f.J* " ¥ - l \ » t?w ? a; & ' * »Mtlr.*l» OF A BiHH ' . wjsrtgspjjp A. D. 1307. It waa all in a hnrrr-scnrrr, chess In a flurry, I>nke and Dncli _ ivS For at laat, with hop? forlofe, * They h*<i fled--O tale «f pity!-- ,..f. From thefr xack-<d and burning ctty,;; }»- With their little babe new-born. well-pleased to be seen so much with Carlyle'g Harrfed 1Mb. the great man of the town. At supper i Thomas Carlyle and Jane Welsh did time he came home with the new reaper a great life-work together, after all. behind the wagqn. ! That she was unhappy is clear; that B.y taking twro we made a handsome : lie was not happy, as commonplace peo- 1)1 A ItCA A • ••• AM a«L.l 1 _ 4 _ • %A saving: and, as I intended to buy one, ! pie use the word, is equally certain. I thought I might aa well take it now, J, Theirs was a joint life in which labor he remarked, byway of explanation ^took the precedence of lore, and a rec- When Dnke Fricdrich, sore defoatodt With his flying troops retreated Through the Neokar'f windinc ?#, And the loe pars-mail lor slaughter-- Up fro'Tt Priedriob's baby daajchter Rone a faint auci mc&niu^ wail. m **How what ailR the little ; Qnoth tha aire as they wjra Fleeing, wil<lly, hotly pr >jl *' And the mother answered, sighing, "Ah, the little thinx is crviiie, For she needs her mother's SSr-. ̂ .wrf' 1 v r bnJir rr. Down fcho Dnke from saddle vaulted. ; ShOTttns, "Let the troop* be halted-- I jet the furies do their worst-- Liot the coantry-folic betray ua-- Let the conquerors lind and «lav as-- Bat Uio baby shall be auiaed:" Bo within a shady hollrw, Thouah the foe was soon to follow, ' And to tarry waa to die. Horse and rider stopped to water, While the little Ducal daughter uor milky foimtuu dry. •X." ' - The pnrraeca ^ronld have chnckled ^ -: Ha3 they soen the babr suckled, Bat they rode another way. And they never set their clutches - On the happy Duke and Dncheaa, ; „ For the baby saved the day I r •n. i ' "i Ttaa the fugitives, thonjrh rotrbedr ^ B«inst saved from slaughter, shouted-- ' , And they vowed- amid their joy, :;; * 'That the babe, for tlrnt day's merit, Khouid U)fl Dnial orowi; inherit, Jaatas K she were a boy. •/. ; nn. ̂ . i'• • " When at test fixe child so Umdlfc,'" Who hitd been the land'a defender, Was a peerless woman grown-- Kot a flounced and sighing charmer, Bat An Amazon in armor, She was Duchess on the throne. --Theodora Tilton's liook of Poem*. "It will Have time and strength, and pay for itself in a year." Marv made no comment, but set tier teeth tightly together when she remem bered j;hat «he had asked in vain for something to make her work easier. A sewmsrmacliine had been pronounced "hurtful; l>etter have fewer changes of clothing than-run a machine." .Tolm had decided when the subject was discussed; "a elothers-wringer would be constantly getting out of order. To bring the water into the house would be just to spoil the water. Nothing, after all,. ord of achievement, great, tM^id and marvelous achievement, stands where one of affection might have stood, and the literary harvest of the century is immensely the richer for this mutual martyrdom. Let it be remembered, to his honor at least, that he recognized, though not while she lived, the vastaess of the debt he owed her and io hers; that, unrequited and unacknowledged, she, nevertheless, was his faithful help meet to the last. In the homage that aftertime will pay to Carlyle, the wo man who lost her identity in his will like the good old. bucket. Mother j 5,°* be accorded her full share. •would never have a pump in her day!' " My mother used to say all men are selfish, and I begin to think she was right," Mary muttered as she went to the kitchen for the plate of hot biscuit John was so fond of fdr his tea. : She will stand out always as the incar- | nation of Oliver Wendell Holmes' por- i trait of the true wife: "Oftentimes," j says Dr. Holmes, "I have seen a tall ! ®hip glide by against the tide as if { drawn by an invisible tow-line with a hundred strong arms pulling it. Her is a bad thing, hot Dr. Pierce's "Wvoctte Preemption " deserves its Mine. It to a oer- i tain core for those painfnl maladios and weak- i nuwes which embitter tkettve* of many woman. | Of druggists. i Caret*!, inquiry has developed the foot i that when circus clowns become too old for ; their business they buy a farm and nettle I down. Tlii* is done so thev t an tro out j where the cows feed and pick up the oorn- ' under-'em.--AVvi York Commercial Advcr- I ti*er. ' . ' Toeing entirely vegetable, no particnEr i-are i in required while using Dr. Pierce's " Pleasant | Purgative Pellet®." They operate without dis- | turbanoe to the constitution, diet or ocoupa- . tioiL. For sick headache, constipation, iru])ure j blood, dizziness, sour eructatioiw from the , stomach, bad taste in month, bilious attacks, • pain in region of kidneys, internal fever, bloat- > ed feeling about stomach, rush of blood to i head, take Dr. Pierce's "pellets." By druggists. ! Wk arc informed that in "best society" jel- | ly "is now carried to the mouth on a fork." j Well, if "best society" has been in the habit ' of carrying Jelly to the mouth in the lingers, it is about tune" a change was made. They will find forks a very useful article when they get used to them.--Norri»i%wn Her aid. SI?' Dr. Jalap. "I wouldn't have that apple tree cut down for money." "But an>" f™*4. it,v argued jiiuiii irom it, arjruea Brown; the boys steal all the apnles before they are half ripe." "That's jiist ft," relied the doctor, with a ouict smile; "that tree stands rae in a good thousand every season." --JloHt'tn Trun.Hcript kxI thousai KKN< I K1) FBOM DEATH. WUliini 1. (Y.i;.;liJ;n, of Soa»ef\ jll<\ Haas., saysr Tw tbc fijl of l»(0 I waa fsken with np the ttTTfos, followed by s nerere eoush. I lost my appetite and P.e»h. and was oinftne.l to my bed. In ISTT 1 wad admitted to Uie Hosjiital. The doctors s»id 1 a hoi# in my Iuujmb bis aa a half dollar. At one time a ro port went aivVund that I was doad; I pav\- -jp hope, but a friend told me of DR. W1I.UAM H.UJ. S HAI^AM F<)Ii THK I.VNC.S. 1 p,t a bottle, when, to mymir- priw), 1 commcueed. to feel l**tter, and to-day I fed better than for three years past. BAKEIfS PAIS PANACEA rurea pain in llan or JBoaat. For use extemallv or intenialjv. Her husband's appetite was good, but > . , , ^ --- from fatigue aad overheating herself j u_j J .xl' r. drooping, she had neither side-wheel not stern- wheel ; still she moved on stately in se- like a touic, but there is no tonic in. the j 1 knew that on the other side of the I ship, hidden l>eneath the great bulk *A commonplace life," . she said, and j '|iat swam so majestically, there was a she sighed, as she cleared away the tea j little toilsome steam tug, with a heart dishes, while. John tilted back in his i fire and arms of iron, that was tug- Mary could not eat. His ride and the society of the genial Squire had acted like a touic, but tlier air of a hot kitchen. Io bilious, or suffering from imparity of blood, or weak lungs, and fear consumption (scrofulous disease of the longs), take Dk Pieroe's " Golden Medioal Discovery" u^p j will core you. By druggist*. ( DoroLAfis Xutz, of Norwich, fell under a ! moving train he Was attempting to board, i When the train passed Doug-lass arose anin- j jured with his cigar in his mouth. And y«t ! there are people who claim smoking to * be ! injurious.--Danbury Neiei. SELFISH JOHN CLARK.^ The meeting was a good one in spite of the intense heat and tliat there was more singing done by moiquitoes than •Ijy the human species. John Clark sat by an open window,- where what breoze there was came in and kept him comparatively comfortable, and then he liad on a clean linen suit •which his wife had washed and ironed "that day, notwithstanding the murcury mounted high in the nineties, and its freshness waa an additional comfort. His first crop of hay, much larger than usual, had that day been putin his •paeious barns without damage by so much as a drop of rain. He was well, strong, prosperous, therefore happy. The ride homo was charming, and as the new horse took them through Cairn- ley Woods, with sure, fleet feet, he felt that life was very bright; and as he thought of Brother White's remarks about "weary burdens," "feet tired with the march of life," he concluded that the aforesaid brother was not in the en joyment of religion. - John's wife s£t back in the carriage, jesting her tired body and turning over in her mind the remarks her John had made at. the meeting. "Bear ye one -another's burdens," had been the sub ject of the evening's talk, and John's speech had been listened to with evi dent relish. "Tour husband has the root of the matter in tiim," said the pastor as she Eassed out. "I hope we shall all take eed to his well-timed words." "I think of hiring Toes Birch- as » sort of spare hand and call-boy gen- • erally. I find this hot weather takes the starch out of me," John said, as the horse trotted through the cool pine grove, amid flickers of moonlight. "Will you board him?" asked Mary Clark in a constrained voice, with the memory of her' husband|f"exhortations still in mind. " "Of course. I want ltini evenings to take the horse when we come from meet ing, or if I have taken a friend out. It is rather hard to have to go to work directly one gets home." "You are to hire him to bear some of C.r burdens," said Mary, in the same d voice. "Just so, wife. It stands me in hand to practice, if I preach; don't vou pay so?" ' , "I do! I aim glad yon are to have help; as you say, it is hard to go to work the minute you get home. I have been foolish enough to have this ride spoiled by thinking of bread to twit, two baskets of clothes to fold before I sleep for the ironing to-morrow, and dinner to get for four hungry men, and baby to care for." "Don't crowd to-morrow's burdens into this pleasant ride. And it seems to me that it would be better to get all your housework done before meeting- time." "If I could, but that is impossible; milk to strain, dishes to wash, Benny and b»bv to put to bed--all these duties •eome together, atid then I am tired •enough to go to bed myself." "Take it easy, Mary; keep pool, avoid all the hot work yoii can." "I wish I could have a girl, John!* "Mother used to say girls were more hindrance than help. I guess you would find them so, and then they waste and break more than their wages. I don't see how J can afford a girl. Do what you can, and leave some things undone; that's the way to w ork it," and John sat back with a satisfied air, and Mary thought of her husband's glowing words in the prayer-meeting. "I will do all I can," said Mary in a weary voice. "What I am obliged to do is much beyond my strength. The three meals come near together, wash ing and' ironing must be done, baby shall not be neglected, and of course I must keep the clothes well mended." " One thing at a time is the way to think of your dutiee. Pick up all the comfort you can. as you go along. I have made up my mind to do so in the future." "So I see by your thinking of having •an extra hand." "Yes. I feel that I must take care of mv health for your sake and the •ehildren's." "Certainly." Mary answered in a sarcastic tone, "how thoughtful you are for us!" John made no further comment, but inwardly wished that prayer-meetings did Mary the good they had done once, and wondered why his wife Jiad so changed. * "I am going with Squire To**e to see a new reaper; he says he hardly wants to buy without my opinion." This was next day. John left his wife ironing, with the half-sick baby sitting by the table in -4be company of an army of flies; and in spite of the honie-scene enjoyed his Tide along the pleasant, shaded r^ad, armchair on the cool, draughty porch and talked over things with Neighbor Jones. "Why don't you buy Widdcr Patch's cranberry niedder?" asked Mr. Jones; gmg it bravely on; and I knew that if the little steam tug untwined her arms and left the ship, it would wallow and roll away, and drift hither and thither it's going dirt cheap, and you can afford I 8° with the effluent tide, no it?' The sum was named,.figures that astonished Mary, and she was more sur prised 'when she heard her husband say: Two half a mind to do it. Fre just had an old debt paid in, and, to tell the truth, affairs in the money market are so squally, I don't know just where to salt it down."" ' No tears came to Mary's tired eyes, but her heart went : out in one mighty sob as she stood, dish-pan in hand, be fore the disordered table, and thought how cheaply she had sold herself, really for $2 a week and her board, to the mail who had promised to love and cherish her until death. The beautiful piano she had brought to the farm was never opened, but looked like a gloomy casket wherein was buried all the poetry of her life. The closed "best parlor" had long since assumed the grimnesa •and mustiness of country best parlors, of which in her girlhood she had made much fun. John was a rich man, and, in spite of his marriage vows and his glowing praver-meeting talk, was allow ing burdens grievous to be borne to press on her slender shoulders, in order to "salt down" his dollars. • Had she not a duty to perform? Ought she to allow him to preach and never to practise ? Had she not rights to be respected ? which were not by her husband; for, she reasoned, if he al lowed her to do what could be done by an ignorant Irish woiftan for $2 a week, then he rated her at that price. "Widder Patch has had a tough time on't," said Neighbor Jones; "she is go ing to the West'rd to Tom, if she sells the medder, and Jane is going out to work. She's tried sewing, but it don't agree with her, and Dr. Snow recom mends housework as healthy business." " 'Tis healthy .business," chimed in John. "Now my wife is a good deal better than when I married her. Why, she never did a washing in her life un til she came to the farm. I think wash ing and general housework is much better than piano-playing and reading." "So I say to the girls, who pester me to buy an orgin; better play on the wash-board, enough sight," was tlu? ele gant response. ...;.V' "Are you going to buy the erariberry meadow, John?" Mary asked,aa she saw* her husband making preparations to go from home. "Yes--why?" "Can you afford it?" "We shall have to figger a little closer in order to do it, but it is going cheap." "You will have to give up Tom Birch, won't you, and do the chores yourself ?" "I have thought of it, but Tom is poor, and to give him a home is a deed of charity. No, we will save some other way." "How much do you pay Tom?* "Three dollars and his board. And, by the wav, he says you didn't wash his clotihes. Washing and mending was in the bargain." "I think Tom will have to go, for I have hired Jane Patch. She will be here to-night. Two dollars a week I am to give her. You want to practice 'Bear ye one another's burdens' as well as preach from tho text; so I will give you a chance. I will take my turn in sitting on the cool piazza after tea with a neighbor, while you do the chores. I think the time has come for some of my burdens to be lifted. .By exchanging Tom for Jane, you will have $1 a week for the cranberry meadow. You say strong, active Tom is in need of a home; he can make one for himself anvwhere. It is a deed of charity to give Jane a home, and an act of mercy to give your wife a little rest." Before John could recover from his astonishment, Mary walked out of his sight, and taking the children went to the shut-up parlor. Throwing open the windows to let in the soft summer air, with baby in her lap she sat ddwn at her piano and began to play a "song without words," a piece John hftd loved to hear w^en he used to visit her in her home, where she was a potted girl. The song crept out through the open win* dows and around to John as he sat on the porch, and memory compelled him to give the song words. Not musical poetry, but rather somber prose; where in washing, ironing, hard days at the churn, hours of cooking for hungry men, stood out before his mind's eVe in con trast to the fair promises he had made the pretty girl he had won for his bride. Jane Patch came that evening, and at once took upon herself many of Mrs. Ciark's cares, and no one greeted her more cordially than the master of the house Nothing was ever said about her coming, and Tom Birch did not go away; so Mary knew that her husband could well afford the expense. She told me how she helped to make one man thoughtful and unselfish, as we sat; on her cool piazza one hot August night; and I was glad that one woman had grit enough to demand her rights. If John Clark had been poor his wife would have borne her burden in pa tience, but she had no right to help make him selfish, and indifferent as to her health and comfort.--Boston Watch- man. » A Telling Law. Mr. Charles Law, Jr., in conversation with die of our representatives, recently said: "I have been a sufferer from rheumatism and neuralgia for the past ten years, and tried all kinds of remedies. Having heard so much about St. Jacobs Oil, I tried a bottle, and found it truly wonderful."--Pottstown, Pa., Ledger. Bitter Creek's Bad Cowboy. . The bad cowboy from Bitter Creek was on "the Comstock last night. He went into the Gem saloon and thus de- scril>ed himself: "I'm a race horse in an advance and a tortoise in retreat! When you hear my voice above the racket you Jan begin to measure off land lor a graveyard!" About this time the "raoe horse" found himself doubled up in a corner, and as he sadly wiped the drip ping blood from his nose and bulging upper lip he exclaimed: "I didn't mean to cast no slurs onto this plaoe, for here I know the land's measured off and the graveyard established."-- Virginia City Enterprise. Mb. Ed Trickbtt, the celebrated dam- man, Kingston, Canada, says: "I have found St. Jacobs Oil a sure and certain cure for rheumatism, etc."--New York Clipper. "A „ ' -About a Name. Sir Bernard Burke, the well-known Irish herald, has frequently been asked, "What is the surname of the children of Queen Victoria?" and he says: "I feel persuaded that the royal house of Saxe- Coburg has no surname. When the adoption of surnames became general, the ancestors of that illustrious raoe were Kings, and needed no other desig nation than the Christian name added to the royal title." The Plantagenets and the Tudors were in quite Other case, and the soubriquet of the former originated their surname. Don't Be Diacourag-ML Because it happens that you have failed to find health and Btrength by dosing yourself with bitters and alcoholic preparations, you should not grow despondent The Queen of strengthening tonics that will protect and save you is Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. It also contains Juniper, Iron, Celery and Galisaya Ask your druggist to get it for you. A tear or two ago, when a young man from Boston landed in a new town in Nebraska, he was at onoe approached by a middle-aged man, who introduced himself as Jones, and added: "Going to settle down here?" "Yes; I think so." "Single man, are you?" "Yes, sir." "Well, I want to warn you right here and now about certain things. I own the only church in town; my son keeps the only saloon here; my brother owns the only hotel; and I am engaged to the only single female in this county. My commission on all transactions is 10 per cent, cash in advanoe. Come and see me."--Wall Street News. Mr. Worden Mdijjns of Circlevllle, O., writes: "I am an old man, 71 yearR old, and my wife is 70. We attribute our good health principally to the fact that Dr. Quysokt's Yel low Dock and Sarsaparilla Is the only medi cine we use when we begin to feel weak and unwelL" A recent visitor to the Hermitage plantation, Andrew Jackson's home, found it attractive, the house (a sub stantial brick building) in fair condition, and the general aspect of the place far from poverty stricken. The tomb is in a secluded corner of the garden, but there were "no marks of footprints to show that any pilgrim had very recent ly offered homage at this shrine." It w as intended to make the place the site of a military academy, but the project failed. r Blo.>d-Polsonlng--An Alarming Diaeoverjr. Half the people are suffering and may die from tkis fatal complaint. Diseases of the kidneys and liver are the principal causea As a cure we can only recommend German Hop Bitters.--Journal of Health. A bubgler got into the house of a lawyer the other day. After a terrible struggle the lawyer succeeded in robbing him. Ask your physician and he will tell you that for all tne'elements which give health, strength and vigor to the system there is nothing better than pure malt Only the purest malt is used In the preparation of Hops and Malt Bitters. 'V. B%: man knows where. And so I have known more than one genius highrdedked, full-freighted, wide-sailed, gay-penoned, who, but for the bare toiling arm, and brave, warm-beating heart of the faith ful little wife, that nestled close to him so that no wind or wave could part them, would have gone down with the stream and been heard of no more."*--* Boston Traveller. The Cse of Toads. Toads have been used by entomolo gists for the acquisition of minute noc turnal insects difficult to catch. A num ber are turned out at night in a district where rare or desired ipsect is known to exist. In the morning the reptiles are recaptured, and either deprived pf their spoils by- a little gentle pressure, or killed and ransacked. If the}- could also be m»de subservient to anatomical science by providing our Cabinets with osteological preparations of the minute vertebrate, so difficult to set mp, the poor amphibians would prove of greater value to students than if they really wore that mythic precious jewel in their head which the exiled duke ascribed, to them.--The London Field. Charlatans and Qnackit Have long plied their vocation on the suffer ing pedals of the people. The knife has pared to tne quick; o&uFtic applications have tor mented tho victim of corns until the convic tion slia{>ed it«eLf--there'-s no erne. Pitt- nam's Painless Ookn Extr(lctoe proves On what a slender basis public opinion often, rests. If you suffer from corns get the Ex tractor and you wiH be satisfied, iiokl every where. . Wholesale, Lord, Storiteaburgh & Co., Chicago. PiALoauu near the sea, on the hotel piazza: "I do not see how you ladies can re main here two months looking upon tli> changeless o«ean.* "But the men change," was the reply of the lady. DraRUt'i Testimony. H. V. McCarthy, druggist, Ottawa* Out states that he was afflicted with chronic ^bronchitis for some years, and was com pletely cored by the use of Thomas' Eclbo- tbic Oru Butchkb--"Come, John, be lively now, break the bones in Mr. Williamson's chops; aad put Mr. Smith's ribs in the basket for him.1' "All right, sir, just as soon, as I've sawed off Mrs. Murphy's leg." Certificate. • I have used Burdock Blood BnTHBs with great benefit for indigestion and constipation of the bowels. "C. L. Easton, Prioe #1. "Hamilton, Ont* Doctor--"Well, Pat, have you taken that box of pills I sent you?" Pat--"Yes. sir, be jabers, I have; but I don't feel any l>etter yet I think maybe the lid hasn't come off yet" ^ • VUm and Bnga Flies, roaches, ants, bedbugs, rats, mioe, gophers, chipmunks cleared out by "Bough •n Rats." 15a A iiKNTi j-vak who took to medicine late in life Said to a friend: uYou know the old proverb, ' At 40 a man must be a fool or a physician*'" "Yes," was the reply; "but, doctor, clon't you think he can be both?" Mbhsmak's Peptonized Bkkf Tonic, uhe only prepr.ratiOh of beef containing its entire nutritious properties. It contains blood- making, force generating and life-sustaining properties; invaluable for indigestion, dys pepsia, nerv ous prostration, and all forms* of general debility; also, in all enfeebled con ditions, whether the result of exhaustion, nervmw prostration, over-work, or acute dis ease, particularly if resulting from pulmo nary complaints Caswell, Hazard A Co., proprietors, New York. Sold by druggists Sidney Smith said to his vestrv, in refer ence to a block pavement about St Paul's: "All you have got to do, gentlemen^ is to put your heads together and the thing is done." Predictions. Vennors predictions so far have been won derfully correct He says 18Si will be re membered as a year of great mortality. German Hop Bitters should be used by everybody. The family physician asked thi clergyman satirically how the patriarchs came to live so long. "Because they took no* physic," said the minister. • Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Sonnets of tho Chosf, . Bout, Quinsy, Sor* Throat, Swaff- iug* and Sprains, Burns anil Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Car and Headache, Frosted feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Pnparatioo on earth aqaala Sr. Jaoom On • a «t/*i »*tre, tintple tmi etoop btmal •cmety. A trial eatalk but tlw eomparattraly trifling outlay of M Oats, and «»«rr mm raffariag With pain can bar* cheap and poaitiT* float of ita claim*. Diraetfoaa in Bnw Langnacaa. * SOU) BT ALL DRUGGI8T8 AID IN MEDIODTB. A. VOOELES tt CO„ MNMH.n.RjLi. Di'THOMAS ECLECTRIG kQIL# Sino a song of hair oil| j Pocket niinua clunk, " V.? • ®Four and twenty editors • - / Spilling printers' ink; Now ttia pen goes faster, Wonder what they mean; Guess ttiey mast be writing ads. For the improved Carbolme. • "Th* French speak in the nose, the Ger mans in the throat, and tlie English through the teeth.Either of which is more agreea ble than speaking through the telephone. Common colds neglected cause One- half the deaths. Consumption lurks in every cough, often using as a mask the ruddy cheek and sparkling eye till its deadly seeds are dee]«y planted in the system. Expert's Extract of Tab and Wild Chebrt will surely cure colds, coughs, croup, catarrh, bronchial complaints, and ward off consump tion. ••Keep off the "grass" is a corporation wav of interdicting a certain class of dueling; it forbids the public to cross swards. "Nothing like it" So remarked one of our most successful physicians the other day, speaking of Hops and Malt Bittern "It has completely cured one of the most obstinate cases of dyspepsia ever brought to my notice." When an Oil City man's wife gave birth to twins be was surprised into saying, "Cut a two-spot, by gosh." Dr. Wikchkix's Teething Sybot is just the medicine for mothers to have in the house for the children. • It will cure colds, coughs, sore throat, and regulate the bowels* Do not fail to give it a trial, you will !>e pleased with its charming effect. Sold by all druggists. It is stated that they have cucumbers two feet long in Kentucky, but they do not say how long they have the stomach-ache Cures Rheumatism, Lum bago, Lame Back, Sprains and Bruises, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Diphtheria. Muzss, Frost Bites, Tooth, Ear, and Head ache, and all pains and aches. * The best interna! and external remedy in the world. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold by medicine dealers everywhere. Directions In eight languages. Price 50 cents and FOSTER, MILBURN 4 CO., Prop'rt, BUFFALO, N. V., U. S. A. THE MEW REMEDY. HOPSlMALT BITTERS. (Hot Fermented.) THK GREAT I Liver iEdney Remedy 1 AND BLOOD PURIFIER. This new Remedy is compounded from the beat known curativee, such aa rtopa. Malt Exti-ac*. Cascara Sagrada (Sacred Bark), Buchu. Dandelion and Saraaparilla, combined with an agree. | able Aromatic Elixir. Ttieae Remediea act upon the Mver. They act upon the Kidncya. They Regulate the Bowels. [ They Quiet the Ncrvoua System. v They Promote Digestion. They Nourish, Strengthen, Invigorate. They give Tone, Health and Energy. HOPS AND MALT BITTERS [ are the ORIGINAL and ONLY BIT TERS containing Malt Extract. Ask your Druggist for them, and be sure [ that the label has on »t the four words HOPS AND MALT BITTERS | in latge red letters. 0TT»ke no other._£f At Wholesale and Retail by a! 1 dealers. TOCHMBTEB JUEDXCISK CO., Hooheater, If. X. UOSHFElft Unclb Sam's Conditio* Powokbs should 'be used bv every one- owning or having the care of horses, cattle, hogs or poultry. It improves the appetite, promotes the growth, and restores the sick. Sold by all druggists When an editor refers to a man as "a m1s- erablejpolecat," and is promptly accused of gross flattery, it looks rather dubious for the person referred to.--Boston PotL Thb Frazer Axle Grease is the veiy best. A trial will prove we are right Received first premium at North Carolina State fair. Cen tennial, and Paris Exposition. Why ought wicked people to go carriage driving often? Because it frequently ad monishes them to "keep to the right;." The best and cheapest Car Starter is sold by Borden, Selleck A Co., Chicago, I1L With it one Irian can move a loaded car. Never insult a milkman by asking him what watering place he is going to in the sum mer.--Boston Transcript. •'Lyon's Patent Metallic Heel StiflPeners keep new boots and shoes from running over. Sold by shoe and hardware dealers. The mosqiflto is little, but his brave exam ple is contagious. He makes the most cow ardly come to the scratch. Th* the nair brand, Spring Tobaeoa. The man who boasts of h:i ancestral tim ber may be safely set down as a stick, ' • • Warnm** Safe Kidney aad liver Cum. AGENTS Wanted on 8ALABY or commis- PALMKR St STRONG! ENCINES^^^ write Tsa ACZ.TMAV * TAYLOR OO. M « -- U How She Slept. A physician was once called upon lo prescribe fer a young lady who was ai^icted with languor aud headaches. Every morning she awoke w ith a head ache, and it lasted nearly half the dav. This has been going on for mouths-- ever since they moved into their hew house. The old doctor tried All the j old remedies, and they all failed. Rid- j ing and archery were faithfully tested, i study and practice were cheerfully pjv- oa up. Nothing did any good. " \V ill you let me see your bedroom ?" 'asked the doctor one day, and he was shown up into the prettiest little nest imag inable. Nothing wrong about the ven tilation. The windows were high and br&ad, and left open every night, the patient said. The bed stood in one corner against the wall, "Ah! it does?" said the doctor. "Well, Will you do me the favor to wheel the bed into the middle of the room and sleep so for a week ? Then let me lyiow about the headaches." Doctors are so ab surd! The middle of the room, indeed! And there were the windows on one side, and the two dock's on the two sides, and the mantel with its Mac- l'&me lambrequin on the fourth side. There was no place for the ded but just where it stood, in the corner. "Never mind! sacrifice your lambre quin," urged the doctor; "just for a week, you know." Tho lambrequin was sacrificed, the bed moved where it had free, air on both sides, and the headaches disappeared. Cannot some of our morning dullness be traced to a similar cause ? ' PEBRY DAVIS' 1 ft' j, -1 That terrible scourge, fever and afrne, and, ita con gener, bilious remittent, besides affections of the stomach, liver and bowels, produced miasmatic air and water, are both eradicated aad prevented by the use of HO.-itetter'fl Stomach Bitters, a purely vegetable elixir, indorsed by phyHicians, and more extensively need as a remedy for tjic above class of disorders, aa well as for many others, than any medicine of the age. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. A hcstek has stumbled upon a hith-' erto unknown lake near the headwa ters of Wise river, about sixty miles south of Butte, Montana. It is high up in the mountains, surrounded by doep crags, and the water is frozen solid. The hunter is convinced that it never thaws, and says that in the center of this great body of ice is a large avalanche of snow piled up to a great height, which has evidently slid down from the crags. TRUTH ItilinMllnMIwi, Hi fcr a> Mil «Mk », A wUr .ttrm ulM rfwr, mm* i coUtcfm IVUtf jem Mv« twfciri « «A, iM hm^ Mm' ••d pUMrfMaiMbiB4 4al»rfMfita|^ njiilia psetomei. mmtf «B --> HKii. C A. REED & SONS* ORGANS.! New Illustrated CntalocuiM, 1882, sent free. Special price*. Aftento wantwi In every oounty. REED'S TKMPI.K OF M I KK', 1&0 state St,, CHICAGO. THE HKK8HKY School of Musical Art, HERSHEY MUSIC HALL. Chlfii«e, III., affords the most thorough instruction In all hmnchaa of Vocal nnd Instran ental Music. Semi for circulnr II. ('l.AKKNtr; EDDY, tienml Director. MUSIC WELL AUQERS,1 ROCK DRILLS And tha Kan Machinist la the I <a WOHLD tor I •ORINCraad DRILLING WELLS by Horsa ar Steam Pawer I | Book Faaa. Addreat LOOM IS 4 NVMAN. TIFFIN. OHIO ' bUUNIT Itff ..J lABPiBA -f j;"' aim nnncuno vi rAT TO UNION SOLDIKIU Reported on BOLLS aa DK8EKTKR8. ACT OF AUGUST 7th, 18SH. Apply to HILOB OFFICES: U nuu»: Lo Droit Bmkung, wASHum Building, Cleveland. Ohio : Abstract oxr, Mich.; M«tropontaa Mock* Cbxc 0?ON. GBXCAGO, 1U» CHEAPESTi BEST MILL SOIL UNOtR GlARBAN^Zr T. fiivr S<.""<SFAC!(»' Oh-MONtN" REFUNDS sew -or OUF, cm:uiAb .CH/V K4ESTNCPU C° THI'A&O ILL; A DAY GUXRAN7TID THIS mica MAK£ W£U3f [ --/#- OIUmctc* „ ̂/srr.nsft ttoun _ SCM) rOR CVC TAL oeuc. -- A. W. AfQi)GAN& CO, INDIANA PQUS. JNOtANA. M HI BLOOD! Pitri'Miw* Pnrcrutlve Pllla make New Rich Blood am) will completely change the blood In the entire sys tem in three months. Any person who will take one pill each niglit from 1 to 18 weeks loay be restored to sound health, if H'voh a thine be possible. Sold everywhere, or aent by mail for 8 latter stamps. I. S. JOHNHON €»« Beaton, Kaaa, formerly Bsaisr, lie. GOOD NEWS Get up Clubs fer *w cm BRATBD TSA8, Mtfl • "Uoh In* * Md Bud Tm fct," K. OB* _ iw away to Uw i»rtj Mauias a Club far ta.K. a.war. «r tha s»«alla4 I feaaatlM Taa Satt|ti«i away ' oaaar TBlfl " that ara MM ad varttaad--tkay an 4aa«sr«i aadaatrlMetal tahaalth--slewitolwn. DealeatywlthisllaM* •aaaas aad with Irrt hand* If |Mwn>K N. hawiba*. Th* Great American Tea Co- Importers, t.Ai«iaa a am rawbt., nawTora. MOT FAIL to eend for our le.ll erioe list for 1882. Free to any address upon appli cation .! Saiirn ueacrip- tioceof eserythinn require ed for Personal or Family S,tW illustrations. We sell all goods at wlioieante prices In quantities to suit the purchaser. The only institution wbo aika this their speoial busi ness- .HO \TOOiUEKV WARM A CO.. MT & Wsbsik Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Is niffailiiitr and infalli ble in cuririK Epileptic Fith. Spatanp, Convul- . Vitun' Dunce, mi.()piuui Eat ing, Seminal Weakneaa, ImpotencT. Sct-ofuia, ana aU Nervous and Blood Diseanen. To Cleifiynicri. Lawyers. Literary mcu. Mer chants. Bank ore. Ladiea and all tiedenta- 5: employment oaueea eryous ProNtrafion. InvtruluritieK of the blood, stomach, bowels or kMiner*, or who re quire a nerve tonic, ap- jw-toer or f-tiinulant, Samaritan Nervine is Invaluable. Thousands proclaim it the moet wonderful Invigoraut that ever*u*tuined tlie sinking system, as* For sale j by all DMqergiHtd. DK. S. A. RICHMOND MEDICAL CO., Sole Proprietors, St. Joseph, Ho. j Incloee stamp for Circulars. s»*5S5*n HE VEK FAILS. A SAF| AND REMEDY CMtn, Sprains m Bans 5 « V, •/ (> ' -,1-! ScaWs, J Toirtiiacba g •V" K" FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. WANTED e™. To eutffttre in the pale of a new and important awk nUukI.v-4 character, rare attractions ana immeaae aa» ingiiualilie .. litcrar< authorities. We KnthuFiaxtii ikiiv indorsed by the htehMf' _ -- ritjes. We want a few men of experlenoa aim ability, able to drill and manage aeeata, to a we ofler a iM*rmuin>nt and lucrative IwabMM This will repay invojititration, hr paitknlMi addreas C. II. BKACHA CO., ChtcwcoTuU THE CALICRAPH! 7kt Onfy I'ertect Writing Miichinc. Tho upi>er ana lowercase maohrac has an indep«?ndont key for every charaoU?r. E\er>- lx>arin^ is acini^Ublt* to wear. Send for circulars and HptH-imenw of work to FA1RFIF.IJ) ft t TAYI/)H, oorner^State and Van Hurvn St«„ Ciaca^o, HI. " % • INSTITtTT 3B. Establiabed, InvorpotW* 22**- For the Cure ofOwaeee% Tsaurt, triebrw, Dm sftiS ' -- and 8*ix DisSaasa, without tha osa or BfiOon, and Httte pain Fttr INCREASB $10 pTOUR CAPlTAIi. WHITNEY A 1IOI.MKS R G A N S Excel All Others In Tone nnil Da- rablllty. Iltcheat Viral ('Inw Hep •tnllon. EatabllsHed 15 V«an, Head for enlnl«m<> of «<-\v .lyira. Whltaay A Holmes Organ Co.. Qtiim-y, 111. warn $50 " STOCKS MASON ft HAMLIN ORGANS sodecmBdafl COM I'KTITIOX torSIXTKK^i Ajnerioau Organs having been found e<jusl at any. CHEAPEST. StyleuW; 31* oSSSST-Huffl.^it coBBr pass and power, with best quality, for popular --t rail and secvuar mu^ic in schools or fainUie*. at only ass. OKE Hl MJltEI) OTHKK OTYLks Iff SSC •SI, mm. 9T£, »78, <M>3, »ia«.S114. to SMI and uvward. TMaraer are wudlp «nr.r<iMj tm anyut/ier OrggWr_£jm> tor easy naniunta V«fW ; :;.I.;'STiUi tu CAl AUKiVK vrei:. PIANOS • IRI1V0 OKAXI> PIANOS, introdnriri imwrumt improvements, adding ti> power and beaut* „ of tone and durability. H ill not require !h'uiuj ons* ' t ~:-Xa mvcfi a*other Ptano». rtl.USTn.VrKO • , CfitClJLMlS. with full particular*, fbkx. .THE MASON. A HAMLIN ORGAN I'JANO CO., 154 Trmnout tit., Boston; •«»*C 14th St., N. York; 140 Wabash Ave., Chicaepfe, WILHELMS' HQJTiBT DICTIOIiBT' ' AND CAZETTEER, a. a o . o o B O O Comprising Anotont and Modern Mi IMair 'Cse'antoai Termi«» Historical Accounts of All North AiMrioaik di uifl, Notices of Bntties irom the E irtieat PetMl tot I*return T mo. vrita a Ocmcise F.xplanatiottof Terna 1 In Herald*?, and the Officer* Tiwreof, oonblntti iblc lntorication9 compiled i auUioritesor all nations, with an append th^ Articles «if War, etc.. Trill ho nrtijoutad o^t4iinir»g TBN new euf)M"rH)©rs to THK CUOAQO Vor particalan and sample oopj of nsim addrasa. DR. WM. Consumption Can Bo Curia. HALLS LUNGS. BALSAM Cum'CoiMttmnliMi, Colds, Pneuinonia, enza, Bronchial DUIloaltIea,Broiii'Jiiti.'4^Ic netM<, Asthma, Croup, Whomrfiu; I'wush, all DliieiiMtoftlie BreathintOrgans. Itsoi and heala the Membrane oftnel,iuijfs,iiUli_ and poisoned by the diaeaae, and prevents nlifhl aweata aind tfshfneaa mtou the d i tint! is not M AM will cura OHATM BPBCiriC MIBICim. TBN-nuoc af 6eU- mSbSiadBjMto i» the Baak. Dfaa- B»iur« uiu mm) ™*ay. dassseajhatttsa ta 5; Icsnnity or Oonsamptlen ana a Prsetatara Ota^a. > : v, #. nr-F1-! ! partlealara In ear yamphlet. whteh we llldl I % 4 to wnd kr maU to srery one. .PrTfce Spsiaa ^ Medicin- t eeld hy aM drstaistt at $l py »ae>ya. aa six p.cUans for «S. or wtll U> seat bee by Basil en ra- J * . , •aipt of the money, by addreeaio* • THE 6MAY ME9ICINE CO.. Buiaie, N. Y - On aeeonnt of eoontariWta. wa iMte adopted tha Tafr vt' •. ; tow Wrapper; the ealyfeMadaa. ^ 'Hy c. n. u. Mo.: TTllKN WRITUfU TO ADVKRTISKKJ4, . «> please mmy ymt a»w tho a^TirtlMsatat-* this paiier. VnilHfi |iea| If you want to lnain Telegraphy iaa • UUIW1 IVICIl fsvr month*, and be certain of a ail nation, address VALKNT1NK BRl>3 , JanesTUle. Wta. PETI6LE0I JELLY J&4S- Used and approved by the leading PHYSI CIANS of EU30PE and AMERICA. _0- For Business at the Oldest A Best f --^TZT'CeBirnertdal College. Circular free. AddrdssC- Batlibs, Dubuque, la. sion. Send Stamp for particulaas. 383 W. Madison 8t„ Chicago. 111. The moot Valuable Family Remedy known. % - l or tha Treatrjczt cf YTOTODS, BTJ^!TS, SOSES, CUTS, CEILLLLI^S. SKUf DISEASES, BKsinaAiisi:. CATAIIEH, E£3tOR1TISli)3, Etc. Alsa for Ccuphs, Cclda, Sere Tircct.Crc^p t^id Ll^htlieria. etc. ja-Try 25 asd 50 ctat «L:c3 cf all cc.r good*, gBA\D JirDAL AT TK2 P!IILA3ELFniA EXPOSITION, tam AT THS FilUS KXPOUTidS. TheTUM Articles" from put Yaaalino--such as Vsselli% Vaselino Cold Cream, Vaseline Carsrhcr Xa% Vaxll-o Tollot So.1^4 ire saarrl'Sr to acj SBflb VASELRS fOSFECTMHL Am agreeable tarm oftak* isg Vaseliaa iataraallj. 25 COTS A BOS. COLGAIKSCOx, .. ir' T.« '