mvy plaiaietlw. .WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27. 1882. Railroad Time Table. TttfO souvp. Bsnevs t.ake Passenger...v»v.«;.«....7:25 geneva Uke Rxnress; - .8:40 Sen-jv* Lake FreisHt 1:®#*. •* Freisrht...........K. * Ronera l*ake Kxwew 4:55p. * fien»va l«k« Passensror. ..U *:#9 • B. Bess, \irent. . ; - / , j McHenrv, III I M \SOVIC ^ MoTiieyitY T.onon. No.ll.W \. F. and A. M.-- ttewilar Communications the Saturday on or before, the full of the moon anrt every two weeka 'thereafter. „ ^ CHAR. C. COLBY, W. M, >"TKVU v OH APT BR Ho. 34 R. A. M lar Convocations held on'the sewl ana fonrth Fridays in each moneh. _ SMITH «K.\RLK«, H. P. SOME of our communications are un avoidably crowded out this week but will appear next. OUK Educational Column. under the charge of Prof. S. D. Baldwin, will bf* resumed next welt. , , Fancy Cup and . Saricer gl^ah away with one pound of Teji or two pounds of Coffee at Fitzslminons A Kvanson's. p. E. WIGHT MAN. of the Riverside House, has taken a partner. In the per son of W. Wheeler, who will here after assist him in ruuuiug that popu lar Hotel. LOST, ill this village1 on Monday. Sept, 5th, a Gold Ring with Amethyst Setting. The finder will be liberally reWardted by returning the same to O. N. Owen, at Perry & Martin's store. THE Brick manufacturing Cohave just finished burning their Kiln of Brick, which we understand a<re nearly all 6ohl already. This, last Kiln is even liner than any they have yet hurtled ind orders are coming by every mail. THE Steamer "Mary Griswold" brought down from the Lake* on Mon day morning over six hundred Ducks, which were shot on Saturday and Sun day. This is about "the first good jshootlng this Fall, ' " • THE Steamboat Express, which passed this station going north at 10:02, A. M., and going south at 5:16 P. M., has been taken otl tor rlie winter; The other trains run on same time as before. See time table; NORDQUEST & WEBKR HAVE pulled down their old Blacksmith Shop and commenced the erection of a new one on the old site. It will be 40x22, add two stories high. This will be a good improvement to that locality, vbesides better accommodating their large and increasing business. , . Mr THE l adies Cemetery Aid Society will meet at th£ residence of Miss .Julia i>tory Friday afte'rnoon, S^pt. 29th, at tiiree o'clock tor the purpose of elect ing hew officers for the coming year and trt transact such other business as may Come before the society. >! Miss JBMA STOKV. ptSiflfepi Utl, T. J7W A, seore tary, E. D. SLAprEit met wfcfh quite a severe accident on Wednesday evening last, Wliile extinguishing the chande lier in the Church' be.inade a.mis?t<#p n*i1 fell, striking iiis side across the back of a seat. The bruise was very severe and he has moved around with some difficulty since. IJis friends hope for a speedy recovery. T>IBD.--In this vtllaare, on ITrlfiay. Sept. 84d 18*2. Sc8iK B , wife of E. P. Webster, in the 30th year of her age. ilrs. Webster had beeji a resident of Mc&enry but a short, time, but , had won many warm friends, who will deeply sympathize with ttie bereaved liusband in this, his hour of affliction. Site leave« a jrouug child about two nonths old. PERSONAL. REV. J. C. Bio*;LOW, and wife, went to Chicago on Monday to visit friends. R. C. JKFPEUSOX. of Woodstd*^ was pn our streets on Monday. Jo)HN WHEAt. JR., of Woodstock, wassailing On friends here ou Tuesday. Miss JESSIK ECKKRT. of Woodstock, was the guest of Hiss Mary L. Owen last week. GEO. MOORIC, of Chicago, was the guest bf F. K. Granger and family last week. MRS. CHAS. KOHVKRT, of Johnsburgli, spent lust week with her daughter* In Chicago. ' , F. H. BARTLETT and wife, arrived here from Iowa last week. They will make this, their future home. ( A LARGE number of our citixenS are in Chicago this week attending the Exposition. JI. B. BURKJH, of the lfarvard Inde pendent. and Aaad Udell, the next Sheriff of this county, called at this, office on Friday last, but unfortunately we were absent. We trust they will come again wjien we are on hand toen- tertaln them. K" ' H. N. Holsrics has just completed a Census of School District No. 2. in this village, with the following result. Number of Scholars in District. 506. Males over six and under tventA -one years 191, Feiftales do. l(5fi. Male* under six years 73, Females under six years 76. Number of families in the village 183. Total population ol vil- )age,SS5. EXCURSION rickets to the Chicago xposition will b«?sold >it this Station the following days, Viz^-- , , pteinber JWth^fcnmt nniil OetoUer 2h<l. Octol>er 3rd ami tX'toOer 4th good until Or- tober 9th. , ' October 7th good until October 9th. October 10th and October , 11th good until October 16th, October ltth good until October 16th. October 17th-a-Bd--Oc-toto«r 18ih ~ October 23rd. October 21st good until October 23rd. " * These Tickets good for" the round trip and including admission Tickets to the Exposition, will be sold at $2.30. TjlE enterpresing firm of Perry A Martin are making some long neetled and excellent improvements in their store, which when completed will make it one of the handiest and handsomest stores in this part of thV^fjunty. They have taken out the partition in the West end making the store sixteen feet deeper, changed the stairs for the second story and basement to the* North side thus making them .more convenient and not taking np half the room as before. They wll! also put. i • H new front of modern style. 1 The sixteen feet which they have a ided to ths West end of th<Mr .More will be fitted up as a C;O;IK and Shoe depart ment, where with tiie aid of two iarge windows ample opiuM'tu^ity will be oftered to the ladies to fit themselves with a Cloak or a pair of shoes without being josrleif by tiie general.customers. In short their improvements will be complete, not only in regard to looks, but convenient foK their large,trade. ALGONQUIN. John Iloitghtaling. an old settler and highly' respected ' citizen, died on Thursday evening last, of Cancer of the Stomaelr. aged about 60 -years. There.will be a sidewalk. Soclaole on Thursday evening of this week. That is there will be a sociable tor |he bene fit of the sidewalk {und, and all Should turn out, '" Abe Lade has taken posession of the old Vogler sliop. and Is now • reailv to do you anything in the Blacksmithing line on slio^tnotice and . guarantee.sat isfaction.' ile is a irood workman and will no doubt r6ceivejii» share of pat ronage. D>-. Nason is building him a splen did new residence, wniclt lie hopes to get completed in time to move in be fore cokl weather sets iiiy Tiiere is. quite a number of ^tlier buildings being erected this season. Charles Wandrack the "Boss"' lia.r- jiess Maker, took the Blue Ribbon oil a set of Carriage Harness exhibited by him at the County F lir. Chijiley has no superiors In this line, ami if you are in want of a good Harness do not fail to call on him before you purchase. ' ' jv. '-iii; . " • ' ITKCKPTION. On Thursday evening of Tast week the ladies and gentlemen who accepted the invitations sent, were . highly en tertained at the parlors of Mr. Jacob tst.ory by the ̂ xercrses of the Mcllenry Ladies Literary Club. The exercises were to begin at eight o'clock, but the hostess, Miss Julia •Hoiy,and several other ladies beii.g busy at that tim.e in receiving tlie guests, the exercises were somewhat delayed. As .soon as the guests hail <lisj}osed of their wrap pings' and were comfortably seated. i ne conversation was suddenly hushed by the beautiful stratus of the Clayton dent the roll was called ifj- the Secreta ry and each member responded to her Hume by giving a quotation from some standard author. Good taste was shown in the selection of quotations and no allusion was made to the "woman and slipper." Part first of The Rising Star was then rend' by the editor and pub iislier. Miss Julia Story. Notwith standing it wasstated in the prospectus that it was not a bi weekly paper, we triwl our best to purchase a copy, and even tried to bribe the publisher by offering to adverti>e largely but it was of no use, consequently the readers of the PLAINDKAI.KR will In^ve to take our word for it that the paper was A. No. 1. r an honor to the editor and highly creditable to the society. After Sliss Bertha Hidlister had nicely ren dered . the beau tiful solo Maid of reading by Mrs. Perl'y and biographical sketches of Holland. Dickens and Alice Carey by Mrs Ander son, Miss llollister ami Mrs Baldwin, •respectively, followed In close, order. Carlton's "Golden WeddlirgV*was re cited by Mrs. F. KvGraitger in the best .of style ami won hearty applause. More vocal mus'c by Misses Wait and i|o.|istef and Mrs. Baldwin, an instru mental pieceby Miss Wait and part M*coud of the piiper completed the literary part-of the programme After recefving the congratulations of their friends upon the several exercises, the ladled t 'lrnisiu'd tiie company present with i<e'lleshments consisting of ice cream and inany varieties of cake, showing that .their hands as well as d-fofr-the prep- arations lor this .entertainment. At a seasonable hour the party broke up with lire best wishes of all for tile suc cess of the L., I--. C. • Shoiild another entertainment of this kitAl be given probably 0116 of the Halls will be se cured and then the members will hot be obliged to restrict their Invitations as at tliis time. -Thai another may be held at^io dietailt day is the wish of .more tnan OUK. ,GfEsr. Wood8toclr Department. Circuit Court is iu sesstnn. his honor Judge K;dlupi, of Sycamore preshliug. The general store min is back fro in the eastern market and the large boxes of goods are st^re<to follow. Tom Cooney, who lias been here from Nebraska, returned to his last week Thursday. George Pratt, 6f Elgin?Was In town the latter part of last week. It looks ifatural to see friend Pratt upon our Streets once more. - > A 'I. Mr. and Mrs. Frank SIa(1«*a SOU llnd daughter, of Elgin, visited the family of J. L. Hfbbard, of this city, last Sat urday and Sunday. ; . -- ' What' has beeouie «f dttP Pound Master, i»r have we got one ? Stray liorses anrt cattle are quite troublesome in some portions of town. f Mrs. McKenzie, ot Coliimbns. Neb'., yisited the family of Rev. J. D. Mc Lean last week. The|lady is a sister of Mr. McLean. She returned home %arly this week.. ••••'. . . . .• C- •• :• Twins a*e the order of >)ht day at Heiny Schneifter's (nof tiie barber). They arrived last week. , Henry looks SOMEWBJ3^CAREWOR^,,BNT JJG. I^^T-OVLUG liourlv, . - Dwight Jtrdd: an"old>e*lVleni: of fhls place, hnt now of Chicago, brought the remains of his little boy here last week and buried him In Oakland Cemeterv, We hefieve the child was about six months old and was a twin. V gOXEY TU LOAN. ; Six een Hundred Dollars to .Zioan^on Real Estate Security. Apply at tills office. NSW MLLIISKY STOSE, A t N u t i d a . vicinity tuat she has opened a nerv store In' the rooms over the 4+asifmnohs- A Evanshn will siv • extraordinary low on CioilTinJ- this week' II von wan;, a good SniT. Overcoat or first class Footwear, it would do no harm to call in. Butter and Eggs w aited. Fitssiiuwous & j£v- ausyu. % . Mlt^'.-O.'W. COL BY would respect fully inform the ladies of Nuuda and M im post office anil has just received a full line of Mats, Bonnets, Ribbons. Laces, and Ljidies Furnishing Goods generally, of the latest styles, and is confident she c«n please all who may give her a call. My goods are all new and of the latest styles to-be-found in the market, and as I buy for cash I am confident that I can sell as cheap, if not cheaper ; thaii any other place in 'the.' county. Call and see my styles and learn prices, be fore you purchase Mas. U. W. UOLBT. BffliiUa.Sept. 12th, 1882. # ? : ' The Marengo fair was patronised by several of our citizens last week. All ?pe*k well of the show of everything. The attendance wa« very £ood, coining so close upon the heels* of county fair.' Peter Whitney is out In Dakota looking around. We hone he does not think of locating there when his term of office expires. We should hate to lose hi< (renial countenance and miss that friendly shake. * M iss Julia Dwigiit, who has been visiting at her brothers, W. H. Divlght, for the last two months, departed for Toledo, Ohio, last week, where she will jo hi her mother, who isliving with her son, E. E. Dwight, who is now Superintendent of the N..A". C, A St. Louis R. R. We are pleased to learn that Miss Agnes Qniulau has started a class In bc^th vocal and instrumental music in this place. Miss Quinl iu is a mu sician of more thou ordinary ability and will no doubt make her new enter prise a success. At least she deserves to be well patronized. The festive- and,far search!ng cucum ber is about done for in this* section by the recent frosts.- The growers m.'iy feel sad on this aecouut, but we opine that the proprietors of our three factories hjhl happy iu consequence bushels have been taken in b^j the fac tories in thiscit v. ; We?hear that, l 'ulaski Richards, of Chicago, and J. L. Hibbard,7»f this place, have purchased the Kliuck farm situated about three and a half miles south of town. .The farm contains 320 ji.cres. Laud, crops and personal pro perly were sold for the sum of #11,000. That is if there is no backout. which there seemsvtO! be a bare possibility of at this w jit\ug, on the |>art of the seller* . ' '• "' ' 1 • The Democratic Senatorial Conven tion for the tkh Senatorial District, was held iu this city last^Saturday, Boone and Mclleury Counties voting together for the present member of the Legislature from Harvard, tills comity, Mr. Jaines G. Thompson, who received the nomination. We under stand the Lake County delegate's witiir drew from th»* Convention or were far from being satisfied with the result, and did not think Lliey were used Just right, Therefore sinue^".terrible mean and contemptible night prowlers.-living near the residence of Thomas Whitson, in the east part of town. W/lioever they are, they evidently are partial to stolen vegetables' and fruit* and no doubt arg too lazy to raise their own. even when having plenty of good grout.d to till. If .the family failed ,to pick everything clean at night, the same was picked clean for them before daylight by someone who evidently lives close by. and knows the lay of the I ami to perfect IiSTiT It would be well to lie in wait for these miserable sneak thieves and treat the in as they deserve. « We aro pleased to observe that We were not the only person that dared to criticise and comment upon the lilan- ageinent of the Mcllenry County Ag ricultural Society for allowing and licensing gambling upon tiie fair grounds week before last, The editor of th^Harva'rd Independent, the cor respondent from this city to that pa per. and Mr. A.. W. Cumins, who wrote the able article and account of tlfc f"'1 ' tor the Democrat, of this city, each »poke th«ir sentiments In regard to the same, which are no doubt shared by the respectable portion of the' whole county. The members of the Southworthglennoii Combination that wrote the fair up for "tiie editor" tailed to notice this gambling business. Perhaps he, like the balance of tiie combination, was to6 full of politics and that grmbliug was beneath his no tice. At least one would think so by the way he spread it on as .regards different members of the combination. ® If the self-styled leading paper, the Sentinel, ever does*get an item.of news iu the4r concern, nine times out of ten the}' tell everything but facts. In their issue of last weetr they say" that tiie recent ball under the management of the 1. O. O. F. and in their interest held in the new opera house ••was i»ot *9S largely attended as was expected, owing probably to the want of proper manage men l.*1 It is no wonder that the committers in charge of the ball frit highly indignant when thi* state ment appeared. and upon iuyestigatiou found that '"the editor who cannot even write an estray notice"' had met a person who Was not posted who told him the above, hence it was given the foreman and local editor to write tip. The facts are as follows: Ninety- eight tickets Mfere sold, and after pay ing the entiflcexpeiises and hiring one of the best tor the occasion that could be.secured (we believe from Chi cago) they cleared between thirty and forty dollars, which in most instances of the kind would be considered a lair reward for time and trouble. That Is how badly managed the ball was. » fieft over from last wfcek. '•;> Iteuhen Hurd, an old and resfi#'^%(f farmer, living about three miles east of town, died at his laite resldeiMM-on- Richmoiid Department. CONTttlBOTKD BT < F. B«K*KT». T^olvert Johonu>tt ami R. R. Crosby spoilt a portion of la^t. week in C h i c a g o . , - v We were pleased with a ea11. ha*ty thoujrh It was. on Friday, from Editor Bnrtch and next Sheriff Udell, of Harvard. Come again and stay longer. . The frost has ln|nr«»d' corn con siderably. many fields not, being suffi ciently ripened to stand it. Mo«t of the cucumber patches are also badly nipped. « J. S. Burrows, who has been malting a prolonged sojourn In the far returned to Richmond Friday evening. Charley Burrows returned at the same time from a short trip to the same region. Monday night of last week. Mr. Hurd was 63 A*ars of age and was well known by our citizens. He was one of the deacons of the Presbytcriau Church in this city. He--gwas a man well thought of by his neighbors and ^ill Who knew him respected h!s ttraight- forwarduess and honesty in all bmdues affairs. Mr. Hurd wa« an old settler in Mcllenry County and had lived in the | neighborlMiod where he died for many years", and wWwell and witTfely* known in all portions of tiie county. The funeral of the deceased took place at his late home on iVcdnesday. Sept. 13, and the remains were followed to their last resting place in the Cemetery at Ridge field, by a large number of sor rowing relatives and friends. He leave* an aged wife and several grown up married and vunmarried daughters to mourn liV departure. -Wauconda Department. •3TSLTIl>CRn*TIOX , i> for the WI.A1NOKAI.KR #ill betfecoivoM in Wauconda nt. K. B. Har- rison s Drug Stovo and Uv Joltn.Golding. Mrs. Spencer, and daughter have re turned from their visit to England. Mr. Henry . Pratt, and family have been visiting Ills brother Mr. John Pratt. Mr. Clark Brown formerly a clerk for E. A. GoUllii^, lias beeiu around to see the boys. *- ' •. Jlooney & Thomson sold alarafO'liurtl- ber of cows and heifers at auction In the Mill yard Saturd ir afternoon. Miss Laura Harris and Mr. Franklin ShumwHV,of Waukogan. wers married August 18th at flie residence- of the bridls brother, Mr, Wiljiam Harris. In this village. Dr. F. B. Harrison and family have been rnstlcuing in Waueoin|a for the past mouth. The Doctor returned to Chicago early.'last week. His family will follow Irt a fi»W^wepks. Mrs. J. R. Hyde snd her f.wrj yonngest boys " are to start for Colorado. Wednesday, the 27th lrist.. about the time this paper reaches its re riders. It is hoped the <Colorado climate will prove beneficial to her healtlU:. . T'>,« Village, hoard contemplate putting up quite a uiirtriber-of street lamps. One has heen on trial at the bridge, on Broadwar. aird it seems to "fill the bill." Several citizens talk of pu 11 i ng up I am ps on t heir own- acco u n t. Last week. Mrs. A," L. B'own was again summoned to Chicago on account of sickness In ihe family of her son. Porter Herrick. It will be remembered that, we chronicled the death of Mr. Herrick's oldest son "Luty" only a short time since^,. This time it was little Alice theirfofily remaiiyiiig child, which was sick, and she1 too-,died be fore Mrs. Brown got to Chicago. The Xfk any friends and acquaintances oft Mr. and -Mrs. llerrick. in Richmond and' vicinity extend their heartfelt sytnpa- ' Tlie'tlileve? who went through Frank" Mead's establishments last 'week were evidently old hands at the business and cool villains as well. It appears that they first entered the blacksmith shop, taking the precaution to leave both doors and a side window open so as to. have* a means, of exit if surprised. Here they .found the sledge hammer and cold chisels they wanted. Then they broke into the wood shop... where they secured a drill suitable for boring Into a safe and a sharp chisel for cut* tln>| wooden work, opening doors and windows, as iu tiie blacksmith shop, to be sure of a way of escape. 'JThey also broke into the carriage and wagon store-room, for what purpose is not plain. Having secured the toolm they, wanted, tlie.y hroKe into the barn. harnes«ed Mr. MeaTs horse to ills bHjfr gv and fled. Going to Wilmot the horse cast a shoe, and they concluded* probably, that It "wpuld not be able to make |the trip, to Kenosha in quick time, so they hitched' It In some wil- Mr. Frank Alumhaugh has -been hold ing temperance meetings in the Meth odist church during the past week. There is a movement in progress to organize a temperance society here. Mr. Henry Guiding is just getting about upon the street with crutches, having been laid up atiout. six weeks from the effects of a scythe cut just above and back of his ankle. Since last writing two old settlers have pa'ssed^away, both of whom have been sick for a long time. The first, Mr. John' Murry died August 14th, aged 80. The other Mr. "1 lieodore Wells died.September 10th. • Dr. Hubbard sold his residence to Dr. McClteftney. While the patrons of Dr. Hiibitard are sorry to lose their old rfcmfty physician they are gratified to think he has left so . line a gentleman for a successor »s Dr. McChesnev. The story of air event may be con sidered news to the party first hearing It, even if it occurred weeks before, and hence, wliile August items are stile here, theV may he of interest to non resident Waucondians and others dependent to some extent, upon local paper® for news of their old neighbors and frleii 'Js. A base ball game between the Diamond Lake and Wauconda nines took place Saturday afternoon, result ing in a victory for Diamond Lake. A dance, the proceeds ef which will go toward paying, the remainder of debts contracted for the new uniform and t4ier expenses,--w111--take place at Maiqian's Hall. Fritlav evening. A * Peach festival was held , at Mniman's Hall Thursday evening for the benefit of Eider I^rooks. A promi nent feature In the programme was the sale of lunch baskets at. auction, the gentleman buying^ basket, being expected to share its contents with the lady ('urnishijigiic. festival seems to fia<re been a snccess, socially and financially^. ' , • H • i A.n.imber of improvements .have been made In and ahout the school house during the vacation. Among them fnay be noted a new walk from the builling to the street. School opened Sept"niber 4tli, with Mr. J. V, Steveus^as Principal and a new teacher in the ' primary room. Miss CoopeV. from Barrington. A large number of pupils from.outside the district are iu attendance. A T T!IE M c HENRY HOU i*E. There will a Social Dance at the Mcllenry House, In this village, on Thursday evening of this week Sept. 28th. Music Mcllenry Qnadrille Band. All are invited. *. I'^ETKR SMITH, Proprietor. • D A N C E A T J O H N S B U R G H . i There will be a Social Party at J. Jkotheriiitd's Hall, John*hu gh, on Wednesday evening. Oct, 4rh. 188^. Music by;.,the Johnsburgli Quintette Orchestra. Tickets "50 trts. MCK L. FE|SUS1>, Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Cough*, Oolds. Asthma. Bronchitis, f^o^ of or any tiffec IOM of the Tiiroat • lid Lungs, are requested t«» call at anv erug Store a'ld g«*t a T»'ial Buttle of r. King's New Discovery for <}on- •nmiitioii. /rrte of ck'lry.. xyhicii will convinet®them of its woinleriul uiciits and show what a regular dollar alee bottle will do. Call early. WORTHLESS STUFF. Not so fast, mv friend; if you eOuld see the strong, healthy, blooming men. women and children that have been raised from beds,of sickness, suffering*, ami almost death by tin* use of llop Bitters, von would *ay. "Glorious and Invaluable remedy.'* See another col umn. f?f> ro Mr*. Hoyre's fa^ Mililnerr AWH Dressmaking. V ' Fishing Tackle of all Mods »l' Engelii**, in Howe's Block, iH»i»r I new Bridge. Overalls--We have a large storik !=•«, men ami boys. Good and el*'*;* <*V Henry Colby's. .. A, Bnckeve fori* Pomps, it IF. fl§ Oweu'n. 100 Dqz Gents Linen Collars at a bar gain. 10c, each. 3 for 23«. or $1 per doz. latest stales and first, class goods at Fitzsimmons <fc Evansou's. •*"" Buy the Casaday Snlkv Plow for sale by L. II. Marriiian, Ridgelield. III. SORGHUM MILL AT fOLO. Tiie undersigned lias a Sorghum Mill, situated about three fourths of a t mile south of VJ»IO, and is now pae- pared to grind sorghum for all parties iit 20 cents per gallon. My Mill is. in first class order, and I invite all to call and see me. .. « * GEO. RICIUBOSOM. • T |WJQ» IU.,{Sept, 2, I8S2. BEAliriFIEIWi T.adies. you.cattnot tiilak^ efair, skin,' rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics ot Fraiice or beauti- fiers of the world, while In'"poor health, and nothing will ^iv« yoii such g<»od healfli, strength.'^ buoyant s|»irits and beirhty as Hop Bitters. A cer tain proof. 'See another column; Bucklen* Arnica Salv«. Tiie best.salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Burns. Sores, Ulcer*. Salt Rheum. Fever Sore®, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns,"amf" all Skin j Eruptions, and positively cures Piles. I It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henpr Col- by. . FOR SALE OR .RENTS, Sixty acres of land, situated- n^ar the Village of Vojo, Lake Comity. ..known as the Gale Estate. Inquire of 11. C. MKAI>, Me Henry, 111. I>ated August 3d, 1SSJ. - • lows beside the ro.ul and stole a horse of Mr. Swenson to cbntlnue flieir journey. 'But before leaving Wilmot they broke into Beia Faber's hard ware store and appropriated Ills stock ol pocket cutlery. They then entered the store of Krtickmau & Rice. They had already drilled a hole into the safe when they were heard'by Mrs. Kruck, man, who got up to investigate, but the scamps heard her and decamped in a hurry, leaving the Stolen tools lii tiie store. When tliey got to Kenoslia they left the buggy in front of a house and turned the horse loose in the street. The thrifty individual before whose house the buggy was left, suspecting It had been stolen, took the nufs off tiie axles so It could not be removed without ills consent, and when the owner appeared demanded $25 before giving it up. Mr. Mead had to call in the aid of the sheriff, and we are glad to state that the-miserable*skii'ik didn't get auvbody's twenty " five "dollars either. If those thieves didn't do a lively nights work, who ever did? The same energy in. a better cause would work wonders. Three burglaries and the theft of a horse in Wilmot, and then the trip to Kenosha, all in one night, was rather rushing things. It is supposed tlie thieves weul from Kenosha to Chicago. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS litis just returned from the city with a "large and se'lected stock of Fa|l and Winter.Millinery Goods, for the Fail' and Winter trade, and iB now prepared To s'liow to the 1 adies of MclleHiy and vicinity the finest lot of stvli«li Hats, Flowers, Feather, Ribbons, Neckwear, etc., etc.. ever brought to this town, and which she will sell u,f bottom pric es. Do rfbt fail to call and examine her stock nefort purchasing, as she is sure to please you * botii ill quality •style and price, J. " OYSTERS By tiie Can or Dish, and served up-In any style desired, at the Restaurant, of II. II. Nichols, next doOr to the Post Office. He also keeps a tine line of Confectionery. Cigars,-Tobacco,, etc. Call and see him. SEED RYE FOR SALE. • * The undersigned has a quantity Of Imported Winter Rve. Which he offers for sale if'railed for soon. Tiie seed of this Rye was imported from Europe and has yielded this year fully forty bushels to the aere. on my farm, near the village of Mcllenry. This Rye may be sowed in June, cut or pastured iu tiie fall, and will then yield the usu al crop When cut in the spring. Or it njay be sowed in the fall tiie same as oijier grain. It is, without dsubt tiie finest Rye ever raised in this country, Those wautingfseed sliould apply at once. ; - 4 pkteu^BLAKB. SfC&ENBT, Sept. 6, 1883. Nobby Styles In Hats-for all ages at Fitfsitiuuons & Evanson's. AT A BARGAIN. We offer at a Bargain, to close out summer Dress floods at prices less than Cost. Also a Job Lot of Boys clothing and Mens coats must hi sold to make room for Fall stock soon to be on. PKKKY a MAKSIM. MERINO BUCKS FOR SALE. The undersigned has K tew cliaice yearling Bocks for s-tle at his farm,, 1| miles southeast of Spring Grove. Mc llenry County, 111. They are the finest lot of Merino Bucks in the County. Post otticc address, Bliviu's Mills. 111. AARON HUFFMAN. Jirly5-m4- Just. received--Some very pretty and desirable styles of all Wool Lace Buntings which will be sold very cheap. Call mid examine fbein at Henry Colby's. No choke to the light running Min neapolis Twine Binder. »old only by f M flivoii ,t M«»t» Jobs and Bargains in everf depart ment at Perry & Martin's. No Binder so light draft as the Min neapolis, running one horse easier than some binders put upon the market. Sash and fancy ribbons in Watered and Brocade at Perry & Martin's. The Minneapolis sold as cheap as any first-class Twine Binder, at K. Jd. Owen & Son's. * Coralene Corsets to 'be hadonly at Perry Jfc Martin's. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I oflcr tr.y house and lot. situated in the village of Mcllenry, for sale. There is a good barn, outhouses and small fruit oil the premises. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to M. KNGELX Anice line of Lace Buntings at Stevens & Schnorr's. ' » Our Grocery Department Is now complete, have some bargains In tea and coffee which it will pay the close buver'to inspect. H ENKT COLBY. HOSIERY. Do not buy a, pair of HOSE until yon have looked our iiew stock over. STKVKNS A SCHITOBB. Paints and Oils--a fit!I llr*1 and, pri ces low'at Henr'y Colby's, Clothing.--Black Dress Suits, Con firmation Suit«. Spring. Summer and Fall Snitn. Children's Suits, Buys' Su4ts Youth's Suits. Men's Suits, all at prices to suit at Henry Colby's. Umbrellas.--We have a good assort ment in styles and prices. Call and see them at Henry Colby's. V 1 ' f - Fin* Shaejs.-^-Tlte largest jftte ami best styles ever shown in tills market, ('all and examine them at Henry Col by's. The "Aurora'*' Road Cart, the easiest thing ont on man and horse, at E* M. Owen & Son's. • » --: : ;--. received at Stevens A Schnorrs. The light riinni'ig MinneapollsTm, Binder at E. M. Owen A Son's. a Alway* ttofrethiaf. A delirious odor is iinpartwl l»jr Floreston (Cologne, which is alw stc« *« freshing, no matter how freely ns» »l. The.fiuest line of silver and Platnd Ware to be fuuud iuthecoaaty. »1 'fit W. Owen's# •' ---- - ' '5' -• Society B«U«*. On account of its remarkably icate and lasting fragramre, Hirirtr belles are loml in tltelr praism Fbm-ston Co1«>gne. ^ - '. 1 FOR SALK. Si 40 Acres of land in Section 1*. »!l ." fenced. Also SO acres of land, a. / *3 good house and barn tiiereuiH with - timber and wnter in abundance, iu >ir- ti»n 22. , . "1 Also mv homestead on tfilK • ry» Lake and Nirula roatl. G«MM< new cfilli! house, barn and other outbuildhi^ -- Apply TO JOHK FU SIIJE. FATHER Jk SONS, For Ciothing look at our large U;:w stoi-k, Foj a good ^nit and • uett 0t call on Stevens & Schnorr. r v, I^ORSALK OR REUTT. * ^ X iionse and one-half acre of lantt the village of Riiigwood. II«M».<e con tains five rooms. Will he Sold rca-ua- able*. Apply to WESLKT ttiNowoou, IU., April 4th, lwa; T.ook at French GinghatiM at ens & Sellimrr's. Spring and Summer Orervoais at- Hfenry Colby*sv If von want to flliy (Hothing at jcago prices, call on E. Lawlus, I n«) slog's Block. Mcllenry. The finest line of Dress Goeds.« iugs. and Trimmings at Steven.* A Schnojrr's. v '*Q Call ami over look the fine i»t Carriages at E. M. Owen A S««V' * CARRIAGE^! CARRIAGESJ exit. KIAGES! Any one III want of a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail call on E. M. Owen A Son and see t!»« large car-load just received. 'turn finest finished, lot ever eoiue to't:>« comity a»id will sell them cheap. HEAD LIGHT OIL*. T\\q ben Kerosene Oil Iu t»vo H. II. Nichols. 175 Fire Test. Gossamer Circulars and Coats ladies and gentlemen always in . « at Henry Colby's. y FENCE POSTS FOB SAI.lf; 2000 seasoned Burr,Oak Fence Poata! for sale. Inquire of JOBJI . ;.f Look at our all woel Li before buying. k TKVBWfH' cuii.>m Bsntlttf New Hats In endless variety, latest' styles and iowest prices at H««c» Colby's, ' FOR SALE OR RENT; h Blacksmith Shop and Tools, at Bllveil's Mills, McHenry CoHntr. IIII-i nois. Inquire of R. 1'WKR|> A >m>k. BUVBN'S MILLS, AUGUST WTH, WW.' Honey, choice and cheap at Colby's. •a J New Fall goods acrirlag dailjr at Fi.tzbimmons & Evanson's. -w - '••JfM- Cook's Cider Mill; J Two miles Northwest of Watuooi!* is now prepared with TWO FIRVI ^PKKSSES. to make your apples 'iidei Cider on short notice and in the bc.^t manner. Give me n call and 1 will guni-cntee every ular,- WOOD FOR SALt The undersigned lias a lot uf w«»o«J for sale, both hard and soft. £nu«1fv at uiy store uear the depot. - ^ g- I-AW I ft. We have just received our fu?l of clothing. Call and examine PKRRT t iliHTM. All the new shapes Iu Dress BottoM* at Perry & Martin's. Call at E. M. Owen A Son'* Hud »•*> V the celebrated Hapgood Sulkr !*{•»«.* that is warranted to ruu Itgoler than a Walking Piow. „ DRESS S1I.KH. The celebrated Ame>-|ean Drea* Silks at P*rry A Martin's. PIANO TO HEX]*. I liaye a good Piano to itiiit lif ai»«' plied Tor at once. o jr. Hvm* Our. stock of Drugs. Chemi«.*t» and Patent Medicines wa« nev^r complete. Goods reliable and prioea right at Henry Colby's. . An envaluable strengthener of the nerves, muscles, and digi-stive organs, producing strength aud appetite,* is JIL'OW UVLR^^TERS. A fine hand sewed Morocco leg calf feoot at bwight's. Ely's Cream Balm reduces iiiffauima- tion. Sores in t lie nasal passaged* are healed iu a few (lays. Catarrhal liead- •aclife i» tlisslpafeiV Senses of smell, taste and hearingtare restored,., I 'rice CO cents. Ap^jly into nostrils with lit tle finger. ' • ' v , Only Two Bot-ties. Messrs. Johnson. JloMowav A Co., wholesale, druggists of Pliilailelphia, Pa., report that some time ag<Fa gen tleman handed, them a dollar, **ith a request to send a good catarrh cure to , two army officers in Arizona. Recent- ' lv the sa'me gentlemen told I hem that both tiie officers and the wife of Gen. John C. Freniont.Gov.. had been cured of catarrh' by the two bottles of Ely's Qreain Balm. If von want a Silk Dress or Dolman, please call and examine our line of Silks. Wo have the Guinet. French. Chaftanjoti, American and several other brands. I PKRUY A MARTIN. ; NOTICE. I am in the mill again, and am pre pare if to grind wheat or feed on short notice. Give, me a call. 11ENRV OAYMSKT. Syrin j Gr JVC, lll.j Sept. t>, ISti, ^ The Mo Henry Brick turinpr (/'omjiany are i»«'w-' * to supply Brick in , From Small Lots . iv'| --TO-- J ; C A R ' . L O A P i . | | Tlieir Brick :ire secoii'l i.i to he lound iu the niurk^t, w i l l 1 ) 0 s o l d a t t h o l o w e ? * i i w i k e t price." ; _ • ' " 'J 4 Persons intendinir to , thi>so haiulliuj; Brick, ^"1 do well to cull and see us IttfUro »>nr- chasiing' , For further information* to oraddresa, HcHeary Ml .Saiiftelimi Coiiiiij, McHENKV -•> ILn^OKi. *k - }' » A i ' m •xm M. 'v. 4' ~a? etfeltLVji. , li,. 51