Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Aug 1882, p. 5

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M.-- Jfeenlar Oommuni<'!»tion8 tlie Satuplay on or " wfore the fnll of the moou and every two < *>weeks thereafter. „ 5 . J CIIAS. C. COLBY, W. M. 5 * MrfTEKRT CHAPTER «P- »* R- A. M --TtPfTU- ' far Oon vocations'h nM on the second and fourth ffridars in each monch. SMITH SF.AM.KS, FT. P. Apprentice Wanted. Wanted, at this office, a boy from }4 to 18 years of age to learn the art of Printing. A good bov. who means buoinegs. can find a srood opportunity to learn a trade by applying at once. . The Methodist Society of Woodstock had a picnic at the Lakes* on Friday last. - J. P. SMITH is now bnilding an addi­ tion on the sonth side of his house, which will be used as a kitchen. ( ( A NEW boarder at A. L. IIowo's on Sunday last. Its a boy and tips the scales sft 10 pounds. Bert is happy. PERRY & MARTIN have just put hi a new Die bold safe that weighs 4.000 pounds. It fs said to be both tire and burglar proof. » - FOUND, on the streets in this village, ft parasol, which the owner can have hv calling at this office, proving property Hnd paying for this notice. MRS. C. T. EI.DUKI>OK WILL plea«o ac­ cept the thanks of the editor and fami­ ly for a very fine bouquet left at our residence. ANY one desiring to procure the fin­ est road cart in the market will do well to call at this office and receive directions to the owner. REGULAR services will commence in the Universalist Church,in this village, on Sunday next, Sept.3d. and will he held in the morning atl0| o'clock, Kev. Jj. J, Dinsmore, Pastor. THE Ladies Literary Club will meet with Mrs. James B. Perry, Wednesday August 30th, at usual hour. MH8. JAS, B. PKRUT, President. JUT.IA A. STORY, Secretary. OUR Public School will <>pen on Mon­ day next under the continued care of Prof. S. D. Baldwin, as Principal, and we believe with the same "corps of as- fis'.ants as last year, which Insures a good school. THE Woman'# Foreign Missionary Society of liingwood and McITenry. Will tneot at Mrs. F. G. Mayes.on Tues- f#ayiipf next week, Sept. 5th. A futt attendance Is expected. " T.rov A. HATX. Secretary . THE wife of John Frett, a former resident of Johnsburgh, died at her home in Chicago on Sunday last, aiuj her reniainB'^ we re "brought to Johns- burgii for interment, the funeral being held on Tuesday. FOUND, on Sunday, August 20th. 1882, between Mcfleiry and the Clar- mont Rouse, an opera gluss in Morocco case. The owner c m have the same bv calling on Thomas Knox, proving property and paving for this notice. THE Annual Re-Union of the 95t!i Regiment, Illinois Volunteers will oc­ cur at Woodstock, on Monday uex% September 4th. We hope to see a good turn out of soldier boys on that occasion. " B. XORQOEST has been having his house painted on the outside and grained on the inside in ash and black walmit. John Kleifgen was the pain­ ter, Mr. Kleifgen also commenced painting the new stor* Bartlett on"Mondav. ants which nuisance PKKSONAL. Miss BELLE STODDARD. spent last week with friends in Elgin. EDi ABBOTT, of .Wankegan, has been on our streets the past few days. CHAS. NEWMAN, of Dundee, spent Sunday in this village^ DR. A. E. BALDWIN and , wife were the guests of Prof. S. D. Baldwin, in this village, over Sunday. Miss NELLIE ANDERSON AND her sis­ ter. Mrs; Yore, of Chicago, are visiting friends in this village. MI$S'LCKA MrKI'HY, of Woodstock, •s the guest of Miss Cora MtiOmber, In this village. 1 HON. T. D. MURPHY, of Woodstock, made our sanctum a pleasarit visit on Saturday last. \ CAPT. CIIAS. II. TRYON and George W. Hunt, of HebroR. were lu this vil­ lage £n Wednesclay^ast. CATIL RALSTON and sister nn^ ^'ss Xettie Paige started on Monday to at­ tend school pt Valparaiso MRS. BENNETT, of Barrington, sperf §unday as the guest of Mrs. L. A, Chirk, in this village, GEO. COMSTOCK and wife.of ftarring- ton, were the guests of Geo. W. Clark nnrt wife over Sunday. REV. L. J. DINSMORE and family have arrived and wi^HtVe in the D. S. Smith house, ne*t^oStK»-Church. II. H. NICHOLS and wife returned on Monday evening from their visit to Indianapolis. Miss MAG<;IK CI.VRK and Miss Mary L. Owen are visiting friends iu Keno­ sha, Wisconsin. JESS ̂ BALDWIN. Assistant JJ. S. At- torne>'.Wf (Chicago, accompanied by his wife was visiting ivith his brother here on Saturday. MISS JULIA FOSTER, of Grant Par*, 111., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. II. B«*ers and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McKiustry, in this village, ^ IIENIIY COLBY and fafnlly, Miss Julia Story, Miss Allie Colby and Eddie Colby, were camping at the Lakes last week. B. N. ANDERSON and James Ander­ son, of Chicago, came out on Saturday evening, and were the guests of Mr. Wheeler over Sunday. JOHN t. STORY started on Monday morning for Fairfax. Vt„ where he ex­ pects to nie^t his wife and daughter, lie expects to visit Boston and New York before his return,. •A. A. MARTIN and wife arrived hom<* from Colorado latt week. Mr. Mwrtin has been there looking after Some mining interests which they have in that section. of Maves & , i AN exchange says that. Infest pantries, a terrible too hi any house-keepers know, inav be banishod by strewing the shelves with cl»ves, whole or gr^nd. The cloves should be renewed from tfnit* to - time, for after lon<r exposure to the air they Jose their aromatic properties. ON Sunday next, the order of tilings wijl be reversed as regards the Fox LaVe excursions.' A party will leave Ray maker's landing, per Steamer Mary Griswold. at 10 o'clock, A. M„ arriving at McJlAiry about noon. "They will be accompanied by the Antioch Brass. Band,find will return to the Lrtdcts about f> o'clock, P. M. WHILE parsing the Gallery of L. E. Bennett on Satniday, we noticed some very fine specimens of photographs,, which he has hung in his show case. They Were indeed very fine pictures and prove Mr. Bennett, to be a first class Artist. If in want of photographs or tintypes do not fall to call and see his specimens. Galleiy over .Perry & Martin's store. THE Harvest Party at the Parker House on Friday evening last, was at­ tended, f re learn, by about fifty coup­ les and everything pafcsed oil in the roost pleasant manner. As usual every­ one is loud in their praise of tlie music by^tlie Janesville Light Guard Band, and we know they cannot speak too highly of it, a^ they have no superiors in the Northwest. A DISPATCH dated Geneva Lake. August 2*2d, has the following: "The Chicago, Milwaukee & St.' Paul rail­ way company will begin work Septem­ ber 1st on its line between Elkhoru, Wis;, and Elgin, ill., touching at Ge­ neva Lake, and thns.making it possible to run through trains from Milwaukee to Geneva Lake, via Eagle and Elk- horn, and from Chicago via Elgiu." & WE would call especial attention t the new advertisement of Fitzsiuimons & Evanson. which can be found in an­ other column. They are milT'kiug down all their summer goods, and are otter­ ing inducements to tlie buying public seldom found in the country. Also are • weei-vfitg new goodrewrj' week, which they otter at a slight advance from cost. Read their advertisement, F- UNDER direction of the ladies of the Cemetery Aid Association quite ,a change lias been made at the Cemetery iii the past week. A new arcb has been made over thft carriage entrance, the one largo g?.te made into two. which makes it much more convenient, new steps and railing for the small,en­ trance. and a large platform and ^leps for setting in and out of carriages, the whole being painted and presenting a yery handsome appearance. Tbe ladies arc deserving of great praise in this it der. y THE new well, being dug at the pickle f .ctory of Oisty. Walker A Co. caved in on Friday night last. They ,had dug down about fifty-one feet when they struck water, which came in so rapidly that they \fere obliged to pump it out with a steam pump, after which they had commenced to brick it up, when*the sides gave way •and the,labor of weeks was lost almost in a moment. The expense to the firm has been immense, but they are not the kind that get discouraged, and will immedi-.telv try it again, we hope witli betteV Mieeefcs. WE have inadvertently omitted to notice the "new departure" of the El­ gin -Dmljj New*., but it is never'loo late to mention a good thing. They are now giving;eaeh dav six cohimns of telegraphic find general news, ii, ad­ dition to their regular editorial and lo­ cals, which iwnke^jrtie News without question, the be^^Hjiily published ill Northern Illinois, outside of Chicago. J. K„ LeBaron, the editor and proprie­ tor, is a live man. a vigorous writer, and deals with all subjects iu a straight­ forward manner,striking straight from the shoulder when he meets corruption, no matter where found. The rijizen* of Elgin have cause to feel proud of the Lnihj News. It i- Justly entitled to the liberal patronage It receives. SPEAKING of the forthcoming sol- k - ' - * " • diers' re-union which is to come off at Diamond Lake, September 6th and 7th the Waukegau Gazette says: "It Is proposed to have addresses, singing, instrumental music, boating, bathing, riflt practice, glass ball shooting and other aiiiusomeuts. The question of a soldiers' monument in Lake County is to be discussed, and, if possible, some plan agreed upon that will carry the project to a successful conclusion. The occasion promises to be certainly not less enjoyable than the re-unions of former years and as the location for the cainp o:i the eust bank of Diamond Lake is a delightful one. there is every reason to expect a large and enthusi­ astic gathering. „ The Wankegan Republican savs: "A poor girl who peddled pencils arounnf tho Board of Trade in Chicago, fell deeply In Jove with Mr. Charles F. Ward, forinerlv of tils city,, but at present a cashier In Culver. Page & Hoyne's large stationery house. Mr. Ward did not reciprocate the young lady's afieetion and the poor girl com­ mitted suicide one day bust week by taking poison, . No blame whatever at­ taches to Mr. Ward in the premises as lie known by the relatives of the'niK fortunate girl to have been regarded by her as an honorable gentleman. In fact she left a note previous to com­ mitting the rash act- fully exonoratiug Mr. Ward, from all blame in tlie mat­ ter. It is a sad aflair." Ward former­ ly resided iu Woodstock. BLIND JOHN BOOKB, said to be one of the most wor.derful natural, musi­ cians in the world, will give a Concert at Riverside Hall, oh Thursday even­ ing of this week, the 31 St. He is but 19 veai*s old, was blind from his birth, yet nature has endowed him with a musical talent that enables him to re­ produce music from sound In a wonder­ ful manner. An Iowa paper iu spoak- ing of him says: That "Blind Jolin* is not only the peer, but the superior of Rll-ud Tom, cannot he questioned. He is truly a prodigv. We can scarce 1V comprehend the wonderful music*! powers of this blind man. He is much ijiore intelli­ gent than Blind Tom was, and is a ready composer and fine performer. The only way we can express ourselves regarding him is that he is a marvel. No oi^should fail to hear this won­ derful musical prodigy. We shall ex­ pect to see Riverside llall tilled to Its utmost capacity. WISHING a little recreation we start­ ed out on Fi 'day morning last, in com­ pany With Besley, of the Wegt Side drug store and the PLAIN DEALER •'devil," and with dog and giHi we soon found ourself at the residence of Capt. C. II. Tryon, in the town of Hebron. Our object was to hunt prairie chickens and we guess every prairie chicken iu the county knew- we were out and gave tis a wide berth, as we only suc­ ceeded in coaxing four sickly chickens within the range of our guns, an i they would not have been there if they had been able to-get awav* When three double barreled breech loaders were discharged at one of these weak birds, it generally surrendered, (but not al­ ways)^ To tell the plain fact it w'as not a.very dangerous plaeo for birds around those prairies, but-If they had been in Captaii- I'ryon's cellar. It ini^lit. have been different. The inci­ dents of the d$y were many, but all will not bear repeating. For instance, we won id not like to tell which one of the party had the accident, on the barb wire fence ; nor about that other one who continually insisted that all Mie chickens were near the school house; nor about that gun t+iat was discharged before we got out of the village in the morning; fill these things arc to mem­ ory dear, hut we're mum. Suffice it to say we had a good day's hiuit, and came home feeling better for our day out. tired, but not hungry, as Captain Tryon and his estimabife lady, allow no one who calls on them to go away hungry, and for the very handsome man::er In which we were entertained while there tliey'fejl 1 ptcase accept the thanks of each one of the party. Jf we ever get a day out again, we know just where we'll go. Greenback Mass Meeting. MASS MKETING.--The friends of the National Greenback party are request­ ed to meet at Woodstock, iu the Super­ visors' room, on Saturday. September •2d, 1 SS '2, at one o'clock, P. M., Tor the purpose of consultation, making nomi­ nations and selecting delegates for this Senatorial and Congressional dis­ trict. Bv ORDER OP COMMITTEE. \Yo<U>.CTOCK, An?. Ulst, 18S2. ONE day la>t week we%made v visjJL to the premises of Chauticy Beckwiil and were somewhat astonished to find that he was quite an extensive gar­ dener. He is making this season a specialty of onions and re/f peppers, and in both he has as fine a/show^s we ever saw at this time of year. In the onion line lie has the "Early Queen," the "Silver Skin." and "Early Pan- forth." and if there is any variety that bea?§ either of those named, we must confess we have never seen them. His onions and picklesHie sells mostly to the Factory. Mr. Beckwith is not a Dook gardener but works hv a practi- coinmon-sense method. a«d -tliat the result proves successful is evidenced by the big crop raised. Mr. Beckwith's residence is in the south east part of the village, and it will pay anyone who loves fo see fine vegetables to call. New invoice of Parasols and Sun­ shades at Henry Colby's, READ THIS. In order to accommodate the great number during the coming Fair. the societv have ^ade arrangements tor ill purchasing tfnrriage tickets, to hitch their teams on the fair grounds, thus saving the trouble and annoyance of looking after your horses. '-4 A. s. WRIGHT, Sec'y. SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHKS, Of Prominent Members nf the South* worthglennon Coi/i hi nation, in Eai*y Lesson* for New Beginners. •V 'l '"'-. ! J KO.. 8, ' / / Well. It ha* been g*me tine since 1 told you about any of^the Southworthglennoii combination. Yes. The last ourf you told me abouj; was the Abstractor. I will give you a short lesson to* night my boy, about the man who did not arrest the party of cock-fighters from Chicago at Crystal Lake. Is be a proipinent member of the combination? - " No, he's a sor| of a liange^-On. Well. I thought he looked as though he didn't amount to much anyway. I wish you would tell me what this man had to do about the cock'fightin'g you spoke about. Well, you see, my child, Rome time ago a party of very wicked men came from Chicago to Crystal Lake with a lot of fighting cocks and hired a hall and set tliem to fighting. The Sheriff of tills county was notified of this disgraceful aflair, and was called upon to go there and arrest these wicked men for breaking the law. . Did he go? Ye«, my son, he summoned a posse of about twenty men, and proceeded to Crystal Lake with them. When he got to the depot he threw out. hi- skir­ mishers.and cautiously advanced on the works of the enemy, giving them a chance to hide every bird they had there before he got to the hall. What did lie do when he got to the hall ? He first looked about him to see that his posse well i u hand, and then stepped inside the door and pompously exclaimed: "Gentlemen. I AUK"the sheriff of McIIenry County and I want thlc thing Stopped." What did the "gentlemen" say then? They coolly told Itiin to go to h --1-- I mean the hot place, my boy. Did lie arrest them? Yes, lie told them they might con­ sider themselves under arrest while lie went over to the hotel with the prin­ cipals and fixed the matter up. Did they fix it up* By the way the glasses jingled in the private conference room, my boy. it is supposed that they did. What did he do then? Well, you see, my hopeful, he wer.t back to the hall and told some of the posse that they would all go home; that he had their word for it that they would not break the law any more. How did the posse like that? They did not Mem to like it my child, and thought the word of these wicked men did not amount to much. However, they were under orders and obeyed theni. Did the ,/wttiked men keep their word ? No, my son. for the posse had scarce­ ly got out of sight, before these bad men proceeded with their brutal sport. Is this mai| ti^ian ? Well, qiy hov, if continual hankering after an office makes a politician, lie Is one. Has he ever been elected to an office? Ye*, my child, an 1 tho time he was elected he just got in bv the skin of bis teeth, and run greatly behind his ticket in his own town, and in the last campaign he tried to get the same ofliee again and got badly gut down oh. How did it happen-? Well, you see, my hoy. he was backed by the Southworthglennon Combina­ tion and every man Phey backed got left. What was this man's business when he was not holding an office ? A«k m« something easy, my son. Then what did iie do to pass his time? He had two or three places where he sat around talking about his neighbors' business, which he seemed to know all about. Is he a good men? One would think he ought to be, my son, by the professions lie makes. Is lie a snfart man ? Well, 1 don't know, my boy, he ap­ pears to be a very wishy washv sort of a man, and 1 have often heard it le- marked that he did not know enough to pound sand. Well, what is he good for then? As near as I can fudge he is best adapted to holding dawn ohaiis of any­ thing I know of, Has he got many friends? - He might have, my boy, if he did : not go back on theni. You promised me that you would tell me more about the editor. 1 will do so. my son, but it is getting nearly bed time anil we,will put it off uiitil another time. Richmond Department. =3" OONTRTBL'THP BV 8. F. BKNNKTT. An Immense quantity of wool was taken In by our local hovers last week. The Richmond eheese factory paid 75 cents for June milk, and not 70cent* as was erroneously stated. Oil last Friday night P. K. Allen lost his best cow. Dr. Green pronounced her disease apoplexv. The reason why George Stewart Is so smiling now-a-days. Is not that he is a candidate for office. Its that new baby at his house. Walter Davis and Harry Baldwin, of Elgin, spent last week camping out at Twin Lakes." They returned to Elgin Saturday, A very ymmg lady; who will, hv and by, answer to the name of "Ethel," last week teok board and lodging peiman- ently with our young friend, James Turner. Congratulations. R. Peck, Burlington, Vr., has bought Fran.. Wrav's fine, black carriage horse, and will take it back to the Green Mountain State. It will ,be a^good thing for tlje Vermonters to see a first class horse once in a while. Wm. Besteder had a lively runaway Frlday^ornlng. when on the road to Richmond. The horse become fright­ ened at some large stones which have lately been deposited beside the turn­ pike. opposite Thomas Thomson's. We hear of another horse badly fright­ ened by them. They ought to be re­ moved. . So many parties are going to Twin Lakes »>ow-a-davs that it Is hard to keep track of all of them. Picnic par­ ties from the village are frequent, and the country for dozens of miles around contributes its quota to the pleasure seekers frequenting the lakes. Since the enlargement of Aokermaid'sMiotel (or rather the building of aiy entirely new one) several hundred gue\ts can be accommodated there at a tiu*e. how. and "if built." what would you build it of. and wherein would it prove a "profitable Investment for the com­ pany." W nuld i t take a large capi tal to builjJ a feasltile t'limor? We notice that. Mr. A. A. Sherttlan Is building an addition onto his fiouse. which will be a comfort to himself and ornament to the'street. Lon always builds well when he builds at all. "Onto." is It! Impossible} All the neighbors say the "addition" which Mr. Sherman is building ts at the south side of his house and not on top of It. Sherman says so too. We believe Sherman anil the neighbors before the Gazette. When the Gazette looked at that "addition." said Gazette must have been "in the condition of the offending party" : ' . John, go to a primary school * little while. ' ' AT A BARGAIN. We offer at a Bargain, to close out summer Dress Goods at prices leas than cost. Also a Job Lot of Boys clothing and Mens coat? must be sold to make room for Fall stock soon to be on. PRRRY & MAKTIH. To those who enjoy an evening dance, the party at the Culver House la«t' Friday nisrht was a delightful one. Everything winch Mr. and M TS. Culver could do to make their guests happy was done. And it was always so. Our most expressive words of praise could hardly do justice to the tables, Friday night. Everything about them was just perfect. We are glad to state that the number of tickets sold was large. Look out for the next, party. Remember the date of th^Mcflenry Countv Fair, Sept. 12-15. As the time approaches, every man who has any­ thing worth exhibiting, should begin to make his preparations to go and take ids exhibit. There Is hardly a farm, or even a garden in the County, that lias not raised something worthy of being shown and that would add in­ terest to tlie fair. At most fairs a few enterprising men make the greatest number of eXhibi tc. This ought not to be so, for the success of the fair is of consequents to every man in the county, and ever}' man should feel it his Individual duty to contribute to that success, not only by his pi>esonce at the fair, but by contributing what­ ever product he may have to the arti­ cles on exhibition. The management are offering an unprecedented array of attractions this year. Secretary Wright has exercised a sleepless ener­ gy in the Interests of the fair and he ought to be rewarded by seeing such a crowd out as old McHenry never before witnessed. FOR SALE OR RENT. Sixty acres of land, situated near thjj Village of Volo. Lake County, known as the Gale Estate. Inquire of H. P. M EAD^ MCHONI'N', IU. Dated August S«l, 1S82. j The Highest Rank Made from harmless materials, and adapted to the needs fading and falling nair. Parker's Hair Balsam has taken thehighest rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. A General Stampede. Never was such a rush made for any drug store as is now at Henry Oolbv's. for H trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicted with Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Se­ vere Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bot­ tle of this great remedy free by calling at above Drug Store. MERINO BUCKS FOR SALE. The undersigned has a tew cliaire yearling Bucks for sule at his farm, 1 j miles southeast ot Spring Grove. Mo- Henrv County, 111. They are the finest lot of Merino Buoks in the Count)*, Post office address, Blivin's Mills. 111. AARON HOPPMAN. July&-inl- Busiuess $ otic;e*« Oo to Mrs, Howe's for tlHllnery (p|- Dressmaking. ' Fishing Tackle of ajl kinds at lf« Engeln's, iu Howe's Block; near tho new Bridge. • . Overalls--We have a large . »t®ck for men and boys. Good and etieap l| Henry Colby's. Buckeye Force Pumpf, at X. If OVYMU'S. " 4^ The light running MfnneapoliaTwt^|ls Binder at E. M. Qweti & Sot*?*.. I :T Always KefreahinJt, , A delicious odor is in» parteiT% Florestou Cologne, which is always re« freshing, no matter bow treely used. •"I The finest line of Silver and f*tate<f Ware to lie found in theeounty, at 0k* W. Owen's. 1 Society Belle*. . On account of Its remarkabty <fl*|- Icate and lasting fragranye, society belles are loud in their praises of Florestou Cologne. FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land In Settfi# fenced. Also80 acres of land, with 4 good house and barn thereon, with timber aud water in abundance, in Sec- i.tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nuuda road. Good new house, haro and uthcr ontbuildings.--s Apply TO JOHN FLU?*?. Just received--'Some very pretty and desirable st vies of all wool Lace Buntings which will be sold very cheap. Call and examine them at Henry Colby's. No choke to the light running Min­ neapolis Twine Binder. sold only by E. M. Owen & Son. KCIAL PREMIUMS CHANGED.--N. S. CtftbyVhanges his as foliows^-A&S.OO for the best colt, S7.00 to se^ywl, 95.00 third, sired by young Grtfen Mountain Morgan. All colts to be 011 the grounds during the fair. * A. S. WRIGHT, Seo'y. The Queen Ann Harvest Picnic. The Annual Queen Ann Harvest Pic­ nic will take place upon the old grounds in Mr. M. Singer's grove. Thursday August 31st. A cordial invitation is extended to all classes of human indus­ try to come and spend a day set apart for social enjoyment. Come with your baskets well tilled, your faces all smiles and your stomachs in a languid condition. A literary programme appropriate (or tlu^occasiou and music fitted to cffaj;in the most artistic is the order of the day. PTU ORDER OF COMMITTER. THE RK.L'MOJV. Comrades of the 95th, remember our Reunion is to be held at Woodstock Sept. 4th, next and It is especially necessary that you should be there with as many of your friends as cSn be induced to accompany you. Come prepared to-take part in all the exer­ cises of the day, and make it one long to he remembered. The associations formed in the Crucible of war blossom­ ed into leve and r»gpect and ripened into a friendfhlp as lasting as life it­ self. Although silver threads of age begin to deck your brow that friend­ ship is as fresh as when marching In the noonday heat, or engaged in dead­ ly s t r i f e w i th t he e n e mie s o f ou r g o v ­ ernment. We hope to meet very many there from other organizations and they may rest assured of a warm recep­ tion. Come out "sore feet or no sore feet," we want to take you by the hand. CAPT. J. E. RECKLEY, Secretary. Nurnta, Aug. 25tli, 1882. A good Wagon Maker wanted at oiice at Richmond. Illinois. iWill give a good man steady euiploj meut. Call 011 or write to • <• P. W- Mpad, Rictinuma, 111, CI MS FROM THE GAZETTE'S GRAM­ MATICAL EIUTOR:--"G. W. Eldredge and John McConnel have so far broken over the general custom as to put Sii.OOO into a pickle factory. It is built as solid as possible--just as the above mentioned men always are--well light­ ed with glass windows all around, so it will be a pleasant, to work, and as a re­ sult better work will be done." How far did Messrs Eldredge and McConnel have to travel In order to find tlir.t pickle factory? What did they put 95,000 Into It for? Hadn't they any other place to Ptore their money? Again,can we bejieve that Messrs. Eldredge and McConnel are "well lighted with glass windows all around!" Astonishing! If they are thus provided with windows, they are live curiosities. But how handy! If either one of them has a stomach ache, he can Just look through one of his windows and investigate the offend ing stomach! Happy Eldredge aud McConnel! Or he might just sliove up the window aud tak^e an extra cucum­ ber or two from Ids stomach and stop the ache without anodyne or physic! Happy Eldredge and McConnel! But we don't see how the windows are go­ ing to make a buffoon of Mr, Eldredge or Mr. McConnel. Yet the Gazette says "so it will be a pleasant to work." Consult your dictionary. Would it »©t be a grand idea for those working 011 the road to make it a point to remove all loose stones which are hauled in with the gravel? Almost every hill Is covered with them and they are only a nuisance, causing damage to tlie hones and vehicles aud vexation to the persons therein. Eith­ er remove tliern or bury them. In.what manner did those "persons/ gi^t inside the horses? Did they crawl i4i, just for fun, or were they swallowed whole by the ferocious horses ? "Vexa­ tion!" We till 11k so! But the last sug­ gestion is kind. "Remove them or bu­ ry tliem." Almost any fellow Jnside a horse would naturally feel like being removed, if not juried. By a recent dispatch to a Chicago paper, we are informed that the Chica­ go. Milwaukee & St. Paul. Railway Company will begin work on ^connect­ ing link of r^ad from Elkhoru to Elgin via of Geneva, on the 1st of September. This may be only a rumor, yet it is a very feasible one and we have no doubt that it will prove a profitable invest­ ment for the comnany and also be of, benefit to the towns along th« line, of which Richmond will probably be one. Just so. We take your word for it Jobs and Bargains in every depart­ ment at Perry & Martin's. No Binder so light draft as the Min­ neapolis, running one horse easier than some binders put upon the market. Sash and fancy ribbons in Watered and.Brocade at Perry & Martin's. The Minneapolis sold as cheap as any first-class Twine Binder, at E. M. Owen «& Son's. Coralene Corsets to be had only at Perry & Martih's. ^ HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. 1 offer my house and lot, situated in tho village of McHenry, for sale. There is a srood barn, outhouses and small fruit 011 the premises, Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to M. KNGELIC FATHER £ SONS, For Clothing look at our latS!*' MV stock, For a good, suit and a XVU >ll| call on"Stevens A Schnorr. ^ FOR SALE OR RENT, A house and oue-ihalt acre of lafod 1 the village of Ringwood. House con­ tains five rooms. Will be sold reason­ able. Apply tn WKSI^K^ LAW. UlSiOWOOD, III., April 4th, 18t£, Look at French Ginghaina at 8t«** ens & SchnorrV. Spring and Summer Overcoats at Henry Colby's. IF you want to buy Clothing at Cht* cago prices, call on E. Lawlus, |a Lau* sing's Block, McHenry. The finest line of Dress Goods, Lin* lugs and Trimmings' at Stevens 4 Sch nor r's. Walking Shoes.--A lull line, late*t styles and first'class.. Wo haw also % few dozen pairs we are offering at % reduced price to close" Ask to sea them at Henry Colby'*. Call and over look the fine ,|at Carriages at E. M • Qwen $ Souls. <* CAB* CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES! KIAGES J Any one in >want ot a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should . not fail If call on E- M. Owen <fc Son and see tha large car-load jtlst received, Tha finest finished lot ever come to tNk county aud will sell them cheap, . HEAD LIGHT OJL, , , The best Kerosene Oil In tltlftr ' H. H. Nichols. 175 Fire Test, % Gossamer Circulars and Coats ladies aud gentlemen always |a > ttecflf at Henry Colby's. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence | for sale. Inquire of _ JOHN QURAX. A nice line of Lace Stevens & Sch nor r's. Burnings at Our Grocery Department is now complete, and have some bargains in tea and coffee which it will pay the close buyer to Inspect. HENRY Coi*nr, HOSIERY. Do not buy a pair of HOSE until you have looked our new stock over. STKVKNS & SCHNOKR. Paints and Oils--a full Ilr^ and ces low at Henry Colby's. Clothing.--Black Dress Suits, Con­ firmation Suits, Spring. Summer and Fall Suits. Children's Suits, Boys' Suits Youth's Suits. Men's Suits, all at prices to suit at Henry Colby's. v Wauconda lo« Cream Pvlfirs. ^ w. iRQoia^ SUCCESSOR TO GOLDJJiO & &ECK>KS, . Would respectfully announce to tltfl public that he has opened his lua Cream Parlors for the season and tat now prepared to furnish Ice Cream every day and evening, by the dish o» quantity. I also keep on hand Fancy Gro* eries of all kinds, Canned Goods, Nov ^THIQIIS. Tobaccos, Cigars. Confectionery, etcW which I am selling as tow or lower tliau any other house in tli* county, quality of goods cqnMdered, When iu want of anything in my Hue I invite you to calh confident that I can please yojkt both in quality ami price. E- W. BROOKS. Waucouda, IlL. May 23d, 1882. pri- Umbrellas.--We have a good assort meut in styles and prices. Call and see theni at Henry Colby's. Fine Shoes.--The largest line and best styles ever shown in this market. Call aud examine them at Henry Col­ by's. • The ' 'Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out on man and horse, at E. M. Owen & Son's. Bucklen' Arnica Saly*, The best salve in the world for Cut& Bruises, Burns. Sores. Ulcers. Sail Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chappeg Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and lill Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, It is guaranteed to give perfect satlfe faction or money refunded. Price SB cents per box. For sale by Henry Cut* by. Our stock of Drugs, Chemicals and Patent Medicines was never mora complete. Goods reliable and prices rijjht at Henry Colby's, But what is a "feasfbhj |"»u*or,' A large stock of Selz fine Shoes, jusH received at Stevens & Schnorrs. The FarnT^r'3 Friend. Published at SoutK Bend,' Indiana. Terms, only fifty centsSa year. Circu­ lation. 33,000. The laigeSt\and best agricultural paper in the "ismtjtry. Eight large pages, forty-eight columns, few advertisements and almost double the reading matter given by the 81.50 and $2 agricultural papers, but we send it to you for fifty c^nts a year. ,. Pre mluins to ever}* subscriber, premiums (to jlub raisers, and 232 splendid pres. ents given them In addition, consisting of a *470 New Birdsell Clover lluller. complete, including re-cleaning attach­ ment, which cleans the seed as thre«hedpi $C0 Casaday Sulky Plow: a Studehaker tarni wagon; Oliver Chilled Plows, Sewing Machine. Silver­ ware, etc. Some of the departments of the J'Trirmem Friend are "Farm Topics," "The Orchard." "Live Stock." "The Poultry Yard." "Home and Health," "Domestic Economy." "Our Young Folks." "The Puzzler," "The Storv Teller." "The Funny Place,' ' ^Sunday Readinar," "The Clover Lea4." "The Aplorv." "Letter Basket." "Va­ rious Topic?," "Correspondent e,* "Hints for the Season," -World's Rec­ ord," etc. Practical farmers -and the he6t writers contribute to it. Agents make money canvassing for it. Any subscriber authoriaed to act as agent. Send AO cents for a year's subscription, or write your name and those of your neighbors on a postal card for free sample copies, and our illustrated pre­ mium list. Address, Farmers' BVIeud Publishing Co.. South Bend, lud. All the new sin pes iu Dress ButtouS at Perry & Martin's. PIANOS AFL> ORGANS. , Mr. Russell, of Chicago, is uow Iu town and will remain a/ few days, is ready to sell'yon a first class Orsran or Piano at cost price. He cau uu 4„y i found at the Wo»e of £, Law 1 us, The McHenry Brtek Manufae* tHtinsr Company are now ready to supply Brick in quantities From Small Lots -=TO-- • C A R L O A D # Their Brick are second to noas to be found in the market, and wiil be sold at the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, OF those handling Brick, will do well to call and see us before pun* ehasingr. /% 4 For further Wfr to oraddregfr, r * •V ' . - McQeorj Brick laufutirac Company, McHENRY - - ILLINOIS, JulySth, W*. :x> CHBOMOS i 12 Free, with the PEOfLB's MvtjA/lNS. The preiiiuun <*vor jfiven, »ne »»f the best masazioos nublishe't. U»i> eitcbtjr ceuts a vear. Sitmpi® scot (ffee O# iccitipl qt S cent or three months oa trial tor jS .•cuts. .VllKN'T-* WANTK1K Sem! Si coat* for comi>l»t< inildt, iin liuliujeult tbtt uhroaM^ M<»no> it not MONTH and hoaM in yonr $4 < <'UUUIY. Meu or Pieasaatf •WXpt-K'S MAUAKIVK,

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