Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1882, p. 8

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^ v f f i r „ . ̂ <*«• -mtw ijp.ATBgr -x v | . n«r> - T-.i^w-M^' ̂ *>v* -w^r - »'"SWS Sv" ' tablished in 1855. pi ~~ *rt \ . u i •v-^y 'SI W: A U«!il' 1'Ui: I'HYSlCMNS. Equally to tli« pit<1 ir. of iii*> ntoriiral |V»r Warning. nklll (ltd lnith- fpfeMM. *i*«f of tlie common mum of m$jjt«*TTn\ public, tliciY in compnra- ttwly lew (Wi brought Against T?liyslcf an* for malpractice. It lias be- nna« comrrrou enough to sue towrns up- on fpeeulatioru hut tit* doctors have uot •ften bt?M mada the victims of i£- nonww ornt cupidity In stilts of law. ft* jp»|Mt!>tr mind place* great confl- thtaov* and rlglitl.r, fti the ability and honor of tli« profession. In the til root •Xtremltr w appeal to them t* save the life we value equally with oorown. All experience proves tlwftt, as a class, the physicians are hitmane and alert tu do good with or without the prospects •f pecuniar? remuneration. It is not always in their power to rescue the tick or wottnrieri, but the presumption a!way* Is that they do their best. This character, and it is a true one, of the physician aa a member of his pro- feMion, is eometithes assailed. Il ls sometimes chnrsred that lie aelther knew what he ought to do in a partic­ ular case, nor cared for the resHlt of Ills carelesimesft or inattention. So heinous a charge should only be consid­ ered when proffered by an Intelligent person, unmistakably pursuing, ia the cause of private or public Justice, the p&tfi of itiyoHigatioii. He who wan­ tonly, or maliciously, or through spite, or Ibr corrupt ends, assails the Integ­ rity of the physician, does a wrong to Society at once criminal and almost In­ calculably deleterious, and is to be reckoned In the same category as he who should seek to prejudice the minds of meu against the government earnestly ami effectively acting for their highest welfare. -- Baltimore Amerita/u r>:n Whiskey! Haye just received a larger uud more complete line than ever be* fore in )^A geatfeman who was so nnfor- f tunate as to have lost. fire excellent I wives, determined to erect a tomb­ stone at the head of each eommemo- mating her virtues, and was only de­ terred from doing so by tlie expense | Attending the earrjing out of the de- slge. A happy thought struck him, t'liowever, and he arranged for the' jj tombstone. The Ave wives were side by side in the same grave- jsri This is the happy thought: The «Cliriatiao nam* of each wife to be on a I small Atone--"tm»C "Jane," "Mary " ;|^llargai*t,v Elizabeth,"--a band, cut I^O'eadh stone pointed to a large stone ftt* tbseaotre of the lot, and under each nd,1f5or epitaph see large stone.** I9»9tmutt h:ire been tremendously ' , '-embaraaeing to rthat nice young nan 'f 'v4.eut at Bowling CIreen, Kentucky, who •j* \ ^SMtorted the preacher's fair daughter f, > '>tochurch Sunday night, and arrived late, to hear che reverend gentleman >j«ead from tin Bible as the couple I -mawsbed t|« tfce ah tie, "My daughter is ^grievously tonueuted with a devil," '* which verse oecurs In an account of a "!Wew Testament miiracle. The whole fn', ̂ •eongregatlen Micke^red and it would ^^AA^Iiard. to. teH arhich felt the worst. «Mke preacher. Ma dan ghter, er her es' veort* I' 4 !9SSSSKSS£55£3255S MF*An Hltio«4« boy fell down i H-tUfloMd wes-eomore d that he had to etayMfeed a mentfe. A physician pre •Miked drugs cle rgyman prayed ^ J; Mir for hie eeoovery. He is now 'eweH. The father a-efo tea to pay the 'C ^Mtot's blII«fJM,l)eea4Be he believes % j-atfw.cwpe waswtmight hjr prayer alone, £{:. .jietihai |ins #19 dollars to tbeebwrdi. f . «Ail»VMuit |« che irseult. Thi Farmer's Friend- "Published art ^oufii Bend. Indiana. 'Terns, only Aftar-eenu a year. Circn- Jatlou. 31,000. U^he largest and best Wjrkmllwial paper tdn the country, Bight lergetpages^orLy-elgbt eolnmus, few a&reRlisemeiii&aiid almost double the reading matter-given by the 91.50 And •S.-agriimiltimiUi&epers,, but we send it ta juMitfor fifty cents a year. I're- •riaana«e«ttvery subscriber, premiums to Aibstfsers, and.232 splendid pres* eols gl«e«'them in addition, consisting of afCMKow BivdsuM Clover Hnller, «wenrietft,iincludi»jg're<Cleanlng attacfi- sneiic, wMeb cleans the seed as Clu>eAAdt;-a'#00 Oa6aday Sulky Plow; . • #K#tu4Meker t'ftvm wagon; Oliver Chi tied fk«f«, Sewing Mactiine. Siiver- warct, etc. Some of fihe departments «4 the Fkurmerg Friend are "-Farm Tepioftf "The Orchard."--Live Stock," *'The Poukry Yard,"" "Home and Heatth.,^ "Domestic Eeonomy." "Onr Teung i'U4Lb,v' "The Piuusler," "The Htory fieiUer" "The JFunny Place," **2iun4a£ Beading," "The Clover Leaf," •'The Afiafyv' "Letter Basket," "Va­ rious T«pic«," "Coorespo n de nee "Hints 4ar Uie Keason," "World'* Rec- ord,"e«£. Fractiual farmers and the >t»st eo.iCr ibu 16 to it. Agents make lavuey canvassing for it. Any sulMcrMier authorized to act -as agent. He (id Maben^te for a yeai"e subscription, or write fwur name and tUiose of your neighbor*a postal card for tree sample jeo^ies* and our illustrated pre- mlum llfet. Address, Farmers" Friend PublishingSouth Bend, IIKL Walking ^i»oe«.--A full line, latest Styles autf fix«t £iass. W o have also a few dose* poire we are ottering at a reduce* price u» <-lose. Ask to see tUem at Henry Colby'i?. ^THEkCRAND NEWIBOOK, OR 9>r vun ilTACI, Agents [Wanted W:'- Green AND SAW DUST i Arena. •MevMNair of Jhe Theatre, Cimi«, Ttrltt; Snow, Concei t Dive, Ac., Ac. Home and Private l ite of A< and Ac tr*Me«. IIMI wonderful and interesting book ever pulilUhed. Kxponinic the secret doinfH of tilddr BalletGirlts, Back Door Math' en. liatinee*. lliilpight 8upj>ere, Ac. Ac. Tb« Tell llftod from tlie It LACK, ART. How 1T«OMB are Irc-d OWN e«nnon; UUM eat. Sre; Head* are eat of *iwl v*»odr«dfc of other my «. t«rie« perfornieil. JfiaBeautitul Illufttrationn, and Elegant Colored yiatoe. I'oBttivdy the fattest selling I«ok ever . Agents caavaMlng outfl<. SS cents. Illustrated cir- calsrand full | utirotera I'KEB. Agttu act «iiilei aixl «cu re territory l»y addte»«ing T II ILUUIKG CO., -:,n' • i: • BROWH'S IRON BITTERS lis one of thevoy firw tonic ^ Biedicinet that are not com­ posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper- 4 *ice by promoting a desire for rum. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Is guaranteed to be a non- * intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, , take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso- « lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi- 4 eating beverages. ^ Rev. G. W. RICE, editor of the American Christian Re- view, says of Brown's Iran Bitters: . - Cin.,0.,NoT.l6,1881. JGents:--The foolish wast- of vital force in business, easure, and vicious indul­ gence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity; and if applied, will save hun­ dreds who resort to saloons lor temporary recuperation. CLOTHING, % BROWN'S IRON BITTIRS has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil­ ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c., and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relie£ • A. P. GRAY SPFTMG CAMPAIGN OPENED s, --At HIS-- Carriage and Wagon Factfrry, #HOP, BLACK3MITH RICHMOND, lt£. I sell every taptanenft. Tool or Machine a farmer want*. PLATFORM 8PKIHG, DE- LIV3RY A»l>FAKM WAGONS. TOP AND OPKN BUGGIES, One, two and throe aeated. AM wra»e»i inap«Yar»»iy M J. W Freeport. the eele *ie»ry s m, Blaokmitkfag, Painting and Repairing1 Done in a workmanlike aunner and war­ ranted. From the large variety of Farm Machinery mannfsctnred, we aeleet that best a-l/tpteu for this section, and upon the BEST TERMS THAT CASH CAW PURCHASE, which en- aMcs us to supply onr patron* with jnst what they want, and at l*wer nrices than anv other roneern nortbweat oW Ckirago. Call anrl make exaii:ination for yourselves before giving yonr orriora for asy pieee «f machinery yon may nee<* She coning NMO*, anrl yeu will lin<l the beet and meat eonplete line of Fiirjn Machinery ever befbro oSered In MoHcnry Co Kemcmfcer that we offer the VKIJV jiEST MACHIXKRY at the VERY LOWEST PRICK that Cash eaa pndiet anywhere. A. P. GRAY; JKchmond, III, Ihe lFnn«t and Best Xedlclae ever Sod*. mAb-teloiutive prupeitMi oX all otiker Bitters, ?uali if" kthe«ie*teat Rlood Purtfler, Lfver Reo u iXator. ml Ltf»wl IleaKh Itcstoriiig 1 earth. ipoaaiUrlonK ex>st where flop &po vftried aad psrfest are their IAL7IGTRTATBTATIDU&S]SL7SL ploymeiitscnuac krrcpn^ui' k urinary ««*aiis, or wlio re» and mild Stimulant, te, without into** N o ilfeeaaee^ IJ-tterd are i Tu all wbose ty of thebowel»« quire an Appetfc U (>V Ritters are i leading. No nwttter whatyoor or irnptorui cltc wli«t the disease or allwieDt use Hf>|> let­ ters. Uouf wait until you 8%^ but if you only ft*i bad or mist?ratt6»*u®e them at once* J t :iiay s»ive haffV* a hujKirto:t $500 will be paid foraealpe they vili not m eorhelp. Do not snir-er^k0'^t your useaiwiur^" Hop B lUvnieniber, Ho|i dnirt-ed dru ulcer, iko^iniui, V.tit the i'ui,esV^^y }L ^ i^est ilcdieiiie ever m»de : tL'.e "IXVaUU^W ntJEJjD and KOPE" aiid no person cr fclK>uld be without them. rM.C.H an abs»lut» and iiresistibie . •I>runkenne6«1U'9C ut oj tobacco cjjl n a r c o t i c s . A l l » l d b v f t ; » S e a d for < '.rcuU&r. Mop Witer* n.'r. Co., ' PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. A perfect dress" ing, elegantly per­ fumed and harm* less. Removes dandruff, restores natural color and prevents baldness 50 cents uud fl lltet RtdrufgitU. lUBSSIOtl COLOGHE. An RvqaUltcly fr»> _ Rot perfume with exe«|>l(ooRlly jR«tiof propirtkt. 9ft and IS MU. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC An Invigeratiaf IMIcta that Nmr lirtoxicatei This deliciout combination of Ginger. Buchu, Mandrake, Stillingia. and many other of the best vegetable remedies known, cures all disorders of the bowels, stomach, liver, kidneys and lungs, & is The Best aid laratl Caagb iara Cver Vtei. If you are lufterinf Ita Feaib Complaints, Nervousness, WakeftuneM, Khnondsnl Dyspep­ sia. age or any diseaa* or kfirmity, take Parker"a Ginger Tonic. It will scran (then brain and body and give you new life and vigor. LOO DOZIZIAXR Paid for anything injurio-- found in Ginpt Tonic or for a failure to help or cmc. *0r. 111(1 * 1 tiiM >t *Ml«n la <np. l«n •»<•* baj S.uU ( Co., !UW»JiL,! Groods| Cashmeres and Camolettsv rlcsfttr ^ Foreign isr barj»ain« In Blacks and Colow. ^ Dress Silks, ^htidas and Dress Flannels, iu (k>lors; Novelty Stripes, Brocatels and Plaids; a great variety in "Thtfinot line <rfQingh«m» aad PHatS luthe county. <£t LOLRTIIT. TwoDoors Ncrth of Perrv & Martin's ' •{ Where you "will find i.ll grades of Fnrnitorc, from a common Chair op to the finest Set, of the best make and quality People Siixinjr c i me will find all my goods as represented. fe® Jobbingrand Repairing neafly and promptly done. In this Department keep s first-elass assortment of Caskets, and Coffins, and Shrouds ol all j&iuds and quality A Heafse furnished at reasonable rates. JACOB STORY,, McHENRY, ILL. BEALER 1M Do you waiil^rst cfass' wactiinery somefmng webuy so much al that you get the benefit ol it? We know of some dealers that buy fso miich that they claim to sell low, hut you get all their prsces and ,then come to us and we will sell you the same goods cheaper than any other dealer hbye just received tjhe finest car of CARRIAGES. That ever came to this-counlij, If in want of one don't foil to. call, as the finish beats them all. Agoarantee of our own. tor one y^»r with each earriage. ' ' Of Pumps we have both ^ood and iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, BushneM and Mishwaukeee, and for an iron pump the well known Trakem and Buckeye. . Can al­ ways repair or put them downliny depth. \ E. M. OWEN & SON. THIS > 10 W >1 A P , PIO««I8 beyond a:iy reason'BLE question that the CHICAGO & KORTH-WESTEEM RAILWAY Is by all odds the best road for you to.tak hen traveling in either directianbetweea Chicap and all.tie Principal Points in tlie Vest North & Northwest Carefnlly examine this Map. The principal Cities in the West and Northwest are Stationc on this road. Its through trains make close couuectious with the trains of all railroads at Junction paints, ,<o*rCk 1 >• >onf 'Arm I _As1ilaii<l v W f C ^Sraunee ^ t Z&l&A FL^RENct^q^f "A Che*3hr\ Quinnesea liriiiner^ row 3f>rii 0<H <* niiyvf< \jw7- f\Wortuter Spalding Ordwqy Clogtmi I S dr OIN J3 I N cv*"r *• Lt^ZSiv fMMl XLPrlnef,^ C!'"" -W-Aterto^. OUK Falls TAXETO: CfigioM^ K> y if tin cftw aicna NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY K.+i^kCs.CM. 1j\t&" THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, Over nil of its nrincipal lines, runs each wav daily from two to four or more Frtst E>pr Trains. It is tne onlv road West, North.or 5»orthwest ot'Chicago that uses the # IMPERIAL PALACE DINING .CARS. M It !• the only road *;hnt runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of Chleitffo. It ha« over 3,000 Miles O? Road- In forms, atnonsrst others, the following Trunk Lines: Council Bluffs, Colorado & California I.ine. Winonn, Minnesota * Central lJ:»toin Lin' Sioux City ft Nortlieaetern Nebraska Line. Chicago, St. Pr.ul & Minneiipolis 1. in*, Elgin, Kockford, Frffejuirt A Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, Green Bay & LakeSupe Line. Jim Itiver Valley, Pierre A Demi wood Line. Waukesha . Madison A Xortliei n Line Tickets over this road arc solri by all Coupon Ticket Agents In the United Sin ten & Canada Remember to ask for Tickets via tiiis roao, be sure tliey read over it, and take none other 8otMors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spade# Shotrels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstnes Window Glass, GRANITE-IKON AND TIN-WAFTE. J. STORY. AM) FANS. White Goods, / NEW STYLE GLOVES, • «• > And an exceptionally fine line of Hosiery. Look The Highest Rank Made from harmless material*, and adapted to the needs of fading and falling uair. Parker's Hair Balsam lias taken ihehiglteBt rank M an eluguut autl . • -- • Stevens & Schnorf: near the * J B-lLAYjrO, Ben'l Sop'I^JDhlfiigo. W.H. STE.VNITT, Gen Pass Agt Chicago. B- BUSS, Ag'tC. AN W. R'y, McHenry, 111. • ; M5» , BUY YOUR • *K?;1 - , Mils, etc. OF GEORGE W. BESLEY Whose Store can l>e found on the West Side, 'wheae everything this line can be found, Fresh and Pure. t . j~---- liAZHX Ev«r brought to McHenry county, amonj? which can be found the Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp *nd a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that dafy competition. Call aud see their oefore purchasing. * « . * * --- JOHN STEfiBA, Woodstock, Illinois, And hits now on hand the largest and sta^k of EEADY HADE HAKNESSE8. | COLLA,RS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found in'the f^onnty, and has evervthihsr made of "tha BEST MATERIA!.. Call*ani)!*«-e me. ' * JOHN STERBA. * - ....fTiinr1T.7'---.3 - t r. J. DACY Jf. IX)NOVAN Physicians Prescrijltloiii Carefully ,$jve a ca Cuh. C . W B E S L E Y • • t t ».l sK f McHenry, 111, 6ct. 20th, 1881. l J. Dacy & C». It is a tact well known to the Fanners ot McHenry County that whenever they huve spoken of Dacy to oppositon dealers, that the isound ol his name has caused tbdm to shud­ der and their bones to, rattle, simply bruise the would be opposition dealers know too well that we have bought our goods in much larger qnaotitSes thau they have done, and that we have always sold goods- for less money than the same quality could be bought by hiany of them and •they know it.. Again we have our first choice of machinery in the market, and always aim to keep none but the best. Our present stock consists ©t many articles of machinery not found elsewhere in the county. We have by actual count over 100 Buggies, Platform Spring Wag­ ons and three spring Milk Wag­ ons. (Call and count them.) Also a car \>f Glidden Barbed Wire Also plows, harrows, Pulverizers, spring tooth har rows, seeders, drills, rollers, cjorn stalk cutters, sulky, plows, etc., etc., without limit Farm­ ers who consult their own inter­ ests will not buy a do.lar's "woyt-h Until the> get our starvation prices. Write for circulars. T. J. DACY & CO., Woodstock* KM. IJNSUHE WIIH THE ttntfelltfe of New YOTk. WHT?- 1 Because it is the oldest Company tn thjl Culled Slates with thirty-nine years of e*. perien«*e, Mec.aufe It is the lamest Conipfnv tn tht world. Assets, #94,702,S>SS, nearly double thai of any other Co»<iianv. Jt Id, iim. Its policy holders n urn her p ver 10^000V Bccauae every dollar of the above immense snin belongs lot he •policy hotders, Hnd the sur. pins over what is aciuattv required, is an. nnallv divided amongst them, which surplus may IHJ applied in cither of two wavs: Kirst, to pity a portion of the annual premium, thus materially rediirinK the rost, or it may l»e used to pui-chiis>> additional insurance. In the latter way forty-eight policv holders of the year just pnst, holdiiigr policies, the faro value of which was £i:i>,500, were carried foi an average term of 33 years at low rates, and the additions hrouxht Mie sntig sum of a liltl® over <300,000. Many of these policies had been tell sustaining lor years. Because tne rates ef every other Company are nearly eighteen per cent, higher than those of the Mutual Life. Because Its running expenses are 'owor than any other. v^Tne swovi) statements of Ihe Equitable Life Assurance of Men* York, accompany several millions less than half as large as the Mutual Life, show its expenses of manage, ment to have averaged U.i.'J during tho last three years, those of the Mutual Lile 7 8 the dillerence of tlrst cost of policy, nn<l manage, ment expenses alone, areequal to 25per eeul in favor of tlie Mutual Lile. Because it can and does afford the cheapest, safest and most satifl&ctory insurance invest­ ment of any Comiiany in the u-orld. As it will 1h*impossible for me to see all who are desirous of obtaining Life iimuranee at. actual n st, l will say to such that a postal card *vill always reatli me at this place and on receipt of same I will forward dlflerent pl ins an<l actual reunite (not estimates) winch «re certainly astonishing and out do anything, In the history of Life insnriince. 1'his Company issues only regular Life and , Endowment policies and likeother Com pan yS"' of,the highest standard refuses to have auy- thing to do with Tontine gambling. C.'H. MORKY, Agent, For McHenry.County and western part of Lake County. McHKNRY, ILL. That Wonderful Book. CUIDE TO SUCCESS WITH FOR Business AND SOCIETY* Is selling bv tens of thousands.' It Is "WtC most universalis- useful l>ook ever published. It telle comidetely HOW TO HO KVKItV THINU iH the best wily, How to he YourOwr Lawyer, How to l>o ISusinoss Correctly and Successfully, How to *Aet in Society and everywhere. A gold u.ine of varied informa­ tion to all classes for constant reference. AGKXTS WANTED for all or spare time. Toknowwhv this book of REAL value and attractions sells belter than any other, apply for terms to: 11. II. SCAMMELL & t)0., it. Louis, Missoiyi. * A LARGE FISH, . --AT THE- '• t Wauconda Drug Store, and Book Haunt, We are prepared to sell all of the apparatus for catching the above. The largest and most complete line of fishing goods ever displayed in Wauconda. Pure Linen Lines, Trolling Hooks, Floats, Sinkers, Jointec Ash liods, etc., at a bargain. THEODORE TH0MA$| -v will hardly be uljie to call Ai' Vv a ucondn this season, if he does, however, .we can give him figures on H All- MOllIl'AS and Muhical Instru- tiienla of i ll descriptions that wouli ustouish him. A new lin< just». ceived. Cull and examine F«B. HAR.^ISCN.

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