Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1882, p. 4

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4%* Y ' • * ' _ . ' • ' _ • , < /m ' r > *-h<£ -1 *' ^ WHP^*8DAY, OCT. 18, 1882. VANSLXKE, Bdfttor. y - •*» ' ^ ^ #v. * .*< STATE TICKET For State Treasurer: ff • .-• J.C.SMITH.ofChicago. .fy *%r State Superintendent orAehMrt*: STRATTOH, of Xt. ten**. CONGRESSIONAL. irSK «' Fer Member of Congress, 5th District: imBKN KLLWOOD, of Sycamore. 4 J&. '•t asm bars of the Legislature, 8th District, .< Oft&ftLK4 H. TBTOy. McHenry Onnty. &| CHARLES E. FULLER. Boone Cemty.' OOUJTTir TICKET, A- # /p'- P»r Oonnty Cleft, »'• "• ODL. WILLIAM AVKRTotMarengo. For Oonntv Treasurer. .jgJUPfe JAMB* NEW, of JUgononlft. %1K • . For Oounty Jndge. H.<HLMOftE, of Woodstock*^; m ., Sw - * i * *> For sheriff. : t- ^ <r ' . AAhB UDELL, of Chemnn*. ^ */, >„ . V H tfror anpennten'lent of Schools. „ . '• (4.D. BALDWIN, of McHenr^ 'v ForOomner. ' *'* W. W. COOK,^>f Woodstock. 1 . •. 1.,^ ' • ' 'jjfcfc* J X' " f - "A ftrlevon* fault" ha* heen found by . *nm« in Secretary Polprt »dmini*tr»« f*f fh« tTwMory department. 'Lilt* : 6n oM ffj* thev cay. but like a man 4)It« to the public Interests. be insist* NJMMI )nve«tlfatinc personally the man- fire me nt of the department. He re. icaea to depend entirely a poo his sub- plirdlnatei. m v, 1^* What baa struck the Liberty* line Timet? In the l**ne of October th. Hatnea WM pictured In anything it an enviable light, and from re> fharkft we heard dropped we feared i llood would be shed should the editor , ?|ff that paper and the "ex-apeaker" meet. But in the Issue of the 12th, - Jtiat one wtfek later,- the editor Is very ,.|ium, and we doubt not stands ready %!• fall un the neck of Haines and weep .tecanne he said such naughty things. Did Haines open his barrel before he 'Ursst hone from the fair? s|. » < > t ' \ my-} • » FATALITY. While In conversation with an old settler of Lake County a few daj'S since lie informed us that many times during his lire he expressed himself as being a believer In fatalism, and he was now more than ever impressed with that (relief. On our questioning him lie re­ lated to us the following: About thirty- four years ago he found himself one afternoon on the road from Wauconda to rWanfcesran. and Just at dusk he drove up to a place known in those days as the Yankee Tavern. Being tired and hungry be concluded to stay there all night, and putting out hi* horse lie culled for supper, and While waiting for the same a suspicious looking indi­ vidual drove up in a one horse covered fihay. He came in, looked suspiciously around, winked kflowingly at the land­ lord. took him off In the corner and whispered mysteriously In his ear for ten or fifteen minutes, and then steal­ ing quietly out, mounted^iis shay and drove oft. After he had gone our old settler Inquired who he was and why he was acting so mysteriously. *Why. don't you know him?" asked the land­ lord. "That's E% M. Haines, and he's running for the Legislaturef "And now." remarked our friend, '"after thirty-four years I find this same cuss sneaking around for the same object, with that same old wink and in the same manner, with the exception, per­ haps, of the one horse shay. Now if that ain't fatalism tell me what it is." !-!• v:* tV*Secretary Folger'a enforeewient ; #f ralet ln his department, which have ;^^MB permitted to lapse entirely since ...1(72, Is producing considerable discon- " <»nt, and may explain tlie intrigues to him out of the treasury. Besides f these rules against the use of tobacco ' Mitring business hours, the observance '"-#f silence while at work, etc., one pro­ hibits Improper communications of jtSrilb with outsiders. Another pro- ^^fldostliat no employe shall be absent '^iMtre than thirty days from the depart- In one year without special per- «h4 then -without pay. Conslder- onri«ftUy 1« manUesieti a* to what . •yyi'b< 4»in, with those officials who ' JMP# •# atttaplng states severai w««ks r t ft U«M Md drawing full ̂ ayj • "• k ' .-..s l--. i t ^ I^Oeneral Butler has accepted the •f . ̂ ilwocratlc nom lnation for governor of •fl»M-chusett8, in a letter as long as a .a raor'a message ought to bo. He • W -^WHcs a great deal and says but little, v' VV^U.Ietter Is chiefly devoted to talking ft!,'. . arouWd his very Inconvenient record on . , *' ths matters touched by tlie Democratic Jv, 'Vv .f^tform. Judged from one point of V" hi* 'onf l«tt#r is a very wise pre- eautioa. Few people will read It. while • f the many will observe its length, and i .include that he has accepted with all t Mlfht. General Butler Anally » ^".yirtds quasi consent to a plan for civil !r */ ;servlce reform. That Is. he says he is Hi v'" Quite willing that "competitive examl- **'• : '»*tlons should be made of candidates v'fyfsrthe highest offices." "Quite will* *• Ing" U good. But the suggestion of t ,«• competitive examinations for the highest offices is only a skillful way of • knocking them In the head. General Butler Is a very shrewd man. But he .must finally come to understand that j. (formal assent by devious phrases I* re- . fgarded as merely a cold obeisance to a --.£• - sbellef which la coming to demand full f 'N^recognltIon. Still as a political curl* <*»itf it Is worth something to see Gen- #t-il Butler posing as a civil service J*f.l'!>isfofmer. It Is a unique spectacle. t^PTo what exter.t the result In Aaetatent Secretary Jo»lyn*e OpInlMi. The Washington dispatches givfes th© following as the opinion of Assistant Secretary Joslyn on the Ohio election: "Why." said he. "I am not afall des­ pondent. It would not be a bad thing for tlie party if New York and Penn­ sylvania go the same way. and it would notTsnrprise me if they do. But the party in Ohio and these states will come around all right before the Presi­ dential election. The defeat now will only serve tonnlte tho Republicans for the Presidential campaign, and it is a good deal better that It shbuld come now than at that time. By that time the Independent movement in Pennsyl­ vania will entirely "disappear, and the Independents will fall back into the party ranks, the breaks will close up all along the line and a solid front will be presented to the enemy. If there had to lie dissensions in the party, it is much better that they should come now and success now might result in carry­ ing them'over to .the next election. The loss of the next House is not a serious matter. It will leave the party In a better position in the Presidential canvass. They will have no policy to establish and will have the advantage of attacking that of the Democratic House. It is a good thing for the party: to have a set back occasionally. Disaf­ fection precedes defeat, after which all the factions unite, and the Republican party united will win every time. That is just the situation; defeat is healthful and will make the party stronger after­ ward." AUCTION SALiki ^ The undersigned will sell on his farm four lAiles west ol McHenry, on Tuesday, October 31st, 1882, at 10 o'clock, A. M., 10 good cows, 6 steers, 10 three year old heifers, 10 calves, 2 brood mares, 1 horse. TERMS--One year on good approved totes at 7 p«tr cent. Two per cent, off Tor cash. PHILIP GIESELER. Our stock of Drugs, Chemicals and Patent Medicines was never more complete. Goods reliable and prices right at Henry Colby's. '^ "Ohto was determined by Republican if^j/ap**l»y caunot be determined until the V>0»turns are more complete, but tho In- 'Aextlom ir« that the non-voting Re- f>«t%£u:ahs contributed more to the dis- «stftr*han did the bolters, and already c ^ tfhe Mburns are sufficiently full to war­ rant tide assertion. There has been a • |»M iBsHwrdhan a gain In the positive > «ufetugah<ef the Democracy. In other vt from the vote the dls- / •fleeted BepyfUJcans, wlm are not p De«Mer«tfi, but Merely thetrVropftfary * • allies, and tlie relative strength of the V two parties would sfaosv a Republican ' g*lh. The proportion of maiden votes east for the' Democracy Is growing ' beautifully less every year. The Re- • • - (Miblican party has lost oone of iu vitality. But it cannot aAord many * ; Ohio defeats, and It Is certainly high Clue to brace up and throw the clogs which Impede Its progress. A f goed beginning was made in Maine.and : now tlie question Is, Shall November <£'% repeat Keptember aud October? and the deel>ive answer to this question ' - » • l i e s w i t h t h e R e p u b l i c a n p a r t y I t s e l f . • ";v and not with tiie Democracy, The . •, >-: latter Is little el«« tfiu.ii a camp follow- '*" • ' • *> Ing,straggling along in the rear to pick \ > up what in the grand march of events BepublUi»ii contentions and blunders * Li Ibrbw •way." Inter Ocean. ' -- •• i wwi \ 'tk• - • The Highest Rank :^r; . H#de frotn haruiic^s materials, aiul adapted to the needs of fadtog aud i tl" falling tiair, Parker's Hair Balsam Juts ' **** (ikeo thebl^liest rank its #»d jre)i;>LJe Ujtir restofiltirej t»> f i .-'V 1* A STEW. T*» hanging the location of the State line between Illinois and Wis­ consin has thrown the people of Beloit and Rockford into a state of excite­ ment. The Rockford Register thus re­ lates the facta: "Beloit people are reported as all broken up. It appears that the late geographical survey locates the State line some 80 rods north of where it was supposed to run, bringing it nearly up to the Goodwin house. It put the peo­ ple in a pretty pickle*^ A number who supposed they have been livihg in the State of Wisconsin have been citizens of Illinois instead, and there is the deuce to-pay. They have been cutting up all kiuds of di-does, perfectly allow­ able under Wis. law but considered the most diabolical evils in Illinois and these folks are beginning to get fright­ ened and think about tiie outraged jus­ tice of Illinois and wonder whether they wOu't end their declining days in prison. Then it oflers a beautiful op­ portunity to numbers who wish to beat their butcher who has had his shop on tiie other side of the line. Tbev tell him they bought meat in h(s shop sup­ posing him a straight Wisconsin butch­ er, and he palmed off Illinois meat on them and they defy him to get any- tbiug after selling goods uRder false pretenses. Then one man who rented the best pew in church refuses to pay because that side of the church Is in Illinois and he wanted to worship in Wisconsin, and as he is the heaviest supporter of the church the minister and his family are in danger of starva­ tion. Its a bad mess, and the bother of it la that it's a crustier on a Swarm of Rockford couples. It seems thVtnlnls- ter who married the largest number of runaway pairs had his house on the Illinois side of the line as ascertained by the new survey,and so the marriages are not legal, and some six dozen pair* who have been living in happy matri­ monial bliss in Rockford for years, will learn from these iiues for the first time the startling fact that they have never been married, and what are the chil­ dren going to do about it? It's hard lines, but the best thing to do Is to do it over again quick with the proper documents, and stand it as well as.pos­ sible. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the farms formerly owned by the late Samuel H. Walker,and now occupied by Peter Weldrick and Fred Weidrick four miles south of Richmond on Wednesday Nov. 1st at 10 o'clock. 47 milch cows,2 blooded 3 year old Bulls, 5 three year old steers, 0 two year o;d steers. 3 two year old heifers, 9 yearlings. TERMS OF SALE.--Cash or one years time on approved notes at 7 per cent. Invests. No stock to be removed until settled for. J. w. CRIST T, , Bxecntnr ofS. IL Walker Estate. ' ' . AUCTION SALE, The undsrsigned will sell at Public Auction in the Viiilage of Algonquin, on Saturday Oct. 21st, 1882, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, twenty cows, new milch and epriugors, ten with calves by side. TERMS.--Three months time on ap­ proved notes at 8 per ceut. Interest, One per cent, off for cash, MORTOK A CHAWX. J. A. SHfiftwooD, Auctioneer. =f" To Whom It may Concern. NOTICE is herebj given that the under. 8igne<l, guardian of Geo. O. Starr, Guy W. Starr, Cora M. Starr, Charles L. Starr ancl Kva P. Starr, minors, will apply to the County Court of McHenry County, in the State of Illinois, at the November term thereof, to be holilen in the court house in Woodstock, in said county, on Monday, the 13th day of No­ vember, A. l>., 1882, for an order to sell the following described real estate, situate in the said county of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot number two hundred and seven- tv.eight (278) of Assessor's plat of the town of Dorr, as made by John Brink and 11 led for record in the rccordei's office of said McHenry Co.. on the 13th day ot December, A, D., 1862 Also Lots one (1), two (2) and thrfe («), in Block four (4), of A.ea W. Smith's plat, near Woodstock, in said eonnty, which said Block 4 is numbeied on said Assessor's plat aa Lot 170 in Section 8, Town 41, North llange 7, cast of 3d principal meridian, when and where all persons interested may appear, and show cause, if any they have, why such order should not be made. ASA W. SMITH, Gaardiaa. Dated this 13th day of October, A. D„ 1883. TO THE PUBLIC. JOHNSBURGH, ILL., Would respectfully inform the public that he has just received a full stock of Goods for the TP* 11 a*ul Wln+Mi TT asfwr Tr& do, To which be invites their especial attention. His Stock consists in part ol & GROCERIES/ Boots and TINWARE, Ac., 4c.. And In short everything usually kept in a First Class General Store. The Highest Market Price, IN CASH OR TRADE, FOB BUTTER AID EBBS. Thankful for past favors I solicit a continu­ ance of tho same, and shall always be glad lo meet all my old friends, and as many new ones as ma/ see fit to cull. CHAS. KUIINERT. Johnsburg, Oct. 17th., 1882 A ?= Si O B RMPORT OP THE C O B t b l T I Q » --OF- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, _ Al­ dose of Business Oct, 30,'82. RK8CUKCBS Loans and discounts <149,(198 84 Overdrafts 2,977 01 IT. s. Bonds to secure circulation... 50,000 oo IT. S. Bonds on hand . 7no OA Due from approved reserve agents. 7,81126 Due from other National Banks 3,914 91 Real eptate, furniture and fixtures. 4.20u CO Current expenses and taxes paid... 1,764 45 Premiums Paid 6,755 (10 Checks and other cash items 41 37 Kills of other banks 4,125 00 Prc'l paper cur. nickels A pennies.. ' 39 50 Specie 11,673 00 Learal tender notes. 2,000 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. erer (5 per coat of circulation) 1,000 00 Total. ^^..$248,691 27 WpM#*Atoel?pft^jn".™1^. ..... 80,000no Undivided proilts 3,349 94 National Bank Notes outstanding... 3n,ooo oo Individual dejwsits subject to check 143,810 30 Demand Certificates of deposit...... 4.700 00 Due to Old First National Bank, Woodstock 7,83103 Total. .$249|$)1 27 STATIC OF ILLINOIS ) >ss - VCBKWBT COUNT V, ) • I, John J. Murphy, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge aad belief. JOHX J. MURPHT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this 10th dSy Qf Oct:, 1882. -: < CHAS. M. DONNELLY, Notary P ublio. Correct Attest •'V-if# '• • h, •'} MTJRHHT, STKWAKT, MURPHY, Directors. K. A. M W. H. 8 JOHN J. Hloney to Loan On Real Estate, for Long Time, at Low Interest. J. J. MUQPHY. C. N. CULVER, AUCTI ichmond, Illinois. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kiiu s attended to on the most Reasonable Terms and satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office address, RICHMOND, ILL. Goods, •P*>- -AND- C. L. PRATT, WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS, Would respectfully inform the citizens of Wauconda and surrounding country that he has a large and well selected stock of Gwiis in his line, f>r the f all aud Winter trade, consisting, in part of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, HATS AND CAPS, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, Ac,, Which he Is bound to dell as cheap as good goods can he bought any where. ' ' He also keeps a tine line of Rockford Hand Made Boots and Shoes, to which lie invites par. ticular attention. In short, everything that can be fouwd in a general store will be kept, and sold as low as the lowest, and everything warranted as;rep- resented. Chick's Celebrated Rockford Flour, ALWAYS ON HAND. When in want of Goods in my lino you will find it for your interest to call and see me C. L. £MTT. WAUCONDA, Oct. 10, 1883. BRAINARD'8 MUSICAL 'WORLD. The October number of the Musical World, furnishes attractive and pleas a nt reading, and the uiueio is varied and excellent. aThe; Honne of tlie First Piano;" a biography of Candldus. the Tenor;"The First Piano tn the Mining Camp;'* "How to Become a Pianist;" the Letter Box; Editorial Briefs and I musical news--all these combine to make the World Interest­ ing, instructive and amusing. The' music this month consist* of the fol> lowing: "All that Glitters;1 a ballad; "Biddy McGee," a liuiaorous song; "Patience Waltz;" "Poet and Peasant Waltz;" "Morning Dew Schottlsciic." The subscription price of fhe Musical World is $1.50 per annum, single copies. 16 cents. S. UraimircTs Sons, 136 Stale Street, Chicago. H. II. Nichols will sell you one pound of choice Japan Tea for 60 ceuts *»<1 make you a prese n t ok a, idee) y decorated cup ijud saucer.' -1 BLANCHARD CHURN HTO sixes made for Family Dairies. KT® sizes for Factory use. Perfect stock and the best work. Strong, simple, efficient, convenient and dur- abla, They continue to be TNBTTANDARO CHURN OP TNI COUNTRY." T R Y O N E , Send for full Descriptive Circulars to PORTER BL AN CHARD'S SONS, OOWOOBP. N. M. AND NOW \p . " • * * * - . • » • ' Have ,!'• " ' NEW '-FIRM! ' 'f , ' B 'i%W' Hare built and famished a Ifew St««» An extra heavy blue Print, 32 inches wide at 8 cents per yard. We have also the largest ancl best assorted stock of goods of all kinda that we have ever shown. We have a good many bargains to show you. Call ana see/ REN 11 Jf JROOERSL mm. ., • ':v- Dissolution Notlc©, Copartnership heretofore existing •A nndcr the Arm name of Stevens ft Schnorr is this day dissolved hv mutual consent, F, A. Schnorr retiring. All indebtedness of the late Arm will be assumed by C. V. Stevens, to whom all notes and book accounts owing to said tirm will be paid. C.V.STEVENS. - F.A. SOHNORtt. McHenry, III., October id, 1883. I would hereby inform our old customers and the public generally that I will continue the business at the old stand, with a good stock of goods in my line, and will be bappy to see all who may give me n call. C.V.STEVENS. c a t a r r h D i r e c t s . riye ^"VCLY TARRH colo^D 1 HTSTMO Insert witn little flmrer a particle of batin into tho nos­ trils; draw strong breaths through the nose. It will be absorbed. J ' ' ° 1 V* H. -V**.) v And stocked tbe same with a full line of , , / ',, Dry Goods Groceries* " ' '-'-^•"•1-1 A WTV.R ,# ' , M MADE CLOTHmo, And do respecttully invite an inspection of their stock by the purchasing public. We shall keep as good Goods as any other store in town, and sell as cheap as the cheapest, the quality to tie taken I into consideration. Do not fail to call and hispect our stock* Butter and eggs and all kinds of farm produce taken in1 exchange mt the market price. ' „v -MAYES & BARTLETT. McHENBY, ILIJ. , October 18th, 1682. HAY-FEVER WAUCONDA MILL INERT And Dressmaking. IBS. C. L. PRATT, Ha* just returned from the city, with a full stock of Fail and Winter Millinery, Ladies' Furnishing Goods, etc , to which she invites tiie attention of the Ladies of Wauconda and vicinitv. Dressmaking promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. It e f f e c t u a l l y cicanses tlie nasal passages of Ca- tnrrhal virus, caus­ ing healtny secretions allavs inflammation protects the membrane from additional colds, completely heals tho sores and restores the senses of taste and smell. Beneficial resu'ts are realized by «• few applications, A thor­ ough treatment as dirgteted, will curp catarrh hay fever, &c. Agreeable to Use. Unequaled for Coldt in the Head. '. TfieBalmlian gained an en viable feftfttation wherever bnown, dieplaoing all other prepa­ rations. IwCOgsiigd «s W vv onderfiil Discovery. It is sold by druggists at 50 cents. On re. ceij>t of price will mail a package; send for circular containing lull information and rella. ble testimonials. ELY ORE AM BALM CO., Owego, N. T. Aro open and ao is the Wau­ conda Drug Store and Book Haunt with a complete line of SCHOLARS' SUPPLIES. We aim to keep everything that the school children need. We aim to make low prices and give good value. Wc have just received a supply of Harper's Franklin Square collection ot songs, so popular at the Liberty- ville Teachers' Institute. Just what is wanted for the school home circle an ("social gatherings. You are invited to compare our stock and prices wish tho«e ol other denleis. F, B. HARRISON, "Druggist and Bookis*." t^-Aak about the Circulating Library. :«aBM M. ML t,*-i . * aStii'M A Vexed Clergyman. Even the patience of Job would be­ come exhausted were lie a prcucher- .iii(i endeavoring to interest liia audi- enue while they were keeping up an ince&t>-uit couhglng, making it impossi­ ble for hi in to be heard. Yet, how very easy can all this be avoided by simply using Dr. King's New Discov­ ery for Consumption, Coughs and Cold*. Trial Bottles ^ iHe^%v4W*y' Ucury Colby"*. Novelty and Variety BAZAAR! STATIONERYZNEWSPAPEBS, JUpianes, Books, Npvete. ' MUWIO. ' -1 All Musical Journals, Libraries, ong and Joke 1 tooks. Letter Wrttcrs, (iames, Plays, Dream Books, Motto Verses and cards, Toys and Toy Hooka, Inks,-Mucilage, Writing I'a. pers, Pencils, I'eiis, Scb<»ol and lSlaiik Hooks, Mapw, cluKii upplies, Collars, C'igars, and Ui9 ollie ariiclcs not here nientioiied, at the Bazaar, McHenry, III. 1st. That the Phtenlx, of Hartford is de vpted exclusively to the business of Fire In. surance 2nd. That, with two exceptions, the cap­ ital of,the Ph<enix is double thai or any other Company in the United tales doing a Fire, Insuranse business exclusively. 3d. That its rates of premium are, and wil. continue to lie, as low as strictly choice! lirst class InMirance c<»n be furnished for. 4th That it has prosecuted the General Agency business in the Western and Southern States and Territories through the means of a Department Headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, for a period of more than twenty-live years to the entire satisfaction of a vast lumber of underwriters and property owners . 5th. That its manner of adjusting and pay­ ing losses has been tpeted in every great Hre of the period,ami fonnd to beat all times in harmony with the principles of strict justice and libera lit v. 6th. That It lias spent a large sum of money in organizing, carrying on and perfecting its present admirable system of commercial and rural districts, whereby it is enabled to offer the.advantages and facilities ot genuine in­ demnity to tiie people of everv city, town, village and county 'n the United States. 7th. That its capital is Two Million Dollars --its Ke insurance Heserve, one million, one hundred and eighteen thousand dollars--its Reserve lor outstanding losses, one hundred and ninety thousand dollars--its net surplus, one million dollars and its .cash assets, And wish to ,con vert them in to cash at once and accordingly make prices very reasonable. Also choice line of |Cn. Latest Styles* Rockford Flannels &Xxd Tttantif, C OTTOS' FLMmS, FINE S10SS, . (Jail in and look lis over. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. r J. R. WELLS & WAUCONDA - ILLINQB, Are the Leaders of Loot Friers, Noveij/make any misrepresentations! Deal fair, square and np- ri?httfith all. Sell goods at low prices. "Wil! not he undersold'* is their motto. Can prove the above facts if you will call on them. Our stbek of Dry Goods never was more complete than at present* and in Dress Goods we defy competition in style and price. Our Jine of Prints comprises many different pattern*, and are marked way down. Gyod Prints from four to five cents per yard. In short our Fall and Winter stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boof» and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready-made Clothing, Hardware, Crock­ ery, etc., never was more complete than at present, and prices will be made PS v LOW AS THE LOWEST. « f' '"'W> " . ' ' - Also have a fine line of Coal and Wood Stoves, which we invite the attention of the public. (Jail and see us. » t* XQtU, "Iff!" 8th. That the old I'liirnixof Hartford is s live Institution and everv way worthy the ex ceedingly liberal putroiiage it has received from the people in every section of the coun­ try. • ~ IMA W. SMITH. Agent, For Woodstock and VUiaitfr, HENRY COLBY! RIVERSIDE BLOOK. McHENR.% <Urr Invites ftp examination of his immense stock of ! Dry Goods, Press, Goods, *7ankee D otions, dSto. which are being offered at very low prices.« I have the largest as­ sortment of READY MADE CLOTHING ever shown in McHenry which will be sold very cheap for cash. . In at- and Caps, Boots and Shoes, my stock is complete and I am confident I can save you money on these goods. Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware. Wooden and Willow- ware, and the largest stock of Groceries to be found in McHenry, Prices always as low as good Goods can be sold. lsro trouble to show Goods, Cull and be convinced.

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