Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Aug 1882, p. 5

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AUG. WEDNESDAY, »* < Railroad Time Table. * GOltfO SOUTH. .H,,^ ,i, ( .•epeTa Lake Passenjjor A. * «en«m Uke Kxnrpas -?-2" Lake Freight.., Ito-j p. H Steamboat Express ,»,r.».,S:16 " «'»TX(» 7TOVTII. >v..' dene** T,ake Frcijlit...^ ,.......':S1 A. M ftteamhoat Express-- '.. 10:03 •• Renern Express ........ Scnar» I.ak« Paiseniw...,.....<>:M " B. Brs*. Agent. • McHenry,'III *' MA«OXTC ' "MrlfKVRV T.OOOF. NO. !!Y A. F. and A. M.-- 'Hetrnlar Communications the Saturday on or fjipfbre the full of the moon and every two •i'Seekt thereafter. ' CHAS. C. COLBT, W. M. >W-,Y "MofTicxnv OnAPTRR rfo. <u R. A. M --Retrn- 1 WT Convocations held on the second and fourth t l^rUlays in cacli raoneh. . R; SMITH SRAHI.KS, H. P. To the Lotus Beds. Tlt6'§tenmer "Mary 6riswold,' will Wake an Excursion to the Lotus Beds. Si Sunday next. August 13tl». leaving cHenr.v at 2 o'clock, p. M. ^or tl»e ronnd trip, 50 cents. WAITER Httfc, Captain. Excursion to Caneva Lake- Thursday. Ang. 10,1SS2. Lenvlnj Mc- Jlenry at 10 A. M.. returning at 5:16, p. If. Ticket*. 91.65, 'ncliidinar railroad 'fare, round trip. aro»i»#S Lake Geneva, «n<1 dinner at one of the Park*. Tiok- «t« for sale at the Depot, G. A N. W. B.R. . ' ' A NEW advertisement for TTenrv Rogers. Volo, will appear »«-xt weely. A large stock of Selz fine Shoesy Jast received at Steven* «fe Schnorr's. Do not fall to read the new adver­ tisement of the McHenry County Fair, wtilch can he found in another column. PICKLKS have begun to arrive at tlie Factories In Mils village. and the crop 1* reportsd quite pro nixing In tli'.s sec­ tion. AltHK Wifcgff lmh« happlen man In town, it Is a girl and weighs eight and one-half pounds. The lit tie gtritn- ger arrived on Wednesday. DRESS GOODS in Lawns, Poplins. Al­ pacas, etc., half price. Also •many pfher Bargains may he had , now |or i <«Mh at Fltzslmmons & Evanson's. ~i- J A. GOINO received word on Mon­ day tlm Ids uncle. Freeman Going, yas lying at the point of death at Cincin­ nati. and started immediately for that THR people of Queen Ann Prairie will hold their annual Harvest Picnic, In Michael Sengec's Grove oil Thursday* Augu«t 31st, 1882. All are cordially Invited. PRRSON %L. ALICE COLBY, of Clifton. IU„ls ^JslMng with friends in this village. A. C. MCKIVSTRT and wife started for Grant. Park. III., on Tuesday morning JAMES SALISBURY, of Clilengo. was the guest of C. H. Beers, last week. THEO, SMITH was o«it from Chicago* spending Sunday with friends hfere. MAR$. FOOTK. of Chicago, wu on Oar streets on Tuesday. Miss JKNNIE BABBITT, of Elgin, Is visiting with Mrs. Geo. Owen, in this village. Miss MAMIE LAMPHERE, of Wancon- da. has been'the guest of Mrs. C. B. Curtis, the past week. MRS. GEO. COBB and; rtfHdreaV 6f Chicago, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cobb. In this village. MRS. JOHN WIOHTMAN end fatnllv, of Chenoa. 111., are lamping at Pitsou's Point, on Pistaqna Lake. MRS. HKIMEB, nee Miss Josie Ktibnert. of Chicago. Is visiting with her parents at Johnsbnrgh. PETKK BIRCH, of Richmond, #af call ingon friends la this village oa Tues­ day. i MISS MARY .1. FKEZEB. O^NNNDA, was visiting in this village >n Tues­ day; , , . TLTFXRY DUGGIXER anrl wife, of Springfield, III., are visiting friends in' this section. • MRS. T, E.MILLRR and children, of Gun City, Missouri, Is visiting with Mig. G. W. Colby,Tq this village. Miss MART T,. OWKN started on Tuesday mohilng for a few weeks vis­ it with,friends in Chicago and Keno- i iiSllSf' MFSSC^BLY PARKER, of Richmond, and Miss Anna Btickliti, of Michigan, were calllug on friends lifete on Mon­ day. MRS, A L LI SON OSTRAXDKR. -of Ma­ rengo. has (teen trhe gnes; of her inoth- er-in4nw. Mrs. Ostrandor, lu (lit* vii- lage, the past weelf. , : -;„- Miss GEORGIA PATTKRSOX ef Chica­ go, who h:is been visiting Mis« Marv L. Owen for the past s>x weeks, re­ turned home on Tuesday'morning. MRS. .f. A. ' RBICIIELT, of Chicsgo, accompanied t»y her son and Master "Gussie Cowllii. was calling ou friends here last week. ! MRS. 1^. !t. GROWER, T\I1SF Ada Gran­ ger. Miss ITaftle Smith. Miss ' Mattie Smith and Master* Eddie and Addison Granger are camping at Pistaqua Lake this week. ' f R II. BARTLETT. late of xiarslialtown, Iowa, has arrived in town, and MI con­ nection with his father-in-law, F. G. Maves, will Immediately couinienco THI£ Commissioners of Highways ad- YCrtlse frtr htds to build a hritfge near what is known as Nortlirn|),s Mill. In •!;*hls town. The notice can bp-, foiuid in ither colmnii. I A. noWARrt, At tlw Hed ^Sront "' JM^arket, has a large stock of Hanii Shoulders, Bacon, Dried Beef. Sajtj Pork, and Lard by the jar " or «lngl< pound, (/all and see him. The new well at the Pickle Factor^ .f|a,now down about thirty feet, and th^ prospect Is that twenty-tivo or iliirty| more will he reqnired before they'" strike water. It is, we believe, eight fept square. ' THE most thoughtfid man lia* .Just been discovered in New Jersey. * Just before he died be said to the undertak­ er: "When you put me on ice do not waste any on my feet; they have al­ ready beer, frozen." THE Ladies' JLiterary Cluh will meet ; with Mis$,Eloise Waite, Wednesday, • August 16th, at usual hour. Topics. Anthony Trollope. Grace Greenwood. " MRS. JAS B. PKRRY,'President. JITLIA A. STORY, Secretary. THE Ladies Cemetery Aid Society will meet, at the residence of Mrs. Julia Bishop. Saturday evening neth August 12th, at 7 o'clock, sharp. All interested are requested to lie present^ Miss JUI-TA STORY. President, MRS. T. J. WALSH. Secretary. IT may not generally kijown that we have H professional hee tamer and sort­ er in our midst, but such is the fact. He will sort out Italian from the common bee, pick out queen's. et<;. For full particulars inquire at B. Gilbert's grocery store,on (he West side. THERE will be a regular Communi­ cation of McHenry Lodge. No. 158. A. F. and A. Masons« on Saturday evening of this week, August 12th. Every member Is earnestly requested to be present, as business of impoitancc will come befpre the Lodge. BY ORDER OP THE W . M. MEN'S night-gowns are now made With pockets in them. Someone who evidently >peaks by the card says: **This Is In case the wife of,'s bo­ som calls for a new dress in the middle of the night, he can immediately pull out Ills pocketbook and furnish her With funds. A great- saving of sleep to husbands of the land.*' DON'T kill the toads, the ugly toad?. t; that hop around you^door. Each meal the toad doth eat a* hundred bugs or more. He sits around with ispect meek until the bug; is ne a red, then- shoots lie forth his little tongue like lightning double geared. And then he •oberly doth wink, and shuts his ugly ' mug. and patiently dptlf^wStlt until there comes another mig. VEfoxoRsAys: "I cannot b^tAthink ^}hat August will be aftothftr mont^i of Storms and unusual rainfall, with one or two remarkably low curves of tem­ perature. « I expect snowfalls will be recordejl in extreme "western and north-Western sections/and.cold* rains at more southerly stations shortly af­ ter Hie aliduie ui tilt: month." •T ... the ^cpojtiou of Mie new store. - ^ • .IT : THE Base Ball game on Thursday last, between the Stars, of this village, and a nine from Woodstock, wa* a very onf sld' d aff;flt'. the McHenry hoys inning, the game by & score of 60 to |1<>. •• • .i- • . ii • ^ '• r'^HiTTce Cream Parlor of Wtrt. Siers has been removed froni th# store of H. II. Nichols and been cousngdated with that, of R. W. Wheeler, in Kelter's Block, where the public can hereafter find Ice Cream hy the dish or quart at all times. Picnic parties or private families furnished on short notice, by leavjng their orders at the store. problem A local wit lias folved t!he of the esthete ancestry: The flrst es­ thete there is any record of wu* Ba­ laam's pss--because the Lord made hjm to(o) utter; the second Is tlie Wil­ liam goat--because he Is all ,but; and the third is Wilde Os«;ar himself--be­ cause he Is the quintessence of the |nck and the billy, and is too utterly all hut. ' * OUR readers should bear-ln.mlnd tlie Excursion to Geneva Lake, which takes place to-morrow. Thursday. Tlie routwl trip, including Railroad and Steamboat fare, and dinner, is only 81.05. This is cheaper than you can stay at home. We all need one day's recreation hiul why not take this op­ portunity to view tlie scenery and breath the fresh air, around thU beau­ tiful Lake. We hope to see a good turn out of our citizens. "THEATIUCAL AXI> CIRCUS LIFE" IS the name of a new book just Issued hy iltat enterprising firm, the 8i»n Pub­ lishing Co.. ot'$t. Louis. This inter­ esting work will be welcomed by thou­ sands who nightly visit places of amuse­ ment. but who are unacquainted with the nlvsteries of the "Profession." and will be doubly welcomed by those who never visit such places, but whose curi­ osity lias often been excited by the fl&ming posters placed In many con­ spicuous places. It is a grand book for agents. We call attention to adver­ tisement elsewhere. Now that Congress has passed fa­ vorably upon the appropriation for the employment of several hundred additional clerks in the Pension Office it is to be'hoped, and expected that the Commissioner of Pensions will be able to pass more rapidly upon the hundreds of claims now remaining so long lor settlement iy that office. Sol* diers'should bear in mind when looking for the proper person to prosecute all claims of this najture that tnere is no belter and more succe6slul attorney to t>e found titan M. M. Clothier, of Hebron, whose office, however. Is at the residence of Wm. H. Cowlin, Woodstock. HI.. w!io assists Mr. Cloth­ ier and at tend* to business during his absence. Rejected and difficult claims before any of tlie departments are taken and generally prosecuted with succoss by Mr. Clothier, who is a staunch friend of all honorably dis- chargeyl-Union soldiers, helng an old soldier who has seen plenty of hard service himself. Soldiers, when in wanLt.of such service, patronize a home attorney, who h on the ground to make out your papers and can see you per­ sonally in managing your business. AN<vrifKB3HOKT PRIMMt IngSON. Pnpa, I have been reading the Dem­ ocrat avaiii, and have learned how to spell hlnews.s-l-n-n-n-e-s. and rebels, t-e-h-b-e-l-s, and vigilance, v-f-g-i- 1-e-n-c-e. and a great many more Mvords that I do npt remember now.' but will study them more carefully some other time. I have just found the portrait of that yonng barrister who wrote that "Very Short Primer Lesson" for tlio Democrat and here it is; > "A. little, upright, pert,.tart, tripping vrigrht, And «t.ilIJiis precitms self his dear delivht; Who lortfs his own smart, shadow in the streets Better than e'jjr the fairest «he he mcet»: A man of fashion, too. lie made lus tour. Learrted Virt la Ixtgatellr. el fir* Vantour! So traveled monkeys their irrim.toe improve, Polish their (irin, liav, siich for ladies'love, Much specious lore, hut little understood, » Veneering oft outshines the solid wood; His mlid sense l»v inchen yon mn»t tell. But mete his cwininy by "the old Soot* eU. His meddling vanili/:t tiusy rtand, Still milking work his nclfishcvartniust mend" I guess that "vicinity" broke out of tljat music box at the Lcmocrat by the howl^ig. OATXAITg BUTTKK AND CHKKSR fACTOR*; On Tuesday we made a short call ^at the butter and cheese factory of Ont- man & Sons,on the West Side, In this village, and found one of the clehnest ami best arranged factories we ever, had the pleasure of visiting. We were informed that they are now receiving about8,000 pounds of milk per day, from which they are making fourteen cheeses, weighing thirty pounds each, and three hundred pounds of butter per dav. The spring from which the factory is supplied with^vater Is .about seventy rods west of the factory, is so cold that no ice is needed, during tlie late warm weather being at an,, aver­ age temperature of forty-eight de­ grees. Their milk room, cream room and butter room were sli cool and in, perfect order, lu fact we thliA that. n<» better OF more abundant water can be found in any Factory in tlie coun­ try. We learned that the dividends of tljis factory for April were 81.25; May, 90 cents. The June and July div­ idends have not been declared. Mr. Geo. Moody, the Superintendent Is evidently tlie right man in the right place. Every room i:i tlie factory Is in perfect order, sweet and clean, and Mr. Oatm.-in is to be congratulated on be-' ing able to secure so able and efficient a man. We shall visit this fHctory agaiu'at no distant day, and give It a nr6reextended notice. 1 tett GREEKWO0D- EDITOR PI.-AIXDEALKR:--Will Allen will buihl a large barn this fall. ' A boy at Gill Howe's is .the arrival in town. Carpenters hav* commenced woekoif' Sid. G rat I un's new house. M rs. .f.H. Garrison is visiting friends In Elgin tills Xvx>ek. D. W. Soprr and wife were in Cliica- go last week visiting relatives. * Geo. Allen has a new Self Blyderi Binding grt»lu by h*iid a*lll lino history. | Mr. and Mrs. Hei/ry Wilcox are home again after an absence of nvo w«ek^. Pose Peatt lias bought a new Agita­ tor threshing nuchine and \vlll soon have a frn<k outfit to shake out tlie gol­ den grain. Mrs. H. M. Gerald and her grand«on Harry, have Just returned homo from Dakota, whore she has been visiting her daughter for several weeks. J. H. Garrison has been to Chicago twice during the la«t week, buying lumber for different parties. His abili­ ty and'jiidgment as a buyer Is testified to by Ins lit lug sought after by those having te buy. There Is a law against stock' running In the street®, and we have two duly elected Pound Masters. InitThe law re­ mains a dead letter. and stou{< is al­ lowed ro run In the streets constantly, not only cows, but horses, which prove the most troublesome, breaking down fences and causing a good deal of trou­ ble generally. I hate a sneafc like hv| n« t hate a thief I hate a liar tor t>iey always bring other folks t-> grief. ' I hate a nosv gross!per whoso sneaking, prv. ing Knout, Pokes init'r people's business tu ferret spine- thing out. I h:\te their jnzen scandals, no matter how they hre fixed, Wit'> guesses, liesand hearsays, benevolently mixed, And denit out free as water in long November rains. But I guess that truth and justice wont re­ ward, litem for their pain*. RINGWOOO. EDITOR PLaixnEAi.Eit;--J. J. VUfpy is spending his vacation . witli friends here. Miss Olive Stevens is 1 visiting friends in Chicago. J. W. Cristy is now in Iowa, whither a business call lias taken him. John Green, an old resident of this place, started on Tuesday for New Yerk, to visit friends aud relatives, from whom a separation of over tweip tv years wjH make him ^ welcome guest. , Joseph E. Cristy is again at lioine, having finished his schooling at Val­ paraiso, where by ardent study, yet modest mein, lie became .a favorite with his classmates and teachers. A fishing party under the supervision of Wui, Langbaiii. visited Lake Defi­ ance one day last week, and the result was a brilliant success, tlie aggregate being some ninety fish. Next time let •it be a larger party and have dinner, and if we don't take it in we'll come home hungry, and if we do the rest of tne party will. . ( Miss Maria Carr Is spending the week visiting her sister in D.indee. The spring wheat in this vicinity Is being harvested and is an «>xcelleot crop. Mr. Allen has a fine piece which w ill probably gp thirty bushels to the acre. The Ringwpod Band furnished music for a large party at Mr. fuimner's on Friday evening of last weefc, there be­ ing some seventy couples in atteudr ance. Woodstock Department. At>e Smith, of the Rock ford Gazette, 'Called upon friends here last Friday. Judge B. N. Smith and wife art-"pla­ iting in Mlniiosota and Dakota. James Shelly brought the first cu­ cumbers of the season to ihfg market. Cole's advertising car. No. 3, reached this city Sabbath evening last. - C.S. Dwlglit, of Chicago, visited with hie brother, W„ H. Dwlght, last week. • » Mrs. _S A. ReiclieU, of Chicago, was tlie4 guest of her broth»r, W. II. Cowiin, last Friday. Mr. J. C. Choate has, we understand, been quite sick, but Is at this writing much belter. John Barker, one ot the oldest con­ ductors on the N. W. R. R„ i* mnulng tlie Woodstock train while Mr. L, S, Page ts away on a short vacation. Mrs. Sabine VanCnren, who has been very ill for sotno days past. Is now rapidly recovering. Dr. D. C. Green Is deserving of notice in ^h« able treat­ ment of this case. v Kiclimond Depart ixieufc. Rev. Joho"D. McLean returned from Iowa last 'Saturday night, wherft he had been spending his vacation. He will resume preaching next Sabbath at the Baptist Church, * J. H. Durfee, who has been absent from home Over Ion:- months, reached this city last Saturday night. Mr. D. lias been In charge of the express offi­ ces at Ottawa and Qalesburg. III., dur­ ing tlie absence of the regular agents. Harry 1s an old haiid at the business Rev. J. D. Wells, pastor of the Con­ gregational Church. will leave, with his family, for Michigan, this week, on his annual vacation. They will be gone about four weeks, and will. visit at the home of Mrs. Wells' parents a portion of the thhe. Thomas Bryan, who* formerly resid­ ed in this city,and wa*£well and favora­ bly known hereabouts, but, who moved to Chicago some time since, died in the latter place la#t week aud was bur­ ied at Graceland Cemetery, near Chi­ cago. Mr. Bryan Whs 41 years of age. and had resided In the towti of Green- Wopd and Dorr tlie greater portion of his life. We hear that his death was quite sudden, but no further partial- lurs: . J. W. Miller, the South Side baker, will have a grand opening up. in a veiy few 4ays. .fudge T. D. Murphy, who purchased the property that seemed fated to be burned up for some mouths back, ami a portion of which Mr. Miller occupied, is tixinsr the same up in lirst. class style. There will lie two stores as b< fore, and the second story will be arranged conveniently for fami­ lies to live iu. an«| o Id Phoenix Hall win he so change# for the better that ft will not appuar at all like the same place. Of these improvements we shall have more to say atj some future time. , '•Flossie," the Kicliiuoti'l Correspon­ dent of the Sentinel, says: ' "E. T. Glettnon spent Sunday .'mashing* aroniHt Twin Lakes." When the readers of the Sentinel are fold that one of Its editors is a masher, that paper must b« short of news.-- Woodnfnc.k Corre*{H>n- dent Harvard Independent. So the junior publisher of the self- styled leading paper, the Sentinel. is a genuine masher then, is he? Well, well, what next. We always knew it took a right smart of cheek, gaudy clothes, a line form and personal beauty to make a successful masher, but did suppose there was a small por­ tion of hmins required to do the busi­ ness justice, but according to Flossie's ideas we are greatly behind the times in such matters. It is evident, howev­ er, that she is well posted. Just think of it. Eddie Glennon, of the Sentinely being a real masher? Again it H our painful duty, as -one who undertakes to furnish the PLAIN- DEALER with passing events, to chroni­ cle the death of another of Woodstock's old and honored citizens. Died, in Chicago. Tuesday. AujrUst 1st, 1882. Tlior. Solverson, aged 64 years. Al­ though living in Chicago at the time of his death, Mr. Solverson's real home was Woodstockvwhere he owned con­ siderable property. He was born In Norway in 1818, aud came to thi6 coun­ try In 1839. With the exception of n short time, in which he was seeking h<s fortune iu California, there being at thiit time something jjjiilch drew many to that state, Ur has resided principally in this section and In Wood­ stock. Mr. Solverson lias not enjoyed good health for many years, yet he never complained. Among his coun­ trymen especially lie will be missed. -He was kind-hearted and thoughtful of the wants of those who were'Continual­ ly arriving from his native shores. As a friend and adviser he will be sadly missed by all with whom business brought him in contact. The remains of the deceased were brought here last Thursday morning, and were fol­ lowed by a large number of friends and acquaintances to the beautiful Norwegian cemetery, north of this ci­ ty. where tliey were laid beside those oMiis beloved wife, who was burled there some years ago. Mr. Solverson leaves but one,slaughter, who is mar- ired and resides in Chicago, and with whom he lived at the time of his death No Binder so light draft as the Min­ neapolis, running one horse easier than a^me binders put npon the market. 17th llliBOliCsvslrjrKeniilra. ^*he 2nd Reunion of the 17tlt ill. Cav­ alry t*ol. will be held at Woodstock, McHenry Co.. Ill,, on Thursday, Sept, 14th, 1882. (rain or ahine). JOHN L. BKvftHiooB, President. ISA M. MAIXOKY, Secretary. The new Hollingsworth Hay Rake at E. M. Owen & Son's, but have not got on the I in pot ted Rake Teeth yet, CoNTklRUTKO BY S. K. BliNNETT. 8klnk1e Is selling threshiug machlnes to beat all. * The pickle factory is nearly complet­ ed. Mr. and Mr*. J. R. Hyde returned from their Eastern trip last Friday, and report a glorious time all ronnd. The wet weather and hot sun be­ tween showert. are rusting some piec­ es of oats. Many pieces are now ready for tlie reaper. P. J. Ercanhack has moved with his family to Woodstock. We regret to lose so good a family from our society. May prosperity attei**l,tlieqi wherever they go. " We feel gratified at receiving so many letters from the soldley boys thanking us for taking up |>eti iu their behalf against the infamous attack of the Sentinel. We thank you l>ovs. Whoever strikes s soldier wrongfully has got to fight S. F„ if he is anywhere within striking distance. It is curious to observe bow men' of­ ten overreach themselves and do them­ selvesan Injury when they attempt to wrougfully injure others. Jeal­ ousy, hatred, spleen, revenge, that shame which strikes to avenge its own dishonor, all are blind. The truth of what we write Is remarkably exempli­ fied in the cas'i of the Editor of the Sentinel when he accused, inferential ly. over two hundred of our country's de­ fenders with having filet) aud collected fraudulent pension claims, through the the connivance of M. M. Clothier, J. C, Sherwin,aud more than fifty examin­ ing surgeons, several of them of Ibis county, aud others in various states of the Union. At the very time he wrote the Infamous editorial published in the Sentinel, he was humelf an appli­ cant for pens itm, and M. M. Clothier wan his attorney. Truly, '•whom the Gotls would destroy they first make mail." He must have been indeed "mad" to have accuscd himself of filing a fraudulent pension,claim, and through Ids own pa|>er at that. Wk never hail any money or inclination to bet ou the amount o( Mr. Soiithworth's brains, but. honestly, we did think he had snore sense than that! Thus will the vllllfier of men more houorable than himself, ever do himself the greater damage. He did not stop to think about his own glass house when lie threw stones at the impregnable for­ tresses of the soldiers, • In last weeWs list of soldiers, of whom the Sentinel says: "That means that whenever Mr. Clothier has sought to obtain a pension for anybody, that lie had but to notify Mr. Shurwiu of that fact and then all his tremendous Infiuetice as a Member of Congress from this great Republican District has been eacertxid 'o aid Mr. Clothier in procuring the aforesaid pension; no matter what the merits of the case might be; no matter if the applicant had immediately before, or couhl. im­ mediately after its receipt, partf t suc­ cessful rigid examination for admi^tion to a life insurance company, his appli­ cation, when approved by the examin­ ing surgeon--another auxiliary in the pensiov ring--the pension was granted if in the power of these worthies to be obtained?--a number ot omissions were made which are now filled. We reprint the list «<* amended, aud trust every soldier thtnrtn named uiay receive a Tft'" Farmer's Friend, l ̂ iNihllslied at South Rem], Indiana.* Teriii^. only fifty cents » year. Circu­ lation. 33.000. The laigest and best j agricultural 'paper in th« owunrry*. Eight large pages.foriy-eig!itcoluuius. lew advertisements and *lii»«»st double the reading matter given by the 91.50 and #2.agricultural impers, but. we MMUI it to von for fifty «*nts a year. Pre­ miums to every s-.ibscriln^. premium* to ;lub raisers, and 232 splendid pres­ ents jriveii them in addition, consisting of a $470 New Birdsell Clover Iliiller. complete, including re-ch'Aiiing attach­ ment. which cleanS the seed a» threshed: a *00 Casaday Sulky Pkiw; a $65 Studebaker farm wagon; Oliver Chilled Plows, Sewing Machine. Silver­ ware, etc. Some of tlie departments of the Fhrmers FYientI are "Farm Topics," "The Orchard." "Live Stock," "The Poultry Yard." "Home and Health,*' "Domestic Economy." "Our Young Folks," "The Puarler,". "The Story Teller." "The Funny Place," "Snndav Reading." "Tlie Clover Leaf." "The Apliiry.'* "Letter Basket." "Va­ rious •Topic*." "Correspondent e." "Hints for the Season," "World** Rec­ ord," etc. Practical farmers, and the l>est Writers contribute to it. Age nts make money canvassing for il. Any subscriber authorised to act as agent. .Send 50 cents lor a year's subscription, or write your name aud those of your neighbors on a postal card for tree* sample copies, ami our Illustrated pre­ mium list. Address, Farmers* Friend Publishing Co., South Bend, lud. . Millions Given Away. . Millions of bottles of Dr. King's New Discover? for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have been given away as Trial Bottles of* the large size. This enormous outlay would be disastrous to the proprietors were It not for the rare nurim possessed 'by this wonderful medicine. Call at Henry Colby's Dflig Store nud get a Trial Bottle tree, and try foi; your­ self. It never falls to cure. v ! r? 30 ACRES OF OATS TO CUT. I have thirty acres of oats which 1 want cut with A Self Binder. Call: on i-\> ! - J F0RfSALE!""6R'RENT. »1*ty acres of land, situated near the Village of Volo. Lake County, known as the Gale Estate. Inquire of H. CI. MEAD, McHenry, III. Bated August 3d, 188& Money Wanted. The subscriber wants to borrow, for the town of McHenry, Five Thousand Dollars. Said loan to run two, three and four years. Parties having mon»y to loan at low rate of interest will ad­ dress r. K. OHAKOKW, ftnpervimr Town McHenry McHenry III. Aug. 1st, iftfe No choke to thaJisrhr, running Min­ neapolis Twine liluder. , s^old only by E. M. Owen & Son. SOI.HIF.R'S. ATTENTION !--Mllo B. Stevens & Co.. the well known War Claim Attorneys, will be represented at Woodstock. Monday and Tuesday. August 14 and JNjk^by their special agent. Frank L. Darling. Soldiers and others Interested In claims for pension. Increase of pension, or other claims. It Is hoped, will give him a call. Mr. Darling's whereabouts may be sscer rained at tlie office of the Clerk of the Court. Brtslnesg Notice**' Fisiiiii<* Tackle of all kinfb ft! X* Engehfs, in Howe's Block, Mir the aew Bridge. Overalls--VVe lukye a large stock for men aiul hoys. Good and - cheap Si lieury Colby**. ;y; ^ Buckeve Force Pumpe*. ai K. X Owen's. Tlie light runniug MinneapolisTWIM Binder at K. M. Owen & Son's. Always A dellelons odor U impart**) Fin re st on Cologne, which is always re«* jm freshiug, no matter how freely need. The finest line of Silver and Ptat«4 „;j Ware to lie found iu tlie eonuty, at Q« i- W. Ow«u'«. r S Society Ifollegt. On account of its rcmarkab\y dnl4 Icate aud lasting fragrance, society lie He 8 are lond in titeif praiaoa tit'i Florcstou Cologne. - i FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land in Section H all i fenced. Also SO acres of land, 'wttli al good house and barn thereon, witli timber and water in abundance, iu See»- •- tion 22. • \ Also my homestead on the Crystal ^ Lake apd Niinda road. Good ne# bouse, haru aud other outbuildings.--. Apply t^ ' JOHN FLU SKY. ; FATHER A SOSS, For Clothing l«M»k at our largo new! stoek. For a good suit and a ueit flt: call oit bteveus & Si-hnorr. sr « , / FOR SALE OR RENT. ' * A honse aud one-halt acre of iif: the village of Rittgwood. House con* talus five rooms. Will lie sold reason* able. Apply to WKSUIlT La.1W. UtKQWooUi III., April 4tb, KH| Look at French &HlgjUalM tl StOV* ens & Schnorr's. Spring and Summer Henry Colby's. Overoottta i| Ir you want to hny Clothing at Chi* cago prices, call on E. Lawlw, !• Laa* slug's Block. McHenry^ The finest line of Dress Oooik, Lla* vugs and Trimmings at Stevana ft Schnorr's. •i / Walking Shoes.--A lull Una, hfwt styles and first class. Wo have also 4 : lew doseu pairs we are oftertag at H reduced price to close* 'Arte to 80# theiu at lleiiry Colby's. Cull and over look tlie lino lot of % Carriage at E. M. Owen is Son's CARRlAGKsi! CARRIAGES! CAR. KIAGES! Aierone In want oi a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fall t# call on E. M. Owen A Son aud see tlnf large car-hmd just received. Tha finest finished lot ever come to county a>ul will aell them ehoap. HEADLIGHT OIL. Tho best Kerosene OU In town «| H. H. Nidiols. 17ft Fire Teat. 88 CllPOJP Copy. Andrew J Howe \Vm II sawders Win Avery ileiirv I' Crane B S linit Sylvia J Raines James Itucoii Jas Went worth Cluis II Itli«l» SilHS O Stevens \Vm Krelt M.A'hias Kebr iiroline Motley : Robert Cain * Jas Darling W J Scoit C In i t ltr>gera C If Tryoti Allen Giles Dnn'i Wttnaemaker Jno A H.'iidcinan I'orter C Wool from Jno It Weeks Harvey H Chappell II C Mead Thos Xielkerson J, !' Carver Joshua Diamond Nelson Gate* Jas I. Lewis T V Sullen VKiM tiroesbeck Jas II sum I Id ridge' Krastus Thornton Jno IV Alien Itetsv Miller Michael Sutton fr'red Stephens TIIOH ii siiinildridge Aaron C 1'erry W A Howard Jno Eddv Margaret Hughes seth Hill . " A W Noves Lawrence MeGne Thos K JVirchers l*eter Leickein Win Sniuilen Jas Giiilngher Geo It row ii Carrie S Notyn K W Kiliniore Isaac J smith , Jas iiurke Jus A Duiield Kdwin Rector Wm li Cowlin l.utlier Parker Win Wallace Jacob Sc.h wamb Cnas K liuidntrd Marie IC Hill ilinton Wlieoler Jerry Smith Marv Kiuj? Sam'l Cuttor L C Spencer Betsv (.ilea Maria Bumside Etliolt G Gillelt Oren Stevens G S Soutliworth Nabtiy Bennett Martin Cole Geo Sullivan Phillip Sullivan Jno Kennedy ' Mary Archibald frank J Pray Sherman Uector Jno ltenwiek Vfalter P Jewett Perjis Hopkias L E Merreil W P Taylor The Minneapolis sold any first class Twine Binder, at Owen A Son*s. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Mil 11 liery and Dressmaking. THK finest llae of tsunlw lo town at Henry Colby's. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing opt on man aud horse, at E. M. Owen & Son's. Precepty A Lawrence Jno w Green 8 W No Ion Morris Dick.erson Jno Vennnra l>avid Goroin Augusta If Cornell Devillo Wentwurth ' Mary E Raines Ullxalii'tli Gotbod Jas A lli-nton A It McCollum Culler Cnshman J no W Holland Joel Elliott Wm M Itenjamin Haietis D Giles J It Ashe rn ft M icnael Ash lam Win G Stillwell ttalph P.ush H M Coney AI in I m ltlair J It Itahcook Win II Stewart Frank I, Loom Is Win Dav H 1> Wlilling David K M.-trvin Geo W Griswold Orron Hul;lmrd A J Royiugtou BS Parker Wiu J (i ill more 1. D Fillmore Anson p Rogers J Q Adams Aurora M Stuli Henry II Kelt Ileurv Jiright Llla Perkins E J Goodrich M K tiotldard Jno Murphy Eunice M Andrews Ellen Donovan .1 Dan'I Paddock Kli/. ilwtli Olnpsaddle Lvinan line,on Wui Peacoc.k EC Hrighlmaij Jno It Groat Jno Legeett CkiMpar Wirfs 1 Miry I. Mnnffleld Ellen M Pettiugill I. H Jones Lyman Webster Frances M Clark Jno W Wallace Dan'l K Revnolds Julia Webber Wm Norton 1, I> Itlackman Jno H Parson Lewis Hollow Nicholas Hal Carlos K Roberts Oren W TylSr Hellen Parsons Clara Cook Pa\son ' Franklin Page Ellen T Con-ten D W Taylor Amandu Parrott M A Wallace AMI Vasey - Lucretia II:Icy Matthew McCandlass Jno Prouse Chas K Irish H M Foster. Wm M Wilcox A b Scott Loren itirrns Geo E Muller E L Clark Minors of Dolphns Merrick. Minors of Win Gotbed. Minors of C A Cornell. Minors of Dwight Andrews. Minors of Geo W Itaker. Minors ot Siiin'l Archibald. • Minors of Ralph K Hughes. • Minors of T W Stull. When the Sentinel gets tired of hunt­ ing frauds iu tlie foregoing list we can dish up something that takes a wider range, find that will tend to glv$ the sleek, fat editor greater mental and physical exercise. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. L. E.BENNETT. Has the PhotogVaph Gallery over Perry A Martin's store, McHenry^ fitted up lit first class shape and is now prepared to do all kinds, sizes and styles of work, and warrant satisfaction every time both iiV'quallty of work and price; Having had an experlenoe of many years in the business. I am confident tlntt I can please all who may give me a trial. Come and get your plctuies taken. Pictures taken on cloudy days as well as clear. A share of public patronage solicit­ ed. No work shall loav# thls gallery t|iat is not satisfactory^ L. V; BKITRITT. McHenry, August 1st, lS&t. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I ofler my house and lot, situated in the village of McHenry, for sale. There is a srood barn, outhouses and small fruit on the premises. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to M. Enokln A nice line Of Lace Stevens A Sell nor rV Buntings at Our Grocery Department is now complete, and have some bargains in tea and coffee which it will pay the close buyer to inspect. HENRY COI.BR> New Hats in endless variety, latest styles and lowest prices at Heury Coiby's. HOSIERY. Do not buy a pair of HOSE until you Itavo looked our new stock over. STEVENS A SCHNOBK. Paints and Oils--a full Iiu3 aud prl- ces 16w at Henry Colby's. Clothing.--Bla«k Dress Suits. Con- Urination Suit*, Spring. Summer and Fall Suits. Children's'Suits, Boys* Suits Youth's Suits. Men's Suits, all at prices to suit at Henry Colby's. Umbrella*.--We have Agood assort­ ment in styles and prlc&. Call and see them at Henry Colby's. Fine Shoes.--The largest line and best styles ever shown in this market. (Jail and examine them at Henry C»d- by's. . A. General Stampede. Never was such a rush made for any drug store as is now at Henry Oolhv's. for a trial bottle of Dr. King's N.ew Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicted with Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Se­ vere Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and l ungs, can get a Trial Bot­ tle of this great remedy free by calling at above Druy; Store. New Invoice of Para««lt and Sun­ shades at ileury Colby's. if - Wool Twine enoiigh for all at Colby's; - w;:;5§§ Gessamer Circulars and Coats fof ladles wnd gentlemen always In stock ,at Heury Colby's. - * * i , FEXqU>OST4 FOk SALK. j 9000 seasoned Barr Oak Foaoo hiatal for sale, inquire of i J S| , Joax POKAW. ,'Q: G Wauconda Ice Cream Parim^ E. W. BROOKS, SUCCESSOR TO OOLUINO ft Would respectfully announce to |IHI public that he has opaned Ids.lrsi Cream Parlors for tlMt-wasoQ ai»i 1^1 now prepared to ftiruisH lw every day aud a vetting, by the dlMi of quantity. I also keep on hand Fancy Oreo, erles of all kinds. Canned Goods, No# tious, Tobaccos. Cigars. Confectionary, etc.. which I am selling as low ait;: lower than any other house la tbet comity, quality of goods oon*l<lore<£ When In want of anything In my lit I invito you to call*, amiidont thai can please you both lit quality price. E. W. BROOKS. Waiicouda, III.. May 23d. 188). •*; Just received--Some very pMttjr 'v and desirable styles of all wool Buntings which will be sold teryf J cheap. Call and examlno then atf • i Henry Colby's. It * Honey, sltoloe and dteap at 8M»i i (Colby's. 1 v .. '.»••• ; _ SELF BINDERS, TW1NE BINDEBS, .. ; Farmers wishing to purchase ft SellPv ' Rlnder will do well to call on E. M«.* J Owen A Son and see the "Minneapolis'^ before buying, as It has two y«ars ad<| vance improtemeuts on the binding- ^ part that no other has. J. F. Appleby1, the inventor of the Twine Bln<l»r ( snperinteiids the Minneapolis vester woiks. There is nothing to t« - '< feared from McCornilckV throats. also get you H celebrated Wood Twloai#|| Binder IT you prefer It. Bucklon* Arntea Salve. " The best s>.Ive in the world fur CMt, Bruises, Burns. Sores. Uteri. Salt "v Rheum, Fev»;r Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skia Eruptions, and positively cures Piles. . ̂ It is guaranteed to give perfect satio*'* faction or money refmiiied. Price IB. ( i' cents per box. For sale by Money to LOM. In sunSs of fn»m flOO % & App.y at tbls offlee. W MERINO BUCKS FOR SALE. 'i'he undersjg'ied lias a tew ekalfa^$ vfarling Bucks for sule at his fnrta. 1| "miles sent beast of Spring Grove. Jit*# Henry (bounty. III. They am .the flaes% lot of Merino Bucks in the Oovwty/ ^ Post office address, Blivln's Mills, III. »• AABOK UONRAAW, 'M July&-mi- : Free of AW persons suffering fnt Colds. Asthma, Bronc^tw, I.i Voice, or any affection of the Tbroak and Lungs, are requested to call ataiM#? Drug Store aud get a Tnal Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con«. sumption, free of charge* whlah wlH"-, convliH>e them of Its waaslerpil tMrltft.: and show what a regular #rilar all# bottle will do. Call earH". BOOK* of all kinds. Magaalaoa, Fat ' pers. News Noveltfts, Fmlfe*, iectionery, Atv Ae^ at the Buatf, " posltc J. Story's. MeHeiury^lU. Our stock of Drags. CMtsleab aa4 Patent Medicine* was never complete. Goods reliable and right at Heury Colby**.

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