Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1882, p. 8

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. , V- • 1 -if. > * i' «- IHv > I' A'" 4 ^ n '»•* MSK.a ,V : s». WW HnntN OmDPCTtD BT s, D. ItALDWrx. •fc jNr*hjrae>f-mi«. «no<1 ide-i, toMMTN t« be thine own, liv than * thouMnd ^leanM r«m by oth«m nf*wn.*-Wil*on. *U slwsyt «t leisure to flo good; • • f i r mik# b t t ' l i m* n n rxcwn t ode - fllM oIIImi of humanity/' V««rlr ill tli* villa** mid cttr erhAAla k*W • mnch larger attetulnnce this yenr tfcsn at the anme time last rear. Ohl- schools have enrolled between tlve and atx thousand more this year than ls»t. v, v;: a.--"! •." tt Th« centufi bureau has Jwnetl hoi-1 letln •IftMifytn? tlie populatfnn of the Volteil State* by naMvJty. The num­ ber of oatI*# born la: White. 8(1,843.291: wlored, M32.549; foreign born, 0,679,- SM; total, 60,655,78.1. Q1»m la b^lng substituted for marble topa of table? and dressing caaes. An •zchaibfe »ara a. Plrtabnrjr firm has tarMjAut.|lib» of glass that imitate marble ?ery closely arhile they admit •f decoration* of various designs, both IN form and color.1 < The Normal Teacher, published at Danville. Iml*., i* one of the best educa­ tional papers of the west. We . mtild liko to aend for a half dozen copies for Aa-naajr different teachers. Onlv one dollar p«r year. How many will siib- Mrilwf ,-y? -rj ; Vi . f - ; * f • -*•« , - f V 1 " : SEE . - .+[*, * * > , 0*'^* n * 1 J&g Tbo New Orleans school tencliers bavw been for a long time unpaid, and •ome time ago, when they were In great straits, sued for their salaries and obtained judgments against the cirv. For doing this sixteen lady, teaehers kafe been peremptQrily dismissed front Mo service. So says an exchange. --:--.-- /• Tlio Mcllenry correspondent of the Skntincl thinks vocal music should be taught In onr public schools even tiiotigli it took time that might be used some olher way. We think the rudl- nenta of music might be very profita­ bly taught i:i any and all of onr schools; but whether it would be good policy to la trainee It In any school wonld de- pood upon the proportion of patrons 4atlr!ng It tanght. leacbers should train pupils to think. Sony, very many, are cramming their with facts from the tezt books, for what f To make them stand well otozaainations.' Xo one believes the Mind It strengthened by burdening it with useless material hut, as a class, we aro urging and compelling our pupils to memorize principles, rules and dates that are simply rubbish. Learning how la often more beuellciul than learning < liealth and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and Urora out, instead of aches v and pains, wouldn't you * Hither fed fresh and strong? IV You can continue feeling miserable and good for no­ thing, and no one but your­ self can find fault, but if you are tired of that kind of life, you can change itr if yoit choose. y How ? By getting one bottle of BROWN' IRON BIT­ TERS, and taking if regularly according to directions. Mansfield, Ohlo,'N«v.s6> Gen tlenjen: --I to »ve sisflferei •Vv. r Have just received the iararest st^ok J.uMvets, both for Ladies anrl Misses ever offered hy anv house in ii ^ ounty, Ihey were bought so low that we are enabled to fell them at usual who resale figures.* In ^ I ^ ftm in my side and back, and mat •oreness on my breast, with snoot- ' ing pains all through my body, at* tended with j![reat weakness, depres­ sion of spirits, and loss of appe­ tite. I have taken several different medicines, and was treated by prom* Spent physicians for my liver, kid. neys, and spleen, but I got no relict I thought I would try Brown's Iron Bitters; I have now taken one bottle and a half and am about well--pain in side and back all gone--soreness all out of my breast, and I have a good appetite, and am gaining la strength and flesh. It can justly hi called the king <if mtdicimtt. Joan &.AlurinMu BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is composed of Iron in soluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alc6holic tonic, which will cure Dys- jsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all and Kidney diseases. A tnrlons fa»*t has oovered by French scientists, to wit, tlttft the venom ot serpents is not a product (teculiar to poisonous reptiles, kat it is an intensified condition of or­ dinary saliva. Further investigation •bowed that the saliva of human beings fa capable. In certain Instances, of con- •tltvtlog a vIndent poison. We all know that lliere are many well authen- tleatad cases on record of death result- from the bited of animals not •niiMrily considered venoinons--cats. tn loatance; and Instances hare been fcftown In which a bite from a human Wfog has been followed by death "from pofaonlng. Just as would have been the oaso with some venomous reptile, Vio- loijt agitation. It has been observed, •eon's to impart this fatal quality to kho saliva of man or animals, and^M, Pasteur has recently "cultivated" the poison of the human saliva to sncli a point as to de.velop the toxic symptoms of tlie terpenNpoisons in small birds. Kven in its noriual conditio^saliva is ••Id to be akin to poison, one of its /•motions being to destroy the roole- eillar life eT the substances eaten. It I* thought'that all violent agitation and exertion involves an abnormal waste of tlssue;And an excessive pro. <h»tloi) of tiie priuciple which renders aallva poisonous. The name of the thimble is said to kave been derived from "tfmmbell,'* being at the first thumble, and after- •r^rd tliiit^ble, It js a Dutch inventloa. and waa first brought to England about the year IW>, ljy Johu Lofting. Formerly iron Md brass were used, but lately steel illrer aud gold have taken their places the ordinary manufacture, thin plate of metal are introduced into a die, and yHiiehed.i nto .shape. . In Paris gold thimbles are manufac­ tured to a large extent. Thin sheets •I alieet-lron are cut into dies of abont two Inches diameter. These being boated re^-hut. »re struok with a punch Into a number of holes, gradually in­ creasing in depth to give them proper •bape. The thimble is then trimmed, polish­ ed, and tpUfented around the outer sur- M with a number of llttlo holes, by totans.of a small wheel. # It is then oon- vcrted ii>to steel by the cementation prooess, tempered.scoured and brought to a blue color. A thin sheet of gold Is then Introdno. od Irtto the interior aud fastened to the •tool by mean* of a polished steel man­ dril, Gold leaf i& then applied to the WUide, and attached to it by pressure, the edges being fastened to a small groove made to receive them. The able is then ready for use. A. P. GRAY Always Ahead. SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED " " -AT HIS- .1.7 Carriage and Wagon AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, RICHMOND, ILL.r I sell every Implement, Tool or Machine a farmer wants. PLATFORM SPItlNO, DE- LIVSRY AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES* One, two an<l three seated, from the cele brateit manufactory of J. W. Henry tt CO., Frswunrt. .. . Blackgmithing, Painting and Repairing Dene In a Workmanlike manner MHl llat* ranterl. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, we select that best adapted for this section, and npon the BEST TERMS TH AT CASH CAN PURCHASE, which en- ables lis to supply our patrons with just what they want, and at lower prices than anv other concern northwest or Chicago, Call and make examination for yourselves before giving your orders for any-piece of machinery you may neer* the coining season, and you will tind the best and most complete line of Farm Machinery ever before offered in McHenry Co Remember that we offer the VERV BEST MACHINERY at the VERV i w e s t p . S t P J S t h a t C a * | » c a n p r o d u c e anywhere. ;• A. P. GRAY, Richmond, III, We have ap assortment found nowhere else in town.« We j»r^ de­ moting eepeeial attention fco our K^' "*W * BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. ; < v " ; • • " { • ; • ' • And feWfra conrplctE lIm rtf tte cotebrat«4 C. -M. Henderson's Hand Made Goods. Our SVU1 Stock of ? C L O T H I N G s just in, and in fit and styles we defy competition, A larsre stock f Groceries, Paints and Oils constantly on hand. (Ml and examine uc goods. . , ' / 4Sc MARTIlf. 7 -fm-. ^ •'ir.'k'; Do yon want first class machinery something we buy ho much ^oi that you pet the benefit bi it? We know of somectealerg that buy ,i>o much that they claim to sell low, but you get all their preees and ,then come to us nod we wilk sell you the same good* cheaper than •<Hiy other deeler We have just received the finest car^of , k : 4 , ; . ^ " l J . IV . r Established in 1888. JOHN STEKBA, f - -.4 1 : vf . . ' '* ' Formerly oi Mciterirv, Woo<tsio6lt^M|| Ohl'-ajio, his vturneil to ' Woodstock, IHinois, And hA« now on haml the largest asd beat 8to k of READY MADE HARITES8BI WI.HIls, WilIP-4, &C , to i>« found Is tie Countv. .i> 1 everything mnde of tlM W\TBRJtAt . Call andjsee me. JOHN 8TERB*. CARRIAGE^. AI L ST^^,ES, That ever came to this county. If in want of one don't fail to call, as the finish beats them all. Aguarantee of our own lor onn yesr •with each carriage. -i'V IN WAUCONDA. i i iBiimiiMiii JOHN B. BLAKE. ^umps we have both wotid and iron. For a w»od pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, BushneH and Mishwaukeee, »nd for an iron pump the v^ell known Trakem i0!||ekeye. . Caii w- ways repair or put thcmVlown any depth. r E..IM. OWEN & f • -V- Two Doors North of Perry & Martin's Where you will find all grades of' Furniture, from a common Chair up to the finest Set, of the best make and quality People bu} ing f t me will find all my goods as represented. t Jobbing, and Repairing neatly and promfftfy Ifeffie; UNDERTAKING. In thia Department keeep a first-clasaass ortment of Caskets, and 1/offins, and Shrouds of all kinds and quality A Hearse furnished at reasonable . rates. T H I S N K W Piovv* beyond auy reason l»le question Unit the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY 1b by all odds the best road for you to tak hen traveling in either directlonbetween 1 Chicap and all tie Principal Points in the West North & Northwest Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities in the West and Northwest are Stations on tlii? road. Its through trains uiake close connections withjthe trains of all railroads at Junction p3ints, ACOB STORY, 1 v " iVIoHl^rVRY TUjJ DEALER IN E Waneonda .111., -Muniiv-r Fancy Groceries, Goods, Canned BOUSE and lot for bale. t oiler my lionse and lot. situated in tlM village of MeHemy, for eale. Tberr 1b u good barn, outhouses and MH«1I fruit on tlie premieee, Will be sold on ressouable terms. Apply to M, Kkuklh Walking Shoes.--A full line, latest .Myles |ti<I first class. Wo have also a few ttoietj pairs we are o fie ring at a . reduced price to close. Ask to see JUiem at llenry Colby's. / If you want a Silk Dress or Dolman, l«ase call aud examine our line of y/p liaire the Guinet, French, "aujuu, Amcikaii and several other J'ltKiiV & HAUTIA, Choice Confectionery MOTIONS, TINWARE, CUTUEBT, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &cM &o. and TOinplete m «*erv TMtTticiilar, and T will not be undersold, qnnj- Ity of goods considered . I l>uy none bnt the best, and purchasers will find it an objoct to call and see me before purchasing. Quick fitalea St Small Profit • vr< w •' __ Biotte, aad it will be lived up ta e- w BROOKS. Waneowl:, Aug* 1st, 1MB. jf I.a ».-uk-esK-fl hy I'-if .-Xj-ai;: < your duti^rt ar^Jd x t hnu la o t ! * a nU u ve Hop Bitters- If you are yoanfr and I discicti'^ii or tiii&ipal ried pr single, fid or j poorb*ialth or languish! nes s , j> ' l y on Hop! lVhorvcr you are, whenever you feel that system vieed»V)«;2!i)xiitfr. ton- lnvr or K(.itui*latiu(?, without iuloxicutiny, t a l : e Hop B i t t e r ' Have yon 4/jfi pet/.t/'a, ktdn i or urinarttcn.n plaint, diw n . Of tllC StOM'U h botnUn. blood Hver ovutrv&i I You v.-ili r,, cured If you i;*E.. Hop Bitters If you are pim­ ply weak nihl lowe'ilnU'ii, try iti it may a a v e y o u r life. It has eaved hun­ ci red a. r if vou ai«- Itw.'ri of i,t- "^( _ ovpMuiiJ. | Ditrlit work, to ri*#- toie brain nei veaod wtute, u>e Hop B. ^ifTeriiuf from any ln- tion ; if yo.i are iiiar- youat?, sulfunntr from ntr on a bed of uck- Bitters. Tliou»nndx die an­ nually fro in some form of K id ney disease that mifcht Iiave bfen prevenu-il >y ft, t i jii e i y use of HopBltters I, 1IU11W, Scissors, 8hears, Table and Popket Cutlery, Spades Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstnes Window Glass, CRANITE-IRON AND TIN*WARE. J. STORY. | _A£li1ariil L -BrJnkcnrV1 Jiralner3 FLQRENC ChanSttr Qninneteo -JT>ri« iVLul--*/ XWorctitr Spaidirlgy ̂ poud 5l^V y C!ayhm l; \W Ordway ool i"a ^JVPrlucjfS Li " m oux Falls -Algon*B' uL^\ \> ,< •?' Vma^ TASKTOa ""J Sioux c#» • Crett/tom _ 9" Weill Ctty eeport Ktarn'V J" tellCAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY THE CHICAGO & NORTH.WESTERN RAILWAY, O v e r bM of its principal lines, mne each way < from two to four or mor-e Past Kap-r Trains. It m tlie onlv road West, North or Northwest oftJIiieaso that u«ea the ! > IMPERIAL PALACB DINING CARS. It Is the onlv road.•.hat runs Pnllman Sleepin Cars North or Northwest of Chicago. It has over 3,OOd Miles Of Roeid* In forms, amongst others, the following Trunk Lines: Council Bluffs, Colorado A California Line. Winonn, Minnesota A Central Dakota Ll n Sioux Citv A Northeastern Nebraska Line. Chicago, St. Piuil & Minneapolis Line, Elgin, Rockford, Freeport & Dulnique Line. Milwaukee, Greea Bay & LakeSupe JTim Itiver Valley, Pierre A Dead wood Line. Waukesha. Madison & Northern Line . Tickets over this road are sold l>v all Coupon Ticket Agents in the tnited States A Citna<l» Remember to ask for Tickets via this roaa, be sihe tiiey read over It, a^d take noue other J P- J-AYNG, Gen'l Sup't Chicago. W. H. 8TE .VNSTT. Gei\ Pass Agt Chicago. B- BUSS, Ag't C. A N. w. Rty, MoHefiryr HI- HOP NEVER D. I. C. is au absolute , and irre&ista- !b!e i'U re for IruiikeunesH, use o( opium tobacco,or uaicotics. IFAIL aor Biimc ITU CO., jR*<hml*r,B. T. '-4 »»--- i(Tor«fiu>, OnU BOOTS AND SHOES. "We have just received all immense stock for the Fan and Winter trade, and can show you the finest line of these goods ever brought to McHenry County. Remem­ ber w e buy and sell Jor cash buy our goods at bottom prices, can and will give you such bargains that will will pay you to come from any part of the county to trade with us, no matter how great the distance. We keep a full line of the Selz celebrated,, icustom made goods constantly on hand, both fine and coarse, for men, women find children. -353; W. H; DWIGHT, "Woodstock, 111. BUY YOUR liciis, Pais, 1$ OF GEORGE W. LESLEY, Whose Store can l>e found on the Weat Si<le, whew© ev©rythi op i n this line can be fouud, Fresh and Pure, f' W ̂ ff 13> , J U+H . "" * % •<#, "Tit* is T-i* »*. Ev«*r bronjyht to MpHenry comity, am on? which oi^n tonnd fhf Ronnflr Liararv, rHnposs Library. Harrison A Smith Snt'oty Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and lland Lamps of every doH«'ri?»t'f»n w h ich w i l l be so ld a t pr i ce s j f cha t da fvcompet i t i on . < ' *11 w id . then oefore purchasing-. Physlclams Pt-esoriptioiiN Carefully Gompounded. Give n ea Call. j , t ; rcia W McHenry, 111, Oct. 20th, 1881. CLOTHING! Tor rall and VHnter. \ full itne of iiieVp ?>w<s ttie lateat styleft WikI at .the, lo*ve*i lijrmes.; ; * . C L O T H I N A Bi^jsrer Stock than ever. suits surra AT t&ttttsall " ;V"AT «4.fi0 . , #6.00 « •' • a iman^ CLOTHING AT WAUCONDA. For tnythlBK made to order, Malman'ti is Uyn pl'ice to ico, Aiso a full line of Gent's Furnishing Good*. U / r s , CAPS, & c . , &c. Mrs. Hn^ received » fine Stock of Fall and Winter Millinery poods, nnd of tlie latest- tily'eh. A nice lot of Riltbons and Plumes. 'The I.aHicbof Western I.alce 0«>unty are eaperiull v nyiied to call aud examine goad a and prices* *8"1)RESS MAKING done in the best style' and at Reasonable i'rices. H. MAI MAN. ^ 1832. WI1H THB Mutual Life of Hew York wsYf B'ernuseitis the oldest Company to tlif Uniieil states >tjth thirty-nine year* of ex. perienee, Hecause it is I he ln.rpe«t Con^p»it> in tht uvrld. Assets, $94,702,95#, nearly doiible tha( oftuiy otljerCo" pany. Because it is t!\<> inost popular Cowpftny^ lt« jxilic v holdrrs number over WO,000. Iteeanne everv dollar of thei aliove Immense Slim belonun to the )>olicy holder#, and the stir* plus over whift is acrually required, is ant nnally divided amon^Kt them, which ftorplin mny lie apidiod tn either of two ways: First, to pay a portion of the annual premium, ihuf materially redneins the v-ost, or it timy he iiseti to purch:is<' additional insurance. In the latter way t'f\rty-eisUt policy holders o^ the year ju st past, holilintr |/oli<'i'es, the 1'acQ valiie of which was $133,500, were curried fov an a venture t«*rni of -'l;! years at low rntysi nn«l: the addition,! brought the sutiir sum of a lltliQ over $30n,(H)0. Many <>f these |>oUcle* had be»^ self sustaining lor years. Because the rates ef every other Company are nearly eighteen prr cent, nlfher those of the Mutual Life. Because Its runping oxpenie* MM) '«W«|- than apy other. Tne swoi'iv staien^ents of III* KuiMlHldr Life Assurance of New York, H iriMitllMH several millions less half a* Itli'tfi* Nb II Mutual meot t h r e e . . . , ditterence of ilrst coot of pttHey, Hi»d HiHMHjfl1 meni'expenses alone, «n>i'i|ual t(iM|H'i i'PIi ip fayor of the Mutuiil l.ile, Heoanse it can and docn alTord lli«iI'lteHjo'ili safest and most sat icl'acior.v iikiii'iim i' ittiutlF O^eni or any roinnany hi I fa umltl, \* 11| will he tmjmssible lor nie to see all who It ft desirous of obtaining l.ife Insuraiit'e «t actual cost, i will say to stieli Unit it )msM|] oaid will always veath me tit thU plitea aim qn receipt of same I will forward dlffirenl plnns and acltuff result* (npt esti\tmle») wltlir ul l.ife, show it» expetiNOM n|' tnUHMi to have averaged It.<Ja dtil'lliif Ml»> li years, those ol t|\e MilIIIHll.Ill" II |1 (tfe certainly astonishing and out (|o anythini tn the history ol l.ife IpsurHiicp. This Compact* issues ofiIv regv}ar l.ife anil Endnwinept ppficies and likeother Cotii|utnyf qf the highest stand;tr<l refuses lq have a»X> thing to do with Tutiiinc.ymnUlina. C, H . MOUKY, A j f U i t , For McHenfj' County and western pari 0| La l t eCo imir< « . . . C «#CH1CW»T. ILL. • ' 30 CHE0M08 g 12 Chxo$fo| FrCG* with the PEon.B'a Magazine. The most magnificent premium ever jriven, «nd one of the best magazines published. Only eighty cents a year. Sample sent free on receipt ot 3 rent stamp, or three nv nths on trial for 1Q cents. A'»ICNl'S WANTED. Send 2(1 rente for complete outfit, including all the c|jromo».. Money returne«l it not satistled. A jt i MONTH mid hoard in yotir own 3p11 county. A{pt) or Ladies. Pleasant business. Address, PBOfLK'8 MAQAZ1*«, Philadelphia, Pa. That Wonderful Book. GUIDE T0SUCOESS WITH FOB Busing ; AND t ^SOCIETY. Is selling by tens of thousands. II Is th^ most Hiiiversallv rtspful Itooh eyer iMiWIihwl Ittcllf completely HOW TO DO EVKItV TliINO in the best tjt'av, How to be YourOwu Lawyer, How lo Do Business Correctly and Successfully, How to Act in Society an<| everywhere. A gold n.ine of varied Inrorma everywhere. A gold ... tu>n to all classes for constant referener, AUK NTS WANTED fo% all or ipare time To know why this book of BEAL value aixj attractions sells betfpr than any other, appl^ for terms to II. B. Log is, Missomrl. 9CAMMjqH. # CO.,

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