Council Bluffs, Colorado & California Line. ' Winona, Minnesota & Cent nil Dakota Li ne. Sioux City A Northeastern Nebraska Llue. Ohirnjyo, St. I'Rttl * Minneajwli* Line, Elffin, Rock ford, Freeport A Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, Green Bay & Lake Supe Line. Jim Rivei\Valley, Pierre A Dead wood Line. Waukesha. Madison AJNovthei n Line Tickets over this road aro sold by!all Coupon Ticket Ajrents in the United States A Canada Remember to ask for Tickets via this roau, be sure they read over it, aud take none other J D. LAYIfO, Ben'lSup't Chicago. W.H. STK*lfITT. Gen Pass Agt Chicago. B IBOSS, Ag't C. A N. W .R'y, McHenry, III. BUY YOUR , Medicines, Faints, Oils, OF N • x!__ GEORGE W. BESLEY, Whose Store can be found on the West Side, ^heae everything in this line can be-found, Fresh and Pure. Ev*r brought to McHenry county, amonf? which can l>e found th« Bonner Library, Princesa Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line pf Bracket ancl liand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that dafy competition. Call aud see then oefore purchasing. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give n ea(Jali. ' JfLWli McHenry, IU/ Octi 20th, liBllV ii\srr»is2 fllfl THS UutualLife of New York, because it is the ohieat Com pan v in the Uitiicl .States with thirty-nine years of «x< perienoe, Heciui.-e it isgthe largest Compnnv in Ms world. Assets, $04,702,938, nearly double that of any other Company. UecHUBcjit ia tho most popular Company. Its policyholders number over 100,000. Because every <1ollar of the above immons® snm belongs to the jmHcy holder*, awl the sur. plus over what is actually required, is an. nuallv divided amongst Ihem, which surplus may be applied in either of two ways: First, to pay a portion of tho amiunl premium, thus materially reducing the cost, or it may bo used to purohiise additional insurance. In the latter way forty.eight policy holders ol the year juMtpnst, holding policies, the l'aco value of which was $133,300, were carried foi an average term ot'&t years at low rates, and the additions brought tbe snug sum of a little oyer 000. Many of these policies had been self sustaining lor years. Because the rates ef every other Company are nearly eighteen per cent, higher then those of the Mutual Life. Because Its running expenses' are 'ower than any other. Tne sworn statements of the Equitable Life Assurance of New York, a (company several millions less than half as large as tbe Mutual Life, show its expenses of manage, ment to have averaged 14.23 during the last three years, those of the Mutual Lile 7.8 the •iitlercnce of lirst cost of pol<cy, and manage* ment expenses alone, are equal to 29 per cent in favor ot' the Mutual Life. Because it can and does afford the cheapest, safest and most satisfactory insurance invest­ ment of any Company in the world. As it will be impossible for me to see all who are desirous of obtaining Life insurance at actual font, i will say lo sncli Mint a postal oard will always reafth me at this place and on receipt of saroe I will forward different plans and actual results (not estimates) which are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history of Life Insurance. TliisiCompanv issues only regular Life and Endowment policies and like other Company* of the highest standard refuses to have any- thing to do with gambling. C. H. MOllEY, Agent, For Mcllenry.County and western pert ef Lake County. MCHEXBY, ILL. FITS EPILEPSY --OR-- Fallen Sieknem. Permanently cured--no humbug--bjr <me month's usnage of Dr. Goulard's Celebrated Infallible Fit Powders. To convince suffer, ers that these powiers will do all we claim for them we will send them by mail postpaid A free Trial box. As Dr. Goulard is the only physician that has mace this disease a spec, ul study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been permanently cured by the use ol these I'owdors, we will guarantee a perms, nent cure in every ca«e, or refund you a'l money expended. All sufferers should give these Powders an early trial, and l>e con. vinced of their curatiy® powers. Price, loi lSFK©box, or 4 boxes for$10, 8ftnt by mail to anv part of the Unite.! States or Canada on receipt of price, or by express, R. O. D. Ad- dress, ASH A ROBBING, 3K>Jfulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured All sufferers from this disease that are snx tons to bo cured should try Pr, Kissner's Celebrated -Consumptive Powders. These Powders are the only preparation knowe tbat will cure Consumption and all diseases ,of the Throat and Lungs--indeed, so strong is <Mlr faith in tliem, and also to convince vou that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, by mail, postpaid, a free Trial box. We don't want your money until you •*e perfectly satiwiied of their eurative pow. ers. If your life is worth saving, don't delay nglving these Powders a trial, as they will enreiy cure you. Price, for large box. W •ent to any part of the United Statesor Cana da, bv mail, on receipt of price. Address, fyn xlf R°BBINS» -%0 Fulton St.. Brook CHEAP LANDS on Ion* ere^tt easy term*, ia a Bill# eltaate, ft-ee' from heavy snows, blight. ring fronts, and ex. ceuiv* rains. MILLIONS OF HC8ES for sale In the GOLDEN OELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, •f as i*leli Soil m tfa« tan ever shona eaf with gut**! markets eas6 and west, For Descriptive and Illustrated Jtoelfc Maps,. Sent Free, Address MX* P0MM^Si0N£R,^K«M«s DM«M tiAUSAS CITY, Mi^SviUiU. ;.KlLia2e:

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