Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Aug 1882, p. 8

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Established in 1856, mersi STEfiBA, K T*fR It CD RITKR COCKYRY. •»rle« of papers on the "New !** by K. V. fimnlley, open# graphically In the August Century. wlti a HMCrlptlon of tlie Dakota wlieat | nglon, and facts, like the following, of ffraat Interest to persons seeking new I torn#* In the West: Nowhere else In the United States. I «tnl«M It be In tlm distant and little s known valleys of Eastern Oregon and WMihtnfton Territory, are anch crops of wheat raised with snch small ex- (tern* and anch certainty of success :i£ y#ar after year. The grain Is sown | iate in the spring ss soon a« the hot rims of tlio northern latitudes have dried tha soaked lands, and grows with marvelous rapidity. By August it Is Ailly matnre'd and ready for reaping. All tlie farm work Is done by machin­ ery. The ploughman rldea upon a sul- Ity-plow; the grain la sown with a drill or a broadcaster; the reaping machines i| hind tha sheaves as they move over " f , :the ground, and the threshers do their work In tlie fields, driven by portable ^steam-engine* that bnrn straw for f«el. Tlie grain Is hauled at onoo to eleva- ....ifl"'jtors at the nearest »!!»*» and then the whole farm equipment of ap- •Hyparatus Is left standing iu the fields ntll needed the next year. Esoept n the htg "bonanza farms" owned and operated by capitalist*, it is rate to ilod any sheds for implements, or, in- "deed, any farm building save a little ^ fbare bos of a dwelling, and a rude sta- y jble of board#, sod and straw, to shelter 'v'the horses from the winter blizzards. JvlTlMwdbtrtMOf the bonsnta farms ^tmake a big show uport the wild, vacant prairie, but they are not much larger than thrifty Pennsylvania farmers, who till a hundred acres build to house their crops and stock, It Is within bounds to say that, talc-? l»g one year with another, a profit of ten dollars an acre Is made on the Bed Stiver wheat lauds after paying all ex­ panses of seed, cultivation and market- Tlie great meri t of this magni fl- cent gralnfleld does not wholly lie in «1t» richness, however. Its structure Is iptcnllarly favorable for the transport a- Stlen of Its products to the steaboanl. •Two hundred and fifty miles of\rall |transit brinrs the Bed River wheatto Dahith at the head of Lake Superior, from whence there is water carriage all tha way to New York harbor. Da­ kota man to have been fitted by na­ ture for a vast permanent wheat-fieffl. The conditions of climate and soil ex­ ist for producing the best grade of wheat and the largest average crops harvested in the United Statesjexcept, 4 perhaps Washington Territory. |Af A PAINTING PKR80N DOWN, ft ft surprising how everybody rush­ es at a fainting person and strives to raise him up, and especially to keep "l his liaal erect. There must be an in- ? •' etinctlve apprehension*that if a person aalaed with a fainting or other fit fall I Into the reoumbejjg. position death is . '| Mora Imminent. 1 must have driven a | mile to-day while a lady fainting was • held upright. J found her pulseless, *'*• white and apparently dying, and I be- Mlleve that If I had delayed ten minutes |!onger she would really have died. I *1 laid her bead down on a lower level 3 than her body, and Immediately color • • returned to her lips and cheeks, and aha became conscious. To the excited a group of friends I said: "Always re- J member this fact--namaly: Fainting | is caused by a want of blood in the brain. The heart ceases to act with sufficientforoa to send tha usual amount : of blood to the brain, and hence the - person loses consciousneRa because the 3function of the brain ceases. Restore |the blood to the brain and instantly •®the person reeorers, Now. though the "blood Is propelled to all parts of the *jhody by the aetion of the heart, yet it ?!• still under the influence of the laws of gravitation. In the erect position the blood ascends to tlie bead against gravitation, and the supply to the brain is diminished, as compared with the recumbent position, the heart'* pulsation being equal. J*, then, you place a person sitting whose lieart lias nearly ceased to beat, his brain will fail to receive blood, while If you lay him down, with the head lower than the heart, blood will run into the brain by the mere force of gravity ; and, in fainting, in sufficient quantity to re- atore consciousness. Indeed nature teaches ns how U> manage the fainting persons, for they always fall, and fre- C'quentlv are at once restored by tlie re­ cumbent position into which they are thrown."--Mcdical Journal. A. P. GRAY Always Ahead. SPfiillG CAMPAI6H OFpl^D AT HIS-- barriage and WagoiiFactory, AND blacksmith RICHMOND, I sell everr Implement, Tool or Machine A farm«r wants'. PIiATKORSISPRISG, DBV LIVSRY AN D FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, One, two and throe floated, from the cele­ brated manufactory of J, W. Henry A Co.,- Freeport. BInokHmithing, Painting add Bepalrlnj; , Done in a workmanlike manner anil war. ranted. From th,o large variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, we so loot that twst ndnpteu for this section, and upon the TSKST TERMS THAT CASH O.VST PURCHASE, which en. allies us to supply our patrons with just what they want, and "at. lower nrices than apy other concern rorthwest of Chicago. Call and nsake exajr inn-tioiv far yourselves before jriv'nv: your order* for any piece <>f machinery yon ma'y ncw< the coining season, and yon will find the best and most complete line of Farm Machinery ever before offered in McHenrv Co liemomher that we offer the VERY REST MACHINERY at the VKRIf LOWJCST PIUCE that Cash can produce anywhere, A, p. OH A r, „ Richmond, III, AND, SUMMER - wt .Li. At the old reliable Boot ancl Shoe Rous* of T * - 4 'ffr ^ Do you want first class machinery something we buy so much of that you get the benefit ol it? We know af some dealers that buy vfso much that they claim to sell low, but you get al) their prsces and ithen come to us and we will seiryoujthe same g°od8 cheapen than any other dealer •« . We have just received the finest car of J ; Come early and examine my new goods which are noiv being received and placed upou the market to be 6old for very little money. is tl© Li Our Stock h til© Largert, the Cheapest ttfid the Most Desirable to be found in the Northwestp. Drop in and take a looK and get my low Cash Prices. Clothing, Clothing, Clothing W. H. Woodstock, 111. For Spring and Summer. A fall line of piece Roods of Utevlatefct styles and at,the lowest figures. CLOTHING ! A Bigger Stock than ever. SUITS AT 84.50. Suits all prlcea at SUITS AT 95.00 M a i m a n ' s CltQTKXRTQ HOtTSE, * AT WAUCONDA. For aaything made'to order, Maimao's is th place to go. Aiao a full line of Gent's Furnishing Good*. HATS, CAPS, &c„ *0. ' * 'J* Mrs. Malmpn, Has rereived a fine Stock of Sprinj? and Slim­ mer Millinery {roods, and of the !atent styles. A nice jot of gibbons and Plumes. The ailies of Wet-tern L ike County iif-e usi>eciallv nvited Ut tall and ekuin ine goods and prices. H, MAIMAN. JOHN B. BLAKE, URN ITURE STORE TwoPQor^ North of Fwry ̂ lyiprtin'n Where you will find all grades of Furniture, from a common Chair up to the finest Het, of the best make and quality People bming ct me will find all my goods as represented. t^iT*Jobbing and Repairing neatly aijd promptly done, UNDERTAKING. ' k. In this Department keep a firstrclass assortment of Caskets, aijd Coffins, and Shrnnds n* «'l 'i" CARRIAGES, ALL That ever came to this county. If in want of one don't fail to call, as the finish beats* them alt, A guarantee of our owu for oue year with each carria ge W© have six different kinds. Among them are three different Keystone Planters, Standard, Union and John Deere, all Rotary or Slide Drop, and at prices you will be satisfied with, CORN CULTIVATORS. We have eight kinds. Amonsr them you will find the ceU ebratec Bertrand & Barnes, Standard, Case,fe Climax and others. ColH)8fet:e buying. Warranted,_„tp suit. If ytru look J3iuder out. MrNN OLIS SELF-BINDER. ' We have the Renown Minneapolis Twine Binder. it over yon will find it has more improvements thanany Nothing to be feared from McCormick's threats. For Reapers and Mowers wn have on hand the Manny Light Reapers and Mowers, the Light Standard Mower, the Roice Reaper, Richmond Mower and the Peerless. Of Hay Racks we have five--the celebrated "Tiger." New Hoi- lingsworth, Furst & Bradley and Case, all self-dump or hand. Of Pumps we have both wood and iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell and Mishwaukeee, and jor an iron pump the well known Trakem and Buckeye. Can al­ ways repair or put them dQWJi any depth.* E. M. OWEN & SON. T H X S ] \ E W M A I * , Piovos beyond a:iy reason"ble question that the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is by all odds the best road tot you to tak hen traveling in either directionbetveeen Cliicap anil all the Principal Points ii the West North & NortM Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities in the West and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make cjpse cbfinuptious with the trains of all railpoiuis at Junction [pints, • FOR SAJL.E OB RENT. . A BlMHivmitli SJiop and Tools, at JHtVeb'e Mills, M«H£<iry Count}'. Illi­ nois. Inquire of R, Tw^Kl> & Son. Bt.lVEK'8 MlLT.8, August 16th, 1882. H. WIER, WAUOONDA • ILL. 9eing abant to remove from1 Waaconda, M» oSe ing my ctiock of COST Itvnicrto close them out. They are all band .made, of the best material, and war- Taote«l a Wn. 1 article. I have a pood assort ment of *i#e*, and now is the time to put in four •• % • - " , • W inter Foot-wear Ckap. ;,|M1 ai d se« me and I vrtlt make it an object ~i>a to buy .| The lPuccKt and Itrst Hciiicini! ever Made. Aeolmbijyalior of Hope, Buchu, Man- drakBo a|Kl Oandeiian, "itl- t-il tn<; Uext and mosj caurMiivv i« o|>eitits of all Hitters, •n^L<,s%,rii- yifau.5t Blood Purifie.', t-lver Re^u Avrslor, and Liii-aiHi Health lU:iiU>ri>ig ..n'^aEHMHISIUSR < Xoi!i*a'-i;^k.anp<>: :-:blyloiis? exwt whei* Itup BitU'i-s .tie * i"*! imrtut arv kUcir ot<ui-ati<Jiis,aHk Ci»7 g.»;3 sow l:\fc asirtgortotheagiJ wsdiiSija. >: iner.tsraiisc im-i.'.-ail' ty^f tlie bowels,orwuia, or wi,r> re an Aptietiw aii.lmil<l Stimulant, 11 >f> Ditter.i are iuvni^ Without intox­ icating. ESSS.I So matter whatyourte^i^'iX' or symp»r.7jia are what the diw»w or 11'i" Hop let­ ters. Don't wait u.itii yo«a%'* sfete but if you o t i j y f p i ] b . i i i u r n i i s c r a t l ' , * U K ' ' a t Jt n«iy save lut;-#'1 a v»d hamlivila. $500 Will bo for a <?(••:* they wi|J not cure «'r Ji'.lp. Do u.jt siuii r »f,rl«*t your frlej.ils suiri'r,i*;t am; and nru ' tlii-in^'-0 "w Hop B ltemeiutior, flop BitN-rs i,' no^k -'! ', <Jrun^«l Urijiiilien no-trum, but tlie !• J li'jst M<«liciiie evi r ma<i« • the Hai Nl> anil II^PE" ari'l no trr fa: sh'jukl !*• v itliwt.tlu.m. IWI II1||I||I P-I.C.t" aa.atNoiaUtu;vl iirertrtiMa V! foi Onu.keiiii.-Mi. U'-<;'if J'.'jiieco ri'i . fe' -'j ifi narcotics. AM a'.'M it T- ' -y. a; otiins, aiirl Shrouds of all .kinds aut} quality reasonable rates. A Hearse furnished at JACOB STORY, McHENRY. ILI^ DEALER IN O " V F L E n c " ^ ^ Chawitfier\ Quinneseo \ Worcester Spaldirlo-^ 5/', j _AsUaud Val rainera Ordway JZ.St. Cloud Clayton v i s jGrecn Wda NOR* Princ dmftr •AKKT0.N _ -.lenri 1 ;v. j ti ywrs «SD3SSE; rwtiu RAILWAY THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN Over nil of its principal lines, runs eacu way daily from two to four or move frains. It le tnp only road West, Morth or Northwest ofChioajco that u RAILWAY, Fagt Kxyr IMPERIAL. PALACE DINING the CARS. Itiathe nnlv rond ".hat vunfi Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Xorthwest of Chieajro, It has over 3,000 Miles Of Road- In forms, atnpn$rst others, the 1'ollowiair Trunk Lines: Couneil BlullV1, Colorado & California Line. Wmonn, Minnesota & Central Dakota Li ne >ioux City & Nortli.eastern Nebraska Line. Chicago, St. Pp.ul & Minneii))olis' Line, Klgln, Uoclitoid, Kre/sport A Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, Greeu IIHV & Lake Stipe Line. Jim River Valley, Pierre & Deadwood Line. Waukesha. Madison A Novthein Line Ticket* over this road are sold bv'all Coupon Ticket Ajrents in the United States A Canada Kemeniber toasj; for Tickets via'tliis'roa.a, l>e sttr.e tiiey read over it, and take none other J D.IAYR G, Gen'l Sup't Chicago. W. H. STEJN1TT, Gen Pass Agt Chicago. B BUSS, Ag't C. A N. W. R'y, McHenry, III. for ultu*. Hop fltUpn !!."?. C.-i Ufx-hfst' f V T T *" f ' Parker s Hair Balsam Fails to Ilcstore (ircy or Faded Hair to tiie youtiiiul color. l\> U:.. ill drii^gi.u. Get Seissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades Shovels, Forks, Cora Knives, Axes, Grindstnes Window. Glass* CRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. J. STORY. ' V G. W. BESLEY, McHenry. 111., D. B. Maine, Genoa Junction, Wis., A* S. Writj-ht, Woodstock, 111., and G. E. Dickinson, Nunda. 111., sell the reliable and pure medicines called OR. KALCKH0FF8 MEDICINAL GARAMEL8 CONTAIN only Vegetable Extracts, combined with difforent aromatic spices, tamarind-:, figs, prunes ana chocolate, tormlnj; agreeable, mild, safe and pure medicines. They are as pleasant to take as tlio iine^t confection, and therefore take the place of nil medicines which arc sold under different names to secure healing effccts. These medicines are no secret preparations, but the formulas for the different kinds have been used extensively for many years throughout the world, by leading physicians, for the various diseases they are recommended for. They are manufactured with the aid of Improved machinery, under the supervision of a regular .educated physician and chemist. Their cheapness alone creates a good demand, as each bo* contains 20 Caramels (30 tjoscs), the pri$e per box being from 25 to 50 cents. We mention f)R. KALCKHOFF S CATHARTIC CARAMELS Are an agreeable, •* mild, sate, and certain cathartic medicine. Cures Consti­ pation, Headache, Indigestion, Disordered Stomach, etc. Pric<;, 25c. per box. |)R. KALCKHOFFS WORM CARAMELS Effectually destroy «n *• chain, bread, round, spring, t;ij>e, and whip worms. Chil­ dren delight to take them. Price 2.>c. per bos. nR. KALCKHOFF S COUCH CARAMELS Are a certain cure and instant, relief for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, ftronchitls, Consumption, etc. Pricfc .45c. per box. 1)1. KALUKHOFF'S THROAT CARAMELS Are a pleasant, safe and I* eertaiu cure for all Throat Affections. Public npcakur*. clersvwen, lawyers, and muaiclaas should not be with­ out titern. Price 25c. per box. QB. KALCKHOFF'S.FEMALE CARAMELS.Aro a regulating medi BUY YOUR OF mim&mm tonic Viuger. liucim many of the lest n Mandrake, htilMiigia and known arc heiecom- : 1 intoancr.icinl of such vnr;e<l and effective [jir.vt. ;'s, as to nuVotfle (1Puiifier&th^ Best Health and Sl^ngtU Restorer Ever t)ied. It curcs iDysttcpsijji, PIccplcssnoss, nil diseases of btoriuK;.!, liuwcU, Lungs, Liver, Ki-'/icys, arid rM Fcnr.'.e Cornx/aints. ifyou are.wrLst;n^.^wpv wi'.h Consumption or ;»r y t.V-* riV?>.t> -ciny. It witl surety ! • you. ! i» :sfay sr. >r\ icr to ITtr r», . .5- v'.*nsy:s rf < »ir r itnd c iK -r Tomes, as il b'.^llrls upthr-v,.!- V- i • r. v . " • ' ' Caramel; Warn CiTiacls Conga Cuuicla Female Caraaels GEORGE W. BESLEY, YVhose Store can be found 011 the West iSide, wheae everything this line can be found, Fresh and Pme> \ in _ . „ ng cine and certain cure and relief for all female diseases. For further particulars, ask your drusrgiwt Cor a circular. Price 50c. per box. HR. KALCKHOFF S DYSPEPTIC CARAMELS Are a pleasant and U permanent cure for all diseases of the Stomach--Dyspep- Bta, Wnterhrash, Pain, Vomitinp, etc. Price .jCc. per box. HR. KALCKHOFF S KIDNEY AND LIVERtJARAMELS Are a certain " cure lor all Kiduv.y, Heart, and Liver Diseases. Price 50c. per box. nR- KALCKHOFFS NERVE CARAMELS Are » certain enre for all jVervoUB and Sexual Diseases, Nervous and Sexual De­ bility. Sleeplessness, etc. Price 5ftc. per box. IMITATION IMPOSSIBLE. Dr. K'!lekhoifs Cara?i>elfi aro packed, eru h twenty in a waterproof wrapper. E:ich Caramel has on one si Je stamped the f-ignatnre of A. F. Kalckhofi'. M. D., and on the other side the name of the Caramel. These Caramels aro lor sale by all druggists and patent medicine dealers. If your drug­ gist tloc-i not keep them, send th-? retail price to the minu- facturcru, t.ud they will t'orwarc the sami; by mail free of charge U> anv address throughout tha United Sta'.os. GIVEN AWAY! To all Aniu^isw aua ueulers i:. pateiit raedieiues, eainple pae.ka.i ii of T>r. Ka'ckhofTs Caramels ;'r<- sW-istn- awrfv. Kv.;'v can obtain a M'ttpi'; p-isUa^e fr«e ..f .;har!-{c by :>j.j/lyiii..; to you! ••r by -.vr'.iing to tbo ai3?iafi»c- 11:^^ 811". enc'MBing.a ttire j rent postage K.taMj;. Dru^gUtt end dualevu >v!ll nVa-'1 wrir-- f >r ' ir r l-y. MFDICIMA*. CARAMEL CO., Dyspeptic Caramelc =1. Evor brouirlit to McHenry county, anion*? which can be found the Bon nor Library* Princcss Ijibviivv, Harrison & Smith ?>utet\ Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that dafy competition. Call atid see their before purchasing. Woodstock, Illinois, stork^of n°W on^and;the largest and READY MADE HARNESSES, *C-« ,)e found in'thf f»onnt\| Ann hiifi cvervthiu® maHA nf ivi BEST MATERIAL. Call «nd^e™m>. °f ^ JOHW 8TERBA. r. j. DACS? ;y.i;' s. DONOVJJf, T. J. Dacy & Co. It is a lfiot well known tP thei Farmers of McHenry County "chat whenever they hiiye spoken of Dacy to oppositon dealers, that the sound ol Physiciaus ".in fuliy C'oiuponndcd. Give ... , T|1. rv-i •>(,) i,, lx Pr eso i' ipt ions ri oa Call. C. VV BESLEY s name has caused t hem to shud­ der and their bones to rattle, simply ^ because the would he opposition dealers know too well that we have bought our goodsi m much larger, quantities than they have done, and that we have always sold goods for less money than the same quality could be bought by piany of them and they know it. Ajarain we have our first choice of machinery in the market, and always aim to keep none but the best. Our present stock consists of many articles of machinery not found elsewhere in the county. We have by actual count over 100 Buggies, Platform Spring Wag­ ons and three spring Milk Wag­ ons. (Call and count ^them.) Also a car of Glidden Barbed Wire Al&o plows, harrows. Pulverizers, spring tooth har rows, seeders, drills, rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky plows etc., etc., without limit Farm ers who consult their own inter ests will not touy a dollar's worth until they get our starvation prices. Write for circulars, T. J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, III. I1>SUBE Mutual Life of New York- WSY? Been nso it is the oldest Com pan v in tli# United States with thirty.nine years of ex­ perience, Heeanse it is (he largest Compfnv in tht world. Assets, ffM,70*2,958, nearly double that of any other Coivjwiiy. Because it is the most popular Company Its policy holders limnber over 100,000. Beenn*p everv dollar of the abore immense sum belongs (offie policy holder*, and the snr. plus over what is actually required, is an- mi ally divided amonarst th'eni, which surplus may lie applied in either of two ways: First, to )inv a port ion of the annual premium, thoi materially reducinsr the cost, or it may 'l«j used to purchase additional insurance. In the latter way forty.eifrht policy holders tff the year just past, holding policies, the fa e value of whir.ii was $1:13,500, were carried f»i an averujre term of :i-'i yeurs at low rates, and the additions brought the ^mi# sum of a little over Many of these policies had bee:i self sustaining lor "years. Been use the rates ef every othpr Company are nearly eighteen per pent, higher thai) those of the Mutual Life. Because its running expenses are 'owef than any other. • T.ners,worn statements of the Equitable IdfeJAgsuranre of New York, ai<'<impany several mil lions less than half as larjre as th'e Mutual l.ife, show its expenses of manage, ment to have averaged H.28 during the last three years, thoseof the Mutual Lile 7.8 thd diflerenre of tirst cost of pol'cy, and manage; ment expenses alone, are equal to 25 per cent in favor of the Mutual Life. Becansp it can and does afford thecheapest, safest and most satisfactory insurance invest­ ment of any Company in the world. As it will be unpossible for me to see all who are desirous of obtaining I.ife insurance at actual cost, 1 will say to such that a ]M>stal card «vill always reatli me at this place and, tin receipt of same I will forward different plans and acltuil result* (not estimates) whl'-li are certajnlv astonishing and out do anything in the history of I.ife Insurance. This Company issues only regular I.ife and Endowment policies and liUoother Company®, of the highest standard refuses to have any­ thing to do with Tontine gambling. C. 11. 310RKY, Agent. For M.cIIenry.County and western part of Lake County. . MCHENRY, ILL. Thai Wonderful Book. GUIDE TOSUCCESS FOB Business) AND ' SOCIETY, Is selling by tens q£.thouea.-ids. It is the most universally--iwefnl 1>ook ever publish *d. It tells eomple/elv HOW TO DO EVEBV- TlilNli in the1 best way, How to be YoiirO vn Lawyer, llow'to Do Business Correctly a'«i Successfully, How to Act in Society a »d everywhere*. A gold n.ipe of varied inform 1- tion 'to all classes for constant refereno . AGEXTS WANTED for all or spare time. To know whv this lH>ok of REAL value and attractions sells better than any other, apply for terms to H. B. SCAMJIELL & CO., Jt. 1.011 is, Missouri. A UUGE FISH, --AT THE-- Wauconda Drug Store and Pook Haunt Wc /ire prepared to sfcll all of the apparatus for catching the above. The largest and most complete line of tishingt, gootlrT ever displayed in Wauconda. Pure Linen Lines, Trolling Hooks, Floats, linkers, Jointed Ash Rods, cte., at a l>:ir«ain. THEODORE THOMAS will hardly be abte to call A t W i i u e o n d a this season,, if he does, however wc can give him figures on HAR* MOIiK AS and u«ical Instru* nicntr iii' t i! doNcriptions that wbr.l; :ivtonish him. A now line « ci-sved.• ( all and examine F, B. ^^RRISONc

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