Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Oct 1882, p. 5

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:-.f:H.,"'-""! '•««: .••>'• -Cys^s; --Sr-i: -;^_.-•• "H<:'/. ' • ' • • • ' • . : . l&ulealer. Railroad Time Table. <»OIWO SOUTH. n«T» T<ake Passenger 7:25 A. * nova Lake Express . .8:20 " n Lake Freight '• * Or>TW» !fOlin. C:v jj-,v n T i a k e F r e i g h t . A . * J<ake Express .....:. «:B5P. M •va Lake Pasaenrer-- #" B. Bras. Asrent. . McHenry, 111 M VSONIC MrTlKNRT T-OOOK. Xo.llS* \. F. and A..M.-- esfular Communication a the Saturday on , or £>Dpfore the fnll of tbe mofn and every two eeka thereafter. CHAS. C. OOLBT, W. M, ^VsMcffawnr CHAPTRH rfo. »4 R. A. M -- Itejrn- Iftr Convocations held on the second and fourth; Prida* s in each nionch. f SMITH 9® ABLRB, H. P. 5 THE Lake Comity fair Is being held j|t Llbertyville this,week. ; • THE finest line of Birthday Cards ~ i*er brought to thU town. at O. W. •^ifhren**,. _ '•* ; v"';: 'ij- 1 V> '•-( "•iW'frfr./.- »» - • 'v' '" OATMA* & «OKS* -;lage shipped forty tubs of Butter to 1 "Slew Orleans on Wednesday last. ; • V) PETER BURGER, of Hebron, has thn - blanks of the printers for a ^^basket of -; ld»ry line eating app1e0,';.;%m'iifclt1i|« • ; Offlcc on Saturday last. A PATCH of weeds and burdocks* Which line the walk Just south of the red bridge should receive the attention Of the Street Commissioner. QIJITK fli number of our citizens at­ tended the Wankegan Fair last week, and report the exhibition far behind ^OpAer years, FITZSIMMONS A TCVANSON shipped About six thousand dollars worth of 'Butter from their Cold Storage lust week. Tt was sold, we believe, to parties In Elgin. rK l«farn that the MeHenrv Dramatic Club are talking of reorganizing for the Winter, and that they will bring out some popular Drams at an early . da R. BISHOP Is repairing the residence formerly owned by "Herman Owen building a barn on the premises, etc. /and when completed it, will be occu d«by Thomas Walsh. THE following sentence from frn ex­ change is good advice.and w,p commend, ft to our citizens: "Let. wrangle of all kinds cease In our villnge and let encli and all work tar the general advance j&ent of public interests." THE Ladies'Cemetery Aid Society will meet with Mrs. John I. Story, on IFrl day, October, at 3 o'clock, A" •re requested to »)«• present. # MRS. T.""J. WALSH, President. Miss JULIA A. STORT, Secretary. AN exchange says that Thomas Sclio- tleld. aged ninety-one years, -walkwl nine miles to renew his subscription to ~TSR paper. IF is a sreneraj impression among publishers that there are a nnm ber of subscribers waiting until they are ninety-one vears old to come and pay for their paper. . BY a Kansas paper we notice tha: J. L. Dunn, who formerly lived, and stil' •owns, we believe, a farm south of this village, is keeping the Garden City Hotel, at Garden Cirv, Kansas. Of one thing we can assure the traveling pub­ lic in that section, and that is if they call on friend Dunn they will be sure of being well taken care of THE Fall Running; Meeting of the Chicago Driving. Park will be held Oc­ tober 3, 4, B. 6 and 7th. 1882. There Will be several races emjh day and t,Jie very high purses ottered secure tlie presence of the inost noted horses in • the country. For information as to the meeting address D. L. Hall, Secy., 116 , Monroe St.. Chicago. TAKING the human race as a Thole, gays an exchange, it is observed that races living almost exclusively on meat hive bepn the most savag^ones. And We say nothing i« half so apt. to trans­ form a human being into a savage us to pay fifteen cents a tpound for a roast and then find it almost as tough as leather. „ ' .A LARGE and'very brilliant comet lias been-discovered near the sun. It' "^vlll soon be in a position to rise a little before the sun in the morning,and it is thought it will then be visible to the naked eye. But the question is who the --is going to get up before sunrise " just to see a comet. If any one wakes 04 up,at such an early hour, if we mis­ take not he'll see stars. --. WE would direct the attention of our readers to the advertisement of J. C. Clioat. Woodstock.' to be found in an­ other column. Mr. Choate keeps the finest line of Crockery and decorate! Ware to be found in the county, which he Is selling in large or small quantities •^Hlt remarkably low prices. Call and see the new a;:d beautiful styles just re­ ceived. ' Read his advertisement. CROUP, it Is said, can be cured in one Qlioute. and the remedy is simply alum Hud sugar. Th° way to accomplish the ifeed ii to take a knife or grater, and Shave ofl ju small particles about a tea- •poonful of alum; theu mix it with twice its amount of sugar, to make il palatable, and administer It as quickly 4ft possible. Almost instantaneous re*' lief will follow,--Ex. ? EXCURSION rickets to the Chicago '2 .Exposition will b« sold ut tliil Station ' Oil the following days, viz-- . \ October 7th goo't until October ?th. October lOMi au t October Uth goodnntil October 16th. , October 14th good until October 16th. October 17th mil October itfth good anttl October 43rd. Octorner ̂ lst good until October 23rd. These Tickets good for the round trip and including admission Tickets to the Exposition, will, be sold at 92.30. Fancy Cup and Saucer given away with one pound of Tea or two pouuda of Coffee at Fitzsimmoos & Evausou'a, Two boys who had escaped from the Wisconsin Reform School,at Waukesha, Wis., were captured In this village by Officer Wtghtman on Sunday last and turned over to the officer fronfi Wiscon­ sin who came here In search of them. They were 15 and 17 years of age and did not look llk» very hardened crlrai- inpls. Mr. BEECHER thinks that ninety-five men in every hundred will lie. Ift has the right Idea, but his proportion is not exactly correct. Now there's Mr. Beechcr won't lie for one, and there's "us," that makes two. And you'll have to advertise to find the .other three, and they wJU probably lie to get the reward. -- Br a dissolution notice. In another column, it will be seen that the firm of Stevens ft Schnorr has dissolved, F. A. Sehnorr retiring. Mr. Stevens will hereafter run the business at the old and is now putting In a large and well selected stock of goods In his line, and Invites all his old friends to call. Look out for his .new' advertisement next week. LIST of letters remaining in the P._0. at McHenry. 111., for the month eWdtng September 30.1882: Letters.--Mr. J. C. Bigelow. John Hoemann.Mr. MaKln A. Hnvele, Wm. Chester Nash, Mr. F. L., Page. Mr. F. Jansson. Postal Cards.-- Mr. Myron Bruner. Mr. J. Nealsoh, Miss Flora S., Mrs. Sarah Gibbs, Mr#. A. Fitzpatrlck. j ® JAS. B. PERRY, P. M. A Prince's suggestion never lacks for iteners nor for followers; and soon e rich toilets of the court people were attered about, amid the crowd in the uare. * . Eric's steps were' tturned at pnoe to- ard Bika. ^ He soon possessed himself of her its. and, after paying for them layish- in golden coin, he took from an inner >cket a locket and chain, which he gave her, saying: "Wear it for my sake. There is ho ie who would look fairer in itY ..You UrhK tO !l Onnrw* t -- *- 0RA SAD and fatal accident .happened at the farm of Alexander Nish, who lived near Barreville, on Friday fore­ noon last. Mr. Nish and Hiram Bry­ ant were shingling a barn; when the scaffold gave way. precipitating tliem a distance of eighteen feet to Mie ground. Mr. N1sh received Injuries from which he died the same evening. He was a man sixty-four years of age, and leaves a family of eight children, the youngest ten ami a half years of a»re. Deceased was a brother of Capt,. James Nisfi. Treasurer of this county. The funeral was held from his late residence on Sunday last, and was one of the largest ever held in the county; THB life of a country editor is one continual picnic of bliss and enjoy­ ment. Of course, lie has, to write ed­ itorials, report doings, keep tiis own books, make collections, wait on cus­ tomers. drum up and write up adver­ tisement?, do marketing for the house­ hold. and. once in a while, thrash a fellow whose ire he has kindled, be­ sides a thousand and one things not before mentioned. But then the ecstatic bliss of being appreciated Alls him as a ripe watermelon, and he takes no cognizance of these little matters. No use of talking, next to working on a treadmill, the life of a country editor is the nearest heaven humanity gets on this side of the dark river.-r-jRe. PRKSONAL. PROF. S. D. BALDWIN move hia fami­ ly to Greenwood last week. Miss STELLA PARKER was calling on friends in this village oil Sunday. CAPT, C. H. TRYON made a short call whili^bfa W»r t* flM Waukegan fair." REV. L. J. DINSMORK changed pulpits with the Peoria miuister on Sunday last. JOHN W. BREWER, late of the Elgin ATeuv, has accepted a situation in this office, commencing work on Monday. J. H. BURGER, the new Principal of the Nun da School, made our sanctum a short call on Saturday. E. Griswold with his wife and daughter Mary, went to Chl,oago to­ day. « E. Whitson, of the flrm of Whitson & Son. Woodstock, made our sanctum a call on Tuesday. " ^ HINTON WHEELER ahd wife, of Blaekberry. Kane county,- are visiting friends In this village. O. W. OWEN put into the Red Ribbon Hail nt-Woodstock, on Monday, one of the celebrated Estey Org;*nss. F. B. Ei.tswoR^p. who has been in Northern Iowa ihe past, few weeks returned home oh Tuesday, bringing with birn a ciir load of new Milch cows. ED CARTER, of Jefferson, Iowa, son- in-law of Wesley Ladd, has been visit­ ing friends in this section the past few days. BYRON TRIPP, of the firm of Tripi* Bros., accepted a situation In the tin Northwestern Car Shops at Chioago, on hi; Monday. cis? VVyman SMITH, one of the first set- iijtlers of the town of McHenry. but who, now resides near Richmond, has been cijjcalling on old friends here the past few si<jul%v8. ^ ^TosBPlt WOOD, of Grand Rapids, Wis., made us a pleasant call one day last week. Mr. Wood was a resident of McHenry County when It had but few Inhabitants except the red He moved from here some thirtyislx years ago and says things have somewhat changed since he was here. Mr. Wood is a brother-in-law of Jehifl Compton, of Volo. He is a very pleasant old gentleman, and can tell many stories of he early settlers of McHenry and Lake n ties. IF all the advie* that has ever been printed for the information of writers of anonymous com muni-cations could be gathered up and posted (ii' a string, it Would reach from the earth to the moon, and yet. newspaper men are constantly receiving items and com­ munications fr«m people who are ashamed to sign their names. We have little to say to these writers; simply this: You,are,ashamed to sign your name, and we don't dgve take the responsibility of publishing. We are sorrv for von; why', we cannot tell; yet we say we are sorry, and of course you believe iiSi We are sorry for the pub­ lishers who put^vour communications lit the waste basket. n<rt becadse they, weep as they mak»* the sacrifice, but because waste paper isn't worth a dollar a pound and on the rise. THE srieat "I am."' who last week- corresponded for the Richmond Oar zette from Woodstock, in commenting on our remarks regarding the drill of a squad of Co. G.. under command of Lieut. Kckert, one day during the Fair, says.: , • ----- Van >-lylce spread It on pret+v thick last week in reirnrrl to l.ient. <Jeo. Krkert and the squad of men ho drilled on the fiir grounds. Cm>*ain A. K. Ronrne is the man and offlror who has brought the Guards to the proflrienrv thev now possess, ns beinit well drilled, and to him should be given the rredit. Oh, fudge! We believe In giving "credit where credit is due,'* and if the best men in Woodstock are to be­ lieved. to Lieut. Eekert the honors belong. We would like to ask this wise correspondent to whom belongs the honor of the ridiculous figure cut by Company G., while on the way to the camp grounds at AuroraP Whose tactics was that? "The other officers are fine men and were good soldiers in their time." Fine language for a man who never saw the smoke of battle. McHenry County lias a host of old vtet- erans. and not one of them needs . in­ struction from book soldiers. SEED RYE FOR SALE. . The undersigned has'a quantity of Imported Winter Rve. which he oilers for sale if called for soon. The seed of this Rye was imported from Europe and has yielded this year fully forty bushels to the aere. on my farm, near the village of'McHenry. This Rye may be sowed in June, cut or pastured in the tall, and will then yield the usu­ al crop when cut in the spring. Or it •may be sowed In the fall^ the same as other grain. It is, without d)ubt the finest Rye ever raised iu this cojmtry, Those wanting seed should apply at once.- ' . • r . » PSTBB BLABS, McHEsar, 8ept. 6,18M. m Kit PORT OF THR TREASURER Of the McHenry Cemetery Aid So­ ciety from March 1st until Oct. 1st, 1882, for the benefit of those who do not at­ tend our meeting and have, been kind enough to give us money: BBCKTVKD, - 1892. T4arch21th, from -F!x-Treasnrer ...... •' 27, Sociable at George Gage^s,., '• 30, «« n E. Wightman's.. April Hth, " Frank Parker....... •' 20, Concert May 19th, from Mrs.Clark. " " from H. Rnviler. June Sot,h, from Mrs. Aln^worth .*25.21 .. a.«» .. 1.59 ,.' l.#7 ..,.34.*> 50 i.<io l.nn July 3i>th, proce«d« Concert nnd Fe6,tlval.55.Sl •V* " from Mrs Colyer i.'. 50 ii fjVh^^WOAtt' J flfl Total.....:. PAI|> OUT. iw«. May 5th, IT. Colbv (for merchandise..... .§ 2.03 May 5th, H E Wightinan (for Hall).,, .. 8 no " J VanSlvke (for printing) V 4<»0' " 17th, for work on Cemetery....'. ...12.55 " 30th, Jake llishop (setting'stonea)... 5.00 Jane Sr.l, Ifcnrv C'>li>v (for Rrimstone).. 1.05 •• 9lb, Mr. Burklin (for Trees) ; 5.00 July, lf'ih, work in Cemetery 8.00 " " SKtth. Mrs. Sickles (for wa&hlng dishes at Festival) I1. . . 1.00 Aug. 8th, Mr. «4iers (freezinir lee Cream). *.<H» '• " If. E. AVijrhtman (for flail) 4.00 V. " Nick Sense (for moving tables) 40 •« •< Perry A Martin (for sugar, etc) 8.R0 '« " O. V'. Owen (for Organ) 1.00 Sept. 1st, paid K. W. Howe for building '.. Arth and steps and furnishing inat'l 72.25 . Total.. J125S8. MRS. JOHN I. STOKT. Treasurer. THE following account of the death of a former res'dent of McHenry County, we tak| from the Hoosac Vallev News, 'published at North Adams. Ma^acliusetts: ORITUAIJY.-The death of Ceorge •£>. Butler, aged 63 years, occurred at the residence of Win. D. Hodge, on Sum­ mer Street, Wednesday morning, but few knew ef the sudden illne-s by which lie wa* attacked last Saturday, while many had not yet learned of his return froin Saratoga to this viiiage, where he had come to take up his res­ idence, Mr. Butler was an honest and capable business man, and engaged successfully in trade here for many yCais, Latterly ills health had been poor and about two ye irs ago lie re­ moved to Saratoga, in the hope of be­ ing benefitted by the mineral waters, hut r.o lasting improvement was ex­ perienced from the change. , Some time »go he bought a house in this town, and last week returned here to live, stopping at the home of Mr. Hodge, to await the completion re­ pairs on Ids own house, Saturday lie was taken seriously ill. and iu spite of the best medical attendance he grew rapidly worse until death ensued, Mr. Butler was a man of sterling in­ tegrity, and of that genial disposition that surrounded him with friends wherever lie went. He was for many year% a consistent and honored- mem­ ber of the Baptist Church, and was in all respects an upright man, good neighbor and citizen. He leaves a widow, a daughter of the late Col. Reuben Kldredge. of South Williams- town. His funeral was attended from the Baptist Church, Friday afternoon at three o'clock. Rev. Dr. Osboru con­ ducting the services. CIDER MILL. John W. Smith's Cidej* Mill Is now in running order, where apples will be made into Cider on short notice and the best of satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN w. S&UTH. MRS. H. H. NICHOL8 Has just returned from the city with a large and selected stock of Fall and Winter Millinery Goods, for the Fall and Winter trade, and is now prepared to show to the ladies of McHenry and vicinity the finest lot of stylish Hats, Flowers, Feather, Ribbons, Neckwear, etc., etc.. ever brought to this town, and which she will sell at bottom prio- es. Do not fail to call and examine her stock before purchasing, as she Is sure to please you both in ^UftUty style and price. DANCE AT JOHNSBURGH. There will be a Social Party at J. Rothermel's Hall, Johiisburgh, on Wednesday evening, Oct, 4th, 1882. Music by the Johusburgh Quintette QfVjktesir*, Tickets 50 cts. • yiCK u FBSUSD, Proprietor. Richmond Department. OONTB1BCTBD Br 3. F. BUH1IT. Enquire A fine road mare for sale. of Dr. Bennett, Richmond, Two bags of squirrels, one of twelve and one of seventeen animala. were lately brought in by local sportsmen. Dr. G. F. Lydston, Chicago, Pro­ fessor of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, spent the Sabbath in Rich­ mond--and vicinity. A large number or applicants for pension are behind In appearing for examination before the examining surgeon at Richmond. Hurry up, boys. The longer you delay the longer It will be before your claims are settled. A son of W. Wilcox raised this year a hundred bushels of very fine onions. He presented the writer with a sample onion which Is almost as large as an ordinary tea taucer. It is eleven Inch­ es in circumference over the top, thir­ teen and a half the other way,'and weighs thirteen and a quarter ounces. Who can report a bigger onion t A petition,numerously signed, has been presented the Village Board, praying for an appropriation for street lamps. Tbe tax necessary to be raised for that purpose will be a light one on our assessed valuation, and wl'l hardly be felt by any one Individual, while the convenience of the lamps will more than compensate for the olitlay. The sample latap which has been oil trial gives good satisfaction. It Is to be hoped the board will procure the lamps, . v RK "8VKItT IH CHINIC8R. We lately received from the puhllsh- rs of uSabbath Reading," New York ity. a cOpy of the Sweet By-and-By in Chines* characters, and a transla- of the same that may be sung by nglish speaking people. The curious Inese characters are in perpendic- columns and are read downward, beginning with the right hand column. lite translation may Interest the carious, and we give It below: •#ov hin gwock yow ynt Jaw wall me ahaw, >Yaw sun dock gwa r.hi nong vin hong geen, oo che yun hoy hen b<>on geng jip gaw, Uwy koi ehoey gin die juck we on goey! Dow how lov dock wing gwong, Go chi daii bttjovchopwahme ahaw; Dow how loy dock wing gwong, Oo chi dan bit joy chop wah me ahaw, "Janng loy joey wall me geng Jung ow go Ye gem c\imwah look sing so jook fook Go dong sum wing yin IH>W bay foo.non Yun joey see dock fook ja lock bo gsung. "Go jnng ynn mon fook foo ehov ining gong Howng chow me jawk htn jl hhag kay weng Yun kay oy che el gun haung weng go-ong Sik fook go shong eoon hay aho acng gut." Cut this out and paste it in your scrap book as a literary curiosity. A perfectly sound, handsome road mare for sale by Dr. Bennett at Rich­ mond. ; • .r if Go to Mrs. Howe's for Mittlnery m4 Dressmaking Woodstock Court adjourned last Friday, having been in session only since Monday after­ noon. The grand Jury finished their labors Wednesday noon of last week and re­ ceived their discharge. Bertie Stewart, son of Cap*. W. H. Stewart, has gone to Grand Rapids, Mich., to attend business college. E. Ai Murphy departed for New York and other Eastern markets last EridaJ- to purchase goods for the firm. Lawyer C. P. Barnes has rented a house. What next will be the order of the day. Mrs. G. 8. Southworth waaQuite sick, last week, but we understand Is now better and gaining rapidly. Peter Crawford, of Rockford, was looking about town and calling upon old frieuds last week. Mrs. E. Baldwin, who has been very sick. Is considered to be gaining and It out of danger. * •T. W. Miller was seriously HI last week with cholera morbus. At this writing he is better and will soon be able to attend to business. J. P. Zimpleman A Co. will soon move Into the new brlok store one door north oi their present location, owned by Ed Furer. . Miss Ida Peck, a sister of -Mrs. E. W. Blossom, who has been here In attend, ance upon Mrs. Blossom during a severe Illness, left for her home at Elkhart, ,Ind„ the latter part of last week. Mrs. Carrie Norton, of Chicago, visit, ed friends in this city last week. Mrs. Norton was brought up here and atten* ded school long years ago In the old frame school house. P. D. Hovt, of Geneva, HIS*, came hom; last Saturday on account of the serious illness of his father, J. L. Hoyt, who at this writing is suffering with a kidney difficulty and Is a very sick man. Little Dick, son of ex-Senator Ogles- by, who has been spending the summer here with the family of Mrs. T. J. Richards, leaves for his home at Lin­ coln. Ill. this week Saturday. Charley Goodsell has disposed of his drays and gone into the meat market business at M>rengo. .Mm Bulger, our night watchman. Is the owner of the drays and will continue to run them. Mrs. W, H. Dwight starts for Albany to visit her father, brothers and sisters residing In that city, the last of this week or the first of next. Mrs. D. will take her two little boys, also MUs Ad* die Taylor will accompany her. We, believe the intention to to be gone about a month. KOHOOI. VACCINATION. A WORD TO MOHSKRR COlTKTr TBACBKRS. In ji eirctifar fecentlv Issued from the office of the! State Board~of Health, addressed to County Superintendents, school boards and ^'teachers, attention is called to the fact that the school vaccination order, promulgated in De­ cember, 1881, Is permanent and con­ tinuous. At the beginning of the school year teachers must satisfy themselves of the vaccinal status of each of their scholars. This will be done in the case of scholars who were in attendance during the last term by an examination of tlie vaccinal record required to be kept by the teachers, or by an examination of the scholars' cer- tifiliates. Scholars, whose records are imperfeot, as well as all new pupils, must present to the teacher certificates of proper vaccinal protection, or cer­ tificates that they, are protected by previous attaoks of small pox or vario­ loid, or that they are insusceptible to vaccination, or that their physical con­ dition is such that it Is imprudent to vaccinate them at the present time; The Board says of the good e fleets wrought by that order that there have been probably two million persons vac­ cinated in thej»t&te of Illinois within the past eighteen months, and precise­ ly in any given community is the assurance of freedom from interrup­ tion of the public sohools, and im­ munity from danger of outbreaks of small pox during the ooming winter. Wherever a community includes a con­ siderable number of unprotected per­ sons, there is not merely a liability, but an an almost absolute certainty of trouble during the approaching cold weather, since the infection w'll? inev­ itably And its way Into the State again from other infected localities during the winter. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction at his residence at Solon Mills on Thursday, Oct.6th,1882,commencing at 9 o'clock the following property: 28 cows, 9 two year heifers, 3 one year old heifers, 4 yearling steers, 6 heifer calves. 1 five year old grey horse, 1 three year old bay mare, 1 two year old horse. 1 two year old grey mare, 1 yearling colt. 1 suoking colt, 1 brood mare* 0 brood sows, a number of pigs 2 wagons, i double buggy, 1 Champion reaper, 1 Champion mower, 1 sod cut­ ter, 1 light breaking plow. 3 pair drags, 2 set double harness, and other articles too numerous to mention. Also about 60 tons of hay. I will a>»o sell on the same day a farm of ldO acres with out­ houses and buildings, one half mile from the cheese faotory. TERMS OK SALE.--Terms on land made known on the day of sale. On personal property a credit of one year will be given on sums of ten dollars and over, on approved notes at 6 per cent, interest* , Under flO cash. 0.n sums of $10 and over one per - cent, ofl for cash. 1 JAMBS*. OVAFTTOIR. G so. H. STBWABT, Aaetloneer. FIFTY BUSHELS OF OATS Wante4 in exchange for Furniture, at John B. Blake's. Kid gloves, button and loop lace, iu black colors aud &U tints at Perry A liartiul. Cal Lincoln, the young man who broke open baggage at the Nunda de­ pot Koine mojiiha #rgo, wm wntenrao last week by Judge Kellum to 4 years at Joliet. There are some matters in connection with tills case, and the rea­ son of the long sentence wliloh we may speak of In some future communication. J. E. Nethercut. editor of the Rich­ mond Gazette. came sixteen miles to attend the Methodist churoh In thli^ city last Sabbath evening. It must be that Mr. N. t« partial to our Methodist; minister; and then the ride home after, servtbe must be extremely delightful-- especially when accompanied by one's best young lady. The Democrat of last Saturday says that "through the neglect of the secre­ tary of the State convention we are un­ able as yet to furnish the State Demo­ cratic ticket in full." It Is our humble opinion that it will cut but very little figure whether it is ever published in this "neck of woods," as very little use is ever ptade of the same at an election in this County. Save your space, John, for something more useful if not quite as ornamental. We understand that the suit of fMa* brow vs. Dijjrbrow which a great marty of the people of tills and adjoining counties have perhaps notioed as being mentioned in the papers upon more than 'one occasion--and as far back as the .oldest Inhabitant oan remember--iif at last settled for all time. The different courts In the oir- cuit will be lonesome places from henceforth, and the lawyers are already sad and wear a dejected appearanoe on their faces, It does us proud to be taken notice of by tbe brand span new correspond­ ent from this city to the Richmond Gazette. And'yet we are not alone in observing the fact that the scribe In question is far from being of that freshness in the business he would make one believe. And If a oer tain portion of said matter had been left out of the correspondence we should never have,even mistrusted who was the writer thereof. ,But when the editor of the PLAINDKALKR was attack­ ed because he simply saw in Lieut. George Eckert an officer who Was well drilled, and who thoroughly understood his business in drilling the squad of Co. G upon the fair grounds one day dur­ ing the recent fair, others besides our­ selves thought it an easy matter to locate the party that Is ready and rather anxious for battle should the tail of his coat be trod upon. So put­ ting this and that together the conclu­ sion is reached that the sprightly cor- respondence in the Gazette from Wood- stock last week emanated from the faber driven by no less a personage tjtan "His most royal Highness, tiie commander of all the troops in Wood­ stock, and ex-pedagogue and shyster at law," whom it is evident cannot see good things in tbe soldierly qualities, bearing and experience of those who were unfortunate enough to hafe borne their share of the "heat and burden of the day when it tried wen's SOM1»w to tie a suldler, .Now iu tiw e»iioiatlau of our would-be verdaut writer of the Gnzette, those men who are "ftue men and were good soldiers In their time, who inarched countless miles Iu the bunting sun aud drenching rain, wlio was put'up a* a target upon the field of battle, who suffered all the privation* subject to a soldiers lite in time of war. Their "day and geneiation" Is an event of the past aMd the services they rendered are of little account placed alongside of men or the present age, who like military service la time of peaoe for a pastime. STRAYED OR STOLEN. From the premises of the subscriber, an old buckskin colored mare, 14 or 15 years old with galls under the collar, having the appearance of being row- eled. A suitable reward will be given for Information that will lead to her discovery. RANSOM PUINAM. Nunda, IIV. Seblember 18, mt, An en valuable strengthener of the nerves, muscles, aud digestive organs, producing strength and appetite, is Brown's Iron Bitters. A Ve^ed Clergryman. v Even the patience of Job would be­ come exhausted were he a preacher and endeavoring to interest his audi­ ence wlille they were keeping up an incessmt couhging, making it impossi­ ble for him to be heard. Yet, how very easy can all this be avoided by simply using Dr. King's New Discov­ ery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. Trial Bottles giteu away at Henry Colby's. " v Cook's Cider Mill. Two miles Northwest of Wauconda is now prepared with TWO FIRST-CLASS PRKSSES. to make your apples Into Cider on short notice and In the best manner. Give me a call and I will ^guarantee satisfaction In every partic­ ular, M. Cook, WORTHLESS STUFF. Not so fast, my friend; If you could see the string, healthy, blooming men, women am children' that have been raised front beds of siokness. suffering, and almost ceath by the use of Hop Bitters, you would say, "Glorious and Invaluable remedy.1* See another col- inn. Always K«fr«ahiBB- A delicious odor i* imparted! fey Fioreston Cologne, which is alw»jr» «•»• freshing, no matter how freely used. The finest line of silver and Plata# Ware to be found iu the county, at O, W, Owen's, Society Mica, On aecount of lis remartcsM? *11* icate and lasting fragrance, society belles are loud in their praise* w JTtorcstou Cologne. FOR SALE*. v.> V ; 'r#:"tew4>f land In "rfW fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and barn thereon, witli timber and water iu abuH«hn«o, iu See* tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystaft Lake and Nuuda road. Good noMp house, ham and other outbuilding*.-* Apply to JOHN FRISKY. 100 Dos Gents Linen Collars at a bar- 5win. 10c, each. 3 for36e, or 91 per oa. latest styles and first class foods at Fitzslmmous & Evauson's. Buy the Casaday Sulky Plow for sale by L, H. Hartman, RidgetUld, III. SORGHUM MILL AT VOLO. The undersigned has a Sorghum Mill, situated about three-fourths of a mile south of Volo, and is now pje- pared to grind Sorghum for ail parties at 20 cents per gallon. My Mill Is in first class order, and I Invite all to call antl see me-. Gap. RlCBABDSoy. , Two, ill,, sept, t, 1888. f B&M7TIFIEIU. Ladles, yon e*lsm>t make fair* slJift. rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics of Franco or beautl- fiers of the worhl, while In poor health, and nothing will give you such good health, strength, buoyant aplrlts aud beauty as Hop Bitters. A iriai is cer­ tain proof. See another column. Bucklon' ^rnloa Salva. The best, salve Ififhe world for Cuts. Bruises, Burns. Sores. Ulceri. Salt Rheum, Fever Sore*? Tetter. Chap|»ed Hands, Chilblains. Ooriu, and all Skin Eruptloos, and positively cures Piles. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction ai* tnouey refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henry Col- • FOR SALE OR RENT. Sixty aores of land, situated near the Village of Volo. Lake County, known as the Gale Estate. Inquire of H. n. MBAD, Mo Hour y, 111. Dated August 3U, WttiL Nobby Styles In Hats for all ages at Fltssiiumons A Evanson's. AT A BARGAIN. We offer at a Bargain, to close out summer Dress Goods at prices less than cost. Also a Job Lot of Boys clothing and Mens coats must be sold to wake room for ,Fall stock soon to be on. PKKRT it MABTIB. Fishing Tackle of all kinds a! EngeIn's, Iu Howe's Block, uesr uew Bridge. Overalls--W« have a tavga «I»J1 fat men and boys. Good aatl elteap ai Henry Colby's. Buckeye Force Owen's. Pumps, Hi st X. M The light running Miu*eapollsTir}M Biuder at E. M. Oweti argon's. , FOR SALE OR RENT. A house and one-half acre of land la the village of Rlngwood. Homo coa« tains live moms. Will bo sold reawji able. Apply to WKSLKT L*t>o. Bmowooo, III., April tth, liftg. Spring and Summer Heury Colby's. Overcoats a* IF you want to buy Clothing at CHI* oago prices, call on E. Lawlus.ta Lai* slug's Block, McHenry. Call and over look tha' flue Mt It Carriages at E. M. Owen 4b Seal CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES) OAS* HI AGES! Anyone In want of a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should net fall ta call on E. M.OWeu <1 Son and aea tha large car-load just received. Tha finest finished lot ever come to tha county and will sell them « MERINO BUCKS FOR SALE. The undersigned has a tew chaice yearling Bucks for s*le at his farm, 1J miles southeast of Spring Grove'. Mo- Henry County. III. They are the finest lot of Merino Bucks |n the County. Post office address, Bllvin's Mills, III. AABON HOFFMAN, Julyfi-mi. Just received--Some very pretty and desirable styles of all wool Lace Buntings which will be sold very cheap. Call and examlno them at Henry Colby's. No choke to the light (tinning Min­ neapolis Twine Binder, sold ouly by E. M. Owen <& Son, Jobs and Bargains In every -depart­ ment st Perry « Martin's. No Binder so light draft as the Min­ neapolis, running one horse easier thau some binders put upon the market. Sash and fancv ribbons In Watered and Brouade at Perry & Martin's. The Minneapolis sold as cheap as any first-class Twine Binder, at E. M. Oweu & Son's. Coralene Cersets to 'be had only at Perry & Martin's. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I offer my house and lot, situated in the village of McHenry, for sale. There Is a good barn, outhouses and small frnlt on the premises. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to H. EHGBLN Our Grocery Department is now coAiplete. and have some bargains In tea and ooftee which it will pay the close buver to Inspect. HENRY COLBY. Paints and Oils--a fullllr ces low at Henry Colby's. and pri- The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest tiling out on man aud horse, at E. M. Owen & Son's. If you want a Silk Dress or Dolman, please call and examine our line of Silks. We have the Guinet. Frenoh. Chaffanjon, American and several other brands. PERRY & MARTIN. NOTICE. Iam*ta the mill again, and am pre­ pared to grind wheat or feed oh short notice. Give tue a call. HENRY DAYX£>T. Iprinf Grave, 11L, Sept. '•>, HEAD LIGHT OIL. The best Kerosene Oil la town ai H. H. Nichols. 178 Firs Teat, Gossamer Circulars and Ooats for ladies and gentlemen alwaya la atadt at Henry Colby's. FENCE POSTS FOB 8ALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence for sale. Inquire of JOHN DOFCAM. New Hats In endless variety, lateat style* lowest prloes at Baa# Colby's, , * FOR SALE OR RENT, A Blacksmith Shep and Toela, at BllvenV Mills, McHenry Coonty. IIU* nols. Inquire of RTWXBDASM* BMVBB'S MIIU. August wth. MM. Honey, sholce and cheap at Heatf Colby's. P.l] jnadi jtll* at Fltsfciroinons 3s E*ansou%s7" ^ m We have just received ear fall of clothing. Call and examine PKBBT AKABTIB. All the new shapes iu Dress Battel at Perry & Martin's. » Call at E. M. Owea A Boa's aad sa* the celebrated Hapgood Bulky Plait that Is warranted to run lighter llUHl a Walking Plow. DRESS SILKS. Tha celebrated Amevloaa Silks at Perry A Martin's, Clothing.--Black Dress Sulla, OKI* Urination Suits, Spring. Summer aaril Fall Suits, Children's Suits, Beys' Suits Youth's Suits. Men's Suit*, all at prisaa to suit at Henry Colby's, Umbrellas.--We have a good assart Bieut In styles aud prices. Call ani see theorist Henry Colby's, Fine Shoes--The largest llae affi best styles ever shown In this raarkei. Call aud examine them al Heary Col* by's. HIW ]aUJRBY STOBK. At Nunda. MRS. G. W. COLBY would Aitly inform the ladies of Nunda vicinity that she lias opensd a Mlllt* nery store In tiie rooms over the peat office and has just received a full line of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Laoes, au4 Ladies Furnishing Goods generally, of the latest styles, and is confident sha cau please ail who may give her a call, Vly goods are all new and of tiie latest styles to be found In the market, an4 as 1 buy for cash I am oontident that I can sell as cheap, if not cheaper tlMMt any other place in the county. Gall and see my styles and learu pnoes, ka» fore you purchase. ~ Ma*.u. W.ootaT. Nnnda, Sept. I8th. 188S. , Our stock of Drugs, Chemicals aa# Patent Medicines was never complete. Goods reliable and right at Henry Colby's. The McHenry Brick Mantt{ho« turing (company are now imif to supply Brick in quantities, From Smatl Lots' t . .. ^ w C A R L O A D t Their Brick are second to H<MMi to bo fouud in the market, atftd will be at tha iowres^ mwrkai price. Persons intending to butl|i> those huudliu^j Brick, will do well to call and see us before puN chafing For further information, •prtr to or address. HcHearj Brick Ianfittel| McHEXRY *«ly MM. - ILU^OiS. -

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