Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Oct 1882, p. 5

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v • *, » -W- 'V> 4 -% ' ateaKafci mmmmm *':Mear! WEDNESDAY. OCT. 11. 1882. k Railroad Time T^^'ev >»)\-r, «orm. JL-t~-^.jiljw»e** Vifc«» f»-» m7"** \.,** ./®ei»«v» fAk« Exr>rp*« .i'vl..';« -&en*va T,sike Fri'i Tilt «IP. "' » HV J "»'>»tlt. ' '- Sn*»* T,alce Freight..v.. .....S:S3 A. * tiers TjRke Kxpres*.. .4:WP. * nava T*akA Passen irer......, ...fitftS ' B. Bttss* Acont. , MoHcnrr, TH Rbv L. J. O insmorb. of Meflpitrv 111 preach at Solon on ^nmlay (texf t.l5th. at 2:30 P. M. .V Skr if von can find flip twri aclyprtlsi nients in this pappr. on? headed **Ne»vf' Mid fhe other "OId.M The finest line of Birthday Car< » #ver brought to this town, at 0,- nounced by all who seo second Owen's. • • ' • - •• \Vtonone. HlNTON Whbklkr has Wl . i hlsho'tse.J The in this village, to Joseph Fitzsimmot:e. [the price paid hp I up' <»ne thousand iree hundred dollar*. / : : v 0 . V . S tevens lias* been- putting In <s"^ iM>me hitching posts near Ills stoiv, jrhlcli is a good i in prove nuMit and' •" , tBuch needed in that locality. < . ' 1 --•' . 4 See the card of A. Ames, B^eder O T ' • Roland China Hogs, to be found in another column. Mn. Allies Hfrea 'SJ Italics south of Volor. ' \/* Th£ drouth in this section came to •n end on Sunday afternoon last, and ..; ;^e think there'will he no more com- plaint this fall in that directions. We learn that J . W . Oritnolhr of Ulugwood. hnd the misfortune .to have , , . | |l* arm broken on Suiulay i*st, from kick of a horse.- I Lost, one night last week. between fpcHenry and •lohiishuri'li. a black felt A reward of fifty rents will he paid the finder on leaving the same nt this office. "There!" triumphantly exclaimed a Deadwood editor, .as a bullet cam« crashing through the window and •battered the inkstand. "I knew that rUtew personal column would be a sue- cess."* . ' \ The annual convention of .the Laki County Sabbath School Association will lie held at. Wanconda. on Thursday and 'Friday, October 26 and 27th *- Good '(Speakers will be in attendance. Pro "Jjtranime announced hereof;.er. A. .L Bailey Pres.. D. M. Erski ne. Jr, Sec. . Mrs. Hearles has this week received a sH(ne assortment of Winter Millinery. »|lnnslstiiig of Birds, Plumes. Tips, and Hll the Fancy Fe'silliers. now so much .4|sed. Also a choice lot of Beaver. Felt. '• £lush snd Velvet lints. wliMi will be. •old at the lowest possible fiynree. • Mayks & Barti.ktt have been In the city to purchase a stock of Dry Goods* Groceries, Clothing,etc., far their rusw -Jttore. which will be oivr ned for the in» upection of the public in a few days. They haye a neat and tasty little ?tore< and will no doubt tlo their sl»®re of t>he business. < SHfe We are informed that in "best so­ ciety," jelly "is now carried to the Oiouth on a fork." Well, if ."best so- * filetv'1 has been in the habit of carrying ;S»»y to the niouth with its fingers, it •ff# aboufe. time a change was made, they will find forks a very n«pful ar­ ticle when they get used to tlieni. C C. I,. Pratt, Wauconda. has a new advertisement in our paper to-dav. whicli no one of our rea<l-»rs sbould fail to notice. He has his store packed full of seasonable goods, and is selling them at bed-rock prices tor cash. Read Ills advertisement and call fend exafaJue :.%oods and ieam price?. ^ M rs . J . P . Going has been repairing her residence in a substantial manner and also changing over the barn on her premises into a neat little cottage, which, when completed, will be occu­ pied by J. A. Going/ The change will be a jf'ood improvement in that locality and add to the value of iter property. Excursion Tickets to the Chicago Exposition ivill b« sold at. this Station^ on the following davs, viz-- ** *' * October 14th goo(l until O.-tohnv l«th. October 17th':iu<i-'Octo'ber Wlh aroad until October 2Snl. October 21st good until October 23rdi--i-- These Tickets good for the round trip and including admission Tickets to the Exposition, will be sold at $2.30. Rkv. L. J, D insmore wonl 1 form a 'class in German to meet twice "a week In the evening iit hU home, if mtflficiit encouragement is exte"ded. Would form classes in Spanish. Book Keejtfng or of other branches, if a sufficient nuin- _ber present themselves to form a elnss. Ttmse «!e«!Wn* to bfgin German are r»*«jn^«te<l tn i|)( »»t nthls residence next "Mondayevening at 7 o'clock. Terms four dollars for twenty fessoiis. TH^-f business at the brick yard is "boomiiyg" can be see^i at a glance by visiting tlie vard t The l**t kiln burned bas lieen nearlv all sold and shipped, and we fearn that parties from Chicago were here on Monday morning who wished to contract for 4W.POO. to be delivered on board of cars as soon as they could lie burnefK. There is no trouble in selling all the brick that can bo made, as they are Y*n»- Malta^ M'tif says: "Bro. Post, of the D»*Kalb ATe»fa, will leave in a few days for the far west, where he goes for rest and enjjvvment fn-e from the cares of tiewspaper lite And the cli?k of a Taylor cylinder press. We think tint he takes hi< tackle with hi in. Our prayers are oflrred in behalf of one poor mortal who has found wealth sufficient to squander ill recreation far from toil, on a two weeks" trip, where the cry of "more copy" cannot be heard only in his midnight dreams." PKKSONAl,. Casper McOmber4 o.» Clil^g*. spent Sunday with his parents in this village. 6.. T. Howe, Of Chicago, has been on our streets for the past few days. M rs. O. B ishop is, visiting with friends iii Chicago. Jamks Rkvoir l« out frtttn Pullman fop;* few^dnys' rest. C. A. Cobb and. family oontemplate moving to Ohio in a few weeks. Casper W irfs Jpaa been putting up avnew barn on the north end of his lot. D r.'M. C. B riqgs. of Poplar Grove. Boone County, made our sanctmu a call on Monday. K„ R. Fox aal wife were visiting wlth the family of Henry -Colby last wepk. Miss Parker and Miss Bticklln.^from Richmond, were calling on friends In this village on Monday. % M rs . Benson Hahlky has been qult^ sick the past week, but ia now re­ ported as slightly improving. C . W. S lA fter, of this office, pro­ poses to take iiki iffca; Exp^siti^n. the last of this week,; v • '> Phil Hacperisoh and wife went to Chicago on Soiiday to be gone three or tour days. They went across the coun­ try in a carriage. "Capt . H iul, of tl»e ^ox* Lake fleet, was sick and;off duty for three or four daj's last week, but was at his post agai n on Monday. We are again-indebted to the Har ^ Mks Samuel s tockkr hM moW(1 vard Independent for (he following f i l | fo t | |e npw houw, ,aW flT,8|)f t (1 by news or the condition of Capt. Billing..! rol inJ Story htk ^ ̂ ̂ which will be read with pleasure by hlsl ]e | |ce f o peter Le|ekem many f^jMids in Mils section: "Mr. | ^ w Udell and the editor called on Capt. W. G. Billings Tuesdaj' afternoon and found him verji much Improved since our !ast visit. 1 lie Captain is cheerful and hopeful, and says if he continues to improve as he has done the past two weeks that lie will be able to walk down town in a month. He has no use of his left arm yet, but feels that it gains gradually. He is able to use hi« left log and foot sufficient to walk a little by aid of a support." ThekiS will be a Temperance meet­ ing at the M. E. Church, in this til­ lage, on Thursday evening of this week. October 12cli. The following is the programme for the evening: 1, Instrumental Music--Eloise V«H«. of meeting to order by President. CiHllinf Prayer. Sonjr. Reading of Constitution--'Secretary, select KeudinK--Miss Julia Story, Recitation-- Lonniu Bishop. S O U R--Cora McOmber. . siiovt Address--L. K. Bennett. •Cssay--Ada ranger. . * Sonit-- Millie Waitu. Address--Mr. Mvad. Passing of pledge, ijv officers.. Select Reading--Kflle Tiltoii. Recitatioa--.Mimde Van Slyke. Song. All aire cordially invited to attend. On Friday evening botli tlie fa«t train ami the mail train were delayed by a smash-up on the Wisconsin Di­ vision, about two miles south of Pal­ atine. Freight train No. 28 bad been rirvnrhrcr imot i i |-ee secrrom^"«acii oi^ which followed the other closel\*, in fact, all were supposed to be traveling on the same time. The third section In going down grade ^HVnit five o'clock, ran into the rear of the second section, knocking the caboose ipto . kindling wood and wiecUing freight, cars. The latter were loaded witti flax seed and flunr which was spread around in a pro­ miscuous manner. . The engine completely turned around .and " , , i tender torn from. it. * The accident was caused by the breaking in twain of tiie first section, causing a sudden slop of the second sect ion. Tin1 third wsis not as successful in avoiding tMn* acci •lent on account '»f th<* gra^le,, jTi~ : ri*'"ii gineer of the locomoiivi-; " >ligliil\ brui»e<l about the arm® aiii^Mivuil.itei* also the fireioan «iitl'thr«»«*^#>"ii caboose. fu Rkv . Joel Wheeler A I D wife are visiting this week at Oshkosh, Wis., Wis., withthe nephew of Mrs. Wheeler. S. F. Berry, Esq., who la a prominent lawyer of that city. WniLE>at tin*»ertyvlllo< Fair on Friday last we bad the pleasure of tak­ ing by the hand editors" Partfldge of the Waukegan Gazette, Avery of the Republican, Bntdbury of the Patriot, and McCullongh, of the Llbertyville Time*. They all looked hearty and happy. * • , - 1 RichtuoUd Department. CONTBIBDTED BV S. P. BENNETT. Geo. MeConnell and Fred S. Bennett are on the list of petit jurors. .f. R. TTvde Has received news trf. the safe arrival of his fatnllr in CoTOrado. A* first-class road m.-vre. 7 past, for *sale'hy Dr. Bennett.. Richmond. Mrs. ̂ arali Gibb9 is building a new barn. 30x90 feet, an1 20-ft posts. T,Ouls Peterson has returned from his northern hunting trip. "Next Monday May Bennett Starts for St. Loals to spend the winter and study music. Minnie Patter, daughter of E. M. Potter, has gone to Marengo to spend the winter. Thomas Fisher and family have moved to Harvard, where better busi- nesschances found. Rplph Mason, cheesemaker In (Jonn'* factory, has a brand nevv son. The, young gentlemnn made his advent Fri­ day evenlng^Oct. fltli. A; travel! ng ̂ totograf^ier-hns pi tched hts tent just east of the Culver House, on Broadway, and invites the public to step in and be "taken." We have seen some of the woflc done iind It'tt pretty good. ^ .' At this writing Rev. Grover C. Clark Is absent fr<Whis cliarge In Richmond, being in attendance at the Methodist General Coniference. The dancing public should not forget the party to be given at the Culver House next Friday night. Oct. 13. There will be a good time, of course. John Billett and wife, whllotn lord and ladj'of the Richmond house, now residents of Burlington. Wis., were In Richmond Sunday, calling on old friends. The Supervisor®! or DeKalb County have given the!r brethren elsewhere a good example. They have raised the salary of their County Superintendent of Schools to #1,000 a year. For a long tilhe hot a pittance, 0200, has been paid. It would he well if supervisors of other counties awoke to a realiza­ tion of the importance of this office and fixed the salary at a figure that would be a reasonable compensation for .the services performed. Wk learn that a movement is' on foot ,tn get up Club Parties in 'this village the coming Winter, to be held once in three weeks, and to alternate between the two Halls, the .Tanesville Light Guard Band to furnish the music. The mere annomtceniPiit that ibis Band will furnish the imieic Is sufficient to m:ike The Methodist Conference session at Aurora. have lowing appointments for this section: "Mcllenry and Ringwood. J C. Bigelow ; Richmond and Hebron. G. C. Clark: Solon and Spring Grove, Edwin Brown ; Greenwood, William N'ekle; STundii, J. M. Coulee: Alden and Big Foot. W. A. Adrian ; Marengo, J. M. Clendening; Woodstock,-1ind Franklinville. John Adams. ._. ; It is suggested that "iMianksgivii g day be changed from Thursday to Sat­ urday, in order that people may have two days instead of onesrf^r home vis­ iting. and that the festival be trans, ferred from Nifovember to October. In order that tt may be made.distinctive ly a day of thauksgi ving.for the boun­ ties of the earth. How do you vote? Wk would call the attention of the public to the card to be found in another place, in.this paper, of C. X. Culver, Auctioneer. Mr. Culver has had many years experience in this line of business, having been upon the road for years, and persons having goods to sell'will do to give him atrial. Read his eard In another .col­ umn. ' • In another column can be found r. new advertisement for .1. R. U'ells & Sou, Waueonda. which the buying pub- w lie will do well to read. This firm have one of the. largest stocks ever brought to Woucnnda. and"as their , motto is * "quick sales and small profits.'1 the pul>- lic can re«t as«ured olgetting real bar- f gains at their store. Kead their ad­ vertisement, , , < By invitation of ('iipt. <\ ii. IVyon we on Friday last took a ride .through Lake Colint-y and visited th^ Liberty- ville Fair. Tlie day wiis.pleasant. and the country one passes through betweeu here and Libertyyille is as tine as can be found in tiie world Lar^i* and »«* »u i if til farius. fiiif fiirni houses, eve r^v thing betokens a prosperous an I .happy pi-o- pl»-; 4Ve arriveil til Lib«*rtA viIle•aboii' itait"ip:is(• leu • ."clock itii'l iviuii.i': it'.ii iiaiptsoine Itiile tovvu r.i|iidly ti11i<.^ '/ wiui tii«* nt'ii, women and children •»I tlie fiirromidi ug couiii rj , \\ ho liad t-oiuc out to iielp make ihe lair a succfi--'. I'liis'Suclety lias new gr.i<iiinls ami new buildings, and altera downward course tor a few years back, have taken new iilc. and t licir fairtlii*ycat/ can­ nounced a grand success. Tlie show ol stock w: s excellent, while in the yegei able department we think it was a little ahead of anything we have seen, this year. The ladies, too, had done their share, and tiie Hall showed a fine display of their handiwork. As we said before, taken all in all, the Liberty.villf Fair for 1882 was a grand, -ucccss, and the officers'pt the Society are to be congratulated. The Society intend making many Improvements in their grounds before another J^ear, when they will have conveniences second to noiu'. This was our second visit to Liberty- vilie, but we cannot close tills article without saying a good- word for that most excf Debt Hotel THE FISHKR HOUSE. . ' The proprietor is a born landlord, always ready to wait upon his guests and furnish them the best the market aflords. Surely. If the way to a man's heart is down his throat, tiie landlord ofthe Fisher House will find it every time, for the table he sets Is equal to the best to lie found in the land. We Can assure the traveling public that no better k<>pt Hotef dan be found in the Northwest. We arrived home about 8o'clock, well pleased witli our days trip, and unani­ mously voting that ».iould wfcbe spared for another year \Ve would attend tiie1* Llbertyville Fair again. f . ; FIFTY BUSHELS OF 0*$S' W a n t e d i n e x c h a n g e f y f M a t John B. Blake's. • • .. tlie Part,ipy~p7»pulsir atntiug t lle dluiTFTiTg^ public, for tJiinkwe are safe in say­ ing that tin*re never was a, Band that ever played lie re who have 'been so universal!^ popular a« tb»» .lanesville Light Guard Band. Their music can­ not. be excelled, and then,..they are all gen t'e me i i fu every sensf* of the word wiiom to kn.iw is to re«p»»ct. This Baud now.lvitvf •";g-ijfeni< inf» for tli* i-otuing W.nier it OciiHV:i I nkf. Jaiff- ville. Belli' » 'S i-oii, Harvard, Marengo t'henmng Monroe and F]van«vill».which proves tfi t I he v are equally popular wherever \ |d«v We trust our dancing ?• • uiiinltt <ii ill n«it let ibis o|tportuu . sJip"\.»o inau>ufite uhat* a'<- sut^ /•» be plea* iii.t narti-s. f 1ST OF! JClfirs. * . •'I'lie f«d '« *| i>| of imm I Grand .Ini-'O-i'ioi' ibe .T.rtuntry 'Perin of the rircul" <-i»nrt. 188:1; . . . I'KTtT. Ornnville Ni «... W H Pm-8oa< OK On Held ... .. T J Historo w .... Johr Kddy ... W in SinnAni-'Jii •„ A J < ' o n n . . j . . . Wallis Alle'l . . . .' Ed'I J 11 u liltell ,1 B stone ... VV H Kisiie 41 Hakes CliHS "itratt Z S Moilllo •*lcha«'l ^in i; K Bankc •i-iiiiiii'l s| |i' OM Kid lev \ W Nash A J Hiinis . . ,1 S Pierce.. . . li«o Mcf'otmell.. • Daniel Sliel I »i».... .) J s. liuvle- .. AV A Mi own ...... Alvine K Dtvio,. I' D lilev..... . . i . T (Took . . Erot. Bennett .... It D Cooiiey ...Htriland ... ?>ii«)h:im Dorr ...... i Alden .... Tora 1 ,. » Iliinitain II«fhron .. . IHinliani till nil a tr ......Hcitron Coral . . tTartland (•re» O WOO't . Crafon ' ' • >»vno I ' tr " r i i i ui >' msisai '< ii-'l-ind " . - S e n c e ^ ....I»r • f|<»u .. ;.()lieimi!i!r ... Dorr .:'{reen*vo. d , Seiiei'ii ^Burton "Rev. S. P. Davis will It^tnre In Rich­ mond on Saturday evening. Oct. 14. Hi« subject Is."A Tri{> Through Palestine." The lecture is highly commended by our exchanges. Geo. Mooii soh\ his household prop­ erty on the stree*. at auction, a few nights since. C. N". Culver was the auctioneer, and1* good one lie Is. While lie was making his Introductory speech many thought the mantle of Demos­ thenes had descended upon his shoul­ ders. Mr. Culver will make engage­ ments to sell property at auction nt short nrttlce.and guarantee satisfaction. His card will appear in the «Plain- DKALKR soon. „ • The ordinance lately passed by Ihe Village Board. Sept. 2'2ih1, requiring the building of viirions sidewalks in the village. ba«caused considerable kicking among property owners, and it is said that some propose -disregard the mandate alfo£*fflPr. The orrtlmftiee Woodstock Department. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rlchmortd, of the Richmond House, visited friends at Rock ford. 111., Saturday last. James" Ka«*on has lately returned tiome from quite an extended trip In- the far west. » Jim Parker has painted his residence on Clay street, Jt really ,Jooka like a new plfice. ' Mr. X. W. Smith.of this city, at tend­ ed the Masonic Grand Lodge of this State at Chicago last week. J. L. Hoyt. whom we reported as being very sick last week. Is fcteadlly Improving, although yet quite weak. J. J. W; Starr, who ts connected with the West, side Street Railway. In Chi­ cago. Is spending * few days with his family in this city. ; * Peter Whitney has returned from Dakota and mar be fnund at his post in the county clerk's office as affable as ever. ' ' J. W. Miller, the south side baker, whom we iisticed'as being serio'nsly ill last week. Is'on 4e«& again and^ ready for business. •> - - ; ,°'- Mrs. T. J. Richards left Woodstock last week for Pennsylvania, where she will visit relatives and friends. We have not learned how long she intends being absent from home. Frisnk Murphy and wife, of Gales- burg. III., visited his brothers, T. D„ Perry and Anderson, of tills city, last week. Frauil was a former resident of Woodstock. Mis. S. S. Gates, who some time ago purchased the property In Geo. H . G fitting's addition, known as the Col ton property, is building a barn and other­ wise fixing tlie premises np to live in. This will make a desirable place and handsome residence when put in order. The Woodstock Literary society pro­ pose making arrangements for a course of lectures to be glvn during the com­ ing winter by first-class talent. They will soon be prepared to announce the name ot the lecturers engaged and their subjects. The snide Jewelry^ jnan hat taken his departure for other fields to glean. It is wonderful how these fellows can come into a town and sell what people would not. think of buying from a regu­ lar dealer. Yet we opine it is benefi­ cial to Hm home dealer In tlie long run. " •' F. H . Richards departed from this city for Washington, D. C., last Satur­ day morning. Frank we believe will remain at the capital during the com­ ing winter, that is if the climate agrees with his health, which has not been good for some time past. Should he remain there and Is well enough, his Intention is to pursue a course of study at the'Goluinbla University* fU « "M -til x I'» "jr|i ne judgment « . i . e c t r t l t a X j The above ire thii.provision* of 'lie, ordinance,' -Iripped of the common ...... IK>rr ORAKD: KB Fay Riley W J Kinney Marcnjro ,>Vn* Kdwarls Mr re mm Michael Stvceney Dur ham Robert Harder...' Oh emu ok Jacol* Barth Granville Rates John Scully Thomas Barnes W H Kisser John S Cumming*.. Thomas Gri atev (i T Harrows J C. Button W N Willis : W S Good set I Itichard Wray... Krert Hatch Isaac Jecks Charles Parker..... John Pnltiier ... James Philp. Wm Hill •Cliemuntc Alden ..... .Ha rt hi nil .Seneca . , Coral ....Oraltnu ..., ...."Grafton . Dorr .Burton .....Green w<K)d Hebr«.n . . ...Itlc.hniond Burton Me.ltenrv Vamfa if iiiida . . . Al j ronquiu Algonquin 1<R^. SCHUMACHER Wishes to Inform the ladles of Mc- Henry and surrounding country that she has just i-Pturue.i from the city with a full line of F ishiouable Milli­ nery for the tall and winter trade., and is now prepared To give yon good goods at-as low a price as can tft* provides that, tha sidewalks shall be built, by the owners of the contiguous properties, within 30 days of the pub­ lication of the ordinance, according to specifications given. In case nuv owner or owners of lots specified refuse or neglect to build the walks as ordered, wMiin the 30 days named, the village superintendent-of streets Is directed to procure the necessary material and construct the walks, under the super­ vision and direction of the commit!?e on streets and alleys. Within ten (lavs after »he completion of any walk or portion of walk by the superintendent, be shall mnke out a certified account of the cost and file fh»-snffne with the Vil­ lage clerk with!n ten days. It'then become* The duty of the village clerk to make out a special rax list Against the lots contiguous to which the nine- walks have been built, to cover the cortk of construction. On the filing of this tax ll>t. the clerk shall issue warrants dirooted to the constable for the collec­ tion of the special tax against the lots, and the con«fahJe must collect the tax in the same mannelf'as constables are authorized to collect executions. Iii ca»e anv of the warrants are returned "Sin property found" the clerk Is to make ve^^fied report to "such general nffi "••r of iCounty of McHeuev as • •• • V t Hjs I | bv 1 i»v to apply for •ii• i ' il'»<r and s»|i . land for iif the Cmrotv--or Sfnte.*' which il offlct r'^shnll proceed to obtain i«l sell tbe land for tiie legal verbiage. Property owners bold that tbe ordinance cannot be enforced from the fact that the deeds to town lots |n Richmond do not run to the cen terof the street, but cover only the lot proper, within the limits of the sidewalks. As the streets are the prop­ erty of the village, or at least, under the control of the village authorities, it is claimed that the sidewalks should be built by a genera] tax on all the property of the corporation. Whether these pleas would hold good as against tlie enforcement of the ordinance we are not lawyer enough to know. Here­ tofore every man has built his own sidewalk, in certain cases a portion of the expense having been paid out of the village treasury. Most of tlie walks ordered built, are necessary, and would enhance the value of the prop­ erty where they may be built, and it would seem to a disinterested party that the cheapest and best way for We recently had the pleasure »f ex­ amining the new drop curtain and full set. of scenery Just, finished for Mur­ phy's hall br Douglas Brothers, scenic artists of Chicago, and wish to con­ gratulate the proprietors of that hall on^their good fortune In securing tlie services ot these genPertien, who are certainly masters of their profession. The new curtain and soenery are a great Improvement on the old. and we ipporti boys and many others do not approve of the dictatorial course of the "book" •oldieir In sending the name of a person to the Colonel for promotion and ap­ pointment without consulting a single fellow officer or member of the com­ pany., If this great military hero who Is famous for frhat he does not know as regards common co»irte«y among offi­ cers, his superiors in every thing and of high rank--did even mention the fact that lie had been called upon to> furnish tlie name of a man for the office mentioned, we have failed to ascertain such to be the case, an.l we have taken pains to do so before making these remarks, wishing to be«fair In present­ ing the matter. Under the circum­ stance!; then, is it to he wondered at that there is such a feeling existing among those Interested by the depar­ ture frem all precedent In such cases as his been assumed and carried out by this latter day military despot? There are at least twenty members belonging to the Guards in this city that would have filled the bill acceptably and made a good quartermaster; and some of them prominent merchauts and busi­ ness men. And there are non-commis­ sioned officers In the company that served their country faitbfaliv and were "good soldiers in their time" who perhaps would not have declined if tiie position had been tendered them. But It seems thai this man who Ims brought Co. G. to so great perfection in the art of drill, etc., etc., (as per Richmond Gazette article of a week or two ago frptn Woodstock, supposed to have been written by himself) Intends start­ ing a new era in the modus operandi of managing and filling appointments when called upon by his superior offi­ cers to designate members of his com­ pany for promotion. We linve on more than one occasion spoken of tlie horde of yonlig repro­ bates that Infest our streets both by day and by night. Some of these young scamps belong to respectable parents who have no knowledge of the where­ abouts of their boys and in many cases seem to rest ea^y with the idea that they will turn up all right and take care of themselves. In other cases they are those boys that have but little bet­ ter example set theui at lipine, and are sent from home to be out of the way. There are plenty of such in this city and there Is not a day or a night pasfies but tiiat these young imps are not cut­ ting up all maimer of deviltry and com­ mitting puisances both against the law and comuioir'dccency. We have no particular cases to meinion this time; their depredations are *o frequent one can not even keep track of them. We have just heard, however, that, a sou of James Gallagher was arrested one day last week for throwing stonss and for other indecent actiors and was fined live dollars and committed to jail by Esq. Johnson, not being able to pay Ills fine. This is a move in the rtgli direc­ tion. Let tbe good woi*k go on. Mrs. Searles will open this week a large stock of Ladies' and Children's Cloaks. found in the county. If in want of a property owners to do is to stop kick- Hat or Bomiett do not fail to call and | |ng aiifl comply with tbe ordinance, see my styles. Also a full line of Misses1 and Children's Shoes and Slip­ pers. Mrs. Schumachkr. We are too full of Overcoats artd wi*lt to convert iliem Into cash at once and accordingly will inak» prices very reasonable. ANo choice line Ladies Dolnlaus an I Cloak* in la'.est stj-|es. Rockford Flannels and Yarnsi Cotton Flannels, fii e Shoes and Hand made Boots. Cail in and look us over. . KlTZSIMMONS A KVANiON. Kid glovPS, but I and loop late, in black colon ami all lints *at & Martin's, MRS. H. H. NICHOLS Has just, returned from the city with a large and selected sto^tfTof Fall and Winter Millinery Goods, for the Fall and Winter trade, and is now prepared to show to the ladies of Mcllenry and y l c i-ity the finest'lot of stylish Hats, Flowers. Feather. Ribbons. Neckwear, etc.. etc.. ever brought to this town, atid'which she will sell at bottom pric­ es. Do i ot fail to call and examine her stock oefort purchasing, as she is sure to please you both in quality style and price. citizens will have an opportunity of seeing them. The Douglas tyrotIters painted the scenery In the -Woodstock Opera house, which In point of artistic excellence Is fu'ly equal to that In Murphy's hall. Wo regret that these gentlemen have finished their labors in this city, for they have made many warm friends here who regret their departure. The individual that will not hl^ve the tall of his military coat trod upon without raising a rumpus, that started recently to pick up items of news for the Richmond Gazette from Woodstock, In his last week's communication to that sheet lie calls us the "anient cor­ respondent \Vho Is called up by Van as a last resort when short of news and who refers to the city papers to make np his communication." Xow that is prett-v good coining from a person who copied word for word some of the local Items that appeared in the Plain- dkalkr the week before he began h!s correspondence--and which was fur* nished bv us. Also everything that ap­ peared in the said correspondence to the Gazette was copied from some other fellows letter to some* of the county papers, with the exception of the "commanders" brilliant preliminary remarks which he should be given ful| credit for., • - \ . Col. Bra zee. of Rockford. who eom inands the 3rd Keglmeut to which be* longs Co. G ot this city, has lately ap pointed as quartermaster ol the regi­ ment E. W. Blossom, one of our most substantial business men. and who is thoroughly competent to fill any posi­ tion I i i the regiment,being we believe, a soldier that did not acquire all the knowledge of what he knows of mili­ tary life and tactics from "books," but by actual experience during the war of 1861 to 1865. We believe we utter the sentiments of nearly every member of Coi G when we state that as far as the appointment of Mr. Blossom is con­ cerned to this position, it Is as satisfac­ tory, and peril»i»s more so than almost any other man would have* been, who was not a member of the company, be­ cause he Is a gentleman lu every sense tiie term Implies and is solid with.and much thought of by officers and men of Co. G as well as by a h»rge majority ot this whole community; but when we say that there is much dissatisfaction both In the company and outside by the action of the captain (who is the commauder of all the troop# in Wood­ stock) in tlie matter iff selecting ihe party lor promotion to the office, we affirm that with few exceptions the •xJ&Jb Cook's CideV Mill. Two miles Northwest of Waueonda Is now prepared with two first-class PRESSES, to make your apples into Cider on short notice and in the best manner. Give me a call and I will guarontee satisfaction in every partic­ ular, M. Cook, 100 Doz Gents Line*i Collars at a bar­ gain. 10c, each. 3 for 25c, or $1 per doz. latest styles and first class goods at Fitzsimuious & Evauson's. Buy the Casaday Sulky Plow for sale by L. II. Hartman. Ridgefield. HI. SORGHUM MILL AT VOLO. The undersigned has a Sorghum Mill, situated about three fourths «»f a mile south of Volo. mid is now pre­ pared to grind Sorghum for al> parties at 20 cents per gallon. My Mill is In first class order, and I invite all to call and see me. GKO. Riohardsox. Volo, III., Sept. 2, 1832. If you want Bargains In Plumes go to Mrs. Searlei'. OYSTERS By the Can or Dish, and served up In any style desired, at the Restaurant of 11. If. Nichols, next door to the Pos* Office, He also keeps a fine line of Confectionery. Cigars, Tobacco, etc. Call and see him. Nobby Styles In Hats for ail ages at Fitssiiuuions & FJvauson's, Call and over look the fine lot of Carriages at E. M. Oweu & Son's ' AT A BARGAIN. ^ We offer at a Bargain, to close out sum iii er Dresg Goods at prii cost. Also a dob Lot of Boys clothing and Mens coats must be sold to make room for Fall stock soon to he on. Pkkry A Mautih. Business Cfty to Mrs. HoWe*s for Millinery |ad Dressmaking. ^ Fishing Tackle of all kiodii *1 I. EngeIii's, in Howe's Block} uear new Bridge, Overalls--W% have a large stock if or men'and boys. Good and cheap St Henry Colby's. Buokeyc Force Owen's., Pumps, at A Iwaya Kefrtihiai. A delicious odor is imparted by Floreston Cologne, wliich-is always re­ freshing, no matter how treely used. The finest li.ue of silver and Plated "Ware to be found iu tlie county, at O. W. Owen's. Society BellM. On account of its remarkably to* icate and lasting fragrance, society belles are loud iu their praises Florcs^ou Cologue. I ; for sal85. of land in Sertfmv ffc ill fenced. Also SO acres of land, with a good house and barn thereon, witk timber and water Iii abundance, iA Sec­ tion 22. Also my homestead on tlie Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good near house, barn aUd other outbuilding*^-* Apply to John Flvsky. Spring and bummer Ov0rooat* tUlr Henry Colby's. I f you want to buy Clothing at Chi­ cago prices, call on E. Lawlus, i n Lan- sing's Block, McHenry. CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES! CAR­ RIAGES! Any one in want ol a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail to call on E. M. Owen A Son and see the large car-load just received. Tha finest finished lot ever come to the county and will sell them ch«-ap. HEAD LIGHT Oil*. > The best Kerosene OH in tow» H. 11. Nichols. 175)Fire Test. Gossamer Circulars and Coats J|®f; ladies and gentlemen always iu at Henry Colby's. :i! i ;J MERINO BUCKS FOR SALK. The undersigned has a tew chaice yearling Blocks for sile at his farm. 1J miles southeast of Spring Grove?_ Mc- Henrv County. 111. They are the finest lot of Merino Bucks in the Comity. Post oiHc$(a4d!'ess, Biivin's Mills. 111. * ' " ' AAROX HOFFMAW. JulyS-in4» ' • V; t . Just received--Some Very pretty and desirable st yles of all wool Lace Buntings whicii will be sold very cheap. Call and examine tliein at Henry Colby's. Jobs and Bargains in every dtfffart- ment at Perry & Martin's. Sash and fancv ribbons In Watered and Brocade at Perry & Martin's. Coraiene Corsets to be had only at Perry &> Mai-tin's. Our Grooerv Department I* now complete, and have some bargains tn tea and coffee Which it will pay the close buver to Inspect. Henry Colby. Paints and Oils--a fuM lir ̂ and pri­ ces low at Henry Colby's. ^The "Aurora" Road Cart* the^easlest thing »ur on man and horse, at. E. 31. Oweu & Sou's. ; NOTIGE. I am In the mill again, and am pre­ pared to grind wheat or feed on short notice. Give me a call. I1ENRY D.VTMEJIT. 3|»rlBjOnre^lU.,°S©|»t. ,J, l&fi. V-% FENCE POSTS FOR SALS. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence PoeU for sale. Inquire of jon.v doraw. 4 -I •H .tj New Hats in endless variety, latest styles and lowest prices at Hfliry Coiby!s. "S FOR SALE OR RENT. V A Blacksmith Shop nhd Tools, at Bllven's Mills, McHenry • County. Illi­ nois. Inquire of R. Twkki» A Sow. B t . ivkn's Mitxs, Ancnst ltth, 188J. Honey,choice aud cheap at Haiiiqr Colby's. New Fall goods arriving daily at Fitts-lmmonS & Evnnson's. f • S-l We have just received, our full of clothing. Call »ud examine. ^ pkbry ft Maktii. All the new sha|>es In Dress Bnttont at Perry A Martin's. , ^ Call at E. M. Owen A foil's and *M the celebrated Hapgood Sulky Flow that is warranted to run lighter Am a Walking Plow. r- The celebrated American Onit Silks at Perry & Martin's. Clothing.--Black Dress^ Suits, IJon- flrination Suits, Spring. Summer aud Fall Suits, (jliildren's Suits, Boys* Suits Yon til's Suits. Men's Suits, all at priest to suit at Henry Colbi's. Umbrella*.--We have a good assort ment in styles and prices. Call aud see llieui at Henry Colby's. Fine Shoi>s.--The largest line and best styles ever shown iii this market* Call and examine them at Henry Col* by's. mm URLOTZS? ST0B1, At Nunda. MRS.'G. W. COLBY would respeet- fully inform the ladies of Nunda and vicinity that she has opened a Milli­ nery store In tbe rooms over the post office and has just received a full line of Hats, Bonnets. Ribbons. Laces, and Ladies Furnishing Goods generally, of the latest styles, and is confident sha chii please all who may give her a call. My goods are all new and of tlie latest styles to be found iu the market, and as' I buy for cash 1 am confident that I can sell as cheap, if not cheaper than any other place in the comity. Call anil see my styles aud learu prices, bo- fore vou purchase. Mas. G. w. Gout. JTun<H, Se»»t. 12th, 1SS-2. BUTTEB-WOma Operating on the pctaelgtesf DIRECT AND POWERFUL PRESSURE, -- -- -- w _ Inptead of rolling, l--.--v -- Riding upon the batter. Works iu tu# Mlt M w4L IRTAIN, EASY, QUICKe STRONG. CHEAP. Send for full rtwictiptiva circnlsw to tha Brantm and SOLE MAKKBS, w FORTES BLANCQAKPS BBNB, OONCORO, W.W. BRICK! BRICK! The McHenry Brick Msloafiic* tunn^ i/ompHny are now ready to supply 13riok in quantities, Ffom 8mall Loll C A R L O A D S . Their Bri<*k are second to noUtt to Ik- found in tho market, «tad will bo gold at thu lowree* qjarket price. Persons intendiun to bul14, OC those handling Brick,. fill d»| well to cull uuU see us befom piUN chining • ® ' ' | For further inforniatk)ii,ifcpply t o o r t t d d r e t o t ^ < McHenry Brick I McHESHY - - ILU3SOX . . • WT _ - - '-i'i

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