Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Oct 1882, p. 8

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-« *,"< "f* •,*.««**> -"Hp# •* <* iW>»m<c*rt **V p? trtAV, COLUMN. OOWOt CTKD BT S. D. mm'n m « * BALDTm. -- -««•'• ;'f; /IX l JVTV* : ,vi»x pVV* -K.--' V v> .isj.'i- -A*" - . ,;«.-•< v*»> ~rtv*-f / J V ., , -;r T J-lf« If a booV of hut one volume. "•'fn Wester mail Ima charge of the, fSVeenwood acliool during this, tiagM work lust *wk. ••^V" ITmi **0«n«h PchnoMrouse" ft liitvlng •••ftfry room built on in front. This. wUMM new patent pests, will make It J Mat nchool httlhllng. , "In Mr notice of the clian|jii -6? p^hcl- (Mlc In tht*county we omitted, unln* Mtttlonallv, Crystal Ltilce, H. R. Balrl- It mweeded by Mr. Bro*ft, or Mftomlngton. ?6nt of »om« nine hundred principals •f 9Clioo)« In this stite, about half of thit nnmW are In new fields, and. of «tmrsc. their usefulness is much dimin­ ished. Who is to blame? The IlHnnis School Journal, the Sokoohnaker, mid several Educational eel limns In different county papers will rapport Prof. Henry Raab. of Belle­ ville, for our next. State Superintend­ ent. Mr. 7taab is the Democratic nomi­ nee And Is KR old and efficient teacher ffaltool 0|»ened at Nun da on Mon&iy Get. S. In charge of J. H. Burger. The attendance Is quite large, $8. and every thing looks favorable. . Miss Watrous lias charge of the intermediate depart­ ment. It is expected rlmt a primary roem will be opened about the first of Mmnber. i ,-f ^ nof the universal success of Brown's Iron Bitters is sim­ ply this: It is the best Iron preparation ever made; fe compounded on thoroughly- scientific, chemical and tnedicinal principles, and does just what is claimed for it--no more and no less, * By thorough and rapfii Assimilation with the blood, It reaches every part of the lystem, healing, purifying • and strengthening. Com- p mencing at the foundation J It builds up and restores lost ^ health--in no other way can . lasting benefit be obtained fL jj>Dearborn Are., Chicago, Nor. j. ' I'-have been a great sufferer from afery weak stomach, heartburn, and <iy*pepsia in its worst form. Nearly «Terytliing 1 ate cave me distress, and 1 couUl eat but little. I hare 1 The new seats have arrlvefl and are Is place. They present a nice appear- Mce ftnd will be appreciated. Recita­ tion seats should have been ordered with the other seats as the old ones are In very bad jcond'tlon. .However, •w school board will see that we are •applied »oon. Below we give the names of the pu­ pils standing first and second in the recitations and examinations of the different branches: Reading. Cora Paige,Mabel Ford; arithmetic. Howard Fsrry,Clara Wright; geogrnphy, Ray Owen, Hattie Story; history. Cora Paige, Nelly Bncklln; grammar. Clara Wright. Prank H&nijr. Full report next month. tried every thing recommended, have taken the prescriptions of a dozen physicians, but got no relief until I took Brown's Iron Bitters. I feel none of the old troubles, and am at Slew man. I am getting much stronger, and feel first-rate. 1 am at railroad engineer, and now ma lea my trips regularly, I can not say too much in prais* of your wondef. fill medicine. D. C. Mack. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS not contain whiskey or alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi- festion, heartburn, sleep-:ssness, dizziness^ nervous debility, weakness, &c. Use only Brown's Iron Bitten made by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Crossed ' fed llacs and tndtfAarkoa wrapper. Prof. James D. Dana, of Tale College, a man who has received higher honors from European scientific societies than **y geologist now living in the United States, says of the first chapter of Genesis: "Examining it as a geologist. 1 And It to be in perfect accord with known science; therefore, as a Chris­ tian, I assert that the Bible narrative ami be inspired." The art of short hand Is. ft appears, (• he superseded by one of the- queerest Inventions on record. The revolution is to be e fleeted by mean; of a machine called auglo?so£rapli,"consistingof six Iswrs forming a sort of cage.each com- aaunlcatinj; with a tracing pencil. The •a* to be made of the "glossograpli" is rather curious. While the orator t>r lecturer Is holding forth, tiie reporter te to repeat the words of the speaker with his tongue in the cage. Thus the ^•richest conversation, some London Journals tell us, may be taken down with ease. The ludicrous aspect which this new Invention assumes may be an •betacle to Its adoption. **Golng along the streets of thfs great Imatllng city, the passer-by often sees In the windows of the business houses a placard with the Inscription, "Boy Wanted," and a1? there are thousands of toys who want places, and will make application for them we'll tell them in advance, for nothing, just the kind of a hejr that Is "wanted." g The boy that is "wanted" must be tetlve. Intelligent, cleanly in his habits, fihi to learn, obedient, truthful, and, above all, he must be honest. Honesty Is the pearl of great price in a boy, as ftls in a man. and no boy is "wanted" anywhere outside of the penitentiary •r State reform school who is destitute •# this essential qualification. The honest boy is certain to come to the front, and the dishonest boy is just as Mire to take a back seat and keep it through life. The boy is not "wanted" In any establishment who will take a cehtofhis employer's money, for the hoy who steals a cent will by-and-by •teal a dollar, and after that a hundred Md a thousand dollars.--Journal. pj| Th© Farmer's Friend .Published at South Bend. Tndfiatia. Terms, only fifty cents a year. Circu­ lation. 83,000. The laigest and best agrlenltura! paper in the country. Sight large pages, forty-eight column?, low advertisements and almost double the reading matter given by the 91.50 Md ft agricultural papers, but we send It to yon for fifty cents a year. Pre­ miums to every subscriber, premiums to slab raiders, and 232 splendid pres­ ents given tliem In addition, consisting •f a#470 New Bh-dsell Clover II tiller. , complete, including re-cle«tuing attach­ ment. whirl-, deans the seed as threshed; a 960 Casaday Snlky Plow; a fit Stride baker farm wagon; Oliver Chilled Plows, Sewing Machine. Silver­ ware, etc. Some of the departments •f the Farmers Friend are "Farm Topics" "The Orchard." "Live Stock," "The Poultry Yard," "Home and Health,"Doinestlrf* Economy." "Onr Young Folks." "Tite^Puzzler,1' "The btory Teller." "'Hie Funny Place." •"Sunday Reading," "The Clover Leaf." •"The Aplory." "Letter Basket." "Va­ rious Topics," "Correspondence," "Hint* for the Season." "World'* Ree- •rd,netc. Practical farmers aftd the beet writers contribute to it. Agents make money canvassing for it. Any aalwerlber authorized to act as agent. Send SO cents for a year's subscription, or write your name and thyee of your neighbor* on a postal card for t roe aample copies, and our illustrated pre- Ftum list. Address, Farmers' Friend ublishing Co.. South Bend, Ind. A, P. GRAY l" '"';r •' , »•< •' *v.- ,ti :i& ^ D© you want first cl^ss machinery something we buy so. much .;«>i that you get the benefit oi it? We kftow of some dealers that buy (SO much that they claim to sell low, but you get all their prsces and .then come to us and we will sell you the fame goods cheaper, than luiy <>.t lior (Ipclor , , , , , r Ty ' T? , • -X'•' : ' - v re have just reoeived the flnest cafr "of Established in 1855. JOHN STEf BA, f r^;'4S Former!y nf MflH«nry( . W6oilSt»ek "' Chit'itco, h.*v» returneil t« . V Woodstock, Illinois, ? Ami IHVS now on band the largest and Wat stork of READY MADE HARNESSES COIXARS, VVinrs, &r„ to l>e found in th* Oonntv, and hftl cvervlh ins miii ID of ;ih# BEST MATERIAL. Call nn.iNoejine. JOHN STERBA. this week. you want a v ' -im: • V- Overcoat or first ioo, |iariji tp call In. That e^er came to this county. If in \yant of one don't fail trt c«il» as the finish beats them all*^ ili^uarantee of our ©#u ior- ouf FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. with each carriage0. I •' Of Pumps we have both wood and iron; For a wood pump vre keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell ar»d Mishwaukeee, and for an iron pump the well fcnowrr Trnkem and Buckeye. (Jan a" ways repair or put them down any depth. SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED --at ins- Carriage and Wagon Factory, AND BLACKSMITH RICHMOND,, ILL 1 «ell everv Implement, Tool or Machine a farmer wants. IM, \TFOUM SPRING D®- i-iv <:Ry and farm wauoxs. TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, One, two and three seated, from the cele brated manufactory of J. W. Henry ft Co., Freeport. Blackjsmithing, Painting and Repairing Done in a workmanlike manner and war­ ranted. - From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, we select that l>est a<la;>te<i for this section, and upon the BUST TEUMS THAT CASH CAN PURCHASE, which en­ ables us to supply our patrons with just what they want, and at lower prices than any other concern (northwest of Chicago. Call and make exarr.inittioiv for yourselves before giving your orders for any piece of machinery yon may nee^1 the coining season, and you will ttnd the best and most complete line of Farm Machinery ever before offered in McHenrv Remember that we offer the VERV BEST MACHINERY at the VKRV LOWEST PRICE that Cash can produce anywhere. Two Doors Ncrth of Perry & nftartin's Where you will find all grades of Furniture, from a common Clviir up. to the finest Set, of the best make and qualifar People bujino- c t me will find all my goodw as represented. ^ |9gr~Jobbing, and Repairing neatly and promptly/done. rfed- UNDEE.T AKJ NGr. In this Department keeep a first-cl^ssass ortment of Caskets, and * offins, and Shrouds of all kinds and quality A Hoarse furnished at reasonable .ratesi • : . r/. i-tii,:-, •'tHWP •MWw --Aim TACOR S'FORV McHENJRY ILI# TT A. P. OliAY, ( Richmond, lily drak most c Rogu Agent No urease )>»iurd are operations The iPurmt aiwl Hi-ht .Mcdicinc ever Hade* xion of HopSy Buchu, Watt- > DandeirOP9 with fclltite best Atxi Ivo iM'oiKiitifs of ull otbei Bitters, sgreatest SiooCi Purfflef? t-rver | aj\(i Li: c and Health Uestorlrg K3S® earth. <ib'y lonir where Hop Viu'ieJ ouU portccw whuir Theyg^a MvH%ia*adTigsrtst!»aesiuli!fi!nn. To all whose mniploymcntM cmijw > tyorthet>ow<.'isor\urin:ii-y ortfans, or who rt- qulreau App«tizer^k ^Tonic aac! mild Stimulant, Uup Bittern ard .avai^.' la- , le ' Without intOS- icatins. No matter whatyouv symj>Uj)!i8 are what the disease or ailw43**1® Use Bit- ters. Don't wait until you .^ick but if you only feci liad or n;i>LM-abU',^U8e them at onre- Jt may suve ha»Bs Iiuadreds. $500 will be jw-id for they will ro\ eureorhclp. Do not »ufier «or your frieiula iru[rcr,biit ajid ur^'-; them' a t° HOP B Itemcmber, Hop Bittern U l dvui.lten iiustmm, hut the * ^ J !>'< Medicine tver mtuV; the and fl0PEH aiul 110 iktsoii or f; ebould be without them. D.I-C.H an al'solute and ctir ^ forL)runkeunet.s,usc of orium. t«)haco> .\m. narcoticH. Ali »o!<t by u.ti;* (or Circular. Hop B!(lm 3ir?. (k».f K o < ; h # ' « t ' T . N . T # • - ' < - • --ijwafrjumk. |>EALBB Scissors, Shears* Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades Shorels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstnes Window Glass* CBAHITE-IRPW A"l> TIN-WARE. . J. STORY. s AND :**y E. M. OWEN & SON. • • X H I S N E W M A . : 'fNcvus o^ond any* reason'ble.qttestion that the CHICAGO I NORTH-WESTERN RAIlWA? Is by all odds the best road for you to tak hen traveling in either dircctionbetween CMcap and all the Principal Points in tie West North & Northwest Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities in the West and Northwest are Stations on this road«. I t s t h r o u g h t r a i n s make close connections with the trains ot all railroads ut Junction paints, <a . 05\vy^' kc **T lira i nerd RENC Quinn JiuTrti Ordway Cloud Clayton G^en \I> Wwdmaii ljronn VASKTO Sioux Crrit/to/, I CHICAGO NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. Over Trains THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, all of its principal lines, runs each wav daily from two to four or more Fast Kspr is. It is the only road West, North or Northwest ofOhie.ajro that IMPERIAL PALACE DINING uses the CARS. It is the only road '.hat. rnns Pullman Sloeplnsr Cars North or Xorthwesi of Chirapo. It hat over 3,OOO Miles Of Road- In forms, amongst Others, the following Trunk Lines: Council Bluffs, Colorado St California Line. Wmonn, Minnesota ft Central Dakota il n sslonx City ft Northenstern Nebraska I,inc. . ^ Chien«o, St. f'l'.nLft Minneapolis Line, Elsin, Kockford, Kreepovt ft Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, Oreen I5ny ft LakeSnpe Jim ltiver Valley, Pierre ft Dead wood l^lne. Waukesha. Miidison & Northein Line Tickets over this road arc solri by all Coupon Ticket Ajrents in the United States ft Canada " for Tickets via this roaa, be surb tivey reiul over it, and take none other Hemcmbcr to ask for J D. lAYNG. ^e^l Sap't Chicago. B. W.H. 8TK.fNITT, Gen Pass Ajrt Chieafto. BUSS, Ag't C. A N W- R'y, McHenry, III. Wftlklng 5hoe».--A .full Hne, latent Myles and first clans. Wo have also a few dozen pair* we are ottering at ,a reduced price to close. Ask to see them at Henry Colby's. If yon wast a Silk Dress or Dolman, please call and examine onr line of ollks. Wc have Uie Gultiet. French. Chaftanjou, American and several oilier tfMl*. 5 1'ERKT & MASVIJI. Satisfies tbe tiiost fast Admired f'.»r >'erer FailitoBo«tore lit y or 1 to (m youimui color w cu. «ud i i Best Ctuger. llucliu, Namlraku, btillin^ia and many of tnc Lost nicdiciacs. knoftrn arc hereco^m- bincd into a medicine of sucli v.iriofl ard cffcctiv powers, as to make the Greatest Blood Furifiertt-ie 8est Health and Strength Restorer Cvsr Used. It cures Dv«iicpcia, Kh'.umatism, Klecp!esMjc "!, pll[diseases of t'.ie Stomach, Howels, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, and till Female Complaints. If you are wasting away wiih Consumption or any disease, N:,e the TONIC to-d.ry. It vi 1 furcly help you. rcincmbcrt It is f-il' Slip*":!->r t.> r<iLl <rs, Essences of Gmcer and other I onics, as it b;iiMs • up the system without iiu-xir.ating. 5 -c. St2cs, atalldrnlersiri drtT~s >• one »enuiie without g signature of Hi t,o* f; ( >..N V. be >" c:^ -n-ar ft LAItUE^AVINO IN BUYlXtJ TI-E VCZ^i-.V. C aescsxssxmiiasuu The Highest Rank Made from harmless materials, dnd adapted to the needs of fading and fallln^Ttuir. Parkers Hair Balsam h;is taken thehighegt rank a* an elegant and rellable lialr feetorative. an immense stock for the Fall and Winter trade, ftnd can show .you the finest line of these goods ever brought to McHenry County. Remem­ ber vie buy and sell for cash buy our goods at bottom prices, can and will give you such bargains that will will pay you "to come from any part of the county to trade with us, no matter how grsat the distance. We keep a fall;, line of the Selz celebrated v custom made goods constantly on lhand, both fine and coarse, for womehi and children* . D WIGHT, Woodstock, 111. BUY YOUB GEORGE W, BESLEY, YVhose Store can be found 011 the West Side, w"heae everything this line can be found, Fresh and Pure. 0 . ill Ew brought to McTTenry* couuty, amonjj which (jnn be found th€ Bonnor'Library, Princess Library, Harrison & 4||nith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that dafy competition oefore purchasing. Call aud see their •m Carefully Compounded. itoaeu^,ni.apt. 20th, 1*81. f * ' . Givo Q ca ('iilj,. C. W BESLEY WAUCONDA. CLOTHING! fall and Winter. A full line of piece arootlB of the latest style* a id at the lowest tiguves. : C L O T H I A Bigger gtpik thaii ever. StJITS SUITS AT SuiW all prlces at AT " 84.50. 85.00 Maiman's CLOTH1HQ ATWAUCONDA. For inythln* ntado to order, Mairaan'a is the ^luce to go,"& Aiso a full line of ^ Gent's Furnishing doods. KATS, CAPS, - &c«| &G* Hns receivctl a fine Stm*,k of Kail and Winter Millinery jsooils, and of tne latent sty'eh. A nic.c lot of Ititilxins and •Plunn-s. The Ladies of We'stern l.uke County live esiieritiMr Iiviled to call and cxaaiiuu Kootls uutl l>i°iceA, • «S-DltES>i MAKIVO lone in the best stj-1* ami at Reasonable Prif.eo. H. MAIMAN. Wauconda,' Sepl. 20t»i, 18^2. uSeiUKii: Willi THE Mutual Life of New York •Rcrnnse-it is the oldest ComjiMny In tit* Uniicd states with thirty-nine' years^ ofyvx- peri^ni-p, Iter.aiicc it'is tlie l:iraest Company in fjjia-.' tcnrltl. Assets. $f»4,70'i,958, nearly ilotible thai of anv other Co'"pany. ' •Uor.ause it is the inost popular Cnmpanft Its pol lev holders number over 100,000. Because every dollar of tho nhove immense sum belong* tothn j)otio/i holder*, and the sur­ plus over'what is actually required, is nn. nually div:ife,d amonjrst, tlieni, whieh surplus may lie applied in either of two ways: Kirst, to pay a port ion of the annual premium, thus materially redueitiir the eo«t, or it nmy be used to jnirehas" additional insurance. In the latter way forty-ei^lit policy holders o| the year just past, holding policies, the face valtie of whK'h was sf].'!.'!,f>00, were carried foi an average term of 43 years at low rates, arid the additions brought the sniift sum of a little over $.500,0-K). Many of these policies had been self sustaining lor "years. Uec.ause ttie rates ef every other Company are nearly eighteen p«;r cent, higher than .those of tho Mutual Life. * Because Its running expenses are 'ower than any other, Tne sworn statements4 of the Equitable- Life Assurance of New York, a ̂ company several millions less than half as lai'jrc as the Mutual Life, show its expenses of manage. - inent to have averaged H.2» during tht; last three, years, those ol'the Mutual Lite 78 the. diflerence of tirst cost of policy, and manage* inent expenses alone, arecqual to 25per cent in favor of the Mutual Life. Bec.anse it can and does afford the cheapest, safest and most satisfactory insurance invest- nient of any Company in the u-nrld. As it will be impossible for me to see all who are desirous of obtaining Life insurance at actual cost, 1 will miv lo such that a postal card will always reatli me at this place anrt on rnceipt of same I will forward different pl'tns and actual results (not estimates) which are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history of Life Insurance. ' This Company issues only regular Life ami ' Endowment policies and li'Uoother Cotnpanjp. of the highest standard refuses to have anm- thing to do with Tonlitie gambling. ! /; C. H, MOKKY, Agtnt, , For Mc,HenrytGounty and western part ol liakeCounty. McHKNIlT, ILL. 30 CHR0M0S 112 Ass?.. Free. with the PkopLe's Magazine. The most magnificent'premium ever given, and one of the best magazines published. Only eighty cents a vear. Sample sent free on receipt of 8 cent stamp, or three uu ntlis on trial for 10 ccnts. A'iKSTS WaXTKI). Send 25 centa for complete outfit, including all the chromos. Money returned it not satisfied. dhi'T A SlONTH p.nd lioard in your own I county. Men or Ladies. Pleasant business. Address, JPfiprLE'8 MAGAZINE, • ' ,Philadelphia, Pa. That Wonderful BooL CUIDE TO SUCCESS run Business A N D Ts selling by t6ttst>f tttwtfh.lrt**.' Tt "I* . most universallv useful book ever published tt telU comidetelv HOW TO DO KVI'-Kf • TH I S< i in t he Itest wa y, How to be Your Owfc Lawyer, How to l»o Business Correctly art?! Successfully, llow to Act in Society anQ everywhere". A gold u.ine of vnried informa tion to all classes for constant reference. AGKNTS WANTED for all or ^pnre time To know, why this txiok of KKAL value an»|_ attractions sells better any other^ applji : for terms to H. B. SCAMMELL & CO., , Louis, Missouri. -

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