«f*NiV4k v f • XBRWWFWTK *M: f^gwar 'My mnsssm ~"~W WE!>XBSTVAY, SEPT. 27. 1884. . VAN SLYliKj Alitor. f'* ; ?;W \- t >"VNf *8XATfi TICIiliilt . «*!»*- ' ^ For state Treafmr(rt»: ' , J. V. SMITH. ofCi|ir*jm. ,, .(. ' ' For «Mte "*u)>orintei*dcnt of Schools T , ^JHARLB^ J. STRATTO * W*J-' l - • ~ -,H j. • \V.' -> K of Mt, V ei^icn. conqhessio^MmI ~ of (Jnntrrotf*, StVWatrlOtl!' . ' ft ' UKUBPX EI.LtVOOit, of Sycaniw, , fr mcnil»crs of the Le^istfttnre, 8th District, VUT.ES H. TRYOtf, M<?,Hanrjr County r . CIIARU5* E. vrr.T.KU, Bonno Coanty. *.k , . -- ,H" DOUNTY TICKET. jStVgf} * ^ w *«r County Clerk, ... , |'V; ^ ^ W^mT-lAM' AVljRY of Marc#|(il»* * . - for PonwtV Treasurer.? «.'* *» . ttkfT. J \ME« Xtsn, of AJg»nq««&£: s ' K'irvO(iimtv .THItp. ^ ' '-v - ' ^ o A d s t o c k . - • • ' • "'• f v '• . . Fnr Sheriff. "'- •„ -•• • ... . *«Arr TTr>KT,T-:6f 0*unntTn*. />».; v *npennf "ndeht of 'chords.iA,," 'J •;s ' : f.l).«\MlWltf, of V«'He',iry.y A. • r ' ' ; •-. ?*or pornner. 5V-.'-' v TC. jr. mry*, of Woo t«tocfc. pgr-Tlio IV moor tits of tlie Third * T>1#trlof tonvf nonrlr.afpd. ^favor TTar- rli^n. of < :iilra-iro, for Ootigrose. If. |e W8>t known 7«t whether or riot, he will wh11* tiie <run<« of Fort Wljtlatn, «H Govorner's Tslitnfl. X«»w York t^rbor, were paint?iv? the Ftouch Ad- mTrnl Mnndnv morning, fho premature discharge of a oahoo'M killed one man - |n*t*atlj\ and fearfully maimed and 'fpberated a number of otlierfo ,, (fgrTlie destruction bv fire of. an laamense Susrar Rertiifry a: Pliiladel- pttin.on Mond'ar mnrnlnar I*, reported •The los^ ln "reported at the sum of •1J>OO.OOf!. It Is not known that nnv- oue was -killed, hut two r.t the work men are mi??ins. The cause of the Are is not reported. •£g^A candidate met Unele Mos® on Austin avenue and said to him: "Be •lire to come to the wjird meeriivj; to night and bring all your neighbors with yon." ,4You kin jess bet (ley jvlll 4jeme along with me. or I stay at home myself. l)ar wouldn'be a chicken tleT In my coop if T was t<er go to de ward meet in and lnH dent nabom *t hooted •^TexOf Siftinrfs. W' t. l^'The Democratic Senatorial Con- .-"f^htlon for this Dislrict. ̂ el d at Wood- •tiwk on Saturday last was not a rery twrinonioHs affair. In the early part of the proceedings the Lake Connty 4lelegjatft»n withdrew in <li>gust, and • fhje McHenry and Boone delegate* then proceeded to nominate^Hon. .Tames Thompson, of Harvard for Representa tive. The prospect is now good for an Independent candidate from Lake County. In this case Mr. Thompson's J:^|ance6 would be slim. ; WSFA Chicago dispatch Wkjrts 9$oville has tiled in the circflit court . *n answer to the hill of #liis wife for :4 divorce. He states that si nee the as- ' Mait'ination she has bevn much of the ; time unsound fu mind; that she has tald confidential Interviews with Oeorge E. Earlie, with whoni she fell ill love, in a locked room in a business . Jblack; and that she has corresponded : f*lth George Francis Tr<iin, Dr. Mary flfralker and Lewis Hanuhett, a lover «f her early days with whom she in- : ffends to take a trip to California.*' '^fhe Georjre E. Earlle mentioned above '-m i li be 're in v. iti he red as~once m all agen t- '»n the Fox River road, between El^in teid Geneva Luke. A Mexican War Veterans' Iteanioa. P**parations on a ^raud scale are :y -'lleing made by the citizens ot- Nash- •' • Vilie. Tenn., in honor of the thirty- fifth anniversary of " the conquest of Wexlco by forces under General Winfield "<oott, September 14,18-17. the Hational Association of the survivors \ifr .«u»etlng in that city by invitation of the citizens. The programme coro- - promises three da\8 of business and frstivity. 13th, 14th, and 15th. closing - with a visit to the venerable widow > .* «f ex-President Polk, and a grand , »•» , ;%anq«et. Geiteral W. B. Bate>is the. . : ?|firator of the dav, and some of the j- Ifeost prominent citizens of the Stat ^Officiating In the committee of arrange •wen ts. .• --Buffalo Ittll and Ml tin? Hull. Bttftalo Bill (Hon.<W. F, Cody), the ( renowne<l »coiit and actor, lias made a decidetl hit for the coming theatrical •. Season lit employing the celebrated • Sitting Bull (the Indian chief .who • Hew Custer and his co nmand on the Little Big Horn) as one of his bhiof attraction. .Buffalo BillV success as'sin . tctor adds an aditlonal^chkrm to the^ l-otnaiice ol' his life as the greatest <if s £ all living scouts and pVainsmeju The .. ^ Jlibtorital Publishing Co., St. Louis, linve issued a life of this remarkable | *. mat., wlioi.c fame is even greater than 1 I'anit'l Boone or Davv Crockett j 'l/ j.® l , , r>r^c ' , ,g »!so the live<> of Wild Bill, ' • California -Toe. Texas Jack. Kit Carson, and other great. Indiau lighters. It is i * bo-'k ol wild H,e. 9» tiie ^Pl^iini, and! • uniM meet with great popularity. The | • name of the author, Mr. J. W.Buel. is t%-\ f t h^n wltliii* itself. Persons desiring V. age'i«i«-8 will find the aJvertUeuieut, J<1 tills pa pe r. | i, STliAYED Oli STOLEN". >jjL. From the premises of the suh«oril>er. .an o)d buckskin coloreif tuare, 14 or 15 fr* • years old'with gail* under the, collar,' ^ having the appearance of being ^o.v' »• A suitable ; eward wil|'b« 'given" *> V* * 3f«>r information that will £«, I ili t-ry. HANSOM 1'LINAM. i, Uttotla, HI., Selrtemtxar hi, ibdx. • I .VOXSTKOl'S <STO«V. By *U means, the fullest opportiiliity slKMild be given the foreman of t id Star Route jury to substantiate the truth of his wild charged against the law officers^».f the govemmeot. His story, told with great circumstantiality of detail, is mo«t iinprobable. Ijt is mon strous in its assertions. That the at torney-go neriil of the United ' States Mtouhl-be engaged in the bribery of a jnrj' l« n proposition so revolting to the ntoral sense of the country as to bear In Its very utterance the stiupp of falsehood •'•and tills without reference to the high sense of personal pride and j)iofes>ional-4uXior which is uhiversally conceded to the gentleman who now holds the position. It is not to be .wondered at tliat. already nn Uifensc indignation ha* been developed stgainst the tnan wh«, in all probability, with the toolish Idea that he could thus shield himself from llie allegation that he lists been bribed by the defense, turns around ai-d charges the agents of the government with tampering with his virtue, . - > Mr. Dicksoitt in entitled to the benefit :af his ovVirstate'i|ient. It's the tale of a man greatly wr&tiged. Who„ has, from the moment of taking his seat In the jury box, been subject to con stant espionage bv ̂ Mfernment agents of niost disreputable antecedents ; who has been proof against the efforts made to draw him iuto conversation coneeru ins the case;about whom lie? have been maliciously invented and intimidation has been invoked; and who has finally resisted the splendid temptation of 8^5.000to agree with the majority of the jury in the conviction of mea,who. by the 'testimony, have been shown to be guilty of a gigantic conspiracy against the government, of which they were sworn officials. ) *. . The story is ou« w11ish, wi thout^ ref- erence to itsgenerjti inherent improb ability, fails at the very poi nt, where it should be Impregnable. Dickson reprefcwnts himself as listening compla cently to the overtures made him by one Bowen, as the agent of the attor ney-general, but when Bowen finajiy ar ranges an interview for him with Brew ster, instead of meeting the latter and then by subsequent exposure of his cor ruption drive the nail into his coffin, he calls the attention of the judge to the matter, nis cunning fails him at the very moment when he could make it mo^t useful.and lie is without any evi dence whatever against the man who is the' principal offender and who, through unscrupulous subordinates, had so persistantly assailed his more than Rofnan virtue. He does not however neglect to iuunverate the attempts to corrupt another on« of the jury besides himself, and that jurymen happens to be one who with him voted in favor of die chief miscreants. Mr. Dickson certainly does not fail in illustrating the old adage of "honor among thieves.?' The fullest opportunity, fe repeat should be accorded Mr. Dickson to jnake good his a^ermients. This is due not less to the cause of justice, than to himself. Rumor was loud mouthed to the affect that the defendants, whom the country from the evidence believes to be the most guilty and to whom the others indicted were subordinate, had resolved upon obtaining a disagree ment of the jury, and to this end were plying the most nefarious arts. So far as they were concerned the jury disa greed, and the foreman was one of the small minority whose vote produced t«liis result. If Miner and Rerdell were guilty, then the conspiracy was proved and the heads of the conspiracy were far more guilty then the insignificant [ tools who stand convicted. B rady and Dorsey are both rich with money ab stracted from thti treasury and they still have powerful friends. In defiance of the testimony in the -case, -and the clear charge, the principal offenders have escaped. And now.the man who, as the foremin of the jury, was largely instrument:)! - in thus thwarting the 'ends of justice, asserts* that assaults upon hjs integrity were made not by the guilty ones that have escaped, but by the prosecution itself, and that, tor the sole reason, that the attorney- general could not r.flord to have his reputation shallowed by -a verdict either of acquittal or- disagreement- The story.is as ridiculous as it is mali cious; but by aTl means let Dickson establish it, or let him reflect upon it behind the prison bars where lie should have hoped to have 8ent the tlistin- guished criminals who by his action have temporarily escaped the punish- is their due. Greenback Senatorial Convention. Calle-d to order. Sept 19Mi. bv... J'hog, McD. Richards, Capt* Vose. of Lake County was elected chairman; A. W. Cumins. Secrefarv. It McD. Richards'tnoved that a com mittee of oneifrom each conntv be ap i pointed on credentials. Passed. Riclf- ard. Allen, (Boone Co.); Winter, (Lake Co.) The committee reported a" follows : • LnkeCountv, Isaac Winter, A. Whit-' ney, R. S. W aid re n, H. Shepard, and Vose. "lioono Connty, S. Parsons. A.H Allen, D. Ilatl, Sidney Lupkib, Win. L* Shattuck. •McHenry havlrtg twenty delegates the following, resolution was passed: • That each ̂ county have five to^es in the convention. On motion of J. FT, Palmer it was resolved that a senatori al committee of One from each county he appointed by the chair. The fol lowing gentleman were appointed: J. H. Doran, McHenry, McHenry Co., Samuel Parsons, of Capron, Boone Co., A. Whitney, of Grirnee, Lake (Jounty. Mr. Parsons, of Boone Co., presented the name of A, H. Allen, of Flora. Boone County, for representative, ^ - Winter, of Lsrke County, moved that Mr. Allen oe* nominated by acclarna- tlon. Xbinitiation carried, Mr, Richards offered the /following resolution whlcSk WlTS1" uiianimously adopted. 7?«xo.Wf?.--That we are in favor of putting the qtiestiou,-of prohibition as aj.'onstitutioual provision before the people for their decision, and that our candidate, when elected, tsje instructed tc^use liis best efforts on this question. Mr. Parson of Boone county, offered the following: Jienolved\--That this convention hereby*agree to use all honorable means and our best ability to secure the elec tion of our nominees. Carried. It was then ordered that the proceed ings of tlils convention be published in the county papers of the several coun ties contprising the District and inr the greenback papers of this state. T. McD. Rlchares offered the follow ing resolution: Resolved,--That we unhesitatingly condemn the practice of our legislators and-judge^ajn receiving free passes oil railways. Carried tletri con. In reply to the question by Mr. Thompson, Mr. Allen said that he would not accept such pass if offered. Mr. Parson then offered the follow ing: ; , yv'r.-v; V lie8olvedr--'Vhat we reaffirm^ the.reeolu- tion6 of the Greenback State Conven tion amendment, including woman suffrage. Carried. - .. It was then Jiesotved,--That- this Convention a^lopt the Chicago Piat fortn-o£18S0, and the Convention ad journed. > X. VOSE, Chairman. A. W.CUMINS, Sefrretarr. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned \yill sell at, Public Afuction nr his residence at Solon Mills bn T'liursd^iy. Oct. Otli. 1882.coniinencing »t 'J o clock t.Jie ffdlowiiig property: 23 cows. 9 two year IMMITS. 3_one year old heifers,4 ypwling steers, 5 »ieifer oalves. l five year old grey horse, 1 three year old bay inare. 1 two year old horse. 1 1 wo year'old grey mare, 1 yearling colt. 1 sucking colt, 1 brood mare, 6 brood s'o\y«. a number of pigs 3 wagons. 1 double buggy. 1 Ofianioioii reaper. 1 (Jham|>i-oti mower. ,1 sod cut ter, Mijrht breaking plow. 3 pair drags. 2 set double harness, iiijd other articles too uumerous to mention. Also about 00 tous of liar. I wil! a'so sell on t tie same day a farm of .lO')'acres with out- Ji'ouses and building, one half mile from-the cheese factory! TKUMS ov SALE.--Terms on laind made known rtn the day of sale. Oii jjiersonal property a credit of one year wijl be given on sums of ten dollars and ovei. on-approved notes at 6 per cent, interest. Under 810 cash. On s.uujs of $10 and over one per cent, off for cash. - J A * K K 10VBBTON. • GEO. H. STUWi'iT, At|iM.i->neer. ! ' Ell ltAY. . v^ Broke,into mv enelosur^ oju Angust '7thi a roan or gra v'sh colored>bw. T ;ie .«Wnr* «'« re<]ue.Kled to .-all. .prove pi op- eri v. pav c>j»r:ri '« a<i<| take her Hv% -ay. N t n . d i i S i - | » t e n i , > • My £X . •; Aro open and AO is the Wau- coqda Druof Store and Book Haunt with a complete line of SCHOLARS' SUPPLIES. We aim to keep everything- that the school children need. We aim to make low prices and <rive ijood value. We have just received a supply of Harper's Franklin Square collection of son^s, so popular at the Li.berty- ville Teachers' Institute. Just what is wanted for the school home circle anc social gatherings. You are invited to compare our stock and prices wish tho«e of other dealeis. • F, B. HARRISON, / "Druggist and Bookis*." Ask about thfi Circulating Library. : B. Sherman, WOODSTOCK, ILL., -- DEALER IN -- Breech and Muzzle Loading Shot Guns. Powrter, Shot. Caps, Wafls, and Cartridges lor Bale. Fislniig Xac klc cheap. | • All kinds of SiJorting C^oods, AND 'REPAIRING DONE. • A good Breech T/miiinirT Doublp Barreled Gun. watratiteil Twist, fio. ^ Wir.cliester ltifle, 7<i model, 15 shots, #25. Ni'-kel Plated fi shot Itevnlver, *2.50. ' !*elf cockinif I 'ritiHh Bull lion I'intol, 15.00. A good siin^lo _Barrel, Breech Loading, Sinffle (Jim. warranted. #5. I will undersell any house in the county In Guns ami Sportiiifjr (Joods. If you want a Koo'ltfiin it wit! i.av you to call ami see ine. I warrant every giln'l sell, / Clothes Wi'irtgers Repaired and new Kolls put on. Price per pair warranted, $2.50. li. SHERMAtf. Woodstock, July 15tli, 1832. E.LAWLUS, Merchant Tailor, .FACTS. l»t. Thnt, the Ph Bnlx, of Tlartfopl Is de voted exclusively to the business of Fife In surance 2nd. That, with two exceptions, the .cap ital of the PlHBnix m double thai of any other Company in the United tiitea doing a Fire, Insurnnse I m,sin en exciusivelv. ;»<1. That its rates of prtMniiim are, and wll continno to !»•>, m low us strii ' tly cliolcel tir^t clans InMirnnee <"i!) l>c furnislmd for. • 4th That it huM itid the General Ajrcttcy- hurtinesn in the Western and Southern States and Territories throuiii the means of a Department Headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, for a period of more tlmn twenty live years to the entire satisfaction of a vast lumber of underwriters and property owners . Sth. That its manner of adjusting nntl pay- ins; losses has been tested in every great fire of the period, and foond to be at all tiniOR in harmony with the principles of strict justice and liberalitv. tith. ThatU has spent a large sum of money in ortfanizinp:, carrying on and perfecting its., present admirable system of commercial and rural districts, whereby it is enabled to offer. the tad vantages and facilities ot trennine in demnity to the people of everv cit; ' , town, village and county !n the lTmtei| State*. 7th. That its capital is Two Million Dollars --its Re insurance Reserve, ono million, one hundred and cightcon thousand dollars--its Reserve for outstanding: losses, one hundred and ninety thousand dollars--its net surplus, one million dollars and its cash assets. 8th. That the old Plioefcix of Hartford is ft live institution and every way worthy the ex eeediiiKly liberal patronaire it ha» receive*! from the people In every section ofvthe coun try. ' .. , SMITH, Agent, •, "v For Woodatook ami TieiaiQr. IN WAUCONDA. IE® If For F^l and Winter. A full line of piece goods of the latest styles and at the lowest Usurers. clothing! "* A Bigger Stbck than ever. StJtTS ' '5-. • ( SUITS % AT Suit8 all prices at AT $4.60. • $5.0® • Maiman's 'f "7-- Wi Have it! Of the An extra heavy blue Print; 32 inches wide at 8 cents per yard. We have also the largest and )>est assorted stock of jroods of all kinds that we have ever shown. Wo have a good many bargains to show^oii. Culiand \tolo, 8ept. », 1882. C A T A R R S'tivcly ̂ IRRH couoSjirin HfALS PERRY & ->M <p Mm 'g jjli receiired4 larger aud more complete line than e^er be* ^ fore in 3 * ^ ^ CLOTHING iiO'lii Trimmin 2 m**\s d lg i ' . ' • .1 u\;, sr : %iit "'^Big bargains in Blacks' and Colors. American and l^oreTgW' Dress Silks, >htidas-and Dress Flannels, in Colors; Novelty Stripes, BRPQHMF 4UD#^IDAI»GJR«AT,VHNETY ITT. , ^ Insert witn lintle flHirer a particle of halm into the nos trils; draw stronjr breaths through the nose. It will lie absorbed. Ely's Creaffl--^ Balm. It eflTectnallv cieanses the nastil ' passages of Ca tarrhal virus, cans, ins bealtny secretions allavs inflammation proteets the membrane from additional colds completely heals|tb« sores and restores the senses of taste and smell. Tteneflclal resu'ts are realized by a few applications. A thor- °upli treatment as directed, will cure cUiWh hay fever, «Sx. Agreeable to Use- Unequalled for Colds in the /• Head. The Aalin lMiP trained an enviable reputation wherever known, displacing all other prep*, rations. . Recognized as a Wonderful Discovery. It is sold bv dru-'srists at 51 cent*. On re* oeipt of price will mail a oackasje; send for circular containing full information and tfelia-' ble testimonials. • EL Y OllK.VM BA r<M GO.i Owego, X. Y. K. (uccessor to J. tf! Ci^lsty) Illinois, AT WAUCONDA. For tnythiBR made to order, Maiman's ls]the place to go, Aiso a full line of Gent's Furnishing Goods. HATS, CAPS, &c„ &c. Has received a fine Stock e»f Fall and Winter Millinery, gootls, and of the latest sty'es. A nice Iht of Ribbons and Plumes. The I.adies of Western l.ake County are especially nvlted to call and examine goods and prices. *S-DRKS^ "51AK1VG done in ttve best style snd at. Jteaaouable Prices. H. MAI MAN. Waucotida, Sept. 90ta, 1882. % t M Novelty and Variety B A Z A A R ! / ^STATIONER Y,.NEWSPAPERS, • e - Magazines, Books, Novels* MUSIC. All Musical Jotirnnl?, libraries, ong and JoUe liooks, l .etter Writers, tiaines, 1'lays, Drcinii Bonks, llotto Verses and cards, Toys ami Toy IJo-iks, Inks, Mucilage, Writing l*a- pers, I 'e ncils, j 'ens, Srliool and Blank ltook«, Maps, rc-hool npplies, Collurs, (Mgars, ami Motile articles not herj» mentioned, at the Bazaar, McHenry, lit Having refitted the store lately occupied by J. W. Crlsty,and having flllod it with a first das* stock of Goods Notions. G roperies. Boots urid Shoes, Hats and Caps, -• Etc., • V I am now prepared to give the buvine public as irood bargains as'can be found in any gen eral store, I do not claim to sell lower than anybody else, but I do claim to soil good Hoods at liv ing prices, and guarantee every thing as rep resented. My stock is NEW. FH&3H AND COMPLETE, And comprises everything usually found in a General Country tore All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods, GIVE ME A CALL. B. K. DUERS. RINOWOOD. Aug. 15th, 1882. The finest line of Ginghams and Prints in the county. v n E. 1 ~Wanconda • 111., --'DEALER IK-- Fancy ° Groceries, Canned ? Goods, Choice Confectionery XOTIONS, TtyWAR£!,: CUfI»SRV, •t * - *. : . CIGARS, TOBACCO, AGEIfcTSI For (icn. l)odge':> new book, THIRTY-THIiEi: YEARS AMONG Mr ®toefe 1* frenh and cotnnletp in crerv particnlar, and I will not,"be undersold, ounl. ,itv of ffoods considnvd I 1'iiv none but the best, and purchasers will And it an object to call and eee ine before purchasing, .< Qiiiek Wales & Smnll Pwilt Ts-niy motto, and, it will lie lived np.to. KEKl's Foreign and Domestic Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, OR ALSO <:L()TIIIXG, .Mou's Boy*' »m\ < lii !<lro?i'w of tb6 l>e«t qiial- itj al4U at Vnw; igo prices. ' Introduction by Gen. W. T. Sherman. Contains a truthful and graphic rccord of the author's observa tions, thrilling adventures and cx<"itin£ e\pcricnccs during 33 years among the wildest tribes of the Great West. Splendidly illustrated with Strcl l'lates, Fine Engravin?s and Superb C hroino-I.itJi- ograph Plates in fifteen colors. Has received the unqualified endorsement of the most eminent men of our country. - Gen. Grant writes: MThe best book on Indian and Frontier Life ever written." Bishop Wiley, of Cincinnati, says: "A much needed book and one of imintri^c value-." Chicago Inf •rior : "A bjook of staxiiiird and substantial value." Chicago 5Wdvance: "No other bock root das as fi.|| aiid accurate account of the Indians." Chica/ro Tribune : " It reads like a romance, and is far superior to any book ever published on the subject." The Chica^b Inter (irran • " jt vividly portrays the Indian just Intrr Ocean ; at he is." 999 AGENTS wuitin^' tlio'isands' It is the opportunity of a. life time for rapid money itirttcin"'! llcmrmber, new book, buptrlny tyus>iruled; immense dematiU; exelu- ' fiive territory and Special Terms. Send for lllus* (rated circulars, with full ptrticulurf, to {A.; cu NBTTUSTOII * OO.f Chicago, lib BROOKS. ^«ucon<Jj,Aa^. 1st, 1888. MES AGENTS S WASTES, £ ' f And Hoirie Life. fllnw to attain Good Health, I.ong I.il'e and Mii|i|iy Home?. How to provent (^isease. How.'when, nml what to eat. Clothing Ae* eident.". Care of tli»?»iek. Marriage -- its ptir- |iose, duties and pleasures. Iti ft li and earb of ehihireri-- their ohyie.al, intelleetnal and ^inoral training and Lrovernnieiit. ^oei ii and business lil<!. Yhd |a ivs of tieaHh. Signs aiid Irealnioiit of disease. Kepresents t'u, life work, experienee and olist'i va'lnns of an em inent pliysieian, and eont'iins important i»- forinatioii that Fatbers, Mothers, Mu.*!>:inil», Wives, TOiing" Men and l.ailie-, Boys ami ii il ls ought to know. Nothing iike it ever ^ubUttluiii. sell* at sight, heud for Circulars! and tern*. P. W. ZIKOI.BB * C<>., •' IW Adams 3t., CiilcagQ, III. BOOTS AND SHOES: We have just received an immense stock for the Fall and Winter trade; and can show you the finest line of these goods ever brought to McHenry County. Remem ber we buy and sell for cash buy our goods at bottom prices, can and will give you such-4>argains that it will pay you t6 com© from any part of the county to trade with us* no matter how great the distance. We keep a full line of the Selz celebrated custom ^ made goods constantly jpp hand, both fine and coarse, for men, women and children, W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, til. HENRY COLBY! RIVERSIDE BLOCK, MCH£NR% Invites ail • examination- of his immense stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Tankea . M otions, <&o. ' *> o - " . which itir6 beinff offered at very low prices. I have the largest* as. sortuieiit of READY MADE CLOT IKG ever shown in McHenry which will be sold very cheap for cash. am ware, and the largest stqfbk of Groceries; to be found in MtHenry, Prices* a I ways as low as good Goods can be sold. No trouble 10 show Good«»s j4Ml and-be ciinvin^tML waItS border outlaws. By J. w. Biiel. The N"w Thrilling and Authentic History Of the l.iveB and. Wonderful Adventuros of iJMneriea's great Outliiws, Tli<'Youii{fc»r Brothers," Frank and Jesse J i mes» And thoir bands of Sighwaymen down to the present moment, ineluilins the Dl-AIll ot .1 AM I'S and all the late startling anil thrilling developments, no ll 'n !~triiti<ins ani| l 'orlraits: Jesse .lames before and aftei death : onlv true portrait of Fr.inI. .l.-une* Ov. I . r published. 12 Fine Colored Plate? I Skeli-h' ot Quantrell; interviews and leittrs •' from Cole Younger; the breaking up "t the I i»«n<l mid revelalloni <>f Ktarlljng • The 'Ulaek K'lxar, the terrible ••Hli'"k «>;itli, mid li mid reds of other ^stoniahnitr lae.ts. Most Woiv!erfoTand i:xe 1 ti 11 g liook, 111 exis. teiK'e! Outsells every'binirl Ne^vwiul groat, l\ ei»!ars '"l edition; new illustrations; ^»o pages, price $1 .5". Agents' CanvassmCInillt, fiOe. Illu«traie<l Cireu' irs and full par;u u- f.lnrs free.. Agent*, hor.'t lose tlii> f J*n*' porlunlt v. A'lHrcss, IlIsjOUICAIj II- *.LlSlllN(i Co., 601 N. 3d street, St. Louis, 51o. »»() CHE0M0S 112 <&X. Free. with the PKOPI.E'S MAGAZINE. The most magnitleent premium ever given, and one- of the best magazines published. Only eighty cents a year, sample sent free on receipt of 8-eent stamp, or three nicnths on trial for 10 cents. A'iKNTS WANTED. Send 25 cent* for complete outfit, including all the chromos. Money returned 11 not satisfied. St AT A MONTH and board In yonr own qp'r I county. Men or Ludiet». Pleasant business. Address, PfcortTc's MAOAZIHB. ,« ' rhiladelphia, P«. A General Stampede. Never was such a rush made for »»y. drug ftore HK is now at lie 11 ry Oolby's. for h trial bottle of Dr; Klnjf's New D iscoverv for ('ongnmptioii, Ooughs ami ' 'olds. All persons afflicted willi Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Se vere Coughs, or any• a fleet ion of the Throat and T.ir.ijfs, %au (fo» a'l'rial Bot tle ot this great.remedy Jrw ttt above Dru ' btore, % f