Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Nov 1882, p. 4

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mmf w" EtrffiSSh"iai!^-^aJ©^^.iiaiSStel4teif M'KtH«i WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1, 1882. 7' •I. VAJV<4LYKK. Edltbr. STATE TICKER ^ :;aie j^.*v',' For stat* Treasurer: . J. a SMITH, of Chicago. t f»or State Superintendent *of School#! |RARLE$ J. STUATT AS:, of Mt. Vernftft, *" rCOMCRESSlOMAL. i Per Member of Congress, 5 th District: BKUBKN ELLWOOI), of Sycamore, Per members of the Legislature, 8th District, CHARLES H. TRYOX, McHenry County. IBBA.RLC3 E. FULLER. Boono County. . COUNTY TICKET. - > Ifcr Oonnty 'jPpt^ W*LT,£AM AVERT of MftMac# Ror'Conntv Treasurer. CAPT. JAMES SISH, of Algonquin; •" Tor County Judge. v OlLMOKE, of Woodstock. /•« :i For Sheriff. '• •; '(^\y AS AD UOELI,. of Chemung. , >"or Superintendent of Shoots. ' , t. D. BALDWIN, of McHenty, for Coroner. V,"V 'W.W. COOK, of Wnodstofrtr. ADDRRSS fb the Republican voteri of the Eighth Senatorial DUtrict: • Whereas it is of the utmost importance that the next Legislature of the State should be surelv Republican, ns the elec tion of a Repub­ lican Tnited states Senator is dependent on that result; therefore, in order to ii«nre the election of both Republican candidates for Members of General Assembly from this Dis- triet,we,theR«*pnblican Senatorial Committee ot the Eighth Senatorial District, do respect- fnlly, but n»?enMy request thatevery Repub. lieaii voter of said District will take'it upon bimselt to attend the election on the 7th day of Kovember and east one and a half votes for each of said candidates instead of "plump In*" three votes upon either one. your ballots read: For Members General Assembly SthJMatrict, Charles H. Trvon ljtf votelfe„4- Charles E. Fuller W votes. October W, 1882. C. A. PATITRTOGK, JOHN STEAFXS, GKORGF. N. GRIOMCT, ••GkORGE K. nCKKKB, > HSXTtT KKTE8, A. W. Yorwo, $ WILI.TAM F. HOVET, «KO. W. I.TtPKIN, WlIXTAW R. DODOK, BKPRRNLTCAN SENATORIAL COMMITTEE. We concur in the foreiroing ami j ersonallj t*qoest our friends to observe the recommen­ dation of the Committee as to an even divi­ sion of the vote. CHARLES H. TRYON. CHARLES E. FULLER >Lake County. ^Mc^enry County. | Boone County. Election, Tuesday Hext, Nov. 7. The Prospect in tKe District. The reports from the varlons Countle? 1n this Senatorial District are soch as to encourage all who listen to them. The canvass 1« nearly completed, and Chow* that with the rank* well closed tip the party Is marching on to victory ms certain as in this year of political uncertainties can t>e. No reader of the PLAINDKALER should fall to lend a helping hand tothe good work. There ' never was s time when greater effort : was required of tliose wtio take great pains to be good citizens, than now. A deep plot has been laid by Haines. Cowan, Foote. Lawrence & Co., to de­ feat one of the Republic*a candidates 1n this District. The parties Who have p>nt these men, Haines and Cowan, in nomination, are not the leaders of any party, but bummers in ther political Held, who, wi tliout a particle of prin­ ciple. but with the "anything to win" policy, are attempting to capture the voters of the District by the well known cry of "stop thief." Haines is •Imply a political bushwhacker, with­ out the least particle of principle or political standtng, who wishes to buy himself Into the Legislature In order to do some dirty work fur his boss, while Cowan is simply e sorehead, run­ ning in the interest of Foote. Lawrence A CtK. a band of political beats, whom the voters r»f Boone County saw fit to •helve years ago. Voters of McHenry County, think of these things. Have you anything to fain by casting your votes for such frauds? We think not. Then we say show your independence and manhood by casting your votes on Tuesday next for men who have been "tried and never found wanting." Cast your votes, for Representatives, 8th District. CHARLES H. TRYON, 1$ votes. CHARLES . E. FULLER. IJ votes. These are the regular nominees and no other should receive your vote. f Fr"m the Wankegac Gazette. Why Tote For General J. €). Smith for State Treasurer. Wheii writer. In 1S#:\ enlisted In the aiihy it was his good fortune to form iin intimate acquaintance with sun! H personal friendship for John C. Smith, then :iu officer in the snme regi­ ment. That acquaintance and friend­ ship has continued' to the present time, so that we feel/as If we "know whereof we affirm*' when we speak of him either as a soldier or a citizen. At the close iof the wjtr. with, a splendid military record, Mml wiih the respect and love of every comrade. Gen. Smith returned home shuttered In health by the rude fortunes of war. "Generous, loyal self- sacritlchig uiul warm hearted tie won the lasting friendship'of all. He early learned the lessons of labor and to be­ come imnly and self reliant. An ap­ prentice while a bov, acartjenter while a young man. lie has never ceased to d-f-emeinber with pride these beginnings of a successful career, nor ceased to be ;fone of the people ether working J»t the beivdi, serving In the army, or occupying public or private station in ^Ivll life, he has always been the same. \Aiyl so. too manly to forget his humble origin. he has never refused sympathy and assistance to any one, striving, like liim|,elf to become a worthy citizen. Never h«« he betrayed a trust, never forgotten a friend, never failed to dis­ charge. wiili fidelity a lift ability, any duty imposed upon hi in. When, with­ out fault of his.owing to the insecurity of the Treasurer's office, ngalnst which he had protested In vain;, the Treasury of Illinois was robbed of #15.000 he re­ placed the amount before the dawn of the next vlay, enabled to do,so only be­ cause the honor he- pledged to his friends was security better to those who knew him than the banks demand. But in this act Oen. Smith hatfunlforni- ly claimed. In his quiet, unostentatious way. that lie only did his plain duty and that lie would have been recreant to his trust had he done less. It was his manly course in connection with this unfortunate occurrence--an occur­ rence that need not have taken place had the Legislature acted promptly on his urgent request for a better protec­ tion of the, office--that won him the nomination at the hands of the Repub­ lican Convention. It is fitting that each» man be placed in ct argeof the Treasury of the Prairie State. It is fitting that the people honor a citizen whose character Is so spotless and whose example is so wor­ thy of imitation, tt is well, too, that he slinnld be honored by thte people who has won laurels on the battle field, and won the hearts of all who can recognise and applaud what is valuable in character and true In friendship. tiSrThe notorious E. M. Haines was en our streets for two days last week, and we think thoroughly distrusted what few men were inclined to vote for him before. Does this political demagogue think our people are cattle to be bought by the corruption money which he Is scattering so freely all over the District? If so he will find out his mistake on election day. He meets a Republican and tells him he has no fight with them, but is only trying to beat the regular Democratic nominee. While in Aire minutes after he says to a Democrat."I have 110 light with you. It It 1s one of them Republican's scalps that I am after." He is a natural liar and Ids election would be a disgrace to the district. Voters should give this vote buying demagogue a wide berth fl9*MAlthongh the Republican parCy is to-day disaffected, it still contains the brains, the heart, and the conscience of the country," truthfully remarks the Amsterdam DerAocrat. »Grant that there are undesirable leaders In the or ganlzMtton. to shoot them In the back- is not the right way to become rid of them. Let us notjjftVf over the party to its worst elements, hut, |i*t us stay where we stall I hlive a right to speak in lit councils and guide It to its true ends.* '• E.---- » . For Coroner _ W, Cook, of Woodstock, has no opposition, but every Repuplloan •liould show ids appreciation of a lalthful ottoer by easting bis vote for W«. »®*Twoof the Republican;$tnfli- dates for county offices have no opposi­ tion as far as the Democracy Is con­ cerned. Dr. Fegers, of MeHeiirv. some time ago Informed the public that he did not wish to be considered a candi­ date for Coroner snd desired his name taken from the ticket. Now it comes to pass that the Rev. J. K. Wheele-. who is the respected Pastor of one of the largest Church organizations in the county, that of the Baptist, of Marengo being a Republican, comes to the front and has the following to offer to Broth­ er Babcock of the Marengo Republican, which appeared in that paper last week aipd will explain Itself: It has been a matter of com­ ment in some quarters, that the Demo­ crats from this county should have placed on their ticket for Superin­ tendent of Schools, our townsman. Rev. J. K, Wheeler, who Is. and always has been, a straight out Republican, and that tils name should thus remain on their ticket without any protest from Mr. Wheeler. In common with our people we are jealous of the good name and reputation of Brother Wheeler, and we have ta&eti pains to interview him, and make the follow­ ing explanation Mr. Wheeler is no politician ; his call­ ing occupies all his time. He was not consulted in any way. either before or after his nomination, and "supposed, after he heard of his nomination, that the convention would, in tome official manner, notify him of the fact, in which case he would have promptly refused the proffered candidacy. He I# not a candidate in any sense of the word. His affiliations always have been and are now most emphatically w*th the Republican party. Having not been official!^ notified of Ids nomination.and the opportunity denied him of thereby publicly dis­ avowing liis candidacy, ws make this explanation, which we believe will set the matter in Its proper light be­ fore the public. Mr. Wheeler will vote the Republican ticket, and we doubt not. would exhort his friends every­ where to do likewise. - Asad Udell, For Sheriff, stionld receive every Re­ publican vote In the county.- Let there be no scratching, but see to It that your ticket reads, "For Sheriff, Asad Udell." OOWASt CTOLONE. The great "political cycloiue," which was expected to utterly demoralize the Republican party In Boone Comity turning out to be a very mild storm In­ deed. More than *vie-halh<if the men who signed Cowan's call haV repudi­ ated the whole thing. Their signatures were obtained by fraud and mis-repre­ sentation, and they do not consider themselves bound by any such gauzy conspiracy. Republicans are beginning to understand that the ««lly road to success Is In voting for tne regular Republican noinluees.^Llke it drowning man catching at straws, are the desper ate efforts of the "sore heads." Their latest dodge Is that of trying to fright­ en the voters of McHenry County Into plumping for Mr. Tryon. They know that Cowairs boom has utterly collapsed In this county, and now their only hope Is to stir up a feeling of distrust be­ tween Republicans of Boone and Mc­ Henry, and thereby to possibly secure the election of Haines. Mr. Cowan's supporters are deserting him like rats from a sinking ship, and loyal little Boone can be counted on to give the usual Republican majority for Fuller and Tryon --Belvidcre Recorder. STATCMKNT FUOM TliK BUONR COUNT* MKNATOK1A1. DKLKGATION, Whereas, St has been charged that the delegation from Boone Couuty to the Republican Senatorial Convention was put up in the interest of, and ma­ nipulated by Charles E. Fuller, one of the nominees of said convention, there­ fore. we, who composed said delega­ tion, deem it our duty in Ifhe interest of fair play and. commou honesty, to refute such charge; and we desire to say to the voters of Boone Co., whom we endeavored to represent that so far as we are concerned, or so far as we know any tiling about the matter, said Charles E. Fuller never asked the support or Vote of any one of said delegation, and that we were never approached by him or by any one in his interest, upon that subject, but supported him simply for his quali­ fications f6r the office, and because we believe him to be the choice of the people of Boone County^ F. s. WHITMAN, W ILLIAM F. HOVBY, M. C. M ARKAN, E. E. (iAKCKI-O*, GEO. W. I)KAN, H. D. BhOIKiBTT, WM. H. ROBINSOK, J, D. ttoSKKKANS. ROBT. L'ARKHIM., CHAM. (iHKEM.EK, C. M. WAIT, OBO. H'FCIN, O. J. SEKOENT, W. tt. DODGE, Vote for Col. Wm, Avery For Cotinty Clerk. He will fill the office ttlth credit to himself and Credit to the Count v. The rcstilts of the Congressional ejections thus far. as compared with the membership in the present Congress are as follows: Fbrty-etghth. 1 Rep. <> Dem. 2 Itejj. o Hern. 4 Rep. 0 Dem. 8 Rep. 13 Dem 2 Rep. 2 Dum. Fortfi-frmith. Oregron I Rep. « Detn. Vermont 3 Rep. 0 Dem. Maine . .... 3 Rep. 0 Dem. Ohio 15 Rep. 5 Dem. w. Virginia. 0 Rep. i Dem. The Republicans have therefore held their own in Oregon; hiive lost one in Vermont by the new apportionment; have gained one in Maine, In spite of the decreased representation;have lost seven in Ohio And have gained Jtfwo in West Virginia; tota! aggregat^nepub- lican loss thus far, eight, ga4u, three; aggregate net Republican loss, Ave Congressmen. The Republican majorit}* in the present House is twenty. A loss of ten wofild make a tie vote. We liave\ still a safe margin; and if West Vir­ ginia Is any Indication, It would sejenv as if the Republican gains froiri South­ ern states would more than make up for Ohio--not to mention the Northern States. " GREENWOOD- EPITOR PLAINDKALKR.--Oreenw<"»D has a new lumber yard. Jim Daily and Peleg Garrison, Proprietors. Levi Cowdry was in Chicago tatt week buying new goods. « Out School is progressing finely under the supervision of Will Westerman. Ed Singer of Harvard, made his friends liere a visit- last week. A girl at Frank Howell's, and a boy at Sidney Q rat ton's are the latest arrivals In town. ^ Htisklng corn and Duck shooting have their attractions about these days, with the ducks a little ahead. Elder Oarmical. of Chicago, preached In D. p„ Odrells place. In the Baptist Church last'&nnday morning and even- li'K- Mrs. Chas. Mansfield who has becta visiting friends here for the past two> weeks, returned to her home in Harvard last Saturdayl Will Wire, who lias been at. home several weeks commences his second winters work In tbe Solon Public School next Monday. Work on our new Cheese Factory is progressing as fast-as possible. Mr. Fliik Iia9 bought the machinery and will get it in place this week. Tho old red »©hoo! hQjuse and lot In District No. 4. south of this village, of which the ownership has baen contest- edl, has Anally been settled in- favor of Ri K. Wliittler. •8. S. Steprns has gone to Harvard to work at.his trade, where he intends to move his family sooii. (Mr. S. is a true Chfstia?; gentleman, and will be.miss­ ed by his many friends here. Whether In haste to reach some farm house before the price^of hogs^vent up or down, or vHiether merelyto test the Greenwoodites- honesty, ^Mised Ed Furer of Woodstock to leave liis pocket book in D. W. Soper's store last Satur­ day morning, I know not. Bo that as it may. before night he came to the con­ clusion that he wanted it, not so much for what was In! It, (a* It contained $3,000 in money and notes,) hut wanted some place to put the money men \*>pt paying liinn, therefore lie called around and got Ills book. Of course the boys present didn't care as they all got* good cigars. We see In our every" day walks, of life maiiy Instances of forgetfulness but the one that claps the slimax. is when one of our ; model young men promises a voting lady a side home from Woodstock and then leave her upon^he street wondering where art thouf while he is riding quietly home thinking of a horse trade. But thanks to a kind neighbor the young lady ww> provided with a conveyance Iioiiie. Although no hatm was done, we think that in the future this young man will bear hi ipind tliat one ofthe best boons to mortals RlNGWOOD^ EDITOR , PLAIVDKA LER. -- Walter Crlsty lias;retui^efl t^ £cli6ol again, haying spejht £fto\lrfdayg sight-seeing Vole for S. D. Baldwin For County Superintendent of Schools. He is amply qualified for the position. Is straightforward and 4ip- right In every particular, and has had that experience in our Public Schools that will be of untold service to him in the discharge of the duties of office. His election Is assured. that 19*D. C. Cowan, the sorehead can­ didate from Boone County for Repre­ sentative, was a delegate to the Boone County Convention when delegates to the Senatorial Convention tvere elect­ ed, and acquiesced in the whole pro­ ceedings . What Is his reason now for crying fraud and bostism about that Convention? The voters will answer that question for him on Tuesday next by casting their votes for the tegular nominees, Tryon and Fuller. Vote for James Nish, For County Treasurer. No abler man for the position can .be found In tlie County. t^The Wankegan Gazette Has the following Item: When a lawye/charges a bank sev­ enty thousand dollars for legal services and the bank then fails, and the divi­ dends to the widows and orphans, the mechanics and laly/rer-', the poor wash­ erwomen and maimed unfortunate* who were its patrons, are hv a lar^e ppr- centage than they ought to be because of this extortionate fee. can it be pos­ sible "the people" will endorse him l<v their votes and send him to the Legis­ lature to revise the criminal code? Mr. Haines, the "Independent" can­ didate for the Legislature in Lske and McHenry Counties may possibly think the above has a "personal" reference. Hts name was rather freely attached to the legal management of the old Fid<d ity bank in Chicago, and several pretty round sums were charged up as having been paid to him for services,--Aurora, Beacon. JL Miss Alice Beck, who lias lain quite ill for the past.,, eight weeks, remains about the same. Win. Stevens Is again at home, look­ ing about as usual. JKr. Stevens has been visiting lii the/Mcinlty 'of Chip­ pewa Falls. W|s.,y1iopinff jto recover liis health by* the use of mineral waters but after having tested several ofo-the bei*t has returned but littleenpetiragod. Julius Smith, of/tlie/^mlth and Noonan band, has ptircjxCsed a fine new clarionet. It is, we a*e told, an im­ ported instriim^nt, and cost 'about forty-five dollalfi. Mrs. Philander Clark ami ilaughtef Minnie made Mrs. S. Dodge a very pleasant visit. Wm. Wrav was In town peddling one day last week. William 1$ quite ,a fa­ vorite nmong the ladies, and sells a great many goods. Charles Carter has Jnst finished a fine job of painting on Win. Langham's' Iron fence, which greatly adds to the b®auty of the place. /- Mr. John Rain thorp, WhoTor the past fifteen years has been a buyer of general produce and speculator in hogs hides and cattle, has given up the bus­ iness to his boy Ben. who henceforth "will do as his father lias done," which Is. we thir.k, H comment sufficient. Mr. Riiinthorp has for the present concluded to stay with his daughter, Mrs. Win Goodwin, of Nunda. Mrs. Solomon Dodge was the recip­ ient, one day last week, of a few choice flowers which were plucked? at the base of the great Egyptian obelisk at Central Park, New \York. They were sent by Miss Annie] Green, who has been spending the past four weeks in that city. Vote for O. H. Cilmore For f^ounty Judge.* He is an able lawyer, a straight-forward Republican and will wake au boneet, upright I not ail of you will be (iistnissed frnin Judge, \ I Schools V ' 'i!l '• J KUNDA. EDITOR KLAINDKAI.KK :--AS Tsee you have neglected our city for some tiino I thought 1 would write up the news and see if. you couJJ Jlnd space for It. \ One of onr residents, Mr. Kellogg passed away quite suddenly last week. 1 think our town has grown equal to any iu the couuty the past two years. J. B. Warner's r>ousc is the pride of the town, well located, and was built by J A. Sheldon, I he boss contractor and builder, who lias done most of the build-^ iug here this season. Win. McDonald opened his saloon and billiard room on Monday the 30th, and it is to be the leading oife%f three here. Everything new and neat, and William knows how to keep the same. W. T. Hamilton, our hardware num. has spld over 100 stoves, and any one in need of a atp*e wi^ tito. well to call and him. • '• •>,; • . Van. where, oli whero is our Primer Lessons, and why do you.^a great Bi-r man, wade into that little 240 1b. man of Woodstock? 1 see bv the papers he hns applied to the U. S. for support Jnst on account of your writing him up in your I'rituer Lesson*. Boys, bring bauk your teacher's fer- il»« that you put in •lie tmnd and then Clothing. Our stock ot children's boys' anil men's clothing and overcoats, we think the largest ever shown in this village. When in town we would he pleased to show you through our clothing room, whether you wish to purchase or not. *(i ood goods at close prices and JITW ays as representee^ is the motto by which we hope Itty re­ tain the very liberal ^wttaCjHge M) generously extended to us in the past. We appreciate yoiir trade, and sfiall at all timesdo our utmost to please you. HKHBY COLBY. _• --T-- Dolmans, Cloaks and Jackets In all styles and colors. guaranteed to fit any figure, at manufacturer's | prices- at- Perry & Martin's. CLOTHING! CLOTHING.! " The latest styles and lowest prices to be found in the county, at C. V. Stev­ ens*. We want your trade and If you want our goods there will b« nothing to prevent us from doing business to­ gether. Oufr new Stock is certainly complete aod prices always right. Call In. s * „ K JflTSSIMMONS ft EVAJTOIT. Wauconda Department. •••SlTB^RTPTfONsi f»»rtt»e T*t*TNOKALKR will he rerolren In Wrrocon.l* nt K. B. Har- riaon'* Drag Stoi» ana by John Uoldlng ' Mrs. Brown from Chicago, a veteran Worker In the Good Templars organ­ ization. lectured before the Wauconda Lodge, Monday evoning, and gave a very Interesting public lecture (n Baptist Church Tuesday evening. The Lake County Sunday School Convention held Its annua] meeting at the Baptist Church, Thursday and Friday. A number of eminent speak­ ers, and many, visitors from out of town were present, bur, the towns people did not turn out In such numbers as to cre­ ate great enthusiasm. An Oyster Supper, the proceeds of which will go toward procuring a new organ for the Methodist Church, was held at Malman's Hall Thursday even­ ing. About #65 is reported to haye been cleared- % A Teachers Institute Is to be held at the School House, Saturday. The lead­ ing teachers in the county are expected to be present. * Mr. and Mrs, W* H. Ford have return­ ed from Dakota. It Is reported that Mr, Riley Hill and Miss Annie Snell •were united In the. holds bonds of matrimony last week. F. B. Harrison ha«» again gone Into the business of taking monthly mid yearly subscriptions: for newspapers atidothe# periodicals. AUCTION SALE. Having rented my farm for a term of years, I will sell at public auction, at my Residence three miles South of Wauconda, on Saturday, Nov. 4.1883, at 10 o'clock a. m.. sharp, the following property, to-wlt: Two pair work Horses, 2 two year old Colts, 2 yearling Colts, 12 Milch Cows. 5 two year old Steers, 4 yearling Heifefs, 8 Calves, 2 Lumber Wagons.*1 Truck Wagon. 1 Milk W^agon. 1 Mower, 1 Horse Rake. 1 McCormick Harvester, 2 set Travers Sleighs. 1 Grain Drill, 1 Sulky Cultiva­ tor, 2 Plows, 2 Harrows. 1 Land Roller. 2 set Double Harness, with other arti­ cle* too numerous to mention. ^ ' TKKMS OP SALK:--Cash on all sums of •5 and under; over that amount a credit of one year on approved notes with in­ terest at 6 per cent. No property re­ moved qntil settled for. MO*ES BKAOH, Proprtfitdr H. B. BCRBITT, AuctioneeV. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! E, W. BROOKS, Wauconda 111., dealer 111 Gro­ ceries. Canned Good*. Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco, Notion', &c. Also Headquarters for Piatt & Co.'s celebra­ ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Ovsters by the Can or Dish, at ali hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment I'arlorsare cosily fitted up. well warmed and light­ ed. and no pains will be spared to please all who call. 1 aiso make a specialty of all kinds of Can Goods, and keep a fine line of S'tc- fn^ wimn;vTOW5Tji E. W. BROOKS. Yon will find Cot torn Bats and Prints very reasonable at Fitzsimmons & Kvansons. Standard Prints at Five .CenM per yard at C' V. Stevens'. SETTLE UP. / Having leased my market for the Winter I hereby request all those in­ debted to me to call and settle t :e same without delav. I trust tho^e knowing themselves owing me will not'Wart for another notice but call at once, as my books must be settled up. J0«*|J. FREXT. The Highest Rank Made from harmless materials, and adapted to the needs of fading and falling nair. Parker's Hair Balsam has taken thehigliest rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. H. H. Nichols will sell you 2 pounds of Coflee for 50 cents, and make you a present of a nlcelv decorated enjr ilid saucer. * Glnhamf and Plaids, tifsw and stvllsli prices right. Ai Fitzc!mmons & Evan- sons. Do not fail to examine those suspen­ ders now being sold at Fltasslmm^ns & Evansons. They are 'werthy your in-: «pection. A true assistant to nature In restor­ ing the system to perfect health, tluis enabling it to resist disease, is Brown's Iron Bitters. Cook's Cider Mill. Two miles Northwest of Wauconda Is now prepared with TWO FIRST-CLASS PRESSES . to make your apples into Cider on short notice and in the best manner. Give a call and I will guarontee satisfaction in every partic­ ular, < ~ . M. Cook, Caill at E. M. Owen Son's and see the celebrated Hapgood Sulky Plow that is warranted to run lighter than a Walking PIow.l A General Stampede. 'Never was such a rush made for any drug store as is now at Henry Oolbv's. for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicted with Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Se­ vere Coughs, or any affection of the" ThVoat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bot­ tle of this great remedy free by calling at above Drug Store. T9 Whom- it may Concern. 'OTTOE is herein given that the nnder. sijfnml, Kictrilinn of Geo. Starr, Gav V. Stuvr, Corn M. Starr, Charles L. Stiirr itntl tva P. Starr.nunors, will apply tothe Countv (Tyurt of Mcllenry Conntv, in t.h«? State o'f Il'linois, at the November 'term thereof, to'be yKoliU'n in the ootirt house in Woofl«toeic,' in 8:ii«l rountv, on Monday, the 13th "lay of No. veniher, A. IX, is-*-', for an order to sell the following dcscrilied r«al estate, situate in iho said countv of McHenry and Stnto of Illinois to.wit: Lot numlier t\vo hundreil and sevon- tv-eight (27S) of Assessor's plat of the town of Dorr, as made by John Rrink and Mod for record in t he recorder 'a office of said McUenrv Co., on the l.'Hh day ot December, A, D., lHfia. Also Lots one (1), two (2) and thr< e (•'), m' Block four (*), of A^II W.pSmith's plat, near Wood & to" k, in sitid county, which said Block 4 is uiiiiibeied on *aid Assessor's plat as Lot 170 in Section 8, Town 4i, North Rnni^o 7, tiist of-3»l principal meridian, when and where all persons interested may appear, and show cause, if any they hare, why such order should not be made. A8A. W. 8VITH, Gaardian. Dated thU 13th day of Octobor, A, D., 1882. If '; % 'f*•' ;|:l ••' f ) ; • » • . ' '»} s mt? r "" • s ; •< ^ w,-.; f • i -A • ,n>.< ^ <•' v.r.ii" ^ •' ( r,-. u" • . L,j-: x * ^ 1' . ••v ^ '* McHENRY - •- ILLINOIS. Who is fully prepared for the fall and winter trade, with a handsome assortment of Dry Goods, Diess Flannels, Dress Novelties, Woolens, &c., Men a^d boys* Clothing of every description. ' All 1 he latest styles in Gents' Furoishirg Goods, Hats, Caps, Choice Groceries, <&e., at hard-pan prices, Good, New and Stylish Gocds, and prices as low as the lowest, are his mottoea. Don't buy 5 a dollar's worth of general raerchandiseXuiitil yon have called at his store, near the Depot, McHenry, III, , Butter and eggs wanted ai- Fancy Prices. • v. STEV: NEW1 FIRM! ® built and furnished a New Store on the eorner C€llt€I<Vile, And stocked the "same with a fuU4nie of Qo@dS ; C . A11D REAI>Y . BlADB'^itSL-Tai TVOk' .i' ' • ' And do respectfully invite an inspectibn of their stock by the purchasing public. We shall keep as good Goods as any other store in town, and sell as cheap as the cheapest, the quality to be twken into consideration. Do not fail to call and inspect onr stock. Butter and e<|gs and till kinds of farm produce taken in exchange at the market pi ice. , , \ * %v:.. ' MAYES & BARTLETT. l»tn, 1882. Good Qoods, -AND- Real Merit the Basis! L. "PRATT, ^ WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS, Wonld respoctfully Inform "the citizens of and sin roundinp country that he has a bn'flfe HIH! well sclecieii slock ot ivxxts in liis lino, for the Fall and Winter trade contii^tiing, iu part of \ Dry Goods* Notions, Groceries, HATS AND CAPS, Boots, hoes, Crockery, Glassware, Ac., Which he Is bonnd to sell a? cheap as good goods can be l>onght anywhere. Ffe also keejts a tine line of Rock ford Hand Made Boots and Shoes, to which he Invites par- t i c . u l a r a t t e n t i o n . . . . In short, everything that can be found in a general storo will be kept, and sold low as the lowest, and every ttaiug warranted as,rep resented, ^ ; Chick't Celebrated Qockford ' floury - ALWAYS ON HAND. When in want of G'oods in my line yon will find it for your interest to call and aee me C. L. PRATT. WAUOOWDA* Oot. 10, 1883. MZLIiZHEHf And Dressmaking. UBS. G. L. FBATT, Hns^nst returned froin the city, with a fnll stock of Kail and Winter Millinery, Ladies' Furnisluns Uoo>l8, etc , to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of Wauconda and vicinity.' Dressmaking promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. fo THE PUBLIC. JOHNSBURGH, ILL., Would respectfully inform the public that he has Just received a full stock of Good* for the Fall and Winter Trads, To which he invites their especial attention. His Stock consists in part of Dissolution Notice. 'fMIE Copartnership heretofore „ existing X under theflnn nameof Stevens A Schnorr is this dav dissolved bv mutual consent, F. A. Schnorr retiring. All Indebtedness of the late Ann will be assumed by C. V. Stevens, to whom all notes and book .accounts owing to said tlrm will lie paid. C. ViSTEVEXS. . r.A. SCHNOUB. McHenry, 111., October N, 1882. T would hereby Inform our old customers >iud I he pnhlie generally th«t I will continue the business at the old stand, witn a good stock of goods in my linei and will be happy to see all who may give me a call. C. V.(STfcYEN&. GROCERIES,' Notion*, Boots and SEota ̂ ItN WARE, Ac., Ac.. And in short everything usually kept iQ ft First Class General Store. The Highest Market Pric+» IN CASH OB TRADE, FOE BUTTER AND IGBS. Thankful st favors I solicit • contlaa- j ance of tlin tame, and shall always be glad lii 'meet all my old friends, and as many new ones as may see fit to call. CHAS. KUHNER*. '•/» Johnsburg, Oot. nth.. 188%, ' Wauconda, IIU, -DUU> nr- Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, Choice Confeclioneiy MOTIONS, TJNWARK, CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, Ac., 4fcc. * From 55 to BS cents per pound. We make ft specialty of these goods. Mvfttook ia>fiesh and complete in everjr. pariirniar, and T will not be undersold, qnaL. {ty of RO<H1S considered. I bnr none bnt the t»«ft, and purchasers will And it an obieet to call and see ine before pare basing, ^ Quick 8ale« & Small Profit Is my motto, and it will be lived up to. c-:w. BROOKS. Wauconda, Oct. SStli, IMS.

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