Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1882, p. 7

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A CHttlMS IJSTOEK. •• <5^ BT NATHAN 0. U»MMFC Taming old Itetters over, AH the twilight begins to Ml, The gem of tb«m all 1 discover, . In a weak. Insignificant scrawl; With clumsy and artless \mfolding, * Of infantile thonghts, hall a-whtri. | And the poor, blotted page still ] A single soft, colorless curL Uneven, mlsapelt, bnt how tender 4? And winsoine: "Dear papa," I react, "DOUV'R broke so I never can mend her, " And Psjssv's Jsswle :r".:;r::r::a.'p hantl bleed." * -*7 Printed words intermixed with the written, • Bat bow sweet! And they hasten to Bay, '"Nnrsr's tooth aches, I've tearded my mitten, :• It, Nothing's good now, with papa away."* Only childish prattle on paper, ;yV" "' „ s« But how freshly hit off each event, Formed of this or that fancy or caper'4, f\. That made her existence content; Anil now on the paper she'll drflp a '-"Q Round snip of her prettiest curl, ;A Knowing well it will gladden "poor • " Because from his own little "gnrL Ah, again and again do I kiss it, With her image still fresh in my mind! And that artless child's love, how I miss it. Since no more with my life 'tis combined, Save as Death, the lisrht-footed purlolner. By love is run down in the end, And as Faith still abides to retain her In the heights she was first to ascend I Back, back, with the rest, I return yo«u Dear missive, more treasured than'all! * And aoain in the past I innrn you. And the shadows, deepening^ fall. Once more in the casket I set yon, , ° ' " And t urnine the kev I depart. No fear that I'll slitrht or forget yon, ..... ^ Toor words are engraved on my heMfe I' THE GOVERNOR'S STORY. "We were very poor, said the Govern­ or, my mother and I. We lived in a little cabin on Gen. Linton's farm, and saw a hard time. My father had died when I was 16 years old, leaving us nothing but an honest reputation, and, although I was stout and Hearty, my wages were very low, and I had to toil late and early to provide the necessaries v of life. But I suppose I would have been happy and contented enough; that is, as much as we unsatisfied mortals usually are, if it hadn't been for a woman. I don't know why it .was that Helen Linton made such an im­ pression on me, for she had by no means those great and noble qualities by which meo as a general thing aire attracted to the opposite sex. On the contrary, she was proud, arrogant and overbearing, and I was confident if she , thought of me at all, it was with feel­ ings of oontempt and disdain alone. Not on account of my personal ap­ pearance, it is true, for though I was rough and uncultivated, and my hands were hard with excessive toil, still I had ~ wonderful strength and groat agility, > and my eyes and hair were as dark as • midnight, and many said that I was handsome. But I was poor and she was wealthy. I was Gen. Linton's hired hand and she was Gen. Linton's daughter, and it was the old, old story. It must have been her bewildering beauty that dr6\v me more and more toward her, for she was a queenly-look­ ing girl, with flashing eyes and mag­ nificent dark-brown hair, and a form tall, and majestic, and stately. But, how­ ever it might have been, I am certain of one thi|ig, and that is, that I learned to lore her \^th a maddening, painful, consuming passion that seemed about to devour my whole being. I tried very Hard to smother it and to drive her image from iny heart. I knew I might as well think of plucking down the moon or the stars as to have dared to aspire to her hand. But it was all no avail ; the more I . struggled the more I became entangled. In the morning, noon and night there was but one face that I saw, and but one voice that I heard, ana that .was the face and the voice of Helen Linton. What was worst of all, to me, income way she discovered my secret. How I can liardly-fcell. They say murder will out, and the same can most assuredly be said about love. I had never spoken about it to any one, not even »y mother, and, as to Helen, Iliad " scarcely ever spoken to lier on any sub­ ject. It, is true that sorotetimes she • would give me instructions in regard to the flower garden, which Gen. Linton had selected me to manage, having, as he said, more opinion of my taste in such matters than any, of the best of his workmen, but she never conde­ scended further. I worshiped her like V a star from afar off, and knew, the dis­ tance between us to be as wide and as • impassable. One day she came into tlie gnrden when I was at work there, and, impelled by some unknown power, as it were, I gatliered and presented t« her a choice bouquet of flowers; and whether it was from my»gnilty looks that she then ; discovered all, and determined to check me in the beginning, or whether she . had already probed to the depths of , my" heart and thought I was presump- • tuous, I know not, but certain it is she never spoke to me after that. She had been in the habit of giving me a nod °f recognition whenever she, met me be­ fore this, but after this she passed me by without even a glance, disdain within her haughty eye and contempt upon her scornful lip. You mav know that my life was a-i wretched as it could well be. I usek to sit down by the fire . in our little cabin, after my hard day's work was done, and curse mv wretched fate, and call God unjust in what I con­ sidered the distinctions he made in the human race, but I little knew - then what the sequel would be. Crowds of company, gay ladies and gentlemen, came every summer from the city to spend the season at Linton Hall, and it so happened that when summer came among the rest a young gentlemen named Arthur St. John. He was reported to be wealthy, and hand­ some he certainly w>is, and it was not very long before he began paying de­ voted attention to Gen. Linton's dangli- ;» ter; and it was easy enough to see that she was as infatuated as he was. They used to ride by our little cottage on the bright snmmer evenings, on the Forest road, as it was called, on their prancing horses, he bending fondly above her, whispering words of love and tender­ ness, and she listening to them with a flush on her cheek and a smile on her lip. I remember one evening 'hat I stood watching them as they rode down ^ from the wild glen, bathed in the gold- en halo that the gorgeous fires of sunset / threw upon the scene, wlrile the summer zephyr, londed with the perfume of wild flowers, blew back her massive hair from her queenly brow, until the scene seemed to me celestial and she an in­ habitant of celestial regions. Justthen she caught sight of me, as I looked at her almost entranced, and spoke some thing in a low tone to her companion. What it was I never knew, but they both looked at me an instant, and then the air rang with their laughter, and I heard him say something about pre­ sumption and impudence, and I guessed what it was. It w-is hard to be thus tortured simply for no other reason than , because I had a heart and could not control its impulses, and when I look back on that time-it Menttem lika some terrible dream. Misfortunes, they say,' never come singly, and they always dame, too, when w® least expected them. My mother suddenly sickened and died, and I was thus left alone a wretched outcast on the earth. As I stood over her grave it seemed to me that I had buried every hope. I determined to leave the spot where I had seen so much misery. I Cared very little where I went. Any­ where awav from there. Gen. Linton paid me what little he owed me. and I •truck out for the far West. Railroads and steamboats were not half as numerous then as they are now, and, even if they had been, I was too poor to avail myself of their advantages. I walked, therefore, many a weary mile, until I found myself at the outskirts of • growing city. Here I stopped be­ cause I thought I had gone far enough, and for the best of all reasons, because my money had given out. I had to do something. A large mansion with beautiful grounds stood before me. I applied to the owner for labor. He •aid he was very much in need of a gardener, but did not like to employ me Without references. After hesitating for a while, however, he oonclnded to engage me for a month, and, if he liked me, he would then en­ gage me permanently, he said. I found out in a short tijne that he was a lawyer Of extensive practice, immensely Wealthy and lived at his ease. I fol-> lowed out the rule I had adopted through life, to be honest and industri­ ous under all circumstances, and at tlie end of the month my employer, whose name was Parker, sent for me, he said, to pay me my month's wages. He then surprised me by asking me if I could read and write. I toid him I could. Thanks to indefatigable energy and per­ severance at the little cabin on Gen. JLinton's farm, during the long winter evenings when the labors of the day were over, I had acquired the rudi­ ments of a good English education. My era plover then told me that during the past month he had observed me closely, and that Ire believed me to be an honest man. "I will tell you some­ thing more," said lie, "that I have dis­ covered. You are a young man of ex­ traordinary intelligence. Gardening is not your proper avocation. I am doing an extensive practice of the law, and I need some one to stay in my office. I know of no one who is better suited than you. With your application and industry, within one year from now you may be admitted to the bar. You must consent to b mv student." ^ * I didn't know exactly how it was, but suddenly Judge Parker seemed to be­ come inverted, and the room went whirling around and around, and then we all seemed flying off through the air, like Aladdin's castle^ and the next thing I knew I was sobbing, with my head upon the table. He didn't say anything until I had re­ gained my composure, and then I told him all. What a hard time I had had through life, and how this had been the only light that had ,ever shone on my dark pathway. Tears sprang into the old man's eyes as I told him, but he said I must never despair, and he was certain I would come, out victorious. I went into Judge Parker's office, and I studied hard, and at the end of the year, as he predicted, I obtained my license to practice law. He their asked me what I intended doing., I told him that I intended to go off to some rising place and grow up with it, "and if I ever do anything," said I, "remem­ ber that you are the man who made me." "Mrs. St. John," I said, "I will par- don your Husband, but on one condi­ tion only." , , "It is this," said I, "that you teach your children the folly and the evil con­ sequences of pride; that you will guard them against its" wicked and nefarious influences through life, and that your husband will likewise reclaim and lead a different life." She readily assented to my require­ ments, and in a few moments more she "was on her way home, bearing the joy­ ful tidings to her little children. The lesson that I then taught her I hope may be a benefit to them through life. She and Her Husband moved to a dis­ tant city, where he reformed and be- caine a useful and respectable citizen, and often speaks of me, I understand, with profound gratitude. I am a bachelor yet, and there is but one woman to whose memory I ever drop a tear. And that- is to the memo­ ry of my mother. I . A FATAL niSTAKI v would be ndtto take Dr. R. V. Pieroe'a "GMd' aiMedtnl UHoratr" if you are bilious, suf­ fering tram inpora Wood or fearing oontmmp- tkm(Mrofaloa* dbeaM «f the lungs). Sold by ail druggists. THE man who "woke to ecstasy the living lyre" is notified that it would have been just as well if the living Mar had been left to slumber on. We have enough living liars now. What the world needs is a few dead 'V A CHICAGO minister makes a note of the fact that he has never Been a lady reading a newspaper in a streetcar. Well! lie has never seen a lady smoking on a car platform either, has he? It simpJv goes to show that a lady is no gentleman.--Savannah Tim?*. i or pasteboard boxe No By drug- Anxiety and Carp. •It may not be generally known that anxiety and care will break down even a strong con­ stitution in a very short time; yet such is the fact. However, "the pernicious effect of de­ bility resulting from these causes can be easily counteracted by a timely use of 'Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sars'aparilla. Its refreshing effect on mind and body is truly wonderfut It exhilarates without intoxi­ cating. Ask your druggist to get it for you. ; A Mosquito Protector. ' It is observed that the skin of those j Jersevmen who spend part of their ! time upon the water is too thick for the j mosquito bills, and they are let alone.! But the women have no such prptec- tiou. The dress of one dashing Jersey belle Who alighted at the Seaville camp meeting ground waS studied by a cor­ respondent, who observed that her cheeks were shaded by a chip hat far exceeding in dimensions the cart-wheel hat of the period, and suspended from the rim of this and falling to a point below the waist was a net which thor­ oughly protected the hands; head, face and neck from the attacks of the pesti­ ferous insect. But the nether extremi­ ties ? observed as she alight­ ed that these were encased in skvblne. stockings, terminating in low slippers. Knowing that the, mosquito would bore through the thickest kind of cloth, he fancied that the pretty young lady was sacrificing some of her best blood to vanity, until better informed. Inquir­ ing of one who was "posted," he was told that, from her instep up to her knee joint, both of that young lady's limbs were tied up in a newspaper. It is a secret which New Jersey appears to have held for a few centuries that mos- quitos cannot, bore through newspapers, which fact probably accounts for the largo newspaper circulation in that State and the consequent high in­ telligence of the average Jerseyman.-- Kingston Freeman. MRS. S. A. KIMBAIX. of Yellow SPHNI^S, Ohio, writes: "The anxiety nntl care of a larjre family worried n»e considerably, and I beanie very weak and nervous, and my habits were very irregular. I had heard Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sar- saparilla Sjpoken of very highly as a female medicine, and so 1 tried it. Its effect on me has been all I could de­ sire, and I join my friends in ite praise, for it has made me strong and welL * FUNCTIONAL derangement of the female sys­ tem is quickly cured by t'n» aw w I>i. B, V. i*ierce'a "Favorite Prescription." It removes pain and restores health and strength. Byall druggists. .» SATO an old gentleman, patronlz'nely, to a bright little fellow: "Be a (rood boy, my little man. and you may be President." "Yes, I may be," the wide-awake voutU replied, "butyou don't want to gamble onFit!"--C?»- cinnati Sal unlay XiffM. DR. PIERCE'S "Pleasant Purgative Pellets" are sugar-coated and inclosed in glass bottles, their virtues being thereby preserved unim­ paired for any length of time, in any climate, BO that they iure always fresh and reliable. No cheap wooden gifcts. THE editor of a paper published on the Rio Grande says that the week previous he had three inches of wafer in his sanctum. That is more than he ever had in his stotaaob.-- Tera* Sifting*. ^ Nearly a Miracle. E. Asenith Hall, Binphamton, N. Y., writes: "I suffered for «e\eral months with a dull pain through left lung and shoulders. I lost mv spirits, appetite and color, and could with difficulty keep up all day. My mother procured some BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS; I took them as directed, and have felt no pain since ftrstweek after using them, and am now quite well." Price, ?1. THOSE people who want to know why printers call the bov "the devil" can easily Driitf themselves to understand it by em­ ploying a boy for a few days. • i / Dr»f as a .Post. Mm W. J. Lang, Bethany, Ontario, states that for fifteen months sue was troubled with a disease in the ear, causing entire deafness. In I en minutes after using- THOMAS' F.citECTRTe On. she fouud relief, and in a short time she was entirely cured and her hearing restored. A VERY popular shade is called students' blue It is about the color of a^Harvard man's eyelid after he has been out late and had a tussle with a Boston policeman. V. No More Bloating. L FTI EAST SECOND STBB&IL 1 . IMM DC LAC, Wis., Aup. 4,1881. f H. H. WARNER A Co.: Sirs--ihave been using your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure for dropsy, and it has helped me very much. DANIEL YARKET. m Do HOT despise the Never hold the beetle he dullest of insect* stings you. He said that I should do no suph thing. He was getting old, he said, and was unable to attend properly to a great deal of his business, and he wanted me to stay and assist him. "You must be my p irtner," said he, "with a share of the profits." Again the room seemed turning around and around, bnt this time I managed to retain my feelings and only said: "May Heaven thank you, for I can't." Well, it wasn't long before the people seemed to take an interest in me and they electee! me to the State Legisla­ ture, and then, after awhile, to Con­ gress, and I always continued in the eame honest, industrious course until they had made me their Governor. I had heard but very little in all that time f'-om Linton Hall. I had heard that Gen. Linton had died and that Arthur St. John and Helen had mar­ ried, and that the old place- had been sold, and that was all. As'for my part I was still a bachelor. Many a time, amid the thunders of ap­ plause that had surrounded me, fair hands had thrown me beautiful flowers, and ruby lips had smiled, and bright eyes had glistened when I was near; but I thought of cold, cruel, haughty Helen Linton, and judged them all alike and Had turned away. One winter evening, shortly after I had been elected Governor, when the wind was howling outside and I was en­ joying the comforts of my room within ^ j. and wondering if any houseless wretch were put in that storm, to my great as­ tonishment the servant ushered in a lady. It was something unusual; but I spoke to her as politely a* I could, and offered her a seat, when the light fell upon her features, and, notwithstand­ ing the sunken eye and hollow cheeks, to my consternation I recognized the face of Helen Linton. To my relief, however, I found that she had failed to recognize me. No, she would as soon Have looked'for a form from the tomb as Have looked for me at that place. She had come, she said,'on painful business. Her father had been a very wealthy man, and left her a large prop- ierty, but her husband had been very dissipated, and, having run through with it all, and finding the family in "want, in an unlucky moment had com­ mitted a forgery, for which he had been tried and found guilty, and she had come to me for his pardon. She told me all this amid sobs and tears, and finally concluded by prostrating her­ self at my feet. Great God! This woman who once thought me not good enough to wipe her shoes upon kneeling and groveling at my feet! I begged her to rise and be seated, and I then inquired her fathers name. She H;iid it was John Linton. I then asked lu r if she remembered the old widow and her son, that once lived in ®|he cabin on the Forest road, near Lin­ ton Hall. She replied, with sotne surprise, that she did. Then I stood up. "That boy," said I, "wretched, Home­ less outcast that He was, now stands be­ fore you." She turned ashen white, arose and staggered toward the door. I told her to stop, I had something to say to her. "Let me go," said she; "1 showed no mercy to you, and I expeet none." Then my heart was touched. A YOVSG ladv says that males are of no account from the time the ladies stop kissing them as infants till they commence kissing thein as lovers. COMMON COLDS NKOLECTED cause one- half the deaths. Consumption lurks in every cough, often using as a mask the ruddy cheek and sparkling eye till its deadly seeds are deeply planted * in the system. EILEBT'S EXTRACT or TAR AND WILD CHEHKT will surely cure colds, coughs, croup, catarrh, bronchial complaints, and ward off consump­ tion. • • • "MAMMA. Til be a preacher when I grow up," said Freddy. "Ain't pot brains enough." grunted a cvnical old uncle, who had been to Congress." "Then we'll make a Cougrees- ntan of him, my dear brother," smiled the mother. DB. WINCHELL'S TEETHING SYRUP IS just the medicine for mothers to have in' the house for the children. It will cure colds, coughs, sore throat, and regulate the bowels. Do not fail to give it a trial, you will be leased with its charming effect Sold by all pleas drug; ggists. IT is all very well to sny: "Give a boy a chance to work at what he takes to." But supposing he doesn't take to anything* UNCLE SAM'S CONDITION POWDERS should be used by every one owning or having the care of horses, cattle, hogs or poultry. It improves the appetite, promotes the growth, and restores the sick. Sold toy all druggists. INDIANS will not cook in their,.wig- warns, because they have a theory that if they were to cook inside the steam would collect in their clothing and draw the lightning. LADIBS, send 25c. to Strawbridge A Cloth­ ier, Eighth and Market streets, Philadelphia, and receive their Fashion Quarterly for six months. Mew music and 1,000 engravings in each number. Pi*r*oiii»l J--To Men Only t •The VOLTAIC BELT CO. , Marsha il, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial fdr thirty days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, puaranteeing sjKMsiy and complete restoration of health and man­ ly vitrcr. Address as above. N. B.---No risk is incurred; as thirty days' trial is allowed. A Heartless Uuest, A Hotel guest was standing having his clothes brushed. On finishing he Handed a $5 bill to the hall bov. He grinned from ear to ear, and nearly broke his back bowing and thanking so generous a being. But his face fell so l|UU'lYl^ lluit lir hiwu trOlluiC' ill catching it before it reached the floor when the generous being said, in tones, not to be trifled with : "Get itchanged!" He went away and brought back the change--five one-dollar bills. Delil>er- ately pocketing four, the generous l»e- ing handed the one remaining to the duster. Again a sweeping bow from tlue dust broom, a "Thank you," and a sudden convulsion as the guest re­ marked in solemn tones: "Get it changed!" Once more he departed and brought l»ack two fifty-cent pieces. One went into the traveler's pocket the other into the liall l<oy*s palm. He smiled, said "Thank you," and was slipping it into his i*ocket, when "Get it changed," again rang into his ears. Two quarters came back with him this time, which he hamled to the guest, who putting one in his purse, turned over the other to to the hall boy. This time he was al­ lowed to walk off nearly across the hall, when, as if by an electric shock, he was brought to a standstill, with those ter­ rible words, "Get it changed!" This time two dimes and a nickel were depos­ ited in the hand of the guest, who put the two dimes in his pocket, handed the brush-ljoy a nickel and walked in to dinner, v'1 _ ; WIIEN WC consider cli« niimoer of human be U'-T* thit die with Consump- ios^everv year, the impor^m e of a me icine'lhat wiil'cure nil throat'nn<I Lurg Dise ise* ; hat t» n<l to th s coinpla'nt, and even to the destroyer a't -.r it ha< indicated ir.s pres-iis-e in the sys­ tem, mu«f be admitted to be bej'oiut all esti­ mate. This wonderful power "t* c:a mcd to i e possess-*! by ALLEN s IATN« BALSAM, which is iniroducad to the suffer.nyr pubiicat'ter Its m ri s ror the positive cure oc such di^oa cs h-»ve been lullv tested. The formula tro<n whi 'h it is prepared is referred to bv the le-ul'ii:* medical lourna's as being equ'il to an •" preparation that can l>e made up for (=iui i diseases by the medical lacultv The B iisam is, con'equentlv, recommended bv phvsi ians who h ive become acquainted with it.-'grea su;ces.«. For sale by all medicine dealers. AN exchange contains an article on "Wo­ men who Die Early." Those who light the fire with kerosene in the morning are apt to die early.--Trxax Sifting*. 4 The Source of Much 111 Temper. When your husband corner home in bud humor, jerks off his l>oots and apitears to be generally miserable, do not attribute it to business cares or hara times, but to its real cause--those terrible corns which are Con­ stancy annoying him. A word to the wise will tie Kuffieien'--buy a bottle of PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR. His corns will be quickly and pain essly removed, and his gratitude will l;e unbounded. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor sold everywhere. Whole Rale, Lord, 8toutenburga A Co., Chicago. "MARIE, what's that Rtrange noise at the gate?" "Cats, sir." "Cats! Well, when I ske-eigars.' "Times ate changed, sit,* •4IUMIR!I on Rat*." Clears out rat-, mice, roaches, ants, bed- burs, skunks, chipmunks, gophem 15c. Druggists. JOSH BIIJJNOS : A reputartmn once broken may possibiv l»e repuirod, but the world wHl alwus keep their eyes on the spot where the krack was. Fnw to All Ministers o< Churches. I will send one bottle of White Wine of Tar Syrup, jrratis, toauy mini-ten hat will recom­ mend it to his friends at ter giving it a fair test, and it prove* satisfactory lor couglis, colds, throat or lung diseases. DR. C. D. WARNER. Heading, Mich. A CLERGYMAN, in a lecture on temperance, was reported a« sayin<r: "Last Sunday, a voting man died in my neighborhood, while 1 was preaching in a beastly state of intoxi­ cation." Five Tli«msan«l Letters Have been received by proprietor of the White Wine of Tar Syrup, trom jwirties claim­ ing to be cured of consumption-by its use. X MORTGAGE on a house Is like a worm-hole in an apple. Before you know it there Is more worm-hole than fruit MKNSKAN'S PEPTONIZED BEEF TONIC, the only preparation of beef containing its entire nutritious properties It contains blood- making, force generating and life-sustaining properties; invaluable for indigestion, dys­ pepsia, nervous prostration, and ail forms of general debility; also, in all cnfenbled con­ ditions, whether the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, over-work, or acute dis­ ease, particularly if resulting from pulmo­ nary complaints. Caewell, Hazard A Co., proprietors. New York. Sold by druggists. Ir a man could only lose both cuff-buttons at the same time he would be all right. It Is losing one that kills him. No POISONOUS drugs enter into the composi­ tion of Oarbohue, a deodorized extract of pe­ troleum, the natural hair restore rand dressing, as now improved and perfected. It is the per­ fection of the chemist's art, and will, beyond a peradventure, restore the hair on bald heads. "You will And the painting looks better a little way off," said the artisr. And Fogg a^ked, quite innocently, "Would half a mile be far enough oft, <io you think?" THE Howe Scales have all the latest im­ provements; It is true economy to buy the best Borden, Seileck A Co., Agents, Chicago, III. "SOMETHING left over from the terday," was the Doke of Wellington's nitioii of hash. THERE is a tine class of young men now in attendance at H. B. Bryant's Chicago Business College. TEACHBB--"And what comes after T?" Pu­ pil--'You do, to see my sister, Ami Maria " ONE pair of boots or shoes saved every year by using Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffeners. MANY a man too lazy to make his own liv­ ing is very industrious while making love. TBT the new br^nd, Spring Tobaoeo. LATIN IS a dead language, and this is why doctors use it for writing out their prescrip­ tions. es- RESCl'KI* Fi;OM DEATH. » William i. Conghlin, of Somerville, lb the fall of 1SI6 I was taken with BLEEDING OF THX LCNOS followed by a nevere coutrh. I \oet lay appetite ipd flesh, and confined to my bed. In 1S77 I was admitted to the Hospital. The doctors said I had a hols in my lung as bic as a half dollar. At one time a re­ port went around that I was dead; I gave np hope, but a friend told me of DR. WILLIAM HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. I got a bottle, when, to my sur­ prise. I commenced to feel better, and to-day I feel better than for three years past. BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA cures p*n In Man ar For use externallv or internally. B»r B Cures Scrofula, Erysipelas* Pimp lea and Face Grubs, Blotches, Boils, Tumors, Tet­ ter, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sores, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weakness and Irregularities, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Juandice, Affections of the Liver, Indi­ gestion, Biliousness, Dyspep­ sia and General Debility. A course of Burdock Blood Bitters will I&tfefy THT most that it is the Greatest Blood Puril&ff earth. Sokl by medicine dealers every- here. Directions IQ eleven languages. PRICE, FOSTER, MILBUSN & CO., Prop's, Buffa!* N.Y. U A ID cheapest and best. Send postal for IU'Rfd II S Catalogue. HULL'S Hair Store Chicago. AGK^TS WASTKIl for the Host and F;».«t«»st-Sel£ ins Pictorial Books ami Bibles. Prices mtu< vd 38 PER wnt. NATIONAI. PTIILISHXNO CO., Chicago, 111. A f* B M TO Wanted on RALAli V or eommia- AviClS I Oaion. Send utarnv for particulars. VAI.MKit »V STUONU, 383 W. Madison St., Cbtoatro,111. WATCHES! JEWKI.KY. SILVKRWAUK, retailed at wholesale rates. Price-list free. T. W. Kennedy, P. O. Box 850. N. Y. Address J.A. BrwiMi Detroit, 1 best f)rm Hicfa. The n£t ACOUSTIC TELEPHONE lar. L>K. HATUHWAT, HKf.' \V. Malison St., CllicaKo. ill. VflllftlO IIC|| It yon want to learn fetarraptir la a lUUlia IRCn f«w monthlyMid b« «rt«ln of a (M. •atton. addraaa YALBNTINK BUGS, JanMrtile. Wtt. THE MABKETSfc RKWYOBK. BRET**. _$8 3S 4HSTS Hoos. 8 *> <a 8 75 OOTTOK 1% FI/MTB--Snperflne ? LO m 4 10 WHEAT--No. 1 White. I 11 Na 1 Red. CORN--Ungraded OATS--Mixed Western... PORK--Mesa..... LARD CHICAGO. BEEVES--Cnofw Graded Steers... 6 V< Cows and Heifers...... 2 68 MedtniB to Fdr. Hoofl ~ I FfcOUB--Fancy White Winter Ex. 5 60 Good to Choice SD'KE*.. 5 00 WHEAT--No. 2 Sprine No a lied Winter CORN--No. a... OATS--No. a. RYF.--No. a BART.EY--Na % BUTTER--Choice Creamery Foos--Fresh PORK--Mesa. LARD MILWAUKEE. WHEAT--No. 3 0 5# CORN--No. » W « 67 OATS--No. a SS 9 : 7 RTE--No. A W ® re IURLKT--No. j 84 SI 85 , PORK--Mesa 38 . 0 <928 76 LARD 12&3 HJ4 I ST. LOUI& WHEAT--NA a Bed I CORN--Mixed.......; i OATS--No. a. | RTE | PORK--Mesa......* I LARD i „ CINCINNATI. I WlIEAT CORN. I OATS }.. | RTE ; PORK--Mew...................... LABD .... _ TOLEDO. } WHEAT--No. a Bed. l 00 j CORN. . «4 OATS........ »S DETROIT. Fix>r~. ,i.(4.;„ it so WHEAT--No. l White 1 00 CORN--Mixed... 68 OATR--Mixed 89 PORK--Mesa ..............28 S5 INDIANAPOLIS. WHEAT-^NO. 2 Red..., 97 COBS--Na 3.... f4 OATS... sa EAST LIBERTY, PA. CATTLE--Ren A so Fair....!, 6 150 Common.^....... .4 00 Hooa... 7 25 8KKKP : 1 75 <31 la 2S 00 @2* 95 0 T 09 « » 00 « 5 -0 ftasas 23 DO [This engraving represents . 96 . U . . *5 .as 35 I % ia^j» i2X f9 m l oo 78 @ 71 18 & 9 f-a <at <•» 50 75 12* 12* & i oi i n & I "3 & 69 0 40 @23 6> 0J 7 00 (31 6 W & 4 W (<« S 50 @ S 2V FAMILY REMEDY I STRICTLY PURE. -1 Harmless to the Most Delicate Br It* faithful uae COMILPTIO.1 haa > CCRED when other rwelsit. • . Mfc* Physician* havefalietl ir '*' to effect a can. " .; M.* ••-1 WILLIAM C. DIGOES merchant of Bowline Oreen. Va„ writes April 4.1SR1. that he wants us to know that the I.rvt; BALSAM tvix oiretl Ai* mother of < <nL*rimy-tton, after the physician had piven her up as inentv1 ble. He Rays, others knowing her ease have taken flw Balsam and been rured; he thinks all eo aflttcMn should pive it a trial. WILLIAM A. GRAHAM 4 Co., wholesale drnignata. Zsmesvllle, Ohio, write na of the cure of MATHIAS FREF.M AN, a well-known citizen, who had been afflicted with Bi-onchlM* to its worst form foe twelve yeanr. The LFNI; BALSAM cured him, aa it haa many others, cf Bronchitis. ~ As an Expsetorant it has No Equnltf For Sale by nil Medlelae Dealers. ilii Sill ArPLlTOX & CO., 309 Broadway, Sew Yoi%", lia*e rnbli h-.'d :«> liiffirent de«iir»:« of colored btb» praplin s\ritii (.-aVmlar tor lSS! ;it foot). Th>\v are m nnt- e-.l on c.i.iiiii'.'d iMih i-s ready f. r lnuijnnc, and i« fit to hainjr oil any tm\or wall. Sir,. nu-hes. Samples pent to any sfcsi on rwdj'i of 3&.- ptwUite. „, "W T H E Aim '• ..,s fifS'iil HAIR Wholesale and retail. Bend for price-liat. Goods sent C. O. I). Wins made to onler. E. Bl'UNUAM. 71 State Htreet. ("huvitfo. MA T 1 % AND rw.rwJ_J WEAR. AN® HOT R OL T. Fatclunaker*. H- mail, 26 eta. Cireulaw ' FKEE. J. 8. BUvOH & CO.. 5H* PAR St.. N.l THINKING NEH •MM WOT WArrt KMwrt WiA If tm nat • Unriitl »IW>IA«, feevi;it ATC *kM«N m a bMvj M telr m laid v v m m BTBKNOTHEN **4 DfVlOOlATI IM BAA w?iim 4«aS b« Try SN»NIR!, TLIWNVAR; XXYIR YRT fAIU.D. elX OiMTlV Dr. J. toNgA. FM A INI O S •-'lii .-ml and tortus. ItKKIt'S TKMX'LK OV MI SK , 1»0 State iibwt, t llH K.O. HARTFOROSB Tliis is the latoMt oroihietion of tlie H".v<f Sarin;r Ma- ihiiiv: <•«., Those wi-ihintr the very bent Scwintr .Miu hine r.Kulc should Ui>i>ly to FAIRFlliLl) TAVUVK. corner Stuie and Van Buiou 8te.,Chicago. WAi;i sits wanted. hydrneclma. time Employment for Ladles. Th« Queen City Sutpcwkf Company of CI*- ctnnatl are now manufacturing and mtroduciac their new BUrklnt hffwtiw for Lafllc* ana ChlMr*a« and their unequaled Sklri hi|--liw far lriliii and want reliable lady agents to %«U (a aveiy houiehold. Our agents every- j meet with ready tucceaa and make hta*. tatartaa. Writ* at eoce for terms an4 am exclnaiTe teerftory. Addreu _ CWy C»^ Onrl«»a<l, OUk G S25 Every Day Oaa taa umOj aaad* with •«* Well Augers & Drill* Oa* nan and en* heraa reqtilreA. We •r* the only a>ak«n of th* TUBa Wall Bo line and Rook-Drllllnc MM&ln*. Warranted th* •«! n hitkl 1 make from aa# to #4# a day. Kany ofouv ematoaan mataefrom aa* toV^ Jtooc aad Circulars raBB. Addraaa. LOOMIS 4 NHMN, TlfFIV. OHM. NOT FAIL a«nd for oar fall prlc* H ^Bll.t for 1882. fr*» to H ^Haiv addreu upon appU. cation descrip. tiotl. 'V>n, pd for Personal or Family nae, with over tUuRtratlone. We £>ell nil troodtai prices in quantities suit the purcha;er. The only institution WHO make t'lis their special boat. aeaa. ilONTOOflKK i <k Wakaak Atreaae. Ckieacu, llliatote. BOOK AGENTS WAITED FOR n,v Mary Clemmcr, It portray*, tin "m»rr k/r~ SrjntK ana sooo^*. MBHTIS and MvMrriffrol tivc « upi- toli i»f Ui<Mlnily |ii> at the Wh»i€ liouae anil t»l nil Iw famoiiK occupant-: shrw* tlu» wonr|<*ni and Inside wot kinga ofeverv <f<»v*»rtnnen(. ftutl pvo* trti til fill uvfia« tiono Vk lift* "iifhinil th*.' M:cnc«"n* n vitit -ovtikr it (nu<in vej it " is flnt* Kn^ravmjrs. J hf hctt mlhHfj U*»k out. U Wftntid. grandly. A'rfru Terin*nuiv. Send lorcir- CuUni to the l.\< fcLsiOK Vl HUMilSU CO., t lUCA^U, UU. m EI mil on»* Vm xutlv* 1*111« make New Rich Blood n i will c^ mpk*t«iy change the blood tn the entire ay* nntris. Any person who will take one pill 1 t<> 12 week** nny be restored to aouad Sold everywhero, 01 oftton, (em in three months. e^cii riLfcrjt health, it Mich a tinng be praeihle, •ent by tnnfJ for 8 letter ptamps. I* H. A «JO*t lormvrly Uatiffor, Me. OF AMERICA The wmvt of in haMnem is to bu v whon rhf-ap and sell when dear. At rvrtam m>«noaa ami in certain 'ociilitics nearly all articles ent>Tins into the proceiw of living can be pim-liiwod at a 1 miu'li lower price tlian i« liaiil tor them at l iter date* or at distant pointa. The individual or ooia- iwiiv lKmse«siii(» the nn Hir to keep sueh urtA-le" in a fresh slid sweet i-oiuli ion, fmm their cneap xeiiHon to tlie time they b<HY>me umive and eo]i*'(nieu(!y In^'h pneeii, or who c m uliip vvrixhabte ' i"ii!iu.«lities trom th - weene of their iirodnc.ion to a market, holds in a firm prasp tlie key iff forniue. It HAS been abnndant'y ahown. by ree<>nt investijretions, that the deeorapowtion of animal matter iV ahvayn A»SO( iated with, AI'.d in PROBABLY DEIH-INIENT upon, the J-'rowtli of the MICROSCOPE FMYRT KNOWN :IR bacteria. :md tlio varionw meutis by which the J.N'owth of L>acteria may be prevented • will ALTIO prevent the occurrence of clecomiwmition. The world owes n.'icli of ITNPRESI I^T inteliii/ence on this ONB.ieot to the IV«>»TV!»«I and elaborate • EXPERIMENTS of PI\if. llenditr, of Australia."wlio lias devoted 111^ life to the study of tlie (mention of how to overcome the tendency to dconnposition exiutinir naturally in all articles of food, la tbs. e. MIR-E of HI« inve^tication« he determined to seek for a coniiHinnd which should be an a<'tnal antt- KCPTIC IN ITS oenmnieiit condition, and tile artieie which ia at the present time brought to the atttmtiao of tln> world, MUL w'>ich is called ffendhft /'rrvrratire, sustain^ hi« claims to havinc solved TLX} PROBLEM of sui-EESSTNLLV overeoniinir dec'omvo«ition in all animal strnctnr*>s. Hjr practical expert* m. iit.S and tests, extendimr over u period ot «i\ years, with auoh articles A» lx>of,(rams. Ash, tqsga, . BUFFER, milk, cider, wine. etc.. the most ASTONISHIUC I>roofs have been secured that the (MUM fa triuiuphtmtly Rimvssfnl. ]l*-ef lias been kept, in a perfectly ftvsh and palatable condition for tolW years, without ico or other means to regulate teiunen'.ture, by simply PASSING it THROUGH THE proraM. ASLIIIRLE NTEUK or » whole caren-S can be OIH'RNFED on witli e*iual success, and the cost of rettderfng KieatKof all kinds imiwrvious to tnint or il. eoniinisition is but trlttiin:--uot to EXCEED imttmMjfft pound. A<|uarterof L«-ef WAS treated ou the lltu of Ansrnst, 1S7S, and on tlie 1st of July. 1881, TW* nfh rirni t'. flie librinous tiKsne of th'e Ix-of was in wrfivt oo'iilition. the meat lierfectly avMI i iuul pahitalile. and w:»s eateii bv the uninformed and ei; ..yeil ;(.« particularly tine friwh beef. TUB only effect its Ion^ ke< pinj; lia<l was to render it oxceediii'jlv tender and succulent. ' ' • Wann air, thundeiwtoniis. or any other cause, will not sour milk thus treated, and the element of loss tliroiii/li RoiiriiiK, which the milk-dealer or consumer now suffers from, is entirely overcome. The milk-dealer can occupy three to s;\ days in shipping his milk to market, and tlien stil! have plenty of time to dispose of it before it sours. When tlie Preservative is added to crenm. the latter undergoes no chan»re in tlu> hottest weather, and cream thus prei>aml has l«-en sent Initlv to Loodfli and to Purts, from Syiinev. arriviir- sw<>et and pood at i's destination ill either case. Butter, when first made, or it tri'iit d after shipment, will remain i>erfiH t'y sweet and firkin of butter thus prepared was kept for six months in an ordinary teim» rature. then shi neross the o.'ean, sent i.v rail from Han rainwn to New York, thence by shamer to I.iveriiool, I portion taken out and eaten ; then the balance wax returned by water to Sydney, when4 it arnv jx'rfoct condition. A member of this company ate some of this butte.-. now yearn old, i it as sweet as the day it was ctuimed. This process is the imlv one hi th?. tcorM.up to tlie present time, by which eirjjs can l)e xnooeasfBlU1 kept. As an evident' ot its completeness and tirrtr-failina virtue in this line, we make the folkiwing truaranty: That any person may send or brine «s any number of epifs, from one em to Dw oma. On oiuh etre' the nunic <ir any otbev identjrtcntion-ni.irk mav lie placed, either with ink or tliat there may lie no chance for deception. '•'"/• tveri/ .1717 that »:•<• ito not il'hr< r at thr date feqrMIML fier/r( il'/ mrft nml ir? irill unit One Hollar-- J'-.Sd tor each etTK. Hie only condition itudwd re iiwii w- eccs siiau vie sweet ami snail -i-andie" clear when recevv<-«. , • "? Tlie process imd rueauH bv which such results can be secured, as developed and perfecteil by Hie eminent scientist. Prof. Hemliu, have beeu intrusted to the under«tnied comi>any forlntKnluctior and use throughout the world. WE lmve select*-.! the I'niteil States as the liest country from which to supply the world. Within the borders of this country are produced the bulk of tlie world's food supplies, and in no oil country can lie fouud keener business men. or readier brains and hands to utilize and profit DOT I preat discovery. <"iti( iniciti, Ohio, is the IMST shipping point :n this country. It is centrally jocaS with railroads and watt r transportation in all din-ctions. and the cheapest average FREIGHT cliargea « L*ese<'uivd. For fon-imi siiipments we have DEPOTS in tlie seaboard cities. The method of introduction, use and sale will lie as follows: Agents or managers «il! V-e lOoaiM in different sectioiiK. Eai'Ii rurcnt will 1h- empowered to supply all who desire to use it for isimmn or business purposes; a-; well as to contract with tinns or companies tor its exclusive use in particn- 1,'ir liin-s of business, such a« the application of the proces-s to the etrp or meat, or any other packing or -liippin!-' business. »,»• •„ ?/*>• it /,/* otrtt ttrojU ejn-lu*-:r< '•/. Wrile the field for a richly-profitable business iii selling the material to consumers is a vircrin soil which will yield a most bouhteoM harvest to tlie »'.ieiit, the irr»'iitest profits and rewanls do not lie in that direction. On the contrary, the possibilities of profit i.i handling this wonderful article hi one'* own bu*ine*x are so splendid, ao.. fnv almve and lievond the rewarils to lie secured iu following any other line of pursuits, that one'may well lie pardoned for indi.'U'inn in the most extravagant anticipation*. When one ho» the meaiwtpqo control the ordinary procK's^es of nature tliat he enn liick up any article of a perishable nature when cheap, and hold it sweet, pure and perfect, until it doubles or trebh s in value, then- isppiimrit ' -hippinir dressed meats frooi flucaffo to it is to the jirotlts which he CJUI sccur<'. The recent system of .. r'.intcrn cities, in refrigerator cais<, has created noeud of comment and immense fortunes lx inj: realized. It such a system is valiiabie, whicli requiri'S expensive spceiiUly-constructeil cars, lars-e supplies of ice. or other^ means of cr»-atin»r a enrtaiu teiuperatttw. ' ave« such roKiiostications act to tb& and which necessitates the ilis or consumption of the meat at once as soon as it leaven 1 TOUR CAPITAL,. Inreftort of «mall attd m«di amounts in Ovsint Prcm6lo«ii 014 arfitnial Kummmiiriizs, what nliould bo naid of a (lirtt\»vory which enables one to liold of ottv IHTWJIHWO artu H'K without »>?• troubh, and in any H'tupt'ratun^ or under any conditio^ with im nsk or poswibilitv of loss? So ]*« rfoct is thi* antiseptic iti itn eftW't that, amone other ?v< >> a HfUhKj h?n run not *poi! ait *>tvi that has been Wv have ao<>n w* bn>k»»n and export Ui the hot ray* of a July mni. whieli icouUl ?wt, could r.ot xpoil, b'.it remainetl swwt for thus nxpo»i«!d, as the dav tliey were laid. . . , _ Any man or company who tises thi« article in a businens of holdine perishable prvdncts fer the market can not fail to lx»eonie poHsesned of all the wealth denired. The noum* of proUt are uiex- haiintiMe and the extent of nuch i>rofttf unlimited. . . . » If the n^ent desire* only to sell the article to others, he will have a monopoly which every family or hiitiitiesM man in Ion t. rriton will pla4l.v tiay triltute to. It IK W> easily applied, pt^rfei^t in ita ivsnllw, HO FT r «'l mankiinl, that its sale will regulate itself. Tin* A+RTNICY for one In wortik the income derived in almost ar„v other bunne** from a whole Htate. The afawk mippHed lp an atrent, iio yr,att<»r il lie Ix^ic^ witli only a townnliip, will raiiidly lead him to p bu^inetM wvHIr thoumin«lK of dollars. . . ^ * „ Pn^'iTHt'vo i« H)iipi>ed in nniform-^ixed cases, each ca^e containing 16 amaUBT rane^. Tlie retail price cf tlie wnall casM's is $9 each, and the amount contained in each will puiwm t/KKiita.of nwator 1 .OiVJ dor. p^:h, or a proportionate quantity of auythiu? elwe. As littk; may pe nst'd as in required for e?ich ^pplicniinn. tiutl there i* no idiote or low. Thnn each large case* contain­ ing \<\ smaller eaw^n, *v\U r<-?aii f«>r Jsis. . , ^ The smallest Htock H1UVvP'H1 by thin company iff a rape containing 16 boxe»», and no shipments wiu be made t<> any place wliert- an agency lion been taken. Price* to amenta are as follows: I caw, which velb for $48^ and carrfte* wilh it the anency i* one Y4>ivi»kliK»« . . ^ Z caK«>», ws. which well for *90, and carry with them the agency for three IOIVHNIMIH* . _ ^ 3 r.a«»eN« 11V. %vI»lrU Mil for *144, and carry with then MM mgmmmr for five tOM'IINllill*. . . ' ^ __ 4 raMCN, «;n». uiikh lell for *102, and carry «rHh them the af»KT for one rouiiiv. . . _ . 7 rawes which sell for 1336, and carry with then (he agency for liv« ciHintieUt Id (•««>,, s i nil, which sell for MSO, and carry with them the axem-f for Itkroe (.-ouiiIien. After tlie Urst onler. :>n<l when an atrencv is established, the Preservative *"ill be fumisbed onlnfUt munt t at » uniform price uf £10 per c.ise, in PJIV <junutitv not le^ than a ease. •' wrt it', .I W.O 11 MIIKII P*W>. tn HNV IUMICMI in the wnriil. tor iilKi." We can'iiot lioW territcirv for aliy eiwHcaut on the strength of hte auiidme for a test, as it would not lie eqmumle to those who onler territory strs>k». lite 'irst .^nler for one or more ca»«-.-\ received from a certain district, renin* tlie a-. ncv tor tile territory applied tor and the -• ... .L. •' •ant. tliiU the ajrep.cytr.,.y eo to another. f tlie PnwTYatiw is the only riHiuiisite there not on can ntriuie in tlint wui yiem y.m sncu un«nuuevni »•••>•>»•••. '".("'j"'" ...» mv IwWk" piWTto Mireu.t In-fore ron the intelliiremi- of thin t reat mvenbon. Tlie opprrtiinity to sivure contml of inich HI1 article will not "tro l>"L'L'm-'." I'.vt rv ncy tle.iired will wh.ii Im> tUk d.and those men who secure tlie Ini.-inu,"* wi'J IK' CM tlie mad to success. You cnu not complain that you wen' not jJiven a clriiice Tlii -coifipanv IS exi*"»liiitf tlious.'.nds «.t dollars m pla--ii::-' tins aimouiHvmeut before ail men and the v who appl* in time will secure control ot a Imsine-ts which will Place them iu an easv- cliuir for life. Our ndvitV is, aliply .»,rr ,• write, or letter, tele™'li. <-tatiliy tlie territory yen want and thus se< tire the business. The metis n .mitvd to yet into tlu« business un> not law-« have l,ic(^l the amount of st nks at the smallest tWuw in .irder to cive men ot modftnite mean**chance. • liveiiien: and *re wv. We will sliov.- you sni h a display ot artless iircscrvea liy this pniee« " .Votfered an opportunity the like cf which will never eccur a#iun. We don't want many men-we shall limit the iiui-ls r to the point which will cover the territory prom Hy more casc.-\ n'ceiveu mini a ceruun imuu . '»1 " li'.." time consiimi<l in nu'kinu' te~ts is at tlie risk of thc^ppplica The process is not intricate or ditliciilt. The possess;oi eOA^HtockS' ji* fnllr prot«ctert extensive and lnflt aenttaJoi) Our •nccen8fol, lolly triw tabUabed plan. Try It. WHEAT HntwMkly, diTidendi pildBHDtk w nun * iy Kend »i once tor exphanatorv fe' elrenlars and pact record, rut Tldenda to L'lve i vou such a display of articles im s» rve<i by this proce-w 11 astonish vou. Yoii «Voffered" MI oi>portnnity the like of which will nevt want miuiv men-we shall limit the im.-ls r to the point winch v.i.l cover tlit ami \-ield the lafirest nii^asiiit' of profit to all concerned. • Money "ill be returned in all «•««.- where applicatior. arrives too Ute to aecure territory Mnd. Make <iraitH payable and aiMrpaa all letUTH or tvle^rain^ t^ THE HENDIG CHEMICAL CO., 251 & 253 W. Fifth Street, CINCINNATI, IK, U.S.A. STOCKS iti» on this fund 906.71 JK» Addreu FLEUMING 4 RIAM, 141 * 1M bMl« $S09 want * local unit b every town. Excellent Iadno«> menta. Good par to a recpouat ble, enterprUiuK man. WrlU hi PIANOS MASON ft HAMLIN IIBIt a lie *** eertainly best, havitw bean IIHIaflllX no decreed at BVKRY GREAT UIMMIHV WOKLJKS INI»ITSTKIAL COMPKTITION tor SIXTEEN YKAIIK. no other American Organs havlog been found equal at any. Also CHEAFKST. Style 109: SJf octaves; sufflclent com­ pass and power, with best quality, for popular sacred and Been lar music in schools or families, at only W23. (INK HINIIKEO OTIIKK STY1.KS at «SO. •57, fXitt. *7-i. tHH, SHK1. M1HK. 14, to t5O0 and upwanl. The target- xtyle.i are iehoUa unrivaled try anu othtr Organ*. Also for ea*v jiayuients. NEW IlXtTSTK VTEI> CATALOMUK I KK K. This Company have commenced the manufacture of UPRIGHT GRAXl) I'l.tXOS, intivdueing important improremeMx, adding to power and beauty of tone ajid durability. Witt not rf/nire t>'uitttf quarter "» m m:h ax other I'ianoH. 1 f l.l STltATKO CIH( CLAKS, with full particulai-s, Kr.KK. THK MASON & IIAMI.IN OliliAX AXD PIANO CO., 154 Tmiiimt St., Huntuu; 4<> K. 14tli St, N. York; 140 Wabash Ave., I'liicaxo. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. BMI ta tfee WerM. Oat tka KHIM. KFK sjst'ssiJX. A MONTH and Uiard in your county. Men or Ladles. Pleiwaut business. Address I'. W. ZI£«<U:K & Co.. Box TV, Chicago, HI. SS5 FIVE-TON mm urn seo AIL Iroa aa4 MHI, DMUU* BRANS TAR® 9nm 1> p*r* fl«i«ht. All aicaa equal: J It*, ^iOwTGrB^SHAMTSN, ,H.T. ALL FARMERS CAN Make Money FARMERS' REVIEW iweeUvt. the be*and«*««>. est Farmers' paiier in the world ({1.50 a year). If dnnt believe it. TRY IT and SEE. Setxi eijrfet * stamps and you will cet it till IX'ii'iulvr F.VKM liltS' REVIEW t\>.. Cliicaxo. I Btavtiwran THSFIUCCS MAKE, Consumption Can Be Cut 5 Hill 's w //*-- UCTCft P£FT MOU0L. 'smo roa c* T*L oeuc. Vt MORGAN dCa ItUHANAPQLiS. JAIQJAN& THIS new ELASTIC TKUSS RatTtdlifHWhailtitka^l vltk MAA4jaMla( M HALL'S LUIKS. BALSAM Matar, MafM itMii taaU U. MI, »kl!« TW til Cures Conmirantfoa, If mra.RroochialDUBcal ness. Asthma, Croap, all DiHMNoftlw BrnattilngOi and liMdatheMemknuweraw ' by the iMwaw. a inconUrienuuiMljr. HAI roq, even amt poteoMd nknt uwli which anmn cs.u. • > | X f f U K S WIUTIMU TO ABY % * •i, ' . r ; -fiS ^

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