Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1882, p. 8

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' * St* ^ \ " ** v ** wr • 4 v -n*:y* >^1 : w i * „ * * **, * * m - , ' - -*m • ^ "*: ' :. '*; ' • " ' r•1 • ' _, >'v * -i ,\ • % * * - ^->* ; • , *- * -, , i' ^ '- •'"'---"V «v^ J . * ' • '- • "k ^ * , ' , '* l _ 1 ill ? |' ,» *. | f »• it <* ?><.n '•* r» *f.'«»^' »#* .m,,|'>V -i »' «**- ;>»f ' >' »:. ' ' ' ' " V N«,. / 'WW'". |'.C'V *2&?i<u"._". :?•"•: *Vt». .'jt£i^4 ]pttw¥-* 1 - k"7-v " '"' '""'2 '" ' "' Established in 1856 Have ti-zmW: *rX * • *> 5* < • ** 'PI »>*l i W'^'JvJX** '•V'.*, -><• S-V/- »".St'>r*-» I ..-*V • «"' J'«.% N STEfiBA, Woodstock a k-i-m 7 ••**,:- «s«. »?r Formerly or McHenry, Chicago, has returned to Woodstock, Do yon want first c?ass machinery soroctning we buy so much oi that you fret the benefit oi it? We know of some dealers that buy fSO much that they claim to sell low, but you get all their prsces and ,then come to U8 and we will sell you the same goods cheaper than aiyr-irtberdaifeff .•» f* %. . , ^ And has now oirhancTthe largest and %#«t stork of ^ ' v?" '!£ ' HKttO, TJABt." M. B, Ourtl# «tt»l wife Iirt® f pet fMra^twfcMi tt their constant trtvol- lllgwflil^uHoii. and which ppenk? the lll|pi^i|»!«h wftli umaxlng fluency. Th« loqnacicttft bird enured quite a ]MMtkr*t the Wimlsoi-. IFotel Iifc6t\night. ItOTettfs Hint the Curtis family <\ccupy directly adjoining (lie apart* •mMI* of Governor Tabor at the hotel, and iMt evening ns tiie Governor was ««t«tfng ^ his apartments he hnar<l what lie thought was a female voice »aylng, "Hello, baby," The Governor was a trifle ftartled. Be Is ft very gallant man, but lie could 16fe for the life of lilin inisflr.e what he had eve*r done to warrant fny female in address­ ing him^o familiarly. The salutation appeared to be intended for him and it came from the transom over the door of the room directly across the ball. The Governor was nonplussed. ••Hello, baby--pretty baby," said the Vdee again, and the Governor blushed as lie stroked his fierce moustache and tried to brace up and look dignified. "Woli't you come and kiss, your baby?" called the volcf again in a deliclooely seductive sort of a way. Now the Goveroar selJom takes a dare of any kind. To do 1s|to justice he is a brave man. and at thi« particular moment he big enough to ta«kie au army. He crept softly over So the door and atked, "Are tou" talking to me?" **Xice babysaid the voice; but no sootrtr had the voice spoken than an­ other voice from inside the. room--a big burly man's voice--called out, "Go away froua that door and let the par­ rot go to sleep." It was Mr. Curtis who spoke, but he had no idea it was Governor Tabor outside. Governor Tabor slid quietly into his room, bat he thought It was such a good Joke he liad to tell the boys about it after sup­ per, and In the opera house lobby last night, it.** all tbe t*lk^^r»j^r Tribtme. . v •• spaiNe w«PAi%flpiED ^ m,; - -A* HIS-- , » r Carnage and Wagon fiMy. BLACKSMITH SHOP, RiCHMtfliD. ILL. I sell eTerv Implement, VTool or Machine a Rtrnoisr wants, r!j aTKOBSI SPRIS6, OK- MV'SRY AND FARM WAGO^, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, One, two and flH-ee seated, from the cele? brateit in«nuC*ctory of J. W. Henry A Co., Freeport. • . Blaoksmithing, Fainting '^7*;:.' and Repairing *" , Done In a workmanlike manner And War- rati tod. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufHctnred, we fcelect that host * a<lnpte~(t for this section, and upon the BKST TERM! TH AT CASH CAX PURCHASE, which en­ ables ns to supply our itatruns with just what thev want, and at lower prices than nnv otlii>r concern northwest of Chicajso. Call and make exsiv ination for yourselves before ijiviiijr vonr orders for any piece nf uinchifory you ina'v nee'1 the coining Season, and jon will fitiii the best and most complete line of Farm Machinery ever before offered in Mcllenrv C« Reiaeinher that we offer the VERY" BEST MACHINERY at the VERY l.OWKS? Gtwih can predaoe anywhere. A. IK OJiAYi, Richmond, III, Clotliings I^fhen Is some complaint of po­ tatoes rotting uear the surface of the soil caused no doubt by heat and wet, but should the wet not prove excessive we are In hopes the loss will be slight iu this respect// There was a blight of soom of the foliage which perhaps an •artysorts was not suficlent to inter­ fere with quality or yield. But we notice that some of the later sorts have lost considerable of their leaves, which !• liable to damage the outcome of the crep to some extent. It is remarkable how few of the neWly brought out potatoes are generally Introduced, and bee^jne lasting favorites and nroke what might be called fc fashionable pecac*. In this class we will mention tin pinkeye that held sway in this re­ gies at an earl.v (lay after its settle­ ment. aad which for a number of years ranked deservedly high as a table po­ tato. Later came the far famed and reliable old peachblow, and still later the eariir/cm which have teen taken up more universally than any two va­ rieties that we can remember. To all Appearances these two varieties, es­ pecially the first named have passed fifjeeliUh of tlielr popularity, but it time to fill their places wi|h varieties, to say nothing about ring them as to general good it ties for a table potato. For Spring aad Summer. A full line of piece iraeds of the latest styles ami at the lowest figures. J „ • • CLOTHING ! ||Pgg|>t!Sto«c *haiv#fr< ? SUITS SUJT? at Suits til price* St At if) ACM Those ^o5<ls v» have been s3ltiit|» throogh thi twenty-five cents per yard have belli reduced to tbe Sttttimer Season- nt five cents per yaidf at<»st patterns that were sold at dope out at five cents. Should think it would pay ytiu lUtl#<m^ toiaypst. Also . ^ GOODS, ' AiCft J^eiwjaf received d^fy. Prices very' moderate, iying to pay highest market price for But ter and Eggs. arealso P1TZSIM MOMS EVANSOH. We/have just receive! the finest ear of m That ever came to this bountf* If in want of one don't fail to call, as the finish beats themaJlU Aguaiiintee of our own lor <oue yetir with each carriage. r . ' 1 " t, >j$ »i>f <• •, • i _ , *• ' i ^ ~x fs READY MADE HARNESSES, COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found in the County, and, has everything made of thn BEST MATERIAL. Call amlTsee'mo. JOF3N STERBA. r. j.DAcar DONOVAN mn J O H N B . B L A K E . 'fy' Of Pumps we have "both wood and iron. For a wood, pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell arid Mishwaukeee, and for an iron pump the well known Trakem and Buckeye. Can a!- W8 repair or awy depth. ' if "f.i'.'L ' E. M. OWEN & SON. w-: T H I S . I V K ' W M A I » ' Piovus beyond any reason "ble question that the CHICAGO & RAILWAY TwoDoors Ncrth of Perry & Martin's Where you will find all grades of Furniture, from a common Chair up to this finest 8et, of the best make and quality- People buying c t me will find all my goods as represented. 1 Is by all odds the best road for you to tak hen traveling in either directionbetween Chicap ai all the Principal Foists in tbe West North & MM Carefully examine'this Map. The principal Cities in the West and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains of all railroads at Junction paints, " Sr - . * . t^rRcd Cloud, who threatened an outbreak against Agent McQlllycuddy, at Pine Ridge Agency, In Dakota, Is a disappointed agitator and liar. There was a time when lie stood high in the estimation of bis fellow Indians, but having fallen he has ever since been Intriguing to regain power. Several years ago while east he preferred charges against a capable official at the agency, who would not assist him in his schemes. The charges were inves­ tigated and found to be false. He then M|uowledged that he lied. . J0 1 Why do women so often wan­ der aimlessly in the murky solitude* of the dead past, breeding oveE, tbe days tli&K are forever gone ?M asked a young lady of a practical lover, who is a widower. "They don't." he replied. "On the contrary they wander around the dry goods stores of the present pricing things they have no idea of buying. Womenare not dreamy or poetical, but whpn it comes to getting a two dollar bustle for one dollar and eighty cents thev keep up with the procession.*' & if, 1e :\ "> I - - 19»Mainc cannot, according^* )!!** Elisabeth Stuart Phelps in Iter story of Dr. Zay, now running in tbe Atlan­ tic Magazine, be a very desirable state tO'live in. "We aliens do have every­ thing wuss here than other folks," paid a passenger in the Bangor mail-coach. "Freese and prohibition, mud and con­ fusion. We've got one of the constitu­ tions that takes things, like my hoy. lie's had tlie measles, 'u the chicken- porx. and the nettle-rash, and fell In love with thjc schoolmarm, 'n got re­ ligion, and lost the prize for elocoottn' --and all In one darned year." . R-::J~O^R Anne^ T pr ^egaunee A Quinnesec Worcester Spal d i | .Ashland V<^~Chanm?Fl iirainerd Mum* JS.St. Cloud Ordw^y Clapton i s ing neat 9 - j *£ap o ood i'a oG'een 9 ^ Sioux Falls yf&ltrtom. Jmur MO/son jUgona TASKTO.' Sioux q &'<</'on 'y W e i l l C i t y \ ? V In this Department keep a first-class assortment of Caskets, and ^Coffins, and Shrouds oi all (kinds and quality A Hearse furnished at .reasonable rates. WES TV^ AT w AUCONDA. I ft O RAILWAY Oul' Je. T For anything made to order, Malman's is th place to go. Alto a full line ot UlflQif ^ Ktar**v NORTH-WESTERN CHICAGO A G»..CM. Gent's Furnishing Goods. CAP8y &c., &c. THE CHICAGO & NORTM.WESTERN HATS. Traias PALACE Has received a fine Stock of Spring and Snm- m«r Millinery jroo<l8, and of the latest styles. A nice lot of Ribbons and Plumes. The dies of Western l.ake County are especially nYit«d to eaU and Sum ine goods and prices. DSALERlir H. aBit.lffl.P T. J. Dacj & Co. It is a lact well, known to the Fanners ot McHenry County that whenever they have spoken of Dacy 'toy. oppositon dealers, that the sound ot his name has caused 1 hem to shud­ der and their bones to rattle, simply because the would be opposition dealers know too well that we have bought our goods in much larger quantities than • they have done, and that we have always sold goodis for less money than the same quality could be bought bv many of them and they know it. A«rain we have our first choice of' machinery in th« market, rand always aim to keep none but the best. Our present st6ck consists ot many \ articles of machinery not found elsewhere in th^ county. We have by actual count over 100 Bugsfies, Plajtform Sprin/ar Wag­ ons and three spring Milk Wag- '1 ons. (Call and count them.) AW a car of Glidden Barbed Wire Also plows, harrows, "j Pulverizers, sprrng tooth har ' rpws, seeders, drills, rollers, j corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limit" Farm- 3 ers who consult their own inter­ ests will not buy a dollar's worth ; until the> get our starvation 5 prices. Write forcirculars. | 1 T. J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, lit. IJNSURE WI1H TH> Mutual life of New Yerl: THE GRAND NEW BOOK, aii Circis Lift' OB vaBiBcaxrt |)f THK Agents Wanted ' " * '* " Oreea AND SAW DUST A^reniii. Piirtikt and ll«*st Medicine ever Made. AeoBntaioatlon of Hops, Buchu, Wlan- drakte Uandci ion, withatltne best and most caurative of all other BitU-rg, !iiaUee\th®greatest Biood Purifier, tlvor Rea u iXatpr, mfl and Ueaitli Xtestorlng Agtut od^MKMBHBSUSS ' •»"!»• No 'llseue poK ibiy i'uiif exist where Hop Jiittoraare us\ed^K> vitriea aud perfcat are Uveir o|«iatiotig.{ lie7 sevlille aadTlgwtothsapl indlifam. To all whose emroploymeiitH cause Irre^t-ari" tyot tli9l»owelgor% urinary oritans, or who np 41art, an Api«tirer^.1onlc ami mild Stimulant, Hop Bitter* are without intox­ icating' No matter wliatrotir f^^ellnKs or Kjmploma u> r wiiat the disea-si; or ailwncnt in use Hop Bit fern*, lton't wait untilyoua% re sick but if you only fee 1 bad or iiii)ierabl*,mliw them at ooe*. 11 inay »aro your 11 Tv. It hasV a T •<! hundreds (SOO w'll b<-" paid for a caSse they win not cureorhtlp. D<> net MiTer »<«'l>-t your frx ijou miliV r.ljlit line and urt"- tUi-:a \ UKe Hop B tiememtK^r, flop lWrrs in nc^^>v"e> diifjn'efi drunken nostrum, but the Pur. n J Hj;,t Modiclnecver made :tlie FUKjaw and HOPE" and 110 ^rsoa or iinaly^l ehould be without t^' ia. HBaBaBSBS D.i.C.l"annl)snltit€rnnd Irresistible cuil foi UrunUeiiaetJ4.u«eof opium, tobacco andvL - nnreotks. A!J M bv 0 -h. Ktud 1 ̂ for Cirt-uha". Ila, IlNm 1^. U, M wu nocl!<-«t°r.N.T n-IT.--<- •. 5kJ Scissors, Shears* Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades Shorels, Forks, Coihri Knives, Axes, Grindstntoi Window Gl«i^b . .^T ^RANITE-IRON AND TIN-WAR5. , J. STORY. RAILWAY, "Orer a\l of its principal lines, runs eacli wav daily from two to fonr or move Fast Eapr It is tne oniv roart WTest, North or Northwest ofCliicafro1 that iises the CARS: It is the only ronrl that runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of ^Cbi«*i over 3,000 Mileei of Road> In forms, amongst.others, the following Trunk Lines: It liat WmonB, Minnesota k Centrnl Dakota Ll Chicago, St. PP.mI k Minneapolis Line, Milwaukee, Oreeu 15av k LakeSope Line. Waukesha. Maiiison A Norlhei 11 Line Tickets over this roail are sold by all Coupon Ticket Agents in the United States A Canada Remember to ask for Tickets via "this roau, be sure they read over it, anil take none other Council Bluffs, Colorado ft, California Line. Sioux Citv k Northeastern Nebraska Line. Elgin, Hockford, Freeport &~DiiTiit<|iie Line. Jim Hiver Valley, Pierre & Dead wood Lino. .XAYXG, ^)^S*li?^phicago. ' B- 8TE3TNITT, Gen Pass Agt Chicago. BUSS, Ag't C. R'y, McHenry, BUY YOUR, jBeeanaa it is, tbe oldowt Company *1b_ ^ l i l t e d S t a t e s f ^ i t l i t h i r t y - n i n e J f ^ a v s o f pFrlt'OceV -- " Hec.ause it is the lnrsest Company in tht • world. Assets, $94,702,953, nearly doiibie thai •; of any other Company. ^ | Because it is the most popular Cot&paoy. I Its policy holders number over 100,000. | Because every dollar of the above immense '| 8»im belongs totho policy holder*, and the sur. • plus over what is actually required, is an. nuall v divided amongst them, which surplus .J may lie applied in either of two ways: First, :! to pay a portion of the annual premium, thus materially red 11 cinsr the cost, or it may lio used to purchase additional insurance. In the latter way forty-eight policy holders of ; th^year just past, holding policies, the face 1 valueofwhich was sfl3:;,uno, were curried foi j an'average term of 33 years at low rates, aiul the additions brought'the snug sum.of a liillo • over J3(IO,(WO. Many of these policies had been 4 self sustaining lor "years. /Because the rates ef every other Company are nearly eighteen n«r cent, higher than f those of the Mutual Life. . :! • • ' | Because Its running expensed are 'owor ' than any other. 1 The sworn statements of the Equitablo Life Assurance of New York, a fcoinpnny •' several millions less than half as large as the Mutual Life, show its'expenses <<f manage, ment to ha vo averaged M.23 during the last three years, those of the Mutual Life 7.8 the diflerence of llrst cost of policy, and manage* ment expenses alone, are ei]mil to 25per cent in favor of the'Mutual Life. ji Because it can and docs afford thecheapest, 1 safest and most satisfactory insurance invest' ment of any Coin pan y in the uorld. As it will be impossible for uie to see all who aro desirous of obtaining Life insurance at- actual east, 1 will say to such that a postal card will always rea*li me at this place and on receipt of same I will forward different plins inn! actual results (not estimates) which are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the jj*st«5ry of Life Insurance. Thisgg$nnp»nv issues only regiilar Life and Endownieniiiolicies and ll'keoiher Company! of the highest standard refuses to have any thing to do with Tontine gambling. r>. C. H. MOHKY, Agent, | For McHenry County and western part o^ | Lake County. . L',\ , ? _ McHKNRY, ILL. P a r k e r s H a i r B a l s a m SatU&M tb« most <kslid loot tu a perfect Harr TUctonT and th-eising. Adiuifed for iUcleaotium aud «lefranti>«rlutne. Kerer Fails to Iiestore drey or Faded Hair to Utt jpoutttfnl rwlar^ ^ CU. «n<u 1 i\yt. at «11 druggitto. Hcvealinir tf»« the Theatre, Circus, Variet* Show, Concert Dive, Ac., kr. Home and Private Lite of Actors and Ac' tresses. Most wonderful and interesting book ever published. K*i>osing the secret doings of tiiddv BalletGirls, Back Door Math­ ers, Matinees,'Midnight Suppers, &<•. Ac. The vei! lifted from the HLACKvAHT. How Women are IIred from cannon; men eat. fire; Heads are cut off and hundreds of other nivs- teries performed. 150 Beautiful Illustrations, ifcwl Elegant Colored Plates. Positively the fMlest selling bool; ever published. Agents canvassing outfit, HO cents. Illustrated cir- CtOar and full particulars FBEF. Agents net quick and secure territory bv addrcbsius; M'N Pl BI.ISIlING CO.. mt iurfnc *1, «. LouU.Mo. P A R K E R ' S G I N G E R T O N I C Ginger, Bucko, Mandrake, Ktllliugia and many of the Lest medicines known arc here com­ bined intoa medicine of such varied and effective power*, as to iriuke the Greatest ijlood Purifier Sithe test Health and Strength Restorer Ever Used. It cures Dy*i*psia, Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, nil diseases of the Stomach, Bowel*, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, and all Female Complaints. If you are waiting away with Consumption or any disease, use tlie Toi.'ic It will *urely hup you. J'e:nejjibert it is £u~ superior to Hitters, Essences of C in«er and other I onics, as it builds up the system wiihout intoxicating. 50c. and$i sizes, at all dealers i.i drui»s ^ 011c Genuine without signature of 111 cox&t.o.,N Y. Sc id lor circular LAauE £i.v;xu i-N 1,'cxihq tile IXJU.AU MZIL ' 8W.U1M ,11 Etoae-- A N D F A N S . •n-'-vr.i* . >•-1 • • STYLE GLOVES, . ' ,v ^ ' And'gen exceptionally fine line of Hosiery. Look over That Wonderful Book. GUIDE TOSUCCESS FOR Business • AND „ S001^T3r. ̂ Stevens & Schnorr 1 Have just opened near GEORGftnW. BESLEY, Otiose Store can baiotind on the West Side, wheae everything m e can be found, Fresh and X^ure.^ ' . IT- . • ' - , j-;;v ---i. v • ' • • • . 1 > • Ev«r brousrht to McHenfy county, amonj? which can be.found the Ronnir Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps .of, every description which will be sold at prices that dafy competition ting. , » - . " . Call and see their ~x > Physicians Carefully Coinpouuded. Give n eaCal». McHc^nry, Illf Oet. 20th, 1881^ C . W B E S L E Y Is selllnp bv teft'S^ftTltwsa.^s. It f^ the 'most uni v e r sa 11 y useful WH>Jjev er P • It telle completely HOW TO DO K\ TKIVG in the best wav, How to be lourOwB Lawyer, How to I»o Business Correctly and ^iiccessfiillv, How to Act in Society and every where". A gold it.ine of varied informal tion to ail classes for constant referenda. ' AGKNTi WANTED lor all or spare time* To know wli* this Imok of KEAI<, value and attractions sells better than any other, apply for terms to H. B. SCAMMKLL & CO., St. Louis, Missouri. _ -- i.iV Hii i.'.n :d 2f ' *--AT THE-- Wauconda Drug Store Book Haunt and We are prepared to fell all of the apparatus for catching the above. The largest and most complete line of iishing gooda ever displayed in Wauconda. Pure Linen Lines, Trolling Hooks, Floats, Sinkers, Jointei* Asli,Kods, etc., at a bargain. THEODORE THOMAS .will hardly be able to call A t W a n o o n d a this season, if he does, howevoi'. wc-can give him figures on HAR- MOUK-AS -and Musical Instru-* riienta of i ll descriptions that Woul f astonish him. A new line just»: ceived. C'all and examine F. 0. HARRISON. 4*. k'A.J'.'skKiijiu. Jtotort

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