Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Aug 1882, p. 1

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pp - - ^i " : v : ; v ' : " ' , ' . v * - V " ' v ~<p. " :;:y '••<• •. . .. •••',• i* **.«#».* « • ' 'Vj£ " : HH mm -- • •' • MMi Br »**£ t=r* ^ Kv ^ , t*fjr » v • , . ; ** ' • * - » * " '-"• •:# V'r*? #v* *wb v;; »*4^fe"rvi mm-'-t. : V 1: Li t - r'i. ,j "f'tnji mrfwiWifc -- ,, , 1, . .in. ' 9 .t ,v';T * * •> '••.i'.» " Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." ^ --• V. : --: ------- --;-- •V.-. 'H' W,,. . ' VOL. 8. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 16, 1882. NO. 4. !. 7. . ,'% 4 7 ' * T*, J- T, #„•>&• _ jfejjewy piaialealer. Pnb •••y •riVt# ,= .1". bed Every Wednesday toy J. VA^i SLYKE, BDITO t AND PUBLISHER. Otfce in Old P. O. Block, . --OPPOSITH 'HI VTOSID* HoirSR.-- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIOS. One Yo*r cm Vtvane.e).... ...'..jlt.iW If Not Pil l wlthinThree Months,. 12.00 ^u'vi'sriptiin* rcf.elrel fir three or Six nanthsln TH" SIT*'* nmnnrtlon. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. TT. T. P.ROXTN.M.n. DHVSTOTAV AXD STTTIGFOV. Affile <wer "tlie **««* nmrp, onnnsite Perry A "Martin s *t«re ww stairs, McHenry, 111. fVW. FTCttFRS M. T>- >WV«TOl AN A N'T) STTROFOX. .Totinstmrgli, 111*.--Office hour* 8 to 10, A. M. O. .T. TTO^APP, M. T>. |>HTSTRT\N \\KR> SXTNOF^V. i hit" re.Mence, opposite M., MeHmrv. Til. rtflro »t 'E. Church, K.«V. ANDERSON. I»MT>.. *->HV«tPT VV awl *«r«re<»n. n*|o» at I T>e«)oVN T»ra" *tow», Opposite Parker fTnii*c, Mclfehrr, Illinois. PART- OAUT,<*. hj AT.Ofty in>l Unnrrttrt" Himnc, .TnUn»i>iir<»V>. ^ Til. PlM'int Rooms for rtnnffrs <*«<! jriaVrmfn. TOP f«»r the «*(> of Wnntpi1®.-- "holf.e hraw'« of Wlwoa *nd Liquors always an hand. Call and see me. PRATT WITTS R. TA. PR*TT, Proo'-loto". Fl^st M*s« n<*. oonttao'lttlon*. Uood Burn in connection WnnnomlR, III. >(n>, SmnliP'l Moits, etc., ,K*««p» none but the best. JO«. J. FRRTT*9 near th«» <*nl alwav* on MFA-T MARKFT, _ TT^nrv, 111. Fresh «n<l Meats, Tlrirlare, W'- hanit, G.'KERKAHAK, M. D. , ' t«CCCE8SOR TO Dlt. A. F.. T*AI,DWT*.] PHYSTOTAN AXD SCRGEOX. Office and residence on Olay St., Woodstock, In. Prompt attention given to professional calls at all hours. rFTFRT?fARY Illinois. O.S. GREEN. 8URGEOK, Richmond, JESSft A. BALDWIN, * ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Chan, eery. Will practice in State and in Fed­ eral Courts. Offlce, 3d Floor., New Custom House, Chicago. L N1 srnNEY Disnnow, ^ OTARY PUBLIC and Conveyancer, AJ. d?n. III. • > DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will lie at Waiiconda the lttth and 55th of each month. When date* occntkSiitnrdny or Sun- dav I make mv visits the Tolloxrinsr Monday. JOHN KI.EIFGEN. HOTTSK Painter, Gr^incr. Cnlciminor and Paper Hnncpr. Rpsirtonc^ one T?lock West of Riverside House. Work attended to promply and on reasonable terms. McHENRY HOUSE. PETER SMTTJT. PROPRrETOR. C^OOD Roart by the dav or week at reason-T able rates ' The choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and rMjrars. Good Stabling for Horses. A fine Pi*eon Hols Table m conncction with the House. Give me a call. PETER SMITH. A. M. CHURfcH, Watchmnkef .and Jeweler NO. WT RANDOLPff STREET, (R»ljr«# House,) Chicago, III. Special attention pairing Fine watches and Ciironomcters.. Q&~\ Full Assortment of Goods In his 1inev BARB!AN BROS. Or. Shop, ii Old Mc'Tenrv, M KeVter "'O^K, two doors west of PLAIN- JBAI.BR Offlce. pTG AR Mannfactnrers, M<*n<>nrv. J1L * ' , de^s solicited. mcn.Vlll) COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peiceand Convoyaneer.-Wlll attend promntlr to thn collection of letota. Volo, Lake Connty, 111. E. E. RICHARDS. TTNSa complete Abstractor Titles to lard n In M HenrvCountv, Tll'iois. Office with. County Clerk. Woodstock. 111. r E.M.OWEN r-"* RNERAT« Dealer and Mannfadnrpfs T Agent in Lending Farm Machinery.-- tow anVI terms favorable. McHenry, fW^WJIn \ ' • : ' S. COLBY. tJTCHENRT, McHenrr Co.. III. Rrefder of M Snanish Merino Sheep. B»rk! *i're and Poland China c wine. A choice lot of \oun.~ Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. . GEORGK CURTIS, House and Sign Painter, McHENRY, ILL. Shop Opposite Perry A Martin's. Will attend promptly to all work and guar­ antee satisfaction. Prices as low aa good work can be done anywhere. PINE CHAINING A SPECIALTY Mix: ED PAINTS. I am prepared to furnish Mixed Paint" r>f all kinds at the lowest, livinjt prices, and fur­ nish an article far superior to the common Mixed Paints Itelng sold. Catl and Sf c me. CEO. CURTIS- Me,Henry, April 13,1882. E.G. SMITH. OOT AND SHOE M AKER- • -- "tin- to B OOT ANF>sn«»r. jiar^h. Promot. at ten tlon *iven to Repairing. Shop in J. J. ---*• *- nver bridge, lilies' Milldinir, next Henry, Illtnois. Mc- 1. PETER LETCKEM. RKP MRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of nM kinds. Also Repairs Violins intheliest possible manner, on short notice *iul «t rea.- ionable rates. Alsn VioMns for first door North of Riverside BlocV.Mc Henry 111. W. H. SANFORD, Mercli^ut Tailor In the store of O. H. Dickinson, EastsiUe of public Square, WOODSTOCK, IT,L. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings si- jrayson hand. Suits made to order and a fit warranted. Give me a call. W. H. SANFORD. Woodstock, III., Sept. 27th.^*75. J. A. SHE9WOOD AUCTIONE EK AND APPRAISER^ Algonquin^^UtT*^"^ . fc ALES of Stock, FarmingTools and Goods 7» ofall kinds promptly attended to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable, post OJBceaddress: Algonquin, 111. M A R C U S CERMAN Manufactured by P. MARCUS, --PEELER IN- PUREWIN£S. LIQUORS AND C1ARS. Woodstock III. The best Tonic in the world. Pint and Quart Bottles. Put up in F. MARCOS, Pate tee. jos. wiedeman: Saloon and Esstaurant, NEAR THB 'DEPOT, McHENRY, - ILLINOIS* i' The best Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always on Hand. Good Stabling for Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Lager Beer, Ueerin I^arge or Small Kegs orJBottles nl way ion hand" cheaper than any other, quali tv considered. This lleer has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowiedge cauuot De siir. !>asse<l in the world. Orders by mail prompAy attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHcnry. III. Aug. 10th, 1.163 8. F. UENNETT, M. D. ptfYSIClAN AND SURG EOS. 1 States Examining Surgeon. Illincis. Also United UK'hmond, M. M. CLOTHIER, HEBRON, - ILLINOIS NOTARY PUBLIC and' convevancer.-- Prosecute claims in all Bureaus in ile- partcient of Interior. Letters must contain stamp fur reply. Post Office, Richmond, 111, JOSEPH N. FRKUND. Bonslett's Mill. Mr-SA.LOOV AND'RESTAUR VNT old stand, opposite B'.shop'a Henry, 111. The c u.icest Wines, Li(in«ra and Cigars to be found in the conbty. Fresh Oysters in their season serrod up in any shape desired or for sale by the On. . GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ANTONY ENGELN, SALOON" and Restaurant, Buck's old stand M"Henry, III.--The choicest Kentucky WTiiskies, «iinr Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., always on band. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. Richmond House, RICHMOND. ILL. C. N". CULVER. - - PROPRIETOR. H AVTNG recently purchased Fonse, T have put it the a bore ir» thorough repair, with new fumitue ihronghor.t, atwt would respe«'tful'y invite the pntronM^e ot the trav­ eling nnblic. and others. The tables will al­ ways be provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of puests. No pains will be spared to make this n First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the premlaeA. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on lirst floor. HE. wmiTTMAN, Proprietor. First > class rigs, with or without drivers, fnjnished at reasonable frates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. M. M. CLOTHIER, IltC MOND - - - ILLINOIS, MCHENRY COUNTY. Pra«eentes all claims In all bureaus in the Department of the Interior. Special inten­ tion aiven to difficult or rejected claims. "Careful at ten lion given to all matter* of tin. port-nice office at I he residence of Win. II. Cowlin, Wooitwtoek, HI. Business will l»c at- tended t.o by Mr. Cowlin in my absence. T sljall iilwavs he there on Saturdays, and shall l>ertt the office ot .I. T. Beldm, Ksq., Marenso. on the llrst Friday in eadi month. All letters of a business nature must contain stamp for reply. A. WENDELL, CAEPEHT2R AND JQIKES RflcHenr#, IIU Will take rontracta fur pnftlng: up Builditijrs ami jfiiaranteH mv work will compare with any man in tli« fttnte. I «**n ami will <lo work from 15 to A, per cent cheaper than other oarpenfers. a« I have two of mv hoys who work with me. which makes it possible for me to do so. All »Toh« In th« Carpenter llne^ promptly attended to. Give me ajcall." A. WENDELL. JOHNSBURCH B. RAINTHORP, RinetwoOtf • - Illinois. To tbe people of Riiiffwood ;iii<l vicinity I would ro^pectt'illy wty th:it I hsive opened a store near the Depot, where 1 will puy the hiirhp^t ninrket value for Eg«rs. liuttt^r, and other produce, eanh or trade l>ein<r immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands of <"i- <rnrs and Tpbaceo, I am <roin^ to sell at prices to defy competition, and though I have met with a much more liReral pntronajre than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements .calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORP. RINGWOOD, III.. June 13tli, 1882. E. LAWLUS, sMerchant Tailar, ; . - ' H" * keeps. Foreign and Domestic Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, OR IVO SALE. iiiisclv cLtyrrfiSG, l^Ien s Boys* mid 'Children's hisses* cf the best qual­ ity and at Chioaga m ices. Soldiers' Department. GONPDCTED «T DR. S. F. BKNXETT. B. Sliefman, WOODSTOCK, ILL., -DF.AI.EKHt- Breech and Muzzle Loading Shot (funs. IV»wrtcr, Wiot, r«vs, Wa^ie, and Cartridges tors^le. Fiehiug Tackl^ilioap. All kind# of Sporting ̂ Goods, AND REPAIRING DONE. A pood Ilrofrh mndHur, Double Rnrreled Gnn. wa»mnte«l Twi<^,f^l,. tTlr.o.henfer Hifle, Ti: mM«l, IS shots, $25, Nick<'l Plnted (i-slmt U^s olver, Self copliinsr rvitlsh Ui|»l Pistol, J.V00. 'A irood SiuJlc l!;ivrcl, Breccli Loading, Sioirtp tJnn. M sirmnti'il, JR. I will nndprooll any hnji^c in tho connty In Guns and S|>ort,in(r tinodlt. If you wRnt a eood tri'ii .it will wr von toraM nnd W;e me. I warrant every gun I sell, J?. SHERMAN. Wood stork,'July 15th,JMl $14 FOR 14. Tpon roroipt nf f'.ro I will send to any ad dres« in tlie United Eocky Moimtftin Mining tho iMdinsr mlninfr of the eonniry rontainiog FACT* In test news from nil the rnnip* of Colorado nnd tlie adjolnlnir Territories, for'one year, iind QltE TEX DOLL Alt %HARE OF XOX- ASSFKvs* IILKXT' " KjW tHRSlPRVCB CHEEK COMPANY. Tlie properties of this icnipunr are located in Summit fionntjr, <,ulot%do, and fon;-.i*t nt 18 full olnims u«>on wliicB ronslderaWo work 1i:IK ill road y be<-n done, J TIip mines are nil srood, and the stork of tlifs eoinpaiiy offers an iinusnallr eood field fo* mresfmrnt. The pnldiMher of this iia^er ^«ys for stock {riven to siiliscriliers ihe reanlaf jirioo at tlio eoin- panv's office. For nifornl*! «<•>» rp.srardinir ihe miruaa »ii' wlocli. tiilili-pskAiP. sf i-i I ;»rv. O. l{. ei-AV. •t-Jvrf'Vn- order or registered letter i»»- JAMf- S R> fVht Pub. Iioclcy Mountain Mining 1?evifit\ JJciiVCt\ Col. 0. L. Pratt, ' Succorsorto B. K, Duer»] WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS, Woulo respectfnlly inform Jthe citi*ens of Watiro ti<ta and suil-o'nndinK country Hint he liasiv lorjre and well selected, clock of <4 wis in ItlH line, for the Spring aud. Summer trade, consistiing, in part of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, HATS AND CAPS, goots, Shoes, Classware, Zi. Near the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. <HCeer>9 constantly on hand the finest hiauds ofKloifand Fee<l of all kinds, which he will sell at Wholesale or ReUifl at Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Fiour always" on hand and warranted a* represented. WfFlour delivered anywhere In the Onr poration. Orders* may Oe giren by Postal Card, Box 107, Post Office. GIVE ME A GALL. ' L. BONSLETT. MaHcary, starch 8th, l&i. MarMe_W o rt s. HENRY MILLER, --DFALKR IN-- American and Foreip larMe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc Henry, III. Johnsbnrgh Atig. SOth, IH?, THE CREAM of all BOOKS of AiwmTiimDi? Pioneer | AN[>j Daring Heroes ! I Deeds Tin' tLm'liu»r adventure* of all the lionox- ,,il)n.'ri nnd frontier tighter* with Indians, outlaws and wild beasts, over the whole countrv, from the earliest times to ihe pres. ent. Lives an^l famous .exploits of I>e*oto, KaSalle, Standish, lJoone, Crocket t , B< wie, Houston, Kenton, Carson, Brady, Custer, Cal i fo rn ia JoC,-Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Gener­ ic Miles and Crook, great Indian Chiefs and aeorea of others. GOIUiEOUSI.Y Il.I.I**. TK \TED will 1^? floe engravings to the life. AGENTS tVAl1 UD. Low priced and beats anything^ se^L { .. OOK co< gT. Louis, Mo GROCERIES! CROCERIES! M. Sngeln, Having removed his atore to Colby's Brick Bkudt is now prepared to offer to ihe buying pul>lic a fnll line of CHOICE FAMLY GROCERIES, Canned Goods. CIGAli, TOBACCO, PIPES, &c,, &c. My Goods arc all !re«h arid will be sold at the lowest liviu(t prices. I also keen a full stock of Gnn Material si-hiii? Tackle, Minnow Seins, Hammocks, and in fact evei vthing to Fishing and Hunting, can be fonnd at my store at reasonable Trices. Violins, Acordeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin mringrs, ano all other extras foi* Violilis. My stocks of CIXWAUE is eoniplett. Call and exainine it. I guarantee Prices that defy all competition. M_ KN(;K,.V on long erertit end easy terms, in a mild climate, free from heavy snows, blight­ ing frosts, and e*- MILLtOSS OF ACRES • r^ns- for sole In tho COLDEK CELT of Kansas, by the UmH iAILWAY, off cs rich Goal as the sun ever shonn oa, with markets eas4 and west. For D«*crtptire and. Illustrated Boot% with Map*, Sent Free, Addream LAND COMMISSIONER,--Kansas DMsht KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. Crockery* Ac., Which ho is i<onnd to sell as ehcap as pood goods can lie boujrht any where. He also koops a line line of Itoekford Hand Made Boots and shoes,to whlehheinvitespnr. ticuInr attention _ In short, everything Ih-xteanbe in a ffcnernl stoi* will t«! kopt^and sold as tow as the lifvtest/and everything warranted as rep­ resented. Chick's Celebrated Rockforl Flour, ALWAYS ON" HAND. When in want of Goods In my line von will find It for vonr Interest to rail and see me. C. L. PRATT. WAUCOXDA, May 23d, 1832. An order hns be«i» Ifsued by thn War department illsoontiimlne the niillta-. ty department of \Ve?t Point from Au­ gust 20th. Col. Wesley Alerritt will relieve Gen. 0. O. Hownrd «s Piiperln- teiulent of the West I'oint academy. Geti. Howard will take command of the military division of tb« I'latte in place of Gen. Crook. After the 20th of August th«ypreneral of the Army will have supervision ot th# military aesidemy at West Point, and will make reports to tho Secretary of War. General Cronfc. relieved bv (Jeneral O. O. Howhtd, Is assigned to the command of the. department of Arizona, to relieve Brevet Major Gen­ eral Wilcox, colonel 14th Infantry. Upon being relieved. Colonel Wilcox will report l»y telegraph to the com- mandlug general,department of Platie> for assignment of his regiment to posts. The yfficers above named will take the stations assigned to them in such time th»t Colonel Wilcox maj* b«S relieved, not later than the 15th of September. Owing to the frequent applications for appointments t,o the position of eewmd lieutenant in tt.e army, a « lr- enliir has been ls«»ied from the War Department containing the laws gov­ erning appointments to that grade iu the Army, and the following summary: "Under th« laws cited, it will be per­ ceived that appointments to fill vacan­ cies in the grade of second lieutenant In the ariny are made from four classes and in tlie following order, via.: 1. from meritorious, ,no««commlss!oiied ofl\cers of the army; 2. From the grad­ uating class of each year at the mili­ tary academy; 3. From regular grad­ uates of the military academy who have been honorably discharge^! from the service; 4. From civil life: but un­ der the laws above cited no such ap­ pointment can be made until the first three classes are exhausted and until there is. In addition, a sufficient num­ ber of vacancies existing to provide for Ibe next graduating clam of the military academy." A BslieotOeUyihai*. At n meeting of Post No. 28* G. A. It.. Onpt, Stephen F. llrown, post com­ mander, was presented with a very bisfl'fl' Gettysburg,*' .Fudge M making the presentation slionlfrt)! senatoi propose but. an inveterate enemy like Beekwould have the heart to suoii #» outrage. The l'umion Bill '** The annual Pension appropriation bill passed the Senate in substantially the saine^fiirtn in wlilcli It came from the House, none nf the amendments adopted aflecting the general sco|»e or purpose of the measure. The total amount appropriated by the bill Is, In round numbers, one hundred millions of dollars, or all that t>as estimated for by Commissioner Dudley; and It Is a cause for substantial satisfaction tliar in spite of the hostility of sncii journals as the New York Herald and Sun, both Houses of Congress have had the manliness to vote the meney. Of the amendments to the bill* those which attracted the most attention in the Senate were Section 5, which pro­ hibits the drawing of double pensions except by the express authority of Congres®--a provision made necessary by tlie recent extraordinary ruling of the Attorney-General, that the pres­ ent law sanctions the drawing by the same per-on of one pension under the general law and another under a spec­ ial aet. even when the language of the act that the second pension Is grantefj in lieujof the first--and the last para­ graph of section 4, which reads as fel­ lows: "The Secretary of the Interior shall annually herealter transmit to Con­ gress, HI the begintiiug of each regular session, a list of all persons borne on the pension rolls, classified according their post-office .i ldress bv States and connties.tlie amount paid annually to each, and also a.statement each year of those dropped f«*oui the rolls, and those added to the rolls." The object of this amendment, we suppose was two-fold, to guard against fraudt and facilitate the labors of the Pension Committees, and we were not disposed to take serious exceptioiis to It. although we do not think it was likfelv to accomplish much good In any direction and we can conceive ^>f circumstance under which it might have been prodneti/e of great barm-- as, for instance, had copies of the. list of pensioners fallen into the hands of "confidence men." the managers of the so-called "gift enterprises," and otlier swindlers of that type. As the amend­ ment was ruled out on a pobit of or-< der. however, it Is now of fit* €faffte- quence what would have lieen Its ef­ fect. Mr. Beck s amendment, which dP :il$fte^ V1 srfved f.»r the purpose of bringing mir pensioners generalTy into disgrace. Consider wi»at Wnnlif be the effect, of snclt a public adrertfsen»ej»t *« Senator Beck proposed. As well might Con­ gress require oi»r pensioners to wear the striped g trb of a penitentiary con- v:ct or order f Item to be brantfed after ihe manner of the French prison sys­ tem, with the letter "P,"--pensioner or pauper, whichever yon please. Our ex-8»ldiers and sailors would feel tho disgrace just as keenly. Whatever Senator Beck may thjnk. they, at least, do not consider that In becoming pensioners of the Government thejr have surrendered any of the rights o citizenship or are less worthy of pttb» lie estoem atfl respect than when tliey were Ughtlog .he battles of their eoan- try, and tlier wnld not but feel IKIIMHI* ated ami «?egra«ed by having their " names paraded ^tefore the public throngh the colnmis of the newspaper* as persona sitspeeteuof fmitd. It Is alt very well for Sen ttorR*ck to say that no honest man would o>Jeet to having his name so published; bnt how. we should like to know, ia e^n an honest man to escape suspicion v<in the m«d» publication of tlie list U eiMvalent to an annottneetnent tlias some of thosit on it are believed to be s«tndlersf How wonld Senator Beck like to aee his name published in a list «* Con­ gressmen suspected of havlr.g { bribed to pass certain measuresf can imagine with what a show of 1 tuous Indignation the Senator fr««| 1 Kentocky would denounce Mich an ouv rage. Yet it Is precisely such a slight that lie proposed to put upon the raen who preserved tlie Union. The na> tempt and scorn of the whole country should go out to the author of that proposition and drive him Into per- inaiient retirement. We have said nothing of the enor> n>ous expense tu which tlie adoption of Senator Beck's pro(>osItlon would have involved tHe Government, nor do w« propose to consider the subject from that point of view. The question of expense is of small consequence com­ pared with that of personal reputation, aid it Is enough to forever daiuu any plan for the prevention of frauds In the pension service to show that it IA» cnlpates the innocent as well as t|ie guilty and places an ineffaceable stig­ ma upon a class of men to whoee loyal­ ty and valor this Republic owes its A NEW Wagon Carriage and Shop,. ' ox THE WEST SIDE. Tripp Bros., Have brought a fine stt»ck ot Wagon material to town, and arc prepared to do all kinds of Repairing, on short notice, and will PUT UP NEW WORK In the best ofatyle. WATER TANKS MADE TO ORDER. Pall and see Oft. Sbop,^ rear of Carpenter's Blacksmith Shop, opposite the Parker House. 1 TRIPP BROS. Mdfewj. TO.. April ifl, WW. tribute was that of brave soldiers to a tiruvc companion, and the presentation was made an cvsnt never to be forgot­ ten by those present. Cnpt. Brown commanded a company in tho 13th Vermont volunteers, and during the forced inarch to Gettysburg he diso­ beyed orders, and at the risk of his life procured water for his weary soldiers. For this act he was placed under arrest and his arms taken from him. He went Into the battle armed only with a camp hatchet, but iu a liaud-to-liand combat with a confederate officer cap­ tured a loaded revolver and saber, and fought to the end of the battle, doing good service with his captured tro­ phies. On the emblem presented last niff'it a 'miniature camp-hatchet occu­ pies a prominent place, and eloquently tells the story of a gallant soldier's de- fciise. ' Although that feature of Mr, Beek's amendment to the Pension bill which related to the advertising of the Pen­ sion lists in the newspapers was the principal subject of attack during the debate in the Senate, it was not a whit more obnoxious than th^pTQVislon for the posting of the list/"ln some con­ spicuous place" at every post-offlce In the country, side by side, no doubt, with bills ofierin? rewards for the ar­ rest of horse thieve9 and murderers. It-is idle to pretend that this wo^ld only be treating our pensioners as the Government Is in the habit of treating all its employes, wnose names syid sal­ aries are regularly published In the Blue-Bookfl, for in the latter case the reports are made to Congress only. As Senator Logan well said: "This thing of publishing the names In the newspapers, and posting them up in the post-jDtfices all ovex the country, is ar. ollense to any man of a sensitive nature. 1 do not mean an 'offense in­ tended. but I mean that Is the effect of it, and it would have that effect upon me if I were a pensioner and my name was posted up in my post-offlce. so that inv neighbors could look at it and ex­ amine and see whether I was a thief or not." But the offense that it would give our pensioners is not. iu our judg. ment, the strongest objection that could be urged against it. The person al humiliation to which it would sub­ ject them is of small consequence com­ pared to tlie actftal Injury which it would cause them. ihe malicious would Jump at the opportunity to cast diseredit upon the legality of their claims, and every man who did not bear upon his person the visible »i of his disability--»s well as every wid­ ow and orphan--mlglit be put to the hardship of re-establisliing his eligibil­ ity merely to satisfy a private grudge It wonld be shameful, cruel and barbar­ ous to place our pensioners at the mer­ cy of all the gossips, tittle-tattles, and gjande^rs in the couotry, "nil uo one HTier o Sg? in each ty m carjjig for onr defender* publish in at leasi^f^f tiftwspnrf every county In tfcen. (Jolted States a li't of all pensioners nnd applicants for pension residing in that county, and also put the list at every post-ofliee; and, under the pretence thai such pub­ lic advertisement was ttcessary to the prevention and exposure of fraud, and that it was desired and demanded by the soldiers themselves, Mr. Beck made a characteristic speeth In Its support. He was ably answered by Senators Plumb, Logan, and others, who thoroughly exposed the sophistry of his argument and the malice under- lyiiigjiia proposition, and at the close nf tlteidiSL 'iission the amendment was ruled out on a poin^of order, so that no harm came of It. The most danger­ ous enemies of the soldiers In Congress are not those who openly avow their opposition to the payment of pensions, but men like Senator Jiatck. who, while pretending to bcT' only Concerned In tlie protection of the JSovernment against fraud, seek to make the whole body of our pensioners tho object of suspicion, and this last attempt can but be regarded as the most Insidious ofall. Hitherto they have contented themselves with making general charg­ es of fraud against the pension estab­ lishment, based chiefly upon ex-Com- mlssloner Be lit ley's ex-parte state­ ments, which the records of the Pen* siou Bureau itself prove to be essen­ tially false, and demanding the enact­ ment of more rigorous laws for the de­ tection and punishment of the alleged frauds, but this latest proposition Is In the nature of an Indictment of tlie en­ tire pension list, and its purpose Isevi- dently to bring the very nameof'pen- sioner" Into opprobrium. How utter ly without justification it was and how clearly,prompted bv malice may b° seen from the fact that the laws and regulations already In force are amply sufficient to protect the Pension Bur­ eau against fraud, and yiat by the terms of the very bill to which the amend­ ment of Senator Beck' was Intended to apply the Commissioner of Pen­ sions Is invested with the most extra­ ordinary powers for the investigation of suspicious cases. By section 3. he is powered to summon through the Unit­ ed States Courts any number of wit­ nesses (whose testimony can be taken by any of his omployees whom he may delegate for the purpo«e)to prove the fraudulent character of a clalui. while the claimant, on his part, is .denied that right in toto. If, with such dis­ cretionary powers, the Commissioner cannot prevent or detect fraud. It may well be said that it is because fraud does not exist. It Is inconceivable, therefore, that Senator Beck's amend­ ment should have originated as a*- nan) measure of precaution against fraud, and it Is but fair to infer, as we have already done, (hat It was c«n- GRKAT MM AT KAV. United States Senator Edstnndft and Jltstlce Halrlan were fellow-guests at a seaside hotel. One day the two dis- ^ tinguished gentlemen were waudering aimlessly along the beach nnder » " bright, genial sun, when their atten­ tion was arrested by the sight of a small boy Intently throwing shells at % small peg driven in the sand and tor« mounted bv a block of wood. The lit* | tie fellow, quite unconscious of (heir j presence continued the practice with skillful results, and tlie two spectators for the moment forgot their official ^ gravity, and allowed tlielr latent hoy- ish tendencies to control them. **1*11 | bet you a good cigar,** said Mr. Harlan to Mr. Edmunds, "that I can hit that mark before the boy can.** The wager was accepted and the contest began. The Justice was as good aa Ills boast for tlie block wat knocked dojvn at tho | third blow. Then the Senator tried to do as well, and the small boy, the I great lawyer and the distinguished | statesman were soon busy at play, limiting for ammunition, making rash 1 bets, laughing over defeat and applaud- J Ing victory. The sight was a novel | but a happy one, and the few prom- ?| enatfers oa tlie beach smiled good* J naturedly as tliey passed, to think how one touch of youthfultiv&s could break j dignity's back and make old men young again. That evening the Jns« tlce smoked with pride some cigars | from the Senator's best box. the stakes | of their pleasant little competition | --Be. BKING NKIGHBOKLT. ' , y M He was a small boy with dirt on hie nose and a faded straw hat on his bead, and feet so long unwashed that it waa hard to tell where his toe-nails were located. He walked boldly up tho steps, pulled the bell, and whon the la­ dy cameto the door he said: "Say. can yon lend ma ys«r'tlh»| phone for a few mlnlt*?" "Why. I can*!" she gasped ont. "We'll bring it back in half an hour" "But 1 can't lend it child. You don't seem to know what ft telephone is Who are youf" "We live sronnd the corner--jn«t moved In. and we want to be neigh* borly. 1 tried to borrow your wheel- bar low and shovel, but yoor boy „ wouldn't lend 'em. and onr hired girl has been over to borrow tea and sugar and couldn't get any. We kinder thought we mljfht borrow year tele- ' phone or something end ma esuld / bring it back and get a chance to $*m ; your style, and ask you to run right with your old clothea «mP*--DHftM Free PreM. <#

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